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Please note the new fees for the Temporary Residents Program
(/english/information/fees/fees.asp#visas_permits) and adult citizenship applications
se this guide to apply for! visitor visa" transit visa" super visa
Table of Contents
$efore you apply
%tep &. 'ather documents
%tep (. )omplete the application
%tep *. Pay the fees
%tep +. %u,mit the application
-hat happens ne.t/
0ow to contact )1) ()itizenship and 1mmigration )anada)
1ncome Ta,le
Temporary Resident 2isa application photograph specifications
This is not a legal document. 3or legal information" refer to the Immigration and Refugee Protection
Act and Regulations or the Citizenship Act and Regulations" as applica,le.
This pu,lication is availa,le in alternative formats upon re4uest.
Application package
This application pac5age consists of!
6 an instruction guide and
6 the re4uired forms
Applying for Visitor Visa (Temporary
Resident Visa !"" #$#%&
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What you must do to have your application processed.
Important information that you need to be aware of in order to avoid delays or
other problems.
Where to get more information.
Note: Tips that will assist you with this application.
The instruction guide is a tool that provides:
the information you must know about this application before sending it to Citizenship and
Immigration Canada CIC! and
assistance with how to fill out the forms and the re"uired supporting documents
#ead the instruction guide thoroughly and then fill out each of the applicable forms.
The forms are specifically designed with "uestions that will assist the processing of your application.
Symbols used in this guide
This guide uses the following symbols to indicate information of particular importance.
The application process
The instructions provided in this guide follow the basic steps you will need to know to complete your
$. %ather documents
&. Complete the application
'. (ay the fees
). *ail the application
Before you apply
Who may use this application?
This application guide is designed for persons who wish to apply for a temporary resident visa from
outside Canada.
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Note: The processing time of an application may vary from one visa office to another. Find out
more about local application processing times by visiting our website
Who are Visitors?
Visitors are persons who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada and are
legally authorized to enter Canada to!
" visit Canada on holiday (vacation)
" visit family
" conduct business etc. (et cetera)
Visitors are restricted in length of stay and sub#ect to various conditions.
Do I need a Temporary Resident Visa?
$ersons who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada may re%uire a visa to enter
Canada. The re%uirement for a visa also applies to temporary residents who are transiting in Canada.
For more information see our list of Countries and territories whose citizens re%uire visas in order to
enter Canada as visitors (/english/visit/visas.asp).
What is a Temporary Resident Visa?
& Temporary 'esident Visa (T'V) is an official document issued by a Canadian visa office that is
placed in your passport to show that you have met the re%uirements for admission to Canada as a
temporary resident (either as a visitor a student or a wor(er).
)mportant information. *ou must obtain a Temporary 'esident Visa (T'V) before your departure.
*ou cannot obtain one upon arrival in Canada.
What are the requirements you must meet for a TRV (Temporary
Resident Visa)?
*ou must show the officer that you meet the re%uirements of the )mmigration and 'efugee $rotection
&ct ()'$&) and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations and that you will be in Canada
for a temporary stay.
*ou must also!
" satisfy an officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay
" show that you have enough money to maintain yourself and your family members in Canada
and to return home
" not intend to wor( or study in Canada unless authorized to do so
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Spouse Refers to either of the two persons (opposite or same sex) in a marriage
legally recognized in the country in which it took place, as well as in
Refers to a person who is living in a conjugal relationship with another
person (opposite or same sex), and has done so continuously for a period
of at least one year. conjugal relationship exists when there is a
significant degree of commitment !etween two people.
"his can !e shown with evidence that the couple share the same home,
that they support each other financially and emotionally, that they have
children together, or that they present themselves in pu!lic as a couple.
Common#law partners who are una!le to live together or appear in pu!lic
together !ecause of legal restrictions in their home country or who have
!een separated for reasons !eyond their control (for example, civil war or
armed conflict) may still $ualify and should !e included on the application.
Refers to the children of the applicant or those of the spouse or common#
law partner.
