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Thursday 11th September 2014
Afternoon: Arrival of foreign participants.
8pm: Informal gathering and welcome by a representative of the
Committee for es !mis du "#seau Com$te % at the restaurant
&ar &as'ue % 21, boulevard Thiers 645 ! "aint#$ean#de#%u&.
(riday 12th September 2014
1.45am: 'emembrance ceremon( at the )ar *emorial, Saint+,ean+de+u-.
%a(ing of a )reath.
11am: Vin d'honneur at the To)n *all, "aint#$ean#de#%u&. +,-5.4 people/
/pm0 1eparture of coach for Socoa Ciboure from the top of the street of
the *otel de la 0oste, stopping again to pic1 up at the 2us station
+opposite the "aint#$ean#de#%u& rail)a( station/
-.15pm: 3ather at the Socoa Ciboure cemetery.
%a(ing of )reaths at the graves of 4attalin Aguirre and 5lorentino
4.-pm: 7eet in front of the entrance of the "aint#%8on cemeter(, 2a(onne and
remembrance at the graves of 9douard and :(prienne ;assi8.
5.15pm: 'ende&#vous at the Villa Voisin, Anglet.
6pm: :eremon( at the <ar 7emorial, Anglet.
6.-pm: 3athering at the Anglet To)n *all in front of the commemorative
Addresses b( the 7a(or of Anglet and the 0resident of >Les
Amis du Rseau COMETE. Vin dHonneur in the To)n *all function
8pm: ?nformal dinner at the Izarlilia restaurant at Anglet#7ontbrun.

10pm0 "eturn by coach to Saint+,ean+de+u-. 9nd of programme for the

Saturday 1/ September 2014
8am0 1eparture of 23 seat coach from the top of the street of the *otel de la
0oste, "aint#$ean#de#%u&, follo)ed b( pic1 up from 2us "tation
+opposite the rail)a( station/, "aint#$ean#de#%u&.

8.4am: !rrival at !nglet+Sutar0 wal4ers set off.
A visit programme has been arranged for the @eterans and the
,1.-pm 567T du 1I!&8 91evil:s &ridge;< %arressore. 'est stop for the
)al1ers, for a light snac1 +lunch is planned for -.-pm/A follo)ed b( a
visit to the :omBte >safe houseC 1no)n as Mandochineko orda and
return to Pon du !ia"le.
2.45pm: :oach and local vehicles depart for 9spelette.
-.-pm: :ommunal buffet at A##o#e"err$, 9spelette.
6pm: :eremon( at the <ar 7emorial in memor( of the >passeursC of

6.-pm: Vin dHonneur 1indl( provided b( the 7a(or of 9spelette.
Dpm: @eterans, follo)ers and )al1ers return b( coach to "aint#$ean#de#%u&
via "utar.
Sunday 14th September 2014
D.-am: 1eparture b( 58 seat coach for the )al1ers from the 2us station,
"aint#$ean#de#%u& for 9spelette via Anglet#"utar.

8am: !rrive at the &assebourre fronton at 8spelette. "et off to)ards
7ondarrain, inc. a visit.descent to $auri1o 2orda +the :omBte safe
house Eust inside "pain/.
1.-am: ;eparture of 2D seat bus from *Ftel de la 0oste, "aint#$ean#de#%u& for
the @eterans and follo)ers, stopping for a pic1 up at the bus station
+opposite the rail)a( station/ before heading to the mountains to meet
up )ith the )al1ers.
1.-pm @eterans and follo)ers meet up )ith the )al1ers at frontier mar1er D6.
1escent for the et-ate4o &orda "estaurant+=enta )ith an option of
ta1ing an( tired )al1ers do)n b( bus +2D seats/. The bus )ill do a
>shuttleC service if necessar(.
2.-pm: %unch for all participants at Lezae%o &orda.

