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The House of Nazzir

Spheres of Influence:
Greater Spheres: Sun, Trade, Community
Minor Spheres: Learning, Health

Primary Deity: Nazzir
Lesser Deities: None
Holy Symbol: Kingdom of the Sun
Representative Animal: Camel
Representative Weapon: Scimitar

Description: Nazzir is a more recent god, relatively to some of the super ancient beings,
but is nevertheless equally powerful to many of the others. Nazzir appreciates the mortality of
his followers, and thus teaches them to pursue actions which progress their life, such as earning
money, gaining greater knowledge, perfecting ones social environment. An interesting behavior
of Nazzir is his strong connection to the prime material plane, where it is believed that he lives in
his lavish palace in the sun, completely formed of gold, which is why the sun shines its bright,
goldish color. Though Nazzir exists largely in the prime material plane, he gives aid as sparingly
as if his wholeness was not, keeping in pattern with the other gods. Nazzir's modest giving of
aid is due to that he feels his help hampers the learning experience of the individual, and those
around him. He will still, however, give aid to the needy and the faithful in subtle ways. A faithful
beggar finds that the people have become more generous today, a warrior after a long battle
feels his armor lighten, a pilgrim no longer quenches for thirst in the blistering sun. His
punishments work in similarly mystical ways.
Nazzirs House or mosque is largely populated by priests. Some of the money that is
collected by Nazzir merchants through trade is tithed to the House, and the House then uses
that money to perform civil services within its borders, produce armed forces, construct trade
routes between cities, and with all the money that is left over, the House runs a public bank. The
banks are managed and operated by priests of Nazzir.
Nazzir does not keep a strict code of requirements to become one of his faithful, and
marginally more to be a priest of his name; however, much is expected after accepting Nazzir.
1. All your actions are to better yourself or those around you.
2. No actions may directly cause suffering to a fellow associate, and harm may only be
passed to those who attempt to harm ones self, a fellow member, or anyone else who who may
fall victim to the sufferings of the malicious.
3. One must accept that seeking fulfillment in life is accomplished in three ways:
1. in gaining and spending monetary wealth;
2. In creating or supporting ones community;
3. In gaining and utilizing knowledge.


Bonus Proficiencies:
Weapon: Scimitar
Armor: Heavy Armor
Skill: Persuasion, Insight

Level Spells Diplomatic Immunity
1 Charm Person, Comprehend
May not be Prosecuted
3 Augury, Zone of Truth Cannot be tried
5 Remove Curse, Sunburst
Cannot be searched
7 Confusion, Divination Cannot be arrested
9 Dominate Person,
Cannot be accused

The Ambassador receives advantage on Charisma checks in friendly areas. However, the
Ambassador gains disadvantage on charisma checks in areas that are in strife with

Diplomatic Immunity:
If the Ambassador is positioned in an area where he is to represent the government of
Nizzahnbahl, he/she gains diplomatic immunity. The effects of Diplomatic Immunity apply only
until a representative from the House comes to clarify charges.

Linguist: At first level, and after every four levels, an Ambassador gains a language.

Channel Divinity: Torndimo
At 5th level, the Ambassador may channel Nazzir and become temporarily proficient in any skill
or learn any one piece of knowledge. If the power is used to use a skill, the effect lasts only as
long as it takes to complete the skill. If Torndimo is used to obtain knowledge, it is up to the
Dungeon Master the exact nature of what is revealed. No matter what, the information cannot
be more complicated than one complete sentence. Often, Nazzir points his Ambassadors to
where more knowledge can be obtained than just one sentence.

Radiance of Sun:
At 20th level, all none hostile NPCs react friendly to the Ambassador within 50'. All none hostile
NPCs within 5' act as if under charm person. This effect only lasts while they are within range,
so they cannot be asked to complete tasks that requires the character perform beyond 5' of the

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