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Evolutionary Anthropology 15:183–195 (2006)


Neandertals and Moderns Mixed, and It Matters


Twenty-five years ago, the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition in Europe could be that of an entire species and, when the
represented as a straightforward process subsuming both the emergence of symbolic nuclear genome is considered, the pic-
behavior and the replacement of Neandertals by modern humans. The Aurignacian ture changes.9,10 For instance, a
was a proxy for the latter, during which enhanced cognitive capabilities explained unique pattern of nucleotide polymor-
ornaments and art. The few instances of Neandertal symbolism were deemed to long phism is now known that roots in East
postdate contact and dismissed as “imitation without understanding,” if not geological Asia and has an estimated time of co-
contamination. Such views were strengthened by the recent finding that, in southern alescence of ca. 2 Myr.11 If such an-
Africa, several features of the European Upper Paleolithic, including bone tools, cient, non-African parts of the human
ornaments, and microliths, emerged much earlier. Coupled with genetic suggestions genome are still extant, the implica-
of a recent African origin for extant humans, fossil discoveries bridging the transition tion is that the early Upper Pleisto-
between “archaics” and “moderns” in the realm of anatomy (Omo-Kibish, Herto) cene expansion of modern humans in-
seemingly closed the case. Over the last decade, however, taphonomic critiques of volved some level of admixture with
the archeology of the transition have made it clear that, in Europe, fully symbolic contemporary archaic groups.
sapiens behavior predates both the Aurignacian and moderns. And, in line with Based on a standard phylogeo-
evidence from the nuclear genome rejecting strict replacement models based on graphic technique, the multilocus
mtDNA alone, the small number of early modern specimens that passed the test of nested-clade analysis, the most recent
direct dating present archaic features unknown in the African lineage, suggesting review of the evidence from 25 nonre-
admixture at the time of contact. combining parts of the human ge-
In the realm of culture, the archeological evidence also supports a Neandertal nome9,10 concludes that ever since the
contribution to Europe’s earliest modern human societies, which feature personal first Out-of-Africa event ca. 1.5 Myr
ornaments completely unknown before immigration and are characteristic of such ago, human evolution has been char-
Neandertal-associated archeological entities as the Châtelperronian and the Uluzzian. acterized by gene flow with isolation
The chronometric data suggest that, north of the Ebro divide, the entire interaction process by distance, and that the complete re-
may have been resolved within the millennium centered around 42,000 calendar years placement model is rejected with a
ago. Such a rapid absorption of the Neandertals is consistent with the size imbalance
P-value of ⬍10⫺17. This study, how-
between the two gene reservoirs and further supports significant levels of admixture.
ever, does not exclude the possibility
that total replacement occurred in re-
stricted areas; conceivably, the Nean-
This review uses a calibrated time production rendered calibration im- dertals, in particular, could well have
scale. Suggestions that spikes in 14C possible in the period of the Middle- become extinct without descent even
to-Upper Paleolithic transition in Eu- if, at a global scale, the general pattern
rope1,2 are now superseded, and the was one of admixture or hybridiza-
João Zilhão is Professor of Paleolithic Archae- different calibration tools available tion. The fact that the mtDNA ex-
ology at the University of Bristol. In 1995– for this time range produce compara-
1997, he directed the scientific research and tracted from many Neandertal fossils
the Archaeological Park setup and manage- ble results.3 Here, calibration uses the over the last decade has revealed poly-
ment work in the Côa Valley (Portugal), and CalPal software with the SFCP age morphisms unknown among today’s
prepared the nomination of its open-air Pa- model for the GISP2 ice core;4 – 6 unc-
leolithic rock art for UNESCO’s World Heri- humans and undetected in early mod-
tage status (listed December 1998). In 1998– alibrated results are in years or kilo- ern Europeans12–14 has been used to
1999, he directed the excavation of the Lagar years (kyr) “14Cbp” and calendar ages support precisely such notions of the
Velho child burial and, in 2004–2005, the ar-
cheological work inside the Oase karstic sys-
are noted “calBP.” Neandertals’ fundamental separate-
tem. In recognition for his contributions to Eu- ness from the human tree.
ropean Prehistory, he received a Research
Award from the Humboldt Foundation (2003) However, because of several unre-
and the Europa Prize of the London Prehis- GENES AND FOSSILS solved technical and methodological
toric Society (2005).
The notion that the patterns of vari- problems, such aDNA studies must be
ability in extant humans’ mtDNA indi- taken with great caution. For in-
Key words: Neandertals, modern humans, orna- cate a recent African ancestry has stance, DNA degrades with time, a
ments, Châtelperronian, Aurignacian been central to complete replacement process that can generate mutational
models of modern human origins.7,8 artifacts. The production of such arti-
© 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. The history of a particular gene sys- facts in the extraction chain has also
DOI 10.1002/evan.20110
Published online in Wiley InterScience tem, however, does not represent the been observed in controlled experi-
( full history of a population, much less ments; some loci in particular seem to
184 Zilhão ARTICLES

