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May 2014 Newsletter
Worship Services:
**Due to joint summer worship,
beginning June 8
, worship times will
remain the same through June 1
. Trinity
will continue to worship at 9:00 a.m. an
!urora at 10:"0 a.m.
Special Services:
Aurora Confirmation- Sun., May 4
at 10:30 a.m.
Aurora S.S. Sings Sun., May 11
at 10:30 a.m.
(Mothers Day Last Day of Sunday School)
!e" Mem#er $nsta%%ation- Sun&ay, May 1'
(Aurora & Trinity Services )
Communion Worship Services:
Sunday, May 4
, & 18

No Worship at Trinity on May 11

Lauren Baske Davis will be installed at Our
Saviors Lutheran on May 11 at 8:15 a.. servi!e.
"astor #on will be attending that servi!e.
$here%ore& $rinity will not be having worshi' on
Sunday& May 11
. $rinity ebers are invited to
attend the installation or (uroras worshi' servi!e
at 1):*) a..
New Member Installation
On Sunday May 18
we will re!eive new
ebers into our 'arish. +e wel!oe
these individuals into our !hur!h %aily
and are grate%ul to have the be!oe 'art
o% our !ounity. "lease ,oin us in this
Joint Worship Summer
June 8
- Aurora
June 15
June 22
- Aurora
June 29
- Trinity
July 6
Aurora (Communion)
July 13
Picnic (Communion)
July 2
Trinity (Communion)
July 2!
Au" 3
Trinity (Communion)
Au" 1
- Aurora
Au" 1!
- Trinity
Au" 2#
- Aurora
Au" 31
- Trinity
Alter Committee Volunteers Needed:
The Alter Committee i$ $ee%in" &olunteer$
'ho 'ould (e 'illin" to hel) $et u) *or
communion at Aurora+ ,onth$ that need *illin"
at thi$ time include- ,ay. /e)tem(er and
0o&em(er+ 1* you are intere$ted in hel)in"
)lea$e contact Julie /)inler at 5!-#56-13!+
Youth & Family Corner:
Congratulations to our 2014 Confirmands!
On May 4
at 10:30am, Jonh Beadell, Emily
Pappe, and Quetin Kubista will ai!m thei!
baptisms th!ou"h the !ite o #oni!mation$
Please %oin us to &eleb!ate with them o!
thei! ha!d wo!' and &ommitment to aith
and the &hu!&h(
Sunday School Sings:
)he *u!o!a +unday +&hool will be sin" on
+unday, May 11
du!in" the 10:30 a$m$
wo!ship se!,i&e$
Last Day of Sunday School:
+unday +&hool ends on +unday, May 11
*wa!ds will be p!esented du!in" the 10:30
a$m$ wo!ship se!,i&e$
Playground Equipmnt !ssm"ly
-e will be"in the play"!ound e.uipment
installation on +unday, May 1/
at noon$
Please stay tuned to up&omin" bulletins o!
mo!e details$ Please plan to &ome i you a!e
a,ailable$ 0ots o st!on" hands a!e needed$
#raduation Sunday:
1!aduates will be hono!ed du!in" the June
wo!ship se!,i&es$
Council Meetings:
Aurora: +ed& May -1
at .:*) '..
Trinity: Sun& May /
at /:)) '..
i!le Study"W#$CA:
The ne2t 3i(le /tudy4567CA
meetin" 'ill ta%e )lace on ,ay !
at 6-3 )+m+ at the Cham(er o*
Commerce (uildin" (lo'er le&el)+
A li"ht $nac% 'ill (e )ro&ided+
Plea$e (rin" a (e&era"e+
Mental Illness 101:
On Sunday& #une 8
& the e0e!utive dire!tor o%
1(M2 Southeast Minnesota& 3ourtney Lawson&
will be giving a 'resentation on Mental 2llness 1)1
at (urora& %ollowing ,oint worshi'. #oin us %or this
i'ortant event& as we seek to !are %or 'eo'les
inds with the love o% #esus. "lease read "astor
#ons letter %or ore details.
Special Thanks:
I'd like to thank Aurora and Trinity for their incredible
warmth, care and generoity in u!!orting me in my
ordination" The red !lant i gorgeou and continuing to
bloom in our home, and I can't wait to ue the gift
certificate to Turtle #reek$$one of my fa%orite !lace"
&%en more o, I cannot e'!re enough gratitude to tell
you how ama(ing it felt to ha%e o many of you attend
the ordination that Sunday e%ening) Thank you for
being o good to me and to u"
*ith great lo%e, +auren ,-on and &lliot.
