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Selecting a Spouse

100- What are the four reasons for which a woman is married?
Property or wealth, status, beauty, and religion
200- What are the two things a woman should look for in a prospective spouse?
Deen and character
300- What is engagement by commissioning?
Assigning someone to look on your behalf
400- In regard to seeing a prospective before marriage, what is the ruling of meeting in a public place?
This is not allowed without a mahram. A public place like food courts, libraries, etc are not
really public because these people dont know who you are, your situation and will not forbid you from
wrong or enjoin good.
500- If the father is not available as wali, who is next after the father?
The preference of the wali follows the law of inheritance, so after the father is the paternal
Marital Rights
100- Are women and men equal?
It depends on area of discussion, we are both human, we have an equal opportunity to grow
religiously but we have different obligations.
200- Give 2 rights of the husband and 2 rights of the wife
Husband: Obedience, remaining in the house, and leaving with permission, responding to call for
intimacy, protecting house in absence, serving the husband, protecting his honor, children and wealth,
being thankful to him, chastisement. Wife: treating her in a kind and respectful manner, teaching her the
matters of the religion and worship, maintaining her chastity, and financially maintaining her.
300- What are the three mutual rights?
Having the right to enjoy one another, treating each other with good manners, establishing the
right of inheritance
400- Is the husbands permission needed for a wife to do general daily tasks, to attend special functions,
or both?
It is needed to attend special functions.
500- In surah Baqarah, ayah 228, what is the meaning that men have qawaam over woman?
It means authority but really it means they are responsible for more things.

Marital Discord
100- what is nushooz
An uprising, rebellion in the house
200- What is the main cause for nushooz?
300- What is the ruling on marriage counseling?
It is allowed, if done by qualified individuals.
400- What is the solution to nushooz?
Understand what your spouse considers loving and do more of them and understand what your
spouse hates, and avoid them.
500- What are the four categories of marriage and why are they important to know in regard to
understanding marital discord?
Traditional, egalitarian, transitional, mixed. They are important to know because they define
roles, and when the roles are crystal clear and defined, this eases much of the tension.
Understanding the Difference
100- Sh. Yaser mentioned that men are Macs and women are PCs, how is this true?
Macs are simple to use and understand, they are user friendly. PCs, on the other hand, require a
bit more effort to understand.
200- What is the reason why men talk vs. why women talk?
To relay information while women talk for social and emotional reasons like strengthening
300- How do men cope with stress?
They keep silent and often seclude themselves
400- What motivates men?
They feel motivated when they are needed. To not be needed is a slow death for a man.
500- How are men like rubber bands?
If men feel stressed or are facing a crisis, they stretch out. Men leave their center to find
themselves and when they have reached their limits they snap back with full energy, faster than how
they went out. If their wives try to go after them then they move even farther away until they break. At
this point there is no coming back. Women need to allow their husbands to stretch out and come back
with a bang!

Maintaining Love/Languages of Love
100- Does marriage kill love?
No, it should increase after marriage.
200-What kind of gift would a man appreciate?
Something practical, preferably the latest technology
300- List all five love languages
Quality time, touch, words of affirmation, gifts, and acts of service
400- What is the best way to practice these languages of love?
Show love the way your spouse would appreciate most-you can find this out through how they
show love to you.
500- What is the ruling on showing public display of affection?
It is not forbidden but it should be regulated depending on circumstances. No spicy stuff in
public, but holding hands, watching sunset

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