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Wednesday Morning says:

5 weeks ago

Archives for August & September are linked above. Don't forget to sign RB's

What's the link to the latest doc dump? I'll add it above as well.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

Good evening Wednesday! Nice picture! Thanks for refreshing the page. I guess I
had to get my last rant out on last months afterall, lol.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

They might be closing in on a suspect in the Lindsey Baum kidnapping. This guy is
fricken sick!

I bet her parents are so distraught not knowing if this freak cut her
up/dismembered her body, etc. So sad.
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

5 weeks ago

Hi JMO. Busy time of year for me with the kids sports & work & trying to keep up
with the latest & greatest from our friend over at Twisted Mystery Writer. Damn
he/she cracks me up! Glad I wandered over there for an update. I loved the comment
about Biased grasping at straws & TMW says "the only straw he should be grabbing
for is one attached to a slim fast can" LOL! Funny stuff!

Keep ranting JMO. I may not chime in, but I do jump on here to read the updates.

Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful autumn weather. Love to see the colors on
full display.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

The weather has been great. Plus, the Broncos won again today...YEA!

So, I guess the feeling I am getting about Haleigh Cummings is that Investigators
really do believe she is alive and well somewhere and that is why the slow go, no
big rush to point fingers sort of attitude. It would be better than Fabulous news
for sure, if she is alive somewhere. It's like someone wants to see these people
suffer! make them pay! or something. Who knows. Something will come up though, I
really believe that.

losingit says:
5 weeks ago
Thanks Wednesday. It is beautiful this time of year. October is my favorite month.
Up here (Northern Alberta) the mornings are cold, but the afternoons are still
nice. It hasn't snowed yet, but I expect it any day now. Then begins a long cold
six months of winter.

imacynic2 says:
5 weeks ago

Thoughts. . .

I was reading some today and stumbled upon a story of a woman who was killed at
Jay Blanchard Park on the evening of June 10, 2008. Her name was Nicole Ganguzza
and she generally fits the generic description that Casey gave for Zanny.

Consider this. . . Casey knows what she is going to do. What could be a more
perfect cover than the Nanny and Caylee were killed together, in the park, while
the Nanny was watching Caylee and Casey was at work. So Casey needs a "nanny" or
"babysitter". She goes to the park - chloroform in hand. Maybe Casey sits and
waits - or maybe she jogs along too - finds a single female who is hispanic -
matches a description she wants or maybe just someone small enough that Casey
thinks she can take her. . .

Casey uses chloroform on her - then - once she is unconscious - she strangles her
and leaves her body there.

Remember - originally Casey gave the police an earlier timeline for the
disappearance. Caylee spent Father's Day with Cindy. If the other timeframe, the
one calling for Caylee to disappear before June 10th, were in place, then she
could claim the Nanny took Caylee to the park, that she never came home. They find
the Nanny's body in the park on the 11th - Casey dumps Caylee either in the park
or in the Little Econ River - Casey is at "work". No one would suspect the
grieving mother of murdering her own child AND the Nanny.

Or, maybe Casey just used Nicole Ganguzza's description, which I'm sure was
published all over the Orlando news - to describe Zanny to the police?

I just kinda got a feeling when I heard about that case that somehow it ties in.
One thing is for sure though, Casey claims she and Zanny were in that park and
Nicole died in that park - the same night Casey originally claimed Caylee went

Her name was Nicole Ganguzza

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

I think, like Lee said, is that Casey took bits and pieces from all kinds of
things and jumbled them together. She obviously was psychotic at the time she did
this Caylee (in my opinion) and was having a multitude of delusional thoughts. In
the days leading up to this, she was manic (searching the internet, twisting stuff
in her head, making plans) and I think she probably knew about the killing in
JBlanchard park of ganguzza and then saw zenaida's car, check the hotel register
when she went in to invite the manager to fusion and she mixed all of it up in her
head. It is so twisted for sure, but there is no doubt she did this all by
herself. I am just not sure why anyone would give her any credit for telling the
truth. Or Psycho Psydi as far as that goes.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
5 weeks ago

Can you even imagine how happy crazy's friends are that she is locked up right
now? I would still be having nightmares if she was my friend. I also think she had
plans to kill off George and Psyndi. It was just a matter of time.


5 weeks ago

George and SINdy have aged 15 years just in past 15 months!

JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

The Grinch has definitely gotten grinchier!!!!

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

I want to let you know Sindy was on the Caylee Daily last night and made a post to
see how people felt about Crisco Kid. I knew they were watching all the sites.
Sindys wanted to hear what Crisco was up against. All I can say is Sindy she is
like a splat on a brick wall, ever hear the saying your ass is grass. That should
describe it for you Sindy. Your daughter deserves the DP, remember that the next
time you and Georgie go out side and see her little Star looking down at you, that
is Caylee crying for Justice.

Sindy made one post and did not answer any questions, Express said she verified
Cindys log in.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Cindy Anthony E-mails Caylee Daily Commentators 5/10
JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

I personally think the sad part is that Psycho Psyndi has driven people to hate
her and Crazy!!! She has brought on the spotlight, the media and the
sensationalism in a way that no mother should of. She should of mourned for
Caylee, tried to help Crazy (by being supportive and loving to a daughter who
obviously has mental issues). But no, she has to LIE to everyone, hide evidence,
destroy evidence, etc. and basically dig Crazy's grave for her!!!

She has to realize how difficult it is for the public to sit there and watch Crazy
be an 'arrogant' self-centered bitch and give people the finger, knowing what she
did!!! It doesn't help for Cindy to continue to baby Crazy and say "sweetheart,
stop telling mistruths". She needs to come to grips with this and admit what she
knows and then work on trying to get the DP off the table for Casey. She is going
about it all the wrong way. It is sad that her attorney can make her see the


5 weeks ago

SINdy SINdy SINdy, your entire family in and out of the state of FL. has obviously
seen the light. I do not remember one person in YOUR family coming to your defense
whether in the media or out. I am not talking about the court of public opinion
that knows that your apple fell right at the foot of your tree but your own blood
relatives that know what we know. Why is that? Is that the sociopath in you? I am
fast forwarding for you a few years from now when you hopefully visit your
daughter before her last day on this planet and come to realize sooner rather than
later what is the truth. You will heal much quicker. Trust me.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Steve, It will soon be time to chop down the Rotten Apple Tree.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

Psyndi knows the truth. She is hell bent on being manic crazy like her daughter
and rave on to the public about how innocent they all are and me, me, me! I don't
think anything the public says will wake this woman up from what she is doing.

I too think that 'facing the truth' is what is going to help her.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

JMo, Like I said Elephants will learn to Fly before the Ants tell the Truth for
Caylee and want Justice for Caylee.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

You have to wonder if George is saying anything to her or not?

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Sindy wears the pants in that family, hell we can tell that. He is not man enough
to stand up to her.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Prosecutors: Anthony Motion Legally Flawed

watch Video

Linn, you can read the story

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Casey Anthony case: Jose Baez tells Geraldo Rivera public has been given
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Dominic Casey: Why Aren’t I on Your “Hit List”
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Casey Anthony: WFTV asks if Jose Baez signals shift in defense

posted by halboedeker on Oct 5, 2009 5:39:15 PM
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

I had to laugh Crisco bangs like a screen door. She has a new door and no screen
on it and I am sure it clangs when they lock it. ha ha

I never thought Georgie really tried to kill him self with pills, or he would have
been carried on a streacher. He would not have walked out this was all for
sympathy. We should give Georgie the Piss Ant Award for Acting.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Bill Sheaffler on Bozo and his big mouth on plea deal.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Bozo keeps flapping his gums, he needs to find some Imodium MD for his mouth
before he opens his mouth.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Misty Cummings has flown the coop again, Ron tried to talk to her about going to
cops and I guess there was a blow up and off she went.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

State Wants Dismissal Motion Thrown Out In Casey Case

Monday, October 05, 2009 4:41:45 PM

PDF Motion
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Friction Ridges Duct Tape and Suds

This is very interesting read.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Kathi Belich and Sheaffer

Hearing on Friday

linn says:
5 weeks ago

thanks again Rascal..hate seeing the word "video"

OK, here is a crazy thought.Misty has taken off yet again. Ron's mom was asked on
NG how she was paying for these job at all that anyone knew off before
Ron. No money, etc. Ron's mom said it sounded like her friend had a sugar daddy or
sugar husband. No one knows this person, she is a newish friend, coming out when
all this started. OK, crazy me but she is now in Orlando! I just wonder if her
g/f, lol, could be SINDY! Orlando, paying for trips to Disneyworld, paying for
everything, Misty playing the victim that no one believes anymore?? I put this
together this afternoon after hearing no one knows this "new" friend and she lives
in Orlando..

Thanks again Rascal, off to READ!

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

Cracking up at the psycho psyndi who is a "nurse of decomposition".
JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

Baez must be taking lessons from Psyndi and Crazy on how to speak in 'inconsistent
mistruths'. ROTFLMAO. What a BOZO!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

linn, If it was Cindy the press would be all over that one.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Exclusive: Divorce Looms for Misty, Ronald Cummings?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Take the time to go see the Ants holloween costumes, this is to funny.


5 weeks ago

How could that be? I saw them as a match made in ...

the local saloon! Maybe he thinks that she is about to be arrested. That's a
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago


There is a custody hearing coming up, he needs to distance himself from Misty. Now
who is going to give him custody with a know drug user taking care of Jr. Get her
the hell away from the family.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
Attorney: Ron, Misty Heading For Divorce
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Steve, Did everyone take leave to shore. lol

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

The State Attorney's office will get a copy of George Anthony's testimony before a
grand jury, a judge ruled today.

Circuit Judge Stan Strickland signed an order today that a transcript of Anthony's
appearance before the grand jury -- an appearance that came a day before his
daughter was indicted on a charge of first-degree murder in the death of her 2-
year-old daughter -- be delivered to the State Attorney's office.

Prosecutors asked for a copy of the Anthony's testimony in preparation for Casey
Anthony's murder trial, which is expected to begin next summer.

Casey Anthony is in the Orange County Jail awaiting trial. She is accused of
causing the death of Caylee Marie Anthony, who went missing in July 2008 and whose
remains were discovered in a wooded area less than a mile from the Anthonys' home
in east Orange County.

George Anthony appeared before the grand jury on Oct. 14. Casey Anthony was
arrested on the murder charge the next day.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

WDBO Local News

State Attorney want the transcripts unsealed if Georgie made conflicting


Did George Anthony give conflicting statements under oath?


5 weeks ago

As if anything will come of it if he did. What, jail time? A fine? Not even a slap
on the wrist. He knows it and that is why he did it! Remember, re. this whole
family, the truth and the ANTfarm are strangers. And strange if you ask me.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
Casey Anthony's defense also wants a copy of George Anthony's grand jury
testimony, but Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland said only the state
will get a transcript of the secret proceedings for now. LMAOROF to bad Bozo


5 weeks ago

BOBO A.K.A. BOZO says the George was only joking when he gave his statements. Now
that's lawyering 101 folks.

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

I for one do not care if Ron and Misty are married and would never wish divorce on
anyone. I hope things work out.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Will a Conviction in Fraud Case Hemorrage the Defense

This is excellent read.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Chapter 905 Grand Jury

VERY INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

905.27 Testimony not to be disclosed; exceptions.–

(1) A grand juror, state attorney, assistant state attorney, reporter,

stenographer, interpreter, or any other person appearing before the grand jury
shall not disclose the testimony of a witness examined before the grand jury or
other evidence received by it except when required by a court to disclose the
testimony for the purpose of:

(a) Ascertaining whether it is consistent with the testimony given by the witness
before the court;

(b) Determining whether the witness is guilty of perjury; or

(c) Furthering justice.

(2) It is unlawful for any person knowingly to publish, broadcast, disclose,

divulge, or communicate to any other person, or knowingly to cause or permit to be
published, broadcast, disclosed, divulged, or communicated to any other person, in
any manner whatsoever, any testimony of a witness examined before the grand jury,
or the content, gist, or import thereof, except when such testimony is or has been
disclosed in a court proceeding. When a court orders the disclosure of such
testimony pursuant to subsection (1) for use in a criminal case, it may be
disclosed to the prosecuting attorney of the court in which such criminal case is
pending, and by the prosecuting attorney to his or her assistants, legal
associates, and employees, and to the defendant and the defendant’s attorney, and
by the latter to his or her legal associates and employees. When such disclosure
is ordered by a court pursuant to subsection (1) for use in a civil case, it may
be disclosed to all parties to the case and to their attorneys and by the latter
to their legal associates and employees. However, the grand jury testimony
afforded such persons by the court can only be used in the defense or prosecution
of the civil or criminal case and for no other purpose whatsoever.

(3) Nothing in this section shall affect the attorney-client relationship. A

client shall have the right to communicate to his or her attorney any testimony
given by the client to the grand jury, any matters involving the client discussed
in the client’s presence before the grand jury, and any evidence involving the
client received by or proffered to the grand jury in the client’s presence.

(4) Persons convicted of violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor

of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.083, or by fine not
exceeding $5,000, or both.

(5) A violation of this section shall constitute criminal contempt of court.

linn says:
5 weeks ago

Rascal, I thought that too. They would be all over them. Just seemed so odd, same
place, no money, family does not know this friend! And Sindy would love to be the
helpful lying witch and would try to get Misty to beat LE.. hmmm..

Well, we all knew Ron and Misty's marriage would last just months! Gee, we should
have taken bets on the months. Shooty, I would have said about 6 months. I did to
the peeps here, but no one wants to listen to me. lol

linn says:
5 weeks ago

JMO.. I would never wish divorce on anyone either. HOWEVER, when two people get
married, not for love, but to cover up things, and one of them is still a minor
who has to get permission to marry, and when during this union the husbands soon
to be wife is the prime person in the disappearance of his 5 year old daughter,
then lies over and over preventing LE from doing their job, then I think that
marriage was never a true marrige to begin with. This is one time this marriage
was just a piece of paper. Also, I don't believe Ron ever loved Misty. I possibly
think SHE loved him at one point. She was not ready at 16/17 to be a full time
mother to two small kids, meant to give up her teenage lifestlye and her party
life. She should have been home, going to school and NOT chain smoking. My
opionion of course. But I did know there was no chance for that marriage. I truly
question Ron on why the rush. I actually do not question Misty as I can figure her
out on that one, but Ron I do
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

We will be getting over 1000 docs later plus the cd.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

The hearing on Friday is over the motion to dismiss, now that Judge Strickland has
released Georgies Grand Jury testimony. I can see this motion being dismissed it
will self distruct and go poooof .


5 weeks ago

JMo, I am one of your biggest fans and always will be. My feeling with R AND M is
end it don't mend it. The good news is that they have as many kids as momster has

losingit says:
5 weeks ago

Rascal, that Blink article you posted was very interesting. I read all the
comments too, and there are some very intelligent people over there. I had to read
the article a couple of times. So many things were discussed at once. What I
gathered (amongst many other things) is that if Casey is found guilty in the fraud
case, she will no longer be able to make any profit off of Caylee. She will have
no income to pay her dream team and they will all be off faster than a prom dress.

We all know that G and C have taken early retirement off the profit off their
scams and death of their granddaughter. It sickens me. But, you know what, they
can't really do anything with their loot. They have to live rather frugally or
they will face the rath of the outraged public. I'm sure they are virtually
prisoners in their home. They can't go on lavish vacations or even modest
vacations. They can't buy new vehicles unless they are silly off road kid finding
trucks with CMA logos plastered all over them. I can't imagine that they ever go
to a restaurant or even have the balls to walk the dogs out in public. They are
famous hated celebrities. I could pick G and C out of a crowd way faster than I
could spot Brad Pitt and Angelina. Ewwwww, I can't imagine being as hated by so
many as they are. There are a lot of crazy people out there. I imagine they are in
fear for their lives. So, whatever, let them be retired. It's not like they could
just go back to work at this point anyway. Who would hire them? Just let them
spend the rest of their lives doing what makes them happy. Cindy can play all day
on her computer following up Caylee sightings and George can watch cooking shows.
A couple of times a month they can shower themselves off and go on TV or go to
court. Eventually they can go visit Casey every Sunday in jail for the rest of
their lives. I guess she won't get any visitors after they have passed. OR, they
can really doll themselves up for the grand finale if she gets the DP. I wonder if
they would go to watch. That's a tough one isn't it? If any of us were in their
situation, would you want to be there when your daughter was administered the
needle? It must be agonizing for them. Granted, Casey became or was molded into
the evil witch she is, but Casey was a baby and a cute little girl at one point.
They still have those memories. This is so tragic.

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

LOL, I know that R and M's marriage is not a match made in heaven that's for darn
sure. I am not sure of his motive for doing it either, unless he did it out of
jealousy to put his claims on her in spite of the guy she was cheating on him
with?? It most likely was nothing but a glorified control issue.

I guess my hope is that the divorce stuff doesn't take the focus off of little
Haleigh. My personal opinion is that the attorney had absolutely no right sharing
their personal information about their marital issues with the public. I think if
they want to split up or divorce, then so be it, but I don't think it needs to
have a public announcement! It just adds to all the psycho drama and takes the
focus off of haliegh.

I can't really pass an judgment on her getting married at 17 or her level of

responsibility. I know the stress and daily badgering by the media would of
overwhelmed anyone. I just hope the focus gets back on Haleigh where it belongs.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

Ok, Diane Fannings book says: "Casey Anthony is "an individual whose self-
absorption and insensitivity to others is a destructive force." (Yeah, and it
destroyed Caylee!!)

It also says: "Casey is the biggest liar in history," wrote her uncle Rick Plesea,
Cindy Anthony's brother, in an e-mail to his mother. "She would rather spin lies
than find Caylee. She thinks it is a game." Rick writes that Casey makes George
and Cindy "look like the stupidest parents ever in the entire world." (We already
knew they were!!)

I didn't know this though:

Rick's last name has been changed to Cuza, the book says, to protect the privacy
of Cindy's birth family.

OMG, is she saying that he went to that degree to change his name? or what? Just
changed in the book? Crazy!!!

Diane Fanning says: "I can't help it if Casey Anthony emerges as something of a
bore, a bad seed who's simply pathetic. She is a vapid young woman who would
mislead family and friends, swing from one boyfriend to the next and steal
repeatedly." (Well, she got that right!!) Not only does she swing, she bangs like
a screen door in a hurricane.


5 weeks ago

Ron needs to shave off that mustache! The Hitler look is so 40's.

ATTN: To the person who sends momster the cheeto $$, throw a buck Ron's way so he
can get a razor.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

lol, maybe he is growing it so he doesn't look so gangsta with his saggin shorts
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago
Ron walks like he has something where it does not belong, he needs to pull his
shorts up.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

I always say that things happen for a reason and that something good somewhere
will happen because of it.

So maybe Ron has grown up quite a bit since all of this happened, why with Haleigh
being taken, all the issues with drugs and jail, marriage and divorce, national TV
coverage of him and his family. Maybe this was hitting the bottom of the barrel
for him. Hopefully it is his wakeup call? Someone needs to be a parent to Jr (and
it sure isn't crystal or misty). I am positive that these people are disadvantaged
with lack of education, but the use of drugs have just fried their brains in

I think too that maybe this whole incident is just one more wakeup call to the
nation that not only do we have abused and/or missing children, but we have
cultures of people like this that are not in the mold of mainstream society. These
are the people who drain our resources (medicaid, welfare, medicare, social
services, police, courts, etc). It's almost like the Haliegh story forces people
to acknowledge that these people exist in our country and need help. They will not
be going away anytime soon, they will only grow in number and drain the nation
more with family needs, health crisis, crime, etc. Truthfully, I think the nation
is almost entertained with the background of this family and the going ons. It is
like a strange hillbilly soap opera to most people.

I pray they find Haleigh alive!!!!

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Misty Cummings Accused In I-4 Road Rage


5 weeks ago

Drug test time! Sounds like they were coming down from somethin somethin if ya
smell what I'm cookin. Misty, Hanky Panky, and Mama should share one cell together

Rustle up 2 more family members and you have one funny family on Family Fued. I
said funny, not smart!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Leave a comment on 48 hrs let them know what you think of the Ants and Crisco
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Steve loved you comment on CBS


5 weeks ago

My comment reads that they should name the segment 744 hours since that was how
many before Caylee was reported missing. And that wasn't even done by momster but
from SINdy!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

I know I seen it, good one.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

I have a new name for Crisco that bangs like a screen door, Loosey Goosey. She
wants to open a Bike Shop Free rides on a tandem bike, she has discovered this is
her goal in life.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Prosecutors: Casey’s Defense Filed Bogus Motion

Posted: 4:13 pm EDT October 8, 2009
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
5 weeks ago

permission to come aboard!

Bozo is still at it, man, I think they intend to get paid by the page.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

This will take you to a page and you will see where to click, lol this was posted
on 48 hr you half to see this one.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Nordie welcome aboard good to see you.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Nordie they charge for every page they read, motions, changing briefs lol.
Visitation in Jail, phone calls you name it he is making big bucks.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
5 weeks ago

Yeah, guess that's why the 48 hours. More licensing fees, picture fees, all those
things that really aren't paying for a story -- right!

good to see you too. It will be good to be back here reading again.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
5 weeks ago

Yipes . . . changing briefs??? It that like underwear lol

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

The Ants already made money, that is keeping there bills paid and paying for
Cheetos for Loosey Goosey.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Glad they change there own briefs, LOL

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

All the Bogus motions filed the longer Loosey Goosey sits in her cell, the fatter
she gets. We all know a Goose is Greasy, she will fry to well done.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Misty Cummings makes a splash in Lake Mary and flies off to New York

The stepmother of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings was questioned in a road-

rage incident on Wednesday and then left town today for CBS appearance

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

The road rage thing was weapons, no charges, etc. I have a feeling that
some of this stuff is a set up.

Anyway, after Brad Conway finishes lying for the ANTS, he won't have a leg to
stand on (pun intended). The guys a moron just like Bozo. Geeeeorgie and Psycho
Syndi are gonna drag Brad down with them too, just like Crazy is with No Way Jose.
All of them are a freak show and have the media attention.

I can't wait to hear what Misty's attorney is gonna say. I am really curious on
that one.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

JMo, he is probably say I see the $$$$ coming in.

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

Yep, the slime buckets are all about the money for sure.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
5 weeks ago

At some point, all these lawyers are going to have some answering to do to the Fla
Bar Association.

I'm just waiting patiently for the IRS to clamp down on the Ant Farm with all that
loose money floating around.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

I agree Nordie they better be accounting for all the blood money. I am going to go
spend the day with son. He wants to drag me around shopping, I used to love to
shop till I dropped but not anymore. I just mainly like spending time with him
when he is home.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Bella Vita tatoo released
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Slide show Crisco Kid, the new Loosey Goosey
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

More images of evidence
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
5 weeks ago

Omg, the tattoo pix. Aarghh, look at all the zits on her back. Have another cheeto
my dear, ugh!

Rascal, have a good day with your son!

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

We should send her a year supply of Cheetos, she deserves them, lol
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

I am hoping the new docs are loaded soon, Son wants to take me shopping he is home
from Idaho. It will take me a week to recoop after today, lol
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

More Duct Tape
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Notice in the Duct Tape little Caylee's hair they had to cut the tape out.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

The files that are down loaded.


5 weeks ago

Thanks Rascal!! Have fun with your boy. Tell him I give the approval to spoil his

JMo says:
5 weeks ago
OOOOhhh, just reading the docs. I didn't know that the "rug from the porch" lit up
under the testing lights? This could show where Caylee was killed or carried from
the house out to the backyard or whatever leaking stuff.

AND, I didn't know that there was "an unknown substance" in the Cryatal Light
bottle in the trunk either and she possibly gave Caylee poison?

AND, I didn't know they were testing the table knife found in the trunk to see if
it was used to cut the duct tape.

That bi--- is so busted.

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

I didn't know there were napkins found in the trunk either that may of been used
to help clean up the mess. Hmmmm, sloppy work Crazy, sloppy work!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Steve He sure does spoile me, he insisted on buying more food for me. I still have
not finished the last round of meat he bought for me. Over 250.00 today I have
been trying to empty the chest freezer so I can defrost it. Got to love my
boys. :)


5 weeks ago

JMo, didn't you hear SINdy say that wasn't their car!

LOL LOL LOL. Yes SINdy, you make me LOL!

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

All we half to do it look in Crisco's eyes they are cold and hard. No emotion for
Caylee to me that is very telling. Get the needle ready JMo. As the old saying
goes your Azz is grass.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Here is all the rest of the docs, over 1040 pages, I am going to be crossed eyed


5 weeks ago

Today is the day that I wish I took that darn Evelyn Wood speed reading class!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Steve you will love reading the coments on Criscos back, to dam funny.

Oh and see if you can pick out Sindys comments lol

Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
5 weeks ago

rain rot, it's a jungle out there.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Found something interesting in the pdf file the page number is 9348 go read about
the pull up diapers. The one on Caylee came from the Ants home.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

Nordie, a posted on the one link said it was bed bugs. Well being a smart azz as I
can be I posted they should give her chlorform she could kill the bed bugs. Should
I go to the corner for a time out now, lol

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

Well, some look like mole's and sun spots, but the rest is really bad acne for
sure (or rain rot). I think maybe the sheets on those mattresses aren't agreeing
with her. Either that, or she is not getting some medicine she used to get or even
more likely....they have her on some kind of medication that is breaking her out
like that.

Rascal, maybe the crisco dripping off her hair, down her back is having a bad
effect??? Who knows, maybe she is HIV+ or could be a bad reaction to something for

Poor Crazy...not.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

I enlarged the pic, omg it is really nasty.

JMo profile image

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

One of Crazy's nightly prayers: (like, Now I lay me down to sleep)

Now I lay me down in the sack;

I pray the bugs don’t bite my back,

If I should die before I wake.

I never confessed, make no mistake.

More cheetos please, Amen.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 weeks ago

JMo, the only bad reaction Crisco has is she got caught.

JMo says:
5 weeks ago

Yep, and all she can do now is scream IM PISSED! IM PISSED!

Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
5 weeks ago

Rascal needs to go to naughty corner :>)

It is just plain zits. I'm guessing the laundry detergent used on the sheets does
not agree with her most delicate -- nay, she's just nasty.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Misty on the Early, she actually said what my first thoughts were on
this...someone on the other side of the family has her. So, gee, I mean 'what if'
Crystal put someone up to taking Haleigh? I felt that so strongly. I think
Crystal's mom doesn't act right either...not like a grandma who's grandkid is
missing. Either she is hidden somewhere or ....?

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Hanky Panky may of been trying to use his "get out of jail" free card when he
'suddenly' came up with this story....of course we all thought it was a lie
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

When misty said she thinks its "someone on the other side of the family" I don't
think she was talking about Ronalds family, so not real sure why ronalds attorney
would comment on that as if she was talking about Ronald, unless of course that's
a "media spin" on words...imagine that!

I still wouldn't put it past Crystal to do this to get back at Ron for getting
custody. I think that is why there are NO suspects, NO arrests, No nothing in this
case. Who knows.


4 weeks ago

It only took her 8 months to think of that one. Sorry I used the word think and
Misty in the same sentence. From the start I felt that she was the key, and it
grows stronger each week.

Momster is going to have the same exciting weekend that she had last weekend. And
next weekend!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Bille Shaeffer

Nordie I came out of the corner, lol

JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

If I'm not good Rascal, I will be in the corner next! My new name for Misty is
Mystery Misty!

Anyway, I love the way Shaeffer says that Jose "Backfire" Baez's defense is like
"shifting sands of the desert", depending on the evidence released. He says that
this is all going to be 'devastating' for the defense.

3 pieces of duct tape over Caylee's little mouth and nose. This should get the
bitch the DP!!! Shaeffer says that the Jury will succumb to tears and emotion when
they actually see the pictures of this. Glad I don't have to look at that skull
with hair and duct tape. Makes me emotional. I think they should make Casey hold
it in her hands for the rest of her life.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Ok, so maybe its possible that she made her drink the poison from the Crystal lite
bottle, then duct taped her 3 times to keep the fluid from coming out or being
thrown up! F'n Bi...! I can't imagine anyone doing this. Casey needs to pay!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

JMo, I also love the way Bill describes this to us, he is right on. The fact that
they also found grave wax on the napkins in the back of Crisco Kids Car is very
telling. When this all comes out there will be a lot to link this back to the
Anthony house. That will nail the case shut.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

I agree! I never thought of the fact that little Caylee was in that shirt "Big
Trouble Comes in Small Packages" (I think that was the wording), may of been
'purposely' put on her!

I think that Casey had so many problem and like she said in her diary (the other
item that's gonna get her dp) she hoped that the end justified the means. This
obviously means that she is hoping that killing Caylee was worth it for her to
have a bella vita! Caylee was nothing but the cause of all of her
least that's the way she saw it.

If she hadn't of been "forced by mommy dearest' to keep an unwanted baby, then she
would of went to college with her friends, or finished high school, or been able
to party when and where she wanted, or went to the beach, etc. She had body image
issues, with the pole dancing and hot body stuff. Having a baby ruined her body
(in her mind). It was ALL Caylees fault and she made Caylee pay for it!

She hated Psycho Psyndi for making her keep the baby. Just one of many of Psyndi's
selfish peep acts, Im sure! Casey probably felt 'used' by Psyndi to get a
grandchild or get what she wanted. We all know now that 'she hated Psyndi more
than she ever loved Caylee'!

Baez has done everything to totally destroy his credibility and will now destroy
his law practice and career. I hate the way that now when things are going wrong,
he acts all sheepishly and says, well its up to Casey. BS! Now that he has screwed
up any chances to do this trial with dignity. I hope they throw him in the pokey
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Ok, I have a question. Do you think Psyndi was really in denial about Casey being
pregnant, or do you think she was just more 'ashamed' of Casey and made Casey feel
like a low life and 'disgrace' to the family? I tend to think the latter. Psydi
was so worried what everyone else would think of her and george. This is probably
the whole psychi behind Caseys problems. Never good enough! Thus her making up all
the stories and lies. She just can't face Psyndi thinking badly of her. People
should not be ashamed of their kids like that. What damage it does!!!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

OMG nno way she had to have known, what mother could misss the size of Crisco,
when everyone else could notice it. And Sindy being a nurse, no way.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Yeah, of course she knew! She just wanted to play the "denial game" (imagine that)
when it came to shameful casey embarrassing her with the family and community.
Psyndi was so worried about her own self and her reputation, etc. that all she did
was think about herself, just like she is doing now. She doesn't care about Caylee
or even the fact that Casey killed her. She is worried that people will think she
(psyndi) is an awful person that raised an awful child.

If anything, Baez would serve good to take this defense, because I see it as his
ONLY possible way that others might have some sort of mercy on Casey and what she
did. They may show that Psyndi created this MOMSTER and tortured her to the point
that she snapped. I don't know how many people would fall for it, but you never
know. Otherwise there is no hope for Crazy.

I think Psyndi knows in her heart that she made Crazy like this and that her guilt
is so overwhelming, that this is why she does the crazy stuff she does now. She is
the TRUE whacko here.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

JMo, I would never fall for that story snapped my butt, she is evil to take a life
of the one she should of loved and protected.


4 weeks ago

I think SINdy knew she was prego but never knew or was told who the father was.
The family (outside the ANTfarm) already had their issues with SINdy and George
and they had to put up a front for as long as they could. They are truly a joke in
the world of parentville and even more in their family circle. They talk about
them , not to them!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Wesh news has been supeoned to go to court with video of the posters of Caylee
missing with the Henkle tape on them.

Eyewitness news found one of Caylee's posters with the Henkle tape on it.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Steve, I sent a pic to you tell me what you think that looks like.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Lawyer drop Misty Cummings
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Interesting indeed. He said she is an adult now and can think for herself. I think
it has to do with the fact that she is not a suspect and doesn't need protection.

Anyway, about the road rage...Seems the woman 'Ballinger' who says she knew
'nothing about Haleigh Cummings' [[has been identified on a Facebook page as being
as friend, or acquaintance, of "Steph," a man who runs a chat site devoted to
HaLeigh Cummings and her disappearance.]]

[[That has led some on-line speculators to wonder out loud if the alleged
encounter on the interstate was accidental.]]

