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1 Physical qua!i!i"s a# !h"i$ ui!s%
Understanding of the distinction between base and derived
physical quantities and their units in SI. Luminous intensity and
the candela are not included.
2 &$#"$ '( )a*i!u#"%
Appreciation of the order of magnitude of common physical
+ ,'$# "qua!i's%
The use, where appropriate, of word equations to define physical
quantities and their units.
- A u#"$s!a#i* '( !h" c'c".! $a!" '( cha*" /i!h !i)"%
g average u ! "#t average a ! u#t
Instantaneous value as gradient of graph is e"pected.
0 G$a.hs%
Translate information between graphical, numerical and algebraic
$lot two variables from e"perimental or other data.
Understand that y ! m" % c represents a linear relationship.
&etermine the slope and intercept of a linear graph.
&raw and use the slope of a tangent to a curve as a measure of rate
of change.
Understand the possible physical significance of the area between
a curve and the " a"is and be able to calculate it or measure it by
counting squares as appropriate.
.g. 'or( done ! area under a force)displacement graph.
1 H')'*""i!y%
Understanding of homogeneity of equations and its use as a chec(
for possible correctness.
2 3"c!'$s a# scala$s%
The recognition of a physical quantity as a vector or a scalar.
*esolution of a vector into two components at right angles to each
Addition rule for two vectors, mathematical calculations limited to
two perpendicular vectors.
R"c!ili"a$ )'!i'
1%1 Dis!ac"5 #is.lac")"!5 s.""#5 6"l'ci!y a# acc"l"$a!i'%
Equa!i's ('$ ui('$)ly acc"l"$a!"# )'!i' i '" #i)"si'%
"perimental study of uniformly accelerated motion, based on
laboratory measurements of displacement and speed.
v ! u % at
" ! ut %
! u
% ,a"
-easurement of the acceleration of free fall.
A method involving a body in free fall is e"pected.
1%2 Dis.lac")"!4!i)" a# 6"l'ci!y 4 !i)" *$a.hs a# !h"i$
i!"$.$"!a!i'5 ('$ )'!i' /i!h ui('$) a# ' 4 ui('$)
Identify and use the physical quantities derived from the gradient and
area of velocity ) time graphs and the gradient of displacement ) time
1%+ P$'7"c!il"s%
The independence of vertical and hori.ontal motion should be
/umerical problems will involve either vertical or hori.ontal pro0ection.
8'$c"s a# )')"!s
1%- 8'$c" i!"$.$"!"# as a .ush '$ a .ull a# i#"!i(i"# as !h" .ush
'$ .ull '( A ' B%
1amiliarity with gravitational, electric, magnetic and nuclear forces2
normal and frictional contact forces2 viscous and drag forces2 tension.
The gravitational pull of the arth 3or -oon, etc.4 on an ob0ect.
'eight ! mg
1%0 8$""49'#y ('$c" #ia*$a)s%
Use of free)body force diagrams to represent forces on a particle or on
an e"tended but rigid body. 5entre of gravity.
1%1 N"/!':s (i$s! la/%
6odies in equilibrium. 7ector forces on body sum to .ero.
1%2 N"/!':s !hi$# la/%
1orce pairs. A statement that the push or pull of A on 6 is always equal
and opposite to the push or pull of 6 on A.
1%; M')"! '( a ('$c"%
-oment of 1 about 8 ! 1 " 3perpendicular distance from 1 to 84.
P$ici.l" '( )')"!s%
1or a rigid body in equilibrium, sum of cloc(wise moments about any
point ! sum of anticloc(wise moments about that point.
$roblems will only be set involving sets of parallel forces.
Principle of moments using a balanced metre rule.
1%< D"si!y%
Typical values for solids, liquids and gases. -easurement of the density
of solids, liquids and gases is e"pected.
Application of ! m#7
1%10 Li"a$ )')"!u)%
&efined as p ! m v
P$ici.l" '( !h" c's"$6a!i' '( li"a$ )')"!u)%
"perimental study of conservation of linear momentum for
collisions in one dimension only.
1%11 N"/!':s s"c'# la/%
1orce and rate of change of momentum.
*esultant force as rate of change of momentum 1 ! p#t
5alculations will only be set in situations where mass is constant.
Impulse ! change of momentum.
1%12 Acc"l"$a!i'5 )ass a# ('$c"%
Applications of 1 ! ma
"perimental investigation of uniformly accelerated motion where
mass is constant.
