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2012 Blackwell Publishing

doi: 10.1111/j.13652!"2.2012.022#1.$
Jour na l o f
Oral Rehabilitation
%ou&nal o' (&al )ehabilitation 2012 3#* "63+",1
)e-iew .&ticle
/ental occlusion0 bod1 2ostu&e and te32o&o3andibula&
diso&de&s: whe&e we a&e now and whe&e we a&e heading 'o&
/. 4.56)7/8 58 90 :. ;.<:)(6L()8 (
0 > . P7)8 57::8
@ L . >A.)/ . 5.)/ 8 5 8
9/e2a&t3ent o' 4a$illo'acial <u&ge&10 :4/ ;linic0 Ani-e&sit1 o' Pado-a0 ;a&&a&a0
P&i-ate 2&actice0 :u&in and
/e2a&t3ent o'
4edical0 <u&gical and Bealth <ciences0 Ani-e&sit1 o' :&ieste0 :&ieste0 8tal1
<A44.)C :he ai3 o' this in-estigation was to
2e& 'o&3 a &e-iew o' the lite&atu&e dealing with the
issue o' &elationshi2s between dental occlusion0
bod1 2ostu&e and te32o&o3andibula& diso&de&s
D:4/E. . sea&ch o' the a-ailable lite&atu&e was
2e&'o&3ed to dete&3ine what the cu&&ent
e-idence is &ega&ding: DiE :he 2h1siolog1 o' the
dental occlusion+bod1 2ostu&e &elationshi20 DiiE
:he &elationshi2 o' these two to2ics with :4/
and DiiiE :he -alidit1 o' the a-ailable clinical and
inst&u3ental de-ices Dsu&'ace elect&o31og&a2h10
kinesiog&a2h1 and 2ostu&al
2lat'o&3sE to 3easu&e the dental occlusion+bod1
2ostu&e+:4/ &elationshi2. :he a-ailable 2ostu&o
g&a2hic techniFues and de-ices ha-e not
consis tentl1 'ound an1 association between bod1
2ostu&e and dental occlusion. :his outco3e is
3ost likel1 due to the 3an1 co32ensation
3echanis3s occu& &ing within the
neu&o3uscula& s1ste3 &egulating bod1 balance.
6u&the&3o&e0 the lite&atu&e shows
that :4/ a&e not o'ten &elated to s2eci'ic occlusal
conditions0 and the1 also do not ha-e an1 detect
able &elationshi2s with head and bod1 2ostu&e. :he
use o' clinical and inst&u3ental a22&oaches 'o&
assessing bod1 2ostu&e is not su22o&ted b1 the
wide 3ajo&it1 o' the lite&atu&e0 3ainl1 because o'
wide -a&iations in the 3easu&able -a&iables o'
2ostu&e. 8n conclusion0 the&e is no e-idence 'o&
the e$istence o' a 2&edictable &elationshi2 between
occlusal and 2ostu&al 'eatu&es0 and it is clea&
that the 2&esence o' :4/ 2ain is not &elated
with the e$istence o' 3easu&able
occluso2ostu&al abno&3alities. :he&e'o&e0 the
use inst&u3ents and techniFues ai3ing to
3easu&e 2u&2o&ted occlusal0 elect&o31og&a2hic0
kinesiog&a2hic o& 2ostu&o g&a2hic
abno&3alities cannot be justi'ied in the
e-idencebased :4/ 2&actice.
G7CH()/<: occlusion0 bod1 2ostu&e0 te32o&o3an
dibula& diso&de&s0 diagnosis0 t&eat3ent
.cce2ted 'o& 2ublication 2! %anua&1 2012
:he issue o' &elationshi2s between dental occlusion0
bod1 2ostu&e and te32o&o3andibula& diso&de&s D:4/E
is a cont&o-e&sial to2ic in dentist&10 and it is o'ten a
sou&ce o' s2eculations. . desc&i2tion o' the a-ailable
knowledge about the 2h1siolog1 o' the bod1 2ostu&e+
dental occlusion &elationshi2 is 'unda3ental to discuss
the 2ossible diagnostic and the&a2eutic i32lications o'
the assess3ent o' bod1 2ostu&e in subjects with occlusal
2012 Blackwell Publishing
abno&3alities o& 2atients with :4/. 8n 2a&ticula&0
clai3s 'o& t&eating :4/ acco&ding to 2atho2h1siological
conce2ts to co&&ect 2u&2o&ted occluso2ostu&al abno&
3alities see3 to be based on doubt'ul theo&ies. :he
in-asi-e natu&e o' such t&eat3ents &eFui&es that these
conce2ts ha-e to be 2&o-en with e-idencebased data
which account 2&o2e&l1 'o& the 2h1siolog1 o' such
.cco&ding to the 2&o2onents o' these conce2ts0
a22&o2&iate diagnostic 2&ocedu&es and inst&u3ent ha-e
20! /. 4.5 6 ) 7 /8 58 et al.