aDNA data cannot at present be con- Lagar Velho child skeleton (Fig. 1),
sidered and, second, that current per- the list includes, among others, a low
ceptions of Neandertal aDNA variabil- crural index and arctic body propor-
ity may well be artificially constrained. tions, a retreating symphyseal pro-
Given these problems, it is clear that file, and the presence of a suprainiac
the current framework of aDNA re- fossa.30 In the Oase fossils, the list
search is inherently biased against ad- includes lingular bridging of the man-
mixture, which makes it all the more dibular foramen, a parietal/frontal
significant that the combined fossil curvature fully in the Neandertal
and extant genetic evidence is consis- range, and third molars that display a
tent with levels of Neandertal contri- complex cusp morphology, are larger
bution to Europe’s earliest modern than the second molars, and more
humans as high as 73.8%.14,20 –23 A re- than two standard deviations above
cent simulation study suggests that the average for the Middle Pleistocene
such levels must have been negligible (Fig. 2).31,32 Since these features relate
if not nil (at most, 0.1%),24 but this to aspects of skeletal morphology that
conclusion is already contained in the are not susceptible to change during
anthropologically flawed premises of the ontogenetic cycle, they must re-
the tested admixture model.25 flect inheritance, the persistence in
Genetics, therefore, does not reject these overall modern individuals of
Neandertal-modern admixture. But is genes transmitted by archaic ances-
there any positive evidence that it oc- tors—in Europe, the Neandertals. Al-
curred? Arguably, that is exactly what though this proposition initially faced
the most recent developments in the a certain level of inevitable skepti-
field of human paleontology suggest.26 cism,33 the body of data and argu-
Over the last five years, direct dating ments subsequently brought to sup-
of the remains has demonstrated that port it remain unchallenged.
the large majority of Europe’s pur- In sum, nothing in the genetic and
ported early modern human finds fossil evidence reviewed here suggests
were instead of Holocene age. Their the existence of fundamental biologi-
Figure 1. The Lagar Velho child skeleton marked morphological modernity and cal barriers preventing fruitful inter-
(photo: José Paulo Ruas). contrast with even such late Neander- action between Neandertals and
tals as Saint-Césaire supported sug- moderns at the time of contact. At
gestions of major physical anthropo- least, most now agree that the issue
be repeatedly, nonrandomly affected, logical discontinuity and hence, should be approached with no pre-
and among them are those where Ne- complete population replacement at conceptions, and that it is up to the
andertal divergence has been ob- the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic tran-
served.15,16 Contamination is another sition. The illusory nature of such a
unresolved issue, particularly where contrast is now apparent. Moreover,
the aDNA of early moderns is con- the few finds that are sufficiently com-
cerned.17,18 As Pääbo19 pointed out, plete to be taxonomically diagnostic
“Cro-Magnon DNA is so similar to and, in the process of that determina-
modern human DNA that there is no tion were shown to date to within a
way to say whether what has been few millennia of the time of contact,
seen is real.” feature a diverse array of anatomi-
Thus, failure to identify Neandertal cally archaic, often specifically Nean-
mtDNA in a given early modern hu- dertal traits unknown in the Middle
man fossil may simply result from the and early Upper Pleistocene of Africa.
fact that the extracted DNA is entirely These fossils finds are Oase (Roma-
modern contamination, not from the nia), Mladec̆ (Czech Republic) and
fact that no Neandertal mtDNA origi- Lagar Velho (Portugal), the latter be-
nally existed in that specimen. When ing of relevance here despite its signif-
such a failure occurs with material icantly later chronology, because Ne-
that, on paleontological grounds, is andertals survived in Iberia for much
clearly Neandertal, current criteria of longer than elsewhere in Europe.27,28
authentication17 dictate rejection of Where the Mladec̆ crania are con-
the results, not the conclusion that the cerned, the existence of traits such as
material belonged to a genetically prominent occipital buns, broad in- Figure 2. The Oase 2 cranium (above) and
modern Neandertal. The logical impli- terorbital breadths, and juxtamastoid the Oase 1 mandible and right molar row
cations are, first, that early modern eminences is well known.29 In the (below).
ARTICLES Neandertals and Moderns Mixed, and It Matters 185