I thought it was a set up before they even knew about this woman. Too fishy if you
ask me. She seemed a little "hyper-hysterical" and looking to point some blame. My
gut feeling after hearing her was that she was an instigator. Well, now we find
out she is friends with someone who runs a Haliegh chat site, but she claims to
not know anything about Haleigh. Oh pullleeezzzz. She's been talking to the ANTS

JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

So, does Ron have brothers or sisters?? I can't remember if he does or not?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I do not remember him having any. I think the Attorney is sick of Misty not
listening kind of like Nejame was sick of Sindy.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Another missing baby (2 yr old), snatched right out of the house while the mom was
moving things....So sad. You have to watch this.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I croped that pic of Crisco's back omg it is worse then it looks like in the pic
that I had seen. I email it to Steve want his thoughts on it.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Yep, some of the attorney's try to give good advice, but the people don't listen.
I can only imagine what is going to happen next.
JMo profile image
JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Post it for us.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

It will not post large enough. I can enlarge it on email great.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

This is the best I can get it, YUCK
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

This should be better. Yes bigger
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I wish we knew what the hell that is for sure.

JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Ok, I enlarged a pic I saved and it sure looks like sun spots to me. I was born on
an island and lots of people I know that lived on the coast have these on their
skin. She should be careful because they could be Cancer or become cancerous. Not
that she cares or that it matters, but ICK...they look awful on someone her age.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

It is gross, and some of them on the larger pick look like they are open maybe she
is scratching them open.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I remember seeing Crisco in a bikini and you could see most of her back, except
for the shoulder with the tatoo. Those spots were not there then, she was in
yellow bikini.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I wish Marie was around she could probably tell us what it is.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Ok, these pics go pretty far down on her hips, but I remember her having a
SHAMROCK tatoo on her lower back. Where is that????
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

The Shamrock is just where her crack starts, lol

I still have that pic of that.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Check out this pic
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

It fits her for sure. Worthless piece of crap.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago


JMo says:
4 weeks ago


JMo says:
4 weeks ago

My posts aren't posting, so will try it this way.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Wonder why you are having trouble.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Oh, its done it before....not sure why. Anyway, I hope the police look at Crystal
more about this whole thing. I really think it was "a plan" gone bad. She's got a
history of revenge of filing false felony charges on someone and then telling
police, "oops, I lied". I don't think there is anything here that would prevent
her from showing her true colors again, especially when it comes to her hate and
jealously rages. Bio mom's try and steal their kids all the time and to Crystal,
this was "all about the custody". I'm not sure who she put up to do this, but they
didn't get Jr. out in time before Misty woke up. Just my original thoughts.

It's backfire, back peddle time....she must know Baez.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Maybe the Capt'n put a spell on me for being bad in the posts? LOL
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I realize Crystal is like that, but Misty sure has not helped. This is one strange
case. I have a feeling that Misty had to many drugs and passed out and hence
little Haleigh is gone. But I do think she knows more then she is telling.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Steve would not do that lol

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Look at Rons Criminal record, how does he have any kids in his custody this just
floors me.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Looks like pot charge in 2004, car accident in 2006 (no helmet. left scene),
trespassing in 2006 (probably had something to do with skank Crystal), possession
of a modern firearm during muzzle loading season in 2007.

So basically, he got caught with Pot almost 6 years ago. I don't think that is any
reason to not give a person custody of their child, especially when the bio mom
has Felony charges on her for false reporting, not visiting the kids, not taking
kids to the dr, etc. There is a reason the court gave him custody and not her. I
think there are a lot of people out there that have DUI's, etc and have custody of
their kids. I think that could prove worse, especially if they put the kids in the
car with them.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

He might make me scrub the deck

linn says:
4 weeks ago

Police have completly cleared Crystal of any wrongdoing. Misty on the other hand,
is being watched constantly. Her lawyer fired her for going against his advice.
Like the show was on the other day. Also the road rage thing was for real. The
police have 20 minutes of 911 from the woman who is in pharmacutial sales and
makes good money. She was going to some doctors office when this happened and
Misty was still raging at her when the police showed up. I had no clue when
Haleigh went missing Misty was only 16! She had just turned 17 right after the
little girl was taken. Body language experts are watching her like a hawk and said
her body language is that of someone not telling the truth. Add to her on the show
saying she was not to take a poly, but just the hypnosis. NOW, just days ago she
said she agreed and asked for the poly. NOW it never was supposed to be? Yet she
refused the hypnosis. If I was her lawyer, I would quit too. I have said all along
no way should ron have custody of a pet much less kids. I DO think Crystal will
get Jr. back in the custody battle. Like someone said. Crystal was 100 miles away
at the time Haleigh went missing. Misty was 3 feet. All the lies and the way she
acts.. Flunking 3 poly's. Now trying to put blame on the road rage victim and "the
other family".. Don't believe any of it. I still say she is behind all of it.
Didn't plan for any of it, but it happened. Was on a drug binge for the 3 days
before Haleigh went missing. It just all adds up that she knows what happened or
was the cause of it. And for Ron to have THREE kids? One he seems to have nothing
to do with. Wonder if he pays support for that little boy?

Look at this. This looks like what is on Casey's back.. Hope link works Picture:
Seborrheic Keratosis OK, link does not work, but look this up with pictures. Looks
exactly like what is on Casey's back. I am an esthetician an had to find out what
this was. Sun spots are flat. What was on her back looked raised. Bed bugs bite in
a nice row. Looked those up too. They are red bites that can be so perfect and she
would see the bugs. they get huge after a feeding. And there would be blood spots
on the sheets. I do know jails do the sheets. The other is just as bad if you are
in jail as you need a dermatologist to get rid of it and it is not cheap, plus not
a medical emergency. Meaning they are like a bad case of acne. You, in the real
world, could get meds and all, but in jail you will get nothing as it is just an
ugly skin problem

As for her tattoo, you can get bad skin issues getting one. I wonder if that
started the skin problems? I also do phlebotomy and that was a chapter I had to
do. It looks close to that, but that is more serious.

I read some of the comments on the page on her back, lol, and I could spot Sindy's
comments a mile away! LOL

linn says:
4 weeks ago

Good gosh! If you look at the portion of Ron's arrest's, and that page is only
from one county he lived in, you will see he was arrested for possesion of GHB..
The date rape drug!! It is also incomplete. It stops in 2007. He was in trouble
right before Haleigh went missing over a gun. I am glad the grandmother is around.
I think she was the only sane person for Haleigh and Jr... So sad What is going on
today with the abuse on children AND women? Don't get it


4 weeks ago

You gals are too funny!

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Hey, it's pure entertainment, for sure! We all just better be glad that this is
not our family, lol. But then again, I hear there is only 6 degrees of
seperation...Yikes! I can't figure out if I would rather be related distantly to
the Anthony or the Cummings family? Maybe they are related to each other and just
don't know it????

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Everybody lies, everybody dies....hmmm, where have we heard that one before? Seems
the only time that Casey told the truth about the human race!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I emailed Marie with a pic of Crisco, this is what she thought it might be on the

That looks like thrombocytopenic purpura to me. Bleeding under the skin because
there are not enough clotting blood cells in the body. It can be caused by
medications that thin the blood, or other causes/
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

The only place we can see these spots on Crisco is her back, they could be other
places as well we just do not know.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

In the pic with the red bikini on the beach holding Caylee, I can see those sun
spots on her chest area.

linn says:
4 weeks ago

the name of her spots that I already forgot, lol, also happens on the chest, arms,
trunk, legs. It is not just loving the back.. haha.. And yes Steve, girls and we
are just girls, can be funny especially on anothers looks. I HAVE seen those
spots. The pic is just so bad! IF they are raised and not flat, and they looked
raised, they are what I mentioned as I had this on my final. Some start off red
and flat. Then they go to raised and brown. Start off small too, then get larger.
Like a pimple, but they don't go away. Then can in fact, be scratched off, but
will come right back if they are not frozen off.

NOW, here is the odd part. They are usually found on a person 30 to 40 years older
than Casey. Stress can also be a factor. now why would Casey have any stress in
her life? I just don't understand that part.. lol

BTW, hope everyone had a great weekend! There is no school here for a week and to
be honest, I am so glad! My 6 year old grandson has a teacher that picks on
everything and it is driving me crazy. Kaleb will start to act out when she picks
on the "small stuff".. He loves his blankie still. Can't take it to school so I
got him a pair of wooly gloves he loves. Well, she complains about his gloves. He
will wear a short sleeved shirt and gloves. What is the big deal about his gloves?
He does not slap any kid with them, lol. OK, vent over but boy am I glad no
school. OK, last vent. He gets his lunch free as his dad and the rest of us fall
into that income. However, it seems like the kids who get a free or reduced lunch
get the peanut butter *which he will not eat* or the burnt pizzas and burritos.
YES, every meal is Mexican food except the burnt pizza and frozen P*B sandwiches..

OK, vent over for sure! Just so glad no school!!

Hope there is something on the cases this week. I truly wish Haleigh would just
pop up somewhere. I still try to have hope since she has still not been found.

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

Today is Thanksgiving in Canada. Hubby and I are alone this year because we are
finally moving furniture into the new home. I opted for a little chicken instead
of the big turkey, but I made all the fixings and we are both pleasantly full and
extremely satisfied. Tonight I will sleep in my bed for the first time in a month-

I just looked at the pics of Casey's back and I'm glad my beautiful dinner is
safely digesting in a point beyond the point of entry. WTF is going on there???
That does not look like bites. That does not look like sun spots to me unless she
was tanned enough before to hide them. You can also see them on her face in her
court appearances and they did not appear to be there prior to jail. It looks to
me like moles or something, but not raised moles. Heck, I don't know. It's just
gross for a young girl to be aflicted by whatever this is. Oh boy, is karma a real
thing? Did she steal what was most important to Caylee (life, family, love) and
now she will lose what is most important to her- youth, looks, hot body?????
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

4 weeks ago

JMO, Your posts are being flagged as spam again. Next time, log in before posting.
Because you're not logging in, HP is assuming your multiple posts are "spam".
Sorry. Wish I could fix it, but the only fix is, you logging in. :)

Casey's back looks disgusting. I hope it spreads to her face. hehehe.

Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

4 weeks ago

In other news...Did anyone watch Nancy Grace chew Jon Gosselin a brand new asshole
last night on "The Insider"?

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

I tried logging in and then out, then in....oh well, it's all good.

I saw Jon G on NG. She really let him have it, eh!!! Man, he didn't get in a word
edgewise, trying to act all cool and mature, but she called him on his behavior.
He was speechless. I would love for her to be my divorce attorney...if I was ever
married and divorced again, lol.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Is Misty's mother still in jail? Did Hanky Panky get out or did they see right
through his story and not give him any points to get out early?
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

4 weeks ago

lol JMo. "If I was ever married and divorced again". You crack me up!


4 weeks ago

No wonder BOBO will not sit across the table from Nancy. He would have to call Kid
Finder's to locate his A_ _ H_ _ _!

And he wouldn't be able to sit down for a week which looking at his belly size
might not be a bad thing. Excercise BOBO, or sexercise. Whatever you prefer...
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

You are going to love this one from John in Florida.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Steve, LOL

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

lol, maybe Bozo needs some more 'private' time with Crisco Crazy?? Maybe send him
some licorice they can share? Maybe him and Lyons need to buddy up and join a
workout program?

I would love to turn NG loose on that fool. He wouldn't know what hit him.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Ok, a child was found in a drain near the home. They don't know if the child fell
in there or was intentionally put there.

The mom was moving belongings out of her mothers house going back and forth to the
car. I wonder if the child wondered off because she wasn't watching her and then
claimed someone 'stole her'. So sad. Here is the link.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Nancy Garrido is being threatened by other inmates to Rape and Kill her. Imagine
that. Hopefully Crazy is faced with that issue soon.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Do I feel sorry for Nancy, hell no keep her in general population save the state

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Yes, they say she is the one that did the actual kidnapping and held her captive
while he was in jail.


4 weeks ago

I think the bounty is up to 27 cigs and 3 packs of skittles.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

To bad they do not put Casey in general population she is not special at all.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Hearing date set in Casey Anthony case

Several motions in the first-degree murder case against Casey Anthony will be
addressed at a hearing next Friday.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

I'm telling you, someone is footing this bill. The Lyons person wants in on the
check case? they want a change of venue? they want to question potential jurors to
see if they have heard of the momster?

Rascal, they are getting paid by the page!!!

losingit says:
4 weeks ago
I am Canadian, but I wish I could be selected for jury duty on this case. "Casey
who? No, I have never heard of any of this. Oh really, a nanny did this? That
sounds plausible. Please pick me for jury duty." They could move this case all the
way up here if they want. They can try this case anywhere. We ourselves are just
jurors. We have heard everything the actual jurors will hear. Who, in their right
mind, would not believe Casey did this?

I am thankful that not a penny of my money is going towards this on-going


Nordie, I hope your sister is doing well. Take care.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Just my opinion, but I think Crystal looks mighty nervous!

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Nordie, I agree what a waiste of money, when that could have been used for a good
purpose in other lifes that are worth while. Actually do do get paid buy the page
that is no joke.


Yes Crystal does look nervous wonder if we will ever know the truth there. What
happened to Haleigh. But why is Misty such a mistery in the truth!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago


I also would love to be on that jury,, but in all honesty would half to exclude
myself. I already have my opinion since day one when she started lying and I seen
her actions of not caring. And not calling for help for 31 days that was very
telling to me. And no tears but laughter instead, no normal Mom would act that

And the so called script, the only script there was is the Anthonys script of BS.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

What a big waiste of Taxpayer dollars and time, look at the Video's Bozo

Casey's Defense Wants Check Fraud Venue Change

Posted: 6:24 pm EDT October 12, 2009

Updated: 6:33 pm EDT October 12, 2009
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

Thanks to all for your continued prayers for my sister Connie. There is
improvement, but her ability to talk is limited at best.

It's a good thing I don't live in Florida. I would be demanding to know if any of
"my" money was being used to pay for the drama team. If so, I would want to know
how to fire them (thought not really, Bozo is perfect for the momster, just a
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Nordie, The Drama Team is not going to be the winning team!!!

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

FLORIDA, sick news for the day! No wonder there are people like the ANTS and

Kissimee....poured boiling water over this 2 y/o child and killed


Broward County is one sick hole too....this happened to a 7th grader there....

And this Palm Bay 8 y/o who was abused by parents with a bar of soap, could of

Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

Rascal, it amazes me the DP lawyer Lyons needs to be in on the check fraud case.
Well, it doesn't really amaze me. They are going down.

It will be interesting to hear their defense of themselves for being in the public
eye -- including Lyons book. I wonder why they think we are all so stupid???
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

How is Bozo going to explain the Video's of Casey cashing checks. She was a number
10 at the time and was there for a Photo Shoot!!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I can not see why Lyons is even on the fraud case. except she will make more
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

4 weeks ago

JMO, Regarding the link you posted regarding the child being punished by chewing a
bar of soap...

I'm sure most of us can remember being punished with soap in the mouth at one time
or another when we were little, but what people seem to forget is that soap is
made soooooo differently now. There's all the anti-bacterial soaps & fragrance in
the soaps now that they didn't use 40 years ago.

Also, it seems we're much more aware now of allergies, or perhaps because of all
the anti-bacterial products & the fragrances added to everything, children
actually do have more allergies than they did 40 years ago, who knows, anyway,
what a crappy situation.

On one hand, I want to say kudos for the parents for attempting to punish their
childs bad behavior in a some-what reasonable fashion. I mean, no duct tape was
involved. With so many horrible things in the news of parents abusing their kids,
this was a more humane punishment. I am hoping they were unaware of the potential

But on the other hand, the report says he laughed at the child while she vomited &
then made her clean it up before she could wash the soap out of her mouth...? That
went over the top.

The other links you posted... the teens setting another boy on fire & the teen
pouring boiling water on a baby... How heart breaking. What makes people do these

These are our nations youth committing these immoral crimes.

We don't have much to look forward to.

Our world has gone so corrupt.

How much more will God allow before he says "enough is enough"?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

My parent never used soap, we knew better then to talk back or lie, I also never
used in on my kids, they also knew better. A swat on the (_!_) worked well when
they did not listen. And Mom did it at the time it was needed, none of this crap
wait till Dad gets home.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Wednesday, I half to agree how much more abuse and murder, this has to stop.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Exclusive: Misty Cummings’ Undercover Mama!


4 weeks ago

And Ron still has JR.??? LOL at the social worker on this case who is enabling and
not protecting. Shut down the entire system since the system is not what is
broken, it is the people working in it! Is Tim required to report what he saw to
C.P.S.? If so, and he failed to do so, his credibilty will be shot from this point
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Steve, Yes he still has JR, sad the system is like it is. Jr should be removed
before Ron does something and it is to late then.

muzikuver says:
4 weeks ago

Hey all, I'm a radio host and will be interviewing Maggie Rodriguez this Friday
about her 48 Hours special this weekend entitled "The Untold Story of Caylee
Anthony"...she spent hours with her family and friends and will have new details,
documents, pictures, etc. I have been following this as closely, if not closer
than you guys have. I live less than an hour away. I have my list of questions,
etc...I just want to know if you can think of anything else to ask her that I
can't think of?

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

I want to know if Psycho Psyndi is a 'closet drinker'? or if she gets high

secretly. I want to know if she has ever been reported to the board of nursing for
issue with patients.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Yes, my parents washed my mouth out once, but it didn't involve 'eating half a bar
of soap', choking, swelling, and vomiting. This mom and dad should both be jailed
and never be allowed to see that child again. I'm am all in favor of the ONE STIKE
YOU ARE OUT rule when it comes to kids.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I would like to know how they can defend Casey, and have never once defended
Caylee she is the victim. Why no Justice for Caylee?

muzikluver says:
4 weeks ago

Oh I love that one Rascal...adding that to the list! Keep 'em coming!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

muzikuver, There is a petition on the top of this blog, I started this because I
am so sick of the abuse and murder of innocent children. This has to change for
the innocent victims like Caylee. The lies and cover up half to stop and the Truth
needs to come out.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I just do not understand all the Air Time for the Anthonys. How

can they keep putting them on TV, they have never been Truthful.

Oh yes I take that back the first 911 call, the car smells like a dam dead body,
that was the Truth.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Oh and I do not want to hear the BS story from Cindy it was Pizza what a crock of


4 weeks ago

I want to know everything. But that's just me.

Why does SINdy's family (who know them and this case much better) not come to
their defense?

Why do they think in the court of public opinion their family is a little "off"
when it comes to parenting, enabling, etc.

Will they visit Momster before her trial or after if (I mean when) she is sent
back to her cell after the sentence?

Do they realize that had they acted differently during the firast few months they
would have had the support and sympathy of the entire nation but instead they took
the approach that they did which included lying,chanhing their story and even
doing some stuff with that little thing they call evidence.

I could go on all day but these are just a few off the top of my dome.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Steve, We could write a book on this ship! lol But none of us are into blood


4 weeks ago
If we did write a book we could name it 3 hots and a cot. Come to think of it that
is 4 things too much for the momster but in the land of bleeding hearts....
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Grace’s special is entitled, “Nancy Grace Investigates: Raw & Uncensored Cindy
Anthony Caught on Tape!” This will be on Friday night and part 2 on Monday.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

I want to know how they pay their bills? Where do they get the money for their
mortgage, electric, etc.?

I want to know how they could be snowed by the momster for 31 days of not seeing
their granddaughter after seeing her on a daily basis all of her life?

I want to know why they allowed momster to steal from them?

I want to know why they allowed momster to continue to lie to them ie they knew
she did not work.

I want to know how much money they have made in licensing fees or whatever they
want to call the blood money for pictures, etc of Caylee.

I want to know why in the 31 days they never called the nanny? they claim they had
her number and address.

I want to know how they sleep at night knowing they enabled their daughter to
murder their granddaughter.

I want to know if they feel any responsibility for the death of Caylee.

I want to know how comforting are the ashes they wear as ornaments on their

I want to know why they think the public is stupid?

but hey, that's just off the top of my head -- also, make sure you tell 48 Hours I
will not watch their program because we already know the volume of lies will be
enough to make all viewers sick.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Good one Nordie, I think you covered all of our thoughts.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

What I want to see is a program with nothing but the Truth!! That will never
JMo says:
4 weeks ago

I want to know why Psycho Psyndi thinks her standing in the community or her
family's reputation is more important than Caylee? Why was it more important that
Cssey, when she was denying her pregnancy, denying csseys problems, etc? Why does
she care more about what people think than she cares about Caylee? Does she think
that Casey turned out just like she raised be like her? Does it surprise
her at all that Casey hates her more than she ever loved Caylee? Hmmm, wonder why?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Justice for Jennifer: Suspect arrested in 1990 rape of 8-year-old girl

04:22 PM CDT on Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Now this truly is a blessing Justice for Jennifer

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

The Nation Enqurer came out today about the Grunds, I refust to post the link on
such Garbage. And hope none of my ship mates will post it, I respect the Grund
Family and hope they go after the Magazine and the Ants. They have has a lot to
endure threw this case please respect them.


4 weeks ago

Richard, Jesse, and the entire Grund clan... You are welcome guests on the ship
anytime! You have our support 100% and know that you guys truly cared for Caylee.

How to solve the nations debt in one night. My idea is to have a pay per view
polygraph with the ANTfarm. $39.99 per household thru your local cable provider or
Direct T.V.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Steve, The Anthonys are evil sick people trying to blame anyone they can. I knew
this was going to come out but to see this trash in print really ticks me off.
They will burn in hell for all there evil deeds.


4 weeks ago

Rascal, didn't you know BOBO is going to name Richard as the babysitter, I mean
nanny. LOL LOL! Beside that, I got nothin...

Please correct me if I'm wrong (will not be the last time) didn't the ANTfarm tell
L.E. that they never had a phone #, email, or address for Zanny.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Steve, They told LE a lot of BS, that is what I see.


4 weeks ago

I think they told L.E. that not only did you have Zanny's info but that you were
one of the people that they gave a key to. That little bit of info will be in the
next issue of the Enquirer. Time to lawyer up I guess!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Maybe they should go see Bozo.

Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

4 weeks ago

Ask Casey if she plans on bunking with Hitler or Sadam Hussein when she gets to

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Wednesday Morning, I'm sure Casey plans on bunking with SATAN himself, lol. Hitler
and Sadam are too good for her.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

The Anthonys and NE are scum for spreading such evil, now we know where Crisco
gets her attitued, Mommy Dearest. Drag anyone one down to save Crisco.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

Capn, I think Sindy said she had a number for zanny in her address book, but I
could be mistaken.

There's a nip in the air here on the east coast.


4 weeks ago

I don't know much except that one thing is for sure...

we are one day closer to the trial!!

JMo says:
4 weeks ago
Yeah, Psycho Psyndi said in her 'deposition' under oath, that she had a 'number'
for Zanny and that she 'gave all that information to LE'. She is blaming them for
not following up.

Now it has caught her in a big time LIE, because if she had a number for Zanny,
why didn't she call her during those 31 days that Casey said that Caylee was with
her. Why didn't she try and contact her at any time? Like she said in the
deposition 'I had names and numbers of everyone that watched Caylee'.

BUSTED. She is going down too as the biggest BS'er in history, next to her
daughter. Her and Casey "make it up as they go along". TWO very sick individual's.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago


Sindy did say she had a number for zanny, just another Half Truth.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Go look at the money and the snacks Crisco has had in a year.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Baby Found Dead In Trash, Mother Arrested

Posted: 10:13 am EDT October 14, 2009

Updated: 10:27 am EDT October 14, 2009

Is there something in the water down there? What is wrong with young Mothers.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Haleigh Cummings Update: Rumors of Dad and His Guns Spark Investigation

It is about time they investigated this family.

Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

Rascal, I enjoyed reading the list of snacks that are enlarging the butt of
momster. Couple that with the high carb diets fed in jail, mac and cheese, lots of
bread, tater tots, hot dogs, etc. it is amusing me to see how close she will be to
a "100" by the time trial rolls around. teehee, simply multiply the 10x10 -- ain't
she pretty, bet all her old bfs are drooling -- not! Course, where she's going
even the zits won't matter.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Nordie, How can anyone eat that much junk food is beyond me. She will half to have
a larger door on her cell soon, so that will cost taxpayers more money lol. As far
as her Zits is will be on very large Zit by the end of this.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

I guess she's finished working on her case and reading her Bible, cause she's
probably eating out of boredom. She better get used to it, cause she's got a while
to go before she fries.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Nordie, Do not say fries to loud or she will see if she can get them ordered in.
Looking at the accouting on her money she is out of money and in debt to the jail,
how does that happen she gets credit and owes.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

These are the questions Byeass wants to ask potential Jurors unbelieveable.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

This is interesting now who are the ones running the mouuth anyway.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Jury selection begins in capital murder trial of Baby Grace's stepdad
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Caylee Anthony: CBS offers video preview of '48 Hours Mystery'

This is a preview of 48 hrs.

Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

Rascal, I'm not sure how that works -- credit at the jail. If I lived around
there, the LE would be flooded with outrage. Bet other inmates don't have that
luxury. Once again, above the law. That's messed up!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Just got home from my pool practice. I seen on another blog where Crisco did not
get all of her commisary order she is broke, dear Georgie is not putting the money
in like before, about dam time. Maybe they are getting a brain where it belongs
instead of sitting on it. Let her sit with out her junk food, and see if she wants
to talk. That prision life is going to be the pitts no one to talk to and no
goodies. Bella Vita Crisco.

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

Well maybe people are getting wise that George has been sending in the money from
the collection coin jar to help feed Greasy. I hope the Anthony's can't afford to
send her money. I'd like to see when they receive payment from 48 hours if Greasy
account goes up a couple hundred dollars. I was surprised to read that she has not
been buying cheetos. Wednesday, we need a pic of Greasy bathing in a tub of
jelapeno dip. I don't even know what that is, but I'm guessing it's what she dips
all those chips in. Ewwwww, it sounds gross, but I don't like spicy food. Too much
information, but it sets my mouth on fire and gives me gas. It must be really
embarassing to pass gas in jail. LOL!!! Ahhh, the comforts of home.

Is that right Rascal, no goodies in prison? That makes sense to me. I don't
understand why they get goodies in jail. My idea of prison/jail is different than
American. In Alberta, the jails are hell. They are overpopulated and extremely
dangerous. Once you go to court and are sentenced, you "get" to go to prison where
conditions significantly improve.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago


You can get things at commisary if you have the money. But can you imagine the
smell in here cell I hope it is like hell, lol
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

As far as I know they have already been paid for 48 hr interview. That is the
blood money they are living off of, they not have regular jobs.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

I guess Bozo and his clown trio will now see if they can make this story fly. What
a bunch of discredited morons. They should be ashamed of their own stupidity and
hide somewhere. It should be a crime for them to represent Casey this way and make
her think that they buy into her psychosis and delusions! Truly that's a crime and

Anyway, I like how Psycho Psyndi says this (The program reveals that the Anthonys
have turned their home into a shrine to Caylee and they keep her death certificate
out in the open.) Cindy says, "It [Caylee] wasn't Casey's child. It was our child.
She belonged to all of us."

That bitch still doesn't seem to get that Caylee was NOT her child. Hasn't Casey
made that clear enough to her yet. I think part of the psychi around Casey killing
Caylee was to tell Psyndi that she does NOT have control over Caylee and got rid
of her to make a point to that DENSE headed freak show mother of hers. So sad.

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

But, JMo, why didn't Casey just give Caylee to them? Casey didn't want her and
wanted to give her up for adoption in the begining. Why didn't she just sign over
custody to Cindy in the end? I'm sure Cindy would have paid Casey's rent or
whatever just to have Caylee. It appears to just have been a power struggle the
entire duration of her short life.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Because I think Casey hated Cindy so much that she used Caylee to get back at her.
The whole deal with taking her away for the 31 days (as Cindy knew it then) was a
control issue by Casey. She figured the mean justified the end (her freedom from a
f'n control freak mother).

Its like saying why does a pedophile rape little girls, why not be with women his
own age he can have sex with? It's the way their mind works. Casey was revengeul.
She even told Lee (according to his first testimony to the police) that Casey
said, "I guess I'm a spiteful bitch" when asked why she had not let Cindy see
Caylee for 31 days or tell of her being gone. So much for the Zanny theory, eh?

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

I guess maybe a 'normal' young person who 'wanted to be free' would of said, I
want to give her up for adoption and a "normal" grandmother would of said ?? But
for Casey, she was told no. You have to have the baby. It is so shameful to this
family, we have to make up a story that the dad died in a car accident (because
Casey had no idea who the father was most likely). She forced Casey to keep
Caylee, forced her to stay home instead of being with her friends, etc. etc. It
drove her to the point, I think. I mean, who knows for sure, but if you take the
statements that Lee said she made, the statements of the friends, cindy's mother
and brother, etc., it appears that way for sure.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

This is so sad. How could these kids do such a thing?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Casey Anthony: Jesse Grund tells '48 Hours Mystery' that she's 'this dark,
selfish, remorseless individual'

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

Yes. Casey wanted to party and hang out with her friends but Cindy demanded she
stay home and look after Caylee. Casey invented a job just to get away from all of
them for a few hours a day. She couldn't really work at a 9-5 job, so the invented
job was very flexible and she could get out of the house whenever she wanted. A
nanny was invented to explain Caylee's whereabouts to her friends. Only a loser
would pawn their child off on grandparents all the time. So for Casey it was
win/win. She got to dress up everyday and had a free babysitter. She would text
the friends from home and pretend she was at work. She then would get all dolled
up, wait for George or Cindy to get home, pretend to go to work, drive to friends
house pretending to have just finished work. Casey had to pretend to work just to
get away from the controlling mother and a little girl that was a lot of work and
controlled her life too. She had to steal to have money to impress the new boy.
Maybe? Maybe?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

She is one selfish witch, that cared more about her self then the one she should
protect and love, what more can I say. Justice for Caylee one day closer.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

October 23, 2008 • 3:19 pm

Casey Anthony Declines Placing Commissary Order

Daddy Dearest is still sitting on his brains, came threw again for money.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Here is a complete list of what Casey can buy.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Haleigh Update: Mother of Haleigh’s Stepmom in Putnam Jail
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I just found this Casey is charged $1.50 a day for her stay in Jail, lol

Despite the deficit in her account, the jail has continued posting a daily $1.50
subsistence fee. Inmates are charged this fee to offset the cost of keeping them
in jail. The fee is charged until the inmate is released from jail.

Orange County Jail spokesman Allen Moore said people can drop off money for
inmates at any time in the jail’s video visitation center or the booking and
release lobby. Only money orders and cashiers checks under $500 are accepted.

muzikluver says:
4 weeks ago

ok, I've got the pre-interview notes from 48 hours...gonna try to copy and
paste...for you guys to review...

muzikluver says:
4 weeks ago

It is a case that has captivated the country. In the summer of 2008, Orlando, Fla.
toddler Caylee Anthony disappeared, only to be discovered six months later a short
distance from her home, her skeletal remains stuffed in plastic bags and her mouth
sealed with duct tape. Her mother, 22-year-old Casey Anthony, was charged with the
horrific crime after not reporting her daughter missing for a month, and allegedly
lying to police. As Casey faces a murder trial and the possibility of the death
penalty, her parents, Cindy and George Anthony, are standing by their daughter as
they search for the truth. Now, for the first time, three of Casey’s defense
lawyers – Jose Baez, Linda Kenney Baden and Todd Macaluso – discuss the case in an
exclusive interview with CBS News’ THE EARLY SHOW anchor Maggie Rodriguez to be
broadcast on 48 HOURS MYSTERY, Saturday Oct. 17 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS
Television Network.

Excerpts from the interview are below. You must credit 48 HOURS MYSTERY.

KENNEY BADEN: The state had led you to believe that there’s duct tape around the

RODRIGUEZ: Oh, you’re saying there’s not?

KENNEY BADEN: All we can say is that’s going to be a disputed issue.

BAEZ: I think they botched this from the very beginning by arresting Casey Anthony
without fully investigating the facts and circumstances surrounding this child’s
KENNEY BADEN: It was ruined and spoiled in a lot of ways. For instance…the most
important piece of evidence that the state thought they had, which is this
demonizing duct tape, was contaminated by the FBI.