to be ado2ted to 3easu&e sto3atognathic 'unction and
to assess its 2ossible &elation with the whole bod1
2ostu&e. :o this 2u&2ose0 se-e&al 3echanical o& elec
t&onic de-ices ha-e been utilised as 3easu&e3ent tools
in the &esea&ch setting* a3ong othe&s0 the1 include
su&'ace elect&o31og&a2h1 Ds74>E0 kinesiog&a2h1 DG>E0
2ostu&al 2lat'o&3s and 2ostu&og&a2hic de-ices. Bow
e-e&0 thei& use in the clinical setting as standalone
diagnostic tools has &aised st&ong negati-e c&iticis3
within the scienti'ic co33unit1 D1+3E. 8ndeed0 the
3ost co33on a22lication 'o& so3e o' the abo-e de-ices
is in the diagnosis o' :4/0 whe&e the1 a&e '&eFuentl1
used to diagnose occlusal abno&3alities and to 2lan
thei& i&&e-e&sible co&&ection to 3anage and e-en 2&e
-ent :4/ s132to3s D"E. <2ace does not 2e&3it a 'ull
discussion o' this 3atte& he&e0 but su''ice it to sa1 that
this a22&oach to :4/ 2&oble3s has been widel1
challenged and gene&all1 &ejected b1 the scienti'ic
:4/ co33unit1.
(wing to the lack o' knowledge &ega&ding se-e&al
as2ects o' the occlusion+bod1 2ostu&e+:4/ &elation
shi20 it see3s that caution is needed be'o&e &e'uting
the diagnostic use'ulness o' 'unctional inst&u3ental
assess3ent in the clinical setting. :he&e'o&e0 the
autho&s decided to &e-iew the a-ailable lite&atu&e on
these 3atte&s to anal1se cu&&ent scienti'ic thinking
about the 'ollowing th&ee to2ics: DiE :he 2h1siolog1 o'
the dental occlusion+bod1 2ostu&e &elationshi20 DiiE
:he &elationshi2 o' these two 'acto&s with :4/ and
DiiiE :he -alidit1 o' the a-ailable inst&u3ental de-ices
to 3easu&e the dental occlusion+bod1 2ostu&e+:4/
Ph1siolog1 o' the dental occlusion+
bod1 2ostu&e &elationshi2
:he bio3echanical and neu&ological &elationshi2s o'
the sto3atognathic s1ste3 with othe& bod1 dist&icts
ha-e been add&essed b1 a g&owing nu3be& o'
&esea&ches in &ecent 1ea&s D50 6E. :he a-ailable lite&atu&e
&e-iews suggested that the&e is a two'old need to
i32&o-e the 3ethodological Fualit1 o' the in-estiga
tions as well as to add&ess 3o&e s2eci'ic clinical
Fuestions D,+10E. 8n 2a&ticula&0 the occlusion+2ostu&e
&elationshi2s 3ust be assessed in te&3s o' a 2ossible
twowa1 e''ect0 -iI.0 occlusion a''ects 2ostu&e and
-ice-e&sa. .t 2&esent0 lite&atu&e data we&e 3ostl1 based
on the e''ects o' dental occlusion on head and bod1
2ostu&e0 while -e&1 sca&ce in'o&3ation is a-ailable on
the in-e&se e''ects o' 2ostu&e on dental occlusion. <o3e
occlusal 'eatu&es &elated with g&oss skeletal 3alocclu
sions a&e likel1 to &eFui&e 2ostu&al ada2tation at nea& as
well as &e3ote 3usculoskeletal dist&icts* so0 it should be
inte&esting to gain a bette& insight into the &elationshi2
o'0 a3ong the othe&s0 se-e&e &et&ognathis30 2&o
nounced 2&ognathis30 skeletal h12e& J h12odi-e&gence0
'acial as133et&10 with 2ostu&al ada2tation at the
ce&-ical s2ine le-el0 as well as 2ostu&al balance and
'oot leaning a&ea.
.s conce&ns the &elationshi2 between 3alocclusions
and head 2ostu&e0 a co&&elation was desc&ibed between
'eatu&es o' skeletal class 88 3alocclusions0 -iI.0 &et&uded
3andibula& 2osition and &educed 3andibula& length on
the sagittal 2lane and inc&eased ce&-ical lo&dosis D11E.
