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Human Rights Alert (NGO) (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD "

PO Box 33407, Tel Aviv, srael "n 33407 x"n, 6133301
2014-04-29 ADL refuses to address evidence of racketeering in Bet Tzedek -
the Los Angeles "House of Justice"
ADL, which advertises itself as a champion of civil rights, has refused for several years to
address mounting evidence of racketeering by senior officers of Bet Tzedek, the Los
Angeles "House of Justice", an affiliate of the Greater Los Angeles Jewish Federation. Bet
Tzedek is headed by Sandor Samuels, former Chief Legal Officer of Countrywide Financial
Corporation and former Associate General Counsel of Bank of America Corporation.
David Pasternak (former President), Sandor Samuels (President/CEO), Terry Friedman (former Executive
Director) of BET TZEDEK (the Los Angeles "House of Justice"), an affiliate of the LOS ANGELES JEWSH
FEDERATON. The evidence shows the three of them colluding in racketeering in the Los Angeles Superior
] Highly decorated FB veteran, renowned fraud expert James Wedick opined that their conduct was
"fraud". [
] But ADL refuses for years to address the evidence of racketeering in Bet Tzedek.
OccupyTLV, May 19 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O', for(ar)e) !o Ra**i
Laura O(ens, $+,nai Horin - -hi#)ren of .ree)om synaoue', a re/ues! !o )issocia!e herse#f from
+e! T0e)ek, a prominen! Los "ne#es Je(ish chari!y, an) 1an)or 1amue#s, i!s presi)en!2 3
The re/ues! fo##o(e) fun)-raisin a)5er!isemen!s, (i)e#y pu*#ishe) *y +e! T0e)ek, fea!urin Ra**i
O(ens, (hich s!a!es6 3
Jus!ice for a## is no! on#y a *asic "merican princip#e, i! is one of !he foun)a!ions of Ju)aism2
+e! T0e)ek e7emp#ifies !he commi!men! an) compassion of 8us!ice for e5eryone2 9 am
prou) !o *e a sma## f#ame in !he !orch !ha! carries !his #ih! in!o !he !(en!y-firs! cen!ury2
The re/ues!, for(ar)e) !o Ra**i O(ens says6
+e! T0e)ek is no!hin #ess !han a Je(ish racke!, hea)e) *y 1an)or 1amue#s, one of !he
archi!ec!s of !he epi)emic of mor!ae an) forec#osure frau), an) corrup!ion of !he s!a!e an)
:1 cour!s from coas! !o coas!2
The fac! !ha! 1an)or 1amue#s #ikes !o fin) co5er un)er !he man!#e of Je(ish chari!y an) in
par!icu#ar ho#ocaus! sur5i5ors, is a cynica# p#oy2 +u! !he fac! !ha! !he Los "ne#es Je(ish an)
#ea# communi!y con!inues !o pro5i)e his such co5er is ine7cusa*#e2 3
9n para##e#, !he re/ues! (as a#so for(ar)e) !o "DL, !he "n!i Defama!ion Leaue2 Rep#y, in)ica!in
rea)in of !he messae (as recei5e) from "DL;s Mr To)) &u!nick, *u! no o!her response2 3
This (as no! !he firs! !ime !ha! "DL, (hich a)5er!ises i!se#f as a champion of 8us!ice an) ci5i#
rih!s, fai#s !o a))ress )e!ai#e) e5i)ence of racke!eerin *y +e! T0e)ek an) i!s presi)en! 1an)or
1amue#s2 Re/ues!s, (hich (ere repea!e)#y for(ar)e) !o "DL an) i!s )irec!or "*raham .o7man on
!his ma!!er o5er !he pas! se5era# years2 They a## remain unans(ere) (i!hou! e7cep!ion2 3
The no!e !o Ra**i Laura O(ens a#so inc#u)e) a shor! messae, )e!ai#in some of !he e5i)ence for
!he ma8or ro#e of 1an)or 1amue#s, +e! T0e)ek;s presi)en! as a key fiure in !he mor!ae an)
forec#osure frau) epi)emic in !he :ni!e) 1!a!es2