M"chaical ""$*y
1%1+ ,'$= #'" a# ""$*y !$as("$%
'or( done ! average applied force multiplied by the distance
moved in the direction of the force.
' ! 1"
5alculation of wor( done when force is not along the line of
nergy transfer when wor( is done.
1%1- >i"!ic ""$*y%
(.e. !
G$a6i!a!i'al .'!"!ial ""$*y%
5hanges in gravitational potential energy close to the arth9s
! mgh
1%10 P$ici.l" '( !h" c's"$6a!i' '( ""$*y%
:ualitative study and quantitative application of conservation of
energy, including use of wor( done, gravitational potential energy
and (inetic energy.
1%11 P'/"$%
*ate of energy transfer 3or of wor( done4.
$ ! '#t
$ ! 1 v
Ra#i'ac!i6" #"cay a# !h" ucl"a$ a!')
1%12 Th" "?is!"c" a# a!u$" '( $a#i'ac!i6" ")issi's%
Sources of bac(ground radiation.
1%1; P$'."$!i"s '( al.ha5 9"!a @A a# 4B a# *a))a $a#ia!i' a#
c'$$"s.'#i* #isi!"*$a!i' .$'c"ss"s%
Ionising properties of radiations lin(ed to penetration and range.
"periments with sealed alpha and beta sources are e"pected.
1%1< S!a9l" a# us!a9l" ucl"i%
Nucl"' u)9"$ a# .$'!' u)9"$%
The balancing of nuclear equations.
1%20 Ra#i'ac!i6i!y as a $a#') .$'c"ss%
E?.'"!ial #"cayC #"cay c's!a! a# hal(4li("%
Activity and the becquerel.
Activity ! / The constant ratio property of e"ponential curves.
The use of e
and loge " are not required.
#, ! ;.<=
The e"perimental determination or modelling of half)life.
1%21 Th" ucl"a$ a!')%
E6i#"c" ('$ !h" "?is!"c" a# siD" '( ucl"i%
Si.e of atoms. *elative si.e of nuclei.
Elas!ic sca!!"$i*%
Scattering as a means of probing matter.
Alpha particle scattering e"periment in broad outline.
D"". i"las!ic sca!!"$i*%
The use of electrons of high energy to reveal the structure of protons
and neutrons.
A qualitative discussion of the processing and interpretation of data will
be required.
El"c!$ic cu$$"! a# .'!"!ial #i(("$"c"
2%1 Cha$*" a# cu$$"!%
lectric current as rate of flow of charge.
I ! :#t
Law of conservation of charge applied to currents at a 0unction.
Use of ammeters.
D$i(! 6"l'ci!y%
An understanding of the equation
I ! nA:v.
The distinction between metals,
semiconductors and insulators in terms
of this equation. Typical carrier drift speeds in metals should be
2%2 El"c!$ical .'!"!ial #i(("$"c"%
E%)%(% '( a c"ll%
$.d. as 'or( done#charge
ie 7 or ! '#:
or as power#current
ie 7 or ! $#I
E"$*y !$as("$$"# "l"c!$ically%
lectrical wor(ing.
' ! I7t
2%+ Cu$$"! 4 .'!"!ial #i(("$"c" $"la!i'shi.s%
-easurements and typical graphs for wire filament lamp, ohmic
resistor and semiconductor diode.
8hm9s law.
2%- R"sis!ac" a# $"sis!i6i!y%
* ! 7#I
* ! l # A
"perimental measurement of resistivity.
P'/"$ #issi.a!i'%
$ ! I7 ! I
* ! 7
El"c!$ical ci$cui!s
2%0 C's"$6a!i' '( ""$*y i ci$cui!s%
5ircuit e.m.f. ! I*.
Measure voltages in series and parallel circuits.
I!"$al $"sis!ac"%
7 ! ) Ir
-easurement of internal resistance.
$ractical significance 3eg car battery and e.h.t. power supply4.
2%1 S"$i"s a# .a$all"l ci$cui!s%
1ormulae for resistors in series and in parallel>
* ! *+ % *, % *? and
+#* % +#*+ % +#*, % +#*?
Use of ohmmeters.
