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Supplementary Regulations for the following events

To be held at Mondello Park Motor Racing Circuit in

20! and organised by the clubs as listed below"
#ate Club Circuit Configuration
March 16

April 12

Mondello Park Sports Club (MPSC)
Irish Motor Racin Club (IMRC)
!ational Circuit 1"#$%M
!ational Circuit 1"#$%M
&une '
Motor (nthusiasts Club (M(C) International Circuit 1"#$%M
&un 12
/&ul 13
Count) %ildare Motor Club (C%MC) !ational Circuit 1"#$%M
Auust *
Carlo, Car Club (CCC) !ational Circuit 1"#$%M
Septe-ber 2+
.einster Motor Club (.MC) International Circuit 3"$%M
/ctober 12
Mondello Park Sports Club (MPSC) !ational Circuit 1"#$%M
" $vents
(0ents ,ill be held under the 1eneral Co-petition Rules
o2 MI (incorporatin the pro0isions o2 the International
Sportin Code o2 the 3IA)4 5he MI Motor Sport 6earbook
2+174 these supple-entar) Reulations4 5he 3inal
Instructions issued to co-petitors b) the rele0ant club
prior to the e0ent and an) bulletins as -a) be posted on
the /22icial !otice 8oard"
2" Permit
MI Per-it !u-bers ,ill be issued on the 3inal
Instructions 2or each e0ent"
%" Status
!ational in all classes
!" &fficials of the Meeting'
/22icials o2 the -eetin ,ill be listed in the 3inal
(" &rganising Club
5he Race Meetins ,ill be oranised b) the Motor Clubs
listed abo0e ,ith the assistance o2 Mondello Park
.i-ited" All e0ents are held at Mondello Park Motor
Racin Circuit on the dates abo0e" 5he races ,ill be run
on the circuit con2iuration as speci2ied on each entr)
2or- and con2ir-ed in the 3inal Instructions" 5he
oranisers reser0e the riht to alter the circuit
con2iuration proposed on the entr) 2or-s4 i2 un2oreseen
circu-stances arise closer to the e0ent that dee- such
a chane necessar)"
)" Rights'
5he /ranisers reser0e the riht4 sub9ect to appro0al o2
the Ste,ards o2 the Meetin to cancel or declare 0oid
the races i2 an) un2oreseen circu-stances arise4 and
2urther reser0e the riht to di0ide or a-ala-ate an)
races4 classes or heats4 alter the lenth o2 an) races and
also ,ithout assinin a reason to re2use an entr) or to
debar an) car/dri0er 2ro- co-petin" 5he /ranisers
shall assin entries to the 0arious races and shall ha0e
the po,er to in0ite entrants to co-pete in an) race"
*" $ligible Competitors and $ntrants'
Races are open to holders o2 current 3"I"A" Co-petition
licences o2 an appropriate rade issued b) an (:
-e-ber countr)4 plus !or,a)4 Monaco and S,it;erland4
,ho can produce a current -edical certi2icate"
In the case o2 so-e International races4 these are open
to holders o2 3IA I!5(R!A5I/!A. .icences4 current4
0alid and issued b) the appropriate A"S"!"4 ,ho produce
a current International Accident Control Card co-pleted
in respect o2 International Circuit Racin)" In such cases
the class co<ordinator 2or the co-petitors in these races
,ill be ad0ised o2 the licence re=uire-ents to enter the
$+TR,+TS other than the drivers concerned must
be holders of an appropriate current $ntrants
." $ligible Classes
." #omestic Classes
Classes as per Appendi> ?1@ o2 these Supple-entar)
."2 /isiting Classes
Bhere a 0isitin class oriinates 2ro- another 9urisdiction4
the technical and sportin reulations 2or that class ,ill be
as published and appro0ed b) the AS! o2 the countr) 2ro-
,hich the class oriinates" &udicial procedures on the da)
,ill be in accordance ,ith the Motorsport Ireland 1CRAs and
the MI 6earbook 2+174 unless other,ise appro0ed in ,ritin
b) Motorsport Ireland"
0" ,1,R#S'
Classes ,ill oranise their o,n a,ards in 2+17"
0" P$RP$T2,- TR&P34$S 5 Binner o2 perpetual
5rophies ,ill4 i2 presented ,ith their A,ards4 be re=uired to
insure sa-e 2or the 0alue noti2ied to the- b) the
/ranisers4 and to sin 3or-s o2 Inde-nit) as re=uired"
(5he /ranisers reret that Perpetual 5rophies -a) not be
re-o0ed 2ro- the 9urisdiction o2 the Republic o2 Ireland
unless b) prior arrane-ent)
0" $+TR4$S'
(ntries -ust be -ade on the o22icial 2or-s 2or the
respecti0e e0ents ,hich are attached to these
Supple-entar) Reulations and -ust be acco-panied b)
the rele0ant (ntr) 3ee" (ntries open i--ediatel) and close
