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Planning Documentation

Vegetarian Society Recipe Card Project

Abby and Emma

Production Schedule

Week 1
Download font Raspoutine from Da
Go on In Design and figure out the layout and tools on it and start to create the
template to use for all the recipe cards.

Find photographs for a few of the Recipes to add to the template.
Put them into Photoshop and manipulate until happy with them.
Sort out the colour scheme and what were going to add colour to and what were going
to leave blank.
(for 4 cards)
(Screenshot production so far)
Start to type up the recipes in word so theyre ready to be transferred into in design.
Write up the method in our chosen body text font Calibri
Find a picture to ad on the back of the recipe card
Add the logo
Add graphics where necessary
(for 4 cards)
Proofread all cards we have done today. Including both Recipes and Method.

Week 2
Find photographs for a few of the Recipes to add to the template.
Put them into Photoshop and manipulate until happy with them.
(for 4 cards)
Do some test prints to see if the colours and layout are what we want. If theyre not
leaves us some time to fix.

Type up the recipes in word so theyre ready to be transferred into in design.
Write up the method in our chosen body text font Calibri
Find a picture to add on the back of the recipe card
Add the logo
Add graphics where necessary
(for 4 cards)
(Screenshot production so far)

Proofread all cards we have done today. Including both Recipes and Method.
Add any finishing touches to the cards such as making sure everything is perfectly
straight and professional, making sure everything we have done is in the brief we have
been given by the client.
Were going to need to produce some draft/test prints.


Risk Assessment

Personnel Abby and Emma

Date/Time 28/4/14 12/5/14

Location York College


Person(s) / Equipment
at Risk

Risk Control Taken

Sharp knives

Everyone, especially

Store the knives in a wooden block
or drawer.

Loose clothes and hair
down risk of been caught
on fire

The person with the
loose clothing and
anyone around them.
Any flammable
equipment will be at

Wear suitable clothing that is not
loose. Tie your hair back so that it
does not catch alight or end up in
the food.
Wet floor Anyone that is in the
room can be at risk and
also electric equipment.

Make sure anything that has been
spilled is wiped up properly. If still
wet then make sure there is a wet
floor sign clearly showing the risk.
Substances that could
affect you if
People that are in the

Make sure there are not harmful
products on the surfaces of the
kitchen. E.g. Bleach
Pan handles sticking out
that could cause someone
to walk into it and the
boiling water spill out.

Person that walks into
the handle. Anyone
around that could get
struck by the water,

Make sure the handles arent facing
over the hob.
Tripping People who misplace
what is in front of them
Make sure that any laptop cables
arent on the floor when people are
designing the recipe card and using
computers. Also when people are in
the kitchen make sure there is
nothing across the floor.
Electric shock Anyone who touches
the live cable.
Make sure that all the cables that are
used around the
are safe
Been burnt Whoever touches the
hot object
Dont touch any hot pans and also be
careful of equipment you use such as
laptops because they can over heat
after a certain time.

What Health and Safety legislation might you need to consider in this project?
Food Safety Legislation act
The food safety act is also linked in with the health and safety at work act 1974 which
encourages that an organisation has a duty to protect its employees and non-employees
from the risk of ill health arising. The food safety legislation also applies to food hygiene.
The main piece of legislation that applies is the Food Safety Act 1990. Under this Act you
must not:
provide food that is unfit for people to eat
cause food to be dangerous to health
Provide food which is less than the quality a customer has a right to expect.
You must be able to demonstrate the positive steps taken by your business to ensure good
food hygiene.

The Act covers a range of activities including Food Handling and Preparation, Storage,
Temperature Control and Cleaning. You must be able to demonstrate that an effective
cleaning protocol is in place, to assist in maintaining the highest standards of hygiene.


Team members: Responsibilities:
Download the font chosen
Find the appropriate photographs and
edit on Photoshop were happy with
them. (for the first 4 cards)
Screenshot production so far
Find photographs to add on the back of
the recipe cards (for the first 4 cards)
Add photographs I have completed to
the first 4 recipe cards Emma has sent
Find photographs for the other half of
the cards.
Find photographs for the back of the
recipe cards (for the other 4)
Do some test prints for the first set of
Add photographs (for the other 4)
Add finishing touches to the cards
Make the template
Type up half of the recipes and
methods on Microsoft word
Transfer onto in design where the
template is
Sort out the colour scheme In the
Screenshot production so far
Add logos to the template
Proofread all of what youve done so
Complete writing of the other half of
recipe cards
Send Abby the first half of cards youve
Screenshot production so far
Proofread everything


Risk to project

Contingency plan

Not being able to get the
ingredients needed.

We would have to allow ourselves enough time to go to a
further location if needed so we wont have to slow down
Equipment getting broken or
running out of charge.

We would have to bring spare cameras, chargers and batteries
just in case the equipment fails as we dont want to fail the
project by not being able to produce the photographs.
Work getting lost or deleted.

All of the files we produce, including photographs would have
to be backed up to another laptop or computer as if we were
to lose files, we wouldnt be able to catch back up in time, so
our files will still be protected.


Item Cost per item/hour Hours
No. of Item
Camera 1 48
Ingredients 58.35 1
Graphic Designer 50 8

50 6 1 300
Printing 190 1
Food Photographer

150 6 1 900


(You should consider all the costs, real or imagined, involved in your project. This budget
sheet will not add up by itself. Make sure you do the calculations. Delete the examples
shown here and use your own information)

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