RODRIGUEZ (V.O.) A lab technician’s DNA was found on the duct tape. Along with DNA
belonging to an unidentified person …

KENNEY BADEN: Another party that did not belong to the FBI, did not belong to law
enforcement, did not belong to Casey or any of her family members that is on that
duct tape.

MACALUSO: A stranger. It was a stranger involved.

KENNEY BADEN: Somebody else is the killer of this child.

BAEZ: They want you to believe that this 22-year-old girl is a master forensic
sleuth who could outwit and outsmart the entire FBI and still be dumb enough to
leave her child’s body off the side of the road…a block from her house.

RODRIGUEZ (V.O.) But authorities say they have evidence that Casey premeditated
the crime, conducting incriminating research on a family computer…. The subjects
included “neck-breaking,” “household weapons,” “shovel,” and “how to make

KENNEY BADEN: You just assumed that Casey was conducting those searches.

RODRIGUEZ: No, I didn’t assume. That’s what the state says in their evidence.

KENNEY BADEN: They’re absolutely mistaken.

RODRIGUEZ: So you don’t deny that the searches happened, but you say it wasn’t


While the defense claims that the prosecution’s evidence is not concrete,
detectives have said that the fact that Casey did not immediately report Caylee’s
disappearance, as well as Casey’s own behavior during the month her daughter was
later said to be missing, which included partying at nightclubs, are damning. But
Casey’s lawyers and her parents say that things are not as they seem.

RODRIGUEZ: Does it seem odd to you that she would be out dancing when Caylee was

GEORGE: Casey told us she was trying to find where Caylee was at. There’s some
kind of a connection there somewhere.

BAEZ: Things are not always as simple as they seem.

RODRIGUEZ: Would you care to elaborate?


RODRIGUEZ: We have photographs that show Casey was out partying while her daughter
was supposedly missing. How will you explain to a jury how a good mother who’s
worried about her daughter is capable of doing that?

BAEZ: Everything will come out at its proper time and place.
Rodriguez also spoke with Casey’s former fiancé, Jesse Grund. Grund and Anthony
had only dated for six weeks in early 2005. But months after they broke up, she
told him that she was pregnant with his child. A paternity test would soon reveal
that he was not Caylee’s father, but Grund was committed to the baby. He assumed
the role of father and proposed to Casey.

GRUND: Caylee was a really easy baby, I gotta be honest…so wonderful. I fell in
love with her as soon as I saw her.

GRUND: It said zero-percent probability that I was the biological father. It was
relieving and heartbreaking at the same time. I didn’t want anybody else to be
that little girl’s father except for me.

GRUND: I could have just jumped ship and left. But that was never my intention.

RODRIGUEZ (v.o): It didn’t matter that Caylee wasn’t his…Jesse was in love with
his new family. But just 5 months after she said “yes,” Casey called off the

GRUND: She claimed I loved Caylee more than I loved her.

RODRIGUEZ: What do you think happened to Caylee?

GRUND: Honestly, I don’t know…The Casey that I knew was incapable of hurting a
hair on Caylee’s head…But this person, this dark, selfish, remorseless individual
that sits in jail right now, I’m not sure what she’s capable of.

Many of Casey Anthony’s friends echo Jesse Grund’s sentiments of confusion about
what she is really capable of doing, but her parents, George and Cindy, refuse to
believe she killed her own daughter – their granddaughter. Their steadfast defense
of Casey has put them on trial in the court of public opinion, and the public
outcry – including daily protests in front of the Anthonys’ home – nearly pushed
George to commit suicide.

GEORGE: People hate her…I think it’s almost like a hangman’s type mentality for
some of these people.

How are you supposed to feel when you’re being called particular names? It just
gets to you after a while. It needles you. It eats at you…. If you get spit on,
you get called—and you get stuff thrown at you---what are you supposed to do? You
supposed to stand back and just not let it bother you?”

Knowing that my granddaughter was gone, knowing where my daughter’s at and what
she’s facing for the possibility of her life, how much it’s hurting Cindy…I
couldn’t take it no more.

I wanted to join Caylee. I miss her so much.

The Anthony’s home has turned into a shrine to Caylee—her bedroom remains just as
it was, her furniture, clothing and toys are still there, her handprints are still
on the mirror. They even keep her death certificate lying out in the open, the
saddest reminder of what has devastated this family.

GEORGE: We’re not gonna get rid of anything of hers. Most everything we’ve held on
to. We just can’t let it go. We can’t let it go.

RODRIGUEZ: Everywhere you go in the house, there are pictures of Caylee and Casey.
CINDY: Right. Casey was always taking pictures of Caylee.

This is Caylee’s room. There’s days that it brings me smiles and there’s days that
I just come in here and I just cry.”

MAGGIE: You will never clean this mirror?

CINDY: No! And I can’t even wipe the dust off cause I’m afraid I’m gonna take a
smudge off of her.”

GEORGE: I can hear her, I can smell her right now...I can visualize her…There’s a
presence inside of our house that we can feel…we can see.

CINDY: It wasn’t Casey’s child. It was our child. She belonged to all of us.

Click here to watch a preview of 48 HOURS MYSTE

Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

Nope, won't watch it. Plain and simple, I just won't. If they reveal how much
money they have made off "licensing fees" etc, I would consider changing my mind.
Nay, I don't care enough about them to not stand up for Caylee.

muzikluver says:
4 weeks ago

based on the stuff they sent me (above), you guys have anything to add to my
questions for the 48 hours lady?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Since when you do you look at a bar for a missing child, or a video store. Since
when do you wait 31 days to report a child missing. Where is the so called note
the nanny gave you with instructions on what to do. Why would you loose something
so important as that paper. Where is the phone number, address or a picture of the
so called nanny. Were you looking at the tatoo place for Caylee, what a crock of
BS and Lies. She stole from everyone, lied ot everyone and cheated because it was
all about Casey the hell with everyone else including the one she was supposed to
love and protect. Nordie I am with you not watching anymore of the Ants lies, and
line of BS.

Casey have fun in your Bella Vita Jail Cell enjoy your Jalapeno Cheese Dip, maybe
if you eat enough you will gas your self to Death and save the State of Fl some
time and money.

muzikluver says:
4 weeks ago

that's fine if you dont watch it, but at least listen to my interview online!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
muzikluver. That I will do, do you have a link, that we can get on the computer.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

my burning question -- if the Ants believe their momster daughter is innocent, why
did they not look for Caylee at Sawgrass on the very day that momster said she was
there(and the notion that it was LE's job or some PI's job doesn't cut it.) If
they thought she was there, why didn't they go and search. Why have they used the
excuse it was LE's job to find her, when if they truly believed she was still
alive, they should have been out searching and not outside holding court with the
press. They claimed to have the nanny's address and phone number (oh yes, turned
it over to LE) -- why didn't they call or go look? And when they found it to be
bogus, why didn't they march in the jail and demand to know the truth? How do they
explain all the lies about Jeffrey Hopkins and the Zanny in the hospital? For them
to play this game of almost the truth, kinda the truth, playing little games with
words -- the reason they have no credibility with the public, they have never
demonstrated that Caylee was the most important person in their lives because they
will not admit when momster lied to them, to LE, nor even when she stole from them
or gramps. Why aren't they searching for the "real" killer? Don't they want
justice for their granddaughter?

So, how are they getting paid by your online interview? some kind or royalty --
because free doesn't exist for them, except for free ride! What good is a shrine
when they have not done one thing to assure Justice for Caylee. And by the way,
setting up a foundation even before Caylee's remains were found -- Caylee was
never missing and I hope the IRS kicks down their door. By the way, how are your
good buddies the Milsteads -- wow, and the boat, been fishing lately? Yeah, the
boat will help find missing children, they hide out on the water all the time.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

oh, and at least one more thing, the run-in says allegedly lying to police --
wait, wait, wait, there is no allegedly involved here. Anyone who has ears can
hear momster lying and we all know she was lying. She did not work where she took
them, she did not have an office where she said she did, etc. -- these are not
alleged lies, these are lies. For goodness sake, she even admits she lied and lied
about Sawgrass -- allegedly lying to police? What part of allegedly fits the

Have the Ants listened to their taped testimonies? Have they not heard from their
own lips lies and distortions? Geez -- never mind, I'm ranting to myself. No one
seems to have the ba*** to ask legitimate questions. No personal offense.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Interviews of Ants with prosecuters, inconsistant statements

Nordie here are some more of them Half Truths, what is the difference between a
Half Truth and a Lie, always that that was the same. LOL :)
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

Rodriguez failed to ask good follow-up questions.

Also, the State had requested a gag order. The defense wanted no parts of it. If
they are so afraid of a tainted jury pool, why do they keep going on national

Why do they need a jury for a check fraud case? Didn't they pay the money back to
the bank? Why is a DP lawyer working on a check fraud case? Are they saying
momster didn't take money that didn't belong to her? Are they saying that was
really Amy in the tapes buying beer? How does beer help you find your child?

God, I could go on -- I'm not -- sorry for the rant.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago


The Defence also wants the Check Fraud case moved, unbelievable.

Must of been Amy in costume,buying push up bra and that blue top Casey was
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

muzikluver, I do want to thank you for coming on and sharing this information with
us. And please come back after you interview and give us your take on your
thoughts on the Anthonys.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Georgetts testimony to prosecution.

Scamanthonys testimony to prosecution. #1

Scamanthony #2

Mr. Giggle Tube Sox Boy

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

I guess the amount of lies is what bothers most people. Casey has been caught in
one after the other. Cindy, well she is nothing but a liar!

Casey's defense team acts like people who don't have all the facts. They are
picking and choosing what they want to go with. They are not only hurting their
client, but they are hurting their reputation as attorneys in the future. They are
already disrespected by a large majority of people.

Along with Cindy, they are only serving to drive the hate for Casey further and
further into the ground. All the way to Hell! I hope they stop this nonsense or
that the judge puts a stop to the stupidity, as it is an insult to basic
professional behavior and ethics around the country. I am embarrassed to say that
there are people like this in the US where I live. Unbeleivable that they can
continue to make fools of themselves this way. It really needs to stop.

linn says:
4 weeks ago

whew! OK, for me and this is NOT to excuse the Ant's, but I also think of my
grandson and granddaughter as "my kids".. I am in a way, and not a sick way, like
the Ant's. Meaning they are my grandkids, yet they have lived with me since they
were born. I did most of the scary work, "cutting tiny nails, bathing, hair
washing," that my kids were terrifed to do. I DO consider my grandson my son. HE
is the one I have done it all for. My daughter has got over her fear and taken
over, but it still up to me to tell her when this baby is truly sick, tell her
feed her NOW... stuff like that. However I also know these kids are not mine and
if my son especially would grow up and get his own place and job, sigh.. Nope, he
still does not have what it takes to take care of a 6 year old. The school, the
baths, the hair washing, the teacher from the loony farm.

So in that way I understand the Ant farm. However, you don't say this is our
child, then refuse to watch her. If it was Cindy's child, why wasn't SHE watching
her? Hey, ask that question for me!! LOL.. If it was Cindy's child, why wasn't she
the one watching her?

Other than that, they all make me sick. I will go to the links now and hope they
are not video's! haha

Hey Steve, did you all get a ton of rain the other day? It is still warm as heck
and muggy here! And that is NOT usual after a rain!

linn says:
4 weeks ago

OK darn it all, I went to the links and the news site came up, but other that the
advertising, it was blank for every link. darn it
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

linn, There is only one video, but the pdf fils are interesting and you will like
Lee's he is spilling some of the beans on Casey.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

linn, it take a little while to load be patient.


4 weeks ago

linn: oh yeah we got rain and now it is going to heat up to 90 again.

I.M.O. Lee is on an ANTfarm gag order.

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

First off, I want to thank Rascal for all the links. If I was off on a little row
boat on my own, I don't know what I'd do. Probably just spin around in confused

Second, I agree with you JMo. Bozo acts like he doesn't know what is going on.
Rascal should be working for him, but he would hate that. They perfectly know what
the facts are but they try to confuse all the facts. Did he actually say something
to the effect that they couldn't really examine the scene of the dumping because
LE had removed ALL the evidence? LOL. How careless of LE.

Third, Linn. It sounds to me like you are doing what every loving parent would do
when faced with grandchildren that the parents are not able to take care of. I
have a 20 year old daughter that could not take care of a child. Thank God she has
not had one. My daughter is a great kid in many ways, but in other ways she has
dissapointed me. She has about a grade 10 education and no ambition to go any
further. I don't get it. We have offered to pay for whatever she wants to be.
Apparently she just wants to be the girlfriend of a guy that makes JUST enough to
support them. If a baby ever came into the picture, it WOULD be my baby. She
doesn't have a clue. Linn, I understand your situation totally. Bless you, and I
hope I never have to be in your shoes.

Fourth. WTF? I was driving back to the farm today and my local Alberta news was
interupted by the boy in the balloon story. I heard he was alone in a hot air
balloon. I ran into the house and turned on HLN. I saw a flying saucer racing
across the sky which apparantly had a little guy underneath. I watched the
rescuers reaction when they didn't find him. I watched the film of a box falling
from the craft. I watched when they said they found him safe at home. LOL. I was
so scared for this boy flying through the air. Kids can be so stupid with their
little un-developed brains. I know I made a lot of bad decisions when I was that
age. I am so happy he is safe, Now I hope this family gets some help.

Fifth, Muzik, please post a link to the live interview.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

You are all welcome for the links. I still have some more pages to finish reading
in the morning, going to hit the sack so I can watch the court hearings in the
morning. They will finish up reading. I know there is a lot for all of you to go
threw so many docs.

Steve, We also got hit with that rain here, today we had sun yahoo.
Nite all.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

The little boy in the balloon unfortunately was not real. He was hiding in the
attic the whole time. My take on it is that the family is a bunch of kooky
attention seekers. They have been on TV before with the wife swap thing. They are
obsessed with science. I think he wanted his stupid balloon to be seen on TV.
Anyway, I feel sorry for those kids.

What about the kid set on fire. That is just truly heartwrenching to me. If I was
that mom, I would want to kill someone.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

Guess what? What you might ask? Sindy is on a two-year leave of absence with
disability -- and they are getting a total of $20,000 for the 48 interview. Do I
hear blood money?

Muzikluver, I will listen -- thanks for keeping us updated. Just venting I'm
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I laid in bed last night after finishing Lees testimony, what is with this guy.
This is very serious and he seems to sit there laughing, I will never understand
that one. You niece is deceased because of your sister and you think this is
funny! I do not find any of this funny, the lies the stealing and a death of
little Caylee, grow up Lee.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Casey will be live in Court on HLN.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Here is the link for Casey if you want to watch on Computer.
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

4 weeks ago

Did you guys hear this one? So a whore, a liar & bitch walk into the
courtroom...oh wait. That's not a joke, That really happened. Never mind.
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

4 weeks ago

No video with that link Rascal...

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Hmmm, I wonderif Mommy Lyons is buying Caseys new size in cloths they are color
cordinated, the way Casey is growing they will be able to share cloths soon.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

It worked earlier Wednesday I viewed it let me find a new link for you hold on a
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

once it loads it may stop and just reclick start

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

There must be so many hits on it right now, very slow. But that is a good link.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Wednesday that will happen sometimes when there are to many hits on a link.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Ok here on utube there are part 1 2 & 3
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Check Fraud Case Jan 25th 2010 yahoo for Amy

The decision on the check fraud trial date was initially put off due to several
new motions recently filed by the defense in relation to that case. However, just
after 11:00am, less than an hour after the hearing had ended, the court said a
pretrial status hearing was set for Friday, December 18, 2009 at 10:00am and the
trial date was set for Monday, January 25, 2010.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Slide show of court today.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Happy Dance Time On The Deck Tomight!!!! :)

Updated: 12:35 pm EDT October 16, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony will stand trial in January not for murder,
but for stealing her best friend's checks. An Orange County judge Friday set a
date for her check fraud trial. The judge also granted a motion (read order) filed
by the state to dismiss the defense motion to have murder and child abuse charges

The judge also gave Casey's defense team until February to provide proof that
someone else placed Caylee's body in the woods near the Anthony family home.

muzikluver says:
4 weeks ago

our website is, you can listen online...I will be airing the interview
around 6:20, I will tape interview around 3:10...
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago


Thank you for that info, I sure hope you did not feel we are upset with you about
the interview. We are just upset that this is dragging on so long with out Justice
for Caylee.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

EXCELLENT VIDEO. Man does this have info!!

(also, George admits a Bookdeal)

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

EXCELLENT VIDEO! Kathi Belich is great! Lots of info pieced together.

Seems George now admits a book deal and CONway has been working on it...geeezz.
Two of a kind slimebuckets.

Muzikluver, here is where you can get some good questions for the ants.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Trying this again after signing in. Can't seem to get my postings to load. Sorry
Wednesday if you have a bunch from me that never showed on the page. Just delete
them I guess.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Ok, it must be that I am putting a video link on there and it isn't taking it.
Wednesday, can you post one of the postings I submitted so everyone can see the
Video that Kathi Belich did?

muzikluver says:
4 weeks ago

no you guys haven't upset me. If you look back, I have been posting here for a
long time! I am using the fact that I am on the radio here in Central Florida to
be a voice for Caylee Anthony...since none of her family will do it!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago


I remember you for a long time ago. And I know how you feel about Justice for
Caylee. I am still wading threw the new information that was put out yesterday,
interview of the family by prosecution. I sure hope Lee does not laugh in Court
the way he has in all his interviews, that will not go over good in front of
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Muzikluver, as soon as I can post that video link, you will hear a lot of good
questions that Kathi Belich has for George. Seems that George admits now to a
bookdeal and that CONway has been working on it. She tells all his
inconsistencies, esp. about the Duct Tape, which seems is now being labeled THE
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Wednesday, you crack me up with the whore, bitch, liar...ROTF. That is so true and
no joke!
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

13th Juror

You can go here on the left side and vote if you think Crime scene was
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Is it just me or did anyone else notice that smirk being spaned off of Bozos face.
I think Judge Strickland socked it to him. There are discussing this on tru tv
Jamie Floyd.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

One more question -- if a statement is a half-truth, what is the other half? A


6:20 -- I'll be listening :>)

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago


Now Sindy will half to make up another lie to answer that one, lol
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Well I finally had the courage to finish Lees testimony, what world does this
family live in. Lee feels there is a posibility that Caylee is still alive, omg I
need some tylenol. Well who's ashs are they wearing then,get a grip Ants Caylee is
gone and Casey killed her.

muzikluver says:
4 weeks ago

ok, the interview went well...I will play it back on around 6:20 eastern
time for the first part, 2nd part around 6:35, and the last at 6:45...I think you
should actually tune into watch it because Maggie Rodriguez says she does NOT let
up on some of the questions she asks...
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I have the link ready on bottom bar. Good about time Cindy is asked tough
questions. Tired of the lies, oh excuse me they call that a Half Truth, lol
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

muzikluver, I will listen to you, I will not watch. The Ants are being paid a
minimum of $20,000 for this, according to Sindy's sworn testimony. I will not do
anything to help them live off the blood of their granddaughter as they continue
to lie, lie, lie.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago


Wait till you read what was said in the new docs we got yeaterday, finally
admiting to book deal. More blood money.

There is a old saying about some people can step in cow shit and come out smelling
like a rose, well they are a good example. Shame on Them!!!
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

Is it 97.5 Country in Lakeland, FL?

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Sure glad it is not rap. lol

muzikluver says:
4 weeks ago

yes 97 country wpcv to listen online

muzikluver says:
4 weeks ago

just remember I am a MUSIC dj, not talk show please don't be mean to me!


4 weeks ago


RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago


I would never be mean to you. But when Casey is convicted I have a dedication for
her, I will tell you what it is later, LOL

Steve, Now I happen to like that music. Be nice or I will use my s--t kicker


4 weeks ago

When we line dance I will be the one to the right of you.

P.S. You should hear me rap! I guess I would be hearing man overboard at that
point so I will save that one for a later date. Something to do with momster and
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Steve, I ask my son to take a tape out of my car one time that was rap, he did not
listen. I ejected it and threw it out the window, does that tell you anything.
When I talked to them and they did not listen watch out. :)
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Remember the song folsom prision by Johnny Cash, well it is renamed for Casey
Orange County Prison.
JMo profile image

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

I know that Casey looks like HELL. Did you all see that big zit on her right cheek
the other day. jail house sores! And that stupid Lyons freak looks like a monster!
Does that woman own a Mirror???? Her and Crazy in matching outfits, give me break!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago


I can see right now the Anthony's are not going to change, time to get out the
Ants Spray and Zap them. Why do parents try to protect a child when they know deep
down in there heart they did something like this.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
JMo, I commented on the matching colors earlier, go back and look, lol

Wednesday, cute joke and very fitting.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I did notice a lot of the things I mentioned were asked of Cindy , not like I
really expected to hear the truth. There is a reason for all what Casey did, at
the bar the 31 day and tatoo and on and on.


4 weeks ago

Hey Rascal, I will give you a choice...

12 weeks of anger management or $1000 fine for littering


RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

And what do you think my thought is on that one. And he had just bought that tape,

It was on I-5 on the way to Portland,first time I ever threw anything out. Never
tick off your Mom. He likes Country music now. Moms house Moms rules, Moms car
Mom's rules.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

lol, yes I saw the comment earlier. I was just commenting on it too.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

We could name them the Lyon Twins.

Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

I listened, muzik -- great voice. Perfect for broadcast.

I am not convinced the Ants will say one thing different, thus no watchy.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

After listening today, I have decided 48 hrs will just be 48 more lies!!!
Nordie profile image
Nordie says:
4 weeks ago

Rascal, I loveeeeeee the music!!!!

Pay the fine on the installment plan :>)

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Ok one doggie biscut a week, lol

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

On second thought it is past the statue of limitations. It was like 20 years ago.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I have a better way now, picture Grandma sitting in front seat rocking out, they
get embarased and turn it off.

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

I just managed to read through George's new depo. I haven't read any of the others
yet. George seemed to do quite well. A couple times I got the distinct impression
that he was out right fibbing, but for the most part it seemed okay. Two big
problems I have with it is that he said they haven't changed the locks on the
house. WTF, a killer nanny has the key!!!!! (And, I've heard that Rascal does too
LOL) Also, he said that either Tony or Richard (can't remember) has a criminal
record, but he hasn't checked to see what for. Seems like something I would check

Thanks for reminding me this morning Rascal about court. I managed to watch the
end on the computer. HLN seemed to be more concerned about the balloon. Her outfit
matched her lawyer's perfectly. I assume they did this as a subliminal message to
us about their solidarity. Funny, she also matched her chair perfectly. I actually
thought Casey looked better than usual. She must be wearing Spanxs underneath.

Great news about the fraud date being set. Will they try to use this in a good
way? When the murder trial goes to court will they try to say Casey (who has a
habit of stealing) stole from the wrong person?

Oh, one more thing from George's depo. I hadn't heard before that she has a
history of imaginary jobs. She was pretending to work at a sports store after
Caylee was born. George went there one day just on a hunch. They had never heard
of her. Cindy insisted that George let her handle it in order to not upset Casey.
Well, George did confront her and he got shit on by Casey for not trusting her and
she continued to insist she worked there. I was scared of my Dad and I still am.
I'm nearly 40 and I still make decisions based on what he would consider the right
thing to do. If I had ever even tried to give him shit...well, I can't even
imagine. So Casey has lied about all of her jobs. A real job would have been so
much less work than pretending to have a job. I just don't understand.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

losingit, you will like parts of Lees also he says Casey stole a check from him
and forged it for 200.00 and he caught it. And he admits she did the same to
Sindy, and stole credit cards. But he also believes Caylee is still alive.

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

Bombshell, this just in, Rascal littered! LOL. Steve that fine might go up because
I just heard she was talking on her cell phone at the time.

Well, that just made me think of something. Can Casey be charged with littering?
Of course we don't think little Caylee was trash, but she did.

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

Well, George at least phrased it properly. He said he couldn't believe that Caylee
was dead. That's so sad and heartbreaking.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Be nice to me I did not have a cell at that time, lol

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Ron and Misty divorced, Judge signed off it is final.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

Since Court TV carried this today, I bet the Fraud Case will be on there also, and
probably the Murder Trial.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

So lets see if I have this straight...

31 days later, Cindy asks Casey about Caylee. Casey says the sitter stole her.
Cindy says why didn't you tell me? Casey says because Im a spiteful bitch. Cindy
asks how could that happen? Casey says well that the sitter has a key to the
house. Cindy says when was she here? Casey says she came in and used the computer
for searches and to post nude pics of me. Cindy says, well why does your car smell
like a dead body? Casey says that the sitter must of used it while it was at the
wrecker yard. Cindy wants to know how to reach the sitter. Casey says she doesn't
know. Cindy calls the police. Casey hates Cindy. Everyone hates Casey except
I think Casey would go as far as to try and convince Bozo and Lyings that Cindy is
the one who tossed Caylee. Casey knows that Cindy displays erratic freaky
behavior. She also will go to no end to lie. She never bothered to call the
sitter, she never changed the locks on the house, etc. Casey would love to see
Cindy pinned for this. I wonder if that would change Cindy's mind at all about
Casey if that happened? Bozo is stupid enough to buy whatever story Casey tells
him. He is like a teenager in love....sees, hears and believes whatever the girl
tells him.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

NG was supposed to have part one tonight and part 2 on monday on sindy. Wonder
what happened to that one, wonder if she was threatened by lawsuit.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

JMo, I have said many times that is one wierd family.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

Reading through Cindy's deposition. It starts out good! Asks about Dominic Casey's
multiple phones. Then she admits she thinks her CELL phone was tapped? I'm not
sure that can be done, are yall?

Anyway, she also admits she never looked up any missing children organizations
(this is while Casey had her computer). So guess who that leaves??? One
guess...come on,....that's right, CASEY. Doing her PREMEDITATED RESEARCH!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

They thought the house was bugged, Lee purcheded 4 new phones pay as you go, he
admisted that in his depo.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I hope linn got in to the pdf links, she did not wait long enough for it to load.

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

OMG....Cindy said that Casey talked to her about getting an apartment to share
with Zanny! around the 3rd.

This woman is completing ZONKERS! They need to put her away.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
Yep and George went to sports authority where Casey said she worked, they told him
she did not work there. I know they are all bonkers. Casey got pissed and told
George you do not fn trust me, I do work there, That part came from lee lol

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

Well JMo, as twisted as it is to say, but if she could kill Casey, I'm sure she
could kill Cindy too or at least throw her under the bus. I love this ship, but
sometimes I wonder why we never boarded a bus with a big picker thing on the
front. The selfish little bitch Casey is willing to blame all of this on Mom. It
even makes sense (sort of). Casey came home to a dead Caylee drowned in the pool.
Cindy wasn't paying attention. All the lies have been a cover up to protect Cindy.
EXCEPT, if it was an accident , why lie? No, the only thing that makes sense is
that Casey killed Caylee. I have played many scenarios over and over and they
don't fit. Casey killed Caylee accidently or on purpose. That seems to be the only
thing I'm unsure of. Was her death on purpose or something went wrong? We will
never know what happened here. We will believe whatever the State says happened
that gets her convicted. But, we will never know for sure. Their guesses are as
good as oours.

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

Tomorrow I will read Cindy's and Lee's depos. And guys, the links Rascal posted
work just be patient it takes about five minutes to load. There's a lot of stuff
there. It takes a few hours to read too.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago

I have like 200 pages to finish then I will be done, I just can not take all of
Sindy in 1 day, lol

JMo says:
4 weeks ago

For sure Casey is the GUILTY one. She would just like to take a shot at running
her story of who dunnit through Baez. Gee, I guess if the Zanny doesn't work out
for her, she can blame it on Zanny's sisters, or Jesse Grund, or Tony and if none
of that works for her, then Cindy is her last chance.

Next thing ya know, she will be claiming that the Squirrels did it again. That's
really gonna piss some people off.

I just can't believe that she gets away with convincing Baez that all these other
people did it besides her!!!

Zanny is her 'make beleive' sitter and kidnapper and killer. These people need to
get a clue. She now has the ANTS looking for a ficticious character and believing
Caylee really isn't dead. What kind of power does she have over people. I think
she is Mrs. Satan herself.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 weeks ago
I think Sindy has lost her marbles.

linn says:
4 weeks ago

Rascal.., I was getting older and older waiting for the page to load. I
about fell asleep. AND, Steve don't know about where you are, but it was miserably
HOT here today! After rain it is usually cold and windy. Super foggy last night,
and about a 100 today. I truly could hardly move. I plan on doing a marathon
reading session tomorrow and now have a few ideas of what I will be reading. I
hope it is not hot here as I read tomorrow. daughter sounds like yours. huge sigh here. She did graduate, but
ever since she was little I told her she was not the type to have kids. When my
grandson who just turned 6 was 3 or 4 she would say if she had a kid he would
never act like that! LOL. Told her this is normal for his age and it is hard to
deal with. Over and over she stated she did not want kids. Well, maybe she was
just telling me a half-truth? haha Oh well, it is hard as I just wish they would
all grow up and get out! Rascal, I think I will send my son to you with his
collection of rap music! I cracked up reading that. It happened to me, but it was
my radio station they moved to rap. Here I am, a bad day, turn on the radio in my
car and that just was on full volume! I was a danger on the road trying to switch
the channel and drive! Had to pull over.. That rap music is what I call "Murder
Music"... makes you want to kill someone! Truly!

They showed just Casey trying not to laugh at a joke the judge must of said. And I
noticed the matching blouses! I told my daughter that you can tell how long this
has already been going on just by the growth of Caseys hair! If not for Rascal and
others here on ship I would know nothing.. Just more and more about that balloon
boy! ENOUGH!

losingit says:
4 weeks ago

Well Linn, at least we're onto balloon boy and off MJ. I hear you all happy about
your warm weather. I have had snow here for the last week. Today was nice though.
Most of it melted. It felt like a nice spring day and it saddens me to think that
I won't feel that again for many months. Ahh winter why do you have to come? Good
night all. Oh! I was watching an antique show the other day and the guy showed how
matresses used to be suspended on rope crossings. The ropes would have to be
tightened every couple of months. It was much more comfortable to sleep on a
tightened bed, hence the phrase "sleep tight".


4 weeks ago

SINdy says her daughter never lied to her! Well, maybe once. when she was 7.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Sindy admits that the "steak knife" found in the front seat of casey's car was
taken from the house, from a set of flatware that is NEVER been used and is kept
underneath the regular flatware, so Sindy didn't know it was missing.

Geez, that alone should nail her. Taking never used flatware that maybe only she
would know was under there and using it to cut the (murder weapon) DUCT TAPE.
JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Plus, there was a pocket knife in the console of caseys car. Geez.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Transcripts Reveal Inconsistent Anthony Family Statements
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Kathie Belich and Bozo on Motions, did they take a sSpanking,
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

The Murder trial of Casey Anthony: Timeline and Evidence - Updated 10/04/09
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I can see George and Sindy being hostile witness, I sure hope there are some
braclets for them in the future. Pink ones for George and Blue for Sindy since she
wears the pants in the family. There lies are going to haunt them for the rest of
there misserable life as well as the blood money. After reading all the docs, I
can not stand any more of there lies, so 48 hrs can stick there show where the Sun
does not Shine.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Yes, I think its sad once all the information is put together. George really tried
to do a lot of cover up too. If it had not been for the jailhouse tapes of George
and Cindy distraught over where to find Caylee and the eventual finding of her in
the trash, I would of sworn they had something to do with the whole thing. I guess
I will always ask WHY. Why would they play these mind games with their daughter,
knowing she did this? Don't they realize that their denial is harming her even
more? It feeds her sickness!!
I think they have gone so far 'beyond' the word denial with hiding evidence, lying
and destroying evidence. They seriously need to be charged with a crime. I'm
serious. They should be held accountable for everything they have done to hamper
this investigation. I hope LE goes forward with charges on them. I can see it now:
Grandparents Jailed in the Murder of little Caylee Anthony!!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

People have been jailed for less then what the Ants have done covering up a
murder. Why have they been treated so special.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

One thing I rememmber Lee saying a long time ago, is how bad the car smelled. Then
in the depo to the prosecution Lee say him and Casey were sitting in the garage
talking, I do not believe that for a minute. He said the car smell reeked so bad
he could not stand being near it. A very inconsistant statement.


