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Volume II, Issue 23 Decembe r 2002


As we dose the Legislative Year 2002 I would like to take
this opportunity to inform our members about our legislative
President's AS you know, the COBA Executive Board
Message and I have completed yet another year of
Legislative l) Oil September 19, 2002, Governor George success due to your support. You may also
Update E. Pataki signed into law Senate Bill know that the city budget crisis hangs
6772/Assembly Bill 6038. TIle law amend- above the heads of everyone in the munici-
ed Section 9-117 of the New York City pal work force. Nevertheless, we. intend to
Administrative Code to require that The fight for your rights as successfully as we
dUI)' of maintaining the custody and super-
have done in 2002 and U1 every preceding
vision of persons detained or confined in year, III this regard, you'll soon begin receiv-
any faci lit)' of the N ew York City ing correspondence from us in regards to
Department of Correction must be per- the upcoming contract talks.
formed by members of the uniformed III the meaorime, I wish you and your
force. In other words, privatlzation of New family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy
York City's jails became illegal. New Year, Mar God Bless you and your
William Kwasnickl
family, Have. a safe and happy holiday and
Norman Seabrook
2) On October 4, 2002, Governor Pataki signed into Jaw Senate Bill don 't forget about the brothers and sisters
154-4A/Assembly Bill 2470A. This law enabled Correction per- we've lost over the years. If you don't have the opportunity to C"J.ll
sonnel enrolled in Tier 3 2o-ye-ar pension plans to stop making their loved ones to wish them a happy holiday, take time out to say
additional contributions to their pensions after completing 20 a prayer for them and their families. Remember that one day we'll
years of either credited or allowable service relative to their all be in the same position and we must never forger the bereaved
membership date on file with the New York City Employees among us- COBA takes C"Me of its OWIl.
Retirement System (NYCERS),