.lso0 the deg&ee o' ce&-ical lo&dosis was shown to be
associated with -e&tical c&anio'acial 3o&2holog1 and
ante&io& o-e&jet0 with skeletal class 88 ha-ing an ante
&io&ised and class 888 a 2oste&io&ised head and bod1
2ostu&e D12E. .ctuall10 no in-estigation so 'a& cont&olled
'o& the e''ect o' age as a 2ossible con'ounde&. <uch
sho&tco3ing assu3es i32o&tance in the light o' 'ind
ings that age is the 3ain 'acto& in'luencing the deg&ee
o' ce&-ical lo&dosis0 with the two -a&iables ha-ing a
di&ect 2&o2o&tional &elationshi20 -iI.0 lo&dosis inc&eases
with age D13E.
.s &ega&ds the in'luence o' dental occlusion abno&
3alities on &e3ote 3usculoskeletal dist&icts0 it was
h12othesised that jaw 2ostu&e 3a1 in'luence distal
3uscles and cause 2ostu&al ada2tations at the s2ine
co&d le-el. .3ong the occlusal 'acto&s 2otentiall1
in'luencing s2ine cu&-e and 3o&2holog10 the &ole o'
3onolate&al c&ossbite has been in-estigated in the
lite&atu&e as a &isk 'acto& 'o& as133et&ic jaw g&owth and
3uscle acti-it1 D1"0 15E. .ctuall10 des2ite the well
known o&thodontic indications to co&&ect 3onolate&al
c&ossbite in the 2aediat&ic age D16E0 e-idence is lacking
that unt&eated c&ossbite 3a1 lead to the onset and J o&
wo&sening o' 2athological t&ans-e&se as133et&1 at the
do&sal o& lu3ba& s2ine le-el. (&thodontic t&eat3ent o'
3onolate&al c&ossbite cannot in'luence0 neithe& 2osi
ti-el1 no& negati-el10 scoliosis0 which is the s2ine
2atholog1 3o&e '&eFuentl1 in-estigated in dentist&1
D#E. 8ndeed0 scoliosis has an unknown idio2athic aeti
olog1 in about #0K o' cases D1,0 1!E.
4o&e in gene&al0 the a-ailable studies 'ocused on the
association between a single occlusal 'eatu&e and a
single 2ostu&al 2a&a3ete& in non&e2&esentati-e 2o2u
lations0 in the absence o' cont&ol g&ou2s0 without blind
2012 Blackwell Publishing
e$a3ine&s0 and with the ado2tion o' 3easu&e3ent
tools the -alidit1 o' which was not assessed. .lso0 a
causeande''ect &elationshi2 was ne-e& assessed as this
would &eFui&e longitudinal studies that a&e cu&&entl1
:he lite&atu&e is not conclusi-e also as 'o& the
in'luence o' jaw 2ostu&e and occlusal 'eatu&es on the
'oot leaning a&ea. :he a-ailable 2ostu&og&a2hic tech
niFues and de-ices 'ailed to detect an association
between bod1 2ostu&e and dental occlusion D1#0 20E
o&0 when detected0 these we&e notabl1 s3all and with
2oo& clinical &ele-ance. ;linicall10 this 3eans that
t&ige3inal 2&io2&ioce2tion in'luencing 2ostu&e is likel1
3ediated b1 co32ensation 3echanis3s th&ough a''e&
ent 2athwa1s to the neu&o3uscula& s1ste3 &egulating
bod1 balance and 2ostu&e. .s a conseFuence0 it can be
suggested that 2ostu&og&a2hic techniFues 3a1 be
e32lo1ed 'o& the stud1 o' 2ostu&e 2h1siolog1 in the
&esea&ch setting0 but thei& clinical use'ulness in den
tist&1 is 2oo&. 4o&eo-e&0 it see3s that the e$ecution o'
cont&olled jaw 3oto& tasks has a 2ositi-e e''ect on
2ostu&e cont&ol b1 &educing bod1 swa1 a&ea0 thus
suggesting that occlusal 2&io2&ioce2ti-e 'eedback a''ects
2ostu&e cont&ol inde2endentl1 b1 the 3o&2holog1 o'
dental occlusion D21E.
(cclusion0 bod1 2ostu&e and
:he&e a&e se-e&al conce&ns that 2&e-ent '&o3 d&awing
conclusions on the 2h1sio2atholog1 o' the &elationshi2
between occlusion and 2ostu&e and its clinical i32act*
a3ong these0 the need to 'ind a22&o2&iate 3easu&e
3ent de-ices and the lack o' 3ajo& associations
between an1 occlusal and J o& 2ostu&al 'eatu&es and
:4/ s132to3s.
