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Composition 103

It Happened All Over Again

Sometime in our lifetime, we have to have heard or experienced Dj vu. Dj vu is
technically the as if experience as if I have already seen it before (H.W. Wilson). Not everyone
though, has had the already seen experience because that is not the only experience out there.
Dj vu may literally mean already seen, but also mean already met, already visited, and
numerous others already experiences (H.W. Wilson). Dj vu is a world controversial issue
because people believe Deja vu happens because of the brain, is a memory of a past life, or that
of reincarnation. This phenomenon has captivated many researchers to try to figure out its
mysterious cause, but its not such an easy task. There are over 40 bizarre theories that attempt to
explain the human mind trick Dj vu (Mental-Health). However, Dj vu has many theories to
which why it might occur. Theirs the spiritual theory, the theory of reincarnation, and the brain
theory which I think is the correct one and the main cause.
Again, as stated above Dj vu is technically the as if experience as I have already seen
it before (H.W. Wilson). The phenomenon of Dj vu goes back a long time in history.
Pythagoras a Lonian Greek philosopher around 2,400 years ago supposedly described the
phenomenon, which was also reported by Ovid a Roman poet some 400 years later (H.W.
Wilson). St. Augustine, however, was responsible for the first explanation of Dj vu some 1600
years ago (H.W. Wilson). When he said it was due to some deceitful spirits. His theory leads
back to the spiritual theory which some people today believe is the cause.
The first book referring to this phenomenon though not naming it was Sir. Walters
Scotts in 1815 (H.W. Wilson). Though the first attempt at the scientific explanation of this
phenomenon comes from A.L. Wigan in 1844 (H.W. Wilson). In his book of Duality Mind in
which he explained the phenomenon as delays in the different functions of the cerebral
hemispheres (H.W. Wilson). His scientific explanation leads back to the brain theory as the
cause of Dj vu. The first thesis on the subject [and the one we use today] was French, from
Benard Leroy (H.W. Wilson). It derived in the late 19
century, but books tell the official name
was given by F.L Arnaud in 1896 (H.W. Wilson). Arnaud described it as sensation Dj vu and
argued that it was distinct from other memory distortions, as it was just a bad judgment
misattributing the current to the past (H.W. Wilson). Since the past, the definition has not been
that much different from what it is today. The philosophers have always had a clue of what Dj
vu is.
Again, like stated before Deja vu is technically the as if experience as if I have already
seen it before (H.W. Wilson). It is a world controversial issue because people believe Deja vu
happens because of the brain, is a memory of the past of someone, or that of reincarnation. Many
researchers have been interested in finding the cause of why Deja vu happens. The theories as to
why Deja vu occurs range from reincarnation to glitches in our memory processes
(HowStuffWorks). However, they have found that as much as 70% of the population reports
having experienced some form of Deja vu (Science Daily). A higher number of incidents occur
in people 15 to 25 years of age than in any other age group (Science Daily). It is typically said
that once we get older we experience Deja vu less. Fore more, it is more likely if we have been in
a similar situation, the current situation may be loaded with cues that unconsciously retrieve the
earlier experience (Myers, David, pg. 363).
Which all leads back to the brain theory, and its ability to store memory. Scientists firmly
placed Deja vu within the study of memory, they hope to discover more about how memories are
formed, stored, and retrieved (HowStuffWorks). Scientists have since determined that the medial
temporal lobe is involved in our conscious memory (HowStuffWorks). Deja vu is accepted as a
definite sign of epileptic activity origination in the temporal lobe of the brain and may occur as
part of seizure activity or convulsions (HowStuffWorks). For some epileptics however, Deja vu
may continue for hours or even days and provide fertile subsoil for delusional elaboration
(HowStuffWorks). It seems to be more common in cases which the temporal lobe and has on
occasion been by electrical stimulation of the exposed brain during surgery (HowStuffWorks).
The temporal lobe is responsible for the memory function, when tempered can cause more Deja
vu. Deja vu has been firmly associated with temporal lobe epilepsy (ScienceDaily).
Reportedly, deja vu can occur just prior to a temporal lobe seizures (Science Daily). Deja vu
occurs during the actual seizure activity or in the moments between convulsions (ScienceDaily).