3) On November 1. 2002, Governor Pataki vetoed Senate Bill

2176A/Assembly Bill 9029A. This bill would have enabled all City
and STate employees to purchase up 10 one year of credited serv- PRESIDENT SEABROOK TO FEDERAL
ice for each of their children if the member took a leave of
absence from The ciry or state payroll in connection with the COMMISSION
birth of those children.
President George W, Bush bas appointed COBA President
Governor's Message Norman Seabrook to a newly funned Federal commission that will
examine the problems of the United States Postal Service and pro-
The Governor stated in his veto message that because cer- pose solutions to those problems.
tain pension systems would suffer an enormous financial drain as a Mr. Seabrook is the only New Yorker and the only labor
result of this bill in a Time of growing budget deficits that it would union leader on the national nine-member panel.
be fiscally irresponsible at this rime to enact this bill into Jaw, In announcing Mr. Seabrook's appointment, Peter R.
ln january we will resubmit this legislation as correction- Fisher, U.S.Treasury Under Secretary for Domestic Finance, said
only Iegistarion, which we believe will be more likely to obtain The President Bush "recognizes that )lOW is the time to re-assess how
Governor's approval due to the vast difference between the com- the Postal Service should adapt to pressure from customers, com-
po.sitiot< of our membership and that of other unions. petitors and technology and best fulfill its mission ill the 21 st
In addition, enactment of a bill allowing Correction Century." President Seabrook said he and CORA were honored by
Officers' pensions to be based on their last Year's Salary will again his appointment to the commission.
be a priority for the 2003 Legislative Session. This particular piece Also serving on the panel are Richard Levin, President,
of legislation, which includes a high recurring COSt, will be Yale University; jarnes Aijohuson, Vice Chairman of Perseus LLC;
addressed once the city and state have established a viable plan fur Harry J- Pearce, Chairman of Hughes Electronics Corporation:
recovery from the current recession, which was caused by the Dione! Aviles, President ofAviles Engineering Corporation.Texas;
Scptc mber 11, 200 1 attacks and the subscquenr decline of the Don Cogman, Chairman, CC Investments.Arizona; Carolyn
stock market. Gallagher, former President and CEO,Texwood Furniture.Texas:
As usual 1 will keep the membership informed as to the Robert Walker, Chairman and CEO, Wexler Group, Washington,
progress of these bills as well as the other bills on our 2003 D.C.; and joseph President and CEO, PanAmSat,
Legislative Agenda. Connecticut.
Officer candidates so as to maintain parity with rhe NYPD
(OBA'S UPDATED PROGRESS - Pought successfully for tJ1C hiring of more than 3500 additional
REPORT: Correction Officers
- Negotiated best contracts
- I>istributed contract booklets
- Hired a full-time, paid grievance staff
WHAT (OBA HAS - Resolved more grievances
DONE FOR YOU SO FAR: · Increased Life Insurance from 550.000 to $100,000 for
Correction Officers
1 - - - - - - - - - - - Obtained 2Q-Year Stop Pay8111 - Increased tife Insurance for Correction Officers' spouses and chll-
ending requirement that
Correction Officers continue mak-
- Offered optional life insurance
ing pension coutrthuuons after
- Acknowledged domcstic partners
20 years on the job
- Provided coverage for domestic partners
' - - - - - Obtained Anti-Privatization bill
- Issued Optical Voucbers (0 Correction Officers
prohibirlng the privatizarion of
· Reduced the Retiree Prescription Card co -payment
New York City jails
:....- - Obtained Full Salary for Survivors - Wrote and dlslIibuted benefits booklets
· Increased number of paid. full-time benefit and support staff
Bill for Correction Officers and
members and improved benefit and support services
their Iamtltes
- Obtained Variable Supplement Fund/Defined Beucfil Fund Bills
- Provided on-site labor lawyers at COnA office
for Correctlon Officers
- increased legal services offered sirnulrancously
- Obtained Vehicle Accident Privacy BHI for CorrecUon Officers
- Provided representation at OATIl
- Obtained Heart Bill for Correction Officers
- Provided representation at Firearms Review Board meetings
- Obtained 3/4 D1sablllly Bill for Correction Officers
- Provided legal representation of spouses and dependents through
arraignment if accused of crimes
- Obtained 20-Year Pension Buyback Dill fur Correction Officers
• Put Executive Board Members on call twenty-four hours
- Obtained COLA for reured Corrcctlon Officers a day
- Obtained the WiWam Wilsoll BiU
- Reduced the number of suspensions and rcrmtnauons
- Obtained the Feces Bill
- Obta ined the CiryTime Buyback Bill
- Computerized the CODA office
- Obtained the Military Buyback Bill - Issued quarterly Ilnanctal statements
- Successfully backed Mayoral candidate Michael Bloomberg
- Successfully backed Gubernatorial candidate George E. Pataki - Established full-time, paid Rctirec/Disabltitv Department
- Provided retirement and disability counseling free of charge
- Created a Scholarship Fund for the children of Correction
- Established Retiree Liaison
Officers that has gi~'el) over $100.000 in scholarships SO fur
- EstablishedRetiree 800 number
- For Brst time ever. gave scholarship awards to smgle-parent
· Provided Retiree Breakfasts
Correction Officers attending college
- Distributed Prescriprton Cards to Active and Retired Correction
- Created a Widows and Children's Fund for the widows and chil-
dren of Correction Officers
- Bstablished Widows and Children's Holiday Party
- Established 'CO Shot' program t hal offers rewards for [he
- Established Widows and Children's Fund Dinners and Scholarship
shooters of Correction Officers
Fund Dinners and other fundraising events

