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Behind the music: alternative rock

Welcome everybody. Thank you for coming. As you probably know, my name is Evelin
and the purpose of this presentation is to get to know more about how modern music we
all know now has been developed since its origins. We will focus on alternative rock
because Im a lover of this genre.
The origins of music could be a controversial topic so I apologie in advance if you dont
agree with some of the information youre going to listen to.
!ut even the e"perts and scholars are unable to come to an agreement. #o I hope you
can forgive me and en$oy the presentation.
What would you think if I told you that rock music comes from Africa% &et me e"plain why
I say so.
'irst, we need to talk about a genre that revolutionies music world.
Jazz is a music that originated at the beginning of the ()th century within the African*
American communities of the #outhern +nited #tates.
This came from black slaves who had learned the European harmonic style of hymns of
the church, and incorporated it into their own music. #o its indisputable that $a began
as black music although some were influenced by non*blacks.
#ome outstanding e"amples are &ouis Armstrong, ,iles -avis and .oe /0ing/ 1liver.
This kind of music was a tribute to their African roots. Improvisation is the most defining
feature of $a because it was The E"pression of 'reedom
2e"t step in the evolution of music move us to 3ock and roll.
3ock and roll
Rock and roll is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the +nited
#tates during the late 456)s and early 457)s,
primarily from a combination of African*
American genres such as rhythm and blues 3:!, $a, and gospel music,
together with
country music. <ow this happened%
The migration of many former slaves to ma$or urban centres meant that black and white
were living in close pro"imity than ever before, and as a result heard each other=s music
and started a /cultural collision/.
Id like to mention !ill <aley, because he is considered he Daddy of Rock and Roll. <is
group !ill <aley : <is >omets launched the music known as /3ock and 3oll/ to a wider,
mostly white audience after a period of it being considered an underground genre.
<ere we can see a picture of !ill <aley with Elvis ?resley, another well*known rock @n roll
3ock =n= roll was for and about adolescents. Its lyrics articulated teenage problemsA
school, cars, summer vacation, parents, and, most important, young love.
Barage rock
Garage rock is a raw form of rock and roll that was first popular in the +nited #tates and
>anada from about 45C; to 45CD.
The term garage rock comes from the perception that many such performers were young
and amateurish, and often rehearsed in a family garage.
Their typical themes were about the traumas of high school life. The lyrics and delivery
were notably more aggressive than was common at the time.
?unk rock
Punk rock is a rock music genre that developed between 45D6 and 45DC in the +nited
#tates, +nited 0ingdom, and Australia. 3ooted in garage rock, punk rock bands re$ected
the mainstream 45D)s rock. They created fast, hard*edged music, typically with
political, anti*establishment lyrics to e"press youthful rebellion.
The 3amones in 2ew Eork >ity and the #e" ?istols and The >lash in &ondon were
recognied as the vanguard of this movement.
!y the late 45D)s, punk rock grew up and as a result musicians identifying with punk also
pursued a broad range of other variations, giving rise to post*punk, new wave and
the alternative rock movement.
&ets have a look at some of the most emblematic bands of these ; branches.
This tendency developed into a dark and melancholic sound. ?ost*punk will led to the
development of genres such as gothic rock and industrial music.
2ew wave
>ommon characteristics of new wave music, aside from its punk influences, include the
use of synthesiers and electronic productions, the importance of styling and the arts, as
well as a great amount of diversity.
,usicians and fans were more fashion than their punk rock forerunners.
Alternative rock
Alternative rock is a genre of rock music, influenced by punk rock, which emerged from
the independent music underground of the 45F)s and became widely popular by the
Alternative rock has been defined by its re$ection of the commercialism of mainstream
culture. With the popularity of the grunge and !ritpop in the 455)s, alternative rock and
many bands became commercially successful.
What is funny is that nowadays if you say that you like alternative rock it can include punk
itself, as well as 2ew Wave, and post*punk.
And now, the name /alternative rock/ is an umbrella term for underground music.
We cant talk about alternative rock and fail to mention 3adiohead, one of the most
famous bands in the world. Its album OK Computer has been freGuently cited by
listeners, critics and musicians as one of the greatest of its time. OK Computer initiated a
shift away from the popular !ritpop genre of the time to the more melancholic and
atmospheric style of alternative rock.
'inally, were going to see the ; highest types of alternative rock.
It emerged during the mid*45F)s in #eattle, America. And Im sure all of you are
familiarise to some degree with this genre thanks to the famous band 2irvana.
Indie rock is a genre that originated in the +nited 0ingdom and the +nited #tates in the
45F)s. It is e"tremely diverse,
The term indie rock, derived from /independent,/ and its pretty underground.
Britpop, as its name suggests, emerged from the !ritish independent music scene of the
early 455). The movement developed as a reaction against the grunge phenomenon
from the #tates.
#ome remarkable e"amples are !lur, 1asis, ?ulp and >oldplay.
3egardless the kind of music you listen to I hope
And this brings me to the end of this presentation.

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