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Grade 5: S.S.

Greek Mythology
1 hr and 5 minutes Can be split into multiple days
I. Objectives
Learning Objectives SWBAT describe what a myth is in relation to Ancient Greece.
SWBAT identify characteristics of the 12 Olympian Gods and
Goddesses as well as identify the moral of the Athena and Medusa
Subject FCPS POS FCPS POS 7.b Describe how myths contributed to the culture and
values of Greece
VA SOL Math: 5.10 The student will determine an amount of elapsed time in
hours and minutes within a 24-hour period.
English: 5.1 The student will listen, draw conclusions, and share
responses in subject-related group learning activities.
a) Participate in and contribute to discussions across content
d) Communicate new ideas to others.
e) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams.
f) Demonstrate the ability to work independently.
English: 5.9 The student will find, evaluate, and select appropriate
resources for a research product.
5.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional
texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry.
b) Describe character development.
c) Describe the development of plot and explain the resolution of
g) Identify main idea.
h) Summarize supporting details from text.
i) Draw conclusions and make inferences from text.
j) Identify cause and effect relationships.
k) Make, confirm, or revise predictions.
II. Materials for Learning Activities
To be used by the teacher: To be used by the students:
SMARTboard- Greek mythology
Wordle website
Greek Mythology WOW wkst
Greek Mythology WIO wksts
S.S. interactive notebook
III. Procedures for Learning Activities
10 minutes
LINK: We have been talking about Greece and today we will be
talking about the Myths of Greece. On your sticky note, write
down 1-3 words that you think of when you hear myths.
HOOK: Enter words into to show the students how the
class as a whole views myths
Instructional Strategies
45 minutes
After showing the students their wordle, display the
SMARTboard notebook, and ask students what works were
repeated the most. Call on students to contribute. Explain to
students why myths were created.
Prior to iPads, cell phones, and t.v.s people made up myths to
entertain each other and explain happenings around them such as
the sun rising and setting.
Many of these myths were focused around the Greek Gods of
Call on students to name any Greek Gods or Goddesses they have
prior knowledge of. Pass out WOW about the Olympic Gods.
Review SMARTboard slide of all 12 Gods/Goddesses. Once
finished, ask the students quick check-in questions such as: Who
was the god of Music? Fire? The underworld? Who was the
messenger of the Gods? What was the symbol for Athena?
Read aloud Athena and Medusa myth. During read aloud, pause
for predictions. Discuss theme, main idea, and points of view from
the myth.
Complete WIO in table groups. Review answers after all groups
have completed the worksheet.
10 minutes
After students glue in their WOW and WIO sheets into their
notebooks, pass out the Greek Project rubrics and discuss each
option and answer questions that students may have.
Extensions After Greek Myths lessons, ask students to provide three words
that come to mind when asked about myths. Enter words into
wordle and compare their new wordle to the wordle they did on
the first day of Greek Myths.
Have students create costumes for a Greek God or Goddess of
their choosing. Allow students to share their creations with whole
class or group tables.
Readers Theatre
End of unit Project
IV. Assessment
Formative Anecdotal notes on student contributions to class discussion and
Checklist of students contributions during group work and
completion of tasks.
Summative Greek end of unit project
V. Differentiation
Read aloud SMARTboard
Allow students to verbally express their contributions for the
wordle instead of writing it down and/or allow access to a
dictionary/word processor.
Allow students to work independently and/or in groups for WIO
for Athena and Medusa.
VI. Technology Integration

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