empirical record to decide whether elperronian and the Uluzzian survived before ca. 42 kyr calBP.35 In the light
such admixture actually occurred.34 for many millennia after moderns are of these results, it is clear that the key
How can archeology contribute to this first recorded in Europe was based, in site of the Grotte du Renne can be no
debate? Because the transmission of turn, on the radiocarbon dating of exception (Box 1). Moreover, the no-
cultural traits follows different rules bone samples having a geological con- tion that a very late Châtelperronian
(it depends on human volition, not text and chemical characteristics that would be demonstrated by the pat-
natural selection), detecting a biolog- indicated incomplete decontamina- terns of interstratification observed at
ical contribution from the Neander- tion.39,40 The impact of such factors El Pendo, Roc-de-Combe, Le Piage,
tals to later populations does not nec- on the chronology of samples from and Châtelperron is now all but aban-
essarily entail that an equivalent doned. Careful geological and tapho-
this period is now widely accepted.41
signature must exist in the realm of nomical analysis of these sites, cou-
Radiocarbon results for the Kli-
culture. However, if such a signature pled with some reexcavation, showed
soura 1 cave in Greece place the Uluz-
is found to exist, then the case for that the El Pendo sequence is entirely
zian at ca. 44 kyr calBP.42 They are
admixture is strengthened. Through- redeposited; that the putative Châtelp-
out the 1990s, any assessment of this corroborated by the fact that in Italian
erronian lens sandwiched between
issue was bound to be controversial Aurignacian deposits at Le Piage is in
because there was no consensus on fact a mixed deposit in secondary po-
the chronology of the archeological Because the sition; and that excavation error and
entities providing a cultural back- transmission of cultural faulty intrasite correlations lay behind
ground for the relevant human fossils. the Roc-de-Combe pattern.45,46 At
Recent advances have substantially traits follows different Châtelperron itself, the study of the
clarified the picture. rules (it depends on museum collections and associated
documentation shows that the “Chât-
human volition, not elperronian” levels putatively situated
The Oase fossils are of particular
natural selection), above a lens of Aurignacian material
detecting a biological are no more than backdirt from the
importance in this context because, at
ca. 40.5 kyr calBP, they are Europe’s nineteenth-century excavations.47
contribution from the In western Europe, the Châtelperro-
oldest modern human remains and
likely represent the first such people Neandertals to later nian and the Uluzzian are followed by
to enter the continent. Under a model the Aurignacian, associated with diag-
populations does not nostic modern human remains at La
of admixture, the notion that the Oase
people are very close to the time of necessarily entail that Quina and Les Rois.26 The features of
the lithic and bone assemblages and
contact is consistent with their ar- an equivalent signature the radiocarbon dates obtained for
chaic traits, and finds additional sup-
port in the patterns of spatio-temporal must exist in the realm the La Quina sequence indicate that
distribution of the latest Neandertal of culture. However, if these remains can be no older than ca.
remains. In fact, nowhere north of the 38 kyr calBP.35 The dental material
Ebro divide, from El Sidrón, Spain, in
such a signature is from the Aurignacian of Brassem-
the west to Lakonis, Greece, in the found to exist, then the pouy, dated to ca. 37 kyr calBP, is also
east, do Neandertal remains or cul- of modern human affinities,48 al-
tural manifestations that can be se-
case for admixture is though the issue remains controver-
curely associated with them, such as strengthened. sial.49 On the basis of cultural conti-
the Châtelperronian of France, the Ul- nuity, it is in any case reasonable to
uzzian of Italy, or the Micoquian of assume that the same people who
Germany, postdate the 42nd millen- manufactured the Aurignacian ca.
nium calBP.35 38-37 kyr calBP were also responsible
The two putative exceptions are no cave sites the Uluzzian stratigraphi- for earlier manifestations of the tech-
more. That the ca. 29-28 kyr 14Cbp cally underlies a region-wide chronos- nocomplex. This inference is certainly
results for the Neandertal material in tratigraphic marker, the Campanian consistent with the fact that the Oase
level G1 of Vindija could only be min- Ignimbrite, consistently dated by 39A/ finds place people of overall modern
imum ages25 has now been vindicated A to ca. 39 kyr calBP, and is further anatomy in Europe during the earlier
by reanalysis of the samples.36 This separated from that marker by Aurig- part of the Aurignacian, and with the
gives further credence to the notion nacian levels or by levels with a mix of traditional view of the latter as a long-
that the ca. 29 kyr 14Cbp result for the Uluzzian and Aurignacian material.43,44 lasting archeological entity united by
Mezmaiskaya cave infant37 must also Where the Châtelperronian is con- strong elements of cultural continuity.
be a vast underestimation of its true cerned, all accelerator mass spec- New excavations and in-depth techno-
age; this burial, in fact, was covered trometry results recently obtained— logical studies have now vindicated
by intact Mousterian deposits with for the sites of Brassempouy, Caune this view and the validity of the tripar-
multiple reliable dates in excess of 36 de Belvis, Grotte XVI, La Quina, Roc- tite Aurignacian I, II, and III–IV suc-
kyr 14Cbp.38 The notion that the Chât- de-Combe and Châtelperron—place it cession.45,50 –52
186 Zilhão ARTICLES

Box 1. Grotte du Renne (Arcy-sur-Cure)

Among the sites that yielded Chât- ca. 32-33 kyr 14Cbp dates are clearly that incomplete decontamination sys-
elperronian ornaments, the Grotte du rejuvenated. As indicated by the dis- tematically rejuvenates bone samples
Renne stands out. Following recogni- crepancy between results for “out- from this time range, specifically in
tion that the human remains from the side” and “inside” areas of the same the examples given, is now accepted
corresponding levels were of Nean- levels at Fumane (Italy) and Sesselfels even by those who most vocally op-
dertals, it was suggested that the or- (Germany), the cause is bone diagen- posed it.41 Study of the human teeth
naments reflected trade with or scav- esis after occupation, when collapse confirmed their Neandertal affini-
enging from abandoned sites of of the roof transformed the Renne’s ties.94 Publication of the lithic assem-
contemporary Aurignacian modern inhabited cave porch into an open air blages95,96 yielded quantitative data
humans, if not simply intrusion from site.40 The ca. 43 kyr calBP result for that greatly strengthen the inconsis-
an overlying Aurignacian level.91 level Xb is consistent with the chro- tency of the hypothesis that the orna-
Because most ornaments come nology of the Châtelperronian else- ments are intrusive. The conclusion
from basal level X, not from level VIII, where in France and provides the that these pierced and grooved teeth,
which is in direct contact with the most reliable indicator of its age bones, and fossils stand for the emer-
Aurignacian, these interpretations are here. gence of symbolic behavior among
inconsistent with the stratigraphic Recent developments have strength- Neandertals before modern human
distribution of the finds and with the ened the view that we are not dealing immigration is further supported by
manufacture byproducts indicative of with an epigonical Aurignacian-im- similar finds from Quinçay,97 where
the in-situ production of ornaments, pacted phenomenon restricted to a contamination from later occupations
bone tools, and decorated bird bone peripheral region inhabited by resid- can be completely excluded because
tubes.92,93 Moreover, the often-quoted ual Neandertal survivors. The notion none exists.

