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6 chicken wings
1 sm. clove garlic
1 scallion
1/4 c. soy sauce
2 tbsp. honey
2 tsp. rice-wine vinegar
1/2 tsp.g rated ginger
1/2 tsp. oriental sesame oil
Pinch of cayenne
1 tsp. sesame seeds
1 tbsp. chopped fresh coriander or parsley
emove wing tips and cut wings in half at the !oint. "ince garlic and scallion. #ombine
soy sauce$ honey$ vinegar$ garlic$ ginger$ oil and cayenne in a microwave safe dish.
%dd wings and turn to coat. "arinate at least &' minutes$ turning twice. Put larger
wings at the edge of the dish. #over with plastic and vent. "icrowave on high for (
otate plate and cook ( minutes longer. )ransfer wings to a serving plate. eturn
marinade to oven and cook$ partially covered on high for 2 minutes. Pour marinade
over wings and turn to coat. *prinkle with sesame seeds$ scallion and coriander. 12
1 pkg. +ipton onion soup
1 !ar apricot preserves
1 bottle of clear ussian dressing
2 lbs. chicken wings
,ake chicken wings in oven at &(' degrees until tender -1 hour.. "i/ together soup
mi/$ preserves and ussian dressing. Pour mi/ture over chicken wings$ coating each
piece and serve.
1/& c. lemon !uice
1/4 c. soy sauce
1/4 c. vegetable oil
& tbsp. chili sauce
1 clove garlic$ finely chopped
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. celery seed
0ash of dry mustard
& lb. chicken wings
"%12%034 #ombine lemon !uice$ soy sauce$ oil$ chili sauce$ garlic$ pepper$ celery
seed and mustard. *tir well$ set aside. #ut chicken wings at !oint and remove wing
tips. Place chicken in baking dish.
Pour marinade over chicken. #over$ refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight. 0rain and
place on broiler tray. ,roil about 1' minutes each side with tray about 5 inches from
heating element. ,rush occasionally with marinade.
#hicken wings
1/2 stick margarine
1 bottle 0urkee hot sauce
2 tbsp. honey
1' shakes )abasco
2 tsp. cayenne pepper -optional.
0eep fry wings for 2' minutes. 0rain and dip and let set in sauce. )ake out to dry and
then serve.
14 6uly 2''7
8olume & 9 1ssue :
%+"% P3);1<*
'72 4:: 7472
Life is uncertain. Eat dessert
Ernestine Ulmer
Chocolate Chip Cookie &
Ice Cream Sandwiches
12 chocolate chips cookies
1 litre tub ice cream (Woolworths
#hocolate ?udgey ,rownie$ )offee
@oneycomb #runch and #herry
2utty 2ougat
Chocolate sauce to ser!e (optional
"i!ide the ice cream between # o$
the cookies and sandwich to%ether
with the remainin% #&
'ree(e until )ou need them&
Ser!e dri((led with chocolate
sauce* i$ )ou like&
+o,-ake .emon -err)
1 0ar .emon Curd
1 cup whipped cream
1 packa%e o$ 21 2ini /art Shells
2i3ed $resh berries
4owdered su%ar
In lar%e bowl* whip the cream to
so$t peaks& 'old in the lemon curd
and mi3 well&
Spoon 2 tablespoons o$ mi3ture
into each mini tart shell&
/op with $resh berries and
sprinkle with powdered su%ar&
"on5t wreck a sublime chocolate
e3perience b) $eelin% %uilt)& .ora -rod)
Chocolate /ru$$le .oa$
16 di%esti!e cookies
172 cup cocoa powder
171 cup con$ectioner5s su%ar
172 cup butter melted
871 cup condensed milk
172 cup chopped +ES/.E "ark
172 cup cashew nuts coarsel)
Chocolate s)rup
+ES/.9 :ll 4urpose Cream
Crush crackers until $ine& Stir in
cocoa and su%ar&
4our in butter* condensed milk*
chopped chocolate and nuts& 2i3
until well,blended&
/rans$er into a # inches 3 8 inches
loa$ pan* re$ri%erate to set&
"ri((le melted chocolate o!er&
4ipe +ES/.9 :ll 4urpose Cream on
Cherr) Chocolate -ars
; cup $resh cream
1<<% dark chocolate* melted
2 tots oran%e li=ueur
1 cup cherries
1 cup ha(elnuts* chopped
> cup cr)stallised oran%e peel
Cocoa powder* to dust
2i3 all in%redients to%ether&
Spoon into a small %reased loa$
pan (or in tart pan&
Chill $or 2 hours or until $irm&
"ust with cocoa powder&
Slice and ser!e&
Ice cream is
happiness condensed&
?essi .ane :dams
-err) Cheesecake 4ots
1@<% blueberries
2 tbsp castor su%ar
@ di%esti!e biscuits
2@ % melted butter
2@<% tub o$ mascarpone
1 tbsp double cream
1 tbsp icin% su%ar
1 lemon* (ested and 0uiced
Cook the blueberries with the castor
su%ar $or 2,8 minutes and cool&
Whi( the biscuits in a processor with
the butter and press into the bottom
