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Knowing how and why to motivate employees is an important managerial skill. Motivation is the
set of forces that cause people to choose certain behaviors from among the many alternatives
open to them. An employee's performance typically is influenced by motivation, ability, and the
work environment. Some deficiencies can be addressed by providing training or altering the
environment, motivation problems are not as easily addressed. Motivation is important because
of its significance as a determinant of performance and its intangible nature.
Evolution can be traced from scientific management, through the human relations movement, to
the human resource approach.
Scientific management: The assumptions of scientific management were that work is inherently
unpleasant for most people and the money they earn is more important to employees than is the
nature of the job they are performing.
Human relations movement: This school of thought emphasized the role of social processes in
organizations and assumed that the need for belongingness and the need to feel useful are more
important than money in motivating employees.
Human resource approach: This view assumes that people want to contribute to organizational
effectiveness and are able to make genuine contributions. The organization's responsibility is to
create a work environment that makes full use of available human resources.
Two need-based approaches are need hierarchies and the dual-structure approach.
Need Hierarchies
Two of the most popular need hierarchies are Abraham Maslow's hierarchy and Clayton
Alderfer's ERG theory of motivation.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs assumes that people are motivated to satisfy five levels of needs:
o physiological,
o security,
o belongingness,
o esteem, and
o self-actualization
The hierarchical arrangement suggests that the five levels of needs are arranged in order of
increasing importance, starting with physiological needs. According to the theory, when needs at
one level are satisfied, they are no longer motivators and the individual "moves up" the hierarchy
to satisfy needs at the next level. Maslow's view of motivation provides a logical framework for
categorizing needs, but it does not supply a complete picture.
Alderfer developed the ERG theory of motivation in response to criticisms of Maslow's
ERG stands for existence, relatedness, and growth needs ERG theory. Existence needs are
satisfied by food and water pay fringe benefits and working conditions. Relatedness needs are
satisfied by relationships with co workers, superiors family and friends. Growth needs cover the
need to advance and develop.
As with Maslow's theory, assumes that motivated behavior follows a hierarchy, but it has two
important differences:
ERG theory suggests that more than one level of needs can cause motivation at the same time.
ERG theory has a frustration-regression element that suggests that if needs remain unsatisfied at
some high level; the individual will become frustrated, regress to a lower level, and begin to
pursue lower-level needs again.
The Dual-Structure Approach to Motivation
The dual-structure approach was developed by Frederick Herzberg and is often referred to as the
two-factor theory.
Herzberg's studies of accountants and engineers led him to suggest that entirely different sets of
factors are associated with satisfaction and with dissatisfaction.
Motivation factors, relating to the job itself, result in feelings ranging from satisfaction to no
Hygiene factors, relating to the work environment, result in feelings ranging from dissatisfaction
to no dissatisfaction.
Acquired Needs.
Other need-based perspectives on motivation focus on acquired needs: the needs for
achievement, affiliation, and power. This approach is concerned not about the ordering of needs
but rather about the needs themselves. David McCleland first identified the need for
achievement, which reflects an individual's desire to do something more effectively than in the
past. The need for power is the desire to be influential in a group and to control one's
These approaches to motivation are concerned with how motivation takes place. They focus on
why people choose certain behavioral options to fulfill their needs and how they evaluate their
satisfaction after they have attained their goals. Two useful process-based approaches are
expectancy theory and equity theory.
Expectancy Theory
Expectancy theory suggests that motivation is based on how much we want something and how
likely we think we are to get it. The formal framework of expectancy theory was developed by
Victor Vroom. This framework states basically that motivation plus effort leads to performance,
which then leads to outcomes. According to this theory, three conditions must be met for
individuals to exhibit motivated behavior:
o effort-to-performance expectancy must be greater than zero;
o performance-to-outcome expectancy must also be greater than zero; and
o the sum of the valances for all relevant outcomes must be greater than zero.
Effort-to-performance expectancy is the individual's perception of the probability that effort will
lead to high performance. This expectancy ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 being a strong belief that
effort will lead to high performance.
Performance-to-outcome expectancy is the individual's perception that performance will lead to a
specific outcome. This expectancy ranges from 0 to 1. A high performance-to-outcome
expectancy would be 1 or close to it.
Outcomes are consequences of behavior. An individual may experience a variety of outcomes in
an organizational setting. Each outcome has an associated valance, which is an index of how
much an individual desires a particular outcome. An outcome that an individual wants has a
positive valance. An outcome that the individual does not want has a negative valance. When the
individual is indifferent to the outcome, the valance is zero.
Porter and Lawler extended the basic expectancy model by suggesting that high performance
may cause high satisfaction. When performance results in various extrinsic and intrinsic rewards,
the individual evaluates the equity of these various rewards relative to the effort expended and
the level of performance attained. The individual is satisfied if the rewards relative to the effort
expended and the level of performance attained. The individual is satisfied if the rewards are felt
to be fair.

Equity Theory
Equity theory, developed by J. Stacy Adams, suggests that once an individual has chosen an
action that is expected to satisfy his or her needs, the individual assesses the equity or fairness of
the outcome. Equity is an individual's beliefs that he or she is being treated fairly relative to the
treatment of others. Three attitudes are possible: an individual may feel equitably rewarded,
under-rewarded, or over-rewarded. When individuals feel under-rewarded or over-rewarded,
they will do something to reduce the inequity. The single most important thing to remember
about equity theory is that if rewards are to motivate employees, they must be perceived as being
equitable and fair.
These approaches to motivation explain the role of rewards as they cause behavior to change or
remain the same. Behavior that results in rewarding consequences is likely to be repeated.
However, expectancy theory focuses more on behavior choices, and reinforcement theory
focuses more on the consequences of those choices.
Reinforcement Contingencies
Reinforcement contingencies are the possible outcomes that an individual may experience as a
result of his or her choice of behavior. There are four of these: positive reinforcement, avoidance,
punishment, and extinction. Positive reinforcement is a reward or a positive outcome after a
desired behavior is performed; it serves to strengthen behavior. Avoidance occurs when the
individual chooses a behavior to avoid unpleasant consequences; it can strengthen desired
behavior. Punishment is unpleasant consequences used to weaken undesired behavior. Extinction
is ending undesired behavior by ignoring and not reinforcing it.
Providing Reinforcement
A fixed-interval schedule provides reinforcement at fixed intervals of time, regardless of
behavior. A variable-interval schedule provides reinforcement at varying time intervals. A fixed-
ration schedule gives reinforcement after a fixed number of behaviors, regardless of the time that
has elapsed between behaviors. A variable-ration schedule varies the number of behaviors
needed each reinforcement and is the most powerful schedule for maintaining desired behaviors.
Goal Setting Theory
This approach suggests that managers and subordinates should set goals for the individual on a
regular basis and that rewards should be tied to the accomplishment of goals. Research support
for goal-setting theory is more consistently favorable than any other single approach to employee

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