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DATE : 24 Sep. 09
Selection of Piping material and preparation of PMS and VMS
PMS is a Bible for a Piping Engineer. It consists all about material details,
dimensional details, type of ends, schedules/thicknesses, branch offs, !"
re#uirements, $arious codes / standards being follo%ed etc for all Piping items.
'. (eneral
). Special re#uirements for special ser$ices
* +esistance to ,ydrogen
* +esistance to Sulphur
* +esistance to Sour -ater Ser$ices
* +esistance to .austic and amine
/. Engineering Materials
* .arbon Steel
* 0o% alloy steel
* Stainless steels
* Medium 1lloys
* ,igh 1lloys
* ickel and nickel alloys
* .opper and copper alloys
* "itanium
* Plastic materials
* +ubber and Elastomers
* .ommonly used materials in refineries
2. Material Standards and specifications
3. Preparation of standard PMS / VMS
* -hat a PMS means and -hat does it consists of.
* ,o% a piping class is designated
* -hat a VMS consists and ho% a "1( o of VMS is fi&ed
* ,o% PMS4VMS for a 5ob is prepared.
' of '3
1.0 General
Selection of materials of construction for piping is a $ery important acti$ity
during the design stage of ,ydrocarbon Process Plants. "he primary ob5ecti$e in
material selection is the achie$ement of the metallurgical stability to pre$ent failure
resulting from en$ironment, normal operation and upset conditions. "he secondary
ob5ecti$e is the achie$ement of design life by use of appropriate material of
Material selection for achie$ement of metallurgical stability shall be made on the
basis of the design condition and to resist possible e&posures against fire, corrosion,
operating condition, ser$ice etc.
"he designer is confronted %ith the follo%ing concerns regarding the material of
construction as he begins the design. "hese are
* +esistance to stress
* +esistance to %ear
* !esign life
* +esistance to corrosion from process and atmospheric conditions.
* Economics
* +esistance to fire if re#uired.
"he first t%o concerns in$ol$es mechanical properties of materials such as tensile
strength, yield strength, ductility fatigue strength, %ear resistance etc.
!esign life for the piping is considered as '3 years.
"he material deterioration due to corrosion is depend on se$eral factors such as
operating conditions 6pressure and temperature7, process stream composition, phases,
crack inducing agents upset conditions including steam flushing, ser$ice the system
shall handle throughout the life time and its duration of operations etc. Medium
handled occasionally like during shut do%n and re commissioning etc. shall also be
considered. Effort shall be made to select material suiting %ell to the medium handled
as %ell as the en$ironmental conditions.
1nd lastly Economics in Material Selection is also of $ital importance. In most
instances there %ill be more than one alternati$e material %hich may be considered
for a specific application. "he possibility of usages of inferior material materials %ith
periodic replacement shall also be considered against the usage of superior material
%ithout sacrificing the safety of the plant. .alculation of true long term costs re#uires
estimation of the follo%ings.
* "otal cost of fabricated piping
* "otal installation cost
* Ser$ice life
* Maintenance cost, amount and timing
* .ost of do%n time to replace or repair
* factors %hich impact ta&ation
* inflation rate
* Possibility of usage of inferior material
) of '3
2.0 Spe!"! Re#$!re%en& "'r Spe!al Ser(!e)* S'$r Ga)* +,-r'.en* S$lp+$r*
a%%'n!a a%!ne)* a$)&! )er(!e) e&
Re)!)&ane &' H,-r'.en
+esistance to hydrogen attack must be taken %hile selecting material in
contact %ith li#uid and $apours containing hydrogen at ele$ated
temperature and pressures. "he guide used for selecting hydrogen resistant
material is 1PI publication 82' entitled 9Steel for ,ydrogen ser$ices at
ele$ated temperatures and pressures in petroleum refineries and
petrochemical plants.
elson .ur$es
1 brief Study of elson .ur$es on the follo%ing re$eals that the principle
alloying elements %hich impart resistance to ele$ated temperature
hydrogen attack are chromium and molybdenum.