at 12 noon on 3rida) be2ore the start o2 the e0ent
T34S C-&S4+6 #,T$ 4S 74+,-" -,T$ ,+#8&R 2+P,4#
$+TR4$S 14-- 9$ #4SR$6,R#$# ,S +2-- ,+# /&4#"
$ntries to be addressed to'
Race Secretar)4
C// Mondello Park .td4 Conore4 !aas4 Co" %ildare4 Ireland"
(ntrants4 other than Co-petitors4 ,ill be re=uired to
co-plete /22icial 3or-s in the -anner described abo0e" All
entrants should ans,er all =uestions on the /22icial 3or-
and sin clearl) ackno,ledin the undertakins and
inde-nities thereon" In the case o2 &unior Cri0ers the entr)
2or- -ust be sined b) the parents/leal uardian ,ho
-ust hold an (ntrants .icence details o2 ,hich -ust be
recorded on the entr) 2or- in (ntrants .icence section"
$ntry 7ee' as per the 2ollo,in -atri>D
Race 2 Race
$ < 1+ Cars 1#+ 32+
11 <1# Cars 1'+ 2*$
1* < 2$ Cars 17$ 2'+
/0er 2$ Cars 13$ 27$
Eees up to 2# cars 1#+ 32+
Eees o0er 2# cars 1'+ 2*$
15Fs 12 < 2+ Cars 37+
15Fs /0er 2+ Cars 31$
-ate $ntry 7ee' A late entr) 2ee o2 G2+"++ ,ill be
applied to an) entr) recei0ed a2ter the closin date and
accepted b) the oranisers"
$ntry +umbers' 5he 2inal entr) nu-ber 2or each class
,ill be dee-ed to be the nu-ber o2 paid entries recei0ed
b) 12 noon on the 3rida) be2ore the e0ent" An)
ad9ust-ents on the 2ee pa)able or an) re2unds due ,ill
be applied in the da)s 2ollo,in the e0ent"
C"P", 4nsurance' Co-petitor entr) 2ees include a
pre-iu- 2or Co-petitor Personal Accident (CPA)
insurance as per Appendi> ?'@ MI )earbook 2+17"
0" -imitation on Starters <Races ,ill be li-ited to a
-a>i-u- nu-ber o2 starters unless other,ise
authorised b) MI" I2 -ore than the speci2ied nu-ber o2
entries is recei0ed 2or an) race a Reser0e list -a) be
created" Priorit) ,ill be i0en to MI Cha-pionship points
holders and sub9ect to entries bein in order4 the
reser0es ,ill be no-inated in strict rotation o2 receipt o2
0"2 ,cceptance of $ntries <(ntrants shall be in2or-ed
o2 the acceptance o2 their entr) b) the issue b) the
/ranisers o2 3inal Instructions a2ter the closin date"
Bith the sub-ission o2 a sined /22icial (ntr) 3or-4
each indi0idual entrant and co-petitor con2ir-s his/her
acceptance o2 these Supple-entar) Reulations" 5he
/ranisers reser0e the sole riht4 sub9ect to the appro0al
o2 the Ste,ards o2 the Meetin4 to accept or re9ect a
proposed chane o2 dri0er or 0ehicle"
" SCR2T4+: and S46+ &+'
" Sign &n
Co-petitors -ust present the appropriate racin
co-petition licence to the Race Secretar) or his/her
deput) and Hsin<onH on a 2or- prescribed b) Motorsport
"2 Sa2et) Scrutin) ,ill be carried out as per MI
"2" !o 0ehicle is per-itted out on circuit unless it has
a passed scrutin) sticker attached to it" 5he sticker -ust
be displa)ed in a pro-inent position areed bet,een the
Class coordinator and the sa2et) Scrutineer 2or each
class" 5his position -ust allo, eas) checkin b) o22icials
,ith the dri0er sittin in the dri0in position o2 the
"% 5he 2uture condition o2 such 0ehicle ,ill be the
responsibilit) o2 the entrant /co-petitor ,ho -ust
-aintain the ?sa2e status@ o2 the 0ehicle 2or the rele0ant
race season"
All 0ehicles entered and presentin to race under the
1"C"RAs o2 MI ,ill be sub9ect to ?Spot Checks@ sa2et) /
eliibilit) scrutin) b) the rele0ant class Scrutineer"
"! 5he /!:S is on co-petitors to pro0e that their
cars co-pl) ,ith the reulations and the cost o2 an)
dis-antlin re=uired b) the oranisers ,ill be decided b)
Appendi> F2F o2 the current MI 6earbook" 5he Club
retains the riht to i-pound an) car to check eliibilit)
2or its class"
"( Crash 3elmets
All Crash Iel-ets -ust co-pl) ,ith the current MI
") 7ire $;tinguisher
(ach car -ust carr) a 3ire (>tinuisher S)ste- as
re=uired b) MI Reulations"
"* 7uel
(As de2ined b) the 3IA and o2 the -a>i-u- /ctane
Ratin a0ailable as Pre-iu- Pu-p 3uel) -ust not be
carried on a car in an) container e>cept the 2uel tank"
5he de2inition o2 petrol is contained in Appendi> F2F Art"
2#"2 o2 the 2+17 MI 6earbook"
". Competition +umbers
!u-bers -ust be displa)ed on each side o2 the car and to
sho, 2or,ard so as to be clearl) 0isible to the 5i-ekeepers
on the riht hand side o2 the course" !u-bers and
