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06 Electric power generation and utilisation (economics, policy, supplies, forecasts)

96103929 Decentralized rural electrification: State of the art

and technical and economic perspectives
Chabot, B. Revue de [Energie, Feb. 1996, (475), 82-92. (In French)
The paper reviews the approach currently underlying decentralized rural
electrification. This is based on analysing requirements, arranging them for
priority, choosing appropriate solutions combining the criteria of energy
efficiency with the use of local, renewable energy resources, The main
decentralized rural electrification techniques in use are described briefly,
along with the corresponding energy services each of them can cover.
96103930 Direct foreign investment in power sector in India:
Enron - A case study
Yadav, S. S. Revue de IEnergie, Feb. 1996, (475), 100-104.
In order to develop its economy at a faster pace, India needs to make large
investments in its infrastructure - electric power being one such sector.
Realising this need, the Government of India has invited private sector,
domestic as well as foreign companies, to invest in this area. In response,
Enron Corporation of USA entered into an agreement wih the Maharashtra
State Electricity Board to establish a 2-phase power project for a capacity
of 2015 MW (695 MW in Phase I and 1320 MW in Phase II). Soon after
the contract, there was a change of government in the State, as a result of
elections. The new government scrapped the project on the ground of non-
transparency, inflated capital costs and high power tariff, etc. Since India is
an emerging destination for foreign investments, scrapping of the project
may have an adverse repercussion on the inflow of foreign capital in
96103931 DSM progress and lessons In the global context
Boyle. S. Energy Policy, Apr. 1996, 24, (4) 345-359.
The paper is an overview of demand-side management (DSM) in a global
context. The emphasis is upon programme results and lessons learned,
particularly those relevant to both an industrial and industrializing country
context. A review of DSM progress and programme results contrasts activ-
ities in North America with Western Europe, some selected examples in
Eastern Europe, Thailand and other countries in South-east Asia, Brazil.
Mexico and finally Southern Africa. A short section on the policies and
impacts of some of the main development banks - the World Bank, Asian
Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development -
then follows. Some conclusions from these extremely varied programmes,
in widely differing political, social and cultural contexts. are finally
96103932 Economic evaluation of demand-slde management
optlons uslng utlllty avolded costs
Sudhakara Reddy, B. E/tergy, Jun. 1996, 21. (6). 473-482.
The authors evaluate the industrial demand-side management (DSM)
options using utility avoided costs, including long-term marginal costs of
power generation, transmission and distribution in Maharashtra. Implemen-
tation of DSM options will save 1570 MW of peak demand and 12.510
GWh of energy by 2000 AD. The marginal savings to the utility will be Rs.
56.580 million (MM) and the savings to the customer, due to reduced
energy bills, will be Rs. 36,210 MM.
96103933 An efflclent decomposltlon approach for multi-area
productlon costing
Singh, C. and Gubbala. N. Electrical Power & Ewrgy Sy.\ fett~s, Ma!
1996. 18, (4) 25%270.
The paper presents a new approach for multi-area production costtng called
SEG-GSIDES (segmented global simultaneous decomposition-simulation).
It is based on the SIDES (simultaneous decomposition-simulation) appr-
oach which has been developed for computing reliability indices in a multi-
area configuration. The global state space is obtained from the maximum
number of units committed in each area and thus contains the state space
corresponding to any set of committed units. The concepts are illustrated
using a small example system. Case studies are presented for the three area
and four area IEEE-RTS systems.
96103934 Energy Interchange In deregulated power systems
Ferrero. R. W. and Shahidehpour, S. M. Electrical Power Q Euerg)
Systems, May 1996. 18. (4), 251-2.58.
The paper presents the basis for a new approach to solving the problem of
inter-utility power transactions in deregulated electricity markets. The
problem is formulated as an optimization approach vvith a nonlinear objec-
tive function and linear constraint\ An example system is discussed.
presenting the operation state for inter-utility transactions based on the
equal-lambda criterion. The same example is presented for the proposed
method and the results are discussed.
The future of DSM in a restructured US electricity
Hirst, E. et al., Energy Policy, Apr. 1996, 24, (4), 303-315.
During the past several years, more and more electric utilities have been
