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Columbian Exchange

o World being divided between Spanish and portugeese, Italians

o Mexico Spainish
o North America, british , French
Hernando Cortes
Settling of the U.S
o Roanoke, lost settlement
o Jamestown 1607
First agricultural product tobacco
Indentured servitude
1601-1700 era
Bacons rebellion, early rebellion of white settlers against eastern establishments, protection
Northern colonies, puritans
o Why they came
Massachusetts Bay Colony
o Fear of unknown, England
Economy of North
o Lumbar, farms
o Indigo
o Tobacco
Roger Williams Rhode Island
Anne Hutchinson
New York, money based, trade based, harbor
o William Penn
o Best Poor mans Country
o Religiously Tolerant
Maryland Lord Baltimore, catholic
King Phillips War
Natural increase in population
Middle Colonies epicenter of indentured servitude
Slave system, atlantic slave trade, middle passage
great awakening
o George Whitefield
British Empire 1774
English Colonies, French colonies
o Interior, tours for French
French and Indian wars, George Washington kinda started it, Fort Neccessity
Albany Congress, join or die
Consequences of French and indian
o French are gone
o British expand
o Proclamation Line apps mts
o Ohio River Valley
England dominating , spain half
William Pitt begins to bring in colonies to pay off debts of war
Stamp act, sugar act
Virutally representation vs actual representation
Internal vs External Tax
Grenville Prime Minister, George
Townshend Acts 1760s, duties
Non importation, non consumption,
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts
Lexington and Concord
Lord Dunmores proclamation
o Mass emancipation, first
Articles of Confederation
Declartion of Indepedence
Thomas Paine, common sense, to secede
British strategy to ease colonies back in, gentle
American strategy to fall back, attrition
Loyalists, percentage 1/3 , 1/3 pat, 1/3 neut
Saratoga turning point
Valley Forge
French Alliance from saragtoga
o Navy
Yorktown, in Virginia
Treaty of Paris
Weaknesses of Articles
o No tax
o No army
Shays rebellion
States making own constitution
Inflation of money
Northwest territory
Thomas Jefferson settles in
Annapolis convention Philladelphia
Virginia Plan, 1 state 1 vote
Federalist Papers
o To get new York to vote
Anti Federalists ( )
Bill of Rights 10
Hamiltons economic plan
Absorbing debt
Captial in land provided by Virginia
Republican Motherhood, to instill good values in children
Whiskey Rebellion
o Washington sent fed troops to stop
o You have to pay tax
Pontiac War
Neutraility during French rev
Haitian Revolution
o Alluding to slavery
Beware of political parties (Washington)
Adams 1 term
Wanted to neutral
XYZ affair bribery,
John Jay anti federalist dissent
Alien and Sedition acts, infringement of liberties
Aaron Burr v Jefferson
Jefferson Simplicity
Midnight Judges
Marbury v Madison
o Judicial Review, overture acts of congress
Lewis and Clark
Barbary Wars; Tripoli
Embargo with every nation, Jefferson
Madison in white
Indian trouble
War of 1812, battle of new Orleans
Andrew Jackson won at N.O
Era of Good Feelings
Monroe president, JQA secretary
Missouri Compromise
o Maine
o 36 30
o Equal states slave
Corrupt Bargain
o J.Q.A , henry Clay
Henry Clay domestic expansion
Jackson, Market Revolution
Canals, railroads
Steamboats, Lowell Mill girls
Jacksonian era
Use of vetoes
Popullar politics
Spoil System
great awakening,
o Deism
Temperance Movement
American Colonization, send black to Africa
Grimke Sisters
Jackson Indian Removal
Justice ruled Cherokee can be in Georgia
Tariff of Abominations state v fedearl
Nicholas Biddle Bank War
Tyrant v King
Oregon Trail
Mexican American War
Texas invited mexico to colonize it
Issue of bring texas
Henry David Throue
o Civil Disobedience
California Gold Rush
Free Labor ideology
Immigration, Irish and German, scandanivaians
Early Women rights, Seneca falls
Cotton Kingdom, King Cotton
Plantation economy
Life as a slave
Cotton Gin, Eli Whitney
Nat Turner, Rebellion, Denmark slave, 31 people killed
Power of planters
House divided
Wilmot Proviso
o Any territory acquired after war, is free
John C. Calhoun
Compromise of 1850
o Popular Soverignty
Uncle Toms cabin
Kansas and Nebraska act
Whig Party, will be destroyed
Nativists, Republican parties 1854, free labor west
John C. Freemont
John Brown
Dred Scott, beating of Charles Sumner
1858, ascent of Abraham Lincoln
Harpers Ferry raid, for guns by John Brown
Seccessionist Winter, election of Lincoln
South Carolina leaves
Fort Sumnter opening shots
Upper South Virginia, leaves
Advantages North v South
Expectations of winning
Antitem, emancipation proclamation
Western Theatre v Eastern Theatre
Union v Slavery
Copperhead North
McCellan in Election
Gettysburg and Vicksburg turning points
Homestead act, real land act for west
Slaves, contraband, army

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