backrounds -ust be as per Appendi> ?6@ in the MI
134-$ 9$4+6 #R4/$+ &+ P29-4C R&,#S T& &R
7R&M T3$ C4RC24T T3$S$ C&MP$T4T4&+ +2M9$RS
M2ST ,T ,-- T4M$S 9$ C&/$R$#" 8reach o2 these
reulations -a) lead to a penalt) as de2ined in 1CR 172 J
"." +ovice drivers
/n an) car dri0en b) a person ,ho has not recei0ed si> car
race sinatures (or 2i0e sinatures and a co-pleted IMC
course) on his !ational 8 licence4 there shall be on the back
o2 the car a )ello, s=uare4 1# c- > 1# c-4 ,ith a black
diaonal cross4 ,ith strokes 1$ c- lon and 2"$ c- ,ide"
"."2 Transponders
All Co-petitors -ust pro0ide ti-in transponders to enable
each co-petin 0ehicle to be ti-ed and ensure that it is
securel) 2itted in the appro0ed bracket in the desinated
place4 as indicated b) the class scrutineer" 5his -ust be
done be2ore the car takes to the track 2or either practice or
racin" 5he transponders should be o2 the 2ollo,in t)peK
AM8 26+ and can be either direct or batter) po,ered"
"0 &n59oard Cameras
Bhere an on<board 5ele0ision ca-era or other recordin
de0ice is 2itted to a car4 Appendi> ?71@ section 12 o2 the MI
2+17 )earbook applies and the 2ollo,in reulations -ust
be 2ollo,edK
"0" Britten notice that the e=uip-ent is bein carried
-ust be i0en to the C/C4 be2ore the start o2 practice or
"0"2 5he 2ittin and the de0ice -ust also be e>a-ined b)
a Scrutineer to ensure that it is sa2e be2ore the co-petitor
takes part in practice or race"
2" &774C4,- PR,CT4C$
/22icial practice ,ill be held 2or each e0ent at ti-es to be
ad0ised in the 3inal Instructions" (ach Co-petitor -a) be
re=uired to co-plete not less than t,o practice laps" An)
intendin co-petitor4 ,ho in the opinion o2 the /ranisers4
dri0es in an) ,a) likel) to pre9udice the interests o2 Motor
Racin -a) be penalised as per 1CR 172 and 1$+"
%" R,C$ PR&C$#2R$' <Sub=ect to M4 6CR>s Chapter
%" Race #irection
All races ,ill be run in a clock,ise direction" Races distance
,ill be either a speci2ied nu-ber o2 laps4 or a speci2ied
period o2 ti-e4 set b) the race oranisers4 and published in
2inal instructions"
%"2 6rid positions
1rids 2or scratch races ,ill be allocated in accordance ,ith
o22icial practice lap ti-es and the class reulations" I2 the
si;e o2 entr) re=uires -ore than one Practice Session in the
sa-e class4 the /ranisers ,ill ad9udicate i2 ine=ualit) o2
Practice conditions should occur" Pole position ,ill be on
the riht hand side o2 the circuit" Bhen identical ti-es are
recorded b) -ore than one dri0er in the o22icial practice
session 2or that race the dri0er 2irst settin such a ti-e ,ill
recei0e the better startin position" Bhere no practice ti-es
are pro0ided the rid positions ,ill be decided b) the -ost
up to date class cha-pionship positions4 ,ith non
reistered cha-pionship runners linin up behind in
positions decided b) ballot conducted b) the Clerk o2 the
course4 or in a 2or-ation areed in ,ritin b) all co-petitors
%"2" 6rid Positions for @ualifying A 2 Races"
Bhere a class races t,ice on the da)4 a co-petitors
2astest lap ,ill count to,ards the rid position 2or race 1
and the co-petitorAs second 2astest lap ,ill count
to,ards the rid position 2or Race 2" Alternati0el)4 the
co-petitorAs best lap in Race 1 -a) be used to 2or- the
rid in Race 2" 5he option chosen -ust be speci2ied in
the 3inal Instructions" 8oth races ,ill be scratch unless
the class re=uests an alternati0e in ,ritin and recei0es
appro0al 2ro- Motorsport Ireland"
%"% Bhen a startin rid has been 2or-ed to the
satis2action o2 the Chie2 1rid Marshal4 cars ,ill co-e
under StarterAs /rders at the sho,in o2 the 1 Minute
sinal" 5he cars ,ill proceed on one or -ore ,ar-in<
up laps as and ,hen directed b) the Clerk o2 the
Course" /n return to the startin positions in the correct
order the cars4 ,ith enines runnin4 ,ill prepare to
start" An) car ,hich 2ails to start4 or 2alls to the back o2
the 2ield behind the last car durin the 2or-ation lap4 and
does not enter the pit road4 -ust start the race behind4
the last line o2 the rid4 -ust be stationar) ,hen the $
second board is displa)ed4 and -ust not retake their
oriinal rid position.
