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cloudy nublado

cold fro
cool fresco
county condado
favourite favorito, preferido
fog niebla
foggy con niebla
heating calefaccin
hot caliente
lazy perezoso, vago
petrol gasolina
petrol station gasolinera
singer cantante
suitcase maleta
sunglasses gafas de sol
sunny soleado
The Lake District El Distrito de los Lagos
to be cold tener fro
to be hot tener calor
to feed dar de comer, alimentar
to freeze congelar
to last durar
to lock cerrar con llave
to pack empaquetar, hacer maletas
to rain llover
to reach alcanzar
to snow nevar
to turn off apagar
to turn on encender
to wash up fregar los platos
to water regar
warm clido
wind viento
windy con viento
as well tambin
What a pity! Qu lstima!
Whats the weather like? Qu tiempo hace?
from time to time de vez en cuando
on foot a pie
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Part 1, 2, 3
1. Present perfect
Forma: El presente perfecto se forma con el presente simple del
verbo to have, utilizado como auxiliar, seguido del participio
pasado del verbo principal.
La estructura para la forma afirmativa del presente perfecto sera:
El participio en los verbos regulares tiene exactamente la misma
forma que el pasado simple, y en los verbos irregulares vara.
El verbo to have significa, en este caso, haber y se conjuga
como siempre (la tercera persona del singular has y el resto de
personas have).
El participio del verbo principal no vara en ninguna persona.
I have yo he llamado
you have t has llamado, Ud. ha llamado, Uds.
han llamado, vosotros habis llamado
he has l ha llamado
she has ella ha llamado
it has ello (cosa / animal) ha llamado
we have nosotros hemos llamado
they have ellos / ellas han llamado
En la forma negativa utilizamos la partcula not; como siempre,
sta va colocada despus del verbo to have, ya que es el verbo
que se conjuga. Puede aparecer en la forma larga o contrada.
La estructura para la forma negativa del presente perfecto sera:
I have not called yo no he llamado
you have not called t no has llamado, Ud. no ha llamado, Uds.
no han llamado, vosotros no habis llamado
he has not called l no ha llamado
she has not called ella no ha llamado
it has not called ello (cosa / animal) no ha llamado
we have not called nosotros no hemos llamado
they have not called ellos / ellas no han llamado
En la forma contrada:
I havent called yo no he llamado
you havent called t no has llamado, Ud. no ha llamado, Uds.
no han llamado, vosotros no habis llamado
he hasnt called l no ha llamado
she hasnt called ella no ha llamado
it hasnt called ello (cosa / animal) no ha llamado
we havent called nosotros no hemos llamado
they havent called ellos / ellas no han llamado
Para la forma interrogativa basta con invertir el orden de suj.
+ to have a to have + suj.
La estructura para la forma interrogativa del presente perfecto sera:
Have I called? he llamado yo?
Have you called? has llamado t, ha llamado Ud., han
llamado Uds., habis llamado vosotros?
Has he called? ha llamado l?
Has she called? ha llamado ella?
Has it called? ha llamado ello (cosa / animal)?
Have we called? hemos llamado nosotros?
Have they called? han llamado ellos / ellas?
Para hacer las respuestas cortas slo utilizamos el sujeto en
cuestin seguido del verbo to have en afirmativa o negativa,
segn convenga.
Eg.: Have you written the letter?
Yes, I have. No, I havent.
Uso: Este tiempo verbal es una mezcla de presente y pasado.
Siempre implica una conexin con el presente; de hecho, si
formamos una frase en presente perfecto podramos
normalmente hacer una misma frase en presente simple para una
misma situacin.
Copyright (c) Computer Aided Education SA
Eg.: Someone has put the cat in. The cat is in.
Este tiempo se usa mucho en conversaciones, peridicos,
televisin y radio, etc.
El presente perfecto se usa en dos casos:
a) Acciones y situaciones pasadas sin indicacin temporal.
Eg.: Ive lived in Spain.
b) Con el adverbio just, indicando que la accin est recin
terminada. Con hechos y acciones no acabadas o con
consecuencias an en el presente.
Eg.: Ive just had breakfast. Acabo de desayunar.
2. Have you ever ...?
Ever se traduce por alguna vez. Se usa en frases
interrogativas y se coloca entre el sujeto y el participio.
Eg.: Have you ever eaten chips?
Has comido patatas fritas alguna vez?
Has he ever been there?
Ha estado l all alguna vez?
3. The weather (El tiempo)
La forma de preguntar en ingls por el tiempo es siempre la misma:
What is the weather like?
La forma ms comn es la
Whats the weather like?
Para responder utilizamos el pronombre impersonal it siempre
con el verbo en tercera persona del singular, seguido del adjetivo
que describe el tiempo o bien de la forma continua de un verbo
que describa el tiempo.
It is sunny Est soleado
It is windy Hace viento
It is raining Est lloviendo
It is snowing Est nevando
It is foggy Hay niebla
It is cloudy Est nublado
It is hot Hace calor
It is cold Hace fro
What is the weather like?
: Its ___________________.
: ______ ________________.
: ______ ________________.
: ______ ________________.
: ______ ________________.
: ______ ________________.
Copyright (c) Computer Aided Education SA
Classify these words under one of these columns
according to their pronunciation.
six heel beef big hill beach see ring
/ i: / / I /
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Complete this chart with the possessive pronouns oradjectives:
Is this your jacket?
No, it isnt ____________.
Is this her car?
Yes, it is _____________.
Is that ___________ book?
No, it isnt ours.
Is that their house?
Yes, it is _____________.
Classify the following participles into regulars or
cleaned cooked gone visited lived read
seen wanted ridden stopped had forgotten
met decided called done bought called
stayed told watered eaten washed up
turned off understood brought packed changed
locked drawn closed passed
Regular participles:
Whats the rule for regular participles, how are they formed?
Irregular participles:
Complete the chart:
Copyright (c) Computer Aided Education SA
This is Sandras list of duties. She has marked with a cross
the things she has already done. Which ones are they?
- Sandra has cleaned the fridge.
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________
Complete these questions with one verb from the list.
Then answer them.
read listen eat study water close
call clean visit cook have
Have you ______________ Hamlet? Yes, I have. // No, I havent.
Have you ever ____________ the Louvre? _________________.
_____ you ever __________ to classical music? _____________.
_____ your father ___________ an exotic meal? _____________.
_____ you ever _______________ raw fish? _______________.
_____ you _______________ at University? _______________.
_____ your mother ever __________ a car crash? ____________.
_____ you ___________ your house door today? ____________.
_____ you ______________ the plants today? ______________.
_____ you ____________ your house this week? ____________.
_____ you __________ your friends this morning? ___________.
24th. Oct.
Sandras duties
- Clean the fridge

- Send letters

- Do the shopping

- Study French

- Wash the car

- Prepare dinner
- Do the washing up

- Buy a T-shirt

- Visit the dentist

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