1lloy steel commonly used to resist high temperature hydrogen attack are
as follo%s
* .* '/) Mo P'
* ' *'/2 : ; Mo P''
* 3.r : ; Mo P3
* 8.r : ' Mo P8
* '<.r, ')i, )M= SS /'< ,
Re)!)&ane &' S$lp+$r
>or determining materials of construction for an oil stream containing sulphur
utilisation the cur$e entitled 91$erage +ate for ,igh "emperature Sulphur .orrosion?
"his cur$e aids in determining corrosion rates for materials in contact %ith Sulphur
bearing ,ydrocarbon streams and is used primarily for crude, $acuum, $is * breaker
asphalt o&idising units and ra% oil charge lines to hydro de sulphuring and hydro*
cracking units.
-hile applying this cur$e, use the ma&imum operating temperature of the e#uipment
in$ol$ed and pick the corresponding corrosion rate for one of the materials listed then
ad5ust the corrosion rate %ith a correction factor %hich takes into account the %eight
percent sulphur. It should e noted that the reference sulphur le$el for this cur$e is '.=
%eight percent. 1s one can see from this cur$e, an increase in chromium content
imparts increasing resistance to high temperature sulphur corrosion.
.arbon Steel is generally specified for most e#uipment to )<= : )@@ deg .
temperature range, and the corrosion allo%ance used is / mm. -hen the piping in thid
ser$ice are carbon steel, and impro$e corrosion resistance is necessary, "P 2'= S
stainless steel cladding is specified. !epending on the anticipated corrosion rates
/ of '3
heater tubes usually 3 .r : ; Mo or 8 .r : 'Mo . Piping systems are usually .arbon
steel and 3.r : ; Mo %ith $arying corrosion allo%ances.
Re)!)&ane &' S'$r /a&er Ser(!e) 0H2S1
* Material shall be selected from those permitted I the 1.E standard.
* Selection of material should be for a specific sour duty condition.
* If process ,)S concentration is $arying , peak $alues shall be used.
* "he resistance to general corrosion . "he P, $alue of the process
stream and the presence / absence of corrodents such as o&ygen , .A),
chlorides etc are particular importance
* Mechanical Properties including lo% temp re#uirements %here
necessary shall be gi$en special attention.
* .arbon Steel shall be in the normalised heat treated conditions.
Re)!)&ane &' Ca$)&! an- A%!ne
.arbon Steel is generally used and is acceptable material for handling caustic soda
and other alkaline solutions. ,o%e$er it has limitations. ,igher temperature in that
stress corrosion cracking can occur unless it is stress relie$ed , also unaccepted
general corrosion can take place.
>or amine ser$ices to a$oid stress corrosion cracking of %elded pipes and other
%elds, e&posed to $arious amine solutions, stress relie$ing for all %elds is re#uired as
* ME1 >or all design temperature
* !E1 >or design temperature B @) deg .
* >or additional guidance for a$oiding corrosion of stress corrosion cracking
S.. can be referred in 1PI 823.
2 of '3
2.0 En.!neer!n. Ma&er!al)
'.= Metallic : >errous, on*>errous
).= on*Metallic : Arganic , Inorganic
/.= .omposites
>errous : .arbon Steel, 0o% 1lloy Steels, Stainless Steels, Medium 1lloys, ,igh
alloys, .ast Iron.
on*>errous : ickel, Monel, Brasses, BronCes, .upro*nickels.
Arganic : Plastics, "hermo*Plastics, "hermo*settings, Elastomers
Inorganic : .eramics, (raphite, (lass, +efractories.
Most commonly used materials in refineries are .arbon Steel, 1lloy Steels, and
Stainless Steels, brief description of the materials are as follo%s
1.0 Car3'n S&eel)
"his is the most common and cheapest material used in process plants. .arbon
steels are used in most refinery applications. It is routinely used for most organic
chemicals and neutral or basic solutions at moderate temperatures. .arbon steels are
e&tensi$ely used in temperature range of *)8 deg . to 2)D deg .. 0o% temperature
.arbon Steel 60".S7 can be used to a lo% temperature of *2< deg .. Eilled carbon
steel are defined as those %hich are thoroughly deo&idiCed during melting process.
