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'Plutonian Essences' (or Essences for

Plutonian People)
Posted by Captain on January 12, 2014 at 6:13pm in Healing with ssen!es and
#a!$ to Healing with ssen!es and li"irs %is!ussions
PLUTO - Information from
Pluto: Pluto represents deep trans&ormations, mutations and eliminations, se"uality and
magnetism, power and se!rets, destru!tion with a 'iew to regeneration, the phoeni" rising
&rom the ashes( )ts element is inde&inite* burning +li$e la'a in &usion ,-, it rules .!orpio, is in
e"altation in Pis!es and is in analogy with the se"ual organs and e"!retion(
)t represents di!tators, sadisti! people, 'iolent !hara!ters, is instin!ti'e and power&ul but also
mysterious with hidden strengths(
Pluto %ominant: )& Pluto is part o& your natal !hart/s planetary dominants, in astrology, you
are said to be a Plutonian: you sometimes &eel li$e a &oreigner who does not belong to the
world, to its laws, and its !on!erns( 0he rules o& li&e in so!iety are not ne!essarily yours( 1ou
are interested in what is un$nown and in the subtle laws o& a hidden order( .o, you ta$e
mali!ious pleasure in ridi!uling the patterns you &ind too simplisti! or too rigid( 1ou also
re'el in underlining the limits o& e"planations you deem too !ommon( 0here is something
un!on'entional about the way you are, the way you thin$, and the way you a!t( 2hat is your
spe!i&i!ity made o&, )s it an e"traordinary partner, 3 li&e o&& the beaten path, 4r do you only
distan!e yoursel& &rom !on'entional morals, )n any !ase, you ha'e the &eeling, sometimes
5uite 'ague, that you !ome &rom nowhere, and that you do not belong to any de&inite group(((
)n short, it means that you !annot be simpli&ied in order to !on&orm to e"isting models( 0he
gap between you and ordinary mortals is also an element o& your strength( 1our deep !lear6
sightedness, &irstly, enables you to put things into perspe!ti'e and to grant them only the
attention they deser'e( 1our other remar$able asset is your !apa!ity to inter'ene &rom behind
the s!enes, to se!retly organise e'ents, and to bring about the desirable out!ome without
seeming to impose or to di!tate anything( Howe'er, you must still o'er!ome one o& the ma7or
di&&i!ulties o& this dominant, whi!h is to get people to a!!ept your di&&eren!e and to smoothly
&it into your en'ironment(
PLUTO -John Haes Astrolo!
nigmati! and parado"i!al, Pluto &un!tions sub'ersi'ely and in'isibly to trans&orm by
elimination and metamorphosis( Pluto operates with e"treme power, and when it mani&ests it
usually !auses one to &eel out o& !ontrol(
Pluto in a !hart shows how power o& any $ind will be e"erted( Pluto always !ompels and it
!an !ompel to high, 'irtuous a!hie'ement, or to 'illainous beha'iour within or outside the
Pluto !auses hidden and subterranean states to brea$ &orth and erupt( Pluto has rulership o'er
'ol!anoes &rom whi!h molten la'a erupts, destroying e'erything in its path( #ut later the la'a
helps build a ri!h soil &or plant growth( 8i$e earth5ua$es and 'ol!anoes, Pluto brings about a
!lima" in the li&e with mu!h disturban!e and uphea'al, &ollowed by !almer and more
wholesome !onditions( 0his may o!!ur in daily a&&airs or in the emotions* Pluto is o&ten the
planet o& the 9healing !risis:(
3s ;obert Hand points out, Pluto is !onne!ted to brea$down and de!ay, so it is also
!onne!ted to those elements o& so!iety that re&le!t brea$down and de!ay( 0his is the sour!e o&
Pluto<s asso!iation with underworld elements, organised !rime, and people who are so
so!ially disa&&e!ted that they represent a threat to so!iety( 0he so!ially disa&&e!ted are only a
mani&estation o& Pluto<s power( 0hough !riminals and terrorists seem to be what destroys
so!iety, they are merely the agents by whi!h the destru!ti'e power already inherent in the
situation mani&ests( 0hey are not the sour!e o& the destru!tion, and e'en i& they were