3 weeks ago

How can BOBO argue (sorry, I forgot I was talking about BOBO the BOZO) that the
jury pool will be tainted when his own clients parents are such media whores. If
there is any doubt that potential jurors will have to themselves pass a poly on
not hearing about this case then we are sadly mistaken. If I were the state I
would insist upon this so as it wipes out that arguement when BOBO files an appeal
due to that. And yes, there will be an appeal since we all know when all is said
and done what the verdict will be. I really hope that in a few months they put
this off until 2013. That will make the killer real happy! I never wish death upon
anyone, but I have a feeling George aint gonna make it much longer due to his
health issues.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Steve, in the case of the Ants not looking healthy they did this to themself. God
works in mysterious ways, he will let the Devil have them. God has little Caylee
safe in his arms. And no one will ever hurt her again.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

I find it so very bizarre that they are so tangled up in Casey's mind and her
ficticious people that don't exist. Why cant George and Cindy see that NONE of it
exists. The job, the babysitter, the freinds, co workers, none of it. They are
still searching for "these people". Word to Cindy: The only place "these people"
exist are in Caseys mind.

Someone please reiterate this to her over and over till she gets it! She is gonna
lose her mind completely when the day comes that Casey looks at her and says, who?
I don't know those people? When did I tell you that?
Poor Caylee. Now out of the house of horrors forever!!!

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Take the POLL on whether or not you will watch the show 48 hours...
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I wanted to vote Hell no, but only had a choice of no, LOL
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

oh one thing I forgot when I was commenting on Georgie, he said Cindy and Casey
were best friends. Hmmm I never told anyone to shut the f up. And never would have
said that to a parent, had to much respect for that. Wow and George thought they
were best friend, what did he do wear ear plugs at home.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Cindy continually says throughout the testimony that she would NEVER EVER yell at
Casey. She just wasn't like that. This is just another LIE to cover up her real
behavior. She is sicker than Casey, that is for sure.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

JMo, I could not imagine being around that family.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Even their own family doesn't want to be associated with them. Is it true that
Cindy's brother changed his last name due to all of this? I read that somewhere.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

He still has the same last name on the witness list.


3 weeks ago


Baloon Boy's parents facing criminal charges.

They will next star in the new show Parent Swap.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Now why does that not surprise me, I thought it was staged. They may face federal


3 weeks ago

Actually the new show that dad is the star in will be prison swap.

Bubba, please go to cell 54. Bubba, cell 54. Sorry about the Saturday night
visual. OUCH!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I sure was not impressed with that guys parenting skills. Not a very good example.


3 weeks ago

And the family who lost their entire crop because the baloon landed on it and 94
vehicles rolled over everything should sue them for damages. Cause and effect. You
caused it and this was the effect. CASE CLOSED!! Except if BOBO was the lawyer.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Bozo could say the Squirell was eating pizza and used the teather to wipe it's
mouth and it came undone.

losingit says:
3 weeks ago

Hi Rascal. I managed to muddle through Cindy's depo today. It wasn't quite as

awful as I imagined it might be. It was easier to read than I think it would have
been to watch. She still came off a few times as being a smarty-pants. They
described a box as being square. She corrected them that it was a rectangle and
then went on to teach them that a box actually has four sides the same size. It's
interesting just how smart she thinks her daughter is. Casey gave them a pic and
said it was in Zanny's apartment. It then came out that it was in one of the
boyfriends apartment. Cindy actually thinks Casey was giving out a clue there that
"Zanny's" apartment was the boyfriends. Cindy claims that there is no DNA to say
that it was Caylee found in the woods or even if the remains are of a boy or girl.
I think we know this. Am I wrong?

She did confirm that killer nanny had a key, but they had still not changed the
locks on the house.

Tomorrow I will read Laughing Lee's depo. I'm reading in order of what I can
stomach, George first, Cindy second, Lee third. It must be so hard for them to go
through these questions. They have everyone hating them for sticking up for Casey-
including me, but they really did lose Caylee and I believe they love her very
much. It sounds to me like Cindy did all the work taking care of Caylee. Casey was
more like a babysitter that watched Caylee when Cindy couldn't. Cindy cleaned,
cooked, laundry, sorted Caylee's things and basically raised Caylee. It was all
just so disfunctional. Too bad she didn't teach Casey how to be a proper mother.
OR, maybe that is not something that needs to be taught by anything other than
example. I have a mug that I acquired one Mother's Day that states, "Any woman can
be a mother but it takes someone special to be called Mom."

Oh, one more thing. Bozo sure got upset when they asked Cindy if Casey took photos
of Caylee to her lawyer. I imagine him kicked back in his chair sleeping off a
hangover and only awakening to the sound of money talk.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

48 Hours Mystery: "Untold Story Of Caylee Anthony"


48 Hours Mystery: The Untold Story About Caylee Anthony 1

48 Hours Mystery: The Untold Story About Caylee Anthony 2

Hours Mystery: The Untold Story About Caylee Anthony 3

48 Hours Mystery: The Untold Story About Caylee Anthony 4

Hours Mystery: The Untold Story About Caylee Anthony 5

Hours Mystery: The Untold Story About Caylee Anthony 6

For those of you who want to watch, I have not seen them and did not watch 48 hrs.

imacynic2 says:
3 weeks ago

I was disappointed. They totally allowed the Anthonys to be painted as victims.

They forgot to give the information about how even though the Anth's are keeping
their house like a shrine - they were destroying the site memorials. Or, how they
lied to the public, police and everyone else - the emails about the wrong
hairbrush CinCin gave the police etc.

I think they are still in denile - they don't believe they could raise something
so evil, or they know they did but are so sickened by that fact they are trying to
hide it from the public, not that that works.
Anyway - about the defense attorneys - they are grasping at straws. If you know
your client is guilty as sin and you don't have anything to play to try to
convince people she is innocent - you have no choice but to attack the
prosecutions case - and they are attacking any and everything they can and even
some things they can't - come on - no duct tape on the mouth? Read the autopsy
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

The Anthonys will never be truthful, even after Casey is found guilty they will
lie. It is not denial it is flat lies.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I went to several blogs and there commments were it was a waist of time and the
lies continue, I expected the Ants to lie that is there way of life. Glad I went
to sleep early as I have a game today and needed the rest.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Oh if you have not read Cindys testimony page 498 Bozo tells Cindy to zip it, LOL
The only way to zip her mouth Bozo is get out the Duct Tape, wrap tightly.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

The defence is flying by the seat of there bloomers, and they will be changing
them very often when this trial starts. Reading some of the motions I often wonder
if some of Bozos law students are writing the motions for experience
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

The Anthoys are both on disability, I wonder if Conway helped Cindy aquire that.
George in his depo said CBS gave themm a few thousand for the interview and pics.
Wow George a few thousand is sort they gave you Twenty Thousand.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Oh and Cindys new answer to why she said about the smell of a dead body was to get
police there faster, that is a new spin on the smell. OMG this woman is such a
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
Sheriff: Charges will be filed in child/balloon saga


3 weeks ago

I thought I was right about SINdy saying she never met the nanny or even had a
contact # for her or an email address. Thank you 48 hours.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Steve, the ship is in your hands for the afternoon, half to leave soon game time.
Have a good day.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

What a crock of crap! Psycho Psyndi needs locked up with Crazy for sure!
Seriously. George too. They are all nuts!!

Death Penalty for Crazy!!!! God Bless Caylee!!!(the only victim).


3 weeks ago

I have a little league game to manage in a couple of hours and then if my oldest
wants to go to the movies tonight he better finish his book report. You hear that
Jason... He did go to Sea World yesterday with my sis so he cant complain about
anything! You hear that Jason?
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
3 weeks ago

If the defense knows who the "stranger" is they would reveal it so they could get
their client out of jail.

Hope everyone is having a good time at their games today.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Iam back, annd I found a Shih Tzu that looks like Rascal on the way home. Thank
God it had a tag so I called the owener, now waiting for a call. Poor baby almost
got hit by a Truck, I was so glad I was at the right place at the right time.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Ronald and Mistery are finally divorced. Here is their settlement:
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Casey Anthony case: CBS pays $20,000 for family photos, video

Hey Georgie big difference in what you said under oath.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Just another sick twist of words by the ANTs. Sort of like what is a square vs a
rectangle when it comes to a F'N box. Geez, these people are SICK. The amusing
part is that they "think they are clever" and they are actually showing their
ignorance. I hope Cindy is reading this!!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Blogger news on Casey this is really good.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Yes, I thought all along that Cindys and Georges actions are out of guilt and
cover up. Their little jail house tapes with them making a pact to stick together.
Remember, we are like a hand...from George to Casey? SICK! They basically were
telling Casey to just keep on lying and not to worry. They would find a way to
back up her stories and get her out. Sorry, but I think Casey was a gonner, a long
time back....when she started searching chloroform on Cindy's computer and went
over the top when she murdered Caylee and threw her out like trash on the side of
the street. I wish they would let Cindy and Casey talk and air it live for
everyone. Casey won't remember nothing.

Baez is a big player in all of this too. He was into "controlling" Cindy and
George...telling them to pat down people entering their house, when they should
talk and when they shouldn't, etc. AND in controlling Casey by only telling her
what he wants her to know. He even tried to tell DC to not call 911. This freak
has tried to manipulate the whole crime scene really. The judge needs to
investigate him, seriously, for his part in why things have gone wrong.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

JMo, Remember us talking about Bozos secretary in the beginning go listen to

blogger news, they are trying to find this gal.
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

3 weeks ago

I assumed right off the bat that Balloon Boy scenario was a hoax thought up by his
media whore aprents. I found it interesting that on the news the next day, the
anchor asked the little shit-wad why he hid in a box & his response was "because
my dad told me to". She said "Why?" shit-wad says "for the show". Media-whore-
parents showed fake shock & awe.


I'll step forward & openly be chastised for admitting I watched the 48 hours
episode. The Ants won't get any more or any less money by me watching it. It was
no different from watching NG or JVM or...dare I say...Court TV.

Nothing we didn't already know, but I was hoping to get a glimpse of Georgy-boy
letting a tear slip or Sindy flipping somebody off.

They're so nuckin' futs!

Bozo's smirk & vague answers led me to believe they're pinning Caylee's murder on
Sindy. They're going to create reasonable doubt to get Casey acquitted, but then
there won't be enough evidence to convict Sindy so the state will have to drop the
charges. That's my opinion & I'm sticking to it.

Notice Bozo's comments "that information will come out at the right time". I think
he's 100% behind G&C not visiting Crazy at jail. He's distancing her from them so
they won't know what hit them when he pins this on Sindy. & all the while he's
using her own words against her. "Casey never lies", "Casey was such a great
mother". Those words are gonna haunt her. If they already don't.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

I can't download the player to hear it. Who was the secretary? I remember that
Marti McKenzie EVIL chick who said, "Im the only spokesperson for Jose"!!
Remember, that was when that Todd Black guy or whoever he was pretending to be was
talking for Bozo and then Bozo said he didn't know him, etc. etc when he did. What
a big joke all of this is. Poor Caylee.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

LOL, that's funny Wednesday, I too thought they may go with pinning this on Psycho
Psyndi! She's the logical person who would be next on the list.

However, I went back and read the testimony from Cameron Campina (the guy who
roomated with Tony or Sean, I think).

Anyway, in his testimony he says that (while Caylee was missing), Casey would get
high everynight off of 2 hits off a pipe that was laced marijuana. Then she would
cook all kinds of food and then hang in the bedroom with Tony or Sean (can't
remember). Anyway, he said that she was asked, Where is Caylee and of course she
gave the excuse of at a birthday party in CoCoa Beach.

So, tell me....if she is 'looking for Caylee', how is she telling people where
Caylee is? Why are they asking her where Caylee is? Shouldn't it be the other way
around? lol

Also, I like the part where he says that Casey told him that George cheated on
Cindy and that Cindy was making him move out. She said that she didn't want to
have Caylee there because of all of that and that she was getting an apt. with
Amy. Yet she told Amy that Cindy was signing the house over to her. Amy even put
in a change of address to have her mail sent to the Anthonys. Cindy changed it
back, not knowing why it was sent there in the first place, except that Casey told
her it was 'secret mail that Amy had to hide something about a birthday party'.

HELLLOOOO Cindy...What in your brain keeps you from seeing that your child was
mentally ill and needed help!!!????

I can't wait till Cindy is next on the blame game list. She is gonna then say, "oh
casey is craxy now". It will be a different story when she is being accused, eh???
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Wednesday, No way would anyone be upset beacuse you watched, I just can not listen
to the same old crap from the Ants. even there depos canged to more lies. They can
not keep there storys straight. I agree I get the Ballon boy was a hoax, I loved
it when the kid left the cat out of the bag, but lets blame the parents for having
him lie in the first place. Kids learn what they are taught. Casey is a very good
example of that one.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

JMo, I have never heard the secretarys name but I am sure we will soon. And when
we do will may find out what went on in that office. we know Casey was on the
computer there in the converence room,, was she deleating pics, that is my
Numarama profile image

Numarama says:
3 weeks ago

Hi mates - I have been so out of the loop lately! Thanks to Rascal and everyone
else for all the links to keep us up to date :) I'm hoping to stay up and read all
the new docs tonight so I won't comment on those til I'm caught up. But I will say
that I can't get over Casey's hideous fat spotted back! I wouldn't be surprised if
it was some sort of STD that spread...LMAO...I never thought she was all that
pretty but she is looking downright FUGLY these days. Love it.

I also love Bozo and Co. getting shot down in court - what a bunch of morons!!!
Someone up there was looking out for Caylee when Momster decided to hire him.
Months ago I was worried she'd get away with it because of some legal loophole but
her moron lawyers' antics have quelled those fears for me! There is a reason why
these goons ended up as her lawyers - to help fry her guilty ass!!

I really hope they find the secretary. I'm sure she has some useful info.

On another note, I am wondering about the check fraud trial in January (and
looking forward to it!). Do we know who has to testify? Casey? The ANTs? Amy H,
the bank teller, the Target cashier?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I know the Bank, Target, Amy. I am not sure if the State will call George and Lee,
they have admited in depos for the state that Casey forged there checks as well in
the past.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

I can't wait either. How will those morons protect her then? Can't you just hear
it now....oh that's not casey in that video at the bank! That must be Zanny
disguised as Casey! That "Zanny" is a tricky one. Being 5"8 and a 10! Thats a tall
hispanic if you ask me.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Georgie thinks Casey is beautiful, he sure needs glasses. My dog is much better
looking and sweet.

And good news the little dog I found today the mommy came after it.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Oh wait, they will then say that Zanny is not hispanic. Zanny is the nickname for
Huzienga....hmmm. Didn't cindy allude to that in her testimony? I swore I read
that last night. I want to know where all these mysterious people are? Could they
all be hiding so well??? Her friends, co workers and Zanny? Amazing. And that
doesn't cause cindy to question anything? OMG. I am telling you, she will be
locked in the looney bin after this is all over. Watch and see.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

JMO, Yes Cindy did allude to that in her depo.

And Cindy also said that Jesse's mother fit the description of the lady on the
plane with the little girl, trying to drag the whole family in this screwed up
mess. They are trying to slander every one.

Sindy needs to get out of her pill bottle.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Glad the puppy is ok.

Yes, Casey looks horrible. She is taking on the face of Lyings. If you look at
them both, they really have the same features. Those bags under the eyes, stringy
hair, horse face, etc. etc.

BTW, I love the questions about Cindys hair when they asked her if the top was
always cut off short like that and if she cut it herself. WTF? What's that got to
do with CAYLEE?

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Funny, they say that the person trying to point the fingers at everyone else is
usually guilty of something. It's all so crazy too. Cindy is acting just like
Crazy. I wonder what meds she is on and if she has been on them long? I wonder
what meds casey is on?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

JMo, yes the Bobbsey Twins,, LOL

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I heard on another blog Sindy is on Zanax, I have been wondering for a long time
what it was. She acts like she is in La La land.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Yes...maybe she is Casey's new Mommy. One that doesn't yell at her (for real).
Anyway, off to my pillow...can't think about this garbage anymore for tonight.
Numarama profile image

Numarama says:
3 weeks ago

Thanks, Rascal. I hope the ANTs do have to testify on the check fraud! I would
think the prosecution would want to demonstrate that Crazy had a long history of
stealing from people close to her. I wonder if they will have Casey's grandmother
testify at the check fraud trial too...


I am going to bury myself in this garbage (aka reading depos and such) in my cozy
bed til I can't take it anymore! Haha. Good night, see y'all soon!


3 weeks ago

Baloon Boy family already had the cops come 2 times this year for domestic
violence. Gee, when he threw the glass of milk on the person in wife swap ,
perhaps that was a signal to sign this guy up for anger management! Set an example
people and let them know what it feels like when your children are truly missing.

losingit says:
3 weeks ago

I finally just finished Lee's depo (laughing). What a strange laughing guy. I
guess he does it out of disbelief. He thinks the Grunds are responsible and
alludes that they are keeping Caylee somewhere. How stupid are these people?

I said before that I think they will use the fraud case to show that Casey was
broke and perhaps owed money to the wrong person. I think she will just plead
guilty to it and then try to use it to their advantage. That might play out, but I
also agree that Cindy might be the next one to be blamed. She told Dominique to
pretend to look for the remains while in actually he was placing the remains there
in the woods???? LOL, just some things I'm thinking about this morning.

Rascal, I'm so happy you reunited Shih-Tzu with Mommy. It was really nice that you
took the time to do that.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Steve, I read that about the violence from baloon man, what a example for those
little boys. My husband would have worn a cast iron skillet if he had ever threw
something at me. Joking but he would of been out of my house.

losingit, That lady said she can not keep the dog in, I told her please do not let
him get killed, she asked if I would take him if he gets out again and of course a
softie as I am I said yes.

Yes Lee has a wierd sence of humor at the wrong time, I see nothing funny about
any of this.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

The Big Payoff for the Ants, they are on a Cruise thanks to 48 hrs, where the Hell
is the Ice Berg when you need it. Maybe they will fall over board.

muzikluver says:
3 weeks ago

Thanks for listening guys...

muzikluver says:
3 weeks ago

Thanks for listening guys...

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago


Your program was so much better. I did not listen to 48 hr but I did go to utube
and hear it. The comments on the net is the same old lies from the Ants. They will
never change and want Justice for Caylee. And to think they believe Caylee is
alive at the time of the Depos they have some sick minds.

nannie27 says:
3 weeks ago

one more reason to hate Cindy - look how smug she is after their cruise:

“We had a nice vacation, will you please leave us alone now?” Cindy told the

“The vacation was from you guys,” Cindy said. “Shut your camera off.”

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Cindy is just like Casey, she thinks she is above the law, I sure hope they charge
the Ants with obstruction and lieing, they are well over due for a stay at Bella
Vita the Orange County Jail!


3 weeks ago

Now it is back to reality ANTfarm! Your statements to L.E. will help find your
daughter guilty as charged. And then I hope the media shuts you off from your blah
blah blah about the justice system. JUSTICE IS SERVED! Had you been on our ship,
we would have played a little game with you. And iy wouldn't have been bingo.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Steve, They Ants would not have passed go and collected money, they would be in
the Jail with Casey.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I hope the Ants sent Casey a post card, I can see her saying I am so pissed, I am
just so pissed, Ha Ha Casey they did not even invite you. But with luck you may
see them in Orange Jump Suits also. They can have a Anthony wing in your area.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Docs: Baez, P.I. Disagreed On Payment

'48 Hours' Show Raises Questions

losingit says:
3 weeks ago

Oh, the papparazi surrounding the Ants LOL. Cindy looked very hip in her smart
ensemble including a matching over-sized black bag. She stated in her depo that
she needed new luggage. Very nice. Now we now why. She walked down the plank and
waved to all her fans. She hired a entourage of supporters to hug and kiss as she
made her way through the mob of fans. She looked happy and refreshed until all the
(okay one) videographer was noticed. Then Cindy told the poor girl that she ruined
their vacation. Too funny. It sounded like something a ten year old would say.
Good old Cindy. She just can't ever keep her mouth shut. She's so low class.
She always wore raggedy old clothes. Now she dresses quite nice. I wonder if she's
wearing Casey's clothes now that she's lost weight. Please lord, don't ever let me
see her in the blue or black dress with the boots. There's not enough eye bleach
for that.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

losingit, Maybe Georgie can take Sindy to Fusion in that blue dress and black
boots to see if she can pole dance like her daughter, LMAO

losingit says:
3 weeks ago

Have I seen her head on Casey's body doing just that or was that just a nightmare?
Have you ever seen that Rascal? If not could you make that for me? I'll tape it to
the fridge and look at it everytime I want to snack. I think there's a few people
on board watching their weight. It could be the greatest weight loss plan EVER!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

losingit, I will work on it tomorrow for you.

losintit says:
3 weeks ago

Thanks Rascal. I'm off to bed. Good night.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Good nite losingit

linn says:
3 weeks ago

I think Sindy is remaking herself. Now that time has passed, she is getting all
this money and attention. Cruises, expensive dinners and all for free. I am sure
the clothes are either from TV shows or blood money. Both the same I guess. Caylee
has been gone a while now, and their grief has faded. I bet deep down they hope
Casey does not

get out! No death penalty, but just life. Course their money train will end, but
yet with a normal job they could make it now that Casey is no longer stealing
money and they don't have to support her or Caylee. They are getting so much stuff
for free and WHY? Who is left that is stupid enough to keep falling for their so
called grief. That is over now and it shows. George I suppose still looks sad and
much older. Sindy and her mushroom hair is thinner and looks worse for it. her
face is sagging and her hair looks brassy and fried. I wonder btw, why did they
ask about her hair? Did they notice something in evidence about her nasty looking
hair? That just seemed odd and a no reason question, making me wonder why? I bet
there is a reason behind it.

I take Xanax. I heard Sindy did too, but when you take it you calm down
trememdously. No way if she is taking it, would her eyes bug out and would she
rant and rave like she does. It calms you down. Makes you easy going and quiet.
Gets rid of the extreme nerves that cause anxiety. So in my professional, lol,
opinion, she is not taking it. In public anyway!

And Rascal, that was very nice of you to rescue the dog. I have a feeling you will
have a new family member soon!

And boy do I wish I could have seen Casey's face when she heard her parents got a
free cruise with all the bells and whistles while she gets puffy and pasty in
jail.. lol Mean ole Linn..haha
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

linn, I really have enough with one dog, so I hope the lady can keep it in the
yard. I was just glad it had a tag with a number, or I would have had to print
flyers up and post them every where. Glad my deck is secure that Rascal can not
her head between the bars. My son had a fit when I said I wanted them closer and I
said I do not care what the cost is. So he understood I did not want her jumping
down and running around. To many wild animals here.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Well, Cindy's testimony all but implicates her.

She said that "the state is mistaken in assuming that Casey Anthony is the person
who searched terms like "neck-breaking," "household weapons," and "how to make
chloroform" on the Anthony family computer.

Then in, what I call, a "moment of brillance", she says:

"I remember I looked up chlorophyll back in March of last year and I am not sure
if I looked up chloroform as well," Cindy Anthony told prosecutors in a

Now, why would she say that? Go figure. However when they told her that records
show that she was at work at the time chloroform was looked up, she has another
"moment of brillance" and says: "my time sheets were not always 100 percent

So, basically, Cindy has now admitted that she is the one who most likely looked
up chloroform!!! WTF??? They need to SHUT HER DOWN! She is going off the deep end.

That is lying to cover up a murder! Last time I looked, that was against the law.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

And what about this theory....I think they were asking her about her hair, because
perhaps "her" hair was found on the duct tape (you know, the 'unidentified dna'
stuff they are talking about). Maybe they wanted to know when she last colored her
hair for that reason!

Yep, I definitely think she is next on the list for being blamed. They are working
a case for sure. Casey hates her so bad, I could see her telling Baez: "My mother
hates me and she is trying to blame me for her drowning Caylee in the pool. I came
home right when it happened! My mother is lying. I've been covering for her this
whole time."

Even though we know that doesn't add up and really won't go anywhere, Casey will
probably still try it, because she will blame anyone but herself and Baez will go
with whatever she says.

losingit says:
3 weeks ago

Well, I'm still up. JMo, you are so smart. That all explains a lot to me. Very
good theories about the hair questions and chloroform search. I'll have to think
about that more tomorrow, but for now, I'm really going to bed. Good night.
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

3 weeks ago

JMO, I'm telling you, they ARE creating reasonable doubt. Cindy is purposely
throwing out lies here & there to confuse jurors. All they need is 1 juror to not
be wholly convinced that Casey did this & she's let off the hook. There's no way
there's enough evidence to pin this on Cindy, so the state will have to drop the

I'm leaning toward the idea that Cindy has been made aware of this & is slipping
these little "mis-truths" on purpose.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
3 weeks ago

Wednesday, I think you are so right. The Ants are doing and saying anything to
cause just a glimmer of doubt. What they fail to remember is it is "reasonable"
doubt, not just any doubt. What they are saying is not reasonable at all.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Well, anybody in their right mind will know that Cindy is not credible! She is
totally kooky! She needs to take her lying, muffin top, black bag carrying, grinch
face, ass back home and shut up!

If Casey gets out for one minute, I'm sure the first person she would kill would
be Cindy. Can you even imagine the life Casey must of had at home dealing with
this witch? Sorry, she may of loved Caylee, but she is a whack job who should of
never had or been around children!


3 weeks ago

Let me throw my 2 cents in this morning by asking this question that I think
causes such a problem for the momster. Does anyone know someone who has not heard
of this case? Granted, we probobly are 95% more in tune than 99% of those people
but come on, this has been so media driven for a long time and we are still a long
time from trial. I think that SINdy and her flock are making the waters even more
muddy by these statements. In fact I think that they have truly pissed off anyone
that will sit on this jury already. Sure, you only need 1 juror to believe in this
reasonable doubt B.S. and I wish them luck with finding that 1 cause the other 12
are coming in with their minds made up from the actions and antics of not only
momster but the ANTfarm. Bottom line... they have tainted the jury pool by what
THEY have said and done. There might be a planet in our solar system that she will
get a fair trial, but not on this one. Everyone that I know has heard of this case
and so have I. Have a great day all, I gave my own court date to deal with.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I loaded a pic of the Anthonys's and notice they had the gale to wear the Missing
Caylee Buttons on there Cruise. They do not want attention yea right, why the hell
do they wear these buttons she is not missing she is deceased. These people really
are looking for sympathy, in the wrong way.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I just reecieved a email from Twisted Mystery writer, my link for the Petition
will be listed on her site. Jan has it on blogger news also this is going to work
but a slow process, getting people to take the time to sign. For those of you that
have not signed please look at the top of the page wednesday posted the link. I
really would appreciate the help.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Casey Anthony case: Judge in civil case does not dismiss lawsuit

The lawsuit against Casey Anthony was filed by Zenaida Gonzalez, who says Anthony
ruined her reputation.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

losingit, here it is.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Judges order not to dismiss the case against Casey from Zienida. Go Zanny get her
cheeto money.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
I sure hope the defence has a case load of deppends to last the trial, they are
going to need them.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Did Bozo really stand up there and tell the Judge that his expert examiners were
"beyond the technical age" and "were technically challenged"???? All I have to say
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

JMo, He sure did, I sat her cracking up laughing.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Report: Misty Cummings robbed while trying to buy drugs
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

More on Misty
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Here is a pic from the Cruise this is Lee and Mallory, is she preg in a Bikini
letting it all hang out?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

OMG, just noticed Georgett is wearing a earring, LMAO


3 weeks ago

This loser is a magnet for bad things happening if you are next to her. She will
play the I wasn't there for drugs card. Now let's see how stupid the police are in
that part of the country.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
She is going to end up overdosing next.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Hmmm wondering if Bozo supplied that Bikini to Mallory. I would not have dressed
like that in my own back yard in my pool, and I had a 6 ft block wall fence.
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

3 weeks ago

Hee-hee!! Notice anything funny in the picture of the Ant-Clan setting poolside? I
mean BESIDES the obvious of Mallory's beer belly & George's cubic zirconia stud...
Notice there's not even one person setting near them. Do you realize how hard it
is to get a lounge chair on a cruise ship?? It's almost impossible to get 4 side
by side, and unheard of to see so many empty lounge chairs all around you. You
know people must have been saying "damn, these asshole ruined my vacation".
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Wednesday, I would not want to be around them either, and they had the gale to
show up with there missing caylee buttons on.

I think Mallory is preg now, watch them try to sell pics of the baby to make
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

3 weeks ago

Wonder how Casey reacted to the news that while she rots in her own back-acne-puss
her parents are living the "Beautiful Life" on a lavish cruise?

Bet Bozo enjoyed showing her the popparazzi's snapshots of the 4 Ants sprawled out
on the lido deck. I just bet Casey's mad as hell. "what?? They can't afford my
cheetos but they can take a cruise??"

Rascal, Mallory doesn't look preggo to me. Just plain frumpy. "Mallory & the
treadmill are strangers". :-)
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I can see her now saying I am so Pissed and the evil look in her eyes. To Funny,
wish I could get that pic.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

OMG do you think it is just plain fat, I would really be working out if I looked
like that.
I was going by that first pic from the side yuck.

linn says:
3 weeks ago

OK, I have to admit to me, Mallory does look pregnant. If you compare her fairly
slim legs to her tummy it is odd. She seems to have toned legs compared to her
stomach. I do think if she was pregnant it would get out somehow. Maybe Jon
Gosseling and George bought their earrings together?

Good ole Misty will have such a nice record by her 18th birthday! I really think
now she did something with Haleigh. She is so drugged out. The 3 days on a binge
before Haleigh went missing, the not being home the night Haleigh went missing...
Hmmm. Makes me wonder if she sold Haleigh for drugs? She then realized what she
did and thus the tears and the acting. I just know someday soon they are going to
figure this out and she will be next to Crazy.. They can become Bff's... Sick
Numarama profile image

Numarama says:
3 weeks ago

LMAO @ George's cubic zirconia! I bet he thinks it sets off his lobster-red
skin...uhhh I mean, tan. Maybe he borrowed it from Sindy! Ugh, the ANTs are
completely beyond me...I don't how they expect anyone to feel any sympathy for
them. I would understand needing a vacation after going through something like
this, but knowing that they are making $$ from Caylee's death and lying about any
and everything and feeling entitled to free money and 'the good life''s just
disgusting. They are the last people in the world who deserve a nice vacation!
linn, I agree with you that they are probably done 'grieving' for Caylee (if you
could call it that) and they are ready to move on without having two extra mouths
to feed. I also agree that Sindy is NUCKING FUTS...I mean, really..she is pulling
so much crap out of her ass to cover up for Casey but I can totally see all of
this blowing up in her face and the defense trying to pin it on her. I highly
doubt it will stick but I wouldn't put it past them. Casey is a dumbass but even
she probably realizes that she has burned ALL of her bridges, no more friends, no
more boyfriends, and classic sociopath that she is, she doesn't trust anyone (not
even her family) - she doesn't care about turning on them and has nothing to lose
anymore. I don't think a trying to pin it on Sindy will work but I do hope she
gets charged with something for all of the lies and obstructing justice. Her day
will come either in court or before God on Judgment Day!

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Wed. morn, great comment about the guests saying 'you ruined my vacation". LOL.

I think Mal is just tubby in the tummy. It doesn't look like a prego tummy to me,
not any I've seen anyway. The shape is wrong. She is hanging over her bikini
bottom. They all look depressed too or despondent, lol.

Well, I for one would tell Misty to watch who she is hanging with. I think it's
odd that she is making the news like this, first with the road rage and then with
the purse theft, etc.. She better just stay home or get a new identity, because
there are people out to get her. jmo.