!eo&idation is accomplished by use of silicon, manganese and aluminium additions to
combine %ith dissol$ed gases, usually o&ygen, during steel making. "his results in
cleaner better #uality steel %hich has fe%er gas pockets and inclusions. Eilled carbon
steel is specified for ma5or e#uipment in the follo%ing ser$ices to minimise the
possibility or e&tent of hydrogen blistering and hydrogen embrittlement
* -here hydrogen is a ma5or component in the process stream.
* -here hydrogen sulphide ,)S is present %ith an a#ueous phase or
%here li#uid %ater containing ,)S is present.
* Process streams containing any amount of ,ydro flouoric 1cid ,> ,
boron trifluoride B> or B>/ compounds
* Monoethanolamine ME1 and !iethanolamine !E1 in solutions of
greater than 3 %eight percent.
2.0 L'4 All', S&eel
0o% 1lloy Steel contain one or more alloying elements to impro$e
mechanical or corrosion resisting properties of carbon steel. ickel increased
toughness and impro$es lo% temperature properties and corrosion resistance.
.hromium and silicon impro$e hardness, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance and
resistance to o&idation. Molybdenum pro$ides strength at ele$ated temperatures.
Some of the lo% alloy steels are listed belo%.

'.= .arbon*'/).F Moly and Manganese : ;F Moly G "hese lo% alloy steels are
used for higher temperature ser$ices and most fre#uently for intermediate
temperatures for its resistance to hydrogen attack. "hey ha$e the same ma&imum
3 of '3
temperature limitation as killed steel 6 1SME .ode : '=== deg > 7 but the
strength abo$e D== deg > is substantially greater.
).= 'F .hrome : ;F Moly and ' : HF .hrome : ; FMoly G "hese alloys are
used for higher resistance to hydrogen attack and sulphur corrosion. "he are also
used for ser$ices %here temperatures are abo$e the rated temperature of .* ; Mo
/.= )*'/2 .hrome : 'FMoly and /3.hrome : 'FMoly G "hese alloys ha$e the
same uses as '*'/2 .r, but ha$e greater resistance to hydrogen attack and ha$e
higher strength at ele$ated temperature.
2.= 3F.r* ;FMoly G "his alloy is used most fre#uently for protection against
combined sulphur attack at temperature abo$e 33= deg >. Its resistance to
hydrogen attack is better than )*'/2.r : 'F Mo.
3.= 8F.hrome : 'FMoly G "his alloy is generally limited to heater tubes.
It has higher resistance to sulphur stocks at ele$ated temperatures. It has a
ma&imum allo%able metal temperature in o&idising atmospheres.
2.0 S&a!nle)) S&eel)
"hey are heat and corrosion resistance, non*contaminating and easily fabricated into
comple& shapes. "hese are three groups of stainless steels, $iC, Martensitic, >erritic
and 1ustenitic.
i7 Martensitic Stainless Steel G Martensitic 1lloys contain ') : )= percent
chromium %ith controlled amount of carbon and other additi$es. "ype 2'=
is a typical member of this group. "hese alloys can be hardened by heat
treatment, %hich can increase tensile strength. .orrosion resistance is
inferior to 1ustenitic stainless steels and these are generally used in mild
corrosi$e en$ironments.
ii7 >erritic Stainless steels G >erritic steels contain '3 : /= percent chromium
%ith lo% carbon content 6 =.'F7. ,igher chromium content impro$es
its corrosi$e resistance. "ypical member of this group is "ype 2/=. "he
strength of these can be increased by cold %orking but not by heat
treatment. "ype 2/= is %idely used in nitric acid plants. In addition ,
it is $ery resistant to scaling and high temp o&idation up to @== deg .
iii7 1ustenitic Stainless Steel G 1ustenitic steels are the most corrosion
resistance of the three groups. "hese steels contain '< : )< percent
chromium, < : )) percent ickel .arbon is kept lo% 6 =.=@F ma&7. to
minimise carbide precipitation. -elding may cause chromium carbide
precipitation, %hich deplete the alloy of some chromium and lo%ers
its corrosion resistance in some specific en$ironments. otably in nitric
acid. "he carbide precipitation can be eliminated by heat treatment
6solution annealing7. "o a$oid precipitation special steels stabiliCed
%ith titanium, niobium, or tantalum ha$e been de$eloped 6"ype
/)', /2D , /2@7, 1nother approach to the problem is to use the lo% carbon
stainless steels such as types /=20 and /'<0 %ith =./F ma& carbon.
