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Certified OpenSTA Testing

Certified OpenSTA Testing Professional

C CC Certified ertified ertified ertified OpenSTA Testing Professional OpenSTA Testing Professional OpenSTA Testing Professional OpenSTA Testing Professional
Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1163
Vskills certification for OpenSTA Testing Professional assesses the candidate as per the
companys need for performance and stress testing of e!site and e! application" The
certification tests the candidates on #ario$s areas in %TTP&S 'oad( %TTP&S scripts( script
modeling and creation( creating and editing collectors( creating and r$nning tests( single
stepping( res$lts display and the OpenSTA architect$re"

)h )h )h )hy sho$ld one take this certification* y sho$ld one take this certification* y sho$ld one take this certification* y sho$ld one take this certification*
This Co$rse is intended for professionals and grad$ates anting to e+cel in their chosen
areas" ,t is also ell s$ited for those ho are already orking and o$ld like to take
certification for f$rther career progression"

-arning Vskills OpenSTA Testing Professional Certification can help candidate
differentiate in today.s competiti#e /o! market( !roaden their employment opport$nities !y
displaying their ad#anced skills( and res$lt in higher earning potential"

)ho i )ho i )ho i )ho ill !enefit from taking this certification* ll !enefit from taking this certification* ll !enefit from taking this certification* ll !enefit from taking this certification*
0o! seekers looking to find employment in e! de#elopment( ,T or e! testing
departments of #ario$s companies( st$dents generally anting to impro#e their skill set and
make their CV stronger and e+isting employees looking for a !etter role can pro#e their
employers the #al$e of their skills thro$gh this certification"
Test 1etails Test 1etails Test 1etails Test 1etails
1$ration2 1$ration2 1$ration2 1$ration2 63 min$tes
4o" of 5$estions2 4o" of 5$estions2 4o" of 5$estions2 4o" of 5$estions2 63
7a+im$m marks2 7a+im$m marks2 7a+im$m marks2 7a+im$m marks2 63( Passing marks2 86 963:;
There is no negati#e marking in this mod$le"
<ee <ee <ee <ee Str$ct$re Str$ct$re Str$ct$re Str$ct$re
=s" 3(333&- 9,ncl$des all ta+es;
Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills OpenSTA Testing Professional OpenSTA Testing Professional OpenSTA Testing Professional OpenSTA Testing Professional
OpenSTA Testing Professionals are in great demand" Companies speciali>ing in e!
de#elopment or e! testing are constantly hiring skilled OpenSTA Testing Professionals"
Vario$s p$!lic and pri#ate companies also need OpenSTA Testing Professionals for their
e! de#elopment( ,T or e! testing departments"

Certified OpenSTA Testing Professional

Ta!le of Contents Ta!le of Contents Ta!le of Contents Ta!le of Contents

1" 1" 1" 1" ?asics ?asics ?asics ?asics
1.1 Minimum System Requirements for Installation
1.2 Installing HTTP/S Load and OpenSTA
1.3 Commander Startup Instructions
1.4 Changing the Repository Path
1.5 Upgrading
1.6 Getting Help

8" 8" 8" 8" %TTP&S 'oad %TTP&S 'oad %TTP&S 'oad %TTP&S 'oad
2.1 Overview of HTTP/S Load
2.2 Core Functions of HTTP/S Load
2.3 Using HTTP/S Load
2.4 The Commander Interface
2.5 Commander Toolbars and Function Bars
2.6 The Commander Main Window
2.7 The Repository Window

3" 3" 3" 3" %TTP&S Scripts %TTP&S Scripts %TTP&S Scripts %TTP&S Scripts
3.1 What are Scripts?
3.2 Understanding Scripts
3.3 Planning Your Scripts
3.4 The Core Functions of Script Modeler
3.5 Script Modeler Interface
3.6 Toolbars and Function Bars
3.7 Script Pane
3.8 Query Results Pane
3.9 Output Pane

@" @" @" @" Creating Scripts Creating Scripts Creating Scripts Creating Scripts
4.1 Script Development
4.2 The Script Development Process
4.3 The Gateway and Script Creation
4.4 The Script Recording Process
4.5 Script Modeler Configuration Options
4.6 Creating New Scripts

6" 6" 6" 6" 7odeling Scripts 7odeling Scripts 7odeling Scripts 7odeling Scripts
5.1 Modeling Overview
5.2 SCL Representation of Scripts
5.3 Automated Script Formatting Features
5.4 Modeling a Script
5.5 Variables
5.6 MUTEX Locking
Certified OpenSTA Testing Professional

