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Ho3e Re'earc1 - Anal7'i' Article' 64e'tion' in 64e'tionnaire +e'ign
Different Types of Questions in Questionnaire
*age Content
T75e' o( 64e'tionnaire .or3at' Cla''i(ication o( Clo'ed .or3at 64e'tion' 64e'tion' to Be A2oided In
a 64e'tionnaire
/o't o( 4' 0no8 t1e i35ortance o( 94e'tionnaire' in collecting '4r2e7 data (ro3 a large a4dience: ;4t
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are 4ncertain a;o4t t1e 5lace3ent o( di((erent t75e' o( 94e'tion' in 94e'tionnaire< T1ere are di((erent
t75e' o( 94e'tionnaire' 5o''i;le t1at 5oll'ter' can 'end to t1eir a4dience: and t1e (or3at o(
94e'tionnaire de5end' entirel7 on 81at in(or3ation i' to ;e e)tracted (ro3 re'5ondent'<
So: t1e 0e7 to creating ;e't 94e'tionnaire 94e'tion' i': 4nder'tanding t1e 94e'tionnaire (or3at: and t1e
t75e o( 94e'tion' t1at can ;e a'0ed to re'5ondent' 4'ing a '4r2e7< At O4t'o4rce$india: 8e 1a2e great
0no8ledge and e)5erti'e in creating ela;orate 94e'tionnaire de'ign t1at can 1el5 7o4 (etc1 de'ired data
and cond4ct data anal7'i'<
Types of Questionnaire Formats
T1ere are t8o t75e' o( 94e'tionnaire 94e'tion': o5en-ended and clo'ed-ended< .ollo8ing de'cri5tion
8ill 1el5 7o4 4nder'tand t1e (or3at o( 94e'tionnaire ;etter: 1a2e a loo0!
1. Open Format Questions
O5en (or3at 94e'tion' or o5en-ended 94e'tion' gi2e 7o4r a4dience an o55ort4nit7 to e)5re'' t1eir
o5inion' in a (ree-(lo8ing 3anner< T1e'e 94e'tion' don=t 1a2e 5redeter3ined 'et o( re'5on'e' and t1e
re'5ondent i' (ree to an'8er 81ate2er 1e>'1e (eel' rig1t< B7 incl4ding o5en (or3at 94e'tion' in 7o4r
94e'tionnaire: 7o4 can get tr4e: in'ig1t(4l and e2en 4ne)5ected '4gge'tion'< 64alitati2e 94e'tion' (all
4nder t1i' categor7<
An ideal 94e'tionnaire 8o4ld incl4de an o5en-ended 94e'tion at t1e end o( t1e 94e'tionnaire t1at 'ee0'
(eed;ac0 and>or '4gge'tion' (or i35ro2e3ent' (ro3 re'5ondent'<
Example of an Open Format Question
2. Closed Format Questions
/4lti5le c1oice 94e'tion': 81ere re'5ondent' are re'tricted to c1oo'e a3ong an7 o( t1e gi2en 34lti5le
c1oice an'8er' are 0no8n a' clo'ed (or3at or clo'ed-ended 94e'tion'< T1ere i' no (i)ed li3it a' to 1o8
3an7 34lti5le c1oice' '1o4ld ;e gi2en? t1e n43;er can ;e e2en or odd<
One o( t1e 3ain ad2antage' o( incl4ding clo'ed (or3at 94e'tion' in 7o4r 94e'tionnaire de'ign i' t1e
ea'e at 5er(or3ing 5reli3inar7 anal7'i'< T1e'e 94e'tion' are ideal (or calc4lating 'tati'tical data and
5ercentage': a' t1e an'8er' 'et i' 0no8n< Clo'ed ended 94e'tion' can al'o ;e a'0ed to di((erent gro45'
at di((erent inter2al' to e((icientl7 trac0 t1eir o5inion a;o4t a 5rod4ct>'er2ice>co35an7 o2er ti3e<
Clo'ed-ended 94e'tion' can ;e (4rt1er cla''i(ied into # t75e'<
Example of a Closed Format Question
Classification of Closed Format Questions for Questionnaire
T1ere are # 8a7' in 81ic1 5oll'ter' can create 5olling or '4r2e7 94e'tion' (or t1eir re'5ondent' to
collect acc4rate 'tati'tical data< .ollo8ing i' a li't o( # t75e' o( clo'ed-ended 94e'tion' t1at can ;e a
5art o( 7o4r 94e'tionnaire de'ign!
A. Leading Questions
64e'tion' t1at (orce 7o4r a4dience (or a 5artic4lar t75e o( an'8er are 0no8n a' leading 94e'tion'< In a
leading 94e'tion: all t1e an'8er' 8o4ld ;e e94all7 li0el7< An e)a35le o( a leading 94e'tion 8o4ld ;e a
94e'tion 8it1 c1oice' '4c1 a': (air: good: great: 5oor: '45er;: e)cellent etc< T1e'e 94e'tion' are 3eant
to get an o5inion (ro3 t1e a4dience in li3ited 8ord'<
Example of a ClosedEnded Leading Question
!. "mportance Questions
In i35ortance 94e'tion': t1e re'5ondent' are 4'4all7 a'0ed to rate t1e i35ortance o( a 5artic4lar i''4e:
on a rating 'cale o( & to %< T1e'e 94e'tion' can 1el5 7o4 4nder'tand t1ing' t1at 1old 'igni(icance to
7o4r re'5ondent' and allo8 7o4 3a0e ;4'ine'' critical deci'ion'<
Example of a ClosedEnded "mportance Question
C. Li#ert Questions
Li0ert 94e'tion' can 1el5 7o4 a'certain 1o8 'trongl7 7o4r re'5ondent' agree to a 5artic4lar 'tate3ent<
S4c1 t75e o( 94e'tion' al'o 1el5 7o4 a''e'' 1o8 7o4r c4'to3er' (eel to8ard' a certain i''4e: 5rod4ct or
Example of a ClosedEnded Li#ert Question
D. Dic$otomous Questions
T1e'e are 'i35le 94e'tion' t1at a'0 re'5ondent' to an'8er in a 7e' or no< One 3a@or dra8;ac0 8it1