I think Cindys lies will eventually catch up with her. I think she is doing this
out of guilt of being a rotton mother. She knows deep inside that a lot of this
stuff is her fault, so to make it up to Casey, she is going overboard trying to
protect her or prove her love. Ahem, ahem, 'not working cindy'!

imacynic2 says:
3 weeks ago

“When the law is against you, argue the facts. When the facts are against you,
argue the law. When both are against you, attack the plaintiff.” ~ R. Rinkle

imacynic2 says:
3 weeks ago

“When the law is against you, argue the facts. When the facts are against you,
argue the law. When both are against you, attack the plaintiff.” ~ R. Rinkle
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Caylee Anthony coverage brings Emmy nominations to WESH, WFTV

imacynic2 says:
3 weeks ago

It looks like she's just overweight - If she were pregnant there would be more
definition - a centered bulge -

Hopefully the girl - even if she doesn't have enough sense to get out of that
family - has enough sense to use birth control!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Georgeie had the right idea when he found out that Casey was not working, he
wanted to find out what was going on in life. Sindy demanded she handle it, we now
see the results of how she handled Caseys lies. People that can not handle
problems like that in there family do not have the sence to use Birth Control
either. I guess we will find out if Mallory is Preg or just fat, I am sure the
pics will be sold if there is another little Anthony. They have learned they can
sell the pics and get before the cameras Sindy loves the spot light now. what
really bothers me is the fact that Sindy is baby sitting for someone, this woman
is so unstable why would anyone take there child there to Sindy. Where is CSD to
look into this? i would not take a Pet Rock to Sindy to baby sit.

losingit says:
3 weeks ago

LOL Look at Cindy staring at Mallory in the side pic. She's trying to figure out
if she's pregnant cause she doesn't want to get fooled again.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

losingit. did you get the pic I posted for you?

3 weeks ago

If she is prego, I would have THE REAL Zanny watch the baby before letting you
know who!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Looking at Mallory in that Bikini, she looks like a baby whale,

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Transcripts Reveal Inconsistent Anthony Family Statements

Posted: 6:15 pm EDT October 16, 2009

Updated: 6:46 pm EDT October 16, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- WFTV reporter Kathi Belich is taking a closer look at Casey's
parents and the enormous pressure they're facing as witnesses for the prosecution.
Eventually, they'll be asked to tell the truth on the stand, even though they'll
want to spare their daughter the death penalty.

Read the story here.


3 weeks ago

Do you think that by now the ANTfarm is smart enough to realize that momster does
not have the best dream team to get her off? I think that the topic of
conversations lately has been their worry that BOBO and his traveling circus are
not able to do the job. Hey let's face it, BOBO needs an assistant to get thru
that revolving door at the courthouse
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Steve, I do not think they can add 2 & 2, they are just pissing people off with
there motions that they not not even use the proper language. I think some of the
kids in law school could do better, and I am not talking about the ones Bozo
taught. Such lame excuses them make for Casey.

I say to Bozo Put Up Or Shut Up.


3 weeks ago

I like the idea of a t-shirt that reads...

Heene is a Weene!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I hope Henne has to pay every penny back they spent on this Hoax. And he deserves
some time in Jail, maybe he will think twice before he pulls anything else.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Body found in land fill in Fl, it may be Somer Thompson, they must of had some
kind of tip on this but not saying yet.


3 weeks ago

Let's hope that there is a DNA nightmare for the monster that did this. UN F_ _ _
_ _ REAL!

losingit says:
3 weeks ago

Yes, thanks Rascal. I love it It's so nasty. And, thanks to you and your comment
about Malory, I can't get this out of my head: Baby beluga in the deep blue sea,
you swim so wild and you swim so're just a little white whale on the

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Just got home glad you like it losingit. She looks evil in the blue dress and
boots lol.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Somer Thompson, only 7 years old, walking home a MILE in a place where there are
70, yes 70 registered sex offenders within a 5 mile radius. And that's just the
ones they know of.

Come on! I mean really! You would allow a little second grader to walk home a MILE
from anywhere! Much less a place with 70 f'n pedophiles! What the hell is wrong
with these people? I know she was with her brothers and got in a fight with
another kid and walked ahead, but Jesus! Teach your kids NEVER to walk alone and
to watch for this stuff. I guess I can use Casey's statement: "Im So Pissed"!!!!

How sad.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

JMo, There is more kids killed in Fl then any other State, what is wrong down
there. I agree I would never let a kid that age walk alone she should of stayed
with the other kids. But that did not happen and now we see the result. I know the
Mother worked and she did call home every day to check to see if they were home.
But if all the kids were in grade school who watched them once they were home.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

You know some perv was just lurking, waiting to see if they could find one kid
alone. I hope they catch this person soon.

Did you see where the Duhfense is back on Roy Kronk's case. I bet they will be
blaming it on him again. (round 2)
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

That is not going to fly blaming it on Kronk, they are blowing smoke again.

There was a little girl almost kidnapped just a block away from where Somer lived
the day before. They have a description of a car with a spanish woman and 2 men in
it. They tried to tell her to get in the car they would take her to her mom. Thank
God the kid said no, a lady that lived in the neighbor hood stopped and they took
off so she stoped that from happening.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Well, there is their most likely suspects! FREAKS!

losingit says:
3 weeks ago

I haven't heard about this case you guys are talking about, but 70 sex offenders
within a five mile radius??? Just wow. Kids walking in a group isn't good enough.
They argue and whatever, one will go off on their own. I wish someone in these
areas would start some sort of safe walk home program. It doesn't have to be an
armed defender or anything like that even, maybe just a retired person that walks
their dog at that time anyway. I realize that the kids might be home alone once
they get there, but at least they wouldn't be on the streets. I don't think I even
have 70 neighbors within 5 miles, but if I was in a city, I would volunteer for
something like this. I can't fight anyone off but I can at least keep the group
together until everyone was home. But, this world is getting so bad that the sex
offenders would just be signing up for this volunteer position. Sad.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Whatever happened to the good ole school bus? I know, they wait for them at the
bus stops too, but still, it beats walking a MILE home. Parents should all take
turns walking these kids if nothing else. Now this child is dead in the local dump
area. Sad.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

OMG. This will break you down to tears!! WTF is going on! I just can't beleive
some of the things that are happening these days. Tim Miller lives right near this
little girl.
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

3 weeks ago

Question: They had to identify Somer's body? Makes me wonder if she was not
recognizable? Her body could not have decomposed so quickly. Why the DNA testing
to identify her?

I agree...what's wrong with taking the school bus? A mile IS a long walk for a 2nd
grader. Not that the exercise isn't a good idea for kids, but not in an area with
so many sex offenders. However, realistically, I imagine the parents had NO IDEA
there were so many offenders near them. I keep an eye on the offenders list in my
area, but truthfully I wouldn't recognize these men if I saw them walking down the
street. They look like your typical neighbor.

BUT as far as our school district goes, if the kids live within a 1 mile radius of
the school campus, there is no busing for them. A lot of kids walk to school, but
most are dropped off by their parents. Could have been the same in her area. Sad,
sad, sad. Imagine the siblings guilt for not running after her. Those poor

"Heene is a Weene!" Love it Captain! That guys a real balloon-atic! ;-)

Rascal, Remember the old Cheetos slogan "It aint easy being cheesy"? I think you
should work up a new campaign ad for Cheetos & submit it to them. Here's what I'm
thinking...A pic of Casey pole dancing with a bag of Cheetos in her hand, orange
fingers & all... "CHEETOS" across the top then a sub-title "It aint Easy being


losingit says:
3 weeks ago

Hee hee at "baloonatic".

"Ït ain't easy being sleazy." In the creepy deep cat voice. That's too funny.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

They did identify a birth mark on Somer Thompson. This just is a never ending
story, makes you cry every day.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

To date there has been 17 children just in Orlando that has been killed. There are
like 67 other counties in Fl, what is wrong down there that this continues. My
thought is a lot of drugs being used and people loose it. This behavior has to
change, so Fl do something to stop this set a example and save the children. There
is a major drug problem there.
Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says:
3 weeks ago

What worries me more than "reasonable doubt" is the jury. Bleeding hearts, jurors
wanting to make a name for themselves by being the hold out, claiming to want to
write a book etc. All it takes is one self serving idiot to stop justice from
coming to Caylee.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Snoopy, I do not think that will happen, anyone listening to this case is going to
know Casey did this, and the family is trying to cover up. The Anthonys have
alredy been warned not to lie or they will be prosecuted. I think this is why they
ask for Georgies Grand Jury Testimony. He has changed his story. Georgie will get
some pink hand cuffs by the end of this and Sindy will get the blue ones.


3 weeks ago

And I think a life sentence for a sociopath is more of a sentence then a needle in
the arm. To have to live every day in jail is fine by me.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Steve, I agree she will suffer more that way, she will live the nightmare she
created every day of her misserable life.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Bubba the Love Sponge® Offers $25,000 to Parents of Casey Anthony
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

What is wrong with these sick people wanting to help the Anthony's. Are they blind
and can not see they are trying to help a killer! This is so sick.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Change Player Size Watch this video in a new windowBalloon Boy Falcon Henne and
Bros Official Rap Video

We wonder what is wrong with kids now days growing up. I can see when they grow up
with parents like this.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Yes, we can now refer to it as Bubba the LIFE sponge...sponging money off of
Caylee's murder!

Everytime I see Casey, she looks worse and worse. There are people out there who
are locked up or sentenced wrongly in the prisons, and she somehow can get all
this attention to get her lying guilty ass on the media to say how innocent she
is. Makes no sense! She is a worthless human being that doesn't even deserve the
air she breathes.

As far as Somer, they are doing the autopsy, but the dad identified her birthmark
on her leg and her clothes. He is so distraught. He says he is taking the kids to
come live with them and he does not want them to ever be in Orange Park Florida
again. Those poor kids. They will have to live with this guilt the rest of their

Luckily they found her when they did. They know when and where all the trucks go,
pickup, empty, the times, etc. So they can at least narrow it down of where that
pile of trash came from and hopefully that narrows the search. I think all sex
offenders need to have something identifiable on them at all about a
bright orange permanent tatoo across their face? Sounds good to me! They need to
have on ankle bracelets that can ping their whereabouts at all times!

At least if the kids saw someone like that coming towards them they could run.

On the other hand, in that area, there was the hispanic woman with 2 men in a car
trying to snatch another little kid the week before. Why wasn't there an alert
sent out to all families?? Why wasn't it announced at the school?

Maybe someone was trying to copycat the Garrido kidnapping scenario of Jaycee
Duggard? Who knows. But it is sick.

I bet that little Haleigh Cummings is in a dump somewhere and was in that dumpster
at some point. The cops just didn't do their job of following up. They didn't
search the dumpster till days later. The dogs hit on it, which says there was a
dead human body in there at some point. Sad.

Maybe Hanky Panky scraped the side of the van when he pulled up next to the
dumpster in a frantic move to dump her in there?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

JMo, I was wondering the same thing about the dump, well if that happend all
evidence would be gone by now.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Right. I'm sorry, but I keep going back to the day that Crystal was off getting
'her hair done' for the TV show while they were actively looking for Haleigh. The
news reporter found her and said, "They just had a hit on a body being in the
dumpster". Crystal was straight faced and said, she wanted people to stop talking
about her and her hair being done. The reporter repeated it to her, "Crystal, did
you hear me? I said they may of found Haleighs body in the dumpster!! Crystal
never addressed it, just went on about herself and her hair.

Sorry, but she knew something and was hiding it.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Here is a good video on Somer. They say they feel "very comfortable" that they
will solve this case. that is good.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I do not think that case will drag out, it has to be someone that lives close
around there. This crap has to stop killing all these children, Fl needs to clean
up there act down there.


3 weeks ago

I think the deal is for the ANTfarm to get the $$ they have to make it thru the
entire hour with Bubba and no question or comment by him or any listener is off
limits. My over/under odds are posted at about 9 minutes before they storm off. I
do not think they will agree to this interview. J.M.O.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Kathi belich recapping the Cruise, I like this reporter.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

This world is sick, why do we have all of this!

Update: Police say still search for Elizabeth

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Dr. Nancy site has a great update on Somer Thompson.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago
They are searching a vacant house that is 500 feet from where she was last seen.

I think someone grabbed her and got her in the car and assaulted her somewhere
else, but who knows.

losingit says:
3 weeks ago

I refuse to even learn what case you are all talking about. I have stopped
watching HLN. I just can't take anymore of this. RASCAL, I finally was able to
sign your petition. I tried a couple times but it was giving me grief, but today I
was able to do it! I'll do it for fiance and daughter tomorrow too. I love the
idea of this petition, but it is specific to the USA although all countries can
sign this petition. I know this will sound very simplistic, but I wish the laws
could be changed for all the world. Protect children everywhere.

linn says:
3 weeks ago

I wondered too about why they were having a hard time identifying Somer. Sick to
say, but garbage trucks crush the garbage every few stops. I think that is what
happened. She was crushed and was i'deed by her birthmark and dental records.
Meaning her face was not, well you all get it.

Here, they have stopped all school buses within 5 miles of the school. My
grandson's school is a mile away. They expect a 5 year old to walk a mile to
school and home. Sickening. I take and pick him up every day. To make it harder,
every Wednesday school is short. They get out at 12:45 on Wednesday's. It is hell.
Try to work and yet pick your kids up and then remember every Wednesday they get
out early so you can take off early and lose money.

If the father does take those kids away, that poor mother will crack up. And for
what? There are perverts everywhere! I just found out yesterday we have one that
lives right across the street from us! I was floored. I mean go down my driveway,
cross the street and you could say Hi! He even had a garage sale last week. I have
lived here 11 years and had no clue. he has lived here about 7 years. Didn't know
it at all. We live in a very nice area and there is a school just down the street.
Funny again, but my grandson is not put in that school, but the one a mile away.
Not that any of my kids ever walked home, even from the school a couple blocks
away. Even back then I picked them up and took them. I was always and still am,
paranoid about pervs or them getting hit by a car, you name it. They were so mad
at me back then for not letting them do whatever. They so see it differently now.

I truly think in Somer's case, this perv will be caught and soon. I think
something on her clothes is tipping them off. Soot or ashes from that burnt house
is the rumor.

Gee, then Casey. Sorry again, but can we all say OJ? Everyone watching knew he was
guilty and no way would he get off. The jury deliberates THREE hours into a year
long case and he walks. And the people out there giving these people money? All it
takes is one Crazy lover and she walks. Common sense means nothing anymore.

I say build a HUGE prison and lock up all these perverts and keep them there for
life. They should never be allowed out. Ever.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago
losingit, I did the Petition up saying for was for the US, mainly because I was to
get this to our Law Makers here. Yes I want to see it stopped every where muyself.
So hope you understand why it is that way.

I hope the find the operson that did that to Sommer fast. It does not matter where
they move the kids like lynn says, perves are everywhere. If the Father is so
comcerned maybe he could pay for a sitter after school to pic the kids up and stay
with them till Mom gets home from work.The Mom did make it a point to call every
day to see if they were home from school. God Bless this family for there loss.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

The statement form Simom Burch from the tow yard where Caseys car was stored.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

I find it really strange Georgie knew Caseys car was towed from Amscot before he
was told by the toy yard. So who told George this information. It did not smell
like rotten food to the tow man. The Tow man callled the orang county sheriff to
go get the Ants car, he was conceerned about the smell. omg that is so telling
because he had smelled that smell before from a car he had in the yard. This tells
me Georgie and Cindy knew from the beginning what was going on, The paper work
they recieved did not tell where the car had been towed from so how did they know
unless Casey told them. The plot thickens.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Casey Anthony: In media circus, her family is like the Three Stooges

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Well, the Tow guys testimony should nail Casey a good one. George knew it was
Amscot, because Casey told him she ran out of gas at the Amscot (this is once they
found her and asked where the car was). He went to the Amscot and the car was
gone. That's when they got the tow notice.

At least that's my understanding of it.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

JMo, The Ants had the car before they found Casey, George called Amscot. This is a
dead give away they knew what was going on.

George told the guy at the Tow yard it was left at Amscot, and it was not on the
paper work that was sent to them as to where they picked it up.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Police find body of Elizabeth Olten

A underage boy killed her, the boy led them to the body.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
3 weeks ago

Twisted has a new post. Very funny!

Rascal, She mentioned your petition.

JMO, Tim Miller lives in Texas.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Jo, good to see you, yes she emailed me about putting the Petition on, and I sent
her some info for the article.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Yes I know Time lives in Texas not sure where that info came form he sure does not
live where they drink that kool aid, lol
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Oh did you see that pic of the ants on the cruise, Mallory, Lee, Georgie nd Sindy.
Never seen a whale in a Bikini before that is a new one.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 weeks ago

Casey Anthony’s Family Continues to Sell Caylee T-Shirts

linn says:
3 weeks ago

Rascal..The link you posted for the shirts goes way back to the beginning of the
year. December or January. Do you know if they are still selling them now? Or
should I say do they still have them up for sale? Who in their right mind would
buy a shirt knowing Caylee has been deceased for over a year? Just think, she was
killed when 2 and now would have been a 4 year old. Most likely would have started
school next fall. I read the interview with the tow driver. Gee, did he peg Sindy
right away or what? LOL.. That testimony will go a long way. That poor guy in the
dumpster looking for the garbage bag. I was thinking it would have been nice if
the police would have left him a message telling him they were there. ICK!

losingit says:
3 weeks ago

Nice to see you Jo. Hi Rascal. For some reason we had sirens screaming down the
highway this morning and I could hear a lot of coyotes howling all over the
property and they sounded very close to the house. I was outside shivering in my
nightie while Brian took his morning pee. I thought I could let him run around out
here, but the wild animals are even more dangerous than the traffic in town.

Linn, obviously this guy knew something was up. I always thought the garbage was
never retrieved from the car. I'm curious to know if LE found all the maggots
George saw and heard. And, yeah, LOL at Sindy trying to save a buck and acting
like a bitch. Like, it's not Casey's fault we are here forking out this dough,
it's the tow company's fault.

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Oh yeah, that's right, they did pick it up before Casey got home. Didn't she tell
them she ran out of gas there? or wasn't there some tip to George about the car?
Seems I remember reading something about that. Oh well, it wouldn't surprise me at
all they know more than they are letting on.

All they do is lie, so what's new???

JMo says:
3 weeks ago

Eliz. Olten was "acquainted" with this 'older teen'. They have him in custody. The
news also said this:

"Elizabeth's father, Dale Olten Sr., learned of her death while watching TV in
prison, where he is serving a four-year sentence for drug possession"

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

linn, the last I looked at the web site the shirts and braclets are still avaible.
That was about a month ago.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Cindy Anthony Collecting Money Under False Pretenses & RICO
2 weeks ago

Remember momster had a plan that someone would steal yhe car before it got towed
and come up with her "other" story about what happend. I hope you all have a great
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Steve, You are so right leaving her purse in the front seat was a set up. Well no
one tool the bait.


2 weeks ago

Now that the truth came out with the Heene's can you imagine how much all the
children are going to go thru by the public guilting them over and over about how
much trouble "they" got there parents into because of there lies. Children can be
quite mean these days and the Heene brood is about to find out that fact first
hand even though it was the parents fault 110% in all of this. Also, wasn't she a
mail order bride? He should have checked the box that read yes on brains. Darn
those tricky questions!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

I know they met at acting school so not sure about any mail order bride. But I
half to say they deserves each other and what ever the law does to them. I can not
agree with the way these kids are raised you can use foul language in the house
but not outside, yea right. Tell me what kid is allowed to do that and not slip
out in public.


2 weeks ago

Does anyone really think that any jail time will be served? Not me! And in the end
no matter what fines are handed out they will make 50 times that amount because of
their actions that day. That is why jail time must be given to send a messege to
others who are thinking about doing something like this to get noticed for a
reality show. Last I heard they have 2 deals in the works because of this. It
doesn't matter if I do not watch, the check will have already cleared their bank
and it is a big one. Let them serve 90 days or so and have the kids watched over
by real parents.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

They need to set a example of them, that is my thought.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Murder charge sought against teen suspect in Elizabeth Olten's death

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

The suspect could be a girl or a boy...hmmm. I guess I assumed it was a male. But
they found written documentation, so maybe it is a girl who wrote something in a

Yikes, this is a scary world indeed.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Wow, not "Stranger Danger" at all for Elizabeth. It was someone she knew.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

JMo, It was a boy down the street from Elizabeth is what I heard.

linn says:
2 weeks ago

Well I just read about Elizabeth on the page link. I then read the comments. As we
know, evidence gets out no matter what the police try to do. A few people on there
seem to be "in the know".. Apparently it was a 15 year old GIRL that stabbed
Elizabeth just to see "what it felt like".. I believe this as they are to
secretive about the gender. That is unusual. They usually say it was a juvenile
male. Or a 15 year old male. They were too secretive! I wondered right away if the
reason they were refusing to say the gender if it was because the murderer was
female. I DO believe it is. I thought so right after as they were just too
secretive on the gender. If it is a male, usually they say so right away. This
girl knew her and she was not a relative. That, I believe, is why they are so
closed mouth on this. I bet there was not even any sexual acts done on Elizabeth.
This is getting sicker. Just like the Huckabee nut. You just don't expect girls to
do this. Sad enough we expect it to be a boy when the crime is against a girl.

This is so depressing. That mother called when her daughter was only 45 minutes
late. They think she was being murdered right at the time of the call, or just
minutes before. This little girl had no chance at all. 45 minutes.. I am getting
really depressed at all the child murders happening lately. It is really too much.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

It does seem ODD that they are focusing on not releasing the gender of the
suspect....makes me think it is a female. God, what is wrong with these kids?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

That is strange, they had said he sent a note as to what happened, guess we wait
and see if it is him or her now. Either way what a loss for the parents of

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

The news this morning from the sheriff says they are still not releasing if a boy
or girl. They want to prosecute this person fully! Thank God! They don't want to
screw up the jury pool either.

Hey Florida, pay attention to how things should be done!!! If they had done
anything right, Casey would of done had the DP and be done with! And they probably
would of found out what happened to little Haleigh by now.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
2 weeks ago

Have been trying to read all the depos again of the Ant farm. Don't they realize
how inconsistent with "half-truths" just about everything they say is . . . dear
Lord, it will take forever just to question them on the stand at the trial, on
this day you said this, on this day you said that, on another day you said
something not even resembling the first two, what will be your story today? These
people have lied so much, I believe throughout their lives, they don't even
realize they are lying. They are very sicko people.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Prosecuters are saying that Casey is a PSYCHOPATH and purposely put Caylee in her
"Big Trouble" shirt the day she killed her on purpose. It makes perfect sense to

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Now that Halloween is coming up, I wonder how many of these parents are going to
let their children go off trick or treating without them? How many will tell their
kids to stay together as a group? It just scares me to death to know that the
pervs will be out there....lurking. Waiting for that one moment.

losingit says:
2 weeks ago

I believe she put her in the Big Trouble shirt but only because she was trying to
pin the death on someone else. In their depos, no one remembered this shirt.
Caylee's clothes were always cute and not crude in all the pics. Do they have a
video of Casey buying this shirt post mortem? Maybe they do. Cindy does not
remember this shirt and I'm sure she would have if it in fact existed prior to
whatever happened. My daughter is 19 and I would remember if she had a top like
that sixteen years ago.

Halloween was always fun for me when my daughter was little. My friend/neighbor
and I would take the kids out. We would brew a pot of coffee and fill up our
travel mugs with coffee and Baileys and take them trick or treating. It was then a
sleep over at my place where much red wine was consumed along with all "unsafe"
candy. Unsafe candy consisted of an unusually large assortment of my favorites. I
lived in Edmonton, Alberta at this point in time. Every police officer/car,
ambulance and fire truck in the city was out on Halloween with full lights
patrolling the streets. If a parent lets their child go out alone, they are stupid
idiots. Seriosly, stupid idiots!

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Casey probably bought it at Target, just for the occasion!!! They probably have
her on video doing so!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Oh yes Holloween, I took the kids out then people started putting things in the
candy. We had a family talk about it and the decision was they did not like most
of the Candy. So there suggestion was to buy each of them there favorite bag of
candy. That solved all the problems of worrying about what they had to eat. When
you half to take candy to get xrayed like they were doing at the hospital it is
time to stop the trick or treat. My son only takes his kids to friends and they
come to his house. Safty first when it comes to little ones.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Casey may have created this my space page on Zenida, if so this will surly put the
needle in Casey.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
2 weeks ago

Thank goodness, in our little community we have a party at the fellowship hall for
all the kids in the area. Lots of fun, etc.

I hate that so many of the fun things we all enjoyed as children are no longer
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Nordie, I also do not like the idea of the kids not being safe, but as parents and
grand parents we need to protect the children. We just half to make sure it is
safe fun for them so they have many more days for there future.


2 weeks ago

Rascal, didn't you know that Z.G. had momster help her set up a Myspace page. This
info has been provided an sworn to by SINdy so you can feel good that it is legit.
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Steve, Yea right I would believe Sindy, Not in my Life Time lol

Someone kidnaps your child and you help them, does Sindy think we have stupid
written on our forhead.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Wow, great stuff on the Zenaida myspace page. Wouldn't that just be a complete
hoot if they traced the creation of it back to Bozo's office?? I would laugh my
ass off at that point.

However, I know for a fact that all IP addresses are listed and they can trace it
directly to the computer that created that page. Casey will probably say that
Zenaida and her did it while they were on vacation together, lol.

If you all get a chance, read the book "Heart Full of Lies". It is excellent. It
is about a female Sociopath (yes they are rare compared to males), but it will
give you really good insight into their lives and how their mind works. They are
many steps ahead of everyone and then work backwards to cover their tracks. This
is what Casey did/does and why she is so difficult to catch.

You will love the ending of the book, because it is probably the exact same thing
that is going to nail the coffin shut for Casey.

....and here she thought she was so damn smart!

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

JMo, I thought that was good because we did hear of Casey having 2 id's. That will
truly do her in. I will look at the library for that book the next time I go to

When they went threw Caseys things that Lee Picked up at Tony's, Sincdy dumped
that stuff on the floor and the cop that was there grabbed the lic from Sindy, TG
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Is Premeditation Pending?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Casey/Caylee Anthony Case: Caylee Pic in The “Big Trouble” T- SOLD TO THE GLOBE
BEFORE Remains Found?
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Well shipmates this case if going down the plank. Stick a fork in all of them they
are done. No plea deal for the scum bag Casey,, Capt Steve can shove all the
Anthony's down with Casey. This has to be part of the things that Bozo took out of
the house when Casey was in jail, he knew from the beginning Casey was guilty.
This was published before Caylee was found in that shirt. The shirt the Ants said
they had never seen, oh my another half truth. They are going to have the longest
noses before this ends. Why are they not in jail with Casey, that is what I want
to know. What a sick family to obstruct justice for little Caylee. Well baby girl
we are all here for you and demand justice for you!!!!

Now I know why Casey had a complete melt down when she found out they found

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

There are so many things that are going to nail her!!! And not the way she likes
to get nailed, lol, lol.

Anyway, she is just so narcissistic like Psycho Psyndi! They truly think they are
smarter than anyone else and that they can just out wit others. I think back to
the guy at Casey's HS who said that they were all street smart and knew how to get
by, etc. etc. I bet she really thought she was that cunning and had specials
powers to make her smarter than anyone else. Its all a game to Casey. Game over.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Yeah, what ever happened to that crime called : Tampering with

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Anyone else would have already been charged.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Yep, I bet it all revolves around George being a cop or ex cop. They are
protecting their own.

But they better watch out...they may be the next set of clowns in prison for
unethical and unlawful behavior.

I bet Casey is getting a few 'favors' of her own in jail, tee hee...and it aint
slippin her licorice through them bars. I bet that big ole burrito chompin mouth
of hers has been real busy lately.... ROTFLMAO!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
OMG what a thought I do not even want to picture that in my mind. I remember that
one pic of her, that was to much to have a vision of. Yuck
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Cindy & George Anthony Cruise Highlights - Do the Hustle

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Great video's.

"I don't do Grits"

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

I love the one on the ship that is to dam funny!

I sure wish linn could see it.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Have you all seen the one of the movie she rented that night at the video store?
It has a scene with the guy with duct tape wrapped around his head completely and
then smaller peices on the mouth.....hmmm, just like Caylee.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

I sure did.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Dora - Sticky Tape
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Anthony Theme Song
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
2 weeks ago

Rascal, maybe I missed it -- who is that cutie pie in your pix?

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Nordie, it was me when I was little. lol I was going threw some old pics and found
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Somer Thompson's funeral. The Ants showed up these people just half to get there
face in the news
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Will Duct Tape be Casey’s Sticking Point? – Part 1
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Police Replace Teddy Bears With Books

I think the Ants should of done there homework before they purchased Caylee
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

OMG is was a 15 yeard old girl that killed Elizabeth Olten, such a world we live
in. What is wrong with these kids.


2 weeks ago

mates... you know sometimes we must shift gears and this is one of those times!
Please You Tube Sereis fuertes 2:41 length. I found myself not breathing after
about 40 seconds so I must remind you to breathe. UNREAL!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Steve, I can not believe that one. And they think that if funny.
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
2 weeks ago

Sorry capn, what is the link? I'm a little dense.

Rascal, can't bring over the new article from blinkoncrime,but it has to do with
duct tape.

and Rascal, you cute little thing!

linn says:
2 weeks ago

OK, what are you two talking about? LOL..Rascal and Steve. Was it on a video? Darn
it all! I tried to watch the funeral of Sumer to see the Ants and I got past the
Ant's to a lady talking. That only took me 15 minutes! LOL.. I then gave up. And
yes, a 15 year old girl killed that poor little girl. As i said, I truly started
thinking that when they refused to say male or female. Something just clicked in
my head that it was so odd. It also said grisly murder. I think it was not, if she
was stabbed, just one stab wound. What is happening to America? I am not even sure
I want my grandson going trick or treating this year. He does not even seem to be
into it. He does not like the dark or cold. Last year he came home with a small
bag of candy. He wanted to go home. I remember going out until almost 9 PM..Just
with my sister. Those days are long gone. And it truly is sad.

losingit says:
2 weeks ago

Ahhh Capt, that's amazing. Sereis fuertes Nordie if you copy this and paste it
into youtube it will come up.

Rascal, you were (are) a cutie pie in that picture.

Linn, I'm nearly 40 and I used to run wild around my town with only one other girl
for protection on Haloween when I was a kid. My parents never came with me or any
other adult. Can you even imagine? My Grandfather told me stories of the BB rifle
he got for Christmas one year. He carried it around town all the time. Once, on a
dare, he shot at the mailman. The pellet went right through the stamp on an
envelope. The mailman chased him home, told his parents and he wasn't allowed to
carry his firearm for two weeks. Can you imagine? If I remember correctly, he was
eleven at the time. And, this was normal. He was actually a good little boy.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Sick, just overwhelmingly sick. I read today where a woman and her 2 sons were
burned to death by a 16 year old that thought the woman's son was dating his ex
girlfriend. Then another teen helped him. Unbelievable.

Then there was the 15 year old who was gang raped, beaten, etc. for hours by 4
guys while at least 12 people (she went to school with) came to watch it....after
the school prom. I mean, my God! These people should all be charged!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Nordie, I just clicked on the link for duct tape and it worked for me. Go to utube
and type the name Sreis Fuertes in and you will see it is nasty. Why would people
sit and laugh at stuff like that.

You Tube Sereis fuertes 2:41

JMo, that is what I was saying kids now days do not care why are the so violent.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

10 Ways to Catch a Liar, now who do we know that fits this discription!! The
Anthonys fit this discription to a perfect 10.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Investigators will release details about Somer's killer

You can watch the news conference live on CBS47 at 11 a.m. and on
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

This one is working for news conference on Somer

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

An Update on the zenaida myspace.October 28th, 2009
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

You half to watch this nutt.

Casey Anthony Alibi Comes Forth to Prove Casey Innocent of Caylee Murder Breaking

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Yes, Casey thought she was so brilliant! Like I said, read that book "Heart Full
of Lies" if you get a chance. The character could very well be Casey! Sociopathic
narcissistic bitch! I pray she gets what's coming to her! (and her family too!)
God Bless little Caylee.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

This is one sick video! Why do they allow that stuff when it involves a real
murder of a real child!


2 weeks ago

You just saw first hand what sniffin glue does to a person.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Steve. It did not take me long to get off that video, omg. If that is from
sniffing glue he has a big problem.

I wonder what the other nutt was on that said he was with Casey, he is off his
rocker big time.

linn, yes it was a video.

linn says:
2 weeks ago

lol Rascal. you all have no idea what it does to see stuff I really want to know,
and see it is ALL video's. I mean, can't they also write it? lol.. Just
frustrating. Although, something tells me I don't want to see a lot of it.