5.7 DOM Addressing
5.8 Developing a Modular Test Structure
5.9 General Modeling Procedures

6" 6" 6" 6" Creating and -diting Collectors Creating and -diting Collectors Creating and -diting Collectors Creating and -diting Collectors
6.1 Collectors Overview
6.2 Creating Collectors
6.3 The Collector Pane
6.4 SNMP Collectors
6.5 NT Performance Collectors
6.6 General Collector Procedures

A" A" A" A" Creating and -diting Tests Creating and -diting Tests Creating and -diting Tests Creating and -diting Tests
7.1 Test Development
7.2 Test Creation
7.3 The Test Pane
7.4 Tasks and Task Groups
7.5 Task Group Settings
7.6 The Test Development Process

B" B" B" B" =$nning Tests =$nning Tests =$nning Tests =$nning Tests
8.1 Test-runs
8.2 Dynamic Tests
8.3 Distributed Tests
8.4 Test-run Procedure
8.5 Monitoring a Test-run
8.6 Trace Settings

C" C" C" C" Single Stepping Single Stepping Single Stepping Single Stepping
9.1 Single Stepping HTTP/S Load Tests
9.2 Single Stepping Procedure
9.3 The Single Stepping Test Pane

13" 13" 13" 13" =es$lts 1isplay =es$lts 1isplay =es$lts 1isplay =es$lts 1isplay
10.1 Results Display Overview
10.2 Results Tab
10.3 General Results Display Procedures
10.4 Test Configuration
10.5 Test Audit Log
10.6 Test Report Log
10.7 Test History Log
10.8 Test Error Log
10.9 Test Summary Snapshots
10.10 HTTP Data List
10.11 HTTP Data Graphs
10.12 Single Step Results
Certified OpenSTA Testing Professional

10.13 Timer List
10.14 SNMP and NT Performance Collector Graphs

11" 11" 11" 11" The OpenSTA Architect$re The OpenSTA Architect$re The OpenSTA Architect$re The OpenSTA Architect$re
11.1 OpenSTA Modules
11.2 An OpenSTA Test
11.3 The Test Manager and Task Group Executers
11.4 A Distributed Architecture
11.5 The Web Relay Daemon
11.6 The OpenSTA Repository
11.7 SNMP Collectors
11.8 NT Performance Collectors
11.9 Architecture Module Installed Files
11.10 Script-Based Module Installed Files
11.11 SNMP Module Installed Files
11.12 NT Performance Module Installed Files
11.13 Error Reporting and Tracing
11.14 Starting OpenSTA
11.15 The Name Server Configuration Utility
11.16 The OpenSTA Daemon
11.17 Command Line Formats

Certified OpenSTA Testing Professional

Sample D$estions Sample D$estions Sample D$estions Sample D$estions
1" 1" 1" 1" )hat does the )hat does the )hat does the )hat does the %TTP&S 'oad %TTP&S 'oad %TTP&S 'oad %TTP&S 'oad consists of* consists of* consists of* consists of*
A" Comments
?" 7od$les
C" Protocol specification
1" 4one of the a!o#e

8 88 8" " " " %o does a test is represented as( in Commander* %o does a test is represented as( in Commander* %o does a test is represented as( in Commander* %o does a test is represented as( in Commander*
A" 1elimited te+t
?" Ta!le
C" C lang$age code
1" 4one of the a!o#e

3 33 3" " " " )hich scripting lang$age is $sed !y %TTP&S 'oad !y defa$lt* )hich scripting lang$age is $sed !y %TTP&S 'oad !y defa$lt* )hich scripting lang$age is $sed !y %TTP&S 'oad !y defa$lt* )hich scripting lang$age is $sed !y %TTP&S 'oad !y defa$lt*
?" 0a#aScript
C" SC'
1" 4one of the a!o#e

@ @@ @" " " " )hich section is the first part of the script* )hich section is the first part of the script* )hich section is the first part of the script* )hich section is the first part of the script*
A" -n#ironment
?" 1efinitions
C" Code
1" 4one of the a!o#e

6 66 6" " " " )hich type of #aria!les )hich type of #aria!les )hich type of #aria!les )hich type of #aria!les is is is is only accessi!le to the Virt$al Fser r$nning the Script only accessi!le to the Virt$al Fser r$nning the Script only accessi!le to the Virt$al Fser r$nning the Script only accessi!le to the Virt$al Fser r$nning the Script
in hich they are defined in hich they are defined in hich they are defined in hich they are defined* ** *
A" 'ocal
?" Thread
C" Glo!al
1" 4one of the a!o#e

Answers: 1 (B), 2 (B), 3 (C), 4 (A), 5 (A)

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