Thank you for awarding me with the cholarhi!, it will
hel! me with my many e'!ene at college) Alo thank
you for the continued u!!ort a I !urue my career at
Iowa State /ni%erity)
$-ulia Mange
Newsletter Information Deadline
Plea$e ha&e all in*ormation *or the June
ne'$letter and calendar to 7i$a (y
Thursday, May 22
. /end your in*ormation to-
auroratrinityo**ice8"mail+com or you can call 5!-
,ental 1llne$$ and the 7o&e o* Je$u$
May is Mental 4ealth (wareness Month. Did you know that a!ross the !ountry& nearly .) illion (eri!ans
live with ental illness5 $hat is about -)6 o% the 'o'ulation. Or 1 in every 5 'eo'le. By de%inition& a ental
illness is a edi!al !ondition that disru'ts a 'erson7s thinking& %eeling& ood& ability to relate to others and daily
%un!tioning. #ust as diabetes is a disorder o% the 'an!reas& ental illnesses are edi!al !onditions that o%ten
result in a diinished !a'a!ity %or !o'ing with the ordinary deands o% li%e.
Mental illnesses !an range %ro
de'ression to autis to (DD8(D4D to eating disorders to s!hi9o'hrenia.
+e hear a lot about ental illness on the news and !oer!ials. But we dont talk a lot about it. $oo o%ten
'eo'le su%%er alone %ro ental illness in theselves or within their %ailies. $he to'i! o% ental illness !an
also be taboo within !hur!h& be!ause it holds a stiga o% s'iritual %ailure and shae& leading 'eo'le with ental
illness to steer !lear o% the !hur!h& or si'ly be silent about it. (s 'hysi!ian David M!:night& who leads an
addi!tion re!overy grou's& said in a re!ent arti!le in the Christian Century& ;$oo o%ten in !hur!hes there is this
belie% that you have to be 'er%e!t<that you have to kee' a sile on your %a!e when your world is %alling a'art.=
So where do we start5 4ow !an !hur!hes better hel' those dealing with ental illness in their !ongregations5
4ow !an we !are %or the inds o% those o% us struggling with ental illness with the love o% #esus5
2 think it starts by aking soe roo to talk about it together. ( ission thee this year is Feeding Minds with
the Love of Jesus. One o% our goals in !aring %or 'eo'les inds was to raise awareness around ental health
and ental illness& as well as the su''ort organi9ation 1ational (llian!e on Mental 2llness >1(M2?.
So we are going to start the !onversation by doing ,ust that. On Sunday& #une 8
& the e0e!utive dire!tor o%
1(M2 Southeast Minnesota& 3ourtney Lawson& will be giving a 'resentation on Mental 2llness 1)1 at (urora&
%ollowing ,oint worshi'. "lease ,oin us %or this i'ortant event& as we seek to !are %or 'eo'les inds with the
love o% #esus.
Mental 2llness 1)1
3ourtney Lawson& e0e!utive dire!tor o% 1(M2 Southeast M1
#une 8
& 1):15a
(urora Lutheran 3hur!h
"ea!e to you all&
Pastor Jon
Aurora/Trinity oint Council Meetin!
We"nes"ay# March 2$# 2014
(oint )oun)i% meeting of Aurora an& *rinity "as he%& at *rinity fo%%o"ing the +ent ser,i)e.
Meeting "as #rought to or&er #y *rinity -res. (an !e%son. ./ening /rayer gi,en #y -astor (on.
Se). re/ort /resente& #y !athe%e, a//ro,e& as rea&.
Summer 0orshi/: Motion "as ma&e #y 1o#erta, an& se)on&e& #y A%%ison to ha,e a%ternating Sun&ay ser,i)es
he%& #et"een Aurora an& *rinity. *his "i%% #e the same as %ast year. -astor (on )ame u/ "ith a s)he&u%e of the
summer months. Motion "as ma&e #y Curtis, an& se)on&e& #y Craig to a))e/t this s)he&u%e. *his "i%% start on
(une '
"ith "orshi/ ser,i)e at Aurora. Ser,i)es "i%% #egin at 2:00am. *here "i%% #e )ommunion at ea)h
)hur)h on)e a month, "ith )ommunion at the 3oint /i)ni) a%so.
May *ime Change: Aurora has a%rea&y re4ueste& to ha,e %ate ser,i)e on Sun&ay May 4
for Confirmation.
*hey a%so "i%% ha,e %ate ser,i)e on Sun&ay (une 1
for 5ra&uation Sun&ay. $t "as fe%t that it "ou%& #e too
)onfusing to )hange times for the fe" "ee6s in #et"een, so *rinity "i%% )ontinue to ha,e ear%y ser,i)e "hi%e
Aurora has %ate unti% the summer hours start on (une '
. 7a%% time )hange "i%% ta6e /%a)e as usua%.
(oint -i)ni): *his "i%% #e he%& on Sun&ay, (u%y 13, 8014 at the 9%ooming -rairie 5un C%u#, "ith 10:30am
"orshi/. 0e "i%% ha,e games again. *rinity "i%% furnish the )offee, an& Aurora "i%% furnish the )o%&
!e" Dire)tory: $t has #een : years sin)e the %ast &ire)tory "as ma&e. -astor (on mentione& )onta)ting +ife
*ou)h. *his "i%% #e )onsi&ere& in the future.