eliminated, something else would repla!e them as agents o& that power(
Plutonian people also ta$e on the positi'e role o& assisting others who are going through
Plutonian trans&ormations( Pluto is also asso!iated with healers and therapists, both
psy!hologi!al and physi!al, and those whose who tea!h te!hni5ues o& sel&6trans&ormation(
Plutonians may also appear as religious or spiritual leaders who stress rebirth a&ter death =
either literal or psy!hologi!al( 0herapists, healers, gurus, spiritual leaders, and the li$e are the
most positi'e Plutonians o& all be!ause they are most in tou!h with the !entral theme o& Pluto,
the death and rebirth o& the soul(
.in!e Pluto is the higher o!ta'e o& >ars, there must be a trans!enden!e o& desires +physi!al,
material, emotional- &or inner illumination and spiritual enlightenment to ta$e pla!e(
2hen Pluto !onta!ts a planet or point in the natal !hart, it seems to deepen and intensi&y those
things that that planet represents( Pluto is not only the signi&i!ator o& se!rets and hidden things
in general but is also responsible &or the un!o'ering and sur&a!ing o& whate'er had been
buried( 3nd the longer it will ta$e, the greater the e&&ort to $eep them !on!ealed, the more
de'astating the !onse5uen!es when they do sur&a!e but also the greater the potential &or sel&6
PLUTO " " #arcia #oore an$ #ar% &ou!las
>3?@)?% is witnessing an astonishing a!!eleration o& the e'olutionary pro!ess( 'erything
and e'erybody is ra!ing &orward at an in!reasingly rapid rate, and no one $nows how or
where this ra!e will end(
3s a result, the astrologi!al me!hanism whi!h measures the &undamental !orresponden!es
between man and the uni'erse has had to be speeded up( 0his adaptation to the tempo o& the
times has been a!!omplished by the introdu!tion o& new gears !apable o& distributing the
e&&e!ts o& the unpre!edentedly potent energies now rea!hing this planet &rom !osmi! sour!es(
0hese larger, more power&ul gears are Aranus, ?eptune, and Pluto(
2hate'er Pluto does is irre'o!able( 0he indi'idual who has undergone a Plutonian
metamorphosis !an no more return to his old way o& doing things than a butter&ly !an retreat
into the !hrysalis and be!ome a worm again( People in this age o& dying traditions may miss
the solid se!urity o& an era when e'erybody !rawled slowly along the ground but, &or better or
worse, they must spread their wings and ta$e &light(
4wing to the e!!entri!ity o& its orbit, Pluto<s progress through the Bodia! is mar$edly
irregular( )t tra'erses some signs in only thirteen years, but re5uires thirty6two years to ma$e
its way through others( lts a'erage transit through a sign ta$es about twenty6&our years( 0hus,
slow6pa!ed Pluto re&ers to the basi! attitudes o& an entire generation more than to indi'iduals(
0he name Pluto deri'es &rom the Cree$ word 9pluton: meaning wealth( 0here has been some
!on&usion as to whether Plutus, god o& wealth, was the same personage as Hades or Pluto, the
lord o& death and the underworld( )n his authoritati'e boo$ 0he Cree$ >yths +Dol( )-, ;obert
Cra'es says, 9Hades is styled Pluton, or Pluto, E0he ;i!h 4ne(F .in!e the pre!ious metals
used in the !urren!y whi!h &orms the basis o& the world<s e!onomy are mined &rom the depths
o& the earth, Pluto appears to ha'e been !orre!tly named on both !ounts( Pluto is also
asso!iated with gangsters o& the underworld who rob and $ill &or money, as well as with the
basi! physiologi!al and psy!hologi!al resour!es !ontrolled by the un!ons!ious mind(
0he Plutonian emphasis on se" is illustrated in the Cree$ legend whi!h tells o& the abdu!tion
o& the earth goddess Persephone, who was obliged to be!ome Pluto<s bride and li'e in his
!a'ernous domain &or si" months o& e'ery year( +'en a&ter his marriage Pluto was always
trying to sedu!e one nymph or another(- Howe'er, se" in the Piutonian sense has more to do