1an)or 1amue#s is former -hief Lea# Officer of -oun!ry(i)e .inancia# -orpora!ion an) former
"ssocia!e &enera# -ounse# of +ank Of "merica -orpora!ion2
The e5i)ence sho(s, !ha! in such capaci!ies, s!ar!in in !he ear#y <===s, 1an)or 1amue#s (as a key
fiure in es!a*#ishin corrup! prac!ices in -oun!ry(i)e, an) #a!er in +ank of "merica, re#a!i5e !o !he
>s!ream#inin> of o5ernmen!-*acke) resi)en!ia# mor!ae appro5a# an) frau) in forec#osure
proce)ures2 The ou!come of !hese prac!ices is an unprece)en!e) frau) on !he :1 !a7 payer, on
shareho#)ers, an) on homeo(ners na!ion(i)e2 3
9n para##e#, +e! T0e)ek, un)er !he #ea)ership of 1an)or 1amue#s (as au!hori0e) *y !he -i!y of Los
"ne#es as !he so#e aency !o han)#e a## ci!i0ens; comp#ain!s of rea# es!a!e an) mor!ae frau)2
9n ear#y <==?, 1an)or 1amue#s (en! fur!her an) #aunche) a campain aains! rea# es!a!e an)
mor!ae frau) in synaoues an) churches across 1ou!hern -a#ifornia, prominen!#y a)5er!isin
himse#f un)er !he (e* si!e of +e! T0e)ek as a >.rau) +us!er>2 3
9n 5ie( of 1amue#;s campain aains! rea# es!a!e frau), a re/ues! (as fi#e) 1an)or 1amue#s in his
+e! T0e)ek office, in his capaci!y as Presi)en! of +e! T0e)ek, !o s!op rea# es!a!e frau) *ein
perpe!ra!e) *y -oun!ry(i)e an) i!s Lea# Depar!men!2 3
4 @i!hin <A hours, !he en!ire (e* si!e of
+e! T0e)ek (as remo5e)2 @hen i! came *ack up a fe( )ays #a!er, no men!ion (as foun) any
#oner of !he .rau) +us!er campain2
1oon af!er(ar), a re!a#ia!ion campain (as #aunche)6 +ryan -a5e LLP, s!ar!e) appearin in !he
Los "ne#es 1uperior -our! on *eha#f of -oun!ry(i)e, un)er e5er chanin par!y )esina!ions,
>P#ain!iff>, >Defen)an!>, >-ross Defen)an!>, >Rea# Par!y in 9n!eres!>, >9n!er5enor>, an) more222 a##
(i!h no #ea# foun)a!ion a! a##2 Moreo5er, 1an)or 1amue#s himse#f appeare) in !he case un)er !he
*ous par!y )esina!ion BPerson in 9n!eres!C2
9n January <==D, -oun!ry(i)e co##apse), fo##o(in !he pu*#ica!ion *y !he %e( Eork Time of frau)
*y -oun!ry(i)e;s Lea# Depar!men! un)er !he #ea)ership of 1an)or 1amue#s !hrouh !he fi#in in
!he :1 +ankrup!cy -our! in Pennsy#5ania of BRecrea!e) Le!!ersC as e5i)ence2 3
4 The co##apse of
-oun!ry(i)e (as one of !he e5en!s, (hich )efine) !he onse! !he onoin financia# an) socio-
economic crisis, (hich resu#!e) in *ai#ou!s in hun)re)s of *i##ions of )o##ars from !he :1 !reasury !o
-oun!ry(i)e an) #a!er +ank of "merica as i!s paren! corpora!ion, an) misery for mi##ions in !he
:ni!e) 1!a!es an) *eyon)2
9n March <==D, 1an)or 1amue#s, in his capaci!y as -hief Lea# Officer of -oun!ry(i)e, (as a#so
)irec!#y responsi*#e for !he frau) *y -oun!ry(i)e an) i!s Lea# Depar!men! in !he :1 Dis!ric! -our!
in Te7as2 Tha! case resu#!e) in a Memoran)um Opinion *y Ju)e Jeff +ohm, (hich (as a#so *ase)
on a year-#on s!u)y *y !he office of :1 Trus!ee of !he prac!ices of -oun!ry(i)e;s Lea#
Depar!men! in !he cour!s from coas! !o coas!2 The Memoran)um rea)s as a ca!a#o of #ea# frau)
prac!ices2 3
On Ju#y 1, <==D, !he merer of -oun!ry(i)e in!o +ank of "merica, effec!i5e#y enforce) *y !he :1
o5ernmen!, (as comp#e!e), an) 1an)or 1amue#s *ecame "ssocia!e &enera# -ounse# of +ank of
"merica, un)er +ank of "merica;s &enera# -ounse# Timo!hy Mayopou#os2 The e5i)ence sho(s !ha!