.s &ega&ds the 3easu&e3ent o' occlusal and 2ostu&al
'eatu&es0 se-e&al techniFues De.g. s74>0 G>0 di''e&ent
clinical and inst&u3ental 2ostu&og&a2hic a22&oachesE
we&e 2&o2osed o-e& the 1ea&s to assess -a&ious neu&o
3uscula& -a&iables which we&e clai3ed b1 2&o2onents
to be &elated with dental occlusion and bod1 2ostu&e.
/es2ite the e''o&ts 3ade in the &esea&ch setting to assess
and i32&o-e the &eliabilit1 o' those inst&u3ental
de-ices 'o& the stud1 o' the sto3atognathic s1ste3
and the &elationshi2 with 2ostu&e D22+26E0 the1 ha-e
wellknown st&ong li3its to thei& clinical a22lication
because o' the absence o' no&3ati-e -alues cont&olled
'o& age0 se$0 weight0 height and 'acial 3o&2holog1.
4o&eo-e&0 data inte&2&etation is o'ten 3isleading owing
to the high int&a and inte&e$a3ine&s -a&iabilit1 'o&
single0 as well as &e2eated 3easu&es D2,E.
:he 3ajo&it1 o' inst&u3ental data on the sto3ato
gnathic s1ste3 we&e achie-ed with s74> &eco&dings0
which 3a1 hel2 to assess the kinesiolog1 o' 3o-e3ent
diso&de&s0 to disc&i3inate between di''e&ent t&e3o&s0
31oclonus and d1stonia0 to e-aluate gait and 2ace
diso&de&s0 to 3easu&e 2s1cho2h1sical &eaction ti3e.
:hei& use'ulness in the diagnostic and t&eat3ent 2ath
wa1s o' 2ain diso&de&s is not su22o&ted in the neu&o
logical lite&atu&e D2!E.
/es2ite thei& Fuick di''usion in the 1ea&s i33ediatel1
'ollowing thei& int&oduction on the dental 3a&ket D2#+
32E0 'ew &esea&che&s 'ocused on the &eliabilit1 and
accu&ac1 o' the -a&ious technological de-ices0 and e-en
ea&l1 lite&atu&e &e-iews suggested that 3ost autho&s
'ailed to unde&stand thei& li3its o' a22lication in
dentist&1 D33E. :he ado2tion o' cont&olled e$2e&i3ental
2&otocols can 3a&kedl1 &educe the e''ects o' non
2h1siological 'acto&s on s74> &eco&dings and 3ake
such techniFue a use'ul tool to un&a-el so3e as2ects o'
jaw ele-ato& 3uscles 'unctioning D3"E. :hus0 the 3ain0
and 2&obabl1 uniFue0 'ield o' a22lication 'o& s74> is
the &esea&ch setting0 while too 3an1 sho&tco3ings
2&e-ent '&o3 suggesting its clinical a22lication 'o&
diagnostic 2u&2oses0 es2eciall1 as conce&ns &esting
s74> -alues D35E.
.s &ega&ds the &elationshi2 between occluso2ostu&al
'eatu&es and clinical s132to3s0 the lite&atu&e has
&e2eatedl1 shown the 2oo& 2&edicti-e -alue o' occlusal
'eatu&es 'o& :4/ s132to3s in 3ulti2le -a&iable 3odels
D360 3,E. <uch a weak association with clinical s132
to3s was also shown 'o& ce&-ical s2ine cu&-e D3!E0 and
'oot leaning 'eatu&es D21E. 8ndeed0 'o& e$a32le0 e-en i'
statisticall1 signi'icant di''e&ences ha-e been &ecentl1
desc&ibed as 'o& the c&anioce&-ical 2ostu&e between
2atients with 31ogenous :4/ and health1 subjects0
such di''e&ences we&e too s3all0 -iI.0 3L3 deg&ees0 to be
judged signi'icant '&o3 a clinical -iew2oint D3#E. .lso0
it should be conside&ed that 31ogenous :4/ 2ain
3ight e-en be the &es2onsible 'o& 3uscle tone and
2ostu&al ada2tation in nea& dist&icts0 so that the clinical
use'ulness o' such in'o&3ation is -e&1 2oo&. 4o&eo-e&0
the 3ost &ecent s1ste3atic lite&atu&e &e-iews did not
su22o&t the use o' i&&e-e&sible occlusal the&a2ies 'o&
:4/ t&eat3ent and J o& 2&e-ention D"0+"3E.