Vertical Distribution of the Archeological Finds in the Grotte du Renne92–96

Level Culture Lithics % Ornaments % Bone Awls % Teeth %
VII Aurignacian 11,901 12.50 7 17.50 8 15.09 — —
VIII Châtelperronian 8763 9.20 4 10.00 4 7.55 1 3.45
IX Châtelperronian 11,856 12.45 4 10.00 5 9.43 3 10.34
X Châtelperronian 62,684 65.84 25 62.50 36 67.92 25 86.21
Total 95,204 40 53 29
ARTICLES Neandertals and Moderns Mixed, and It Matters 187

Middle Paleolithic and early Upper

Paleolithic items (blattspitzen). The
charcoal dated to ca. 43 kyr calBP
likely relates to one of these compo-
nents, as further indicated by the fact
that the Aurignacian diagnostics are
carinated burins characteristic of the
Evolved Aurignacian (II-IV), every-
where else dated to ⬍ca. 37.5 kyr
calBP. Where the Geissenklösterle is
concerned, the controversies2,40 sur-
rounding the definition and age of its
lower Aurignacian level are now set-
tled, with all parties involved agreeing
that the level dates to ca. 40.5 kyr
calBP,58 in good accord with the Au-
rignacian I affinities of the lithics.
A recent proposition is that the pre-
Aurignacian Upper Paleolithic entities
of central and eastern Europe, such as
the Bachokirian of Bulgaria or the Bo-
hunician of Moravia and Poland,
Figure 3. Lithics from the Protoaurignacian of Tincova (Banat, Romania).98 1–3, Font-Yves
points; 4 –10, Dufour bladelets (Dufour subtype); 11–12, retouched blades; 13, endscraper
which are dated to the ca. 44-42 kyr
on retouched blade; 14, bladelet core; 15–16, simple endscrapers; 17, pointed blade. calBP interval, represent a precocious
extension of the modern human range
into the Danubian basin59 (Fig. 4).
This scenario is based on perceived
This work has also made it clear Upper Paleolithic cultures of Europe
similarities with a Levantine entity,
that the so-called Protoaurignacian, are based on four sites only.54,55 At
the Emiran or Initial Upper Paleo-
characterized by large numbers of Châtelperron, the claim is that spit B4
lithic (IUP), assumed to be a product
Font-Yves points and Dufour blade- of Delporte’s 1950s excavations places
of modern human culture. The as-
lets of the long, slender Dufour sub- the Aurignacian beyond 43 kyr calBP.
sumption is reasonable, but the link
type, both made on blanks extracted However, that level contained both
with the Danube is extremely weak. It
from unidirectional prismatic cores in Châtelperronian and Aurignacian ma-
rests on the observation that Levallois
the framework of a single, continuous terial and yielded two dates, ca. 41
blade production is unknown in
reduction sequence (Fig. 3), previ- and ca. 44 kyr calBP. The only reason-
Moravia before the Bohunician, and
ously considered to be a Mediterra- able interpretation of this evidence is that the latter’s reduction strategy of
nean variant of the classical Aurigna- that the earlier relates to the Châtelp- aiming at the extraction of morpho-
cian,52 is instead a chronological erronian component and the later to logically Levallois points via non-Le-
phase.35 The recent reexcavation of the Aurignacian one.47 At Willendorf vallois prismatic methods is akin to
the key cave site of Isturitz53 and the II, Austria, the evidence comes from that in the basal levels of Boker
revision of the stratigraphy of Le Pi- level 3, which yielded a small assem- Tachtit, Israel. These arguments as-
age show that, in France, as in Italy or blage of artifacts in secondary posi- sume that the technological transition
Spain, this Protoaurignacian strati- tion sitting on an eroded surface that observed at Boker Tachtit is a unique
graphically precedes the Aurignacian yielded soliflucted charcoal dated to event, but the independent emergence
I with split-based bone points and car- ca. 43 kyr calBP. However, as recently and disappearance of prismatic blade
inated scrapers. These developments, acknowledged by the site’s research- technologies is recorded at different
combined with detailed critiques of ers, “dating small charcoal fragments moments in time and space over the
the available corpus of radiocarbon dispersed in soliflucted layers must be last 200,000 years. Moreover, the dif-
results,35,39,40 eliminated the apparent avoided” because of the “lateral sup- fusion of technologies can occur with
discrepancy between stratigraphic ply of older charcoal fragments.”56 no migration being involved. In fact,
and chronometric patterns: At ca. Such a supply clearly explains the the apparently intrusive nature of the
42-41 kyr calBP (Table 1), the Proto- anomalous results, which simply pro- Bohunician in Moravia simply reflects
aurignacian postdates the Châtelper- vide a terminus post quem for the lith- the large time gap currently separat-
ronian and the Uluzzian. The Aurig- ics, the affinities of which lie with the ing it from the local Micoquian. In
nacian I is nowhere earlier than ca. Aurignacian I. A related situation ex- nearby southern Poland, the sites of
40.5 kyr calBP. ists at Keilberg-Kirche, Germany, Piekary IIa and Ksiȩcia Józefa docu-
Suggestions that at least some Au- where most finds come from surface ment the in-situ development of volu-
rignacian occurrences could actually collections and displaced deposits.57 metric Upper Paleolithic methods of
predate the Neandertal-associated early The mixed lithic assemblage contains blade debitage out of Levallois flake-
188 Zilhão