%"%" Co-petitors ,ho =uali2) out o2 session or are
penalised durin =uali2)in -ust start 2ro- the pit lane
a2ter the rid ha0e cleared the start line and onl) ,hen
directed to do so b) the starter or pit lane -arshal" In the
case o2 a pit lane starter in the 2irst race4 the C/C has
the discretion to allo, such a co-petitor to start the
second race in accordance ,ith 13"2"1"
%"! Start Procedure
Bhere lihts are used to i0e a standin start4 the starter
,ill displa) a F$ S(C/!CSF board ,hen the last cars
arri0e at the back o2 the rid4 a2ter the 2or-ation lap" 5his
is to ,arn the 2ront ro,s that there are $ seconds to o
be2ore the red liht is sho,n" Bithin 7 to 6 seconds the
red liht ,ill be e>tinuished indicatin the start o2 the
race" In the e0ent o2 un2oreseen circu-stances4 the
!ational 3la -a) be used to start a race ,ith cars
oin on the drop o2 the 2la"
%"( Starting from the Pit -ane
An) car ha0in co-e under Starters /rders and then not
bein able to take its place on the 2inal rid -a) also
start ,hen read) 2ro- the Pit Road4 but onl) a2ter the
re-ainin cars ha0e le2t the 2inal rid and ,hen directed
to do so b) the Pit .ane Marshal or Starter" (1CR *6)" In
the case o2 Mondello ,here the pits -a) be behind the
Startin .ine or a continuation o2 it the pro0ision o2 the
3IA 6earbook I"S"C"*+ on Ceparture 2ro- the Pits 5
Startin .ine a2ter the pits ,ould then appl)4 i"e" the
dri0er ,ill be considered as ha0in co-pleted one lap
the second ti-e he passes the line"
!" Penalty for 7alse Start 5 +ational
!" In the case o2 a -assed start the dri0er concerned
shall be penalised b) the addition o2 1+ seconds 2or
races up to $+%- and 6+ seconds 2or races e>ceedin
$+%- to the ti-e taken b) hi- to co-plete the course
(see also 17"2)"
5he penalt) shall be noti2ied as soon as is possible to
the dri0er4 or his representati0e and the 2inal
classi2ication a-ended accordinl)" Bhere a race is run
in -ore than one part 2alse start penalties ,ill not e22ect
rid positions 2or an) restart and ,ill onl) be applied
,hen the 2inal classi2ication is bein prepared"
!"2 ,dditional Penalty
I2 a co-petitor has ained an ad0antae in e>cess o2 the
penalties listed in 17"14 the Ste,ards o2 the Meetin shall
ha0e po,er to increase the penalties listed in 17"1 toD 2+ or
3+ seconds 2or races up to $+k- and to '$ or *+ seconds
2or races e>ceedin $+k-"
(" 7-,6 S46+,-S"
All 3las ,ill be a -a>i-u- o2 6+c- > #+c-
/22icial Sinals ,ill be con0e)ed to dri0ers b) the 2ollo,in
2la sinals (2or -ore speci2ic e>planation see Appendi> I
International Sportin Code)
(" Start' -ights8 +ational 7lag'
Bhere lihts are used to control the start the 2ollo,in
< BI(! 1RIC IS 3/RM(C< $ Second board is displa)ed
< R(C lihts illu-inatedK Re-ain stationar) and prepare
to start racin
< R(C lihts e>tinuishedK start racin"
In the e0ent o2 the lihts not ,orkin4 the Race ,ill
co--ence on the drop o2 the national 2la"
("2 9lue flag 5 Stationar)K Another co-petitor is 2ollo,in
)ou close b)"
("% 9lue flag 5 Ba0edK Another co-petitor is 2ollo,in )ou
closel) and -a) be about tr)in to atte-pt a passin
("! 1hite flag 5 A ser0ice car or slo, -o0in car is on the
circuit" 5he ,hite 2la should be ,a0ed to indicate the
sector o2 the track that the slo, -o0in 0ehicle is in and
held stationar) ,hilst the 0ehicle is in the ne>t sector"
("( :ellow flag 5 Stationar)K Caner4 slo, do,n4 no
(") :ellow flag 5 Ba0ed <flashing amber lights?K 1reat
daner4 slo, do,n considerabl)4 no overtakingB be
prepared suddenl) to chane 2ro- the pro9ected racin line
or take other e0asi0e action4 be prepared to stop4 i2
("* :ellow flag with Red stripes 5 Stationar)K Slipper)
sur2ace ahead"
(". :ellow flag with Red stripes 5 Ba0edK Slipper)
sur2ace i--inent"
("0 6reen flag <6reen -ight? 5 All clear4 at the end o2 a
daner area controlled b) )ello, 2las" It can also be used
on the openin lap o2 practice to sinal the ,hereabouts o2
2la posts to co-petitors and on the ,ar-<up lap precedin
the race"
("0 Red flag <Red -ight?' I--ediatel) cease racin and
proceed slo,l) and ,ith -a>i-u- caution to start line or
pits as instructed b) -arshals4 bein prepared to stop
should the track be blocked" +o &vertaking
(" Red flag waved at individual marshal>s posts" 5he
Race has been stopped" Proceed as 1$"1+ abo0e" +o
("2 9lack flag with &range disc displayed with
number' A ,arnin o2 apparent -echanical 2ailure or o2 a
