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Laparoscopic splenectomy surgical treatment in India

with medical tourism with in a low budget

Medical tourism provides laparoscopic splenectomy surgery in

India at an economical and affordable cost with tourism. Medical
tourism is a developing concept whereby people from world over visit
India for their medical and relaxation needs. The reason why India is
a favorable destination is because of its infrastructure and technology
which is at par with those in USA, UK and Europe. India has some of
the best hospitals and treatment centers in the world with the best
facilities. Since it is also one of the most favorable tourist destinations
in the world, Medication combines with tourism has come into effect,
from which the concept of Medical Tourism is derived for
Laparoscopic splenectomy surgery in Goa, Delhi, India.

Splenectomy means surgical removal of spleen. The spleen is a

blood filled organ located in the upper left abdominal cavity. It is a
storage organ for red blood cells and contains many specialized white
blood cells called "macrophages" (disease fighting cells) which act to
filter blood. The spleen is part of the immune system and also
removes old and damaged blood particles from your system. The
spleen helps the body identify and kill bacteria.

Laparoscopic splenectomy is a technique whereby

the spleen can be removed using several small incisions.
Traditionally, removal of the spleen has been accomplished using
one large incision. The use of smaller incisions leads to less pain
after surgery. In healthy people, the spleen plays a role in immunity
against bacterial infections. The spleen is in the uppermost area of
the left side of the abdomen, just under the diaphragm. It typically has
attachments to the stomach, left kidney and colon.

Indications of Splenectomy in India:

There are several reasons why a spleen might need to be removed

and the following list, though not all inclusive, includes the most
common reasons. The most common conditions that warrant
Splenectomy in an adult are:
1. Trauma to the organ
2. Blood disorders like Hemolytic anemia (a condition that breaks
down red blood cells)
3. Enlarged spleen
4. Benign tumors of the spleen
5. Auto immune diseases of the spleen
6. Spleenic cysts
7. Selected leukemia’s or lymphomas that affect the spleen
8. Genetic conditions that affect shape of RBC s, like hereditary
spherocytosis in which there are abnormally sphere shaped
RBC s or Thalassemia major.

Advantages of Laparoscopic splenectomy in India:

Results may vary depending on your overall condition and health.

Usual advantages are:
1. Less postoperative pain
2. Shorter hospital stay
3. Faster return to a regular, solid food diet
4. Quicker return to normal activities
5. Better cosmetic results

The Contraindications for Laparoscopic Splenectomy in India:

Laparoscopic removal of the spleen is not recommended for cases

of trauma because intra abdominal bleeding interferes with the
surgeon's ability to visualize the blood vessels and splenic
attachments. Spleens which are massively enlarged may also pose a
problem for the surgeon because the size of the spleen restricts the
visualization and manipulation of the spleen. Portal hypertension is
usually another contraindication to any type of splenectomy.

Procedure of Laparoscopic Splenectomy in India:

Laparoscopic splenectomy is a surgical technique used to remove

the spleen without making a large incision. You will be given general
anesthesia. After you are asleep the anesthesiologist will probably
insert a temporary tube into your stomach to empty it. This will help to
decompress the stomach and prevent post operative nausea. A
catheter will be inserted into your bladder to drain the urine while you
are asleep. Surgery may be done with you lying flat on your back or
turned onto your right side depending on the surgeon’s preference.
Several small incisions are made into the abdomen. One is used for
the laparoscope which is attached to a camera that sends images to
a video monitor. The other incisions are used to hold or manipulate
tissues in the abdomen. Carbon dioxide gas is in sufflated into the
abdominal cavity to allow room to work and to allow the surgeons to
see. Parts of the spleen are freed from surrounding tissues. Blood
vessels to the stomach and spleen are visualized, tied off or clipped
with metal clips and divided. Once the spleen is dissected free of its
attachments in the abdominal cavity, it is placed in a special surgical
plastic bag and removed through one of the small abdominal
incisions. If the spleen is too large to be removed in one piece, it will
be broken up in the bag and removed as smaller pieces. At the end of
the surgery, carbon dioxide gas is removed. The small incisions are
closed with suture, the skin is cleaned and the incisions are covered
with a small dressing.

What to expect after Laparoscopic Splenectomy surgery in India:

1. Engage in light activity at home.

2. Experience mild to moderate post operative pain and having
pain medication available as needed. There is usually some
shoulder pain secondary to the in sufflation of the abdomen.
3. Having a modified diet starting with liquids and followed by
gradually taking solid foods as you tolerate them.
4. Resume normal activities such as showering, stair climbing,
working, lifting, driving and having sexual intercourse after
discussing these with your physician.
5. Call and schedule a follow up appointment within 1 to 2 weeks
after surgery. Schedule any additional follow up appointments.
6. Have stitches removed depending upon the type your physician

Welcome to the India tourism & medical treatment in India for

laparoscopic splenectomy surgery. India is one of the best places
for the medical treatment or any other health care in India. Every year
thousands of visitors are coming to India from around the world just
for the medical check up and other types of surgery related to Bone
or liver or others diseases. India offers World Class Medical Facilities,
comparable with any of the western countries. India has state of the
art Hospitals and the best qualified doctors. With the best
infrastructure, the best possible Medical facilities, accompanied with
the most competitive prices, you can get the treatment done in India
at the lowest charges. For more Information about Laparoscopic
splenectomy surgery in India, please log on to: or mail your queries to , +91-9579129423

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