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Jorge Cruz Cruz 1

Research Paper; Final Draft

Ms.Owens English 12
Dece!er "# 2$1%
Senior Project Research Paper: Engine Modifications
& C&R' legal after ar(et part is a !etter alternati)e to a non C&R' legal after
ar(et part !ecause it is the right wa* to go when o+if*ing *our )ehicle. C&R' stan+s
for California &ir Resource 'oar+. ,t sa)es *ou fro a tic(et if an officer o)er pulls *ou
o)er an+ pops *our hoo+ open. & C&R' legal stic(er is a stic(er that is on the
afterar(et part# an+ that stic(er affects if *our part is legal or not. -he reason wh*
people woul+ go with a non C&R' legal part is !ecause it is wa* cheaper. For e.aple#
an afterar(et air inta(e is nothing !ut a long pipe that has a !igger air filter at the en+ of
it. ,t is suppose+ to increase horsepower an+ tor/ue. -his part can cost *ou onl* 0$
+ollars total off e'a* or at an* car parts store in *our area. -he +ownsi+e to that is that
*ou will not !e a!le to pass a sog chec( if *our car e)er nee+s it. 1ou will ha)e to get
un+er the hoo+# ta(e off *our o+ification# an+ out on *our stoc( part. 1ou will also get
an e.pensi)e fi. it tic(et if a cop e)er pulls *ou o)er an+ +eci+es to loo( un+er *our
hoo+. 2ow a C&R' legal air inta(e price woul+ +epen+ on the anufacture !ran+. 3oe
C&R' legal inta(es can cost as low as 20$# !ut can cost as uch as 0$$. 2ow there is the
o!)ious reason of wh* people will ost li(el* go with an illegal part an+ will not get the
ore e.pensi)e C&R' legal part.
Cruz 2
&ll a C&R' legal stic(er +oes is it shows that *our afterar(et part has !een
shippe+ to !e teste+ an+ appro)e+ to !e legal. & C&R' legal stic(er +oes not affect *our
Perforance specs li(e horsepower increase# or tor/ue. For e.aple# a col+ air inta(e is
nothing !ut a long pipe with a !igger air filter at the en+. & stic(er is not going to change
what that pipe an+ filter +o to *our car. & C&R' legal stic(er is in fact onl* nee+e+ to
pass a sog chec(# or to sa)e *ourself fro a tic(et when an officer pops open *our
hoo+. &lthough it is not that !ig of a +eal. 4a)ing a C&R' legal coes in han+* when
*ou ha)e tons of o+ifications un+er *our hoo+ when the sog chec( coes aroun+.
2o!o+* wants to ta(e the tie ta(ing off all the parts to put the stoc( parts !ac( in.
2ow it is not onl* the cars inta(e s*ste that people o+if*. People also o+if*
the inta(e anifol+ an+ the e.haust anifol+ or the 5hea+er6 an+ also the e.haust s*ste
that coes after the hea+er. -hose are the sall 5!olt7ons6 that people a++ to their car to
get a slight increase of horsepower an+ tor/ue# an+ also a ore +eep soun+ to the car as
*our +ri)ing +own the roa+. -here are an* !ran+s out there that a(e all these parts#
soe of the C&R' legal# others not.
-he inta(e anifol+ is the part of the engine where all the clean air is !rought in
an+ flows into the co!ustion cha!er. Once in the co!ustion cha!er the air an+ fuel
are i.e+# then once it is ignite+ !* a spar(# the power to run *our engine is a+e. -he
stoc( inta(e anifol+ is a+e )er* siple an+ flat. ,t has narrow# sall inta(e anifol+
ports where the air flows through. O!)iousl* +esigne+ 8ust to get perfect aount of air
Cruz %
for high MP9 an+ also to power *our engine an+ a(e it run the wa* it is suppose+ too.