with the !hanneling o& the libidinal &or!es o& the un!ons!ious than with the produ!tion o&
#y the same to$en, Pluto rules the world o& &inan!e but not the a!tual passage o& money &rom
hand to hand( lt is the &luid substratum &rom whi!h se"ual and &inan!ial transa!tions arise( 0he
pro&undity o& Pluto<s in&luen!e !an be seen in the manner in whi!h an indi'idual<s attitudes
toward money and se" re&le!t his attitude toward li&e in general( 4ther signs and planets may
indi!ate how he earns his li'elihood and !ondu!ts his lo'e li&e, but .!orpio and Pluto pro'ide
!lues to his deeper &eelings about these &undamental issues(
Pluto has been identi&ied with 8u!i&er( the &allen angel( whose name means 9light bearer(:
0his !omparison is suggested by the &a!t that Pluto is the &arthest planet &rom the .un,
banished to the dar$est, most distant edge o& the solar system( Conse5uently, Pluto o&ten
re&ers to banishment and has a way o& bringing things to a halt( Plutonian personalities are apt
to be 9loners: who &eel set apart &rom their &ellow6men( .ometimes they are di!tators,(
ra!$eteers, or re'olutionaries who operate through the militant &or!e o& >ars while they
themsel'es remain hidden and mysterious( 'en when they ta$e their stand on the side o& the
&or!es o& light, they hold themsel'es aloo& be!ause they $now that their in&luen!e !an wor$
more potently behind the s!enes than in the open, and with less &ear o& reprisals(
8u!i&er<s diaboli! reputation stems &rom the tenden!y to !onsider both se" and money as the
root o& all e'il( 1et both are !reati'e powers whi!h must ultimately be raised and redeemed(
2here the other planets tra'el no more than eight degrees north or south o& the e!lipti!, Pluto
mo'es appro"imately se'enteen degrees abo'e and below the apparent path o& the .un( 0hus,
Pluto &alls &ar lower than the other planets, as though to tap the &or!es o& the nether regions,
and then as!ends to !orresponding heights in order to ele'ate these &or!es to a more e"alted
le'el( 0hese e"tremes o& beha'ior are also !hara!teristi! o& Pluto6ruled .!orpio( #oth planet
and sign are asso!iated with the @undalini or 9serpent power: o& the Hindu yogis( .in!e
.!orpio is a &eminine sign, and @undalini is depi!ted as a goddess, Pluto is to some e"tent
bise"ual in the manner o& Aranus and ?eptune( People who respond strongly to the in&luen!es
o& the three outer planets o&ten !ombine male and &emale 5ualities( 0hese 'irtually
androgynous indi'iduals are now be!oming so pre'alent that many o& the old6&ashioned
se"ual distin!tions and ine5uities are dying out(
0he asso!iation o& Pluto with war, di!tatorship, regimentation( and death does s!ant 7usti!e to
its real nature( 4n!e human beings learn to !ontrol the root &or!es o& se" and money, then
aggression and oppression will !ease, 0he destru!tion o& bodies will no longer be regarded as
an e&&e!ti'e way o& eliminating enemies( 2hen Pluto &inally !omes into its own, death will be
regarded as the release o& the soul whi!h, no longer e"iled to the outermost boundaries o& the
physi!al uni'erse, is permitted to return to its sour!e and to $now itsel& on!e more as the
original .on o& 8ight(
The 'un an$ The Planets - Pluto
0op o& head, isolation, the une"pe!ted, hermits, deta!hment, the biBarre, dar$ness, the alien,
mas$s, 'ampires, death, womb, sho!$, s!hiBophrenia(
2hile >er!ury rules logi! and e"pression, the e&&e!ts o& Pluto are diametri!ally opposite( 0he
planet o& sho!$, Pluto rules the une"pe!ted, the unpredi!table, the illogi!al and the strange(
Pluto de'iates greatly &rom the plane o& the e!lipti!, gi'ing it a new angle on the a&&airs o& the
world +solar system-( >er!ury !ommuni!ates but Pluto is the lone wol&(
Childhood %e'elopment
0his planet symbolises the stage when a !hild is still in the womb( 0hough in the world, he or