(i!h i!, frau) in !he Los "ne#es 1uperior -our! *y -oun!ry(i)e;s Lea# Depar!men! an) 1amue#;s
+e! T0e)ek;s co##eaues, Da5i) Pas!ernak an) Terry .rie)man came !o a !emporary ha#!2
Ho(e5er, in Decem*er <==D Timo!hy Mayopou#os (as a*rup!#y )ismisse) an) escor!e) *y securi!y
ou! of !he +ank of "merica hea)/uar!ers2 He (as rep#ace) *y +rian Moynihan F !o)ay +ank of
"merica presi)en!2 @i!hin <A hours, frau)u#en! re!a#ia!ory ac!ions in !he Los "ne#es 1uperior
-our! (ere resume), !hrouh -oun!ry(i)e;s Lea# Depar!men!, no( a su*si)iary of +ank of
"merica2 Therefore, 1an)or 1amue#s shou#) a#so *e consi)ere) a key fiure in es!a*#ishin in +ank
of "merica !he same corrup! #ea# frau) prac!ices, pre5ious#y es!a*#ishe) in -oun!ry(i)e2 3
The e5i)ence presen!e) here sho(s !ha! !he a*rup! )ismissa# of +ank of "merica &enera# -ounse#
Mayopou#os (as !ih!#y corre#a!e) (i!h !he es!a*#ishmen! of corrup! #ea# prac!ices in +ank of
"merica2 9n con!ras!, in5es!ia!ions in!o !he same ma!!er *y !he %e( Eork "!!orney &enera# an)
!he :1 -onress (ere unsuccessfu#222
.rau) in !he -a#ifornia cour!s *y -oun!ry(i)e an) +ank of "merica (as one of !he focuses of !he
<=1= Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O' su*mission !o !he :ni!e) %a!ions Human Rih!s -ounci# $HR-'
4 for !he firs! e5er Perio)ic Re5ie( of Human Rih!s in !he :ni!e) 1!a!es2 The Human Rih!s
"#er! su*mission (as incorpora!e) in!o !he fina# HR- Perio)ic Repor! on Human Rih!s in !he
:ni!e) 1!a!es (i!h !he no!e6 >-orrup!ion of !he cour!s an) !he #ea# profession an) )iscrimina!ion *y
#a( enforcemen! in -a#ifornia>2 3
"!!emp!s !o pro!ec! -i5i# Rih!s aains! con)uc! of 1an)or 1amue#s an) his +e! T0e)ek co##eaues
in !he :1 cour!s (ere fu!i#e as (e##2 The :1 Dis!ric! -our!, -en!ra# Dis!ric! of -a#ifornia, refuse)
!o issue #a(fu# summonses in !his case, an) !he :1 -our! of "ppea#s, 9
-ircui! summari#y )enie)
Gmerency Pe!i!ions, askin !o or)er !he :1 Dis!ric! -our! !o issue summonses in !his case2
.i#in of )e!ai#e) e5i)ence of !he frau) in !he cour!s *y 1amue#s an) his co##eaues 3
4 (as
un#a(fu##y Bre!urne)C *y 1upreme -our! -ounse# Danny +icke## (i!h no au!hori!y a! a##2 3
Like(ise, a## #a( enforcemen! aencies, #oca# $+e5er#y Hi##s Po#ice -hief Da5i) 1no()en', s!a!e
$!hen -a#ifornia "!!orney &enera# Jerry +ro(n', an) fe)era# $He5in Me#son, !hen Direc!or of :1
"!!orneys Office, an) He5in Haiser, .+9 "ssis!an! Direc!or for -rimina# 9n5es!ia!ions' effec!i5e#y
pa!roni0e) 1an)or 1amue#s an) his +e! T0e)ek co##eaues, rear)#ess of conressiona# in/uiries *y
1ena!or Dianhe .eins!ein an) -onress(oman Diane @a!son2
The syneris!ic corrup!ion of !he :1 8us!ice sys!em an) :1 financia# ins!i!u!ions is a! !he hear! of
!he curren! crisis, 3
4 an) 1an)or 1amue#s shou#) *e 5ie(e) as a prime e7amp#e of a key fiure
in es!a*#ishin such con)i!ions2
@i!h i!, since *efore !he onse! of !he crisis an) !o !his )a!e, 1an)or 1amue#s has ser5e) as Presi)en!