dic1oto3o4' 94e'tion' i' t1at it cannot anal7Ae t1e an'8er' ;et8een 7e' and no: t1ere i' no 'co5e (or a
3iddle 5er'5ecti2e<
Example of a ClosedEnded Dic$otomous Question
E. !ipolar Questions
Bi5olar 94e'tion' are t1e one' 1a2ing t8o e)tre3e an'8er' 8ritten at t1e o55o'ite end' o( t1e 'cale<
T1e re'5ondent' are a'0ed to 3ar0 t1eir re'5on'e' ;et8een t1o'e t8o<
Example of a ClosedEnded !ipolar Question
F. %ating &cale Questions
In rating 'cale 94e'tion': t1e re'5ondent' are a'0ed to rate a 5artic4lar i''4e on a 'cale t1at range'
;et8een 5oor to good< Rating 'cale 94e'tion' 4'4all7 1a2e an e2en n43;er o( c1oice': 'o t1at
re'5ondent' are not gi2en t1e c1oice o( 'electing a 3iddle o5tion<
Example of a ClosedEnded %ating &cale Question
'. !uying (ropensity Questions
B47ing 5ro5en'it7 94e'tion' tr7 to a''e'' t1e (4t4re intention' o( c4'to3er' and deter3ine re'5ondent='
;47ing intention< T1e'e 94e'tion' a'0 re'5ondent' i( t1e7 8ant to ;47 a 5artic4lar 5rod4ct: 81at
re94ire3ent' t1e7 8ant to ;e addre''ed: and 81et1er t1e7 8o4ld ;47 '4c1 a 5rod4ct in (4t4re<
Example of a ClosedEnded !uying propensity Question
Questions to !e A)oided "n a Questionnaire
T1ere i' 'o3et1ing 3ore i35ortant t1an 0no8ing t1e 94e'tionnaire (or3at and 81at t75e o( 94e'tion'
to ;e a'0ed in a 94e'tionnaire< It i' 4nder'tanding: 81at 94e'tion' need to ;e a2oided in a '4r2e7 or
Ta0e care to a2oid (ollo8ing t75e o( 94e'tion' 81en 5re5aring a 94e'tionnaire!
1. Em*arrassing Questions
64e'tion' t1at a'0 re'5ondent' detail' a;o4t t1eir 5er'onal and 5ri2ate 3atter' are e3;arra''ing
94e'tion'< S4c1 t75e' o( 94e'tion' are ;etter to ;e a2oided a' 7o4 ri'0 lo'ing tr4't o( 7o4r re'5ondent'<
,o4r re'5ondent' 3ig1t al'o (eel 4nco3(orta;le to an'8er '4c1 94e'tion' and 3ig1t re(4'e to an'8er
7o4r 94e'tionnaire altoget1er<
2. (ositi)e+ ,egati)e Connotation Questions
Since 3o't 2er;': ad@ecti2e' and no4n' in t1e Engli'1 lang4age 1a2e eit1er a 5o'iti2e or negati2e
connotation': 94e'tion' are ;o4nd to ;e ta0en a' eit1er 5o'iti2e or negati2e< W1ile de(ining a 94e'tion:
'trong negati2e or 5o'iti2e o2ertone' 34't ;e a2oided< ,o4 8ill get di((erent data de5ending on t1e
5o'iti2e or negati2e connotation o( 7o4r 94e'tion< Ideal 94e'tion' '1o4ld 1a2e ne4tral or '4;tle
-. .ypot$etical Questions
H75ot1etical 94e'tion' are ;a'ed on '5ec4lation and (anta'7< An e)a35le o( a 175ot1etical 94e'tion
8o4ld ;e "I( 7o4 8ere t1e CEO o( an ABC organiAation 81at 8o4ld ;e t1e c1ange' t1at 7o4 8o4ld
;ringB" 64e'tion' '4c1 a' t1e'e: (orce re'5ondent' to gi2e t1eir idea' on a 5artic4lar '4;@ect: and
generall7 t1e data collected t1ro4g1 '4c1 94e'tion' are incon'i'tent and 4nclear< H75ot1etical 94e'tion'
'1o4ld ;e a2oided in 94e'tionnaire'<
Outsource Questionnaire Design to O2"
O4t'o4rce$india: a 5ioneer in o4t'o4rcing 8ide-range o( 'ol4tion' and 1a' 7ear' o( e)5erience in
de'igning e((ecti2e 94e'tionnaire'< We 1a2e a tea3 o( 94ali(ied 3ar0eting 94e'tionnaire de'ign e)5ert'
81o are '0illed in de'igning ideal 94e'tionnaire'<
A5art (ro3 de'igning 94e'tionnaire': 8e al'o 1a2e e)5erti'e in de2i'ing 94e'tion' t1at can 1el5 7o4 get
t1e an'8er' 7o4 are loo0ing (or< We can 1el5 7o4 8it1 an7 94erie' related to "Ho8 to de'ign a
94e'tionnaire" or "t75e' o( 3ar0eting 94e'tionnaire and t1eir 4tilit7"<
We 1a2e t1e in(ra'tr4ct4re and re'o4rce' to 5ro2ide 7o4 not onl7 de'ign 94e'tionnaire: ;4t al'o anal7Ae
re'4lt' and do re5orting< Ha2e a loo0!
Questionnaire Design/ O4r e)5ert' de2elo5 94e'tionnaire ;a'ed on t1e o;@ecti2e o( 7o4r
re'earc1 0ee5ing in 3ind di((erent a4dience and de'ign c1annel'
Data Collection/ We collect t1e 94e'tionnaire data 4'ing 2ario4' tool': and 'tore it (or (4rt1er
Coding/ O4r data coding e)5ert' and data clean'ing anal7't' organiAe data (or (4rt1er anal7'i'
Data Analysis/ Ba'ed on t1e client'= ;4'ine'' o;@ecti2e' o4r e)5ert 'tati'tical anal7't' anal7Ae
and 5ro2ide rele2ant in'ig1t' on data
%eporting + %eport (reparation/ A(ter data anal7'i': 8e 5re5are detailed re5ort' 'o t1at t1e
anal7'i' i' 5re'ented in a 5ro(e''ional 8a7: and 'enior 3anage3ent can ta0e deci'ion' ea'il7
O4t'o4rce 3ar0eting 94e'tionnaire de'ign to O4t'o4re$india and get acce'' to 5ro(icient and
5ro(e''ional 'er2ice' 8it1in a (a't t4rnaro4nd ti3e<