2%2 Cha*" '( $"sis!ac" /i!h !")."$a!u$" a# illu)ia!i'%
Th" !h"$)is!'$ a# li*h! #"."#"! $"sis!'$%
:ualitative effects and e"perimental treatment of the effect of
temperature on the resistance of a metal and on a negative temperature
coefficient 3/T54 thermistor.
"planation of the change of resistance of metals with temperature.
Understanding that L&* resistance decreases as illumination increases.
2%; P'!"!ial #i6i#"$%
$ractical applications.
$otential dividers that are controlled by temperature or by illumination.
H"a!i* )a!!"$
2%< D"(ii!i' a# )"ai* '( s."ci(ic h"a! ca.aci!y%
-easurement of specific heat capacities of solids and liquids> a direct
method using an electric heater will be e"pected.
mphasis on calculation of energy transferred. Sources of serious
e"perimental error should be identified and understood.
nergy transfer ! mcT
2%10 Cha*" '( s!a!"%
S."ci(ic la!"! h"a!%
nergy is needed to pull molecules apart.
nergy transfer ! lm
&irect e"perimental methods only.
A method using an electric heater will be e"pected.
2%11 P$"ssu$"%
Solids transmit force, fluids transmit pressure.
Application of p ! 1#A
Th" 9"ha6i'u$ '( *as"s%
"periment demonstrating that for a fi"ed mass of gas at constant 72
p#T ! constant
Th" a9s'lu!" scal" '( !")."$a!u$"%
5oncept of absolute .ero of temperature.
T#@ ! #
5 % ,A?
>i"!ic )'#"l '( )a!!"$
2%12 I#"al *as "qua!i'%
"periment demonstrating that for a fi"ed
mass of gas at constant T> p7 ! constant
1or ideal gases> p7 ! n*T
In calculations the amount of gas will be given in moles.
2%1+ >i"!ic )'#"l '( a i#"al *as%
B$'/ia )'!i'%
The assumptions on which the model is founded.
p !
#? r Bc
Average (inetic energy of molecules proportional to (elvin temperature.
Use of the model to e"plain the change of pressure with temperature.
C's"$6a!i' '( ""$*y
2%1- I!"$al ""$*y%
1or real gases the random distribution of potential and (inetic
energy amongst molecules. Appreciation that hot and cold ob0ects
have different concentrations of internal energy.
2%10 H"a!i*%
*andom interchange of energy between bodies in thermal contact,
resulting in energy flowing from hot to cold.
El"c!$ical a# )"chaical /'$=i*%
1orces moving either charges or masses.
8rdered processes, independent of temperature difference.
Th" (i$s! la/ '( !h"$)'#ya)ics%
The increase in internal energy equal to the sum of the energy
given by heating and wor(ing.
2%11 Th" h"a! "*i"%
'or( done by engine when energy flows from a hot source to a
cold sin(.
fficiency of energy transfer as useful output divided by input.
-a"imum thermal efficiency ! 3T+ ) T,4#T+
Th" h"a! .u).%
'or( needed to pump energy from cold to hot.

3The other section is a practical test4
A1 &9s"$6i* s!a$s
R"c'$#i* s!a$ i)a*"s%
$hotographic emulsions and charge coupled devices 355&s4. Drain and
pi"el si.e2 relative efficiencies2 linearity of response.
B""(i!s '( '9s"$6i* ($') a9'6" !h" Ea$!h:s a!)'s.h"$"%
The importance of different wavelengths of radiation as a means of
discovering information about distant ob0ects. Use of satellites such as
Eubble telescope, I*AS and 586.
Th" !'!al .'/"$ ")i!!"#E lu)i'si!y L%
The $lanc( distribution of energy.
Stefan)6olt.mann law> L ! T
" surface area, and for a sphere L ! Fr

Su$(ac" !")."$a!u$" '( s!a$s%
'ien9s law> ma" T ! ,.G=G " +;
m @
Appreciation that the surface temperatures of stars range from near
absolute .ero to +; A @, corresponding to pea( wavelengths from radio
to H)rays.
M"asu$i* #is!ac" 9y !$i*'')"!$ic .a$alla?%
Use of annual paralla" to measure the distance of nearby stars, including
the use of the small angle appro"imation.
The light year. 3$arsecs and AU will not be required4.
Si).l" H"$!Ds.$u*4Russ"ll #ia*$a)%
Simplified luminosity ) temperature diagram showing main sequence,
white dwarfs and red giants. The use of an L#T diagram to deduce L for
a distant main)sequence star.