- Supported 10-13 parties

- Started the first-ever voter registration drtve for Correction
- Awarded medals for Outstanding Correction Officers on
Meda.l Day
- Created a computerized telephone bank for use in city and state
- Gave awards 10 valedtctorian at Correction Academy Graduallon
- Gave awards to Correction Officers year-round
- Held firsl-ever Family Day outing at Rye Playland
- Sent FIrst Disaster Relief'team to "alli and Puerto Rico
- Relocated Membership Meetings to Queens
- Appointed Borough Trustees for COilA to assist Correction officers
- Updated and distributed Annuity Fund Statements
who are hospltallzed or arrested
- lncreased Annuity Fund investments
- Created a rwenty-rour-hour horline for Correction Officers
· Revamped Sick Leave policy
- Provided Delegates with pagers
- Increased number of Delegates
- Appointed CORA Chaplain
· Sent birthday cards to Correction Officers
- Sent Delegates to labor classes at John Jay College
· Increased number of Executive Board Members on release - Sent holiday cards 10 Correction Officers

• Eslablished monthly labor-management meetings with the - Supported flciliry holiday events
Department - Pushed for the issuance of a IlCW Directive allowtng COrrection
Officers to wear their CORA pins on their unlforms
- Provided Pension Seminars
· Worked successfully to raise the requirements for Correction

• Provided Retiree seminars
- Provided Delegate Seminars
- Established the first-ever C08A Maroral Debate
• Iilred more efficient fund admlntstrator FOR THE YEAR ENom DEUMIlU 31,2001
- Offered Correcnou Officers free checking, direct deposit, and
low- rate credit cards at the Bank of New York and at Fleet Bank

- Created a C08A website

· Issued the First Annual CODA Hunks and Honeys Calendars and
Kids of Correction Calendars
- Issued courtesy cards, calendar books and bumper slickers
· Established positive public relations campaign
- Published newsletter Elias Husamudeen
Treasure r
· Reinstated delivery ofThe Chief-leader newspaper

- Ileld First Comedy/talent Night ever

· For first time, successfully suggested the renaming of a S{"OJril 'Y S«H:ofJl1. S4"ll('Urity B4:orlefih.
Annult If Fund Fund,. -Ac1i",C'!i Fund~ ~ Re1ifC'CJ
Department building after a living Correction Officer (Samuel ElN' 1 ~·~28G233 £IN,I).(;16356; fiN: Sl·018Jtn Tot.lLo.
Perry Control Center)
PI"n ~$J?L'"
- Successfully suggested the renaming of a Department of Correction
Invostme uts $67, 132.72 3 S17,62 8 515 ,711 S67,16 6,O(']
Patrol Boat after deceased Correction OffiCCT Guy Hudson R(?(oJVablos 1 , 3 3 9. b ~H 3, 116,8 76 (,16,7 69 5,0 73, 293
Cash, ope rat ing acc oun ts 380.105 ~,9J ~ ,6 J ~ 3,lJl 9,(lUJ 10 .) .13.90 '
fob! A."$e[~ 68 ,0 52 ,5 7& 10,0 69, I ~ O 3,65 1, 5~~ 81.573, 160
· For first time ever, aired advertisements supporting Correction
Officers on radio stations throughout the dry Plan li.:tbll ltlcs:

- Put up billboard supporting Correction officers for first time ever Beneln cbllgotlons 9 30,163 26 7,76 1 , I 19 7 .9 2 ~

· Adopted a mile of highway on behalf of COBA for first Lime ever Payahlos 441 ,44S 122,990 S7 0J I )~ 1, 135, ! 2')
[otall iabllities 441,445 1,05.1, 153 8.1 B,5S5 :1 •.1.13. 1.>3
- For first time ever, helped form and participate In statewide organ-
PI.Hl mH ;l5 se l ~ H.8 ,4 11, 13 1 $9,0 15,987 S2,811,980 5 8 ll . 2~n.107
ization of Correction Ofllcers (United Correction Officers Coalition)
- Hired first full-time public relations officer in COBA history Pl.m income:

- Installed AUI on Rlk(1"S Island for first time ever Comnbutto ns.
x ov, York Cit y $ 3 , 8 3 3 , ~ ()9 515,93 3,65B $ ~ ,~ 9a,67J $ 2 ~ , 2 6 5 , 7 40
Participants 10,860 9, 97 ~ i ,OJ 5 2, .869
Nt'l lnvesur»..n[ Incom e (!()SS) 160 8,5 73) 102 11,0 30 (S 96 , 3~ I)

LlGHTI NG TH E TREE Iota! lI lC f.1fI1(· .3) 35,696 1 5 /~ .4 3 , 8 3 .t 4 ,51 i,; )11 23 .69 7,268

Pia" expenses:

Rcnd its ~ ..9 93..sJ 1 10,<]5 9,744 J,O BB,1 OJ 19 .('-'1 ,978
Ad rninbtr,lli\l1 27 3 . ~ 0 8 451 ) .31 172,59 0 ~ 97,22 9
Tor'a l exrx' tl<.{.'S 5, 2&b,9 3'} 11,410,9 75 3,3 6 1,29 3 20 ,OW .20i

lncre...."1~ C' ( d ('C r(' ~ s d a,OJI,24]) 4/ ,:;31,859 1. l5 £., .a4S .1.65 8.0 61

PI:tI\ net .rssets:

I3 t :;iIH\ing ol
)' (>.)r 70,.442,3 i .4 4,483,113 ',6561~4 76,582,(}.t6

[00 01 yea' 56B,4 11, 131 $9,015,987 $2,811,939 $OO. ~ 4 0, 1 0 7

Your Rights to Addition.. 1 Iniormation

The I'I~n5 have been audu crl by ~n independent accounting I,rm in accordance
with its annu al reporting obl ig.ulon under the Cily 01 New YOlk, Oillce oi the
Comptroller, Bure~lI 01 M ;l1'Jg emenl and Accounl i"g SY'I(·-ms' Int('",~1 Con tro l and
Accountability Oil c-cl ive 12. To ,c hl'(lul", all app<.,intm "ntto review a copy oi the"
full report, 01 any pari Ihelm!. write 01 call El i.JS Husarnudeen. Fund Admlnlstrator
at 33 5 Broadway, 51h Floor. New YOlk. New York 10013, telephon.. number
(212) 274-1l000
COBA President Norman Seabrook greets a member of the depart-
ment at the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on Rikers
Island on Dec. 9. Photo by Ralph Smith.
In celebration of the holiday season and in honor of the
The following active and retired Correction Officers have widows and children of deceased New York City Correction
passed away: Officers, COBA is giving 5500 gift certificates to each of 45
Active Correction Officers: children of deceased CO's. The certificates are good for two years
jo bnson, William November 12,2002 QDC ar either Macy's or macys.corn
Knight, Penelope December 4,2002 GMDC TIle union is also giving $250 checks to each of 34 wid-
ows and guardians of the children of deceased New York City
Retired Correcrion Officers: Correction Officers ro add ro their holiday season,
Thompson, Brenda December 5,2002 DDKC The 531,000 cost of these gifts will be paid for entirely
Rohde. Alfred December 12, 2002 MnDe from donations and from the revenue from this year's COBA
Bunyan, Lloyd Decenlber 17,2002 BHPW Classic Golf Tournament.

Contribute to the COBA Widows and Children 's Fund by buying as many 2003 COBA Cards as you can. All proceeds from
the sale are earmarked [or rhc COBAWidows ,UH] Children's Fund . The cost is $1 per card. Ordas should include
additional funds to cover postage: 37 cents for one to three cards. 78 cents for four to tell cards, and S1.56 for eleven to
twenty cards.

Make checks payable to COilA Widows and Children's Fund, 335 Broadway,
5th Floor. New York, NY 10013 (212) 274-8000.

Pkase complete coupon below:

Name: Please send me COBA Cards

Address: $ for # Cards
Address: $ for Postage
City: _ $ Total enclosed
State: _ Correction Officers' Benevolent Association
Zip: Contact EI izabeth Castro (21 2) 274-8000


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