2ire4 ,hich -iht not be ob0ious to the dri0er" 5he car
concerned -ust call at its pit 2or repairs on the ne>t lap"
("% 9lack and 1hite Rectangular flag split
diagonally and displayed with a number' A ,arnin4 to
the dri0er o2 the car bearin the nu-ber that his beha0iour
is suspect and that he -a) be 8lack<2laed on 2urther
("! 9lack flag displayed with a number' 5he dri0er
-ust stop at his pit ,ithin one lap o2 recei0in the sinal
and report to the Clerk o2 the Course" A penalt) o2 e>clusion
-a) be en2orced b) re-o0in a car 2ro- the race b) displa)
o2 the 8lack 2la"
("( 9lack and 1hite CheCuered flag' (nd o2 Race or
(") At an incident ,here the track is obstructed4 or
-arshals are ,orkin at the tracksideD the attention o2
dri0ers should be ained b) deplo)-ent o2 a ,a0ed
)ello, at the 2la post precedin the incident"
("* 5his should be rein2orced b) deplo)in a
S5A5I/!AR6 6ello, at the post prior to ,here a
BAE(C 6ello, is sho,n"
+9" In 0er) serious cases4 this 2la -a) be
supple-ented b) an additional ,a0ed )ello, at this
(". A S5A5I/!AR6 1reen should be deplo)ed at the
post i--ediatel) a2ter the incident"
("0 I2 the incident is ,ell o22 the track and -arshals
are not ,orkin at the trackside4 the incident -a) be
indicated b) a stationar) )ello,4 2ollo,ed b) a stationar)
("20 5he Clerk or Ceput) Clerk o2 the Course has
e>clusi0e authorit) to deplo) the 2ollo,in 2lasK
1" Startin 3la (!ational 2la)
2" 3inishin 3la (che=uered 2la)
("2 Red 3la4 8lack and Bhite 3la J 8lack 3la
should onl) be deplo)ed ,ith the kno,lede o2 the
+&T$' 5he e>ception ,ould be that in an e-erenc)
the decision to deplo) the Red 3la -a) be taken b) the
Clerk o2 the Course ,ithout initial recourse to the
("22 At turn 14 turn 3 and the last corner4
supple-entar) liht sinals -a) be used and these are
operated b) the 3la Marshal and/or Race Control4 in
addition to the correspondin 2la bein ,a0ed at the
corner" (") J ("0 J ("0 appl) in this reard"
)"0 Safety Car'
)"" 5he Sa2et) Car ,ill be brouht into operation to
neutralise a race upon the sole decision o2 the Clerk o2
the Course"
)"2" 5he Sa2et) Car ,ill 9oin and e>it the circuit 2ro- the
Pit .ane and once deplo)ed the Sa2et) Car (SC) boards
and a stationar) )ello, 2la ,ill be sho,n initiall) 2ro-
the Startline" I2 2or sa2et) or other rele0ant reasons a
chane in reulation is re=uired4 a speci2ic dri0ers and
obser0ers brie2in ,ill be i0en at the e0ent4 detailin the
e>act procedure to be used"
)"%" /n the order 2ro- the Clerk o2 the Course4 the
Sa2et) Car ,ill 9oin the circuit ,ith its re0ol0in lihts on4
reardless o2 ,here the race leader is"
)"!" Bhen the order is i0en to deplo) the Sa2et) Car
a stationar) )ello, 2la and SC board ,ill be displa)ed
at the start/2inish line and each 2la post on either side o2
the Start /3inish line" /nce the )ello, 2la and SC board
is displa)ed at a 2la post4 each precedin4 or
subse=uent 2la post4 should also displa) a )ello, 2la J
sa2et) card board"
)"(" 3lashin )ello, lihts -a) also be used at the
Startline and at other points around the circuit"
)")" (ach ti-e the Sa2et) Car passes a 2la point the
)ello, 2la ,ill be ,a0ed continuousl) ,hile the Sa2et)
Car and all co-petin cars 2ollo,in it re-ain in the
section bet,een this points and the ne>t 2la point"
)"*" All co-petin cars4 ,hen noti2ied o2 the Sa2et)
Car inter0ention (b) the 2la sinals4 SC boards4 or b)
an) other -eans) ,ill reduce speed and line up behind
the Sa2et) Car4 no -ore than $ car lenths apart4 and
-aintainin the sa-e speed as it" /0ertakin or
o0erlappin o2 an) other co-petin car durin a Sa2et)
Car inter0ention is 2orbidden"
/0ertakin o2 a Sa2et) Car is 2orbidden unless the particular
co-petitor concerned is sinalled to o0ertake the Sa2et)
Car b) the /bser0er in the Sa2et) Car"
)". Bhen ordered to do so b) the Clerk o2 the Course4
the obser0er in the Sa2et) Car ,ill ,a0e past an) cars
bet,een the Sa2et) Car and the race leader" 5hese cars ,ill
continue at reduced speed and ,ithout o0ertakin until the)
reach the line o2 cars behind the Sa2et) Car"
)"0" Bhile the Sa2et) Car is in operation co-petin cars
-a) stop at their Pit4 but -a) not re9oin the track ,hile the
Sa2et) Car and the line o2 cars 2ollo,in it are passin the
Pit (>it" A car re9oinin the track ,ill proceed at reduced
speed and ,ithout o0ertakin until it reaches the end o2 the
line o2 cars behind the Sa2et) Car"
