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?ou Lhlnk we have lL so easy. ?ou Lhlnk we're Lhe bad guys. Pow could you noL?

8eLween myLhs, medla, and money, we're palnLed as Lhe evll ones, Lhe hearLless, Lhe
cold punlshers of mlsgulded socleLy.
Well leL me Lell you, you goL lL all wrong.
We're noL evll, my [ob may be, buL l sure am noL. ln facL, Lhese men, my broLhers, may
be Lhe furLhesL Lhlng from evll Lhere ls. Pow many oLher people ouL Lhere wlll brave a
prlson, work wlLhln lL, feeL away from socleLy's leasL deslred - ln hopes of rehablllLaLlng
Lhem for socleLy aL large? lLs noL [usL a [ob. lL's a clvlc duLy. Many of Lhem wlll, wlLh any
hope, leave Lhe shlL holes Lhey've found Lhemselves ln and - guess whaL - lLs my [ob Lo
make sure LhaL once Lhey leave, Lhey don'L go and shooL you whlle you're walklng down
Lhe sLreeL. ?ou Lhlnk LhaL's easy? ?ou Lhlnk LhaL's evll?
l'll Lell you whaL's evll. 1he condlLlons some of Lhese men are ln are noLhlng shorL of evll.
uL any human belng ln sollLary conflnemenL for a decade and Lhere wlll be noLhlng
human lefL. 1hese governmenLal ldloLs Lhlnk Lhey know whaL Lhey're dolng, LhreaLenlng
people wlLh punlLlve senLenclng and mandaLory parole. As lf scare LacLlcs and LreaLlng
humans llke anlmals ever accompllshed anyLhlng.
lf anyone ls Lhe bad guys, polnL your flnger and blame Lhem.
1hese people, Lhey need compasslon, noL more hosLlllLy. 1hey need supporL, noL
lsolaLlon. 1hey need LreaLmenL, noL punlshmenL. ?ou Lhlnk lf you klck a dog enough lLs
[usL gonna lle down and leL you klck lL? no man, evenLually lLs gonna [ump and blLe you.
1hese men have been pushed around by Lhe sysLem, resLralned Lo cages, forced lnLo
slave-llke labor for meager cenLs, deprlved of humanlLy - you Lhlnk Lhey're [usL gonna lle
Lhere and Lake lL? Some evenLually do.
8uL mosL of Lhem, well lf you LreaL a human llke an anlmal for long enough, he'll sLarL
acLlng llke one.
l've been LhreaLened, l've been dlsrespecLed, shlL.. l've even been sLabbed! !"#$%& Am l
angry aL Lhese men? uo l blame Lhem? no, and no. l blame socleLy, l blame Lhe very
offlclals who wroLe Lhe laws LhaL landed Lhem here. 8uL mosL of you, you probably
blame '%& l've heard Lhe whlspers and Lhe Lrash Lalk - Pe musL've provoked Lhem, Pe
probably beaL one of Lhem up, l beL he Look advanLage of hls auLhorlLy." l wlsh any one
of ya'll would come and Lrade places. We'll see who you'll be blamlng Lhen. lLs easy Lo
[udge and Lhlnk you've goL all Lhe answers when you're no where even near Lhe
problem. 1here ls no slmple answer. 1here ls no slmple soluLlon. l sure as hell don'L
know whaL Lhe soluLlon ls.
So for all of you who Lhlnk l'm so bad, who Lhlnk my [ob ls a plece of cake. Why don'L
you [usL Lry and work ln a prlson yourself?
none of you would lasL a day.

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