she is not o& it( 0here is !lose identi&i!ation with the mother, who, &or the &oetus, is the world(
?o separate identity has yet emerged( 0he &a!ulty that Pluto represents is deta!hment(
)n People
Plutonian people tend to be dar$, deta!hed and aloo&( ;arely are they noti!ed and sometimes
they seem in'isible( Hree &rom all bonds o& so!iety, they ne'ertheless ha'e insight into the
world o& spirit( 0hey are unorthodo", yet at the same time they !an !on!eal anything( 0hey
may be re!luses( )& Pluto is a&&li!ted or in a bad pla!e, the person does not &eel at ease in
so!iety and may possibly su&&er &rom disso!iation and hallu!inations( 0his implies a loss o&
!onta!t with their own body(
.!hiBoid Chara!ter
F0he emotions o& these persons generally appear to be inade5uate(((0hey beha'e /as i&/ they
had &eeling relationships with people(F +Heni!hel-( #ody and mind held together by tenuous
threads( Ha!e mas$li$e( %is!onne!ted loo$(
Cau5uelin @eywords
?one( 0he Cau5uelins were unable to &ind any statisti!al signi&i!an!e &or those with Pluto
rising and !ulminating at the time o& birth(
PLUTO (ET(O)(A&E - Information " Lnn *oiner :
)n the natal !hart, Pluto tends to operate e'en more Plutonian when it is retrograde( )t is &ar
more intense, it possesses a higher degree o& !on!entration and it, there&ore, gi'es greater
insights into the sub!ons!ious( #e!ause o& this intensity, the indi'idual !an see mu!h more
than normally possible and it is easy to be!ome suspi!ious o& the moti'es o& others(
0he powers o& regeneration are &ar greater when retrograde( People with a natal retrograde
Pluto ha'e a tremendous ability to o'er!ome ma7or illnesses that might otherwise !ause
permanent disability( ;emember, retrograde motion is always dire!ted toward inner a!ti'ity
su!h as the psy!he or psy!hologi!al patterns that a&&e!t the physi!al body( %ire!t motion, on
the other hand, is dire!ted towards e"ternal !ir!umstan!es(
Ander any Pluto transit, we &eel pressured to eliminate and release the old, outworn, outdated
and obsolete in our li'es( 2hen Pluto is transiting retrograde, we are urged to let go o&
attitudes, thin$ing or !ommuni!ation patterns, se!urity dri'es, rigid emotions* a time to
undergo an internal &orm o& house !leaning(
In order to assist their Oversoul in coming in, and occupying the body, they must perform
major emotional and mental house cleaning first.

Your Body is Your Temple. You have to clean your temple if you expect the God part of you
to reside there, right This is an extremely painful process in most cases. !ll of the
"motional, #ental, $sychological, $hysical residual baggage left from the previous occupant
has to be dealt %ith in order for the temple to become usable. You have to remember, the last
person to occupy the body &%hen tal'ing about (al')Ins only* %as in such pain that they
decided to actually die &leave the body*. !ll of those issues, and memories have to be dealt
%ith before the (al')In can actually begin %or'ing on their o%n gro%th process. 6 'piritual
&o+e, -al%-Ins
)t is a good time to resear!h into our own .ouls in order to determine e"a!tly what we do or
do not need( #e!ause Pluto retrograde imparts an intense power &or in'estigation, we should
use this time to assess what reo!!urring patterns in our li'es ma$e us &eel out o& !ontrol,
where and why do we !ontinually gi'e our power away, and under what !ir!umstan!es do we
rea!t so de&ensi'ely that we eli!it atta!$s &rom others( Pluto retrograde mar$s a time wherein
we should see$ to gain greater !ontrol o'er our personal li&e* Pluto dire!t is better &or gaining
!ontrol o'er pro&essional and &inan!ial areas(
>y most &re5uent obser'ation o& Pluto retrograde is that many people do see$ some &orm o&
regenerati'e a!ti'ity( ) ha'e seen people underta$e a series o& internal !leansings, deto"i&ying
diets, astern dis!iplines that put them in tou!h with the inner sel& and e'en intense
