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Park Ave Cardigan

Kelly Daniels
Park Ave Cardigan for personal and gifting use only

Park Ave Cardigan

Perfect for crisp autumn
days, Park Ave Cardigan is
an easy to wear, easy to
style, open front cardigan
with deep ribbing on the
sleeves, bottom and collar. It
is worked seamless from the
top down, adding the shawl
collar last.

Size: Small/Medium

Finished Measurements:
Chest: 37
Arm Length: 21
Length: 25

5 skeins Berroco Vintage DK Yarn
(1440 yards)
US6/4mm circular needles
US6/4mm double pointed needles
4 stitch markers
Yarn needle
Waste Yarn

23 sts x 30 rows = 4 in stockinette st
BO - Bind Off
CO - Cast On
K - Knit
K2tog - knit 2 stitches together
Kfab - knit into the front and back of stitch
M - marker
M1L - Make 1 left increase
M1R - Make 1 right increase
P - Purl
Pfab - purl into the front and back of stitch
PM - Place Marker
Skp - Slip, knit, pass
SM - Slip Marker
Ss - stockinette stitch
Ssk - slip, slip, knit
St (s) - Stitch (es)


CO 32 sts

Set up row: p1, pm, p2, pm, p26, pm, p2, pm, p1

Row 1 (rs): kfab, sm, kfab 2 times, sm, kfab, k to 1 st before m, kfab, sm, kfab 2 times,
sm, kfab

Row 2 (ws): pfab, p to last st, pfab

Row 3 (rs): kfab, *k to 1 st before m, kfab, sm, k1, kfab*, rep from * to * 3 more times,
k to last st, kfab

Row 4 (ws): pfab, p to last st, pfab

Repeat the last 2 rows until you have the
following stitch count:

36 / 26 / 50 / 26 / 36

Row 5 (rs): slip first st knit-wise, *k to 1
st before m, kfab, sm, k1, kfab*, rep from
* to * 3 more times, k to end of row

Row 6 (ws): slip first st purl-wise, p to
end of row

Repeat the last 2 rows until you have the
following stitch count:

54 / 62 / 86 / 62 / 54

Row 7 (rs): *k to m, remove marker, place
62 sleeve sts on waste yarn, co 3 sts, pm,
co 3 sts*, rep from * to * once, k to end of

206 sts

Row 8 (ws): p all sts

Row 9 (rs): k all sts

Row 10 (ws): p all sts

Repeat the last 2 rows until the piece measures 10 from the co neck edge.

Decrease row (rs): *k to 3 sts before m, skp, k1, sm, k1, k2tog*, rep from * to * once, k
to end of row

Continue working in ss, working the decrease row 3 more times every 10

198 sts

Work in ss until piece measures 16 from co neck edge

Increase row (rs): *k to 2 sts before m, m1r, k2, sm, k2, m1l*, rep from * to * once, k to
end of row

Continue working in ss, working the increase row 3 more times every 6

206 sts

Next row (rs): k all sts

Next row (ws): p all sts

Ribbing set up row: k3, *pfab, k2*, rep from * to * to the last 4 sts, pfab, k3

Next row (ws): p3, *k2, p2*, rep from * to * to the last 5 sts, k2, p3

Next row (rs): k3, *p2, k2*, rep from * to * to the last 5 sts, p2, k3

Repeat the last 2 rows until the bottom ribbing reaches 6

BO loosely in rib pattern
Instructions Continued:

Place 62 sleeve sts onto needles. Pick up and knit
3 sts, place marker, pick up and knit 3 more sts.
(68 sts) Join for working in the round.

Knit for 3

Decrease Round: K1, k2tog, k to last 3 sts, ssk,

Repeat the decrease round every 11 rounds 7
more times.

52 sts

Work even until the sleeve measures 16 from

Work in K2, P2 ribbing for 4.

BO in loosely in rib pattern.
With RS facing, pick up and knit 23 sts on right
front, 4 sts on right sleeve, 27 sts on back, 4 sts
on left sleeve and 23 sts on left front.

81 sts

Row 1: P

Row 2: K

Row 3: P

Row 4: K1, *pfab, kfab*, repeat from * to * to
last 2 sts, pfab, k1

160 sts

Row 5: P1, *k2, p2*, repeat from * to * to last 3
sts, p2, k1

Row 6: K1, *p2, k2*, repeat
from * to * to last 3 sts, k2,

Repeat rows 5 & 6 until col-
lar measures 6 from picked
up edge.

BO loosely in rib pattern.

Weave in all ends and block.

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