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As I read this devotional, I was kind of hesitate to answer the question, "How do we promote that

wonder (Christ being the Way, the Truth, and the Life) in a hostile world?" because I didn't want
to give a general response. I wanted to give a answer that had some real conviction, primarily
with me.
In the biblical history, polytheism has always been a consistent practice. To man's understanding,
there wasn't just one God that had every force on his side as well as care for all existence. The
purpose for God revealing Himself to Abraham was for Abraham to raise up nations that would
eventually cover the world and believe in the same manner Abraham did. Great plan right? Well,
there has always been a broken link in connecting God's plan with man's plan. Jesus comes on
the scene to remove us from sin so we can in return continue to execute the plan God gave to
Abraham. The problem with polytheism is that is easy and simple...we get a god to do one thing
for you. Guess what, polytheism existed then and still exist. Now, the question is why?
Christians fail to realize how challenging revealing God can be if we don't have a thorough
understanding of who we are serving (knowing that we don't have to serve several gods). One
thing people can't argue with is results. It's easier to reveal a god that only reveals himself on one
magnitude than with a god that reveals on all. For the god that does reveal himself more than the
other gods, he may be a little more complex to understand and it may take more time to
familiarize yourself with him. As Christians, our tasks are to do more than just have faith. Faith
just agrees that this one God can do all things. But the other task is to figure out how to reveal
this God in all areas, which essentially is another task that requires action.
The difference between us and the world is who we give our glory to. The wold has faith just like
we do, but their faith is in several gods: god of prosperity, god of health, god of knowledge, etc.,
while we trust in the One God to reveal himself in all of these areas. But while we're teaching
faith, the world is the only ones really getting results from the several gods they serve. Are we
getting results enough to show the world that this one God we serve can do what all your gods
are doing and more? I don't believe the faith is what we should be questioning but more so the
results behind our faith. Because faith isn't an action, it's a belief. If we're not getting results is it
real faith (belief in God)? Well, we have to ask ourselves, what are we having faith in? Is it faith
in healing? Is it faith in prosperity? If it is, we have strip a revealing from God and made it it's
own, and then we're no different from the world. So ultimately our faith needs to only be in God:
opening the door of God and learning how we can reveal Him. The results (actions) are our
responsibility, not God's.

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