running demand-side management (DSM) programmes. These program-
mes improve the efficiency with which customers use electricity and affect
the timing of that use (e.g. to shift it away from high-cost times). Utilities
run such programmes for two primary reasons. One is to improve customer
service. The second is to acquire resources that, just like power plants, can
meet customer energy service needs. DSM programmes often are less
expensive and environmentally cleaner than power plants. By 1994, US
utility DSM programmes had cut potential summer peak demand by 7%
and annual electricity use by 2%. The authors examine the economics of
DSM in the late 1990s. reviewing current estimates of avoided supply costs
and the cost of conserved electricity for DSM programmes.
96103936 Fuzzy logic for short term load forecasting
Ranaweera, D. K. er al., Electrical Power & Energy Systems, May 1996,
18. (4) 215-222.
The results of an investigation of a fuzzy logic model for short term load
forecasting are presented. The proposed methodology uses fuzzy rules to
incorporate historical weather and load data.
96103937 Grld connectlon of renewable sources
Butler, D. and Brown, J. Proc. Solar 95 Conference, Hobart, Tasmania,
ANZSES, Box 124, Caulfield East, WC. 3145, Amtralia.
The connection of renewable energy sources such as solar or wind to
established large or small electricity grids is becoming increasingly attrac-
tive. Grid connected wind is now capable of generating energy at costs as
low as SO.05 per kilowatt hour. The paper discusses emerging ethical.
economic. safety and performance issues associated with grid connected
renewable systems.
96103938 How much DSM Is really there? A market
Chamberlin, J. H. and Herman. P. M. Energy Polk),, Apr. 1996, 24, (4)
Numerous studies over the years have estimated the extent of utility
demand-side management (DSM) activities. These estimates have been
based on assumptions consistent with a traditional, regulated utility envi-
ronment. However. with increasing electric utility competition, deregula-
tion, and the disintegration of vertically integrated utilities, it is appropriate
to ask. how much of the previously forecast DSM remains. The article
explores this question by reviewing recent forecasts of traditional utility
DSM and the assumpttons on which these projections were based. The
discussion continues by defining market based DSM and how it differs
from traditional utility DSM programmes. Presents several forecasts of
DSM for the future and discuss why these forecasts differ from past projec-
tions of utility DSM.
The Independent electric generatlon optlon In
Moncef Ben Abdallah. Hevue de IEtfergre. Mar 1996. (476), 135-140.
(In French)
The electricity demand supplied by the Tunisian network is expected to
increase at the rate of 7% ner vear. New investments will have a financial
impact that must be damped -amortized by improving the technical and
financial management of utility on the one hand and a good control of the
demand side management on the other hand. Its within the framework that
the option of independent power production in Tunisia has been adopted.
Its not due to a failure in the electrical system but because of the financial
constraint and the increasing weight owing to the quick need for
96103940 Is the east-west power brldge economic?
MPS, Modern Power Systems, Feb. 1996, 16, (2), 21, 23, 25.
Reports that at the latest conference of the East-West Energy Bridge pro-
ject in Warsaw in October 1995, the majority opinion concluded that the
vast trans-European hvdc network proposed for operation in 2010 could be
economically financed and operated in spite of reservations by some Ger-
man utilities. Anatoliy Dyakov, president of the Russian UPS (Unified
Power System), recently said that Russia would shortly start building the
line from Smolensk to Kaliningrad as the first stage of this project.
96103941 Negawatts. Twelve transltlons, elght Improvements
and one dlstractlon
Lovins, A. B. Energy Polq, Apr. 1996, 24, (4), 331-343.
Efficient use of electricity is undergoing 12 main transitions - in concept,
content, scope, technology, implementation, regulation and market role -
that make achievable savings far larger and cheaper than previously sup-
posed. For example, large electrical savings are often turning out to cost
less than small savings. Eight powerful classes of improvements can con-
tinue to keep end-use efficiency generally the least-cost resource. How-
ever. efficient) efforts have lately been diverted by a retail-wheeling myth
whrch, if true. would only strengthen the business case for making very
efficient use of electricity a core competitive strategy - with or without the
raptdly approaching and radical decentralization of the electricity system.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts July 1996 275

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