Es!i)a!i* #is!ac" '( )'$" #is!a! s!a$s%
Use of intensity ! L#F&
to find distance of stars of (nown luminosity.
Use of 5epheid variable stars to find distance to nearby gala"ies.
A2 Th" li6"s '( s!a$s
E"$*y ('$ s!a$s%
Dravitational collapse and hydrogen 9burning9.
m ! . 3&etails of the p)p chain are not required.4
Mai s"qu"c" s!a$s%
A star spends most of its life as a main sequence star.
,hi!" #/a$(s%
Eot, low volume, low mass stars. 8rigins and typical masses, 3less
than about +.F solar masses4. 5ore remnants.
R"# *ia!s%
5ool, high volume, stars. 8rigins and typical masses, 3between ;.F
and G solar masses4. 5ore remnants.
Su."$'6a" @Ty." II 'lyB%
*apid implosion of stars of more than eight solar masses. Shoc(
wave> outer layers blown away.
N"u!$' s!a$s%
5ore remnants greater than about +.F solar masses. 1ormation
from electrons and protons. 7ery high density. $ulsars.
Blac= h'l"s%
5ore remnants greater than about ,.I solar masses. The dense core
traps radiation.
B1 I6"s!i*a!i* )a!"$ials
8'$c"4"?!"si' *$a.hs%
Draphs to brea(ing point for natural rubber, copper, mild steel and
high carbon steel.
Elas!ic a# .las!ic 9"ha6i'u$%
*eversible and permanent deformation. Eoo(e9s law> 1 ! ("
E"$*"!ics '( s!$"!chi*%
Elas!ic s!$ai ""$*y%
'or( done as area under force ) e"tension graph.
1or Eoo(e9s law region ' !
#, 1 "
S!$"ss a# s!$ai%
Y'u* )'#ulus%
Stress ! 1#A2 strain ! 1/1
! stress#strain. /umerical e"ercises will involve stresses and
strains in one direction only.
S!$"ss 4 s!$ai *$a.hs%
1or natural rubber, copper, mild steel and high carbon steel. Jield
stress> the stress at which plastic deformation begins.
E"$*y #"si!y%
nergy#volume ! area under stress#strain graph.
Eysteresis in rubbers.
D"sc$i9i* !h" 9"ha6i'u$ '( )a!"$ials%
Ultimate tensile 3brea(ing4 stress. Strong#wea(.
Stiff#fle"ible ) related to the Joung modulus.
Tough#brittle ) related to the energy required to brea( a material.
An understanding of the terms elastic, plastic, ductile and
B2 E*i""$i* )a!"$ials
P'lyc$ys!alli" )a!"$ials%
Stress ) strain graphs to brea(ing point for metals, related to molecular
structure. $lastic flow, nec(ing and fracture.
D"("c!s i c$ys!als%
dge dislocations and grain boundaries. Slip planes.
'or( hardening. ffects on strength of metals.
H"a! !$"a!)"!%
Annealing copper and steels, quench hardening and tempering carbon
8ailu$" )"chais)s%
1atigue. 5reep.
5rac(s> stress concentrations and relieving them.
Th"$)'s"! a# !h"$)'.las!ic .'ly)"$s%
Amorphous 3$erspe"4 and semi)crystalline 3/ylon and
polythene4 thermoplastics> macroscopic properties and uses. *igid
3-elamine4 thermosets2 macroscopic properties and uses.
-icroscopic properties> long chain molecules2 cross lin(ing.
Stress ) strain graph for rubber, related to molecular structure.
C').'si!" )a!"$ials%
Laminates, fibre and particle composites. $lywood, chipboard2 fibre
reinforced polymers.
B$i#*i* a" /i!h 9"a)s%
Steel tension members2 pre)stressed reinforced concrete. 3Shear force
not required.4 Application of principle of moments to
systems of non)parallel forces.

C1 S!a9l" a# us!a9l" ucl"i
Nucl"a$ )a!!"$%
lectrostatic repulsion between protons.
The strong nuclear force between nucleons. 5omparative ranges.
7ariation of nuclear radius with nucleon number2 r ! r;A
&ensity of nuclear matter.
N4F cu$6" ('$ ucli#"s%
*egion of stability2 relevance to , % and ) decay.
&ecay chains2 principle of radioactive dating.