I keep thinking about that poor 15 year old girl. People heard it was happening
and left the prom to come out and watch. I say people are losing it. Bad enough
when it is adults. Sicko's. But when you hear about these kids doing it, well to
me it is scary. Even that poor boy those kids set on fire. He will never be the
same with burns over almost his entire body. If he was not so young he would have
already died. From what I hear, it is still a chance of that happening. Losingit,
you are so right! we used to go out on our own, come home to unload and go back
out. We only came home when we got tired or the crowd thinned out. I truly am
thinking of just keeping my 6 year old grandson home. He seems to have no interest
in it, does not like wearing a costume *he wants to go as a boy* lol.. then he
only wants to go to about 5 houses. It just is not worth it, and I have such a
creepy feeling this year with all these evil kids out and about.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

linn, I understand you not really wanting to go out, but your son should take him
so he is safe. Yes I been hearing about that 15 year old girl, and the thought
that some said it was her own fault makes me sick. And the fact that they stood
around and watched and never called for help, what the hell is wrong with the
youth now days. How can they live with them self for allowing this to happen, and
to even try to blame the victim.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Yes the boy they set on fire with alcohol and a match, will be scared for life, I
just pray he makes it. They should be tortured the same way and see if they like
it. I hope they try them as adults, tired of this crap of trying them as a
juvinile, they tried to kill that poor boy.

losingit says:
2 weeks ago

Maybe trick or treating should be banned. I can understand how the candy would
have been a big treat years ago but now kids get enough junk like that. I remember
taking my daughter out when she was too young to even know what was going on.
Stupid of me. One elderly lady gave her an apple. She was more excited about that
apple than any of the candy. I knew the lady and let her eat the apple before she
went to bed. Maybe we should just stop this whole Haloween ritual. Let's dress the
kids up and take them to a dance or something and spend the money we would spend
on hand out candy to buy our own kids something they actually want.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Ok, this is Interesting.

There was a radio show on the other day about Trick or Treating. The host asked
what the laws were in each state for Pedophiles.

In Colorado, they can not have any decorations anywhere and must keep their porch
light out and door closed and do not answer the door. If found in violation, they
can go back to jail.

Another person said that in another state (and I can't remember which) that they
have to tie a big red ribbon on their front door knob to alert neighbors that they
are not allowed to have children come to the door, etc. Some states make them
place a sticker in their front window of their house that says "sex offender". I
wish we could find a listing of all the laws for sex offenders on halloween.

Interesting, eh? I never knew!!!

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Casey Anthony case: Worker who found Caylee's remains gets fired
Snoopy9318 profile image
Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago

You know, I just couldn't imagine that Kronk wouldn't eventually be fired. Maybe
it's deserved, maybe he was just more trouble after the incident than they wanted
to deal with. I do know from experience, if an employer doesn't like you, they can
always find an excuse to get rid of you. Here in Indiana, you have no recourse
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Snoopy, and maybe it is a excuse so they do not half to pay for his Attorney. It
sure did not take them long to notify the Attorney. Another life touched because
of Casey. She will go down in history of recking everyones life.


2 weeks ago

H1N1 shots made available for high risk inmates but for the mother of 2 year old
twins along with you and I, sorry! We are back ordered. Again I say, see what
happens when the people in charge are in the back sniffin glue... Another case of
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

The prisioners in Texas State prison are all getting the shot and the guards. I do
not want it anyway there has not been enough research on it to suit me. Also so
many of the med has been made in China, here is where I say no way Jose are you
giving that to me. Like there has not even been inspections on those labs for over
10 years.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Will Duct Tape be Casey’s Sticking Point? – Part 2
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Casey Anthony Labeled Caylee Trouble?

Thursday, October 29, 2009
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Ah ha. Texas prisoners will not get the h1n1, the public is outraged because they
can not get it. So Texas State Prision decides not to give it to the prisioners.
The public should come first, just my thought.

This was just anounced on HLN

Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago

Rascal, I love your picture! How cute! Do you think the Cap'n will ever register
so we can see his handsome face?!! LOL!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

I was just surfing and found another blog talking about the Ants having a Police
Scanner. They said it sould be scrambled, well they do have channels that are
scrambled. I know my son has my scanner and I built a scrambler for it you can
uncode those channels and listen to drug bust going down. And anything thing they
say, it is in a little box with a knob, 2 wired get soddered in and wala you
listen. I built it my self after finding it in a electronics magazine.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Snoopy, I wish our Capt would register even if he does not put a pic up. Steve
said he is using a old computer and he can not get a pic up. Just nice that he is
with us that is all that matters. I just wanted to change pics for awhile. I got
video of grand baby this morning it is so cute she is trying to say hello in it,
that was so dam cute.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Arwen is trying so hard to talk.¤t=Picture152.flv


2 weeks ago

My computer is so old it has the 2 mice running under it to provide power.

Everyone says I look like Nick Cage. Be that good or bad, that is the word on the
street. I heard that since Australia is the one who paid for the H1N1 study, they
received most of the first run. My oldest has been out from school for a few days
and has a sinus infection along with a mean cold and fever. Half of our baseball
team is sick and one boy finally got well after 3 weeks of not leaving the house.
When I took Jason to his doc on Monday we were told that 4 kids that morning had
the swine flu. Also, in Michigan they have more than 200 schools now closed down.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago
Steve, that is smmart keep him in, hope he is better soon just keep lots of
liquids in him. It went threw my kids and there kids also but did not last but a
few days, I did not go near them with my asthma, staying in ecept for pool. No
game this sunday so I am staying in. It is rainy and damp here so just keeping
Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says:
2 weeks ago

Cap'n Steve, I thought of you as my children and I watched It's the Great Pumpkin
Charlie Brown, two nights in a row!! Wondered if that was your brother?!!

Bye, everyone!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Come back soon Snoopy.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Well, we could of all guessed this one was coming. A new play is being done called
TotMom. Serious!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Yes the Ants will take a cruise to Australia to see if they can make some money
off of it.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Yep. They will probably start screaming that someone stole their idea, or that
they need to be paid royalties, or whatever else they can think of. Those sick,
sick, people. All in all, I'm glad that Caylee is not around them, just too bad it
was done the way it was.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Update on Somer Thompson....maybe this is the guy...who knows. Glad he is behind

bars though. Sick freak!

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Ok folks, here we go again. They have 5 arrests so far in the gang rape. 3
Latino's, 1 white, and 1 black. Now the black kids family is saying he was
arrested because he is black and they are gonna sue the city. What the fuck is
wrong with these people???? He is 17 and charged as an adult with penetration and
penetration with a foreign object. Now, how could they formally charge his with
that unless there was some proof to do so. They even stole her jewelry off of her.

I can't wait to see what happens next. ....hmmm, they only arrested the white guy
because he is white and only arrested the Latinos because they are latino's. ....

Geeezzzus! Who can we arrest these days based on their action? Everybody has to
have a color of some sort, right?

That poor girl, I can only imagine what they did to her. Left her there to die
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

I do not care what color they are if they did it they belong in jail.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

Amen! I am sick of people finding an excuse for everything!!!!!

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

They can all rot in hell as far as I care. Anyone that would treat a girl like
that is not worth the air they breath.

Linn says:
2 weeks ago

JMo..I saw the black teenager's mother when he was first arrested. Hate to say it,
but it was sickening. Going on and on about he was only arrested because he was
black. No thoughts at all for the poor girl. I mean, it made me dislike the mother
as much as the Ant's. I mean she was so furious about her son being a "good boy"
and he would never do that. It was just because he was black. Why can't people
understand it is because THEY DID IT? I mean we have a black president. Yet race
is always used as an excuse to be let off. Does anyone think the police would
arrest him with no cause? really, it is infuriating to me. I don't care if they
are purple! At least white people never use race as an excuse. We are guilty just
because we are.. lol..

Rascal, his dad is, well, let's say he doesn't do anything in the way of young kid
stuff. I do it. I take him to the pumpkin farm, to get Christmas tree, the beach,
etc. I buy his clothes. His dad was 19 when he was born, going on 12. I actually
enjoy doing this stuff, except for Halloween. It is just not the same. Last year
we got 2 kids. That was it. there were no kids on the street or anything. And he
does not like to wear masks or even get his face painted. He is a odd little kid..
lol. Not really, but he is nothing like his dad in that his dad loved scary things
from age 3 up. Freddy Kruger, Jason movies. Kaleb is terrified of plastic
skeletons. One reason he is just not into Halloween. Losingit, I agree. I mean,
this kid always has candy. I get him one treat a week, the school gives them
treats for good behaviour. When I was a kid, you could go out and have a blast and
bring home tons of candy. But back then we rarely had candy. For some reason too,
this year Halloween is creeping me out. All these child murders has made me sort
of paranoid! He knows it is this Saturday, yet when you ask what he wants to be,
he says just a boy. I guess I will see how it goes, but as of now he has no
costume and does not want to go. It is a shame but I see this event starting to
wan. I mean Kaleb is barely 6 and if we did go, we would have to go and drive to
where people still trick or treat. There just are not many houses that still give
out candy here.

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

I am glad to hear they are looking at them with adult sentences! Enough of this
juvinile rehab stuff. The guy they caught in Georgia was following 2 little boys
home from elementary school. He just got out in 2008! What makes them think these
people will change that easy? It's in their blood! Rapists, Sex Offenders,
Pedophiles, ....

They are dangerous folks.

linn says:
2 weeks ago

Pedophiles should NEVER be released. It is known that they can never change, so
why in the world are they let out? To know I have one across the street is scary.
And we are only a few blocks from an elementary school. I live in a very good
neighborhood. You just don't expect it. I have no clue just what he did, only that
he is about 50, maybe a little younger, and is registered.

Have there always been this many perverts? Sometimes I wonder if the Internet
started some sort of chain reaction. So much slimy filth right at your fingertips,

JMo says:
2 weeks ago

I think you could look up his record.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

linn, m son is just the oppisite, he takes the kids out to ride there bikes
because they live on a hill. So he loads the bikes up to go to school yard on
weekends. Loves to shop for there school cloths and buys cute things that match
up. Takes them to the fair ride the little cars. If it is for the kids he is the
big kid lol. He takes the kids out on the boat and fishing. He decorates for
Holloween Christmas, he is like a kid. There was a time I wondered if he would
grow up after his dad passed. But he has really come threw since he had kids, it
made him grow up and be responsible. Do not give up on your son encourage him to
be there for his son, every boy or girl needs that.

In my opinion it it the TV programs people watch all the sex, drugs and porn that
is avaible to people. Even where people rent movies there are sections of videos
that should not be avaible. This is the world we live in now days, sad as it is.
They have taked God out of the schools and kids just do not have the respect like
they used to. But every once in awhile I see a young man that will actually hold a
door for you, I always thank them. My sons always open the car door for me when we
go out, I taught them well on how to treat others.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Testimony begins in second ‘Baby Grace’ trial

10/29/2009 10:15 AM

By: Associated Press
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Caseys photo bucket read some of the comments!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

Change Player Size Watch this video in a new windowCindy (Muffin Head Mama) talks
to Sissy Son - Giggles Tube socks

linn says:
2 weeks ago

Rascal you are right. Your son sounds like a wonderful father. My son is to a
point. He plays games with him, I had him take over the homework also. He started
doing to Kaleb what his dad did to him. yell if he got it wrong. my son hated
homework time and we always got it done before his dad got home for the reason I
mentioned. I finally had enough and had to remind him how upset he got when his
dad yelled. It makes them so nervous they can't think and just cry. He has got
much better now as he knows I am listening and will remind him of his dad. his dad
left when he was 13 and he was the one that truly wanted him out. Yelling was
constant, and other "stuff".. I think one reason he seems like he is, is because
of the way his dad treated us all. Not to mention being drunk daily. Anyway, he is
trying but no where near where he should be yet. Improvement though! :)

I heard that the perv who was following those little boys had this same man follow
them I believe a day before and told mom. She was following them but behind to see
what was ggoing on, and the same man started following the boys again. She called
the police and Voila! Now, lets hope he is Somer's killer. Sad to say that as she
should be trick or treating tomorrow, not in heaven yet. however, this would get a
perv and killer off the streets and maybe help the family with closure.. I still
say, what in the world is going on?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 weeks ago

linn, sounds like our son is trying to come around, it just take some longer to
grow up. I kow my dad was hard on me with reading if I missed a word he would
crack me one. That is no way to teach a child it takes patients. I did everything
with the boys homework except the really high math stuff, there dad did that.
Being a enginer that was his dept, lol

Just be patient things will work out.

Yes I hear that about the guy with the van from georgia, lets hope they got him,
just so dam many of them it is scary.
Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says:
2 weeks ago

I'm craving more Scamthony news......Anyone else feel the same??

JMo says:
10 days ago

Yes, some scamthony news would be nice. Like....Casey Confesses?????

JMo says:
10 days ago

Yes, some scamthony news would be nice. Like....Casey Confesses?????

JMo says:
10 days ago

This is really scary to think about, but if you look at Caseys face when she was
in court staring at the prosecution (you know the latest one in the green shirt),
well she has the same face and look as Garrido does when he was looking at the
prosecution. Scary. They could pass for look alikes.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
10 days ago


When pumpkins drink

JMo says:
10 days ago

Happy Halloween everyone.

JMo says:
10 days ago

Did anyone else find it odd that Sawgrass Apts. is on CONWAY Rd? Can you tell I am
bored today, lol?
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
Change Player Size Watch this video in a new windowGeorge Cindy and Casey Anthony
do a game show

Happy Halloween


10 days ago

Among other things I can't wait for the prosecution to throw out there that SINdy
said when interviewed over a year ago that momster had to have had help in doing
this. That aint too good!! After one day into the trial momster will be giving
looks that kill toward the mother that she just loved so so much. LOL. Everyone be
careful tonight, even if you are handing out candy!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
10 days ago

I spent the day cleaning, installed 3 new lights and then some teckie thing, I can
control the out side lights with remote control, al the TV in front room and the
computer with remotes. Not much news this weekend so figured I would catch up on
things here. Hope you all have a safe weekend.

linn says:
10 days ago

you are so right Rascal on many points. Yelling and frightening kids trying to do
homework, especially when they are only 5/6 is NOT the way to do it. Funny, but
reminding him of the way his dad treated him has made him stop. that and he knows
that even though they are downstairs, I am upstairs with the sound off the TV
listening. He has HAD to learn some patience. He is getting better now that Kaleb
is getting older. Taking more interest and involvement. Kaleb came out today and
said he did not want to go out tonight. He just wants a bag of candy. I had been
asking him for weeks what he wanted to be, and he would keep saying just a boy. He
did not want costumes. Last year he came home with a sandwich size bag of candy. I
just looked outside and there are almost NO porch lights on! It is pitch black
out. My oldest son is the only one going to a party. Oh well.

We had to install those cable boxes as we woke up Thursday to no TV. Got them
Friday and finally had to call to get a repair guy out. Apparently installing them
is easy. Getting them to work, no so easy. They are working overtime due to none
of them working. Well, now they have to come back Monday as one still does not
work and they have to go into the attic to check out the cable. BORING.

I so wish the Ant farm would do something. I too need some FunnyFarm news. I am
SOOOOOOOOOOOO sick of the balloon boy and his nut father. Now they are trying to
get the Sherriff arrested? Apparently he did do something wrong, but only as far
as the State of Colorado goes. Sick when they can do stuff like that.

Hope everyone stays safe tonight!

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
10 days ago
linn, I have direct tv, I set it up myself I learned how to do that a long time
ago. i sleep with the tv on, it is funny if the channel goes to a blank screen I
wake up and find something else and go right back to sleep.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
9 days ago

The search for Haleigh Cummings
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
9 days ago

Understanding Forensics: Roles, Terminology, and the Null HypothesisNovember 1st,

Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

9 days ago

JMO...Your comment about Conway road reminded me of a website I had followed early
on in this case. It was a man who would blog his dreams. He did not claim to have
any special "powers" other than dreams that he would write down as soon as he woke
up. I was skeptical, yet interested in what he had to say. Remember, this was
early on in the investigation...One dream he had all he could see were trees,
water & 3 white cinder blocks. He was assuming Caylee was near a white cinder
block building, like an out-building. Possibly a storage building or garage.

Many, many months later when they found Caylee's remains, they were in a wooded
area surrounded by water near the white landscape pavers that I imagine look a lot
like white cinder blocks.

I went back to his blog not too long ago to read any new information but he stops
blogging once the bodies have been found.

It's an interesting site. A little spooky for me. But still interesting.
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

9 days ago

Rascal, the hinkymeter link is very good information. Thanks for posting!

JMo says:
9 days ago

Very cool. I read his opening page. I will check into it.

linn says:
8 days ago

Rascal..We have Comcast. They upgraded to digatal? They upgraded to something!

Anyway, it was said all you would need is basic cable and do nothing else. later
they said you would have to get boxes. I ordered them and they never came so I
forgot about it. Thursday, NO TV! We get the boxes and set them up just fine.
However, NO TV!.. Finally after the 7th call, they said the only thing left was to
get a cable guy out here. He showed up Friday, was here forever and the cable is
so old it might have to be replaced. Better not charge ME for their old cable.
Anyway, my daughters TV was still not working and he noticed her cable was run
into the bathroom closet, behind her room and that goes into the attic. To make a
long story short, however late, is that I have a huge mess in my room as the attic
opening is in my closet. NO storage space so everything is in my attic. Meaning
since 8 AM I have been getting stuff out of my closet so they can get to the
attic. It has been my version of hell. After he fixes it and boy had he better fix
it, I then have to put it all back! So today was shot.

I do hope this week is not more of the "Balloon Boy" and his nutty family. I would
love to see Somer's killer caught, some Ant antics... I guess see some justice and
not just "Enquirer News".. And to have it in writing and not just youtube or
video's.. lol
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
8 days ago

linn, Sorry some things just come out on video, I do try to find them in writing
for you.

JMo says:
8 days ago

Annie Le's killer is due in court! Lock these people away and throw away the

JMo says:
8 days ago

Attorneys are asking the Judge to "dismiss the charges" against Melissa Huckaby.
Are these attorneys learning their stupidity from Baez and Lyings? Can they be
truly serious? Maybe Melissa and Casey can come live with them and their family?
That might change their mind, eh? I can't believe they waste the tax payers money
like this!!! Morons!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
8 days ago

JMo. They do not want them living with them. Just like Bozo trying to get the case
dismissed against her. It is not going to happen.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
8 days ago

Tot Mom" to hit the stage!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
8 days ago

7 Month Old Missing from FLorida

Now we know this baby did not walk out of where she lived. Why does this keep
happening. 7 months old and only 11 lbs?
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
8 days ago

More pics of Ant family vacation sold to Globe Magazine.

Snipped from Scared Monkeys poster Loca:

New GLOBE article - critical of Anthonys - “BOOZE CRUISE” Nov. 9, 2009 by Bob

calls them “tattooed grandparents” and says they “party” while “Monster Mom
festers behind bars”!



“….Casey Anthony’s parents ……boozing, gambling and showing off their tattoos on a
Caribbean cruise while their daughter languishes in jail.”

“…. grandparents reaped the fat payout for cooperating with the 48 Hours Mystery
show,” …..

“a shipmate tells GLOBE” …..

“I saw them at night in the casino bar where both George and Cindy were enjoying
cocktails and didn’t seem to have a care in the world, says the passenger.”

“Casey’s parents - who seem to share their black-hearted daughter’s party-hearty

appetite - were also proudly displaying colorful tattoos.” “Cindy’s bears the name
Caylee Marie entwined with a butterfly in tribute to their little granddaughter.”
“George - who was also seen for the first time wearing a pair of diamond stud
earrings - has the inscription “My Sunshine” on his chest. The tattoo features a
girl with sunbeams streaming down on her.”

includes 2 new cruise photos from a fellow passenger.

I posted the photos to my photo bucket account & enlarged one of them to get a
closed look at the tattoos.
JMo says:
8 days ago

Well, I think that 11 lbs is a typo...or at least I hope it is. My kids weighed 10
and a half lbs when they were born. I can't imagine a 2 year old weighing that
unless something is really really wrong. They usually weigh about 25-30 lbs at
that age. If that child was that malnourished, then I would suspect the parents
did something with her, don't you?

JMo says:
8 days ago

The Scamthony's are just sick people. Now we know where Casey got the evil acts
and the care-less attitude. Funny, but I bet Casey is absolutely Fuming over this
cruise thing. She will throw their ass under the bus for sure now.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
8 days ago

JMo, That is what the baby weighed.

jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
8 days ago

JMO- Here's a local link to the news on baby Shannon. Scroll down & read comments.
According to a poster the mother had Downs Syndrome. Maybe the baby had a growth
disorder as a result of the mother's condition. The article also talks about a
rumor that the baby was put in the woods by the mom. But LE says not rumor is not
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
8 days ago

7-Month Old Girl missing in.....Florida

Crime Searchers discussing current crime, trials, and searching for missing
children. Dedicated to Caylee Marie Anthony

This is dedicated to Caylee but have they forgot Caylee was not missing, Casey
knew where she was.

JMo says:
7 days ago

Well, I guess I am trying to be logical here. First of all, the child has
problems, so who would steal a child that was that ill and not healthy? So, I
don't think someone kidnapped the baby to have it for it's own. I also wonder why
someone perverted would steal that child that is only 24 inches long, as that is
not the usually m.o. for what perverts go for. I would suspect that someone may of
thought the parents were unfit or not caring for the child and so they took the
child for that reason? Some sick person maybe thinks they are rescuing the child
or maybe they think they are saving the child through death? Or maybe the parents
did do something to the child? Either way, it is very sad. I am so sick of news
coming out of Florida about children! It's overwhelming sometimes.

JMo says:
7 days ago

I guess time for next month's pages....too bad we don't have exciting Casey news
to start it off with.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

New Motions Filed In Casey Anthony Case

2 Motions, Reply Filed By Defense

POSTED: 10:16 am EST November 3, 2009

UPDATED: 10:50 am EST November 3, 2009
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

There is a person of interest in the case of the 7 month old that dissapeard, but
they are not releasing the name. I read from a blogger that know the mother and
the baby, the other never wanted this child. And the baby spent most of the time
with the aunt. Will surf for more info and post as I can.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Defense Says Casey Anthony Was Overcharged

Tuesday, November 03, 2009 1:05:01 PM
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

I am so sick of these motions, Judge Strickland needs to say enough is enough. The
only motion I want to see is the motion to start this trial and the Guilty verdict
coming down and Casey sent to the big house. Then I want to see the rest of the
liars charged for obstruction,, Then and only then will we see Justice for little
Nordie profile image

Nordie says:
7 days ago

Rascal, I am still maintain they are getting paid by the page. What idiots!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Nordie, Of course they do that is time spent on the case, they half to make the
most they can off of this and every case they work on. They pick up a phone call
tht may last 5 minutes and they charge for a half hour of there time.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Parents Charged After Baby Starves To Death

Posted: 11:37 am EST November 3, 2009

Updated: 3:47 pm EST November 3, 2009

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

New Motions On Casey Murder, Fraud Charges

Posted: 11:53 am EST November 3, 2009

This explains there motions, from the clowns, Judge Strickland it is time to put
the gavel down hard maybe on there heads.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Dominic Casey is fighting to keep from going under Oath, OMG I wonder why.


7 days ago

Hey Obama... momster and her defense are putting a new spin on "bailout" Why don't
you put her in that line right after CIT!

1st question for Dominic. Why in the hell would you boink SINdy?

2nd question for Dominic. How in the hell would you boink


3rd question for Dominic. Can we see your tatoo?

RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Steve, The only tatoo I can see on them is Liar Liar Pants on Fire!!!


7 days ago

We don't want him dropping his pants for us! SINdy, maybe. Us, no thanks. Bobo
tells the judge he has been overcharged. Woooooooooooooopsy.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Hell I do not want to see any of there bottoms, They need that tatoo on there
forhead. Casey's ass was enough in that one pic.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
7 days ago

These new motions by the defense are not only a joke but also a waste of paper &
the courts time. I think after reading these that the defense needs to invest in
Criminal Law For Dummies. Heck, maybe I'll pick a copy up & send it to them. It
would be worth it not to have to read through anymore of this BS.

Accusing the prosecution of double jeopardy for charging Casey with 3 counts
(forgery of a check, uttering a forged check, & fraudulent use of personal ID
info) for each of the 4 checks she cashed is ludicrous. That is standard practice.

Double jeopardy would only apply to a defendant who had been acquitted in that
they can not be re-tried for the same offense.

The motion to dismiss the defective indictment in reference to the murder charge
because it contained no facts & the defense stating they had no idea how to defend
their client is a got ya statement by these clowns. Whatever happened to she's
innocent & the truth will come out at trial. Or better yet whatever happened to
the nanny took her or any of the other stories that Casey & the ream team have

I think Bill Sheaffer said it best "that's just a laughable motion to be filed in
the case at this time. It's just almost, when is the defense going to get

losingit says:
7 days ago

Jo, I tried to post earlier, but it got lost somewhere, I was frustrated and gave
up. Thank you for saying exactly what I was trying to say. They have no idea how
to defend her because because she is guilty and there is no defence that will hold
water. They are doing all these silly motions just to show her they are doing
something. I'll bet they don't spend anytime at all working on this case. They
only work on motions to dismiss. Now all they want is the DP lifted. When this
goes to trial, Bozo will just lean back in his chair and keep repeating, "prove
it". Well, they better pick a story soon. At least they should try to confuse the
jury. All they have are pictures and video clips of Casey with Caylee. Look at the
good Mom. It's so awesome that Casey talked to detectives prior to a lawyer. What
an idiot. I love in her statement where she says she dropped Caylee off sometime
between 9 am and 1 pm. More like Caylee died somewhere between those hours.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Mommy's Little Girl

Chapter One

for those of you that want to read this book you can read chapter 1 for free.


7 days ago

I really believe that THE ANTfarm is coming to the realization that momster will
be found guilty and are slowly washing their hands of her like Rick and the rest
of the family have. No visitors by any family member? Hmmm. Guess they know what
we do!


7 days ago

Does this book fall under the "non fiction" catagory? If it is don't you think
that a lawsuit or two may follow since now the defense will claim that no juror
can sit on this case for fear that they read it. Good timing that it came out a
year before the trial starts. Me likey!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Steve, there is no realilty with the Ants, when Sindy still thinks Caylee is
alive. There was a memorial for Caylee, a cremation, they put her ashes in
jewlery, now tatoos. They know Casey did this. They are putting up a cover up till
the end, they will continue to lie.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Steve, I did not look to see what that book is under I just happened to run across
link and posted for those that are interested.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

I think more potential juror's heard the Ants on media then will read this book,
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
7 days ago

All those pics & videos of Casey with Caylee don't count for much as far as I'm
concerned & I think a jury will feel the same way. Casey is a sociopath. They only
think of themselves & no one else. The pics & videos were for show only. Just like
all the lies she told about her job & money in the bank. If Caylee had been
important to her she would have been working & going back to school to get an
education so she could have given Caylee a home, health insurance,& a life that
was separate from the mother she hated.

Remember the Scott Peterson case. Mark Geragos was constantly shooting his mouth
off to the media with all kinds of crazy stories. The homeless people did it, a
satanic cult was responsible & at one point it was burglars in the neighborhood.
When it came time at trial to put up or shut up he had nada. No defense what so
ever. He just sat there & made the state prove their case, which they did very
well. Those prosecutors had a lot less evidence than this case does.

Also Losingit, would you not remember the exact day & time you dropped your child
off at the babysitter & then never saw her again. Not, well it was the 9th. No
wrong it was the 16th & yea it was between the hours of 9a-1p. No way a jury will
buy any of this no matter what the ream team says. I also think for them to use
the nanny did it they will have to put Casey on the stand & they can't do that as
the state attorneys will have her for lunch.

I think Bozo is sorry he didn't let Casey talk to LE when she was offered a plea
deal. I also think that Bozo & Lyons students are writing the motions they are
filing. Even Kathi Belich of WFTV asked Lyon that the last time she was able to
corner them coming out of court. The look on Lyons face was priceless when she
said " Are you kidding me". Too funny.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Jo, That look on lyons face could kill, I loved when Kathi asked that question.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Bozo and Lyons want 5 counts on the check charged dismissed and 4 counts to stand,
wait a minute she pleaded not guilty. Are they now saying she is guilty of 4
counts, hmm Jose make up your mind which way is it guilty or not guilty that is
the ?
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
7 days ago


Yea, ya gotta love Kathi Belich. Bozo should have never made her mad during that
one news conference when he asked her if she had a law degree just because she
questioned some of his bizarre tactics. LOL

Diane Fanning's book is non fiction. She used court docs & media info like local
news & Nancy Grace show to formulate her opinions on the case. I'm thinking about
buying the book after reading some of the reviews about the book. Walmart had it
for $4.99 when I was there on Saturday.

Mark Fuhrman has a new book out entitled "The Murder Bussiness". His book deals
with high profile murder cases & how media interest can effect the murder
investigation. He also tells about an interview he had with George & Cindy in
August of 2008. He had an interesting take on all the phone calls Casey placed on
the afternoon of the 16th of June.

Here's the link to the info on his book. Also check out two of the other stories.
Defense has no clue how to defend Casey. And George & Cindy display tattoos on
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Jo, What a bargain $4.99 just wait the dollar store will have it later, lol
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
7 days ago

I think $4.99 sounds like a good price for that book. It's a paperback & most
paperbacks are going for up to $7.99 even at Walmart. I would have bought it but
my sis said you don't need to read that you know almost everything there is to
know about the case. LOL I'll probably even check to see if they have Mark
Fuhrman's book.

I read the motion to dismiss the fraud charges this afternoon & there are 13
charges filed by the state on the checks. 3 counts for each of the 4 checks & 1
count of criminal intent for all of them. That makes a total of 13 charges for the
checks & the defense wants 9 of those counts dismissed. Does that mean they will
finally admit to 4 of the counts. Fat chance the state will dismiss any of them.
Lots of luck on that to the ream team.

I bet the employees of the state attorneys office are sitting at a bar tonight
laughing their butts off over these new motions. Even us not so legal eagles think
it makes them look like fools. Almost every blog is talking about the morons on
the defense.

Orlando East aka Cindy is having a melt down tonight over at the Orlando Sentinel.
Check out comment section on this story.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Jo, I bet they are laughing there butts of, after the dumbfence had her saying she
is not guilty. Duh like who is on the video at the bank and target using those
checks. It sure as hell is not Nanny it is Casey the Nanny.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Jo, On the link you posted go there and look at all comments, orlando east is

losingit says:
7 days ago

It's ludicrous. She dropped Caylee off somewhere in a time span of four hours so
she could go to work. Well, George saw them at 12:50 pm so obviously she dropped
Caylee off at close to 1:00 pm'ish. So, she must of had to work at 2:00ish on the
16th. But wait, there was no job to go to. Cell phone records place her back at
the house around 3:00 after George had left for work at 2:00. This is the only day
she had pretended to go to work when Cindy wasn't looking after Caylee. The only
reason she had a pretend job was so Cindy would babysit and Casey could go out.
The exact day something happened to Caylee was the same and only day Casey claimed
to be going to work and taking Caylee to the Nanny's. It doesn't make sense. Bobo
may be correct in his claim that Caylee did not suffer in death (motion to dismiss
DP), but as if. They all claim Caylee was a happy, healthy, busy little girl. My
best case scenario is that Casey drugged her and she died in her sleep. Every
other scenario I can't help but imagine does have her suffering. OH Yeah! The tape
on her face is also a red flag to me that this might not have been a peaceful
passing. I continue to pray that Casey put the tape on after she accidently over
drugged Caylee. I really can't think too hard about Caylee dying in the heat of a
trunk or about her looking into Casey's eyes while Casey smothered her or
something. I hope they do get the DP dismissed. Lyons job will be done. No
appeals. Done deal Casey, welcome to your new home. Meet your new neighbors bitch.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

losingit, I know what you mean hard to imagine what Caylee went threw with the one
that should have protected her.