May 8 3, 8014: Syno& Assem#%y. 8 mem#ers from ea)h )hur)h may atten&. +et -astor (on 6no" if you are
intereste&. (u%y 13, 8014: (oint -i)ni) at the 9%ooming -rairie 5un C%u# "ith "orshi/ #eginning
at 10:30am.
.)to#er 1;, 8014: (oint Coun)i% meeting at Aurora, #eginning at <:30. (oint #u&get meeting &ate to #e
0ith nothing further to &is)uss a motion to a&3ourn "as ma&e #y Angie, an& se)on&e& #y (o&y.
1es/e)tfu%%y su#mitte&,
Shari Manges *rinity se)retary
Aurora 7utheran Church Council ,eetin"
A)ril 16. 21#
The re"ular monthly meetin" o* the Aurora 7utheran Church Council 'a$ held on A)ril 16. 21#+ The mem(er$
)re$ent 'ere An"ie Jen$en. ,i%e 3i$hman. 3rett Paa)e. Jared Pre$te"ard. Jodi <ec%. ,ichelle 5illiam$.
Curti$ Jen$en. Paul <or(el. =o(erta Jen$en. /ara Pichner. Pa$tor Jon. and 0athele 3eadell+
The meetin" 'a$ called to order (y Pre$ident An"ie Jen$en and Pa$tor Jon lead u$ in de&otion$+
/ecretary>$ re)ort-
The minute$ *rom the ,arch 2. 21# meetin" 'ere a))ro&ed a$ read+
Trea$ure>$ re)ort-
The ,arch *inancial$ 'ere a))ro&ed a$ *ollo'$-
,arch income- ? !.#5+29 ,arch e2)en$e$- ? 8.#2+!1
@ear to date income- ?19.319+26 @ear to date e2)en$e$- ?18.83+#1
1t 'a$ re)orted that the "eneral chec%in" account i$ $till o)eratin" 'ith a ne"ati&e (alance+ 5e 'ill
continue to o)erate in a ne"ati&e (alance until a*ter 6a$ter. and then 'e 'ill re-e&aluate the $ituation+
Pa$tor>$ re)ort-
The Aue$tion o* 'ho i$ re$)on$i(le *or clearin" the $no' *rom the $ide'al%$ 'a$ rai$ed+ Curti$ 'ill
*ollo' u) on thi$+
5e ha&e (een a))roached to do a church )icture directory+ 1t ha$ (een $e&en year$ $ince our la$t one+
=o(erta and /ara 'ill loo% into the detail$+
There 'a$ di$cu$$ion on ho' 'e mi"ht $tart the con&er$ation o* homo$e2uality and the church+ Bo'
can 'e "et re$)ect*ul o)en communication on the $u(Cect 'ithout alienatin" any(ody9
Dld 3u$ine$$-
The $ound $y$tem $a"a continue$+ The 'irele$$ micro)hone doe$n>t $eem to (e 'or%in"+ 5e are
chec%in" *or other o)tion$+
The *urnace$ ha&e (een chec%ed out+ The *urnace in the %itchen area ha$ (een cleaned and chec%ed+
The *urnace under the $tair$ need$ ne' Eone control (oard$ and dam)er motor$+ A motion 'a$ made.
$econded and )a$$ed to ma%e the$e im)ro&ement$+
Play"round in$tallation+ Curti$ 'ill "et the in$truction$ and 'or% 'ith Jared to coordinate ho' 'e "et it
in$talled+ ,ay 18
at noon 'e need e&ery(ody>$ hel) to $tart the in$tallation+ A*ter church )lea$e )lan
to either $tay and hel) or come (ac% at noon to hel) 'ith the in$tallation+
The )ar$ona"e *oundation need$ to (e re)aired+ The corner o* the hou$e need$ to (e du" u) to ma%e
the$e re)air$+
Fail ha$ a"reed to chan"e the *urnace *ilter$ a$ needed+
0e' 3u$ine$$-
5e ha&e had one )er$on re$i"n *rom the alter committee+ 5e need $omeone to *ill thi$ )o$ition to *ini$h
the term+ Plea$e $ee Julie /)indler. An"ie Jen$en or Pa$tor Jon i* intere$ted in hel)in" 'ith thi$
An"ie and Pa$tor Jon 'ill (e "oin" to the /ynod A$$em(ly in ,ay+
The li"ht$ to the church ha&e (een le*t on $e&eral time$ o&er the la$t *e' month$+ Plea$e remem(er i*
you are the la$t )er$on to lea&e ma%e $ure all the li"ht$ are o** and the door i$ loc%ed+
,i%e 'ill (e "ettin" Auote$ *or )ar%in" lot re)air$+
The meetin" 'a$ adCourned+
The ne2t Council meetin" 'ill (e held on ,ay 21
at 6-3 )+m+
=e$)ect*ully $u(mitted. 0athele 3eadell

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