psy!hologi!al re&orms(
Colle!ted 5uotes:
)n terms o& te!hni!al details, someone would generally be des!ribed as FPlutonianF i& Pluto is
strongly pla!ed in or on one o& the angles +!on7un!t the as!endant, or in the 1st house,
!on7un!t the >idhea'en, or in the 10th house, or possibly s5uared or opposed any o& these
angles-, or i& Pluto ma$es strong aspe!ts to any o& the personal planets +.un, >oon, >er!ury,
Denus or >ars-, or i& one has .un, >oon or ;ising in .!orpio, andIor has a !luster o& 3 or
more planets in .!orpio( ) mysel& ha'e Pluto !on7un!t both my natal .un and >oon signs
+plus 3 planets, in addition to my ;ising, in .!orpio-(
)n terms o& Fpersonality traitsF o& a FPlutonianF, they would generally be des!ribed as intense,
deeply intuiti'e, per!epti'e, pro'o!ati'e +&or better or worse-, and able to see things and
situations in ways that many others do not( ?egati'e mani&estations !an go in any one
e"treme or another: some !an be power6hungry, obsessi'e, sadisti!, manipulati'e, prone to
'iolen!e, et!, et!(
Plutonian people are intense( >u!h too intense &or other people a lot o& the time( )t doesn/t
seem to matter mu!h on the intensity le'el whether the aspe!t is !onsidered positi'e or
negati'e, or how well integrated the energy is( )t s!ares people(
Pluto people don/t shy &rom seeing and tal$ing about issues that are 'ery un!om&ortable to
people( 'en i& they $eep their mouth shut, there is a lot o& strong emotional pro7e!tion &rom
the pluto person and people !an sense it( )& a PP wal$s into a room, unless the PP is being
'ery !are&ul not to attra!t attention6 that person is noti!ed by almost all others in the room*
emotional and personal energy pro7e!tion(
) thin$ what s!ares people are two things6 &or one they sense that the PP will sometimes go
through hell i& need be to a!!omplish what they want( Hor good or bad, with or without ethi!al
or so!ial !onsideration( )& someone is not good at siBing people up then they might assume the
worst and only see ruthlessness( #ut most PPs in!orporate a lot o& so!ial and ethi!al
!onsiderations into their wants anyway((((
0he se!ond is that ) thin$ PPs !an o&ten siBe people up pretty well and !an see right o&&
e"a!tly what it is the other person wants to hide about themsel'es( 1es, deep intuitions( 3nd )
thin$ when they do the other person $nows it on some le'el and it s!ares the he!$ out o& them(
>ost people are a little terri&ied o& trans&ormation( #ut most PPs ) $now li$e it(
) thin$ natal Pluto is amongst the most di&&i!ult o& &or!es and dynami!s to !ons!iously
embody and integrate into the personality( Hor e"ample, the symbol o& Pluto !an be 'ery
strongly pla!ed in a person/s !hart yet they may not, in the !ourse o& their daily li'es,
demonstrate plutoni! 5ualities and attributes( 2hat are plutoni! 5ualities and attributes ,
) see Pluto symboliBing, amongst other things, the deeper geneti! !urrent o& our nature* the
'ast intelligen!e and power&ul in&luen!e o& %?3( ) thin$ women who bear !hildren
automati!ally be!ome more plutoni! simply by ha'ing parti!ipated in the plutoni! sho!$ o&
!hildbirth( Pluto relates to Hades, 8ord o& %eath and the Anderworld( 0hose who ha'e
sur'i'ed near6death e"perien!es, ) thin$, also be!ome by de&ault more plutoni!(
0o be!ome more plutoni! means to ha'e absorbed the sho!$ o& impermanen!e, that nothing
lasts and nobody li'es &ore'er( 0o li'e with the !onstant awareness o& impermanen!e is to li'e
a trans&ormati'e or plutoni! li&e( 3s one be!omes trans&ormed, one also be!omes the
trans&ormer* whoe'er be!omes !atalyBed, also be!omes a !atalyst( 0he plutoni! sho!$s we
absorb !an either immobilBe us or turn us into !onduits &or the transmission o& these sho!$s to
the world o& others( 2e $now who we are(
2hate'er does not $ill us, ma$es us stronger and o&ten, stranger( 3nyone embodying plutoni!