"he addition of molybdenum to austenitic alloy types /'<, /'<0 pro$ides
generally better corrosion resistance and impro$ed resistance to pitting.

< of '3
"he chromium nickel steels , particularly the '@*@ alloys, perform the best
under o&idising conditions, since the resistance depends on an o&ide film on
the surface of the alloy. +educing conditions and chloride ions destroy this
and bring on the rapid attack. .hloride ions tend to cause pitting and cre$ice
corrosion. -hen combined %ith higher tensile stresses, they can cause stress
corrosion cracking.
4.0 Me-!$% All',)
1 group of mostly proprietary alloys %ith some%hat better corrosion resistance than
stainless steels are called medium alloys. 1 popular member of this group is 20 all',.
Made by a number of companies under $arious trade names. !urinet )=, .arpenter )=
are a fe% names. "his alloy %as originally de$eloped to fulfil the need for a material
%ith sulphuric resistance superior to stainless steels. Ather members of this group are
Incoloy @)3 and ,astelloy (*/. "hese alloys ha$e e&tensi$e application in sulphuric
acid systems. Because of their increased nickel and moly contents they are more
tolerant of chloride ion contamination than standard stainless steel. "he nickel content
decreases the risk of stress corrosion cracking and molybdenum impro$es resistance
to cre$ice corrosion and pitting.
5.0 H!.+ All',)
"his group of materials called high alloys all contain relati$ely large percentage of
ickel. ,astelloy B) contains <'F ickel and )@FMo. "he alloy has unusually $ery
,igh resistance to all concentrations of ,.l at all temperatures in the absence of
o&idiCing agents. Ather material of this group are .hlorimet I and ,astelloy .*)D<.
6.0 N!7el an- N!7el All',)
"he metal is %idely used for handling alkalies particularly in handling and storing
caustic soda. eutral alkaline solutions, sea%ater, and mild atmospheric conditions do
not affect nickel. 1 large number of nickel based alloys are commercially a$ailable.
Ane of the best kno%n out of these is Monel 2== %ith <DFi and/=F .opper. "his
high i*.u alloy is ductile and tough. It?s corrosion resistance is better than its
components, being more resistant than nickel in reducing en$ironments and more
resistant than copper in o&idiCing en$ironments.
8.0 C'pper an- 'pper All',)
.opper and its alloys are %idely used in chemical processing, particularly %hen heat
and thermal conducti$ity is $ery important. Main copper alloys are Brasses 6.u*Jn7,
BronCes 6 .u*Sn7 and .uproickels. Some of the BronCes are $ery popular in process
industries. 0ike allumunium and silicon bronCes because they combine good strength
%ith corrosion resistance. .upronickels ha$e '=*/= F nickel and ha$e become $ery
popular because it has the highest corrosion resistance of all copper alloys. "his finds
its application in heat e&changer tubing and its resistance to sea %ater is especially
D of '3
9.0 T!&an!$%
"itanium has become increasingly important as a construction material. It is strong
and of medium %eight. .orrosion resistance is $ery superior in o&idiCing and mild
reducing media. "itanium is usually not bothered by impingement attack, cre$ice
corrosion, and pitting attack in sea %ater. Its general resistance to sea %ater is
9.0 Pla)&! Ma&er!al)
In comparison %ith metallic materials, the use of plastic is limited to relati$ely
moderate temperatures and pressures 6)/= deg . is considered high for plastic7.