of +e! T0e)ek, !he Los "ne#es >House of Jus!ice>, an affi#ia!e of &rea!er Los "ne#es Je(ish
.e)era!ion2 9n para##e#, 1an)or 1amue#s ser5e), or ser5es on !he *oar)s of o!her ma8or Los "ne#es
Je(ish ins!i!u!ions as (e##6
I ")a! "rie# 1ynaoue
I "merican Je(ish :ni5ersi!y, Los "ne#es
I 1ha#he5e! schoo#
I Zie#er 1choo# of Ra**inic 1!u)ies
%one of !he +oar) Mem*ers of +e! T0e)ek, #ea)ers of !he &rea!er Los "ne#es Je(ish .e)era!ion,
an) !he Los "ne#es Je(ish ins!i!u!ions, (here 1an)or 1amue#s is a +oar) Mem*ers has e5er
ans(ere) on no!ices a#er!in !hem !o 1an)or 1amue#s con)uc!, an) urin !hem !o !ake ac!ion2
Like(ise, no response has *een recei5e) from Ra**i Laura O(ens on !he !his (eek;s no!ice2
"DL has refuse) o5er !he years !o respon) on e5i)ence of racke!eerin *y 1an)or 1amue#s an)
o!her +e! T0e)ek officers as (e##2
@i!h !he passae of !ime, !he s!an)in of 1an)or 1amue#s an) his co##eaues as #ea)ers of +e!
T0e)ek an) o!her Los "ne#es ma8or Je(ish ins!i!u!ions, (hi#e !heir con)uc! in !he *ankin sys!em
an) !he cour!s is fu##y a)5er!ise), (i## sure#y *e remem*ere) as !he scar#e! #e!!er of !he Los "ne#es
Je(ish communi!y )urin our !ime2
Like(ise, !he refusa# of "DL !o a))ress e5i)ence of orani0e) crime an) massi5e 5io#a!ions of
-i5i# Rih!s *y Je(ish orani0a!ions an) Je(ish communi!y #ea)ers, com*ine) (i!h !he repea!
sprea)in of nonsensica# )a!a rear)in an!isemi!ism, an) in)oc!rina!ion a!!emp!s in :1 hiher
e)uca!ion ins!i!u!ions, #ea5e "DL a Je(ish orani0a!ion (i!h no cre)i*i#i!y a! a##2 3
Gn) no!e6
"s par! of !he pro!oco# of !he :% Human Rih!s -ounci# $HR-', !he au!hor (as re/uire) !o su*mi!
)raf!s of !he Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O' <=1= su*mission, rear)in corrup!ion of !he -a#ifornia
cour!s !o !he :1 au!hori!ies2 -onse/uen!#y, in !he )ays prior !o !he )ea)#ine for su*mi!!in !he
repor! !o !he HR-, !he au!hor (as souh! *y :1 Marsha#s, Dis!ric! Threa! :ni!2 @i!hin )ays af!er
fi#in !he Human Rih!s "#er! su*mission (i!h !he HR- an) !he f#in (i!h !he :1 1upreme -our!