5ualities o&ten appears as a stranger 66 and sometimes, a threatening stranger 66 to the greater
popula!e still asleep inside the notion that they will li'e &ore'er(
Hor a start all Plutonian e"perien!es are intense* it in'ol'es intense sensations* pain,
inse!urity, depri'ation then &ollowed by pleasure, &ul&ilment, relie&, et!, the list goes on(
Plutonian e"perien!es in'ol'e !hange( #irths are li$e that* in that e'en i& there is little trauma
in'ol'ed with the birthing pro!ess* li&e is surely not the same with one more human li&e to
!ontend with( 0hirdly Plutonian e"perien!es in'ol'e high sta$es* something o& great 'alue to
the person undergoing it* it !ould mean the ris$ o& li&e or loss o& something or someone* the
gi'ing and gaining o& power, lo'e, et!(
) !annot see what is so ordinary about that( +!olle!ted replies 6 sour!e lin$-
Plutonian people are !reated &rom a deep wounding( 0he deep, soul shattering wounding
happens when we are still an in&ant, maybe e'en be&ore we are born( Plutonian people are
born into plutonian en'ironment( >ost o& the time, the Plutonian !hild was not wanted or
planned( 0here is usually a deep sense o& resentment, negligen!e or &amily se!ret tied to
Plutonian !hildren( 0he Plutonian !hild usually stands &or something whi!h the &amily re&uses
to &a!e( 0he energy o& it all is &elt when we are still in the womb(
0he wounding is usually in the nature o& 'ery early emotional, physi!al abandonment, power
struggles, se"ual and physi!al abuse( 0he most pain&ul part o& it all is the perpetrator o& these
energies is done by the same people who were to loo$ a&ter and nurture us( 0his ma$es the
wounding !ut that mu!h deeper and &elt that mu!h sharper(
)roni!ally* Plutonian are born hardwired with a built in de&ense system( 0he system dete!ts
bJJJJJJJ, lying and !an !ut through the deep moti'ations and intentions o& people<s hearts(
>ost o& the time this de&ense system does not sit well with the Plutonian en'ironment o& the
bro$en and the negle!ted !hild* so in order to sur'i'e the !hild learns to hide their true
&eelings and senses and learns to either suppress them or use them to !reate a whole inner
realm whi!h they !an only es!ape to(
0he energy is !ontained within the !hild<s inner realm !an be!ome too intense( 0he intensity
!an be best e"plained by understanding what Pluto stands &or( Pluto in Cree$ >ythology is
ruled by Hades6 god o& the underworld( )t rules, intense power struggles in all areas o& li&e,
either se"ual domination or suppression = se" is seen as a tool &or Plutonians* not to mention
plays into mu!h o& power struggles in relationships( %eath in the literal, emotional,
psy!hologi!al and spiritual le'els as well as the mu!h needed energy o& trans&ormation and
healing( 2ith all the dar$ness o& the energy also !omes with the redemption o& healing and
trans&orming and using the power granted by Pluto &or positi'e means(
3 !hild that is not allowed to own and e"press their Plutonian power has a higher ris$ o&
being ta$en o'er by these intense energies with a deep sense o& pain, isolation and depression
be!ause as they grow up these energies that are still not understood and a!!epted by so!iety
and &amilies(
>ost Plutonians are deep thin$ers and !an sense and dete!t what really lies under anything(
#e!ause o& the laserli$e intensity to be able to see things what it is and a!!ept it without any
hindran!es* Plutonians ha'e 'ery &ew &riends( #ut the &riends they do ha'e matters(
Plutonions e"ude intensity, unspo$en allure and se"uality( )n relationships* they will always
play with power struggles in all areas* howe'er i& the intentions o& the partner is seen by the
Plutonian as !aring and honest Plutonions !an learn to share their power and e'en learn to
a!!ept their partners power(
)ntuition and e'en psy!hi! ability !an run deep within a Plutonian and they are always
