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Customer Satisfaction

The Customer Satisfaction Course

It is very important to establish the customers perception of the quality of
product and service provided. This may be in some part determined from
customer complaints or warranty returns but it is often stated that the customer
rarely complains, they just don't come bac. !hen this statement is balanced
with the amount of investment "financial and resource# that is bein$ placed on
identifyin$ and $ainin$ new customers "i.e. increasin$ maret share# a$ainst the
investment on retainin$ old customers. Then may be the effort and resource is
bein$ placed in the wron$ area. If old customers are bein$ lost, possibly at the
same or hi$her rates as $ainin$ new customers, then a new approach is required.
It may be worth considerin$ investin$ money on retainin$ e%istin$ customers. &n
this basis customer loyalty is worth ten times the price of a sin$le purchase, as a
loyal customer will return to mae further purchases.
'usiness 'enefits
( Sales )irector of one successful or$anisation believes that if customers lie the
service, they will tell three people. If they dont lie the service, they will tell
eleven people.
# Business Benefit
A recent study has shown
customers no longer dealt with a
particular supplier
* (void losin$ customers +, move away $ivin$ no reasons,
)evelopment of business relationships
with customers
., develop other supplier
Clearer understandin$ of the competition
performance and capabilities
/, leave for competitive reasons,
Clearer understandin$ of customer needs
and e%pected product and service
*0, are dissatisfied with the product,

Clearer understandin$ of the attitude of
the customer and their perception of your
ability to deal with customer issues and
12, quit because of an attitude of
indifference toward the customer by
the owner, mana$er, or some
(s a consequence of the course dele$ates would be e%pected to3
)efine and implement their or$anisations Customer Satisfaction strate$y
and plan
Create, operate and monitor a Customer Satisfaction and Complaints
4nderstand how to evaluate levels of customer satisfaction
5ow to develop a Customer Satisfaction scheme
!ho Should (ttend6
7uality, Sales 8 9aretin$ or any personnel interested in improvin$ the
or$anisations Customer Satisfaction status.
Course Structure
!ill include3
4nderstandin$ Customer :eeds and ;equirements
To e%amine various factors which can be used to determine levels of
Customer Satisfaction "and dissatisfaction#, "Measures of Customer
To measure the levels of customer satisfaction < "Measuring Customer
)efinin$ and implementin$ the Customer =eedbac "complaint# process
Coverin$ such techniques as3
Customer related processes < Contract ;eview and Customer =ocus
7uality =unction )eployment >?oice of the Customer>
Customer Satisfaction Surveys
@ap (nalysis.
Course dates and cost
See Trainin$ Courses for price list and order form for a one day course at the
798T Trainin$ centre.

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