I hope they put Casey in general population.

jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
7 days ago

Rascal, That's why I was saying to read the comments from Orlando East. Everyone
at OS has thought that was Cindy Anthony for a long time. She has been posting
there for quite awhile. Whenever she leaves a comment the other posters crawl all
over her comments. There is another poster that just recently started using the
name " I love Casey" that people believe is George or Lee. Not sure about that it
may just be some sick dude that can't get a real girl & has to rely on his idiotic
crush on a jail bird. But I believe Orlando East is Cindy Anthony. I have posted
links to her comments before.

I found something today that had been bothering me from Cindy's depo with
prosecutors. In part 2 they mentioned Lee's car twice referring to it as VADER 05.
I didn't get why they called it that. But I just kinda thought they were making
fun of Lee especially after the comments about the bat phones (pre paid cell
phones) that he had bought for everyone including Dominic Casey. It kinda made
sense since someone said earlier in the case that Lee was into online fantasy
games & Nintendo. But I found this pic of Lee's car parked at the Ant home with
the license plate showing. Lo & behold the plate says VADER 05. If I was Lee I
would be real nervous if I had anything to hide with the state attorneys knowing
my plate number by heart.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

Jo, I wonder if they are refering to darth vader, I have seen sindys post there
and she is very negative about the bloggers. I am sure they watch that plate
number and what he is up to.

Also when you look at a lot of the pics casey posted they are very sydistic
skelton heads and things about death, they all go together.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
7 days ago

The Hinky Meter had a very interesting post today about some pics found on Casey's
laptop that were not posted to her photobucket account, Myspace, or Facebook. The
link has two really sadist pieces of art work that seem strange for even Casey to
have known about. Being that she was not an art major I have to wonder what she
was googling to find these. You have to read the whole story to understand the
pics & the significance of them.

Tube socks boy is just a 26yr old that thinks he is still 16 or at least that is
how he acts. Bat phones & calling his car Vader 05. Someone at the Orlando
Sentinel was wondering if he got a tattoo too. One that said "Tube Socks Rock".
LMAO on that one!

Well, going to call it a day have to work in the am. Goodnight to all!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

It is hard to tell where Tbube Sonx meet the shorts, maybe he gets cold knees. LOL

Nite Jo

losingit says:
7 days ago

I have read the comments by Orlando East at the OS. I'm not too sure what to make
of it. It would be interesting to know for sure if it was Cindy. Wouldn't someone
working for OS know the URL or something (I'm computer dummy) was from her house?
Was OE still posting while on the cruise? OE defends Casey like only Cindy would,
but not quite as ferociously as Cindy usually does. OE seems more stable and under
control. I have no idea, but I have a hunch that it just might be someone playing
devil's advocate. Maybe Bozo has hired someone to be OE just to see what will fly?
OE answers no questions, they only ask questions. I might be mistaken, but wasn't
it OE who said something like, look up to find the answer? What does that mean? Of
course, OE might just be a stupid troll trying to stir up trouble over there. I'm
too shy, but Rascal or Jo, maybe you should invite OE on board here for a
cocktail. I'd love to have a calm, rational and accountable discusion with her or
him. Then again, that might just open our ship up for a whole tonne of
unauthorized boardings.

I'm off to bed now too. Goodnight Jo, Rascal, Linn (who usually posts after my
bedtime),and JMo (who seems to be up all night).
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
7 days ago

losingit, I know she was on caylee daily one day making comments like that, and
they did look up her url and booted her off.

I think we can do with out OE, she might try to slip us some of the famous kool

JMo says:
6 days ago

Personally, I think Casey is writing her own duhfense motions. She is studying her
little law book there from her cell and she is calling the shots! She takes notes
during the hearings (instead of paying attention to how she is the killer and we
know it) and puts on her entitled aire about her like she is all that! Baez seems
to keep repeating that it is all about what Casey wants and decides, so I am
almost sure she is demanding that he file these motions. He probably is promising
her credit for on the job training to be his personal legal assistent when he gets
her off. ROTFLMAO!

losingit says:
6 days ago

Hi Rascal. Did they prove that OE is Cindy at the Sentinel? It's weird that she
would want to read all the blogs. She should just live in Fantasyland where
everyone likes and respects her. Hmmmmm, maybe she's made it her job to read the
blogs. Maybe she's looking for clues. Maybe she's looking for the killer in the
comment section. Zanny wasn't at Fusion, Target or the beach. Maybe she's in
Cindy's laptop.

JMo, you're right I'm sure. Casey probably thinks she has a big important job now.
She could have been reading law books 12 hours a day for over a year. And, when
she gets out, Bozo can hire her and she'll be like Erin Brokovich (SP?) LOL

See you all tomorrow. I'm off on a road trip.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
6 days ago

Tabloid Shows Anthonys' Caylee Tattoos

George, Cindy Anthony Spotted On Cruise With New Tattoos

Maybe George and Cindy should have kept there tatoos to them self, but oh no they
knew that would be in the news. They are saying to Caeey see we can party, live
high on the hog and get tatoos and lie just like you.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
6 days ago

Missing Child Alert: Shannon Lea Dedrick, 7 months old, Chipley, FL –

UPDATENovember 3rd, 2009
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
6 days ago

Change Player Size Watch this video in a new windowSquirrels investigate Cindy,
George and Casey Anthony
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
6 days ago

Please, please save that child' // E-MAIL, VIDEO

Comments 54 | Recommend 3

Months before 7-month-old girl went missing, worried baby sitter e-mailed Gov.
Charlie Crist

November 04, 2009 12:01:00 AM
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
6 days ago

BREAKING UPDATES: Deputies block entrance at baby sitter’s home

November 04, 2009 10:12:00 AM

Maybe this is the key to where the baby is.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
6 days ago

Here is the summary from childrens service about the home shannon was in, this
baby should have been removed.

linn says:
6 days ago
Don't forget the check Casey wrote where she was so into it, she signed HER own
name to the check! LOL..Now how are they going to get past that one? It is her
signature on Amy's check made out to I believe Target.. Losingit, I seem to be on
when everyone gets off.. lol.. I only get on at night..

As for the missing baby and babysitter, that is an odd one. Apparently she was
investigated for losing her 3 year old nephew, grandson, another charge in her
care? I truly am brain dead about who he was to her, but they think she might just
be a nut. Odd too that these parents have not even tried to make a plea for her
return. Finally there, what 7 month old baby sleeps until 11:00AM? I mean, usually
as parents, you automatically wake up by a certain time if the baby doesn't. It
sounds to me like another odd story. And again, FLORIDA!! Good gosh, I would not
visit that state if it was for free.

Off to read all the links! Yeah! And Rascal, I really appreciate you trying to
find me readable links. I have noticed that most good stuff now is youtube or
video. Someday I will bother to figure out what is up with my laptop. For now,
eventually I get the news.. :)
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
6 days ago

I am here linn, got home a hour ago was at pool, wed and sundays.

linn says:
6 days ago

I left but came back to post this link about Shannon's babysitter. Her stepson was
the one that went missing and was never found, and she was convicted of beating
her 6 year old stepdaughter. I believe spent 10 years in prison? I feel a 100
years old tonight! I just read the article and already can't remember. It is like
all these babies are running into one child and I can't keep the disgusting facts
straight. Here is the link and I am off.

Night Rascal and gang..

I left but came back to post this link about Shannon's babysitter. Her stepson was
the one that went missing and was never found, and she was convicted of beating
her 6 year old stepdaughter. I believe spent 10 years in prison? I feel a 100
years old tonight! I just read the article and already can't remember. It is like
all these babies are running into one child and I can't keep the disgusting facts
straight. Here is the link and I am off.

Night Rascal and gang..

I left but came back to post this link about Shannon's babysitter. Her stepson was
the one that went missing and was never found, and she was convicted of beating
her 6 year old stepdaughter. I believe spent 10 years in prison? I feel a 100
years old tonight! I just read the article and already can't remember. It is like
all these babies are running into one child and I can't keep the disgusting facts

OK, how come I can't get a link to post? There is a link to the story on the
babysitter but I can't seem to post it. It just comes up as black words. It is on
AOL's main screen. I think the babysitter is a nut, but seems like the parents are
Night Rascal :)
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
6 days ago

Night linn :)

linn says:
6 days ago

SOOOOo sorry about the million posts. Truly, I wrote my post but wanted to sign in
so I tried but forgot my password. I cut and copied my post so I would not have to
write it again, got my new password, came back on and repasted my post, hit post
ONCE and yet all these posts popped on. Some are even different. Now this is a

Sorry again for the tons of posts.. Odd. Like this day has been
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
6 days ago

linn, What happend to the link?

losingit says:
6 days ago

It's okay linn. I'm having a strange day too. I'm in a basement in a "hotel" in
the middle of nowhere, all alone. I've never stayed in a hotel where I have to
jump to see out the window. There is a restaurant upstairs and they actually made
me one of the best clubhouse sandwiches and homemade fries I think I have ever
tasted. I just can't believe my internet works here. There are only two rooms
booked in this hotel. I can't believe they put me directly below the two drunk rig
pigs that are fighting o'er head. It's early though. Hopefully they will pass out
or beat each other unconscious before I want to sleep. I'm sittting here in the
basement having a glass of wine waiting for honey to get home. The room is
actually quite lovely. It's all nice and soothing in colors of gold, brown and
ivory. Oh gee, now there is the voices of a gal and her beau right outside my
door. Like leaning up and touching it. I'm sure if I opened it, they would fall
into my room. Okay, good night all. Wish me luck. Oh, I am going to the door to
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
6 days ago

Losingit, The Orlando Sentinel would never release the ID of a poster. So the
mystery will continue & so will the speculation on the identity of Orlando East.
Today a few posters are saying it could be Joy Wray. Heck, it could be one of
Bozo's students attempting to create some reasonable doubt. Inviting her/him to
the ship would be a HUGH WASTE as whom ever it is never responds to all the
question thrown at them. They just keep repeating the same verbal diatribes.
Someone would be making them walk the plank in less than 5 minutes. Have a great
road trip & stay safe.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
6 days ago

Rascal, Click Orlando was about 2 days late with their news about the Ants
tattoos. There was only one new item in their article & that was this:

Brad Conway, the Anthonys' attorney, confirmed to Local 6 News that George and
Cindy Anthony got the tattoos in memory of their granddaughter.

Guess that will quiet all the comments that the pics were photoshopped being made
at different forums.

I just got finished reading the DFCS report on Shannon Dedrick & I can't see
anything that the Florida Department of Family & Childrens's Services did
incorrectly. They investigated the report & didn't find any signs that the child
had been or was being abused or neglected. Sure the parents tested positive for
pot but they agreed to attend substance abuse classes & did test negative after
that. If DFCS removed every child from homes where parents smoked pot or had a few
beers at night where would they put all those kids? That complaint was made by the
Browns who are now sitting in jail in NC because they are suspected of being
responsible for the disappearance of their own 3 yr old child that has been
missing for over 20 years. Plus Mrs. Brown did jail time for abusing her step
daughter. Seems like one or both of these people had an agenda concerning Shannon.
Maybe they thought that someone would actually allow them to be foster parents. If
the parents of Shannon really have mental or physical disabilities they were be an
easy target for someone with a hidden agenda. Maybe the Browns sold their own 3 yr
old son & now they have sold Shannon. Who knows what is going on in this case. Now
we have another twisted mystery to explore.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
5 days ago

Oops! Sorry got that wrong about the Browns being in jail in NC. But according to
this news article they have a lot of past baggage to give law enforcement good
reason to call them persons of interest. ya got to read what the niece had to say
about their past problems. Sounds like some of the Ant fam denial.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
5 days ago


LE found 7-month-old Shannon Dedrick in a box tucked under a bed surrounded by

items intended to hide the child at a home near Chipley,Washington County Sheriff
Bobby Haddock said in an interview early Thursday.

Shannon was taken to a hospital but appeared healthy, Haddock said.

Haddock said deputies were working to charge Susan Baker, her husband James Arthur
Baker and the child's mother, Chrystina Lynn Mercer. He wouldn't provide details
about the possible charges but said more information would be released later

Authorities don't believe the child's father, James Russell Dedrick Jr., was
involved, but the case is still under investigation, Haddock said.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

Thank God they found her, that is the baby sitter.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

Video of happy reunion of Shannon
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

Mother, Sitter Detained over Case of 7-Month-Old Found Alive

Authorities do not believe the husband is involved, wait a minute how could he not
know there was a baby in the house!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

News conference just on HLN says the Mother conspired to do this so called
kidnapping. Mother handed over the baby at 1.30 am in the morning at the mail box.

Baker is the Mothers Aunt, the same one that spent 10 yrs in prison for the abuse
of a child.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

Susan Baker is related to the Father of Shannon.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

More Casey Anthony documents expected Friday

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

State Attorney To Release Unseen Casey Evidence

1,000 More Pages Of Anthony Case Documents Expected
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

Change Player Size Watch this video in a new windowKC Lies to Muffin Head Mama
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

Sindys new court atire for the trail, you will love this outfit.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

Susan Baker spent 80 days of a 10 year sentence, that is a outrage. Where is the
justice system, are they asleep on the bench, you break the arms of a child and
bruise it and get 80 days, this really ticks me off with the justice system.


5 days ago

Rascal, Robert Blake shot and killed his wife and served 0 days of a 0 day
sentence so Susan Baker got screwed if you ask MY opinion.

And you know MY opinion about judges by now.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

Steve, I understand that one Robert Blake got away with murder. But they did get
Phil Spector he is nuts.

Sure glad someone came on the ship, I ws about to sing to myself.


5 days ago

I know that crazy stuff happens all of our country but WOW has Florida fallen into
the ocean for the past year and a half or what? Every month it seems as if there
is a story going on there.

Getting my eyes ready for the 956 thousand words that they are about to witness
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago
I will be up early tomorrow to find the link for the docs. Yahoo this is FBI
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

NG just dropped her Bombshell, seems like she is behind us bloggers, a good news
station would be keeping up in this information and break in and update there
information. But they half to wait for NG to drop her bombshell, lol

linn says:
5 days ago

Rascal, I thought I mentioned or asked in my triple post, lol, why my links won't
work. One reason for the tons of repeat posts is that I thought if I signed in for
a change, the link would work. Seems not to have.

I did hear NG say she heard Shannon's mother, ugh, is odd, but that the "father"
just might NOT be the true father of little Shannon. The grandmother was on the
phone with NG and said her daughter kept changing her story. When asked about the
father, if it was her father, her tone changed and she said she didn't know about
it. It was odd.

CA is really great about not holding "celebrities" to the same standards as us

regular folks. Everyone knew Blake did his wife in. It was so clear it was
stunning to hear not guilty, but at the same time I knew they would find him not
guilty. Same as OJ.. Even MJ if one wants to drag in old stuff since he has passed
away. Remember, Spector was a hung jury or something like that the first time they
tried him. I was actually surprised they found him guilty.

WHOOOOO HOOOOO on new docs! I need some new news on Crazy. I am sick to death of
hearing crappola from her so called parents!

Losingit, why in the world did they put you guys in what sounds like a basement?
It sounds like the makings of a funny movie, not to laugh at your situation..
lol..sorry and I hope things go better!

linn says:
5 days ago

LOL.. Rascal, those pics you posted.. I am so glad I put my cursor over the pid
that apparently is a skateboard. I mean, maybe I have a dirty mind, but it sure
did not look like a skateboard to me.. hahahahaha
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
5 days ago

linn, Yes the grandma is not sure who the baby belongs to, it ws placed with a
couple in protective custody. Ok got it the links did not work, lol. Hard to
believe people that have so many sex partners they do not know who the daddy is.
It is a wild world we live in now days. They go out and sleep around and bingo
they are preg. Shannon sure does ot look like a happy baby. My Grand daughter is
half that age and is always smiling and cooing and trying to talk. Last time I was
in Arwen weighs a ton now, well fed and growing.

JMo says:
5 days ago

Hi all. I checked on several sources and can only figure this. The mom has mental
issues. She had a baby with a man who apparently is the brother of the Brown
Whacko. Brown claimed her son was kidnapped and they never found him, but they did
find broken bones on her daughter and she got 10 years sentence in NC. She only
served (I guess 80 days of that). She moved to Florida to be near the brother most
likely. She is having contact with them.

I think she wanted to take her brothers child (Shannon)so she somehow conned the
mother into giving her the baby at the mailbox at 1:30am that night. The father
was distraught. The mother wasn't because she knew that Brown had the baby. So
screwed up!!!!
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
5 days ago

Valhall at the Hinky Meter has a great post today. Duct tape part 3

Valhall has taken all the mistruths & half truths that George Anthony made to
prosecutors in his 377 page interview in August of 2009 about duct tape & gas cans
& condensed them into 1 page.

When those documents came out by the time I had finally read through his
statements about those items I was totally confused & thought maybe I had not read
some parts correctly. After developing a major headache from his BS I just gave it

The biggest got ya moment in the interview was when one of the prosecutors ask
George if he had used the metal gas cans between June 24th when he got them back
from Casey & August 1st when LE took them as evidence in the case because they had
been in the trunk of the car. George denied using them saying that he had bought
new ones but Simone Burke described the old metal cans to LE in his depo. He said
George had them to put gas in the car that day at the tow yard.

George seems to have a harder time then the rest of his clan keeping the lies

Valhall's wrap up about the duct tape & gas cans is excellent.

Here it is:

Several things are apparent in this review:

1. Henkel duct tape is tied to George Anthony and the Anthony home, which in turn
means Casey Anthony had opportunity to use it in the management of Caylee’s dead
body, if not as a means for murdering Caylee.

2. George Anthony knows that (1.) is true. And he is more than prepared, yet
extremely unskilled to, lie in sworn depositions, and most likely on the stand,
concerning the Henkel duct tape.

3. And when (2.) takes place during the trial – I’m going to have my DVR going…
because I wouldn’t miss this train wreck for the world.
jo1031 profile image
jo1031 says:
5 days ago

JMO, It's a Mystery to Me site has a lot of info on the Shannon Dedrick case that
I haven't seen anywhere else.

Pic of Susan Baker the Babysitter/Aunt

Pic of mother of Shannon, Chrystina Mercer

pic of Paul Baker the child that disappeared in March of 1987 at the age of 3 & an
age progressed photo of what he might look like today.

Could Susan Baker be the real Zanny the Nanny? LOL

losingit says:
4 days ago

Okay. I'm safely back at the farm now. I have had such a busy day. I love the
hinkymeter regarding George's testimony about the gas cans and duct tape. It was
so obvious when reading his depo that he was flustered and fibbing. During the
depo he was trying to stay one step ahead of the questions. It was so rediculous.
He got his cans back, but didn't use them because he bought new ones even though
he got his back. Then he just didn't do any mowing for weeks. AND, he said that he
has in the past put tape on the cans in that spot to cover the vent, but that tape
job was not him because it was too sloppy. That may be true! In which case, he is
saying that Casey put the tape there. I think he is trying to implicate LE or
Zanny, but no one will believe that. AND, why does he need new vent cover tape
every time? Just keep the original tape on. What a fibber. George will crumble
under real questioning.

JMo says:
4 days ago

Little Mitchell Romero that was taken from his home in Denver and his mother
killed by his father, has now died in a car accident with the Father while they
were headed to Mexico trying to escape. WTF is wrong with these people? Now the
child and the mother are gone and this low life no good piece of shit lives????
Really???? Makes me sick. He needs the DP if anyone!

JMo says:
4 days ago

Meant to post a link.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

Good morning shipmates waiting for the doc dump.

jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
4 days ago

NEW DOCUMENTS: All the news files have been downloaded at this site. This should
keep it simple & easy.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

Thanks Jo, I was out with the dog, Now We have been dumped upon happy reading all,
sure hope this is good from the FBI.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

Gatoraid Bottle contained a disposible syringe, inside a plastic bag. This syringe
contain Chloroform, Ethanol and water. Caylee's doll that was recovered had yellow
stains on fromt and back of cloth body doll, with traces of Chloroform. Casey is
going down , and when this is all over she will go way down to hell. Metal
brackets in Shed have Duct Tape on them.'Gas Can Tape Matches what was around
Caylee's head.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
4 days ago

Rascal, What set of the Docs did you find that in. I Know that the Orlando
Sentinel posted a comment about the syringe info about 20 minutes ago but I want
to read it for myself. So far I've gotten through sets 1-8 but have not found the
actual report on the substances found in that bottle.

JMo says:
4 days ago

Hmmm, lets see, Coffin flys that only appear on the dead, where present in Casey's
trunk and on the paper towels she used to wipe up Caylees fluids. Cindy, I would
pretty much say that it blows your Pizza theory out of the water!

Oh, Casey is going down for sure! It is just down right sick what happened. George
and cindy should of saved their cruise money and gave it to the State of Florida
for all the money they are out on this fiasco, which they are partially
responsible for. I still can't believe they had the nerve to go on a cruise after
all the crap they have pulled. Maybe if they were truly hurt, suffering
grandparents, but that's just not the case with these two nuts.

JMo says:
4 days ago

Just wait till court when they are talking about Caylee's REMAINS. It will become
all about George again. I know sitting there listening to them talk about which
direction her skull was facing,and all the bugs that were crawling in and out of
it and all the other gross stuff, ....well if he thinks the word REMAINS is bad,
hmmm....I would be throwing up. I'm sure they will have pictures. Casey has the
body fluids of that baby on her hands forever and G&C have the smell of her
decomposed body in their house and their nose forever!
Sorry, but wiping up your baby's fluids to hide the evidence and the whole house
reeking with your dead baby's rotting body smell, and you sit there and order
pizza? Not to mention this is after you party for 31 days like nothing ever
happened??? She is a Sociopath to the hilt and I'm sorry but Cindy borders on
being one too.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

Jo, Darn I did not mark the page down but it is in the docs. Sorry:(

Oh I only have 4 more sets to go, so keep going you will find it.

JMo says:
4 days ago

ZANAX and KLONOPIN found in Casey's hair. Hmmmmm, imagine that, Zanax! Who would
of thought!!!!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

JMo, I am reading this and halfto take a break, how in the hell could she plead
not guilty give me a break.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

8 people shot in high rise building in orlando, has to be something in the water.

imacynic2 says:
4 days ago

So here's a question - does anyone besides Casey know the truth - do you think she
told Baez or do you think he doesn't want to know . . . or that she is actually
incapable of telling the truth.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

imacynic2, I doubt she or any of the Ants know how to tell the truth,
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

Chloroform Evidence Among New Casey Documents

Posted: 9:21 am EST November 6, 2009

Updated: 12:19 pm EST November 6, 2009

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Newly-released documents are shedding new light on the evidence
prosecutors are using to build their case against Casey Anthony including details
about the evidence at the scene where Caylee's body was discovered.

This story give better breakdown on the chloroform that is in docs.More on the
syringe on this story also.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
4 days ago

Imacynic2- IMO Casey will go to her grave with the truth. Baez & the Ants know she
killed the child but not because of any remorse or guilt on her part but the
evidence alone says it all. But I don't believe any of the Ants or defense
actually have a conscience either.

Well, just skimmed through 34 sets of court docs & all I can say is this is like
putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Some of those reports conflict with previous
reports & others done later. I'm going to go back & read several sections that I
marked to read over very carefully but had some info of interest to pass on.

Set 16 page 1- No xanax possible trace evidence of klonopin indicated.

Set 21 pages 47-80 info on chemicals found in gatorade bottle & liquid in syringe.
Nothing in reports says chloroform found but does list some chemicals that I need
to do more research on. One is definitely alcohol & another is acetone. Need to
reread those pages to see if I missed something.

Set 26 page 74-75 Bottle & syringe = cleaning products & testosterone (schedule 3
controlled substance). No chloroform found on doll.

Cleaning products could equal chloroform but that is not spelled out. IMO the
syringe is not a smoking gun unless they can tie it to Casey Anthony. From the
pics of the syringe it looks like an insulin syringe. That could have come from
anywhere & where did the steroid come from. Was the syringe used by a steroid
abuser & Casey reused it or is the bottle of gatorade with syringe another red

Lots of questions not a lot of answers so far.

But if the jury believes all the other circumstantial evidence we've seen so far
that tie Casey to the crime they will be willing to sentence her to death after
hearing all the info in those reports about the bugs & other wild life her poor
little body was subjected too.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

Wow NG just drop the Boomshell, did they get prints off that syringe and the
plastic bag and are they holding that back sure wish we knew.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

I am sitting here thinnking about all the circumstantial evidence we have so far.
All the things that lead back to the Ants house. And all the lies and cover up.
Casey is not the brightest light bulb in the Chandelier. She only thought she was,
I rate the light bulb as -10 for brains.

linn says:
4 days ago

Good thing about the syringes is they were sealed in the bag. I doubt Miss Dummy
used gloves. She never thought Caylee would be found. Now as far as the
testerosterone *sp*, they are now going to look at Crazys many b/f's to see if
they were/are using it. Bodybuilding and all. They think she took they from
someone, but the syringes and all were found in a Disney bag. Caylee loved Disney
things. I think this stuff was IN the bag with Caylee but when the bag got ripped
due to the animals and all, it floated out and most likely caught on branches.
That is why it was just a couple feet from the body. Too odd to have chloroform,
*sp* in those syringes when it was looked up on the computer, found in
her car and then to be right next to the body? I bet they do find her fingerprints
on those syringes. I bet she tossed her Cheeto's when she heard the news. I
thought it was to be slightly under 1,000 pages but they said it was over 2100
pages! I will be reading for hours.

Oh, and someone on NG is looking into when the Ants got their tattoos'. And they
don't know how much the Ants were paid for the interviw? The 20,000 interview? I
mean, WE should do NGs show! How come they are so behind the news? They even acted
like the cruise was "breaking" news. OLD news is more like it.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
4 days ago

linn, At first it was said 1000 pages then it went up. What is to say Casey did
not steal the syringes from someone she stole other things. She may have had a
friend that was diabetic also and got some of them there. Also maybe from the kit
her mom carried when she went out on calls to home visits. There are a lot of
possibilities. Then there is that one guy with all the tatooos looks like he may
have used that growth junk.

JMo says:
4 days ago

Stupid Casey. Stupid Casey.

jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
4 days ago

I think the news media had got it all wrong about the syringe containing
chloroform. The bombshell today is about the bug evidence. There is no way anyone
has read through all the 2000+ technical pages of info released today. Not even
the media.

If you go to the link I posted for the docs at Click Orlando & then go to SET XXVI
PAGES 74-75 & read what the FBI report dated 7/6/2009 says about the liquid found
in gatorade bottle & liquid from syringe it says mixture of testosterone & some
type of cleaning fluid.

Here's what the Hinky Meter has to say so far on the new docs.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 days ago

VIDEO REPORT: Details Emerge From Documents
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 days ago

Haleigh Cummings Update: Tommy Croslin Arrested
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 days ago

bb later have a good day..

JMo says:
3 days ago

Hanky Panky is guilty of more than just stealing guns and doing narcotics. Say,
uh....taking Haleigh and killing her.

I love Bill Shaeffer and I bet Cindy hates him.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
3 days ago

Casey Anthony Receipt Target 7/8/08

Noticce Arm and Hammer on this bill, used to ordors!!!!

jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
3 days ago


I saw that same link posted at the Caylee Daily at 2:54 pm today. It looked to me
like maybe 2 people were wasting alot of trying to link Casey to the gatorade
bottle by a receipt. That is just ludricious.

Anybody could have put that bottle there & it could have been throw there right
before the body was found. Besides there is no way to track where something like
that was bought. We talked about those receipts & what she bought early on in the
case. She bought paper towels too.

Old news that doesn't prove anything but the fact that she is a thief, likes to
shop at Target, washes clothes with arm & hammer detergent, & cleans with paper
towels. Maybe she did clean the car with laundry detergent & those paper towels
but there is no way to prove it.

The news docs have lots of new material to debate if people would take the time to
do so. Like the bug evidence & duct tape reports.

I'd like someone to take a look at the evidence on the bottle & syringe that I
took the time to read & take notes on where & what page I found the info on. I
believe that the media bombshell on those items is wrong.

JMo says:
3 days ago

Ya know, sometimes the media takes something and runs with it just to get the
numbers! They can put a twist on anything. Unless of course, there is something we
don't know??

I hope they find Casey's fingerprints on that syringe. I hope the chemicals match
exactly to what was in her trunk.

I never thought of this until I heard NG say it, but G&C may of gotten the tattoos
just to say, 'see, we got tattoos too when Caylee was missing'. I think they tend
to forget that Caylee is dead, but at any rate, comparing themselves to Casey
getting a tattoo when Caylee was ahem...missing, all the whilst knowing she was
dead, doesn't have a damn thing to do with it. These people are so messed up.
Years and years of therapy will not be enough to put them on the right track to a
half way normal life.

I do like the reports mentioning the dark roots on the hair found and it now
connects with that line of questioning they were giving Cindy about her hair
colors and when she dyes her hair. They have all the evidence, they are just
covering their bases before they disclose it so that no one (like Cindy) can come
back and dispute everything. They will already have the dimwit's testimony. Hehe,
and she thought they were just interested in her hair and looks. What a moron.

And it was truly disgusting to see Casey's back last night on the big screen. I
bet those are bed bug bites? Icky. I bet she ain't feeling so cutesy after that
picture got out to the public.

As far as Casey's 'grocery list', looks like she was buying some 'love nest' food
to me. Looks like breakfast items and something to bbq for the weekend. Who knows.
It wasn't her money, so she just got whatever. Maybe Tony was out of laudry soap?
I used to use Arm and Hammer when my youngest lived at home, due to all of his
allergies. The Dr. recommended it.

I guess the Zepher Pipo is a baseball cap?

Anyway, found this other list of crap she bought with other people's money. Of
course she was looking for Caylee everywhere...JCPenneys, the car wash, target,
ross, anchor blue,best buy, winn dixie, club fusion....lmao

06/27/08...JC Penny’s $84.00 used Cindy's card

6/30 8:36PM Target (cash) $7.49

6/30/08...JC Penny’s $73.40 used Cindy's card

6/28 7:15PM Waterford (cash) $16.00 drinks

7/01 4:17PM Penny’s check 5291 $31.93

7/02 8:06PM Ross Dept Store (cash) $37.23

7/03 7:15PM Target (cash) $15.98

7/03 6:09PM Store at Fl Mall (cash) $10.64

7/03 6:43PM Anchor Blue Mall (cash) $21.28

7/04 12:19P Target (cash) $12.71

7/05 5:13PM Best Buy (cash) $14.90

7/05 5:41PM Citgo carwash (cash) $4.00 (this is where she washed the jeep before
picking up Tony)

7/06 5:54PM Winn Dixie (cash) $11.61

7/06 5:32PM Publix (cash) $59.14

7/07 5:16PM Target (cash) $4.18

7/07 8:00PM Waterford (cash) $8.00 drink

7/08 11:59A Target stolen check $111.01

7/10 12:00P Target stolen check $155.47

7/10 10:33A Target stolen check $137.77

7/12 9:38PM Winn Dixie stolen check $92.62

7/13 5:10PM Waterford (cash) $8.00 drink

7/14 5:30PM Blockbusters (cash) $13.40

7/15 6:04PM Winn Dixie (cash) $88.45

7/15/08...Bank of America $250.00 Cash with Amy’s check

There was a transaction for over $530.00 from Amy’s account to pay for Casey's
cell phone bill it went through but was later denied due to no funds in the

In all Casey had stolen a total of $808.34 in checks $400.00 cash and an attempted
$530.00 (few cents for the cell phone bill. $808.34 plus $400.00 cash == $ 1208.34
plus she might be charged for the attempt of the one that did not go through to
pay her cell phone bill.

jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
3 days ago

JMO- That info is something I haven't seen before. Zepher Pipo is a NHL team cap.
Where do you think she got all that cash prior to the 15th of July when she cashed
the one at BOA belonging to Amy? And who did the check belong to that she used to
pay Pennys the $31.93 on 7/01/08?

I remember in Amy H.'s interview with LE her saying something about a couple of
hundred dollars that went missing from her apartment. Don't know what the time
frame on that was though. Also I remember something about a friend of Tony L.
apartment getting broken into & money was taken.

JMo says:
3 days ago

Yep. Remember Amy said that Casey tried to convince her that she must of been
sleep walking when she spent the money? Casey thinks she can make anyone think
anything she wants to. Amy knows that she didn't sleep walk and spend that money.
She knows that Casey took it. Casey is so used to stealing from G&C and them
turning the other way, that she thought she could do it to others. Remember her
story of 'that's not my dog', yet she had the dog on the leash and walked it every
day....oh yeah, mistruths. Cindy was a rotten mother to let her get away with all
that behavior!!!