5.-pm: All participants return via the small 2> seat bus, together )ith local
vehicles, as far as the 2assebourre fronton, then change to the 23 seat
coach to return to "aint#$ean#de#%u& via Anglet#"utar. This mar1s the
end of the official programme.
Note! The in"and ro#te$ #$ed %& Co'(te in the "atter ha") o) **II are
de$cri%ed 'ore )#""& in o#r %"o+ ,-e$ a'i$ d# r.$ea# Co'(te/0

?n order to ensure that the )ee1end programme runs smoothl(, a coach has been
arranged to deliver participants to, and collect them from, the start.finish points of the
5rida( programme and also the hi1es on "aturda( and "unda(.
5or planning purposes )e need to 1no) the eGact number of participants for all -
H 5rida( 12
"ept at Izarlilia, Anglet H "aturda( 1-
"ept at A##o#e"err$, 9spelette
H"unda( 14th "ept at Lezae%o &orda +Iavarre/
IMPORTANT ! the c#t o)) date )or %ookin+ i$ 25th A#+#$t
20140 Yo# $ho#"d en$#re that &o#r %ookin+ i$ recei4ed %&
the trea$#rer %e)ore then (addre$$ on the in)or'ation
)e regret that we have had to set a deadline date after which we cannot accept
any further or late subscriptions and we as4 for your understanding in this
- (ormula n@1 0 100 A for the - da(s including the restaurant meal on 5rida(
evening, the snac1s, the lunch on "aturda( and "unda( and all coach transfers.
- (ormula n@2 0 B2 A for the 2 da(s including the lunch on "aturda( and
"unda(, the snac1s and all coach transfers.
- (ormula n@/ 0 22 A for the "aturda( onl(, including the lunch, the snac1 and
the coach transfers.
- (ormula n@4 0 40 A for the "unda( onl(, including the lunch, the snac1 and the
coach transfers.
or for those locals using their own vehicles and who wish to pay
only the meal costs :
(ormula n@20 5rida( evening, 12th "ept at Izarlilia J 2
(ormula n@B0 "aturda( lunch, 1-th "ept at A##o#e"err$ J 15
(ormula n@>0 "unda( lunch, 14th "ept at Lezae%o &orda J 25
Accommodation at moderate prices is available for those that )ish it at:
- C""C?78 for the (riday evening< Saturday evening D Sunday evening0
Camping ,C!7TCE6 %< "oute de la Corniche 91F12;< Socoa< B4122
TelG(aH 0 02+2F+4>+11+F> or email0
*obile home 4G2 adults. 5rice for 1 *obile homeGminimum 2 nights K 1 car0
9(or more information and reservations< contact the Camping
+ 5lease note that the organisers are not responsible for ma4ing reservations
at hotels or elsewhere L participants should ma4e their own arrangements
(inally< a word to the wise + St ,ean de u- is situated in a tourist region and
the season is far from being over in September. &oo4 early.
Re+i$tration 5or' (re3#ired)
2loc1 caps/ "urname:........................................................ 5irst
name: ......................................

Address: ........................................................................................................................
............. .........................................................
(ormulas0 n@1 0 100 A G n@2 0 B2 A G n@/ 0 22 A G n@4 0 40 A G n@2 0 20A G n@B 0 12A G
n@> 0 22 A
Please #ir#le he 'ormula re(uired )a"o*e+ and ,heher $ou inend
,al%in- or 'ollo,in-
)!M8" 6"
(66)8" N &CS
5ayment in accordance with the above rates should be made payable to0
es amis du "#seau Com$te % and sent to the Treasurer Eubert
MI"SCEE6((8"< 1bis avenue de *ontbrun< B4B00 !nglet to arrive
no later than 25 A#+#$t 2014 b(:
a; &an4 transfer to the following account0
&an'ue *ichel Inchausp# 43 boulevard =ictor Eugo B4200 + St ,ean de
u- + (rance
I&!70 (">B 1>F2 F000 2332 0220 2BF0 103 &!*O("22
b; &an4ers che'ue payable in (rance
? have read, understood and agreed the conditions of the event and ? )ill compl( )ith
I*56"T!7T I7(6"*!TI67
<hile the )al1 should not be particularl( demanding, neither )ill it be a "unda( stroll.
The )al1ers must follo) the advice offered b( the organisers and the guides.
<al1ers should be in regular hill )al1ing practice and in possession of suitable
e=uipment ! hi1ing, a stic1, )et )eather clothing and a change of
Mver and above the meals and refreshments provided b( the organisers, each )al1er
should ensure that he.she has sufficient drin1ing )ater and dried fruit and.or energ(
bars for munching en route. 5inall(, )al1ers should note that the( are responsible for
their o)n safet( and therefore the( )ould be )ell advised to arrange their o)n
individual insurance cover. %iabilit( rests )ith the individual, not the organisers.

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