TABLE 1. Reliable Radiocarbon Dates35 for the Latest Neandertal and Earliest Modern Human Remains and Associated Cultural Manifestations: the
Uppermost IUP Level of Uçağizli Provides a terminus post quem for the Early Ahmarian
Site Culture/Fossil Level Sample Method Lab Number Result calBP 2␴
Üçağizli IUP (⫽Ksar Akil XXI) G Charcoal AMS AA37626 39100 ⫾ 1500 45350 ⫺ 41630
Kebara Early Ahmarian IIIBf hearth Charcoal AMS OxA-1567 35600 ⫾ 1600 43460 ⫺ 37580
Boker A 1 Charcoal Conventional SMU-578 37920 ⫾ 2810 46920 ⫺ 37320
Oase Early Modern Human — Bone AMS OxA-11711/GrA-6165 34950/⫹990/⫺890 42490 ⫺ 38410
Krems-Hundsteig Protoaurignacian Brown layer Charcoal Conventional KN-654 35500 ⫾ 2000 43990 ⫺ 36310
Grotta di Fumane A2 Charcoal AMS UtC-2048 36500 ⫾ 600 42620 ⫺ 41300
Riparo Mochi G Charcoal AMS OxA-3591 35700 ⫾ 850 42890 ⫺ 38930
Esquicho-Grapaou SLC1b Charcoal Conventional MC-2161 34540 ⫾ 2000 43430 ⫺ 35550
Isturitz U274d Burnt bone AMS GifA-98232 36510 ⫾ 610 42640 ⫺ 41280
Morin 8 Charcoal AMS GifA-96263 36590 ⫾ 770 42850 ⫺ 41050
Kleine Feldhofer Grotte Neandertal — Bone AMS ETH-19660 39240 ⫾ 670 44650 ⫺ 42290
El Sidrón — Tooth AMS Beta 192067 38240 ⫾ 890 44290 ⫺ 41730
Klissoura 1 Uluzzian V Burnt bone AMS GifA-99168 40010 ⫾ 740 45110 ⫺ 42630
Abri Dubalen Châtelperronian EBC2 Bone AMS GifA-101045 36130 ⫾ 690 42920 ⫺ 39800
Châtelperron B5 Bone AMS OxA-13622 39150 ⫾ 600 44590 ⫺ 42270
Grotte du Renne Xb1-Y10 Bone AMS OxA-8451/Ly-894 38300 ⫾ 1300 44720 ⫺ 41440
Caune de Belvis 7 Bone AMS AA-7390 35425 ⫾ 1140 42900 ⫺ 38380
Combe Saunière X Bone AMS OxA-6503 38100 ⫾ 1000 44320 ⫺ 41600
Grotte XVI B Bone AMS GifA-95581 35000 ⫾ 1200 42730 ⫺ 37890
La Quina, aval 4 Bone AMS OxA-10261/Ly-1367 35950 ⫾ 450 42600 ⫺ 40280
Roc-de-Combe Square K9, level 8 Bone AMS Gif-101264 39540 ⫾ 970 45030 ⫺ 42230
ARTICLES Neandertals and Moderns Mixed, and It Matters 189

cally, these are Middle Paleolithic as-

semblages where, in contrast with the
IUP and the Bohunician, blade pro-
duction is fully within the Levallois
concept.62– 64
This evidence indicates that Europe
remained entirely a Neandertal conti-
nent until ca. 43 kyr calBP and that,
southwestern Iberia excluded,27,28
contact was established and subse-
quent interaction was resolved within
the one or two millennia centered
around 42 kyr calBP (Fig. 6), broadly
coinciding with the onset of Green-
land Interstadial (GIS) 11. In terms of
archeological entities, these conclu-
sions have two corollaries of crucial
Figure 4. The latest evidence of Neandertals north of the Ebro divide and the “IUP ⫽ 1. Any manifestations of human be-
Bohunician hypothesis” of a Danubian wedge of modern human settlement ca. 45 ka havior predating the 43rd millennium
calBP. The cultural continuity between the Bohunician and the regional Middle Paleolithic
contradicts the hypothesis, but the issue remains open due to the lack of associated human
BP must be attributed to Neandertals,
remains. Circles: latest Châtelperronian, Micoquian and Uluzzian sites. Triangles: Neandertal who were therefore the authors of the
remains directly dated to ⬍45 kyr calBP. Squares: Neandertal remains in Châtelperronian, Châtelperronian, the Uluzzian, the
Micoquian, Szeletian, Uluzzian, or late Middle Paleolithic contexts. 1. Caune de Belvis, 2. Abri Bohunician, and equivalent early Up-
Dubalen, 3. Grotte XVI and Roc-de-Combe, 4. Saint-Césaire, 5. Châtelperron, 6. Grotte du
per Paleolithic cultures of Europe dis-
Renne, 7. Kleine Feldhofer Grotte (Neander valley), 8. Sesselfelsgrotte, 9. Vindija, 10. Cav-
allo, 11. Klisoura 1, 12. Lakonis I. playing features of regional continuity
with the preceding Middle Paleolithic.

based technologies during the time in-

terval of the Moravian hiatus (ca.
53-43 kyr calBP)60 (Fig. 5). Parsimony
dictates that there is no need to look
into the Middle East for the source of
the Bohunician if a better local alter-
native is available.
Given the lack of associated human
remains, the authorship of the Bohu-
nician must remain an open issue, but
the evidence for cultural continuity
with the regional Middle Paleolithic
suggests that it relates to Neandertals.
The same reasoning pertains to the
Bachokirian of Bulgaria. Although as-
pects of size, shape, and crown mor-
phology align the dental material
from the type-site with modern hu-
mans,61 this conclusion only applies
to the Aurignacian levels, the single
human remain from the Bachokirian
ones being a taxonomically undiag-
nostic left mandibular fragment with
deciduous first molar. Moreover, the
recent review of the relevant collec-
tions fully confirmed previous reser-
vations concerning the diagnosis of
the relevant assemblages from Bacho Figure 5. Lithics from level 7b of Piekary IIa, thermoluminescence dated to ca. 53 ka BP.60 a.
Kiro and Temnata as Aurignacian or burin, b. truncated-faceted scraper, c. crested blade, d, e. backed blades, f. transversal
pre-Aurignacian. In fact, technologi- sidescraper, g. bidirectional, prismatic blade core, h. Levallois blank, i. Levallois core.
190 Zilhão ARTICLES