.O0 0E 0O%1
a3eC E3ailC *1oneC
Enter 7o4r re94ire3ent'C

1ey Differentiators
C4'to3er Te'ti3onial'
*ro@ect Sec4rit7
S*SS So(t8are
*redicti2e Anal7'i'
A;o4t U'
Re'earc1 Tea3
64alit7 S7'te3'
T4rnaro4nd Ti3e
B4'ine'' Bene(it'
/ar0et Re'earc1 *roce''
We;-;a'ed /ar0et Re'earc1 *roce''
Intellect4al Re'o4rce' at O$I
B4'ine'' Anal7't' at O$I
.inancial Anal7't' at O$I
*1ar3a Re'earc1 Tool'
*1ar3a Re'earc1 Anal7't'
Case &tudies
We c4'to3iAe 5ricing (or 7o4r o4t'o4rcing 5ro@ect'<
CA&E &T2D"E&
O4r re'earc1 - anal7'i' 'er2ice' 1a2e created glo;al '4cce'' 'torie'<
Val4e-added 'er2ice' 8it1 no co35ro3i'e on 94alit7

Hel5 E In(ra'tr4ct4re E Ca'e St4die' E C4'to3er Te'ti3onial' E Tec1nolog7 E All A;o4t India E *ri2ac7
*olic7 E Career' E e8'letter E .A6' E Site3a5
Lang4age'! Engli'1 E .rancai' E E'5aFol E +e4t'c1

T1e in(or3ation on t1i' 8e;'ite i' 5rotected ;7 co57rig1t< U'er' o( t1i' 8e;'ite are not a4t1oriAed to
redi'tri;4te: re5rod4ce: re54;li'1: 3odi(7: or 3a0e co33ercial 4'e o( t1e in(or3ation 8it1o4t t1e
8ritten a4t1oriAation o( .lat8orld Sol4tion' *2t< Ltd< We are co33itted to t1e 5re2ention o( co57rig1t
in(ringe3ent< Read 3ore a;o4t .lat8orld=' Ter3' o( U'e<
G $HH$ - $H&D .lat8orld Sol4tion' *2t< Ltd< All Rig1t' Re'er2ed< *ri2ac7 *olic7 E Ter3' o( U'e

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