&lthough this +esign of the stoc( inta(e anifol+ +oes restrict *our high air flow# which
!rings *our horsepower an+ tor/ue +own. 2ow once *ou o+if* *our inta(e anifol+
*ou can get a !igger one to let ore air flow into *our c*lin+er:pistons. Once ore air is
!eing flowe+ into it ore fuel is !eing fe+ to the engine for a !igger spar(# which lea+s to
high horse power increase. 4igh perforance inta(e anifol+s are a+e with wi+er an+
longer ports which increase the air that is !eing !rought in an+ flowe+ into the
co!ustion cha!er. 4a)ing a col+ air inta(e with one of these anifol+s will instantl*
increase *our perforance. ;ith a !igger air filter that<s outsi+e of the engine suc(ing in
lots of col+ air at once. -hen this anifol+ flowing the air into *our co!ustion cha!er
as efficient with no restriction. -he increase of horsepower an+ tor/ue will !e reall* !e
felt as that gas pe+al is !eing presse+ har+. -hese afterar(et inta(e anifol+s +o not
nee+ to ha)e a C&R' legal stic(er# ost of the tie. -he reason for that is !ecause ost
of the inta(e anifol+s loo( li(e the original OEM =Original E/uipent Manufacture>
anifol+s an+ the* easil* pass the )isual test. ,f the* were a+e correctl* the* shoul+ not
affect *our e.haust pollution an+ will still pass sog chec( as if *ou ha+ a stoc( inta(e
anifol+. 'ut 8ust to sta* on the safe si+e# ha)ing the C&R' legal stic(er so the sog
gu* can 8ust loo( at it an+ autoaticall* appro)e it sa)es *ou the ris( of ha)ing to coe
!ac( an+ going !ac( to stoc(.
&nother anifol+ that is on the car !esi+es the inta(e anifol+ is the e.haust
anifol+# or often calle+ the ?hea+er? or ?hea+ers.? ;hat an e.haust anifol+ +oes is it
Cruz @
&llows all the e.haust fues fro the engine flow out of the car all the wa* through the
tailpipe efficientl* without the ris( of soeone inhaling the to.ic fues. ,t is also so the
engine is not losing power at high re)s. ,f an e.haust anifol+ goes !a+# for e.aple
starts getting rust* or e.haust fues +o not a(e it out eas* an+ efficientl*# an engine can
lose power. -he reason for that is !ecause the pistons =which push the e.haust fues out
of the engine> are wor(ing har+er to a(e all those fues lea)e the engine. 2ot onl* is
the engine going to lose power# !ut it is also going to lose fuel econo* !ecause the
engine will !e wor(ing har+er to get the fues out than usual. 3toc( e.haust anifol+s
are a+e with rough casting that gets in the wa* of sooth air flow# as well as saller
e.haust passages. On a t*pical four c*lin+er engine# all @ c*lin+ers share one e.haust
anifol+. -his is where !ac( pressure can !uil+ up fro one c*lin+er an+ all its e.haust
pressure# which affects the ne.t c*lin+er that is tr*ing to get its e.haust fues out. -his is
where an afterar(et e.haust anifol+ ?hea+er? coes into pla*. ,nstalling a hea+er
eliinates the !ac( pressure insi+e the anifol+ !* gi)ing each c*lin+er its own e.haust
pipe to let their fues out. ;ith easier air flow# the pistons are not wor(ing as har+ to get
the e.haust out of the engine. -herefore# the pistons will gi)e *ou the a.iu power
the* can gi)e when it coes to getting full perforance. & C&R' legal stic(er is
+efiantl* nee+e+ with after ar(et hea+ers. -he reason for that is !ecause a stoc(
anifol+ an+ an afterar(et hea+er can !e tol+ apart reall* easil*. -he stoc( anifol+ is
usuall* rust* an+ it<s saller. & hea+er a usuall* newer# shinier# an+ has long tu!es that
go all the wa* +own to the catal*tic con)erter. ,f *ou +on<t ha)e a C&R' legal stic(er
Cruz 0
1ou will +efiantl* not pass )isual an+ the sog gu* will a(e *ou lea)e an+ coe !ac(
with legal hea+ers.