immediately preceding Neandertal-

associated technocomplexes, the
Protoaurignacian extends uniformly
across Europe, from Romania (Tin-
cova) and Austria (Krems-Hundsteig)
in the east to Cantabrian Spain
(Morin) in the west.
A further point of cultural similarity
resides in the fact that the two entities
feature marine shell beads as orna-
ments.35 One species in particular,
Nassarius (⫽ Arcularia) gibbosula,
represents 40% of all beads in the
Early Ahmarian of Ksar ’Akil and is
also well represented among Protoau-
rignacian marine shell ornaments; the
latter’s range of taxa is broader, but all
are of pretty much the same size and
shape. Nassarius beads are also about
90% of the several hundred orna-
ments now known from the IUP of
Üçağizli,66 suggesting cultural conti-
nuity between the two. In fact, the
Figure 6. Plot of the calibrated dates in Table 1. The tail of younger Châtelperronian results earliest African ornaments, those
illustrates the impact of incomplete decontamination on bone samples, not long-term from the ca. 75,000-year-old Still Bay
contemporaneity with the Aurignacian. (At Grotte XVI, for instance, two other results for the levels of Blombos,69 are marine shell
same level place it firmly beyond 43.5 kyr calBP). Assuming Oase and the Protoaurignacian
beads. Since the single species used,
as proxies, the first modern human dispersals into Europe coincide with the onset of GIS-11,
ca. 42 kyr calBP.
Nassarius kraussianus (Fig. 7), is very
similar to Nassarius gibbosula, it is
not unreasonable to speculate that the
IUP, the Early Ahmarian, and the Pro-
2. Any manifestations of human be- rope is clearly involved in the emer- toaurignacian are lithic technological
havior postdating the 41st millennium gence of the Protoaurignacian, is sug- expressions of a single deeply rooted
BP must be attributed to modern hu- gested by several lines of evidence: cultural tradition extending all the
mans, who were therefore the authors 1. Technologically and typologi- way back into the Middle Stone Age of
of the Aurignacian I and the Aurigna- cally, the Protoaurignacian is virtually southern Africa and, therefore, mod-
cian II, including at Vindija, where indistinguishable from the Early Ah-
level G1 is a palimpsest covering an marian of the Levant. Its Font-Yves
extended interval of time. The Nean- points, for instance, are exactly the
dertal remains are in all likelihood as- same thing as the latter’s El-Wad
sociated with that level’s Szeletian points.65
material, not with the split-based 2. Chronologically, the two entities
point also found there. are broadly contemporary. At Ksar
’Akil, in Lebanon, the Early Ahmarian
is undated but lies between the Aurig-
nacian and the IUP; Üçağizli, in
Given the preceding, ambiguity is southern Turkey, provides a solid
now restricted to the particular arche- chronological framework for the
ological entity that available dates IUP66 and thus, indirectly, a terminus
place in the exact interval during post quem of ca. 43-41 kyr calBP for
which, by whatever mechanism, Ne- the Early Ahmarian that is consistent
andertals were replaced by modern with the single reliable date for Ke-
humans, the Protoaurignacian. In bara (ca. 40.5 kyr calBP, on hearth
fact, depending on potentially region- charcoal).67
ally variable patterns of interbreeding 3. The now lost juvenile skeleton
(extensive, negligible, or nonexistent), from the Early Ahmarian of Ksar ’Akil
manifestations of human behavior (“Egbert”) is modern68 and, given the Figure 7. Personal ornaments of early
moderns66,69 above, Nassarius gibbosula
from the time of contact may relate to preceding, of the same age as the Oase
from the IUP of the Near East; below, Nas-
modern humans, Neandertals, or var- fossils. sarius kraussianus from the Middle Stone
iously mixed populations. That the 4. In marked contrast with the Age of Blombos. The length of these shells
dispersal of modern humans into Eu- geographical fragmentation of the varies between 1.0 and 1.5 cm.
ARTICLES Neandertals and Moderns Mixed, and It Matters 191