of papers )ocumen!in frau) in !he :1 Dis!ric! -our!, -en!ra# Dis!ric! of -a#ifornia, :1 -our! of
"ppea#s, 9!h -ircui!, an) !he :1 1upreme -our! i!se#f, !he au!hor ha) !o f#ee !he :ni!e) 1!a!es, af!er
his neih*ors (arne) him !ha! arme) :1 aen!s appeare) a! his resi)ence an) #ooke) eaer !o
Like(ise, af!er fi#in !he Human Rih!s "#er! <=1J su*mission !o !he HR- on corrup!ion of !he
9srae# cour!s, 3
4 !he au!hor (as su*8ec!e) !o re!a#ia!ion *y !he 9srae#i au!hori!ies, aain !hrouh a
ma8or 9srae#i *ank F +ank HaPoa#im F in co##usion (i!h !he 9srae#i cour!s2 This !ime, re!a#ia!ion (as
carrie) ou! un)er !he pa!ronae of 1!an#ey .ischer, !hen &o5ernor of +ank of 9srae#, no( - %o < a!
!he .e)era# Reser5e2 3
To)ay, !he au!hor #i5es in !he OccupyTLV camp, un)er pro!ec!ion of !he &erman o5ernmen!
aains! *o!h !he 9srae#i an) !he :1 o5ernmen!s2 3
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O'
I The Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O' su*mission !o !he Human Rih!s -ounci# of !he :ni!e) %a!ions
(as incorpora!e) in!o !he <=1= Perio)ic Re5ie( Repor! rear)in Human Rih!s in !he :ni!e)
1!a!es, (i!h !he no!e6 >corrup!ion of !he cour!s an) !he #ea# profession an) )iscrimina!ion *y #a(
enforcemen! in -a#ifornia>2
I The Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O' su*mission !o !he Human Rih!s -ounci# of !he :ni!e) %a!ions
(as incorpora!e) in!o !he <=1J Perio)ic Re5ie( Repor! rear)in Human Rih!s in 9srae#, (i!h !he
no!e6 >#ack of in!eri!y of !he e#ec!ronic recor)s of !he 1upreme -our!, !he )is!ric! cour!s an) !he
)e!ainees cour!s in 9srae#2>
i 2011-12-28 Supplemental Declaration of Joseph Zernik in RE: Racketeering by COUNTRYWDE, BANK
OF AMERCA, BET TZEDEK, California and US Judges and Clerks, and cover up by FB and US
Department of Justice
ii 2007-12-17 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) David Pasternak: Grant Deeds in re: 320 South Peck Drive,
Beverly Hills, CA 90212, opined "fraud by James Wedick
iii 2014-05-15 Urging Rabbi Laura Owens to dissociate herself from Bet Tzedek - a Los Angeles Jewish
racket headed by Sandor Samuels
iv11-12-31 The Latest From Countrywide's Sandor Samuels/Bet Tzedek Productions: Cynical Holocaust
5 2014-05-15 ADL is urged to challenge statements on Bet Zedek - a Los Angeles Jewish racket
vi 2011-05-05 Addendum to request for opinion by ADL's Abraham Foxman in re: Corruption/Racketeering in
the Los Angeles Jewish/Legal community
5ii 2011-05-05 PRESS RELEASE: Anti Defamation League's Abraham Foxman is asked to opine on
allegations of Public Corruption, Racketeering in the Los Angeles Jewish/Legal Community
viii 2010-10-01 United Nations Human Rights Council Professional Staff Report, referring to Human Rights
Alert submission with the note "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law
enforcement in California" (page 6, paragraph 45)
ix 2007-06-20 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) Bet Tzedek's web pages featuring Sandor Samuels' campaign against fraud
x 2007-06-22 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) Letter Hand Delivered to Sandor Samuels in his capacity as
President of Bet Tzedek, on the premises of Bet Tzedek
7i 2008-01-08 Case of Borrower Hills (01-22574) - in the US Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
Pittsburgh. Countrywide's Three "Recreated Letters" and a Transcript
7ii 2008-03-05 Case of Borrower William Parsley (05-90374), Dkt #248: Judge Jeff Bohm's Memorandum Opinion,
rebuking Countrywide's litigation practices, Countrywide's false outside counsel scheme - appearances by counsel who
are not Counsel of Record, with "no communications with clients" clause:
7iii 2010-05-05 Countrywide, Bank of America [NYSE;BAC], and its President Brian Moynihan Compilation of Records
Evidence of Racketeering
xiv 2010-04-08 Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the
UPR of the United States, as it appears in the United Nations Human Rights Council site