Can't you just hear Cindy now..."sweetheart, now you know that is your puppy don't
you?" Casey's reply: "no you stupid bitch, its your dog!"

Cindy: "Sweetheart, did you 'borrow' some of mommy dearests money out of her purse
and her credit card too?"

Cindy: "Fuck you for calling me a theif. I hate you. I am going to kill the thing
you love"

Cindy: It's ok sweetheart, maybe Zanny stole it, so we won't worry about it any

I can just see those being daily conversations between those two. So, no wonder
Casey thought she could steal others money and then make up crap to cover for it.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
3 days ago

JMo- Do you remember the section where your found those reports on the hair with
the dark roots? I need to go through the new docs again when I get more time.
Yesterday I was more interested in the bugs, duct tape & what was really in the
gatorade bottle & syringe so I was skimming through some of the documents real
fast. I did think some of the prosecutors questions were strange but I knew that
they had good reasons for asking what they did & we would find out why in due
course. I was wondering at the time if they were asking her when & how often she
colored her hair had something to due with the hairs found in the trunk after Dr.
Lee inspected it.

losingit says:
3 days ago

I can't find what I'm looking for. Does anyone know when Casey went to Jesse's and
took a shower? I'm thinking it was after she had disposed of Caylee. Jesse is a
burly looking fellow. Maybe he uses steroids and she stole a used syringe from
him? I'm just thinking out loud here, but that is bothering me.
From what I remember, after Casey had been caught stealing from Amy, Amy
remembered another incident. Amy woke up and was missing $200.00. Casey convinced
Amy that Amy was sleeping and had hid the money somewhere. I'm not sure either of
the time frame for this. I believe Amy said that both her and Casey looked all
over for it the next day before Casey said Amy was sleep walking.

Remember when Casey was booked? They kept offering her a drink. She kept refusing
and then said that she never drinks soda. Hmmmm. Do you drink blue gatorade?

Caylee probably had dark roots too just from the sun.

It shocked me to read how fast a body would decompose and how they swell and leak.
I can't imagine the nightmares Casey has about the sight of that.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
3 days ago

Losingit, It was on July 1st at 10:30 am.

losingit says:
3 days ago

Thanks Jo. I can't put my finger on it, but I think the fact that she went and
showered at Jesse's is important.

So, what do all of my shipmates think of this syringe evidence? Any opinions or
guesses? Is this just a random druggie syringe? Is this the murder weapon? What do
you think? Did Caaey inject Caylee with something? I actually find that hard to
believe. I do not think Casey injected Caylee with anything. That's intrusive, and
I have never believed Casey did anything like that. I don't believe she broke
Caylee's neck or did anything that hurt her. I think Casey accidently OD'd Caylee
on pills and/or she died in the heat of the trunk.

Do you think Casey killed Caylee on purpose by lethal injection or is the syringe
being found there just a coincidence?
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

2 days ago

Losingit, at first I thought it must have been an accidental death & then Casey
panicked and possibly went into shock.

Now that so much time has passed & so much evidence has been presented, I truly
believe Casey intended to kill Caylee. She was done with her & tired of playing
the role of mother.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 days ago

Diane Fanning on Blog talk Radio
RascalBrat profile image
RascalBrat says:
2 days ago

CAPT STEVE, good post on blogger talk radio.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 days ago

This is a blog where we can agree to not disagree with any opinions. Just to let
every one know I did read the doc's all of them. When I post it is my opinion and
nothing more. Have a nice day all. :)


2 days ago

Rascal, thanks!

Wednesday, I agree with you and throw out that along with her shock she numbed
herself with an onslaught of drugs and drinks for a couple of week period. As for
being a thief and a liar, I think that had gone on for the past 10-15 years, give
or take a few.

JMo says:
2 days ago

Well, my opinion is that Casey has been ill for a long long time and Cindy chose
to ignore the facts. She had a childhood of make believe friends and constantly
lied. She was a devious child in a way, but could behave herself for the most
part. She was at the age to develop a more intense mental illness, beyond that of
her personality disorder issues. She was unable to finish high school, she could
not hold a job, and became increasingly promiscuous, escalated lies to the point
of pathological status and stole money, and what ever else she could from friends
and family. All the classic signs. Her Bipolar was out of control. She probably
had periods of extreme manic behavior. She became preganant and had no idea who
the father was. She denied it, Cindy denied it, etc. The whole family knew what a
problem child Casey had been and still was. Cindy, in her infinite wisdom, glazed
over the real facts when it came to Casey and was more concerned about putting on
a front for the family, friends and coworkers. Casey was going to be the perfect
little daughter, despite what others thought and she was out to prove it. (and is
still trying, lol) The story of the father that mysteriously died in the car
accident emerged. No way could Casey get an was too late for that.
She had to have the baby. No way could she give the baby up...that would be a
disgrace to Cindy and her image. No, Casey would have that baby no matter what and
would raise it and do what she is supposed to do.

Meanwhile, Casey's illness was brewing. At first, she tried being a good mother,
of course, only with the constant help of George and Cindy. But in the dark
background, Casey was doing her dirty deeds. Lying about work to her parents,
lying about college to her friends. It was too much for her to try to please both
of the people she had become or was being made to be. She became torn. She
couldn't keep up these charades. She had to do something. People were going to
find out, then what would happen? Her parents would learn she was lying about work
and a sitter. Her new found freinds were ones she had built relationships with
based on a fabricated person she made up. To some she was the good mother, to
others, she was the dancer, partier, hot body, club fusion girl.

Casey was trapped. Caylee was getting old enough to start talking. What if Caylee
spilled the beans. Casey had no way out. She began thinking of ways to get rid of
Caylee. It was the only way. Otherwise, she would lose all of her friends, they
would hate her for all the lies and thefts. Her parents would never forgive her.
This would be like a death sentence for her, and she had to end her own self
torture. It was a means to the end, for her. She tried to keep up with the two
Caseys. She looked up chloroform, household weapons. She knew that if she got rid
of the little snot, then she couldn't talk.

Then something happened. It all came tumbling down on Casey. Cindy found out that
Casey was stealing money, lots of money. Casey even stole from Grandma, wiping out
their account. A fignt insued. What was she to do? At this point, I believe she
went into a full blown Mania. Thereafter, only Casey knows the order in which she
did things....i.e. the pool attempt, the trunk, the wrapping of the layers of duct
tape. The bagging and trashing of Caylee's body.

I personally think that Casey wrapped the duct tape around Caylees head and put on
two extra strips, so that Caylee could not get it off. I think perhaps she poured
that chloroform laced gatorade in her mouth and duct taped it closed so she could
not vomit it up or breathe.

Casey deserves the death penalty. Ill or not, I think she is a Sociopath and
planned this out. She know exactly what she did and what she is continuing to do.

So, that is my opinion. I have no doubt that they have tons of evidence against
her, otherwise she would not of been locked up this long. I think she will break
down in her civil case with Zenaida, once the lawyers are unleashed on her. I
can't wait to see Cindy's face when that happens.

Cindy will be trying to prove that Casey is not a disgrace for the rest of her
life. It doesn't matter how many tatoos or partying she does (even if she takes up
pole dancing), she is not going to show people that Casey was innocent when she
was doing this stuff while Caylee was dead!!! Someone needs to stop this woman
from her idiotic illogicical thinking.

JMo says:
2 days ago

Almost forgot....the most important part. Where Casey made up a new friend (just
like she had always done in childhood). Someone to take the blame. Her name is
Zanny. To make Zanny real, she thought up a whole bunch of other friends for her
too. Sisters, husbands, kids, etc. Casey had a whole imaginary life with imaginary
friends. It was her escape from the real life she led. Poor ignorant Psyndi and
George, still can't figure out that these people do NOT exist (except in Casey's
head). They have been hiding in there for a very very long time. They are the
imaginary friends that she can blame Caylee's death on. They are probably the
imaginary people that really owned the dog when she was a child, or the ones that
stole Amy's money, or made her pregnant. None of these people exist. I think once
Cindy can face reality, then maybe Casey can see that no one is buying her bs. As
long as her family continues to play into it and stand by her make believe
stories, then Casey truly feels protected from the world and reality.

However, I think at the same time, there is a personality in her that hates them
severely and wishes them dead, the same one that wished Caylee dead. Yet they are
her only hope at this point.

She has lost everything, lol, what about me!

losingit says:
2 days ago

That's so eerie to read JMo. How she didn't just invent a nanny, but a whole world
with the nanny. The nanny had roommates, sister and mother. The nanny had friends
and other imaginary little children to look after. They had great adventures
together and unfortunatley suffered a few mishaps as well. Poor Nanny. I greatly
fear that she has died and everyone that knew her has gone into hiding. LOL

JMo says:
2 days ago

Yes, I think Casey was a tortured soul (tortured by Cindy and her own illness).
Who knows if Casey was a victim of incest or gang rape. Who knows what really went
on in her life. She got rid of all of her old friends and found new ones. She was
trying hard to shed the layers of her life away. She made new freinds and her life
was happy, until Cindy found out. She created a world where the Zanny was a nice
woman, a perfect 10 who had an extended loving family. A place where Casey fit in.
They even loved Caylee. They took Caylee to the beach and to disneyland. She
bought Caylee replicas of her favorite stuff and a carseat to transport her
around. Her and Caylee took vacations with Zanny and she even gave Zanny a key to
the house. So when things got too rough with Cindy, she would escape to the other
family. She would tell her friends that Caylee was with them at parties in other
cities or spending the weekend with them. It was all make believe to hide her pain
and to satisfy her needs for something normal in her life. She did whatever it
took to have a guy too. She was probably known as a slut (with being preggers and
all too) and finding new friends, with new guys to hang out with was just the
thing. She wanted to be at their apt. and cook for them, pick them up from the
airport, support their photography and disc spinning, and most of all, I think
Casey wanted to be loved.

We all know that young mothers sometimes became pregnant because they are looking
for love from the child. A small infant or child is incapable of satisfying the
love that they are needing. They find out too late that a baby was not the answer.
They find out that the baby is more needy than them and they can't give to the
baby. They search for more love. Caylee was a burden to Casey. It's difficult for
us to see that, but we were not in her shoes. Caylee was ok for a while, but then
enough was enough when it came to her situation.

There are so many young mothers just like Casey. They need intense support to make
it through. Casey didn't have that. Cindy was ashamed of her and Casey knew it.
There was nothing she could do to satisfy Cindy's demands or expectations. Caylee
was a mistake and paid the price.

JMo says:
2 days ago

Check this out. Someone hacked the Zwinky site (that's all I can figure). They are
so upset that someone stuck Caylee's picture in there. The company is trying to
shut it down and get her picture off there. (ahem, the people there have never
heard of the case).

Here is the site:

And here is the article:

JMo says:
2 days ago

Ok, did anyone hear on NG that the 15 year old girl killer of Elizabeth Olten (the
9 yr old), had a myspace page that was really dark, and she said she liked to kill
and cut? Who is monitoring this stuff????

Where did NG get that info? I wanted to read it, but can't find it anywhere.

JMo says:
2 days ago

Never mind...just found something. You gotta read this!!!!

JMo says:
2 days ago

Trying to post again. The computer is eating my post.

Just found this. You have to read it!

Here is the myspace page:

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 days ago

JMo, I heard that the older girl has a my space page, parents sould not allow kids
on site like that.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 days ago

Good find JMo, wow she had help to bury Elizbeth and dug the grave a week ahead of
time. She knew what she was doing well planed, so sick. Yes charge her as a adult,
I agree.

JMo says:
2 days ago

Yes, the whole thing is sick. I know they arent supposed to leak the name of the
15 y/o, but people do talk and I'm sure the families spread the word and it's all
over school. I bet whoever helped her dig that grave sure didn't know what she was
going to do with it. Makes me wonder if she buried her alive? Who is watching the
whacked out kids?

They say she lives with her grandmother because her mother is a drug user. Too
many times kids are dumped on grandparents because the parents are irresponsible.
No one stops to think of the effect this has on those kids in the long run. My
neighbors did that with their son. He had a lot of issues, so off to grandma and
grandpas house in the country to 'straighten him out' and 'keep him away from the
bad kids'. Well what they didn't realize is that you can't straighten out a sick
criminal mind and that their kid was 'the bad kid'. Wherever you go, there you
are. Now he is older, still in and out of jail and trouble and the grandparents
are broke from him stealing from them and are stressed out.

I think people need to realize that it is not their parents place to raise their
kids. Those kids will suffer from that, no matter how good the grandparents raise
them. They will always know that their own parents didn't do it and werent there
for them.

Believe me, I know there are these situations out there, but something has to be
done to stop it. Too many people are irresponsible and not being held accountable.
(ahem, like Casey).

JMo says:
2 days ago

Yes Rascal, she should be charged as an adult. She planned it. It was premeditated
from the get go. I wonder how many of her acquaintances are just like her? How
many people knew what she was doing and did nothing about it?

JMo says:
2 days ago

The computer is eating my posts again.

Anyway, I agree Rascal. She should be sentenced and charged on an adult level. She
premeditated this without a doubt. She is dangerous.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 days ago

I had to laugh when LP said that testosterine may be from George. how true how do
you keep in that shape sitting on the sofa watching cooking show. Lp may be on to
something, lol. It is not like George ever did enough work to keep his shape.

JMo says:
2 days ago

I never thought of that, but could be true.

Apparently someone was shooting up testosterone. She was in those hot bod
contests, so Im sure she knew a few people that did that stuff? Its pretty common
these days. Maybe a few beach guys she knows? Hmmm. I wonder now who will come
forward and say that they do this stuff and Casey stole it from them to use the
syringe? I sure hope her fingerprints are on there....that would just make my day!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 days ago

Someone could have droped it in the trash at one of the party and she retrieved it
who know. Or it could have come out of Sindys bag she carried as a home nurse,
they carry syringes, they used to flush the line on the tube my husband has coming
out of his chest that put meds in for pain. It is not uncomon for people that use
any kind of drugs to use them more then once.
JMo says:
2 days ago

That's true, but not sure Cindy would of been giving testosterone to anyone in
home care. That's why I think she stole it from one of her buddies....took it out
of the trash once they used it.

I know I have been saying that I hope her prints are on the syringe, but I also
hope they find Caylee's DNA on that syringe too. At least I will know that she
didn't suffocate or something from the duct tape.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 days ago

JMo, I also think she got it from a friend or a friends trash can where they
disposted of it. Just threw that out there, what I really meant to say she stole
the syringe for a friend they she took it back. Not like she would care who used
it first. I know what yoou mean I hope she did not really suffer that is so sad.

JMo says:
2 days ago

Like I said before, Casey does not want Cindy to find out she is lying. She will
lie, cheat and do whatever she has to do, to make sure that doesn't happen. She
wants Cindy's approval and love so bad, but its a little to little to late for
that. In Cindy's own words:

"Casey's lied to me in the past and when she's lied she's always told me the
truth." "We've gotten to the bottom of the truth when I talk to her and spend time
with her."

Yep, she has to coerce it out of her every time, because Casey is so afraid of
telling the truth!

JMo says:
2 days ago

I can just see her shooting up little Caylee with that stuff or making her drink
it. Sick.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
2 days ago

I do not think Casey will ever tell the truth!!

jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
2 days ago


Following quotes snipped from The Hinky Meter/Valhall post

"guess I’ll say up front that my opinion is the Gatorade bottle with the syringe
inside doesn’t have anything to do with Caylee or Casey. I thinks it’s discarded
trash. And I don’t believe we’ll ever see it entered as evidence at trial."
" It should be noted that chloroform is a byproduct of the chlorination process of
drinking water. I guess what I’m saying is, the chloroform could have come from
tap water in the bottle."

"As for the syringe…the claim of any substantial amount of chloroform is just not
there. There’s only one test that shows a smidgeon of chloroform in the testing of
the syringe contents."


JMo says:
34 hours ago

Ah, well I sure hope they have more evidence or information on that stuff than
what we know, so that it can get connected to Casey. I hope they find her
fingerprints on it, but true, they may not.

However, they took a lot of stuff out of the trash from the home, etc. and it
included pop cans, food boxes, etc.

Maybe the coding on the bottle or dates or something might match something from
the house? Sort of like the duct tape matching the tape at the house. Also, if the
substance from the bottle matches exact substances in the trunk of the car or what
was found on the doll dress, then chances are that it might of belonged to Casey
and she used it.

losingit says:
26 hours ago

I've been thinking that Caylee was given the syringe in the woods where she was
found, but that doesn't make sense. This was not the scene of the crime. The crime
scene is most likely the trunk or the house. Is Casey stupid enough to bury the
murder weapon with the body?
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
24 hours ago


That wooded area was full of discarded trash. Remember the shell casing from a
rifle bullet? Had nothing to do with the crime. Remember the item that people kept
saying was the book that Caylee was reading in that video? It turned out to be a
sign for a day care that was most likely attached to a tree or post near the road.

IMO & some others like Valhall at the Hinky Meter the gatorade bottle with the
syringe inside was random garbage & has nothing to do with the case.

The following is from document set #26 from Click Orlando downloads of new
material released on Friday. Note pages 74-75. FBI Exam Results dated 7/6/09

Q238.1 (liquid in gatorade bottle) was a whitish/murky liquid & while not
specifically identified could be from a type of cleaning product. Additionally, a
mixture of testosterone compounds was identified.

Q240.1.1 (liquid from syringe) was a mixture of immiscible liquids (whitish &
yellow). The whitish aqueous portion was similar to Q238.1 (ie possibly some type
of cleaning product) a mixture of testosterone compounds was identified within
yellowish oily portion.

That report post dates any other reports on those items. IMO the chloroform
evidence reported by media yesterday is not a bombshell to the case. Photos of
bottle also show the label on bottle still intact & didn't look like it had been
out in the woods & under water for over 7 months. The bottle was found in a
plastic World of Disney bag but after all that time that plastic bag would have
been torn open & looked like the pieces of the other plastic bags found in the
area too. I think the bug data & the duct tape matching the gas cans is the
bombshell. JMO

Another thing to keep in mind is the Media does get things wrong & are willing to
jump on one word without checking their facts. They have to get the jump on the
other news outlets in order to win the ratings war. I remember the days that when
the news media reported something you could take it to the bank. But 24/7 news
changed all that. They will put anything out there without checking their facts

JMo says:
24 hours ago

That is true, the media stinks most of the time. I am wondering though, with all
the trash found out there, why would the prosecution have this particular item
listed as evidence? Why wouldn't all the trash found out there be listed as
evidence? I agree that the label would of been washed out, etc after 7 months, but
Casey was pretty crazy and maybe she had it all wrapped up with the plastic bags
and laundry bag and it came out later?

Anyway, yes the coffin flys is a huge discovery. They were even in the paper
towels that she used to clean up the trunk. The duct tape is huge too. I heard
that the movie she rented that night showec duct tape being placed on someone in
that same manner. All around the head and then two smaller pieces on the mouth.
So, maybe she duct taped Casey after she watched the movie? Casey is so crazy, she
will never be able to tell the facts! We do know one thing, little Caylee suffered
at the hands of the Momster.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
24 hours ago

DNA can be obtained from the coffin flys.

jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
23 hours ago

JMO, Here's the OCSD evidence list of items from 8900 Suburban Drive (remains

Pages 1-21 are all items taken from that area. Included are pieces of paper, candy
wrappers, pieces of plastic bags & lots of other stuff that is just discarded

Note that on page 5 they mention a black wallet that contained a Sears credit card
in the name of Timothy Monforte.

Note that on page 6 the key on key chain.

I'd be willing to bet that OCSD talked to the owner if the wallet to inquire where
his wallet was stolen from or in what time frame he had lost it.

losingit says:
23 hours ago

I agree that the bottle and syringe could just be random garbage, but LE seems to
think it was more important than other garbage out there. If I understand
correctly, there was certainly some sort of cleaning product in the syringe/
bottle. Why would someone fill a syringe with cleaner? The only reason I can think
of is if they were trying to rinse out something else or harm someone with it.
Maybe Cindy found the syringe in Casey's panty drawer, cleaned it out, put it in
the bottle and told Lee to get rid of it. LOL if Lee coincidently tossed it there
in the woods. Maybe his or Cindy's prints are on it.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
23 hours ago

Sindy, George and Lee have been eliminated for prints, but Casey has not been
eliminated according to FBI.

JMo says:
23 hours ago

I am hoping for DNA from those coffin flys....wouldn't that just be the total

I am also hoping for DNA from that syringe!

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
22 hours ago

I am also hoping they get dna from those things, bozo will surly whine and say it
was planted.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
22 hours ago


Monday, November 9, 2009

Just ran across this at CD site not sure what to think of this!
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
22 hours ago

No DNA was found on the gatorade bottle or the syringe. I got that info from the
FBI reports that were released on Friday.

Also in the latest document dump where it talks about obtaining fingerprints from
George, Lee & Cindy is says specifically that they were obtained for elimination
purposes. They made that statement on the same page with the info on items
obtained from the Anthony home during the searches.

I think OCSD & the FBI are covering all their bases being that Cindy made several
statements about Zanny having a key to their house. If they found no other
fingerprints or DNA on items that they removed from the home like the vacuum
cleaners & Caylee's personal belongings then that rules out any babysitter or
stranger as being the guilty person.

JMo says:
22 hours ago

Darn. Oh well.

Rascal, that is a hoot that she got pissed about the play. I can just hear her
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
22 hours ago

JMo, I have no idea if that is true, but if it is I can picture it also.

jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
22 hours ago

Losingit, The FBI examined the shell casing from the rifle too. I think items that
could be considered a lethal weapon were looked at more closely than just random
items like candy wrappers or paper.

As far as the cleaning product residue in the gatorade bottle, I have used 20 fl
oz pepsi bottles to store bleach & pine sol in. I put them under the lavatory in
the bathrooms to use in there. When I used to take clothes to the laundry mat, I
put bleach & laundry detergent in them too so I didn't have to lug the large

Home Health nurses teach patients to use plastic containers to put syringes in
before disposing of them in the garbage. The hospital uses sharps containers but
those can be pricey. People use syringes at home for all kinds of things like
insulin, heparin, & even steroid injections.


21 hours ago

Do you SINdy give keys out to people that you say you have never met?

Of course you do you loooooooooooon!

JMo says:
21 hours ago
So true. Now the other side of the detective work is thinking from the point of
view other than Casey or a user.

I guess I have to wonder 'why' someone would go to the trouble of putting a used
syringe inside of a gatorade bottle (taking the necessary precautions for safety),
then throw it out there for anyone to get ahold of.

It raises a lot of doubt in my mind, because that makes no sense at all!!! People
who would go to the trouble of placing a used syringe in a bottle to secure it for
safety reasons, would have a company pick it up, or take it to the pharmacy, or
have a nurse take it, so that it could be handled properly! It raises very good
questions as to why it was out there in that area.

To me, it says someone stole it from somewhere (maybe already placed in the
bottle) and took it to that site. Now whether or not they used it there, is
another story. But why leave it there, protected?

Also, maybe Casey tried her damnedest to make Chlorform and just couldn't get the
mixtures right after those internet searches, and it just looked like a bunch of
cleaning solutions mixed up. Who knows.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
21 hours ago

Snipped from Hal Boedeker/ TV Guy at the Orlando Sentinel:

Allen Moore, spokesman for the Orange County Jail, said, "The National Enquirer
has demonstrated a reckless regard for the truth with regard to Casey Anthony's

Moore added, "Casey Anthony has never acted out in jail or created a disturbance
in the jail. She is basically a very compliant inmate."

Moore said, "If all inmates were as compliant as Miss Anthony, there would be no
problems in the jail."

Here's the link to the rest of the story & comments:

JMo says:
21 hours ago

Hmmmm, what about the reports from the jail itself about her having to be strapped
down all the while screaming Im pissed after they found Caylee from where she
thought she hid her so well?

Spokespeople usually try to calm the news for sure. I know the enquirer is
reckless, but I be there is some truth to it. I personally can't imagine Casey not
reacting to the 20,000 and the cruise they went on. Hell, she got freaken irate
over the fact that they had neighbors over for Chili on a sunday while she was in
jail. We saw that on the jail tapes. I would like to hear from someone who is in
the cell next to her what she is saying about all of this. I saw that little
outburst of hers on the jail phone tapes, so Im sure that isn't the first and only
time she acts like that. I can just see her squenching that face up and clenching
her fists at Caylee and saying, "Its about me! Not you!"
JMo says:
21 hours ago

I wonder why Kathi Belich hasn't been reporting stuff lately, or has she? I like
her and think she tells it like it is.

This whole case is going to gets nuts here soon. The information is gonna get so
twisted up, no one is going to know what to think.

JMo says:
21 hours ago

Capn Steve I think Cindy will answer that with a "yes, of course I do". Anything
to cover Casey's ass! The looooon belongs in a looooooney bin.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
20 hours ago

JMO- The reason that nurses teach people to use plastic bottles with screw tops is
that is more secure than tupperware like containers or glass items. They can go
into their household garbage & be perfectly safe. Home health agencies don't
dispose of those items for their patients. Probably too much work & added expense.

My neighborhood has street side pick up for household garbage. There isn't a week
that goes by that I don't see someone's garbage strewn all over the place because
animals got into the plastic bags. Raccoons, dogs, bears, & other wild life drag
the bags into the woods too. Especially the ones with discarded food.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
20 hours ago

Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group. In mammals,

testosterone is primarily secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of
females, although small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It is the
principal male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.

In both men and women, testosterone plays a key role in health and well-being as
well as in sexual functioning. Examples include enhanced libido, increased energy,
increased production of red blood cells and protection against osteoporosis. On
average, an adult human male body produces about forty to sixty times more
testosterone than an adult female body, but females are more sensitive to the
hormone.[1] However the overall ranges for male and female are very wide, such
that the ranges actually overlap at the low end and high end respectively.

There is a site on the net that will send you a free month supply.
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
20 hours ago

Testosterone Side Effects

JMo says:
20 hours ago

Oh, I understand about the bottles, but just the idea that it ended up there,
hmmm, and it is on the evidence list. Really makes me wonder. I guess we will have
to wait and see what comes out at trial. I think the prosecution has a lot more to
show too.

Makes me wonder, maybe Casey sent away for her free trial of testosterone? LOL.

losingit says:
19 hours ago

I read the side effects of testosterone and I'm going to pass on the free offer. I
don't want anything to get bigger, smaller, balder or hairier. If this is
significant evidence, I hope they have concrete proof that ties it to Casey. Bozo
will try to say that one of the boyfriends (probably Jesse) committed the crime in
a fit of roid rage. That might even fly if Casey hadn't made up the Zanny story.
She should just of said that she left Caylee alone in the car while she ran into a
store. When she came back out, Caylee was gone. Cindy has warned her a million
times to never leave Caylee alone, but she did it anyway. She was too scared to
tell Cindy what she did. She found Caylee in the trunk a day later. She hid the
body in the woods and began the ugly coping and denial.

JMo says:
19 hours ago

I think I said this a few posts back:

Stupid Casey. Stupid Casey.

JMo says:
17 hours ago

Well, you know those crazy ants. Maybe they planted all of that there to mislead
the investigation. I would not doubt it for a moment. After all, they are
partying, getting tattoos, etc. to show that this is how people act when they are
greiving a loss, Only to try and prove why Casey acted the was she did.

I hope Cindy's tattoo hurt like hell!

JMo says:
17 hours ago

Cindy and Casey are so alike. They both think they are so smart and can fool
everyone. Cindy is probably in competition again with Casey, trying to prove she
can do anything Casey can, only better, trying to prove she suffered more, that
she loved Caylee more, that her pain is worse, blah blah blah! No wonder Casey
keeps saying "What about ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
16 hours ago

Caylee Anthony: Is There A Message Found In This Bottle?

Monday, November 9, 2009
Just posting what I found no comment! Draw your own conclusion.

losingit says:
16 hours ago

I hope her Botox hurt too. And, JMo, probably once Caylee came along, nothing was
about Casey anymore. Casey started misbehaving like a child seeking any attention.
George and Cindy knew she wasn't working, but decided to ignore it. I believe if a
child is bahaving badly, it shouldn't be ignored. I would want to know why. Cindy
didn't want to piss Casey off and make her leave, but where would she have gone
anyway? Especially where would she have gone if they had taken the car away from
her? Casey did this and should be held accountable, but it seems like so easily
this could have been prevented. Their biggest fears about what might have happened
if they had just confronted her are nothing compared to what eventually happened.
It's no wonder Cindy is defending Casey. Caylee's blood is on all of their hands.
I don't usually put much stock in the "blame the parents" thing, but Casey was
just a child. She lived in an imaginary world with imaginary friends. I don't
understand. My daughter is 20. I know all her friends. I live five hours from her
now, but I always know where she is. I pay for her cell phone and she answers
everytime I call no matter what. She knows how fast I would shut it off if she
didn't. She lies to me all the time, but the lies don't last for long. She hates
to work. Two weeks ago she started a new job. On the fourth day of the new job, I
had a feeling she hadn't shown up. She assured me she had gone to work that day.
The next day guess what? I called her work and was told she had been fired (for
calling in sick). Sick= party/hangover. So I gave her hell for lying and calling
in. She did not give me hell for not trusting her. One phone call Cindy. Casey
wouldn't leave with no money, job or car. She just would have been mad. Big deal.
Cindy considered Caylee hers. She probably considered Casey the babysitter for
when she went to work. Casey was the nanny. For sure.


14 hours ago

Do you guys know the story of Noah Biorkman? He lives in Michigan. He was
diagnosed with cancer at the age of 3. He is now 5 and his family just celebrated
Christmas with him because his time with them is almost over. Thousands of
strangers sent him gifts and cards over the past couple of weeks. Bless those
people. Only the good die young!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
14 hours ago

Early Christmas for Noah, Send Your Love!

Steve here is the addy to send a card, I will get that done for Noah, so sad.

lee says:
11 hours ago

Wow you guys are still going strong!!!!! what's cooking shipmates..... Lost
contact with you all for a bit. Hey! just seen some of those nasty (tattoo)
pictures of CASEY in jail, looks as if she has been eating way to much junk food
all those pimples on her back looks disgusting! I think she needs someone to wash
her back for her......poor, poor, poor gal she looks like CRAP! Lol
JMo says:
9 hours ago

Ya. She does look like Crap!

Interesting stuff Rascal. Somebody knows something!!!

JMo says:
9 hours ago

I just wish they would tell us what they know! We may never really find out the
truth about anything! There is so much that may never enter evidence or may get
thrown out.
jo1031 profile image

jo1031 says:
9 hours ago

Valhall/ The Hinky Meter's latest post:

The Trunk Liner...Where some REAL Chloroform was found:

RE: The Caylee Daily post about the bottle & syringe. I thought there was
something wrong with the media hype immediately after reading through the new
court documents on the gatorade bottle & its contents. Valhall's opinion only
validated what I felt as being something that was taken out of context & not read
thoroughly before the media jumped on the first mention of chloroform in the docs.
I did read through the post at TCD by Express. It's a cut & past from different
web sites & only info that supported their theory. Even the last graph was cut
where it says that NO CHLOROFORM was found on the doll if you look closely.

Well, it's been fun but reality is calling later today & won't have much spare
time for quite awhile. Will spent my extra time on finishing reading & attempting
to understand what the rest of the new stuff means to the actual prosecution of
the case.

Found this at Crime Seachers on Line page called "share you humor in the Casey
Anthony Case" it was posted by Cooper. This caption describes my opinion of Lyons
latest motions. LMBO

Adios Amigos its been fun!
RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
82 minutes ago

Bill Shaffer first blog talks about traces of Chloroform.

linn this is one you can read no video.

JMo says:
33 minutes ago

I like where he points out that George described the outfit last seen on Caylee,

There are so many things that show Casey did this.

JMo says:
32 minutes ago

Jo, love the pic of lyings. That is too good.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says:
8 minutes ago

Off to buy a card for Noah and get it in the post office, bbl
Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says:

1 minute ago

Captain, Noah lives about an hour from me. Sent him a card a few weeks ago.

Cleaning up the ship in 3 - 2- 1...

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