ern human-related. Such speculations “modern human behavior” as op- graphically documented settlement-
are in any case fully consistent with posed to a specifically “Neandertal be- subsistence strategies.78 There is no
the evidence of the long-term stability havior,” and all have met with a sim- such thing as “Neandertal behavior.”
of traditions of personal ornamenta- ilar result: No such definition exists It has been argued that modern cog-
tion, which, throughout the Upper Pa- that does not end up defining some nition depended on the acquisition of
leolithic, often remain unchanged for modern humans as behaviorally Ne- enhanced working memory (EWM), a
tens of millennia.70 andertal and some Neandertal groups cognitive feature associated with the
Both the Protoaurignacian and the as behaviorally modern. emergence of language and related to
subsequent Aurignacian I however, In the realm of subsistence, for in- the ability to “hold in mind” represen-
also have other types of personal or- stance, early OIS-3 Neandertals were tations currently not “held in view.”
naments, ones that are as completely logistically organized hunters at Sal- This feature is apparent in paleotech-
unknown in the Early Ahmarian and zgitter-Lebenstedt, in northern Ger- nic systems reflecting remote action
the IUP of the Levant as in the Middle many, where they exploited reindeer and contingency planning, such as the
Stone Age of Africa, which, besides in exactly the same manner as the Ah- production of artificial raw materials
the perforated Nassarius, only con- rensbourgians who recolonized the requiring procurement in disparate
tains ostrich eggshell beads. The nov- area 40,000 years later.73 In the Le- sources and careful control of chemi-
elties are Dentalium tubes, pierced vant, however, they had a broad-spec- cal variables throughout a complex
and grooved animal teeth, and beads trum economy, including significant chain of technical operations.79 Al-
made of bone, ivory, soft stone, or fos- though the proponents of this view
sils (Fig. 8; Box 1). Their absence from claim that such evidence does not ap-
any modern human cultural complex Many have attempted pear in the archeological record until
of preceding times obviously cannot about 5,000 years ago, the birch-bark
be attributed to raw-material avail-
to define a specifically
pitch found in the Micoquian site of
ability, and can only relate to cultural “modern human Königsaue, in Germany, fully matches
preference. It is thus of great signifi-
cance that those Protoaurignacian
behavior” as opposed their requirements for EWM in the
archeological record: It was produced
novelties correspond precisely to the to a specifically through a several-hour smoldering
only kinds of personal ornaments re- “Neandertal behavior,” process that required a strict manu-
corded in the Bachokirian, the Uluzz- facture protocol under exclusion of
ian, and the Châtelperronian; that is, and all have met with a oxygen and at a tightly controlled tem-
to the kinds of personal ornaments in similar result: No such perature between 340°C and 400°C.80
use among the Neandertal societies One can hardly imagine how such
that immigrating modern humans en- definition exists that
Pleistocene high-tech could have been
countered in Europe.35 does not end up developed, transmitted, and main-
The conclusion that the Protoaurig-
nacian represents the blending of two defining some modern tained in the absence of symbolic
thinking and language as we know
separate traditions of personal orna- humans as behaviorally them. In a nutshell, when only tech-
mentation thus seems inescapable. In
any other archeological or anthropo-
Neandertal and some nological systems are considered, the
hallmark of cognitive modernity is
logical context, few would question it. Neandertal groups as documented among Neandertals
Clearly, the alternative view that, after
30,000 years of total and absolute con-
behaviorally modern. 40,000 years before comparable ex-
amples are offered by modern human
servatism, moderns would have sud-
denly decided to adopt such kinds of
In this regard, one must also note
ornaments at precisely the time of
that the widespread notion that “the
contact with the Neandertals, but in- exploitation of small mammals and first modern humans in Europe were
dependently of any influence from plant foods, as revealed by recent in fact astonishingly precocious art-
them, amounts to a virtually impossi- studies of phytoliths and macroplant ists”81 misrepresents the facts. After
ble coincidence. remains from Kebara, Amud, and Tor 150 years of intensive archeological
Faraj.74 –76 In areas of the Iberian Pen- research, evidence to that effect is ac-
COGNITION insula where the present-day coastline tually nonexistent. Where both mobil-
A corollary of the chronological pat- is sufficiently close to theirs, such as iary and parietal art are concerned,
terns I have reviewed is that “fully the Bay of Malaga, late OIS-3 Nean- the earliest anywhere in the world are
symbolic sapiens behavior,” as mea- dertal groups left sites featuring shell- the figurines of the German Aurigna-
sured by exactly the same standards midden accumulations that differ cian82 and the Chauvet cave paint-
currently used to assess the African from those of the Late Upper Paleo- ings.83 In good agreement with the na-
evidence,71,72 emerged in Europe lithic and Mesolithic only in that their ture of the associated lithics, the
when the continent was still exclu- lithic component is Mousterian.77 In range of dates falls, in both cases, en-
sively inhabited by Neandertals. Many sum, Neandertal adaptations ranged tirely within the Aurignacian II and
have attempted to define a specifically through the entire gamut of ethno- thus postdates by some 5,000 years
192 Zilhão ARTICLES

the archeological record, soon after

moderns are first documented in Eu-
rope. At this time—Heinrich Event 4,
ca. 40-39 kyr calBP— extremely cold
conditions prevailed, imposing on hu-
man populations the highest level of
climatic stress recorded in the entire
Upper Pleistocene. Its effects must
have been compounded by the cata-
strophic explosion, ca. 39 kyr calBP,
of the Phlegraean Fields caldera.43,44
As a result, the area available for hu-
man settlement in Europe must have
contracted by as much as 30%, imply-
ing a major population crash (Fig. 9).
No modeling of the genetic history of
OIS-3 Europe and of the role that Ne-
andertals played in it can be consid-
ered realistic if it does not account for
a demographic crisis of such signifi-
The population crash, however,
Figure 8. Protoaurignacian beads from the Rothschild rockshelter (France)99: a. pierced red does not explain why it was those par-
deer canine, b. steatite bead, c. Theodoxus fluviatilis, d. Cyclope neritea, e. Trivia euro-
paea, f. Sphaeronassa mutabilis, g. Hinia reticulata, h, i. Dentalium, j. Littorina obtusata, k.
ticular lineages that went extinct,
Nassarius (⫽ Arcularia) gibbosula, l. Nucella lapillus, m. Aporrhaı̈s pespelecani. whereas others that existed at the
same time in Africa and western Asia
are still extant; nor does it explain why
the biological contribution of Nean-
the arrival of moderns in Europe.35 tells us little about when and why it
dertals, still visible in skeletal traits of
This art, therefore, holds the same rel- disappeared. In fact, given that
people dated to within 5,000 years of
evance for the explanation of patterns founder analysis places the actual im-
contact, seemingly all but vanished by
of cultural interaction at the time of migration of the most ancient Euro-
ca. 30 kyr calBP. Selection and con-
Neandertal-modern human contact as pean haplogroups of today only after
tingency may well have played a role
do PowerPoint presentations for the 30 kyr calBP,84 accepting the premises
in the process, but the most parsimo-
explanation of the rise of Sumerian and conclusions of extant mtDNA
civilization. nious explanation is demography,86,87
studies carries the implication that which suffices to propose a broad his-
the lineages to which the earliest Eu- torical reconstruction of the process.
DEMOGRAPHY ropean moderns belonged are as ex- Europe is one-third of Africa’s size,
tinct as the Neandertals’. That this and during glacial times only a nar-
Even if a certain level of long-dis-
may well be the case should come as row belt of the continent south of 53°
tance stimulus generated by contacts
no surprise. Although much attention N was available for settlement, the
along the frontier with contemporary,
has been paid to the environmental loss to mountain glaciation compen-
presumably modern human societies
impact of the frequent and dramatic cli- sated for by the exposure of extended
of the Levant was involved in these
matic oscillations recorded in the cli- areas of the present-day continental
processes, the conclusion is obvious:
mate proxies of Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 platform. Moreover, as in today’s sub-
Neandertals and moderns featured
similar levels of cognitive develop- (OIS-3),85 their demographic corollar- arctic areas, European territories
ment and behavioral “modernity.” ies are often overlooked. Most would have had lower carrying capac-
Such issues can thus be effectively re- assessments of mtDNA histories ities than the subtropical savannahs
moved from any further consideration through the critical period before and of Africa, with attendant implications
as potential barriers to admixture. But after the time of contact only consider for human population density. In
if the eventual disappearance of ana- two population scenarios, stability sum, because modern humans were
tomically archaic but behaviorally and expansion. It is clear, however, African and Neandertals European,
modern Neandertals was not due to a that contractions must also have oc- the modern human gene reservoir
putative biologically based competi- curred, producing bottlenecks that must have been many times larger
tive disadvantage, how do we then ex- must go a long way toward explaining than the Neandertal one. As long as
plain it? patterns of lineage loss and survival. the two reservoirs remained largely
That no Neandertal mtDNA sur- A case in point with major implica- isolated, Neandertal-ness could be
vives today simply indicates that a tions for the issues at stake here is the and was maintained. But once popu-
particular maternal lineage that ex- environmental crisis associated with lations expanded in the two conti-
isted 50,000 years ago is no more, but the emergence of the Aurignacian I in nents as a result of technological im-
ARTICLES Neandertals and Moderns Mixed, and It Matters 193

