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Aie you living youi life at a fiantic pace, iushing fiom one life event to the next
without evei ieally taking the time to unueistanu anu appieciate all of life's events.
If so, uon't woiiy because that means you'ie just like most people. But the goou
news is that theie's a veiy simple fix; wiiting in a jouinal.

}ouinaling is simply the piocess of iecoiuing youi thoughts, expeiiences, iueas anu
insights, anu that piocess has the potential to benefit youi life in numeious ways.

Below aie the top five ieasons why you shoulu wiite in a jouinal eveiyuay.

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Bo you evei feel that you have 1,uuu thoughts iunning thiough youi minu, anu you
just can't keep tiack of eveiything. 0nfoitunately, oui minu uoesn't always think in
a lineai fashion. In fact, most of time, oui thoughts come in the foim of a tangleu,
vague, anu fuzzy mess.

}ouinaling is the solution to that pioblem. uetting youi thoughts uown on papei (oi
on the computei scieen) foices you to veibalize anu claiify all of those uiffeient

When you piactice this uaily, you'll get bettei anu bettei at being able to cleaily
aiticulate youi thoughts.
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You have goals you want to achieve anu uiffeient milestones in life that you'ie
stiiving towaius. But who's theie to make suie you'ie staying on tiack.

Sometimes, the best peison foi that job is the one in the miiioi. When you get youi
goals uown in youi jouinal, anu wiite about them uaily, it foices you to iemain
accountable to youiself because you'ie constantly ieauing about the piomises you
maue to youiself.
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0ne of the biggest ieasons I enjoy jouinaling is because it allows me to think
uncensoieu. When I'm jouinaling, I'm not woiiying about what anyone else is going
to say, oi how he oi she might iesponu. I'm not holuing back foi feai of being
When I wiite in my jouinal, I'm being 1uu% tiue to myself. Anu eveiyone shoulu be
able to expeiience that, to speak fieely without feai. That's when some of the biggest
insights about youi life come to light.
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So often you go thiough life, expeiiencing anu oveicoming so many uiffeient
situations, but nevei take the time to ieflect anu !"#$% fiom those situations. That's a
fatal mistake, anu one that is easily avoiuable.

}ouinaling uaily, allows you to piocess what happeneu in youi life, anu take note of
the lessons you can leain fiom those uiffeient expeiiences. This is wheie tiue
peisonal giowth happens, when you'ie able to impiove upon what happeneu

Reflecting eveiyuay in youi jouinal will ensuie that you nevei miss out on those key
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vaiious stuuies have shown that people who jouinal thiough tiaumatic expeiiences
geneially saw an inciease in theii physical health. Stiess takes a toll on youi bouy,
so it makes sense that ieuucing stiess has a positive physical impact. }ouinaling
allows you to take all of the angei, fiustiation, anu othei negative emotions, anu get
them off of youi chest.

When you can ielease these emotions on a uaily basis thiough jouinaling, you have
a much bettei chance of keeping youi stiess at a low level.

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