/es2ite the o-e&whel3ing a3ount o' 2a2e&s sug
gesting that stud1ing dental occlusion is not a ke1 'acto&
in the :4/ 2&actice0 two 3ain lines o' &esea&ch ha-e
been ad-ancing 'o& 1ea&s0 -iI.0 the stud1 o' the
statistical association between ce&tain occlusal -a&iables
and the 2&esence o' signs and s132to3s o' :4/0 and
the atte32ts to si3ulate e$2e&i3entall1 situations o'
occlusal st&ess to -e&i'1 thei& 2otential to da3age the
:4% and 3asticato&1 3uscles.
(cclusal 'eatu&es we&e neithe& 'ound to be associated
with :4% 2&oble3s D36E no& with 3uscle diso&de&s
D""E0 but the1 should be -iewed as the 3eans th&ough
which 3uscle 'o&ces a&e t&ans3itted to the di''e&ent
st&uctu&es o' the sto3atognathic s1ste3 D"5E. .lso0 the
2&esence o' occlusal abno&3alities in 2atients with :4/
3a1 be actuall1 due to joint degene&ation and J
o& &e3odelling &esulting in an occlusal shi't D"6E.
7$2e&i3ents on hu3an and ani3al 3odels in-esti
gating the 2otential o' occlusal inte&'e&ences to 2&o
-oke :4/ signs and s132to3s showed that 2ossible
iat&ogenic abno&3alities De.g. high occlusal &esto&a
tionsE can0 at wo&st0 cause local t&au3a. :hose inte&
'e&ences de3and 2ostu&al and 'unctional ada2tation o'
3asticato&1 2atte&ns which &a&el1 lead to dental
and J o& 3asticato&1 3uscle 2ain. .lso0 when those
s132to3s occu&0 the1 see3 to be 3ainl1 t&ansient and
can be easil1 &e-e&sed th&ough &e3o-al o' the iat&o
genic inte&'e&ence. /ata '&o3 &ando3ised cont&olled
studies suggest that in health1 subjects the a22lication
o' an occlusal inte&'e&ence leads to a &eduction in the
usual 74> acti-it1 o' the 3assete& 3uscles D",E and
does not signi'icantl1 a''ect 2&essu&e 2ain th&esholds
8nte&estingl10 subjects with a :4/ histo&1 see3 to
&es2ond di''e&entl1 to iat&ogenic occlusal inte&'e&ences
co32a&ed with subjects who &e2o&ted no histo&1 o'
2&e-ious :4/ D"#E. :he 'o&3e& we&e &e2o&ted to ha-e
an inc&eased &isk o' &e2o&ting 2ain with 3uscle 2al2a
tion in &es2onse to occlusion abno&3alities 2&o-oked b1
dental 2&ocedu&es. :hese obse&-ations should be bo&ne
in 3ind when ca&&1ing out occlusal t&eat3ents such as
2&osthetic o& o&thodontic &ehabilitations0 which 3a1
in-ol-e 2e&iods o' occlusal instabilit1 De.g. te32o&a&1
&esto&ations0 inc&eases in -e&tical di3ension and teeth
shi'tingE. 6&o3 a :4/ 2&actitione&Ms 2e&s2ecti-e0 it is
clea&l1 i32o&tant to a-oid o-e&esti3ating the i32o&
tance o' these &esults0 because &es2onses to the int&o
duction o' an a&ti'icial inte&'e&ence cannot be eFuated
with the 2&esence o' :4/. Besides0 an acute e$2e&i
3ental occlusal alte&ation cannot be co32a&ed with a
clinical situation cha&acte&ised b1 the 2&esence o' a
NnonidealM dentition to which the 2atient has g&aduall1
ada2ted o-e& a 2e&iod o' 1ea&s D500 51E.
8n -iew o' the abo-e conside&ations0 atte32ts to
achie-e standa&dised 3easu&e3ents 'o& &esea&ch 2u&
2oses as well as a 3o&e sensible a22&oach to the use o'
technolog1 'o& clinical 2u&2oses 3ust be encou&aged.
5otwithstanding that0 it should be bo&ne in 3ind that
:4/ ha-e a 3ulti'acto&ial aetiolog1 and that a single
causal 'acto& can be seldo3 identi'ied0 thus suggesting
caution be'o&e h12othesising an1 causeande''ect links
based on so3e occasional weak associations between
occluso2ostu&al 'acto&s and :4/ desc&ibed in a 'ew
studies D52+5"E. (n the othe& hand0 it should also be
&e3e3be&ed that di3inishing the &ole o' occlusion in
the aetiolog1 o' :4/ is not eFual than neglecting
wellestablished occlusal conce2ts in o&thodontics and
2&osthetic dentist&10 because w&ong occlusion on
&esto&ed J t&eated dentition has the 2otential to cause
iat&ogenic t&au3a i' acute changes o' the inte&a&ch
&elationshi2 a&e 2&o-ided D550 56E.