o$ 1 %lasses and chill& 2i3 the
mascarpone* double cream* icin% su%ar*
lemon 0uice and (est to%ether
(cheesecake mi3ture&
2ake alternati!e la)ers o$ cheesecake
and blueberr) mi3 in each %lass and
4ineapple Cherr) -ites
1<<ml pineapple 0uice
1<<ml coconut li=ueur (2alibu
12@ml $resh cream
"esiccated coconut
Cocktail cherries
-lend the pineapple 0uice with
the coconut li=ueur in a $ood
Stir in the $resh cream& 4our
the mi3ture into cupcake tins*
sprinkle with the coconut A and
push a cocktail cherr) into each
one& 'ree(e o!erni%ht&
/o remo!e them $rom the
cupcake tins* dip the tins in hot
water $or $ew seconds* then
ed%e them out with a palette
Chocolate is %round $rom the beans o$
happiness B :le3is '& Cope
Choco,2el 2u$$ins
@<% chocolate caramel bar
2 tbsp double cream
2 chocolate mu$$ins
Danilla ice cream
2elt the chocolate caramel bar
with the double cream&
Scoop a bit $rom the middle o$
the chocolate mu$$ins* then top
with scoops o$ !anilla ice cream
and the caramel sauce&
Cappuccino /iramisu
6 spon%e $in%ers * hal!ed
Cold co$$ee
Danilla ice cream
112ml carton double cream
1 tbsp icin% su%ar
8 tbsp -aile)s (an) $la!our
Chocolate $lakes
4ress the spon%e $in%ers into
$our %lasses&
4our on enou%h cold co$$ee to
soak the spon%e&
:dd ice cream* double cream
whipped with icin% su%ar and
-aile)s& Scatter with chocolate
I5d %i!e up chocolate* but I5m no =uitterE
- :uthor Unknown
4assion 4ina Coladas
4ineapple slices
Icin% su%ar* $or coatin%
Fum or 2alibu* to dri((le o!er
Coconut ice cream
4assion $ruit pulp
Coat the pineapple slices with icin%
su%ar& Caramelise in a hot non,stick
$r)in% pan&
Ser!e hot* dri((led with rum or
2alibu and topped with scoops o$
coconut ice cream and passion,$ruit
Strawberr) 2ess
1 3 1<<% punnet strawberries
2erin%ue nests* broken
4ink ice cream
Fou%hl) mash hal$ o$ the
strawberries and then slice the
"i!ide between 1 small bowls&
/op with a couple o$ broken
merin%ue nests and scoops o$
pink ice cream&
Without ice cream* there would be
darkness and chaos B "on Gardon%
4eppermint crisp $rid%e tart
2@<ml Hrle) Whip* whipped
2 packets o$ /ennis biscuits
8I@% caramelised condensed milk
115g butter or bric !"rg"rine
##5g se$%&r"ising %$our
'(g Hu$etts W)ite Sug"r
# $"rge eggs
5(!$ !i$
5(g c)o**ed g$"c+ c)erries
1. ub the butter or margarine into the flour until it looks like
2. %dd the sugar and mi/.
&. ,eat together the eggs and milk. %dd together$ with the glacA cherries$
to the flour mi/ture and mi/ to a dough.
4. *poon the dough into a tin and bake in an oven at 17'B# for about 4(
minutes or until golden brown. )urn out onto a wire rack and cool.
0(g 1' T"b$es*oons2 bric !"rg"rine
1#5!$ 13 cu*2 Hu$etts W)ite Sug"r
1 egg
#5(!$ 11 cu*2 %$our
4!$ 13 te"s*oon2 b"ing *o5der
Pinc) o% s"$t
1#5!$ 13 cu*2 6"! o% 7our c)oosing
# eggs
85!$ 1194 cu*2 Hu$etts W)ite Sug"r
5((!$ 1# cu*s2 coconut
1. "ake the topping first4 beat the eggs lightly$ then beat in the sugar and
coconut. *et aside till needed.
2. 2ow make the base4 cream the margarine$ sugar and egg till smooth.
&. *tir in the flour$ baking powder and salt.
4. *pread the mi/ture into a greased baking tin appro/imately 27cm /
(. *pread with the red !am and cover evenly with the coconut topping.
6. ,ake at 17'B# for 4' minutes. )he coconut topping should be golden
5. +eave to cool in the tin$ then cut into sCuares when cold.
#((!$ 1:95 cu*2 Hu$etts W)ite Sug"r
15!$ 11 T"b$es*oon2 Hu$etts Go$den S7ru*
'(!$ 1: T"b$es*oons2 !i$
#5(g !"rs)!"$$o5s; c)o**ed
4(!$ 1# T"b$es*oons2 5"ter
5!$ 11 te"s*oon2 <"ni$$" essence
1. #ombine sugar$ golden syrup and milk in a heavy saucepan$ stirring
over low heat until sugar has dissolved. ,ring to the boil and then
simmer gently for ( minutes.
2. Place marshmallows and water in the top of a double boiler and heat$
stirring freCuently until melted.
3. Pour sugar mi/ture over marshmallows$ beating well. %dd the vanilla
essence. Makes about 500ml.
Ser<e )ot or co$d o<er ice cre"!; b"ed "**$es; *o"c)ed *e"rs or
*e"c)es; or 5it) %res) %ruit s"$"d?
S"uce !"7 be re)e"ted in " doub$e boi$er? -e"t be%ore ser<ing?

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