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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Form

Name of Activity: Boats, planes and carsoh my!
Curriculum Area: Art
Length of Activity: Around 20 min
Learning Objectives (specify at least three):
1. The child will be able to learn what texture is and point out where they have placed them at on the plane.
(easure !0. "uriosity and initiative#
2. The child will be able to point out materials that they can use on their pro$ect to ma%e the plane similar
to a real plane. (easure 2&. emory and %nowled'e#
!. The child will be able to point out the di((erent shapes they have used.(easure !). *hapes#
Material!"uipment Nee#e#:
+ ! lar'e empty cardboard boxes
+ ! buc%et lids (or steerin' wheels
+ ,xtra pieces o( cardboard
+ A sheet
+ -aint, buttons, 'litter, construction paper and other types o( textured cloth
+ .ar'e round caps
+ .icense plates
+ -vc pipe
+ "otton balls
+ *trin's
+ tape
$reparation (%hat #o you nee# to #o beforehan#&):
+ / will need to 'ather all the materials we will use ahead o( time.
+ / will also have loo%ed up on internet sites how to create this pro$ect usin' these simple materials
+ / will also have posted up the laminated pictures o( planes, boats and cars so that children can loo% at
them (or inspiration.
+ ,ach table will have materials that the %ids can use (or their type o( transportation.
$roce#ures (step by step) ' (e )pecific
*(eginning (+o, ,ill - intro#uce activity&)
+ This activity will be introduced in the (i(th day o( the transportation theme. / will introduce it at the end
o( the circle time. 0urin' the circle time we will 'o over air transportation. Throu'hout the wee% they
have already learned about land and water transportation.
+ / will put on a cd and as% the children to help me recreate the sounds and then as% them what type o(
transportation ma%es that sound. / will then as% them a(ter, what type o( transportation did they $ust hear.
+ 10o you 'uys remember what we have learned so (ar+ 2hat are the three types o( transportation+3 They
should answer somethin' li%e land, air, and water. 2e also learned that cars have (our wheels and a
steerin' wheel, a boat has a sail and a steerin' wheel, and that planes have two win's, a propeller, a
steerin' wheel, and 2 wheels that come out when they land. / will then let them %now that today they
will either be ma%in' a boat, a plane or a car.
+ aterials will be introduced at their tables and there are no sa(ety issues. 4or this activity each child will
have the chance to display their own uni5ue s%ills. / or the aids will also be there to aid them and use
sca((oldin' techni5ues to help them i( they need it.
+ To transition / will as% the children to either row, drive, or (ly to their tables ma%in' the noises that
belon' with that type o( transportation.
*Mi##le: (+o, ,ill - supportenhancescaffol#&) ' .he person rea#ing your lesson plan shoul# be able to
i#entify ,hat you are saying or #oing to support your state# learning objectives/ .+-) -) 0!12
+ / will introduce the materials by placin' them on the center o( the table. At my table we will be
wor%in' on the plane. / will pull out the di((erent textured cloths the cotton balls, buttons, 'litter, and
paints and as% the children to (eel the di((erent textures. / will 'ive them a short bit o( in(ormation on
what texture is. 1Texture is the way somethin' (eels or appears to (eel and many artist use di((erent
textures in their masterpieces, so today we will be little artist and create one bi' masterpiece
to'ether.3 / will as% 5uestions li%e6 2hat does it (eel li%e+ 2hat does this ma%e you thin% o(+ And
show me where we can place or what we can do with it+
+ / will then 'et them to be'in thin%in' about what a real plane has. 10oes anyone remember what a
plane has+3 They should answer a steerin' wheel, two win's, and a propeller. / will also as%
5uestions li%e6 what can we use that will help us ma%e two win's, a propeller, and a steerin' wheel+
7ow are we 'oin' to ma%e them+ /s there anythin' else we can use+
+ / will then encoura'e the children to wor% to'ether on puttin' the plane to'ether. / would hope that
some can wor% on the steerin' wheel, another two on the win's, and propeller, and another two on
the body. 8uestions / may as% are6 7ow are you 'oin' to do that+ 2hat materials did you use+ 2hy
did you both use those materials+
+ /ndividually / will as% the child what materials they used, and why did they use them+ "an you show
me how you cut them or 'lued them on+ 2hat will you do a(ter you (inish that+
+ And (inally we will loo% bac% and / will 'o over with them what we have done as well as
ac%nowled'in' the di((erent shapes they used. / will as% 5uestions li%e6 tell me about your plane+
2hat shapes do the win's remind you o(+ how are the win's and propeller di((erent+
+ *pecial materials / will brin' out are scissors (or those who are le(t or ri'ht handed and any extra
materials / can (ind i( the children re5uest more.
*!n#: (+o, ,ill - bring this activity to a conclusion an# transition to the ne3t activity& (e very specific
in ho, you ,ill transition the chil#ren/)
+ / will let the children %now 9 minutes ahead that the activity will be over. / will remind them that we will
continue it later on durin' the day in case they did not (inish.
+ / will involve the children by as%in' them to help me put the materials they used where they belon'. The
aids or / will put them in their stora'e or out o( si'ht till we are to continue the activity a'ain.
+ The children will be as%ed to (ly li%e a plane, drive, their cars, or paddle their ways to wash their hands
(or snac% time. An aid will be waitin' (or them by the sin%. :nce they are done they will wal% to their
tables and sit where they will wait (or the rest o( the children. 2hile they are waitin' we will have a
di((erent types o( transportation son' they can sin' alon' too.
.hroughout the #ay,ee45 ,hat opportunities ,ill the chil#ren have to reflect bac4 on this activity&
+ This art pro$ect will be displayed in the drama center so that the children can recreate scenes with it.
+ 2hen we tal% about the di((erent parts in the types o( transportation they can re(lect on what they had
added to their pieces.
+ / will also have record o( the activity throu'h pictures displayed in the entrance so the children can show
their parents what they helped create.

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