xv 2010-04-08 Human Rights Alert (NGO) Appendix to submission for the 2010 UPR of Human Rights in
the United States, as it appears on the UN site:
75i 10-10-01 United Nations Human Rights Council Professional Staff Report, referring to Human Rights
Alert submission with the note "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law
enforcement in California" (page 6, paragraph 45)
xvii 2010-04-20 Richard Fine v Sheriff of Los Angeles County (09-A827) - Dr Joseph Zernik's Motion to
ntervene - face pages of five filings by Dr Joseph Zernik, with stamps showing receipt by the US Supreme
2010-04-18 Richard Fine v Sheriff of Los Angeles County(09-A827) 1 Amended Motion to ntervene
2010-04-18 Richard Fine v Sheriff of Los Angeles County(09-A827) 2 Amended Request for Lenience by Pro
Se Filer
2010-04-18 Richard Fine v Sheriff of Los Angeles County (09-A827) 3 Amended Request for Corrections in
US Supreme Court Records
2010-04-18 Richard Fine v Sheriff of Los Angeles County (09-A827) 4 Amended Request for ncorporation
by Reference
2010-04-18 Richard Fine v Sheriff of Los Angeles County (09-A827) Dr Zernik's 5 Amended Appendices
2010-04-18 Richard Fine v Sheriff of Los Angeles County(09-A827) 5 Amended Appendix X b: Zernik's
Declaration in re: April 16, 2010 search for records in the Courts microfilm judgments archive
75iii The papers were filed in the US Supreme Court was as a "Motion to ntervene in the case of Richard
2010-01-21 Attorney Richard Fine - dissident's false hospitalization in Los Angeles County, California
xix 2010-04-22 Richard Fine v Sheriff of Los Angeles County (09-A827) at the US Supreme Court - Dr
Zernik's Declaration RE: Court Counsel Danny Bickell and Filing at US Supreme Court
xx 10-07-01 n re: Fine v Sheriff (09-A827): Complaint against US Supreme Court Counsel Danny Bickell
Alleging Public Corruption and Deprivation of Rights
77i 11-08-08 PRESS RELEASE: Fraud and Corruption in the US Courts are Tightly Linked to Failing Banking Regulation
and the Global Economic Crisis presentation in the 16th World Criminology Congress, Japan
77ii 2012-09-26 Zernik, J., "Large-scale fraud in US court records is linked to failing banking regulation",
77iii 2008-10-15 Cover Letter to Bet Tzedek - a Los Angeles Jewish Charity, Alejandro Mayorkas, Member of
the Board, and Mitchell Kamins President
xxiv 2010-06-11 Call for Accountability by the Jewish Community for Rampant Fraud at Los Angeles Superior
2010-10-05 The Los Angeles Jewish legal community again asked to assume accountability for conduct of
Bet Tzedek "The House of Justice
2010-10-11 Holly Fujie and Bet Tzedek the Los Angeles Jewish Legal Community Again Asked to Assume
Accountability for Conduct of Bet Tzedek The House of Justice
2011-03-17 No shame left in the Los Angeles Jewish Community; Countrywide's Sandor Samuels is again
President of Bet Tzedek - "The House of Justice
2011-06-06 PRESS RELEASE: Bet Tzedek the Los Angeles "House of Justice - a Jewish Justice
xxv 2010-06-11 Call for Accountability by the Jewish Community for Rampant Fraud at Los Angeles Superior
xxvi 2014-05-16 "NYT" publishes unvarnished ADL propaganda: 93% of Palestinians are anti-
2014-03-17 srael's War on American Universities
775ii 2013-01-01 The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission, as incorporated into the UN Human Rtghts
Council UPR report with the note "Lack of integrity in the electronic records of the Supreme Court, the district
courts and the detainees courts in srael" (page 4, paragraph 25)
775iii 13-09-25 Governor of Bank of srael Stanley Fischer Acted As a Foreign Agent for U.S. Security
Apparatus Banking Cartel
xxix 2013-01-23 Request for protection by the German Ambassador to srael of a human rights/computer
science writer in Jerusalem
777 2013-08-22 Request for protection by the German Consul in srael of a German citizen against simulated
court process

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