!on&ronted with the need &or intima!y yet a&raid o& losing their autonomy(
Plutonians need &or intima!y and autonomy !reates inner !on&li!t( Hrom a young age* there
will always be the lure o& belonging to a group* to be understood and a!!epted but almost
always the en'ironment is unwilling to a!!ept the intense probing and truth re'ealing
beha'iors o& Plutonians( 3s the &amous .wiss psy!hologist Carl Jung stated that one !an
really ne'er be part o& a group and be an indi'idual( 4ne must !hoose( Carl must ha'e been a
#etrayal and trust are the same sides o& a !oin &or Plutonians( ?ot dis!losing in&ormation is
seen as betrayal( 0rust is always earned* yet Plutonians are the most loyal on!e they deem you
0he most interesting !hallenge &or Plutonians is whether or not they !an heal their past and
inner wounding to ultimately learn to use the Plutionian energy to help others( Plutonians i&
they !an heal themsel'es !an also help other heal i& they are e"perien!ing a Pluto transit in
!ertain areas o& their li'es( #e!ause i& this ability* power is usually gi'en to a de'eloped
Plutonian( 0his !an be a li&e !alling i& one is able to brea$ &ree &rom their inner demons( >any
Plutonians are healers, do!tors and shamans and psy!hoanalyti!al psy!hologists(+sour!e lin$-
Pluto represents a mu!h higher spiritual prin!iple( )t is a type o& light that ultimately ser'es to
guide so!iety, a puri&ying me!hanism that sho!$s and remo'es elements whi!h do not ser'e
its spiritual e'olution(
)t is re&le!ti'e o& death6li$e pro!esses where a person undergoes a 'ery di&&i!ult, no holds
barred !hange pro!ess, with the destination being a radi!al o'erhaul o& the personality( 0his
ma$es us deal with our worst &ears and e'erything we ha'e a'oided dealing with as a result o&
these( 0his pro!ess !an be more !onstru!ti'e in return !harts and transits, howe'er !an be
more problemati! as an ingrained, !onstant element in the personality in whi!h !ase it deeply
!ompli!ates the personality and !an introdu!e a !ertain unwholesome 5uality( )n a more
spiritually oriented !hart the Plutonian pro!ess !an be e"tremely bene&i!ial to the soul(
Pluto in&luen!es within a personality gi'e a lot o& natural power, &earlessness, ruthlessness,
desensitiBing to anything but their goals, whate'er these may be( )t brings a deep, all6around
trans&ormati'e tou!h( )t bestows e"tremism, a tenden!y &or o'er$ill, and o&ten un!ons!ious
destru!ti'e tenden!ies in its nati'es, espe!ially in those who do not embra!e his goals
!ons!iously( 0rue Plutonians are people who see$ to prod so!iety into trans&ormation, and
o&ten not ta$ing a no &or an answer( +sour!e lin$-
)n my natal !hart ) ha'e what is !alled a /Hades >oon/ through my Pluto6>oon !on7un!tion(
Judy Hall has an e"!ellent boo$ about this parti!ular sub7e!t: /0he Hades >oon: Pluto in
3spe!t to the >oon/
+3maBon Pre'iew-
2ith this !on7un!tion, the aspe!ts +or energies- o& both are enhan!ed:
+The $luto)#oon combination brings in a greater level of a%areness, and a deeper
connection to the unconscious, instinctual forces than the #oon alone. This combination has
a peculiar intensity about it. !n urge, often compulsive, to explore the taboo areas of life
%here others fear to tread.+
+!s such, $luto is rarely %elcomed by those on %hom he comes to call, much less accepted as
a valued part of the psyche. ,or most people, the $luto archetype is repressed %ay do%n
belo% the conscious level %here it forms part of the individual, and the collective, shado%.
+-o%ever, the archetype also has a richness and depth %hich can only be contacted through
the subjectivity and interiority of the solitary, in%ard path. In this expression of the
archetype, solitude and seclusion produce inner strength and breadth of purpose. This is the
creative archetype, the one that the many deaths that go into rene%al and rebirth.