"hey must%
& !e under the age of '' and not have a spouse or common#law
partner, or
& depend su!stantially on the financial support of a parent and have
!een continuously enrolled and in attendance as full#time students in
a post#secondary institution accredited !y the relevant government
authority since !efore the age of '' (or since marrying or entering
into a common#law relationship, if this happened !efore the age of
''), or
& !e law a!iding and have no record of criminal activity,
& not !e a risk to the security of Canada,
& provide any additional document re$uested !y the officer to esta!lish your admissi!ility, and
& !e in good health (complete a medical examination if re$uired).
Entry to Canada
(mportant information. )ntry to Canada is a privilege, not a right. *ou must meet the necessary
re$uirements and you may need a "emporary Resident +isa.
Family members
*our family mem!ers include your spouse or common#law partner, your dependent children and any
children that are their dependent children.
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depend substantially on the financial support of a parent since before
the age of 22 and be unable to provide for themselves due to a
medical condition.
Dependent child
of a dependent
Refers to children of dependent children of the applicant or those of the
spouse or common-law partner.
Do family members need to apply separately?
Your family members who also wish to visit Canada must apply by filling out their own temporary
residence form (Temporary Resident isa! study permit or wor" permit#. $owever! you may send all
family member application forms in the same envelope with only one payment receipt for the total
amount. %ee the &'ay the (ee) section.
Your spouse or common-law partner and children must meet all the re*uirements for temporary
residents to Canada.
Medical requirements
You and your family members may be re*uired to undergo a medical e+amination in order to come to
Canada. (ind out more by chec"ing the ,edical e+amination re*uirements for temporary residents
You may either.
undergo an upfront medical e+amination by contacting a 'anel 'hysician/ or
wait until your application is reviewed and medical instructions are provided to you by the visa
0et the instructions (-english-information-medical-mede+ams-temp.asp# to complete the medical
Note: 1hen medical results are submitted up-front! routine cases benefit from faster processing
since we do not have to re*uest them at a later date. 2f you choose to have an upfront medical
e+am! you must submit proof that you completed the medical e+amination with your application.
(ailure to do so may result in processing delays.
iometric requirements
You and your family members may be re*uired to appear in person to have your fingerprints and
photograph (biometric information# ta"en at a biometric collection service point
3ll family members who are re*uired to have their fingerprints and photograph ta"en and who are
applying together should go to the same biometric collection service point.
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Important information
Find out if you are required to provide biometrics (
You must not have your biometric fingerprints and photo taen before you submit
your application. You can have your biometrics collected:
! after you submit your application and have received a biometric instruction
letter which will direct you to a list of points of service you may choose from"
! at the same time as you are submitting your application in person at a #isa $pplication %entre
Can I work or study during my stay in Canada?
#isitors are not allowed to wor or study in %anada unless they are authori&ed to do so under the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. In many cases' a wor or study permit will be
$ temporary resident may also tae a program of study up to si( months duration without having to
obtain a study permit.
Information on Parent and Grandparent Super Visa
About the Super Visa
)n *ovember +' ,-..' %I% (%iti&enship and Immigration %anada) announced a temporary pause on
all new sponsorship applications for the parents and grandparents category. /ith the introduction of
this pause' %I% (%iti&enship and Immigration %anada) implemented a long0term 1emporary 2esident
#isa (12#) for applicants seeing to visit their child or grandchild who is either a %anadian citi&en or
permanent resident.
1he single or multiple0entry 3uper #isa allows visitors to stay for a period of up to two years.
Important information. $pplicants who do not require a visa must also submit an application to the
visa office.
Who may apply for a Super Visa?
1o apply for the 3uper #isa you must either be the parent or grandparent of a %anadian citi&en or a
permanent resident of %anada.
Note You cannot include your dependent children in this application. )nly your spouse or
common0law partner is eligible to accompany you under this provision.
What must I do to obtain a SuperVisa?
In order to obtain a 3uper #isa' you will need to apply at a visa office and provide:
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evidence of the parent or grandparent relationship to the Canadian citizen or permanent
resident you wish to visit (e.g. (for example) birth certificate, baptismal certificate or other official
documents naming you as parent),
a letter of invitation (/english/visit/letter.asp) from your child or grandchild which includes
arrangements for care and support,
proof from your child or grandchild that he meets the ow !ncome Cut"#ff (!C#)
proof that you have private medical insurance valid for a minimum of one year from a Canadian
insurance company and that$
% covers health care, hospitalization and repatriation,
% provides a minimum coverage of &'(( (((, and
% is valid for each entry to Canada and be available for review by a port of entry officer.