8n su33a&10 a 3echanical a22&oach to :4/ 3an
age3ent b1 3eans o' i&&e-e&sible occlusal t&eat3ents
De.g. o&thodontics0 2&osthodontics and occlusal adjust
3entE0 which a&e o'ten &eco33ended on the basis o'
inst&u3ental assess3ents o' 2atients with :4/0 3ust
be st&ongl1 discou&aged '&o3 a scienti'ic -iew2oint and
'i&3l1 conde3ned '&o3 an ethical -iew2oint D3E.
(wing to the 2oo& knowledge on :4/ aetiolog1 at
the indi-idual le-el0 and also because o' the high
success &ates o' se-e&al conse&-ati-e a22&oaches D5,+
60E0 the standa&d o' ca&e 'o& :4/ t&eat3ent is now
based on s132to3s 3anage3ent b1 &e-e&sible and
nonin-asi-e t&eat3ents D61E. 8ndeed0 3ost 2atients
with :4/ see3 to be good &es2onde&s to uns2eci'ic
t&eat3ent &egi3ens0 because o' s132to3sM 'luctuation
and sel'li3itation0 &eg&ession to the 3ean 2heno3ena
and 2lacebo e''ect D620 63E. :he 2athological &ele-ance
o' 2u&2o&ted abno&3alities0 such as joint click sounds0
was st&ongl1 di3inished D6"E0 and the&e is g&owing
e-idence that ch&onic :4/ 2ain is &elated to cent&al
sensitisation 2heno3ena that &eFui&e a co32le$
3ultidisci2lina&1 a22&oach D65E. :hus0 :4/ a&e nei
the& occlusal no& 2ostu&al 2athologies* the1 a&e
3usculoskeletal diso&de&s needing 'o& a clinical 3an
age3ent in line with that ado2ted 'o& si3ila& diso&
de&s in othe& 'ields o' 3edicine De.g. o&tho2edics0
&heu3atolog1 and &ehabilitation 3edicineE and0 in
those 3ost se-e&e cases0 needing 'o& a 3ultidisci2lin
a&1 e''o&t to 3anage ch&onic 2ain in coo2e&ation with
othe& 2&o'essionals De.g. neu&ologists0 2s1chiat&ists and
/iagnostic accu&ac1 o' technological
8n theo&10 using inst&u3ents to 3easu&e objecti-el1 an
othe&wise subjecti-e clinical 2a&a3ete& is a 'ascinating
idea that &eFui&es an u23ost attention in li'eth&eat
ening 2athologies0 whe&e an1 2otential sou&ce o'
diagnostic bias 3a1 lead to dis&u2ti-e conseFuences
and that also att&acts &esea&che&s '&o3 an1 3edical
'ields dealing with 3usculoskeletal diso&de&s0 whe&e the
lea&ning cu&-e to achie-e standa&dised clinical diagno
ses is usuall1 long and '&ust&ating.
8n 2&actice0 to be use'ul in a clinical setting0 an
inst&u3ent should ha-e both inte&nal and e$te&nal
-alidit1. :he 'o&3e& -alidit1 de&i-es '&o3 those 'acto&s
that dete&3ine the &e2eatabilit1 and technical e''icac10
while the latte& -alidit1 de2ends on the inst&u3entMs
accu&ac1 to 3easu&e the 3ain 2athological 3a&ke& Di.e.
the 2owe& to &ecognise disease -e&sus absence o'
8n the 'ield o' :4/0 the 3ain 2athological 3a&ke& is
2ain. :he need to 'ind an objecti-e &elationshi2
between clinical s132to3s De.g. 2ain e-oked with
2al2ationE and inst&u3ental signs led to di3inish the
&ole and to the identi'1 bette& the indications 'o&
othe&wise technicall1 e''icacious de-ices0 such as 3ag
netic &esonance i3aging D,66!E0 on the basis o' thei&
in'luence on decision3aking and t&eat3ent2lanning
D6#0 ,0E.