)"0 5he Sa2et) Car ,ill re-ain in operation until at least
all the leadin cars on the circuit are lined up behind it"
)"" Bhen the Clerk o2 the Course calls in the Sa2et)
Car it ,ill e>tinuish the )ello, 2lashin lihts at the earliest
possible point4 prior to e>itin the circuit into the Pit .ane"
)"2" 3ollo,in the ,ithdra,al o2 the Sa2et) Car and prior
to passin the 1reen 3la4 the race leader ,ill -aintain the
pace and should -aintain a ap o2 no -ore than $ car
)"%" Bhen the Sa2et) Car pulls o22 the circuit a reen
2la ,ill be ,a0ed and/or the reen liht sho,n at the start
)"%" /0ertakin re-ains strictl) 2orbidden until the 2irst
co-petin car passes the reen 2la at the start / 2inish line"
)"%"2 All 2la posts ,ill ,ithdra, their )ello, 2la and SC
board4 in race direction rotation and replace the- ,ith a
stationar) reen 2la 2or one lap"
)"! Should the sa2et) car be deplo)ed4 the race distance
-a) or -a) not be e>tended b) a -a>i-u- o2 3 additional
laps" All laps co-pleted ,ill be counted in decidin the 2inal
result" Bhen a race is 2or a speci2ic period o2 ti-e4 the
lenth o2 the race ,ill not be e>tended"
)"( 5he Clerk o2 the Course 2or the race -a) i-pose a
penalt) upon an) co-petitor or tea- ,ho he/she considers
has ained an un2air ad0antae ,hether inad0ertentl) or
not 2ro- a breach o2 these Sa2et) car reulations" In the
e0ent ,here one co-petitor breaches these Sa2et) Car
reulations 2or the bene2it o2 another co-petitor4 both -a)
then be penalised"
* &utside ,ssistance
Curin the race4 2uel4 oil ,ater4 spare parts or outside
assistance -ust not be obtained other than in the pits"
."0 $nd of a Race
In the case o2 a race o0er a set distance or duration4 the
,inner shall be the co-petitor ,ho co0ers the distance in
the least ti-e and the end o2 the race sinal ,ill be
displa)ed ,hen the 2irst co-petitor co-pletes the set
distance or duration"
Co-petitors in each race ,ill be 2laed o22 a2ter the ,inner
has crossed the 2inishin line" 5he race ,ill nor-all) be
considered 2inished three -inutes later" Placins ,ill be
decided b) the nu-ber o2 laps co-pleted b) each
co-petitor4 and ,here there is e=ualit) in the nu-ber o2
laps4 b) the ti-e taken4 pro0ide the) ha0e co0ered at least
three =uarters o2 race distance" I2 an) co-petitor on his 2inal
lap is pre0ented b) a stop sinal 2ro- proceedin to the
2inish line4 his placin shall be deter-ined 2ro- his ti-e at
the start o2 the lap"
0"0 7inishers
I2 a race is under $+ k- lon onl) cars that ha0e co0ered at
least '$L o2 the distance co0ered b) the class ,inner4
,hich cross the 2inishin line under their o,n po,er ,ithin 3
-inutes o2 the o0erall ,inner4 ,ill be classi2ied as a 2inisher"
I2 a race is $+ k- or -ore in lenth onl) cars ,hich ha0e
co0ered -ore than '$L o2 the race distance co0ered b)
the class ,inner ,ill be classi2ied as a 2inisher" I2 an)
co-petitor on their 2inal lap is pre0ented b) a stop sinal
2ro- proceedin to the 2inish line4 their placin shall be
deter-ined 2ro- their ti-e at the start o2 the lap"
0"" $nd of Race Procedure
Should the end o2 race sinal inad0ertentl) be displa)ed
be2ore the leadin car co-pletes the scheduled nu-ber
o2 laps or the prescribed race ti-e has been co-pleted4
the race ,ill ne0ertheless be dee-ed to end the -o-ent
the sinal is deplo)ed"
0""2 Should the end o2 the race sinal be inad0ertentl)
dela)ed4 the race ,ill ne0ertheless be dee-ed to 2inish
at the published race distance or duration and the
co-petition classi2ied accordinl)"
0"2 Protest Period
Co-petitors -ust re-ain a0ailable at the e0ent until an)
protest period (usuall) 3+ MI!:5(S a2ter postin o2
results) relatin to their e0ent has elapsed4 2ailin ,hich
an) 9udicial action aainst or relatin to that co-petitor
-a) be heard in their absence" I2 a co-petitor ,ishes to
lea0e the circuit be2ore the e>pir) o2 the protest period4
per-ission -ust be souht 2ro- the C/C"
20' Race Stops'
2+"1 20"" Should the need arise to stop an) race or
practice4 R(C .I1I5S ,ill be s,itched on at the
Startline and R(C 3.A1S ,ill be displa)ed at the
Startline and at all Marshals Sinallin Points around the
Circuit" Bhen Red 3las are deplo)ed all co-petitors
,ill i--ediatel) cease circulatin at racin speed"
20""2 I2 the red 2la is deplo)ed durin a practice
session4 all 0ehicles ,ill return to the pits"
20""% I2 the Red 3la is deplo)ed durin a race4 all
0ehicles ,ill return to the rid"
20"2" Case , < .ess than 2 laps co-pleted b) race