Plastics are also less resistant to mechanical abuse and ha$e high e&pansion rates, lo%
strength,6thermoplastics7 and only fair resistance to sol$ents. ,o%e$er they are
light%eights are good thermal and electric insulators are easy to fabricate and install,
ha$e lo% friction factors. Since plastics do not corrode in the electrochemical sense,
they offer another ad$antage o$er metals.
"he important thermoplastics used commercially are polyethylene, poly$inyl chloride,
florocarbons 6"eflons, ,alar, Eel*>, kynar7 and polypropylene. Important
thermosetting plastics are general purpose polyester glass reinforced, bisphenol based
polyester glass, epo&y glass, $inar ester glass, furan and phenolic glass, and asbestos
reinforced. -hile using non metallic piping $iC, ,!PE, PV. , >+P etc the designer
shall take care of the ser$ice, pressure and temperature. Manufacturer?s
recommendation shall be taken into account.
10.0 T+er%'pla)&!)
"he most chemical resistant plastic commercially a$ailable today is
tetrafluoroethylene or ">E. "his thermoplastic is practically unaffected by all alkalies
and acids e&cept fluorine and chlorine gas at ele$ated temperature and molten metals.
It retains its properties up to )<= deg .
Perfluoroalkok&y or P>1 has the general properties and chemical resistance of >EP at
a temperature approaching /== deg .
Polyethylene is the lo%est cost plastic commercially a$ailable. Mechanical properties
are generally poor, particularly abo$e 3= deg . and pipe must be fully supported.
.arbon filled grades are resistant to sunlight and %eathering.
Polypropylene has chemical resistance about the same as that of polyethylene, but it
can be used at ')= deg ..
11.0 T+er%')e&&!n. Pla)&!)
1mong the thermosetting materials are phenolic plastics filled %ith asbestos, carbon,
or graphite glass or silica. +elati$ely lo% cost, good mechanical properties, and
chemical resistance e&cept against strong alkalies, make phenolics popular for
chemical e#uipment. >uran plastics filled %ith asbestos and glass ha$e much better
alkali resistance than phonolic resins. Polyester resins reinforced %ith fibreglass, ha$e
@ of '3
good strength and good mechanical resistance e&cept alkalies. Epo&ies reinforced
%ith fibreglass ha$e $ery high strength and resistance to heat. "he chemical resistance
of the epo&y resin is e&cellent in non o&idiCing and %eak acids but not good against
strong acids. 1lkaline resistance is e&cellent in %eak solutions.
12.0 R$33er an- ela)&'%er)
+ubber and elastomers are %idely used as lining materials. "he ability to bond natural
rubber to itself and to steel makes it ideal for lining tanks. Na&$ral r$33er is resistant
to dilute mineral acids alkalies and salts but o&idiCing media, oils and most organic
sol$ents %ill attack it. Har- r$33er is made by adding ) percent or ore of sulphur to
natural or synthetic rubber an as such is both hard and strong. C+l'"'prene 'r
ne'prene r$33er is resistant to attack by oCone , sunlight, oils gasoline and aromatic
or hyfrogeneted sol$ents but is easily permeated by %ater thus limiting its use as a
tank lining. N!&r!le r$33er is kno%n for resistant to oils and sol$ents. :$&,l r$33er
is kno%n for resistant to dilute mineral acids and alkalies . hypalon has outstanding
resistance to oCone and o&idiCing agents e&cept fuming nitric and sulphuric acids.
>luoroelastomers Viton*1, Eel*>, EalreC combine e&cellent chemical and
temperature resistance.
"he commonly used 1S"M materials are as gi$en in separate sheet.
8 of '3
4.0 Ma&er!al S&an-ar-) an- Spe!"!a&!'n)
1t this point let us understand the need of standard materials and specifications. "here
are some consensus standards %hich defines the chemistry and properties of specific
materials. Such standards allo% the designers and users of material to %ork %ith
confidence that the materials supplied %ill ha$e the e&pected minimum properties.
!esigners and users can also e confident that comparable materials can be purchased
from se$eral suppliers. Producers are confident that materials produced to an accepted
standard %ill find a ready market.
