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Use of the gerund

as the subject of a sentence Buying Rover was a big mistake for BMW.
as the object after certain verbs* Most people enjoy driving.
after certain verbs + prepositions I look for!rd to he!ring from you soon.
after certain ajectives + prepositions !e"s not very good !t managing people.
after certain nouns + prepositions We"ll have no diffi"ulty in selling the prouct.
after verbs of perception #action going on$ I s! him st!ggering own the roa towars the pub.
#Ver$ % gerund& avoi% can"t help% eny% rea% enjoy% #can"t$ face% fancy% feel like. finish% give up%
imagine% keep #on$% min% miss% postpone% practise% put off% resent% risk% spen time% #can"t$ stan%
Use of the infinitive
a$ ithout to after
moal au&iliaries
make an let
verbs of perception
#complete action$
We "!n't r!ise the prices by more than '(.
My boss wouln"t let me le!ve early. )he (!de me do overtime.
I s! him o)en the safe an hel) himself to the money.
b$ ith to after
certain verbs*
*uestion wors
the first+last+only
ajectives + for
I"m sorry% but I"m not re!dy to go yet.
)he !nts to find a job in marketing after she"s grauate.
,an you tell me here to )!rk my car-
!enry .or was the first to use flow prouction in a car factory.
/ntil then cars ha been too e*)ensive for most people to $uy.

#Ver$ % infinitive ith to& !fford+ agree% aim% are% ecie% e&pect% fail% happen% hope% manage%
mean% offer% prepare% preten% promise% refuse% seem% threaten% want% wish
Gerund or infinitive , little differen"e in (e!ning
I $eg!n to )l!y the piano when I was si&.
We must "ontinue to look for new staff.
I $eg!n )l!ying the piano when I was si&.
We must "ontinue looking for new staff.
0fter some verbs #begin% start% continue% like% love% hate% inten an prefer$ you can usually use either
a gerun or an infinitive. 1here is practically no ifference in meaning.
2&ception3 0fter woul+shoul + like+love% only the infinitive can be use.
Gerund or infinitive , i()ort!nt differen"e in (e!ning
stop I"ve sto))ed s(oking. 1he activity #smoking$ stops.
We sto))ed to s(oke a cigarette. 1he activity is the reason for
I re(e($er )l!ying with 4ego.
I"ll never forget driving into that brick wall.
I regret not le!rning 4atin.
1he activity or event has
alreay happene.
Re(e($er to take back those library books.
)he forgot to lo"k the oor.
We regret to say that we are unable to help you.
1he activity has not yet
happene. It can or is+was
suppose to be one.
mean I in"t (e!n to interru)t. to inten to
0 5.6' lesson (e!ns getting u) early. to have as a result+an effect
try 1hey tried giving him penicillin% but it ha no effect. to test something to see if it
I tried to lift the crate% but it was too heavy. to attempt something ifficult
A Complete the telephone call.
)3 7oo morning% 0,M2 2nterprises.
03 !ello% I" like #speak$ to Mr 8kinawa.
)3 Who"s calling-
03 9arl Maier% from )chwenningen. I woner if I coul #see$ him this
)3 I"m afrai Mr 8kinawa is not free this week. !e trie #reach$ you by
phone several times last week% but you were in :ew ;ork.
03 ;es% I"m sorry. I remember #ask$ him to call me% but I forgot
#tell$ him I" be away.
)3 <erhaps I can ask him #call$ you as soon as he"s free ne&t week.
03 ;es% please o. I"ll look forwar to #hear$ from him.
)3 8kay. 1hank you for #call$. We"ll talk again ne&t week.
03 .ine. Bye for now.
)3 7oobye.
B Complete the sentences.
=. I"m not looking forwar to
>. I"ll never forget
?. I really can"t affor
6. When I get home from college% I often fancy
'. I never get roun to
@. I"m afrai I often postpone
5. 0s a chil I woul often preten
A. When I"m not feeling confient% I rea
B. I have always meant to
=C. 0m I ambitious- Well% I aim
==. 0s a chil I woul often resent
=>. I will always regret
=?. I really shoul give up
=6. 0fter I leave college% I"ll probably continue
='. 0t the moment I can hear someboy

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