Figure 9. Two millennia after the time of contact, the inhabitable area of Europe significantly shrank as a result of the combined impact of
HE-4 and the Phlegraean Fields caldera explosion.

provements that led to major gains in similar underlying causes. In fact, vast Europeans is currently undetectable
the efficiency of resource exploitation, areas deserted during OIS-4 times, in- and, therefore, must be negligible,
significant contact and interaction cluding southern England, Belgium, and that patterns of extant humans’
would have begun along what previ- Germany, and Poland, feature a rela- ancestry are essentially related to the
ously had been a largely impermeable tively dense network of OIS-3 sites recent Out-of-Africa dispersal of ana-
frontier. At that time, the two reser- that, in central Europe, are clearly re- tomically modern people. The Euro-
voirs effectively merged. In such a sit- lated to each other by a shared, very pean evidence, however, does have a
uation, even a minor edge of moderns particular technology, the Micoquian. major implication for studies of mod-
in demographic parameters other This simultaneous emergence or re- ern human origins where issues of
than simple numbers, such as fertility, emergence of personal ornamentation symbolism, language, and cognition
would, in less than one millenium,86 can thus be taken as a proxy for levels are concerned. The Blombos cave
suffice to bring about the demise of of population increase leading to the finds effectively refuted the notion90
the Neandertals, especially if inter- crossing of a demographic threshold that the appearance of ornaments and
breeding was common. One mille- and precipitating contact, followed by art could be explained by cognitive
nium is the empirically observed in- admixture and, eventually, absorption developments precipitated by a ge-
terval during which the interaction of the smaller population by the larger netic mutation occurring ca. 50 kyr
game was resolved. one. calBP. By the same token, if Neander-
As different authors have dis- tal-associated archeological cultures
cussed,88,89 the fixation of sociotech- featuring all elements of behavioral
nic and ideotechnic innovations is CONCLUSION modernity existed in Europe many
best explained by population growth When modern humans entered Eu- millennia before the arrival of modern
requiring increased levels of inter- rope, they encountered people with humans, and if contact entailed signif-
group and intragroup social interac- the same cognitive capabilities and icant levels of interaction and admix-
tion eventually resulting in the emer- featuring identical levels of cultural ture, then the acquisition of “fully sa-
gence of systems of personal and achievement. In such a situation, the piens behavior” cannot be construed
ethnic identification. The ornaments entire gamut of interaction situations, as the outcome of an anagenetic
from Blombos show the mechanism from conflict to mutual avoidance and biocultural process restricted to the
in action in southern Africa ca. 75 kyr full admixture, must have ensued at African Homo heidelbergensis lineage.
ago. The lack of evidence for the next the local and regional level. But the The ultimate implication of the Eu-
30,000 years suggests that the system overall result in the long-term conti- ropean evidence, thus, is that the
may have subsequently collapsed, but nental perspective was that of biolog- “hardware” requirements for sym-
by 45,000 calBP we see it again in ical and cultural blending, the imbal- bolic thinking must have been in place
eastern Africa as well as, for the first ance in the size of the gene reservoirs before the Middle Pleistocene diver-
time, in the Near East and Europe. involved explaining the eventual loss gence of the Neandertal lineage. This
The marked differences in the choice of Neandertal mtDNA lineages among conclusion has three corollaries: first,
of emblems and the biological evi- later and extant humans. that the much later appearance of per-
dence of reduced contact between Eu- It could be argued that such find- sonal ornaments and art represents a
rope and Africa provided by the very ings are of little or no consequence to qualitative leap in culture, reflecting
fact of Neandertal-ness suggest that the heart of the matter, in that they do the operation of demographic and so-
the European process was largely in- not change the basic conclusions de- cial factors triggered by technological
dependent, and there is no reason to rived from genetic studies that a con- improvements and adaptive success;
suppose that it was not dictated by tribution of Neandertals to present second, that it is highly unlikely that
194 Zilhão ARTICLES

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