1 fe% of the organiCations %hich generate standards of ma5or importance to chemical
: process industry are as listed belo% G
* 1ME+I.1 1"IA10 S"1!1+!S IS"I"K"E 6 1SI7,It
promulgates the Piping codes used in .hemical Process Industries
* 1ME+I.1 SA.IE"L A> ME.,1I.10 E(IEE+S 61SME7 G
"his society generate the Boiler and Pressure Vessel code.
* 1ME+I.1 SA.IE"L >A+ "ES"I( 1!
M1"E+I10S61S"M7 G "his society generates specifications for most
of the materials used in the 1SI piping codes and 1SME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel codes.
* Ather codes follo%ed are BS, !I, IS etc.
1.0 Prepara&!'n '" S&an-ar- PMS ; <MS
Before going for this it has to be understood :
-hat a PMS means and %hat does it consist of 4
,o% do %e designate PMS 4

-hat a VMS consists and its "ag o.
/+a& a PMS %ean) an- 4+a& -'e) 'n)!)&) '"
PMS is a Bible for a Piping Engineer. It consists all about material details,
dimensional details, type of ends, schedules/thicknesses, branch offs, !"
re#uirements, $arious codes/standards being follo%ed etc for all Piping
items. Main Piping items detailed out in PMS are listed belo%
* Pipes
* >ittings
* >langes
* Bolts
* (askets
* Val$es
* Misc Items like Steam traps and strainers
1 short description of piping items is listed belo%
'.= Pipes G "ypes : Seamless, %elded E >S -, E + -
'= of '3
Ends : PE for M ' ;N
BE for B O )N
Schedule/thickness G .alculation of proper thickness is a must
Because lesser thickness may lead to pipe failure and more thickness may
cause fle&ibility and support problems, may re#uire hea$y structure and %ill lead to
high cost of the plant.
"hickness is calculated as per : 1SI B /'./ for Process Piping and IB+ for steam /
boiler feed %ater under IB+ scope. "he calculated thickness shall cake care of
.orrosion and other allo%ances and manufacturer?s tolerance
"he thickness thus calculated is rounded off to ne&t higher commercially a$ailable
thickness. "o reduce in$entory and for inter*changeability certain schedules are
>or siCes M O ' ;N G S@=, S'<= P QQS
)N and abo$e G S"! , QS
>or siCes beyond certain limit usually '<N and abo$e, it is preferred to calculate
thicknesses on the basis of actual design pressure and temperature rather than on the
basis of class rating, because it may to substantial sa$ing in material cost.
!imension Standard : 1SME/1SI B /<.'= G >or carbon and lo% alloy pipes
1SME/1SI B/<.'8 G >or SS pipes
).= >ittings G "ypes : Elbo%s, "ees, .aps, .ouplings, -eldolets, Sockolets, Elbolets,
.rosses, +educers etc.

"hickness G >or B- fittings the end thickness is same as that of
corresponding pipe
>or scre%ed / S- fittings, 1SI rating /===R, <===R and
8===R are used. "his standardiCation is done to reduce the $ariety of small dia fittings
Ends G ormally end connections are * for '*'/)N S- and for )N and abo$e B-
B- ends confirm to 1SME B '<.)3 -eld .ontour Preperation
!imensions G B- fillings * 1SI B '<.8 / MSS SP 2@
S- fittings : 1SI B '<.''
/.= >langes : >langes pro$ide a bolted, separable 5oint in piping.
-hen to flanges G
* -here there is a clear need for remo$al of $al$es or e#uipment, for
access of maintenance, or for blinding.
* Because all flanged connections are potential leak source, their use is
should be kept to minimum needed for safe and reasonably con$enient
operation and maintenance.
'' of '3
* Beyond .lass <==, the use of flanges in all ser$ices is further limited
because of high potential of leaks.