5he race ,ill be null and 0oid" 5he race ,ill restart 2ro-
the oriinal rid positions" Co-petitors unable to take
the restart ,ill be replaced b) reser0es that ,ill start
2ro- the back in reser0e order" 1aps on the rid should
not be closed up" 5he lenth o2 the restarted race shall
be deter-ined b) the Clerk o2 the Course but under
nor-al circu-stances the race distance ,ill be reduced
b) at least t,o laps"
20"2"2 Case 9 < More than 2 laps co-pleted b) the
race leader but less than $+L o2 the total distance or
5he race ,ill restart 2ro- a rid set out b) the 2inishin
order o2 part 1" 5he result o2 the race ,ill be the 2inishin
order o2 part 2" 5he 2inal result ,ill not be areated"
5he lenth o2 the restarted race ,ill be deter-ined b)
the Clerk o2 the Course but under nor-al circu-stances
the re-ainin race distance ,ill be the oriinal distance4
less the 2irst part4 less at least t,o laps"
20"2"% Case C 5 I2 the race leader has co-pleted -ore
than $+L o2 the race distance or duration at the ti-e o2
the stoppae4 the race shall not be restarted and the
results ,ill be declared as i2 the race had run its 2ull
20"%" /nl) Cars runnin under their o,n Po,er at the
ti-e the Red 2la is sho,n ,ill be allo,ed to restart the
race4 or be classi2ied in the 2inal results"
20"%"2 Io,e0er the Clerk o2 the Course -a) reinstate a
co-petitor ,ho is not runnin under his o,n po,er4
,hen the race is stopped4 i2 such a situation ,as caused
throuh no 2ault o2 the said co-petitor"
20"! 5he 2inishin order shall be based upon the order o2
crossin the 2inish line at 1 lap less than the nu-ber o2 laps
co-pleted b) the race leader at the ti-e o2 sho,in the red
20"( 3alse start penalties ,ill onl) be applied to the 2inal
2"0 #rivers 9riefing 8 Meetings
Co-petitors -ust attend an) -eetin or brie2in ,here this
is re=uired4 in the 3inal Instructions4 indicated on the o22icial
notice board4 b) the Clerk o2 the Course4 or b) the Ste,ards
o2 the Meetin"
22"0 #riving Standards
A dri0er -ust at all ti-es dri0e in a -anner co-patible ,ith
eneral sa2et) and an) penalt) incurred under these
reulations shall not pre0ent an) appropriate action under
1CR 13* in respect o2 careless4 reckless or danerous
22" Track -imits
,ny breach of track limits may be penalised as followsD
3irst o22ence M !o Penalt)
Second /22ence M Barnin 3la
5hird /22ence M $ second penalt) (;ero penalt) points)
3ourth /22ence M Cri0e 5hrouh Penalt) (Nero penalt)
3i2th /22ence M (>clusion 2ro- race (7 penalt) points)
2%" ,2T3&R4T:'
5he decision o2 the Clerk of the Course on all -atters
arisin out o2 the Race and Reulations shall be 2inal (1CR
131)4 sub9ect to the usual channels o2 appeal" Protests4 i2
an)4 -ust be loded in ,ritin on the correct 2or- ,here
possible ,ith the Clerk o2 the Course in accordance ,ith
1CR 163 ,ithin 3+ -inutes o2 the postin o2 the /22icial
Results on the da) o2 the Race4 acco-panied b) the
appropriate 2ee see 1CRAs schedule o2 2ees44 ,hich -a) be
re2unded i2 the protest is dee-ed Obona2ideA" 5he po,ers
i0en to the Clerk o2 the Course -a) be deleated to one or
-ore deputies"
5he na-es and the 2unctions o2 these deputies ,ill be i0en
in 2inal instructions or posted on the o22icial e0ent notice
board be2ore the e0ent co--ences"
5I( C/C -a) speci2icall) deleate his Cisciplinar) duties
and hearin o2 protests to an o22icial ,hose na-e and
2unction shall be published in the 2inal instructions and or
the o22icial notice board 8reach o2 an) o2 the 2oreoin
Reulations -a) entail e>clusion 2ro- A,ards4 Results
and/or 2ro- the Meetin"
5he /ranisers reser0e the riht to a-end these
Reulations should conditions ,arrant this bein done 2or
the better conduct o2 the Meetin or in the interests o2
An) such alterations -ust be appro0ed b) the Ste,ards o2
the Meetin and ,ill be announced to co-petitors" 5he
&udes ,ill report to the Clerk o2 the Course in respect o2
3alse Starts (i2 an)) and the order in ,hich cars cross the
2inishin line" !o protest -a) be -ade aainst the decision
o2 a &ude4 ,hich shall be accepted as 2inal"
2!" ,#/$RT4S4+6'
Ad0ertisin ,ill be per-itted in accordance ,ith the current
MI reulations" Parts o2 the -eetin -a) be broadcast o0er
Radio or 5"E" 2or the sole purpose o2 pro-otin Motor
Racin" :nder no circu-stances ,ill appearance 2ees be
paid to an) indi0idual or co-pan)" Race sponsors
ad0ertisin -aterial as supplied b) the /ranisers should