The sense of the past will only come up when our memories have been triggered in some way
However, led by the Central European Institute of Technology, Masaryk University and
its faculty of medecine in the Czech Republic, researchers discovered that specific brain
structures have a direct impact on the Deja vu experience (MedicalXpress). Their findings
showed that the size of the brain structures are considerably smaller in the brains of the people
experiencing Deja vu, compared with individuals who had no personal experience with Deja vu
(MedicalXpress). The findings also showed that they more often the examined individuals
experienced Deja vu the smaller the brain was (MedicalXpress). By finding the structural
differences in the hippocampus in healthy individuals who do and do not experience Deja vu
they unambiguously proved that Deja vu is directly linked to the function of these brain
structures (MedicalXpress).
Then there are the other two theories of reincarnation and spiritual, which were now
proven incorrect. Many people believe that the mind is connected through mental telepathy to
the mind of someone else who has already lived through the mind of question (Gale Opposing
Viewpoints). That cannot happen because first memories are not carried on after we die.
Researchers have proved this right the only thing that leave with us is our soul. We have our own
mind not someone elses. That moment could of been due to have seen pictures or stories many
years earlier (The Skeptics Dictionary).Others theorize that the mind has connected not to an
alternate reality, but to memories of a previous life since they believe that, after death, a persons
souls is born again in another body (Gale Opposing Viewpoints). However, that theory is pretty
much based off of faith. Most people who believe in that is because of their religious faith.
Scientists though know that those two theories are impossible to prove.
The experience of Deja vu makes people react differently and effects people differently.
Some people see Deja vu as memories for dreams that might have been like the present
(Shaktitechnology). Others see the Deja vu experience as what happens when things from the
past life emerge (Shaktitechnology). Their reactions link back to the theories about Deja vu.
Weird things that researchers have found out are that people who travel a lot, regardless of age,
tend to experience Deja vu more often than non-travelers (Gale Opposing Viewpoints).
Sometimes being in a context similar to one we have been in before may trigger the experience
of Deja vu (Psychology, pg. 363). Maybe just because they have been in a place so many times
triggers Deja vu for them. The 60 % of people who report having this experience often wonder,
How could I recognize a situation Im experiencing for the first time? (Myers, David, pg. 363).
Some people get to the point where they can give detailed information about places that they see
for the first time (Mental-Health). Experts say Deja vu while fascinating is not an uncommon
experience (MedicalXpress).
Deja vu is just an experience that comes and goes for people. Deja vu as we know now is
experienced thanks to our brain. Not everyone will agree on this theory because everyone has
their own opinion on why it occurs. Although, people might have Deja vu all the time and for
their rest of their lives they will always be fascinated by it. More researchers will want to know
more about even though they already know a lot. There are millions of experiences people can
experience of Dj vu, and probably many more in the future. Hopefully theyll find out more
information of how the brain causes it, so we can be well informed why this phenomenon
Works Cited
Association for Psychological Science. "The Psychology Of Deja Vu." ScienceDaily, 19
Nov. 2008. Web. 6 Dec. 2014.
Neppe, Vernon M. "Dj Vu: Origins And Phenomenology: Implications Of The Four
Subtypes For Future Research." Journal Of Parapsychology 74.1 (2010): 61-
97.OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson).RTHS lib. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.
Scientists uncover dj vu mystery. Medicalxpress. 28. May 2012.Web. 2 Dec. 2014.
Obringer, Lee Ann. How Dj vu Works. Howstuffworks.Web. 2 Dec. 2014.
Myers, David. Pyschology. New York. Catherine Woods, 2004. Print.
Murphy, Todd. Dj vu here and now, there and then.Shaktitexchnology.1999.web.28
Griny, Daria. Deja-vu phenomenon and his effect of people. Mentalhealth.3 Jan. 2011. Web. 2
Dec. 2014.
"dj vu." The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Paranormal Phenomena. Patricia D.
Netzley. Ed. Loren Coleman. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. 93. Gale
Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.
Carrol, Robert. From Abracadabra to Zombies dj vu. The Skeptics Dictionary. 9 Dec.
2010.Web. 28 Nov. 2014.

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