Note: you may be re)uired to appear in person to have your biometric fingerprints and photo
(biometric information) ta*en at a biometric collection service point (/english/visit/biometrics.asp).
Note: +ou will be re)uired to undergo a medical examination.
What must my child or grandchild do to meet the LICO (Low Income Cut-Off)
+ou child or grandchild,s income must meet or exceed the minimum necessary, as identified annually
in the !ncome -able.
!n the letter of invitation (/english/visit/letter.asp) he must calculate his family size. -his factor
determines the amount of income re)uired of him to provide care and support for you and your
spouse, if applicable. .e may use the table below to calculate the family size$
'. +our child or grandchild counts$
.is spouse or common"law partner,
.is dependent children,
any person he may have sponsored previously and for whom the sponsorship agreement
and underta*ing are still in effect.
/. .e counts the number of persons he will be supporting $
+ou, and
+our spouse or common"law partner, if applicable.
0. .e adds the number of persons covered by steps ' and /. -he total represents his family size.
1. .e loo*s at the !C# (ow !ncome Cut"#ff) in the !ncome -able in this guide to determine if he
meets the minimum re)uired for his family size.
2. -o demonstrate that he meets the minimum income re)uired, your child or grandchild may
include one of the documents listed in the Document Checklist (!33 2141).
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Note: If your child and grandchild does not meet the LICO minimum, his spouse or common-law
partner can assist by also providing a letter of invitation with one of the documents listed in the
Document Checklist (IMM !"!#$
Step 1. Gather documents
What documents are required?
If you are outside of Canada, use the Document Checklist (IMM !"!#
(%english%pdf%&its%forms%IMM!"!'$pdf# to assist you in gathering the re(uired documents to submit
your application$
)ome visa offices may re(uire additional supporting documents specific to your country$ *or further
information on these re(uirements, visit our website under List of countries and corresponding
Canadian visa offices (%english%information%offices%apply-where$asp#$
If you are inside Canada, you must use the Document checklist Applicants in Canada (IMM +,-#
(%english%pdf%&its%forms%IMM+,-'$pdf# to gather the documents re(uired to submit your application to
the Case .rocessing Centre / Ottawa (C.C-O#$ (%english%information%offices%canada%ottawa$asp#
Important information$ If you do not provide all the re(uested information or documents, the
processing of your application could be delayed$
Minors travelling alone
Minors (under -" years of age# travelling alone or with a person other than their parents or legal
guardians should have a letter of authori0ation, preferably in 'nglish or *rench, signed by both
parents or legal guardians$ It should also include the name of the adult who will be responsible for the
children in Canada$
Minors travelling with only one parent or legal guardian should have a letter of authori0ation,
preferably in 'nglish or *rench, from the non accompanying parent or guardian$
Translation of documents
If your documents are in a language other than 'nglish or *rench, chec& with the responsible visa
office to determine whether they need to be translated$
1isit our website under List of countries and corresponding Canadian visa offices
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Important information
Step 2. Complete the application
Filling out the application
The following are the forms that must be filled out and submitted:
Application for Temporary Resident Visa (IMM 5257)
Family Information (IMM 5645)
Document Checklist (IMM 5484)
Document Checklist Applicants in Canada (IMM 5721), if applicable
chedule ! Application for Temporary Resident Visa (IMM 5257 Sche!le 1), if applicable
tatutory Declaration of Common"la# $nion (IMM 54"#), if applicable
$se of a Representati%e (IMM 5476), if applicable
Note: You may be required to complete aitional $!pportin% oc!ment$ !pon re&!e$t of a
'i$a officer(
Important information( It i$ a $erio!$ offence to %i'e fal$e or mi$leain% information on the$e
form$( )he information *o! pro'ie on *o!r application i$ $!b+ect to 'erification(
e complete and accurate
,omplete all $ection$( If a $ection oe$ not appl* to *o!, -rite .Not /pplicable0 or
.N/0, e1cept for *o!r name (la$t name an %i'en name2$3)( 4efer to &!e$tion$ 1 an 2 !ner
.5er$onal 6etail$0 $ection for f!rther in$tr!ction$(
If *o!r application i$ incomplete it -ill be ret!rne to *o! an thi$ -ill ela* the proce$$in% of *o!r
!f you need more space for any section" print out an additional page containing the
appropriate section" complete it and submit it along with your application(
Application for Temporary Resident Visa #!$$ %2%&'
(ho must fill out this application form)
)hi$ form m!$t be complete b* each per$on appl*in% for a )emporar* 4e$ient 7i$a to 'i$it
Completing the form
8o! m!$t an$-er all the &!e$tion$ on thi$ application form !nle$$ inicate
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Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 1
Download and fill out the application form on a computer.