-ere is the artist, the counselor, the therapist, and the surgeon. One of the major strengths of
the positive $luto archetype is that, familiar %ith the dreams and images of the inner %orld
that lin' to the collective unconscious, it rarely fears the transition 'no%n as death. Indeed,
the $luto archetype positively %elcomes any 'ind of death or ending as a chance to gro% into
something ne% or deeper. This is $luto as destroyer, just as /hiva %ith his endless dance to
'eep chaos at bay, is also destroyer and creator at one and the same time. This +god+ is the
creation)preservation)destruction cycle of life itself.+ 6 Judy Hall
The Essences
J>orningstar ssen!es brandJ
%ouble yed Hig Parrot 6 Clair'oyan!e, !lairaudien!e, 'alidates psy!hi! impressions, !lears
distortions and &ear( 3ttra!ts highly positi'e guides( Psy!hi! awareness be!omes a highly
use&ul tool, en!ouraging Fgoing withinF to $now what needs to be $nown( "!ellent &or
Plutonian people who were rarely 'alidated &or their $nowing(
Ja'a Plum 6 Hor when a deep and !atharti! purging is needed( 0his essen!e is 'ery help&ul &or
those undergoing stress&ul transits o& Pluto or Chiron as well as transits to the natal positions
o& Pluto or Chiron in the !hart(
.!orpion 6 Hor deep seated anger, hatred and mistrust that arises up &rom within and &rom
others to sting you o'er and o'er again( ;eleases &ear o& the dar$ness in one/s sel& or another,
using the energy to puri&y and trans&orm( Hor those who are hea'y on the art o& sel& sabotage 6
i& there are three !hoi!es, one absolutely positi'e, one alright and one bloody aw&ul, they are
apt to !hoose the absolute most damaging one e'ery timeK 3n e"!ellent essen!e &or those with
.!orpioIPluto or >arsI3ries strong in the natal !hart or those who are undergoing a di&&i!ult
transit o& Pluto or >ars( 0his essen!e also pro'ides a !osmi! $i!$ in the pants when one needs
it mostK 0his essen!e !an also be used to help de&le!t people who do not ha'e your best
interests at heart, are manipulati'e or whose words always seem to ha'e a Fsting in the tailF( )t
also helps to release these traits within one/s sel&(
;ed 0ailed Haw$ 6 3n intensi&ied 8i&e &or!e, o&ten those who !arry this Haw$ medi!ine ha'e
Pluto and >ars strong in the horos!ope( 0hese &ol$s are able to a!hie'e great things through
persisten!e and sheer strength o& will( 0his Haw$ essen!e !an also help a person understand
and o'er!ome obsta!les to prosperity and abundan!e(
#la!$berry DiolaIPansy 6 "!ellent &or transits o& Pluto, healing Plutonian issues( 3lso &or
a!!essing and integrating the shadow sa&ely and gently(
%eath/s Head .phin" >oth 6 "!ellent &or transits o& Pluto or when death and rebirth are
needed to !omplete a healing pro!ess( "!ellent &or any type o& transistion(
Purple >outh 4li'e .hell 6 Hor transits o& Pluto that lea'e a person &eeling li$e a death has
o!!urred( Helps you to mo'e through the grie'ing pro!ess so that a new !y!le in your li&e !an
begin( "!ellent &or those who &eel their li'es are stagnating, that something needs to die but
&eels atta!hed to a Fpermanent li&e support systemF( 0his essen!e pulls the !ord on those
agle 4wl 6 Probably the most power&ul and largest o& the owl spe!ies with a wingspan o& L
to 6 &eet, this essen!e is &or power&ul and deeply !atharti! shamani! and plutonian des!ents
into the underworld( ?ot &or the &aint o& heart, but &or when deep inner !leansing is !alled &or(
3!onitum 6 3 power&ul to"ins !leanser, remo'ing the results o& long term negati'e thin$ing
&rom all the energy bodies in!luding the aura( 0his essen!e is espe!ially help&ul &or those with
.!orpio and or Pluto strong in the natal horos!ope as well as those undergoing intense transits
o& Pluto(
#la!$ Cres!ent #utter&ly 6 "!ellent &or those born with a FHades >oonF )(( Pluto in hard
aspe!t to the >oon in the natal !hart or by transit( Hinding !om&ort and healing through
a!!epting that dar$ness is an opportunity to retreat &rom the world and initiate sel&6healing(

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