&lthough a C&R' legal stic(er is nee+e+ to pass sog with afterar(et hea+ers#
it +oes not affect an engines horsepower gain or perforance at all. ;hat affects that is
the +esign of the hea+er that *ou get. -here are an* +esigns !ut the two ain ones are
the @7271 hea+er# an+ the @71 hea+er. -he +ifference !etween those two is where the
horsepower an+ tor/ue are a++e+ in ters of re)olutions per inute. -he @7271 hea+er is#
how its nae is# @ e.haust pipes that erge into 2 pipes which then a(e on pipe that
goes onto the catal*tic con)erter. -he* are the ost coon t*pe of hea+er !ecause the*
gi)e the car ore i+ power gain. ;hat this eans is that when +ri)ing a anual car#
shifting at %$$$7A$$$ Re)olutions per inutes is where this hea+er shines an+ gi)e *ou
the horsepower increase. ,t also gi)es *ou ore tor/ue for a /uic( ta(e off an+
acceleration. ,t usuall* also gi)es the car a +eeper soun+# a(ing it soun+ ore !eef* in
the streets. &lthough this hea+er increases i+ ter horsepower# it +ecreases the high en+
power. -his is nothing to soe people who +o not race or trac( their car. -hat<s wh* these
hea+ers are ore coon; the* are ostl* !ought for +ail* +ri)ing since +ail* +ri)ers
are not re))ing their cars all the wa* to re+line e)er*+a*. 'ut for the +ri)ers that +o li(e
re))ing en+ re+lining e)er*+a*# that<s where the @71 hea+er coes in. -he @71 hea+er is
four e.haust pipes that go straight to one pipe lea+ing to the catal*tic con)erter. -his
hea+er gi)es high e.haust air flow at high engine spee+# an+ also highl* re+uces
Cruz A
!ac( pressure. Once passing A$$$ re)olutions per inute# this hea+er +oes it 8o! an+
gi)es the horsepower when the engine is !eing re))e+ all the wa* to re+line.
&fter the hea+er coe the catal*tic con)erter =cat> an+ the whole e.haust s*ste
after the cat. & catal*tic con)erter is catal*st that ta(es all the harful fues fro the
e.haust an+ con)erts the into harless cheical fues. -here are three harful
copoun+s that coe out of the e.haust pipe. 4*+rocar!ons which is fore+ !* gasoline
that has not !een !urne+. Car!on Mono.i+e that is fore+ !* gasoline !eing co!uste+.
-hen 2itrogen o.i+es which are create+ when heat in the engine forces nitrogen into the
air so that it can co!ine with o.*gen. -he ain reason for a cat to !e on a car is so that
the air is not !eing pollute+ with all these harful cheical fues. &lthough cats on a car
reall* help the en)ironent# the* create a lot of !ac( pressure for the e.haust. -his is
where racers start o+if*ing. Either !* ta(ing out the cat# or the replace is with a straight
pipe to ha)e no !ac( pressure at all. 4a)ing no !ac( pressure a++s horsepower.
Mo+ification of the e.haust s*ste is illegal regar+less of what parts are !ought. &
C&R' legal stic(er cannot help in this situation since an* sort of o+ification is not
allowe+. ,t is also reall* eas* to notice if an e.haust s*ste has !een o+ifie+. -he
reason for that is a car will soun+ lou+er than a noral car woul+. 3toc( cars ha)e no
soun+ when the* are !eing +ri)en. & car with a o+ifie+ e.haust s*ste will !e lou+er#
which ie+iatel* gi)es a re+ flag out that the e.haust s*ste is not stoc(. &n* cop can
pull a )ehicle o)er for that an+ issue a fi. it citation.
Cruz B
-hese are the !asic !olt on o+ifications that racers +o to their cars when tr*ing
to raise the stoc( horsepower. -here is also internal o+ifications that are +one to
ipro)e horsepower at a high rate with racing parts# (eeping the engine 5all otor6 with
no !oost. 5'oost6 is ac/uire+ with tur!ochargers an+ superchargers which copletel*
a. out *our engines capa!ilit* an+ a(e the perfor alost three ties har+er than
the* usuall* +o alone. -he reason wh* people +o not o+if* their engines with these top
of the line o+ifications is !ecause the* are )er* e.pensi)e to get an+ ta(e a long tie to
get accoplishe+.
;hen o+if*ing an engine# regar+less what parts are purchase+. -he* shoul+
alwa*s !e !ought C&R' legal. ;hen o+if*ing an engine it is alwa*s goo+ to +o things
the right wa* the first tie. '* !u*ing a C&R' legal part fro the !eginning# an*
pro!les will !e a)oi+e+ an+ engine o+ifications will not !e a worr* since the* will !e

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