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Stretch, Move, Groove

Ben Mumme

McGill University

Lesson Stretch, Move, Groove

Learning and Evaluation Situation Focus: To gain knowledge about flexibility and practice it though various physical activities such as yoga and
dance. LES Period #: 1

Date: May 12
, 2014 Grade: 1-2 Number of students: 28 students Duration: 30 min

Objectives: The student will be able to

1) Demonstrates different ways to move about an area with non-locomotor and locomotor movements (Psychomotor)

2) Students will learn how to apply flexibility in stretching, yoga, and dance (Cognitive)

3) Demonstrates respect and acceptance towards their partners (Affective)

Individual Professional Teaching Objective: To teach the students the importance of flexibility. Since lesson is short (30minutes), make sure to
adapt to the students level, since there may not be enough time to do all activities that are planned for the lesson.

P.O.L Comp Knowledge Motor Skills Strategies Behaviour

To interact with
others in
physical activity

Explains in his/her own words the
importance of stretching
Performs stretching exercises

Moving about an area
with and uses locomotor
skills (running, walking,
jumping, etc.)

This is not applicable to
the lesson for grade 3

Respects his/her peers
(partners and opponents)

Activity/ Means of Action Task Progressions Cues Time

Define Flexibility
Flexibility is the capacity of a joint to move
through its full range of motion.

Stretching is a great way to practice flexibility.
Though stretching, we strengthen our muscles,
and extend out joints.

1) Teacher has students spread out in a circle formation and
makes sure that they have room.

2) Teacher explains to students that they will be doing some
jungle stretching, nature yoga and the Madagascar dance.

3) Teacher discusses the topics of flexibility


Circle formation

What types of
sports do you like
that involves

5 min

Jungle Stretching
To teach students a fun way to stretch and easy
ways to remember it by associating it with an
animal. Have students find their own self-space.
Tell the students that they are going to pretend
they are going into the jungle. In order to make
it through the jungle they must turn into
animals! And when they turn into these animals
they have to stretch their bodies! Teacher
presents one animal at a time to students.
Modifications can be changing animals or
commands. Teacher doesnt need to name
every animal, since this is a warm up!

Hunting Lion
o Push-up position
o Keep body low
o See if your toe can reach past your wrist

Hungry Alligators
o Opens mouth wide
o Claps hands like an alligators mouth
o Make sure students alligators mouth is open as
wide as it can.
o See how fast students can open and close their
alligator mouth.
o Make students alligator mouth move side to side.
o Switch hands, if right were on top, put the left on

Monkey Arms
o Reach for bananas
o Pull them down
o See how fast you can grab the bananas

Hunting Lion

Hungry Alligator

Monkey Arms

The Elephant Walk


5 min

The Elephant walk
o Giant steps
o Swing trunks
o Twist Stomach
o How fast you can swing your trunk and walk?
o How loud can you stomp your feet?
o How big can you make your giant steps?


Jungle Stretching

Equipment: N/A
Safety: Keep your head up, communicate, and dont over stretch (teacher will demonstrate how to not over stretch).

Activity/ Means of Action Task Progressions Cues Time
Main Activity

Nature Yoga
o Students scatter throughout the
gymnasium but still in the view of the
teacher. Yoga is a good way to work
flexibility. It is the combination of
stretching and breathing. The teacher
should demonstrate the yoga positions and
do them with the students. Each of these
poses should be held for thirty seconds and
concentrating on slowly breathing together
as a class.

1) Teacher progresses by introducing one position at a

2) Some of the positions taught, will then be seen again in
the dance.

2) Differentiation: Teacher changes to make it more
difficult by doing more of the positions or the higher-level
positions. These can also be varied by the amount of time
each pose is held.
o Stand like a tree
o Crawl like a bear
o Stretch like a butterfly
o Swim like a fish
o Stable like a bridge
o Fly like an airplane

3) Guided practice: Teacher will help the students obtain
and hold the positions

4) Limited Guidance: Teacher verbally prompts the
student from the sideline, rather that working side by side
with them.

Stand like a tree

Crawl like a bear

Stretch like a

Swim like a fish

Stable like a bridge

Fly like an Airplane


Madagascar Dance I like to move it!
Dance is a good way to practice flexibility. With
dance we are able to move our body to different
beats and rhythms of music. Teacher plays the
song, I like to move it from Madagascar. Students
copy the exact same movements that the teacher


1) Teacher introduces to students that they will be
dancing to the Madagascar Dance, I like to move it.

2) Teacher explains why it is a good form of practicing

3) Differentiation: Outlining the types of dancing the
students perform can alter. That being said, there will be
new movements taught to students.

4) Guided Practice: The teacher will participate in front of
the students by leading them with the dance moves that
they will be performing. If necessary, the teacher will
demonstrate for the student again if movements are too


Move to the music

Copy my dance
movements when
the song is on

5 min

Cool Down

Stretch Leader
Have students sit down at the center of the gym.
Teacher picks one student to lead a stretch that the
other students can copy and follow. This is a great
way to bring their heart rate down before a class

1) Students meet back in the center of the gym to recap
todays lesson.

2) While in line, the teacher reviews what was learned,
giving the students the opportunity to answer questions.

3) Before dismissing class, ask students if they have any
questions regarding todays lesson.

Who can tell me
what flexibility is?

What sports do we
find in flexibility?

Have a wonderful

5 min

Diagram (s)

Nature Yoga

Madagascar Dance

Cool Down

Equipment: CD player, I like to move it CD.
Safety: Keep head up; do not move out of your bubble.

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