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Royal Family Rurikovich attends the Diplomatic Bazar under the Patronage of Her

Majesty The Queen Sofia of Spain

On Saturday, April 26, 2014 , Prince Jorge Rurikovichin company with his family
Princess Maryia Kubareva Rurikovich and Prince Aleksei Kubarev Rurikovich visited
The Gran Kermes and Diplomatic Bazar of Charity 2014of AIDE (International
Association of Diplomats in Spain ) under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Sofia
of Spain .
In such event, Her Majesty Queen Sofia of Spain and The Imperial and Royal Family
Rurikovich had the opportunity to speak with ambassadors of 67 countries on various
humanitarianand social issues.
This is a sample International Diplomatic display and sale of gastronomy , folklore and
typical crafts by the participating countries from all corners of the globe on
humanitarian grounds .
As reported by the organization in a statement, the International Association of
Diplomatsof Spain ( AIDE ) will issue to The Bobath Foundation the major part from the
money collectedby The XXI Edition of the Diplomatic Bazar Solidario ' Kerms 2014 ' .
The donation for Bobath Foundation will go to the project 'Al Cole Road' . This initiative
will allow the purchase of an adapted vehicle for Bobath Schoolfor Special Education ,
which treats treated 77 badly affected children with cerebral paralysis.
Many students of the College may by that way go on school transportation from their
homes to school.
Please review this website for more detail.
Principe Jorge Rurikovich asiste al Bazar Diplomticobajo el Patronaje de la SM La
Reina Sofia de Espaa

El pasado sbado, 26 de abril de 2014, el Principe Jorge Rurikovich en compaa de su
familia PrincessaMaryia Kubareva Rurikovich y Principe Alexei kubarev Rurikovich
visitaron el Gran Kerms y Bazar Diplomtico de Beneficencia 2014 de AIDE
(Asociacin Internacional de Diplomticos en Espaa), bajo el patronaje de Su
Majestad la Reina Sofia de Espaa.
En dicho evento, Su Majestad la Reina Sofia de Espaay La familia Real e Imperial de
Rurikovich tuvieron ocasin de hablar con Embajadores de 67 paises acerca de
diversos temas de carcter humanitario y social.
Se trata de un despliegue Internacional Diplomtico de muestra y venta de la
gastronoma, el folklore y la artesana tpica de los numerosos pases participantes de
todos los rincones del globo con carcter humanitario.
Segn ha informado la organizacin en un comunicado, la Asociacin Internacional de
Diplomticos de Espaa (AIDE) destinar a la Fundacin Bobath la mayor parte de la
recaudacin de la XXI edicin de su Bazar Diplomtico Solidario 'Kerms 2014'.
La recaudacin para la Fundacin Bobath se destinar al proyecto 'Al Cole en Ruta'.
Esta iniciativa permitir la compra de un vehculo adaptado para el Colegio Bobath de
Educacin Especial, en el que se forma y trata a 77 nios gravemente afectados de
parlisis cerebral.
Muchos de los alumnos del Colegio podrn as desplazarse en transporte escolar,
desde sus domicilios al colegio.
Por favor revise este sitio web para obtener ms detalles

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