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Bowling Park Primary School

Pupil Premium Policy

Bowling Park Primary School Aims

Our school believes that every child should have the opportunity to be
the best they can be. The targeted and strategic use of Pupil Premium
money will support us in achieving our vision and ensuring that Pupil
Premium children have a better chance of achieving national
expectations or better.


We use the Pupil Premium funding for a range of interventions,
additional teaching staff and curriculum experiences in order to ensure
Pupil Premium children receive the individual support they need to
make the best start in life.

Such provision might include:

* Buying-in specialist expertise from outside school to assess pupils and
advise teachers about their needs
* Additional teaching support to target specific groups of Pupil Premium
children who are at risk of falling behind their peers (for example: Every
Child a Counter, Year 6 booster groups)
* Qualified teachers to plan and teach small groups of Pupil Premium
children who are New to English in order for them to make accelerated
progress and catch up with their peers
* Experiences, trips and residentials linked to the curriculum that enable
Pupil Premium children to learn new skills that will transfer to their
academic work and social development.

Current and historical information regarding the way in which Pupil
Premium is spent in our school is available on our school website.

Leadership and Governance

In co-operation with the Principal and the Assistant Headteacher for
Vulnerable Pupils, the Governing Body determines the schools policy
and approach to the allocation of Pupil Premium money, establishes the
appropriate staff and funding arrangements. There is an identified
Governor for Pupil Premium who monitors the implementation of this
policy and reports back to the Curriculum Committee.

In conjunction with the schools Leadership team, the Principal is
responsible for monitoring and evaluating the success of this policy and
reporting to the Governing body about this.

Monitoring the impact

The impact of pupil premium is discussed regularly with teaching staff at
pupil progress meetings and the attainment of these children is tracked
using the schools achievement data systems, including progress

Reporting to Parents and Outcomes of Pupil Premium Spending

Parents are kept informed about Pupil Premium spending via our school
website, where current and historical information regarding the
attainment of Pupil Premium children in our school is available.

May 2014

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