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1. Introduction
What is coaching?
- Not only technique but a way of indirectly leading people to get the full potential out
of people.
Why do we have coaching?
- Unlock potential
- Gain overview
- Establish coitent to coon goals
- !revent "urnout
- #otivate people
$efinition %
Coaching is unlocking a persons potential to maximize their own performance. It is
helping them to learn rather than teaching them
$efinition &
Whitmore 2000
Coaching is not only a techniue! it is a way to lea"! a way to treat people! a way to
think! a way to #e.
2. The coaching session
2.1 Function:
'o investigate a spesific dilea( proble( challenge
'o create a higher consiousness and greater responsibility
'o understand the interconnection of goals) reality) options and action
Get overview of the challenge
'o understand one self and ones dilea better
'o increase the solution- and action options
2.2 The Coach
helps to investigate the challenge( proble( task.
*s present) active listening) curious) wondering and interested
+sks well qualified) !owerful questions that really challenges the ,ochee
-eeps focus
.espects the ,oachees personal liits
.esponsible for the ending( roundup of the conversation
2.3 The Coachee
- /wns his( her reality0
o $ecides what he(she wants help to investigate.
- 1as always right to set liits for what to talk about)
o +nd what N/' to talk about.
2.4 The talk session
- ,oach and ,oachee sets the tiefrae
- What proble( dilea( challenge( task( situation do the ,oachee want to talk
- 1ow do you want the talk to end?
- 2With a greater understanding) with a goal to work towards) with a decicion on soe
kind of action) with an clearification?3
- +t the end 4 What did the ,oachee get out of the talk ?
3. Power Questions
3.1 Traditional questions
- Gives *N5/.#+'*/N.
- $*.E,'6 a persons thoughts and feelings.
- 6pecific questions deands specific answers.
- +ll answers should be concrete and easurable.
- + question is to liit opportunities.
- We are easured on our ability to answer.
$irsten $amp%2001&! 'ecturer $aos(ilot
3.2 Powerful Questions
- + powerful question widens and opens up for new perspectives for the coachee
- 'he closed questions) which ay give soe(be rich in inforation) will narrow the
tunnel and close further research.
- Norally) we7re not used to powerquestions that goes straight to the core of the
- We7re used to nice) polite questions. *f a ,oach only asks nice) polite questions
he(she will not change anything.
- + powerquestion akes the ,oachee change fro autopilot to anual flying...
E.g. 2powerful questions in bold3
- What issues(thees will you include in your report?
- hat will it gi!e "ou to co#$lete%finish "our re$ort&
- What possibilities do you have?
- hat would "ou like to know' that "ou don(t alread" know toda"&
4. )*+
+ coaching technique in 8 stages
- Goal
- .eality
- /pportunity
- Workplan
'he G.../.W. odel is a siple) but effective tool for the ,oach to guide the
coachee through the session with.
*portant to reeber0
9our personal advices and solutions are only to be given if asked for
*f needed you can :up fro fa;e to fa;e
+void sitting as an e<pert telling the coachee what to do - even if you think you
have a good solution.
-eep your focus on the coachee 4 its hi(her its all about
4.1 )oal
find a goal to work towards.
5or those that have a good and attractive goal) it7s the responsibility of the ,oach
to ask if it is the right goal for the ,oachee.
5or those that haven7t got a clear goal) it is iportant that the ,oach asks into it)
and coes around it several ties) so that the ,oachee finds the right) good and attractive
goal for hi(her.
What result are you seeking?
What are your long-ter goal?
What kind of present opportunities can you see?
4.2 *ealit"
start with the present situation..
What does the reality of the ,oachee look like?
Which challenges are there in everyday life?
What is the current situation?
Who knows you wish to do soething about it?
What prevent you fro doing ore?
4.3 +$$ortunities
point out the path2s3.
Which opportunities lays ahead) when reality looks like it does?
'o the ,oachees that have been working active on their goals) the goals should
now coe up for soe ad:ustents
aybe they have been too abisious) or aybe they have underestiated
*n what ways will you approach the situation?
What could you otherwise do?
What solution appeals to you?
4.4 ork$lan
Which possibilities does the ,oachee wish(choose to start working on?
Which actions will the ,oachee take?
'he ,oach should push the ,oachee to set soe deadlines.
What are your criteria of success?
What kind of support do you need?
1ow will you get that support?
,. -itterature
5laherty) =aes
,oaching Evoking E<cellence in /thers
"utterworth-1eineann 2%>>?3
Whitore) =ohn
,oaching for !erforance
Nicholas "realey@ 2&AAA3
Beus) !erry
'he ,oplete Guide to ,oaching at Work
#cGraw-1ill 'rade 2&AA%3

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