Nucl"a$ #"cays%
&ecay of n and p within the nucleus.
nergy spectra for , % and ) particles and subsequent ray
emissions. 3@nowledge of ! hf is not required.4
The neutrino and antineutrino.
E"$*y a# !h" ucl"us%
/uclear masses in terms of u, the unified atomic mass unit.
/uclear decay energies in -e7. the principle of conservation of
mass)energy> +u ! =?; -e7. 3Use of c
m ! not required.4
6inding energy per nucleon.
C2 8u#a)"!al .a$!icl"s
Classi(ica!i' '( .a$!icl"s%
Eadrons 3baryons and mesons4 and leptons. Leptons as
fundamental particles.
Th" "?is!"c" '( a!i)a!!"$%
$articles and antiparticles2 e ) e%, p p, n n2 pair production and
matter)antimatter annihilation. 5alculations will use particle
energies in -e7 or De7 and rest masses in u> +u ! =?; -e7.
Gua$=s a# a!iqua$=s%
:uar(s and antiquar(s as the fundamental constituents of baryons
and mesons.
Three quar( structure of baryons, quar( anti)quar( structure of
C's"$6a!i' la/s i .a$!icl" i!"$ac!i's%
5onservation of charge and baryon number. Students will not be
e"pected to remember the quar( constituents of individual
hadrons e"cept for n and p, nor the properties of individual
Th" ('u$ (u#a)"!al i!"$ac!i's%
Dravitational, electromagnetic, strong and wea( interactions.
Dravitational ) all particles with mass.
lectromagnetic ) all charged particles.
Strong ) quar(s.
'ea( ) all particles2 wea( responsible for change in quar(
flavour 3or type4.
8'$c"s #"sc$i9"# i !"$)s '( "?cha*" .a$!icl"s%
$hotons, '% , ') and K
particles, gluons.
Use of simple 1eynman diagrams involving e"change particles.
D1 Nucl"a$ )"#ici"
Ra#i'is'!'."s ('$ ucl"a$ )"#ici"E )"!as!a9l" $a#i'4
$roduction by neutron irradiation and elution methods> in
I and
Ra#i'ucli#"s as !$ac"$s%
&ilution studies2 measurement of body fluids. Upta(e studies2 use
of model or LphantomM. Imaging body parts.
Physi'l'*ical "(("c!s '( $a#ia!i'%
*ange and effects of alpha, beta and gamma radiation.
&estruction and mutation of cells.
Ra#i'ac!i6" a# 9i'l'*ical hal( li6"sE "(("c!i6" hal( li6"s%
6asic principles of radiological protection.
+ # ts ! + # tr % + # tb
Ga))a ca)"$a%
$rinciples of collimator, scintillation counter and photomultiplier.
Us" '( *a))a $a#ia!i' ('$ !h"$a.y%
5o sources for destruction of tissue.
E"$*y '( $a#i'ac!i6" ")issi's%
(e7 and -e7 as measures of the energy of emitted radiations.
D2 X4$ays a# ul!$as'ics
X4$ay .$'#uc!i'% Th" $'!a!i* a'#" X4$ay !u9"%
nergy of accelerated electrons in e7. fficiency.
3$hotons and a (nowledge of ! hf are not required.4
M"3 X $ays ('$ !h"$a.y%
Absorption not strongly dependent on proton number.
-ultiple beams and rotational treatment. Alignment devices.
5riticality of dose.
="3 X4$ays ('$ #ia*'sis%
Absorption strongly dependent on proton number.
&etection with photographic plates.
*adiographs of bones, tissues and air spaces.
X4$ay *"')"!$y%
$oint source, shadows, use of a lead anti)scatter grid.
Inverse square law.
Ul!$as'ics i )"#ici"%
The sonar principle. @nowledge of c ! f e"pected> small
wavelengths give rise to better resolution.
Scai* )"!h'#s ('$ ul!$as'ic #ia*'sis%
6asic principles only. A)scans and 6)scans.
R"(l"c!i' a# a9s'$.!i'% Ac'us!ic i)."#ac" F%
&ependence of K on speed of wave and density of medium2
K ! c
*eflection coefficient ! 3K+ ) K,4
#3K+ % K,4
The need for a coupling medium.
C').a$is' '( ul!$as'ic a# X4$ay !"chiqu"s i #ia*'sis%
Eealth and safety aspects of the use of ultrasound and H)rays.

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