:he sa3e &easoning should be done to de'ine the
clinical use'ulness o' s74>0 G> and 2ostu&al 2lat'o&3s0
which a&e e-en cha&acte&ised b1 a doubt'ul inte&nal
-alidit1. Besides0 se-e&al wo&ks in the lite&atu&e showed
that such techniFues ha-e a low accu&ac1 to disc&i3
inate between 2atients with :4/ and as132to3atic
subjects D2,0 330 ,1+,3E. :hei& ado2tion as diagnostic o&
e-en t&eat3ent2lanning tools in 2atients with :4/
cannot be justi'ied due to a too high 2e&centage o' 'alse
2ositi-es0 which is u2 to !0K 'o& se-e&al 2a&a3ete&s
De.g. s74> -alues at &est0 all kinesiog&a2hic 2a&a3ete&s
and all 2ostu&al 2lat'o&3 -a&iablesE D,30 ,"E.
/es2ite such sho&tco3ings0 the lite&atu&e also
showed that s74> 3a1 'ind 2&o3ising a22lication in
the clinical setting b1 conside&ing onl1 so3e selected
2a&a3ete&s0 and in 2a&ticula& the 3a$i3u3 clenching
le-els. 8ndeed0 acco&ding to the 2ain ada2tation 3odel
and its integ&ation D,50 ,6E0 2ain a''ects negati-el1
3oto& units &ec&uit3ent and causes a &eduction in
3a$i3u3 3uscle 'o&ce with &es2ect to no&3al 2h1s
iological 'unctioning. <tanda&dised a22&oaches unde&
cont&olled e$2e&i3ental conditions allow &eco&ding
&eliable and &e2eatable 3easu&e3ents D2"E0 with
acce2table -alues o' sensiti-it1 and s2eci'icit1 'o& s74>
-alues du&ing 3a$i3u3 clenching D,"E. <tanda&dised
s74> in labo&ato&1 settings showed a sensiti-it1 o'
!6K and a s2eci'icit1 o' #2K to disc&i3inate between
2atients with :4/ and those with neck 2ain D,,E. .lso0
so3e s74>based inde$es o' 3uscle 'unctioning De.g.
3uscle to&Fue inde$E 3a1 ha-e acce2table accu&ac1 to
&ecognise 2atients with di''e&ent )/; J :4/ diagnoses
D,!E0 but the1 cannot identi'1 as132to3atic subjects
D,#E. 8n -iew o' the abo-e0 it can be suggested that e-en
74> de-ices ado2ted in cont&olled labo&ato&1 settings0
which a&e able to 2&o-ide ancilla&1 'indings to the
clinical assess3ent0 cannot be used as standalone
diagnostic tools.
.s 'o& clinical techniFues 'o& 2ostu&al assess3ent and
as 'o& 2ostu&og&a2hic inst&u3ents0 such as 2ostu&al and
ba&o2odo3et&ic 2lat'o&3s0 the lite&atu&e 2&o-ided no
data on thei& s2eci'icit1 and sensiti-it1 in dentist&1. :he
3ost co32&ehensi-e &e-iew 2ublished so 'a& concluded
that the use'ulness o' such inst&u3ents J techniFues in
dentist&1 is -e&1 2oo& D,3E. :he e$a3ined 2a2e&s we&e
o' low Fualit1 on a-e&age0 with a 2oo& 3ethodological
design0 and 2ostu&og&a2h1 'ailed to be &eliable and
accu&ate to inte&ce2t :4/ 2atients0 with onl1 two o' 21
2a2e&s 'inding a highe& betweeng&ou2 D2atients with
:4/ -e&sus cont&olsE di''e&ence in the 3ain outco3e
2a&a3ete& than the withing&ou2 -a&iance o' the sa3e
2a&a3ete& D,3E. :hose two studies assessed &es2ecti-el1
an as133et&1 inde$ o' the bod1 swa1 a&ea on 2ostu&al
2lat'o&3s to be used in cont&olled labo&ato&1 settings
D!0E0 and so3e clinical 2a&a3ete&s 'o& the t&unk
2ostu&al anal1sis on the sagittal 2lane D!1E. :he clinical
signi'icance o' such 'indings is 1et to be de'ined. :hus0
in gene&al0 the wide 3ajo&it1 o' the studies0 e-en i'
so3e autho&s clai3ed 2ositi-e conclusions on the use o'
2ostu&al 2lat'o&3s that we&e not su22o&ted e-en b1
thei& own stud1Ms 'indings D!20 !3E0 did not su22o&t the
use o' clinical 2ostu&al assess3ent and 2ostu&og&a2hic
de-ices in dentist&1 D1#0 !"+!6E.
.n i32o&tant 2oint to &e3a&k is the&e it see3s to be
a st&ong di''e&ence between the conce2ts unde&l1ing
the use o' elect&o31og&a2h10 G> and 2ostu&og&a2h1
in the &esea&ch setting and the co33e&cial abuse
cha&acte&ising thei& ado2tion in the clinical setting.