You also have the option of saving your form and completing it later.
Note: Completing the form electronically is easier and reduces the risk of errors that can slow
down the application process.
In order to help you fill out the application form, read and follow the questions below.
Type your universal client identification number !CI universal client identification
number"", if known. #therwise, leave it blank. If this is your first time dealing with CIC
Citi$enship and Immigration Canada" you will not have a !CI universal client
identification number".
%rom the list, select the language &nglish or %rench" in which you would like to
receive your service.
%rom the list, select the type of visa you are applying for'
( Visitor visa' official document issued by a visa office that is placed in the
passport which allows you to seek entry to Canada.
Note: This visa may also be used for repeated entries into Canada from
the !)* or )t. +ierre and ,iquelon provided you do not enter any other
country. )uch entries must occur within the time validated for your stay in
( Transit Visa' is required for persons travelling through Canada for less than
-. hours on their way to another country.
Note: To obtain a transit visa you must provide specific evidence of your
travel itinerary from your transportation company or travel agent.
Personal Details
Full name
Type your family name (surname) as it appears on your passport, travel or identity
document even if the name is misspelled". Do not use initials.
Note: If you do not have a family name on your passport, travel or identity
document, enter all your given names" here and leave the given name field
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Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Type all of your given name(s) (first, second, or more) as it appears on your
passport, travel or identity document (even if the name is misspelled). Do not use
Note: If you do not have a given name on your passport, travel or identity
document, leave this field blank. Do not enter *, !ot applicable or !".
Nick names!"ias
#heck the bo$ to indicate if you ever used any other name. This could include your
birth name, maiden name, married name, nick name, etc. (et cetera)
If you checked %%#es&&, type any other fami"$ name that you have ever used.
If you checked %%#es&&, type any other given name (first, second, or more) t%at $ou
%ave ever used&
'rom the list, select your se$ (male, female or unkno(n).
Indicate your date of birth. If your complete date of birth is unkno(n, please use
%'& (star sign)asterisk) to fill in the spaces for the year, month or day, (here applicable.
Type your city or to(n of birth.
'rom the list, select your country of birth.
'rom the list, select your country of citi*enship. To be a citi*en of a country means
that you (ere either born in that country (in most cases) or have been granted
citi*enship by that country. If you have dual citi*enship, select the country that issued
the passport you (ill be using for this trip.
'rom the list, select the appropriate information to indicate+
, The name of your country of residence. -our country of residence is the country
in (hich you are living, provided that you have been la(fully admitted to that
, -our immigration status in that country (indicate one of the follo(ing)+
. #iti*en
. /ermanent resident
. 0isitor
. 1orker
. 2tudent
. 3ther
. /rotected /erson
. 4efugee #laimant
, 3ther+ This section must be completed if you selected %%3ther&& as a status,
, The dates ('rom 5 To) you have been living in your country of residence.
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Question 9
Question 10
Check the box to indicate whether you have lived in any country other than your
country of citizenship or your current country of residence for more than six (6)
months in the past five (5) years.
If you checked !es""# from the list select the appropriate information to indicate the
& 'he name of the country you lived in#
& !our immi$ration status for the time you were in that country%
( Citizen
( )ermanent resident
( *isitor
( +orker
( ,tudent
( -ther
( )rotected )erson
( .efu$ee Claimant
& -ther% 'his section must be completed if you selected -ther"" as a status#
& 'he dates (/rom 0 'o) you were livin$ in that country.