Industry Standards : 1SME B '<.3 ;N to )2N .lass '3=R to '3==R
;N to ')N .lass )3==R
1SME B'<.2D 1 )<N to <=N .lass '3=R to '3==R
6MSS SP 227 )<N to 2@N .lass )3==R
1SME B '<.2D B )<N to <=N .lass D3R to <==R
61PI <=37 )<N to 2@N .lass 8==R
"ype of >langes * -eld eck 6-7 Strongest connection because of full penetration
butt %eld.
* Socket -eld 6S-7 .ommonly used for ;N to S* ;N , may not be
acceptable for ser$ices %here cre$ice corrosion can occur.
* Slip An 6SA7 More economical, acceptable for undemanding ser$ices
if it is %elded on both the inside and outside, ot acceptable for high
temp/cyclic ser$ices
* 0ap Toint 60T7 Kses a lap 5oint stub end on the pipe and a flange that
rotates freely, easy field alignment of bolt holes, >lange can be of
cheaper metallurgy, ot suitable for cyclic / $ibrating ser$ices
>lange >acing : "he common flange facings are
* >lat >ace 6>>7 is normally used only on cast iron flanges or steel
flanges that mate to cast flanges and re#uires full face gasket
* +aised >ace 6+>7 is the most commonly flange facing
* +ing "ype Toint 6+"T7 is used for high pressure, high temperature
ser$ices 6.lass 8==R and abo$e7
Surface >inish for >langes
* "he re#uired surface finish of the gasket contact area on the flange is
determined by the type of the gasket used.
* on*metallic gaskets pro$ide a good sealing e$en %ith a relati$e rough
surface finish 63== micron in 11+,7
* Spiral %ound gasket for flanges re#uire ')3 to )3= micron in 11+,
* +ing 5oint re#uires a finish no rougher than </ micron in 11+, finish
on the contact of the groo$es and gaskets
BA0"S *
* .hoice of bolting material is go$erned by ser$ice fluid and the
* "he most commonly used bolts for flanges in the refinery piping are
1S"M 1 '8/ (+ BD Stud bolts %hich fall into the high strength
group. "he temperature range is from *)8 deg . to 232 deg .
* "he medium strength 1SM" 1 '8/ (+ BDM studs are re#uired in
some ser$ices to a$oid sulphide stress corrosion cracking.
* 0o% carbon machine bolts as per 1S"M 1 /=D (+ B are in the lo%
strength group. "hey should be used for all cast iron flanges, to pre$ent
') of '3
the o$erstressing the flanges and for class '3= upto '<N lo% cabob steel
bolts are limited to bolt temp of )=2 deg ..
Standards G 1SME/1SI B '@.).' and B '@.).)
Since it e&pensi$e to grind and lap 5oint faces to obtain fluid*tight 5oints, a
gasket of some softer material usually is inserted bet%een contact faces. "ightening of
bolts causes the gasket material to flo% into the minor machining imperfections,
resulting in a fluid tight seal.
"ypes * Soft gaskets like cork, rubber or asbestos
* Semi metallic design G it combines metal and a soft material, the metal
to %ithstand the pressure and temp and the soft material to impart
* Various modified designs and cross*sectional shapes
Standards G
* 1SME B'<.)= G Metallic (askets for Pipe >langes, +ing Toint, Spiral
-ound and Tacketed
* 1SME B '<.)' G on Metallic >lat (askets for Pipe >langes
* IS*)D') G different (rades
>ollo%ing important points shall also be taken care of in case of gaskets
* ,ardness of gaskets for +"T flanges G ,ardness of +"T gasket shall be
)= B, less than the corresponding flange groo$e hardness
* Kse of inner and outer ring for Spiral -ound (asket G (enerally inner
gasket shall be used to pro$ide as per the follo%ing re#uirement
* 1s per code re#uirements B'<.)=
* >or siCes )<N and abo$e
* >or $acuum, hydrogen, and cryo ser$ices
* >or SS/)',SS/2D and , grade SS classes
* >or 8==R rating and abo$e classes
* >or classed %here temp is B 2)D deg .