8ndeed0 the latte& is too o'ten based on 2&esu32ti-e
2atho2h1siological theo&ies ai3ing to justi'1 the need
'o& i&&e-e&sible and e$2ensi-e occlusal t&eat3ents. :he
scienti'ic co33unit1Ms sce2ticis3 towa&ds the 2otential
use'ulness o' technological de-ices in the :4/ 'ield
conce&ns thei& ado2tion as standalone diagnostic tools
to inte&ce2t 2u&2o&ted occlusal and 2ostu&al abno&3al
ities that0 in the use&sM intentions0 need to be co&&ected.
<uch a t12ical chain o' e-ents0 which cha&acte&ises
so3e socalled 2hiloso2hies to a22&oach the dental
2&o'ession De.g. neu&o3uscula& dentist&10 dental kine
siolog1 and osteo2ath1E is not scienti'icall1 sound and is
a sou&ce o' unjusti'ied o-e&t&eat3ents0 with subseFuent
huge biological and 'inancial costs. :he biological0
2s1chosocial and social conseFuences as well as the
clinical i32lications o' such beha-iou&s 3ust be con
side&ed 'o& debate as a g&owing 3edical legal 2&oble3
D3E. (n the othe& hand0 it 3ust be bo&ne in 3ind that
an adhoc use o' technological de-ices 'o& &esea&ch
2u&2oses still &e3ains 'unda3ental to get dee2e& into
the knowledge o' the sto3atognathic s1ste3Ms 2h1siol
og1. .lso0 a 3ajo& sho&tco3ing o' so3e clinical
h12otheses is that0 while st&ong e32hasis has been
2ut on 2&o2osing occlusal a22&oaches to co&&ect bod1
2ostu&e0 onl1 a 'ew in'o&3ation has been gathe&ed on
the 2otential use'ulness o' t&eating bod1 2ostu&e to
o2ti3ise jaw 'unction and 3anage :4/ s132to3s and
on the &elati-e use'ulness o' co&&ecting occlusion 'o&
2ostu&al diso&de&s with &es2ect to othe& s1ste3ic
a22&oaches 2&o2e& o' the e-idencebased &ehabilitation
3edicine. :his 3eans that0 acco&ding to so3e dental
2&o'essionals0 dentists see3 to ha-e al3ost the whole
task o' disco-e&ing and t&eating 2ostu&al diso&de&s0
which is likel1 to be a biological nonsense.
8n conclusion0 the&e is no e-idence 'o& the e$istence o' a
2&edictable &elationshi2 between occlusal and 2ostu&al
'eatu&es0 and it is clea& that the 2&esence o' :4/ 2ain is
not &elated with the e$istence o' 3easu&able occluso
2ostu&al abno&3alities. :he&e'o&e0 the use inst&u3ents
and techniFues ai3ing to 3easu&e 2u&2o&ted occlusal0
elect&o31og&a2hic0 kinesiog&a2hic o& 2ostu&og&a2hic
abno&3alities cannot be justi'ied in the e-idencebased
:4/ 2&actice.
.ll theo&ies a22a&entl1 su22o&ting the clinical i32li
cations o' assessing dental occlusion+bod1
:4/ &elationshi2 did not stand u2 to se&ious sc&utin10
and the1 a22ea& to be a clinical nonsense. :he
ado2tion o' inst&u3ental de-ices to assess dental
occlusion and bod1 2ostu&e has to be &ese&-ed to
st&ictl1 cont&olled &esea&ch settings0 with the ai3 to
cla&i'1 the 3ain doubts conce&ning the high inte&indi
-idual -a&iabilit1 o' the occlusion+bod1 2ostu&e+:4/
&elationshi2. (nl1 then0 h12othesistested clinical sug
gestions could be d&awn.
:he a-ailable e-idence suggests that the conse
Fuences o' occlusal o-e&t&eat3ents ai3ing to sol-e
:4/ 2ain and thei& &elated biological0 'inancial and
2s1chosocial costs ha-e to be 3o&e clea&l1 de'ined '&o3
a 3edical legal -iew2oint0 -iI.0 2&o'essional liabilit1
2&o'iles. 6&o3 an ethical -iew2oint0 all 2&actitione&s
in-ol-ed in the 3anage3ent o' 2atients with :4/
ha-e to &ecognise thei& &ole o' ca&e2&o-ide&s 2u&suing
the 2atientsM inte&ests within the bounda&ies o' e-i
dencebased 3edicine.
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