be a22i>ed to all co-petin cars" !o 2ee ,ill be pa)able"
1CR Chapter 1$ relatin to ad0ertisin J publicit)
-aterial on cars applies"
2(" E2#6$S &7 7,CT'
&udes and 5i-ekeepers na-ed in the o22icial
prora--e or supple-entar) reulations or 2inal
instructions" 5he &udes ,ill report to the Clerk o2 the
Course in respect o2 3alse Starts (i2 an)) and the order
in ,hich cars cross the 2inishin line" !o protest -a) be
-ade aainst the decision o2 a &ude4 ,hich shall be
accepted as 2inal"
Starting Eudge' 5o obser0e the start and declare an)
2alse starts or other in2rine-ents"
7inish Eudge' 5o declare the order in ,hich the cars
cross the 2inish line ,hen the end o2 race sinal is i0en
or the scheduled race distance is co-pleted b) the
Chief Timekeeper' 5o declare the indi0idual lap ti-es
and the order in ,hich the cars cross the ti-in line
throuhout the co-petition" 5i-ekeepers -a) also rule
on a 9u-p start 2ro- the ti-in bo>"
1eighing Scales Eudge' Bill record the actual ,eiht
o2 co-petin cars and report an) breach o2 the -ini-u-
,eiht re=uire-ents to the Clerk o2 the Course" 5his
2unction -a) also be per2or-ed b) a licensed scrutineer"
2)" FST&P56&F P$+,-T4$S
5he 2ollo,in procedure -ust be adopted ,hen a Clerk
o2 the Course (C/C) recei0es a co-plaint and decides
to i-pose a HStop<1oH penalt)K
2)"" 5he C/C shall i--ediatel) instruct the
appropriate start line o22icial to displa) the black 2la and
the co-petitorAs nu-ber on a board clearl) -arked ,ith
the ,ords Stop and 1o" 5his board ,ill be displa)ed to
the entire 2ield and 2or a -a>i-u- o2 3 laps"
2)"2" 5he o22icials or the C/C ,ill clearl) displa) the
board to the pit lane in order to in2or- all present o2 the
5he C/C shall also ad0ise the pit cre, in ,ritin as
soon as reasonabl) possible"
2)"%" 5he rele0ant dri0er -ust then co-e to the
desinated area ,ithin three co-plete laps o2 the
displa) o2 the 8lack 3la and -ust proceed to the
desinated area ,ithout stoppin else,here in the pit lane
and re-ain there 2or the period o2 the ti-e penalt)"
2)"!" :pon the desinated sinal4 the dri0er shall re9oin the
race ,ithout callin at his or her pit"
2)"(" At all ti-es the dri0er ,ill dri0e in the pit lane at a sa2e
speed and -anner4 obe)in all sinals"
2)")" 3ailure to co-pl) ,ith this procedure4 or stop ,ithin 3
laps o2 the 2la bein displa)ed -a) result in additional
penalties bein applied in accordance 1CRFs 172 J 1$+"
2)"*" A ti-e penalt) o2 not less than 1+ seconds to be
added to the co-petitors 2inishin ti-e ,ill replace the
abo0e procedure i2 there are 3 or less laps re-ainin in a
2)". "5he o22ence i0in rise to the stop P 1o penalt) -ust
be sub9ect to a disciplinar) hearin to deter-ine i2 the
o22ence is sub9ect to penalt) points as per 1CRAs 172 J 1$+
2*" 4+#$M+474C,T4&+'
(ntr) o2 a car ,ill be accepted onl) on condition that the
.einster Motor Club .td (.MC)4 Carlo, Car Club (CCC)4
Irish Motor Racin Club (IMRC)4 Motor (nthusiasts Club
(M(C)4 Count) %ildare Motor Club (C%MC)4 Mondello Park
Sports Club (MPSC)4 Mondello Park .td"4 Mondello Park
Sports .td"4 R"I"A"C"/Motorsport Ireland4 Irish Motorsport
3ederation ltd and the Sponsors4 ,ill not4 under an)
circu-stances ,hate0er4 be liable 2or an) da-ae to
propert) or in9ur) or loss o2 ,hate0er kind4 sustained b) the
dri0er or other persons dri0in or attendin upon said car4
,hether caused durin the Race or durin Practice runs4 or
,hile the said car is on the road 2or-in part o2 the Circuit4
or an) approach4 or on an) land ad9acent thereto4 b)
,hate0er -eans such da-ae4 in9ur) or loss -a) be
caused4 and e0en thouh the sa-e -a) be caused b) the
,il2ul act4 nelect4 or de2ault o2 an) o22icial4 aent or ser0ant
o2 the Club4 Sponsors4 lando,ners or MI /Motorsport
5he /!:S o2 pro0in that the car entered is in accordance
,ith the speci2ication disclosed on this (ntr) 3or- lies ,ith
,ppendi; GH
13th June 7th/8th
Sept 2"th /
21!t #ct 12th
$ati%nal $ati%nal Internati%nal $ati%nal $ati%nal Internati%nal $ati%nal
Cla!!e! R%un&! R%un&! R%un&! R%un&! R%un&! R%un&! R%un&!
Formula Ford 2' 2 ( )r%phy 2' 2
Formula Vee 1' 1 1 1 ( *e!ti+al 1 2 1'
Sheane 2 2 2 2'
Formula Libre 2 2 2 2'
Strykers 2 2 2 2'
ITCC 2 2 2 2 2
Fiestas 1 1 2 2 2 2
Historics 1 1 2 2 2
Future Classics 1 1 2 1 1
lobals 2
inetta !uniors 2 2 2 2
Ladies 1
T"s 2 3 3 3 2
' $enotes Cham%ion o& 'ondello Series (nly

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