* +estrictions in use of asbestos %hich other%ise is an e&cellent sealing
'. Steam "raps G Steam traps are used to retain steam in a
heating unit or in piping until it has condensed and gi$en up
its latent heat , the condensate and air are then discharged by
the trap either to atmosphere or back to the boiler or to the
condensate tank
). Strainers : "ypes G "emporary .onical type
'/ of '3
G Permanent " type, L type
'. Various type of $al$es used are as follo%s
a. (ate
b. (lobe
c. .heck
d. Ball
e. Plug
f. Butterfly
g. !iaphragm
h. eedle
i. Blo% !o%n
5. Piston type $al$es etc
). >unction %ise the abo$e mentioned $al$es can be categoriCed as follo%s
a. An*off Val$es G (ate, Ball, Plug, Butterfly, !iaphragm
b. >lo%*+egulations G (lobe, Butterfly
c. on*return $al$es G .heck $al$es
d. Sample Val$es G eedle $al$es
/. !esign and "esting Standard of $al$es
a. (ate M )N 1PI*<=) 1PI*38@
BO )N 1PI*<== 1PI*38@
b. (lobe M)N BS 3/3) BS <D336I7
BO)N BS '@D/ BS <D336I7
c. .heck M )N BS 3/3) BS <D336I7
BO)N BS '@<@ BS <D336I7
d. Ball BS 3/3'/1PI <! BS <D336I7/1PI<=D
e. Plug BS 3/3/ BS <D336I7
b. Butterfly BS 3'33/1PI<=8 BS <D336I7/1PI
Ather !esign as %ellas "esting Standards are 1SME B '<./2, BS '2'2 E".
2. !imension Standard G 1SME/1SI B '<.'=, BS )=@=
3. ,A- 1 PIPI( .01SS IS !ESI(1"E!.
It is base on the philosophy of indi$idual consultant
In EI0 It is of / digit like 1'1
* the first letter indicates the pressure rating, 1: '3=R, B* /===R, .*
2==R, !*<==R, E*8==R, >*'3==R, (*)3==R, T*')3/'3=R, E*
* the middle letter indicates the difference in the specification %ithin the
same rating and material
'2 of '3
* "he third letter indicates the type of material, 1*.arbon, B*.arbon
Moly, .U, different alloy steels, E* stainless steels/=2.,,0 M*
Stainless steels /'<,,,/)',/2D
In 0inde it is a of < digit like 01'+<'
* the first letter Tob letter
* the second letter is material code
* third letter is pressure rating
* the forth letter is >lange >acing
* the fifth letter is se#uential number 6<' on%ards7
<. -,1" 1 VMS .ASIS"S 1! ,A- 1 "1( KMBE+ A> VMS >IQE!
"his specification consists of all the $al$e specification sheets %hich
contain complete detail about each $al$e like material of $arious components of a
$al$e , dimension standards, testing standards etc
"he tag number is base on indi$idual consultant.
In EI0 it of 3 digit numer
* the first t%o digits indicates the type of $al$es like 3' for gate
* the third digit indicates the pressure rating,
* last t%o digits indicates $al$e metallurgy / ser$ice like =' : )3 G
.arbon steel, )<*22 G 1lloy steel, 23*D2 G stainless steel etc
D. ,A- PMS / VMS >A+ 1 TAB 1+E P+EP1+E!
!epending upon the $arious parameters like temperature, pressure, corrosion
allo%ance, fluid ser$ice etc and years of e&perience, Standard PMS ha$e been
prepared in consultation %ith Process and Metallurgies. "hese standard PMS/VMS
are stored in the Piping package. "he 5ob Engineer collects a list of all the PMS specs
re#uired in the 5ob from the process engineer/process PPI!. 1ll the PMS specs
re#uired of the Tob is then copied from Standard PMS, An the basis of Tob specific
re#uirements of 0icensor/.lient, the re#uired changes are then made by the Tob
Engineer in the PMS to get the TAB PMS.
>or TAB VMS all the $al$e specs sheets co$ered in the TAB PMS are copied
from Standard VMS and once again on the basis of Tob Specific re#uirements by
0icensor/.lient re#uired changes are made by the TAB Engineer in the VMS to get
the TAB VMS.

'3 of '3

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