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In this 21
century, the search for power is a question of survival. Countries seek
power to be admired and taken seriously; mankind seeks power in order to earn a
more than comfortable living, and even animals engage in power play to assert
their dominance and strength. In the past, the search for power has always led to
bloodshed and hurt. World wars, civil wars, racial wars they were all caused by
a group, race, or a mans need to be the most powerful. Not only were races
segregated but women were also underestimated and considered weaker. Over the
years, women and races have fought in order to prove their worth and improve
their lives. I will present, firstly the empowerment of women, secondly the
empowerment of the back race and thirdly the power of the US.
In Shakespeares poem Thy husband is thy Lord, we can firmly grasp the way
women were viewed in the 17
century. First off, they were considered physically
and intellectually weak. Beautiful and dutiful, their only job was to abide by their
husbands every rule. Being the perfect housewife was their lifes goal. The
husbands were the heads of the families. They were considered perfect in every
aspect. Only after the First World War, did women begin participating in the
working industry. However, their jobs were always at the bottom of the working
class. Holding high-paid positions and owning their own shops was not acceptable.
With time, women proved themselves to be just as good and capable at their posts
as men. Soon after, women were permitted to thrive in the working industry just as
any men would. The cartoon The Social Ladder reveals the struggles of women
at work. Despite the appearance of equality between the two genders, women work
harder than men to reach a high position. As they juggle between house duties,
their jobs and peoples scrutinizing gaze, women describe a glass ceiling that stops
their ascension in the work place. Being in charge of a family is quite a handful on
its own. Between the cooking, cleaning, shopping and driving, how can a woman
be expected to have any free time? In the text I Want a Wife we understand the
importance of a mother in a family. She organizes everyones life as well as her
own and cares for her children and her husband. So who wouldnt want a wife?
Just as women have progressed, the slavery of the black race has also disappeared.
In 1619, the first boat, filled with African slaves, arrived in the US. They were
initially brought to this new country to work in the crops. As their number
increased, the niggers were no longer used just for field work. Their jobs went
from the simplest task, like fetching an object, to the most agonizing labor work.
Their rights, freedom and possessions were non-existent. They were property,
owned by white men and beaten if ever disrespectful. They were malnourished and
were not privy to education and enjoyment. However, the black slaves were not
killed by their masters. Not because the white would feel guilty about their murder
but because they would be destroying one of their possessions. If they ever
bothered the pure white folk in any way, the slaves would be lynched and would
therefore set an example to all the others. The condition of slaves is well described
through the text Miss Eloise. The young slave in this text is called by a number,
hes uneducated and hungry. His lifes highest goal is to be a white girls page,
serving her in any possible way. Through this text, we learn that knowledge is
power since it leads to freedom. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln declared the
emancipation of the salves. In 1868, all of the US states prohibited slavery. And
finally, in1869, black people obtained the right to vote. Despite slavery being
illegalized, the white and black did not get along right away. The two races hated
each other and struggled to live in a shared environment. The black were therefore
segregated as they stuck together and refused to frequent the whites parts of town.
The people were divided in to two groups in society, at school, in the
neighborhood, and through town. The Jim Craw laws, that mock the black,
might not have been official but they were respected and followed. Little by little,
black were treated with respect and found their place in society. We all know the
famous story of Rosa Parks, a black woman who refused to give up her seat for a
young and healthy white man. Another example is Jackie Robinson, a black
baseball player who was recruited by a white coach to join his team. He became
the first African-American to play in Major League Baseball (MLB) in the
modern era. What was once unimaginable has become normality in todays 20

Thirdly, the US is a prime example of Power. Known as the land of
opportunities, this country has risen above all others. In the past, when
immigrants search for a new home, the US was always at the top of their list. In
order to enter this country, they had to bass through a thorough examination at
Liberty Island. Only the best were allowed to stay. They were only promise that if
their worked hard, they would be rewarded. The US is therefore know for its
melting pot: people from various countries, cultures would meet and fuse together
to create the unique American culture. Despite the promise of equality, and the
high image of this country, in this Promised Land, not everyone was equal. In the
ad representing America, we see that the Caucasians are considered the higher
race. They get to live the American dream while the immigrants struggle in
ghettoes. As the song The land of Marvels explains, the American dream is a
little too good to be true. This song is a critique of America, saying that it promised
too much to emigrants who choose to work there. The song is an exaggeration
since this high vision of America is true to many. Some people still believe that
this country has it all, democracy work possibilities and a happier easier life. This
country has insured the loyalty of its citizens. They are proud to be American since
their culture is world renowned. In almost every country we can find fast food
restaurants. Just as their food is common, their movies are too. Hollywoods
influence is everywhere. It is the most powerful influence in our world. Movies
books and series are the perfect vessel to spread the American way of life.
To sum up, Women have greatly progressed since the First World War. We now
find some women like Oprah and Ellen, whose opinions are highly respected,
hosting talk shows while other break the glass ceiling by being in the US supreme
court. Racism is slowly but surely disappearing as we further establish and apply
human right laws. Current US president Barak Obama is proof that our world is
continuously changing, hence the influence and power of the US in our world.

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