Check the box to indicate if you are applyin$ from your current country of residence.
If you checked No""# select the appropriate information from the list to indicate%
& 'he name of the country where you are applyin$ from#
& !our immi$ration status in that country by choosin$ one of the followin$%
( Citizen
( )ermanent resident
( *isitor
( +orker
( ,tudent
( -ther
( )rotected )erson
( .efu$ee Claimant
& -ther% 'his section must be completed if you selected -ther"" as a status#
& 'he dates (/rom 0 'o) that you have been livin$ in that country.
Note: If you are not a citizen of the country where you are makin$ your
application# you must provide proof of your le$al status when you submit your
a. /rom the list# choose your current marital status%
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This is a marriage that is legally declared invalid. An
annulment can also be a declaration by the Catholic
Church that the marital union did not have a binding
This means that you have lived continuously with your
partner in a marital-type relationship for a minimum of one
Divorced This means that you are officially separated and have
legally ended your marriage.
This means that you are married, but no longer living with
your spouse.
Married This means that you and your spouse have had a
ceremony that legally binds you to each other. Your
marriage must be legally recognized in the country where
it was performed and in Canada.
Single This means that you have never been married and are
not in a common-law relationship.
Widowed This means that your spouse has died and that you have
not re-married or entered into a common-law relationship.
Question 11
Question 1
b. Enter the date year, month and day! you were married or you entered into your
current common-law relationship.
c. Type the family names! and given names! of your current spouse or common-
law partner.
Note: "f you are in a common-law union, you must also complete the Statutory
Declaration of Common-law Union "## $%&'! form and include it with your
Chec( the bo) to indicate whether you have previously been married or in a common-
law relationship. "f you chec(ed **es++, provide the,
- .amily names!,
- /iven names!,
- Type of relationship,
0 Common-law, or
0 #arried.
- 1ates .rom 2 To! for which you were in the relationship with your previous
spouse3common-law partner.
Type your passport, travel or identity document number. #a(e sure there is no space
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Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 1
Question 2
between each number and/or letter.
From the list, select the name of the country that issued your passport, travel or
identity document.
Enter the date your passport, travel or identity document was issued.
Enter the date your passport, travel or identity document will expire.
Contact Information
Indicate your current mailing address (where information should be mailed) by typing
the following information
! "ost #ffice $ox (".#. $ox) number, if applicable. If you do not indicate post
office box, the %treet number must be provided.
! &partment (&pt.) or 'nit, if applicable
! %treet number ((o.), if applicable. )his must be provided if you did not type in a
".#. ("ost #ffice) $ox
! %treet name, if applicable
! *ity or )own
! From the list, select the *ountry of your current mailing address.
! "rovince or %tate
! "ostal code/+ip code
! ,istrict, if applicable.
Note: &ll correspondence will go to this address unless you provide your e-mail
If you wish to have a representative who can conduct business on your behalf, you
must provide their email and mailing address(es) in this section and complete the
Use of a Representative (I.. /012) form.
For more information read the 33'se of a 4epresentative55 section in this guide.
*hec6 the box to indicate whether your residential address (where you live) is the
same as your mailing address. If 33No55, type the following information
! &partment (&pt.) or 'nit, if applicable
! %treet (umber ((o.)
! %treet (ame
! *ity or )own
! *ountry
! "rovince or %tate
! "ostal *ode/+ip code
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Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 1
District, if applicable.
Check the appropriate box to indicate if the telephone number is from Canada/the
United States (US) or Other (an other countr).
!rom the list, select the tpe of telephone"
#esidence (home)
Cellular (cell/mobile)
$usiness (%ork)
&pe our telephone number includin' the countr code, area/re'ional codes, etc. (et
(f ou ha)e an extension number, %rite it after our phone number under **+xt.
Check the appropriate box to indicate if our additional telephone number is from
Canada/the United States or Other (an other countr).
!rom the list, select the tpe of telephone"
#esidence (home)
Cellular (cell/mobile)
$usiness (%ork)
&pe our telephone number includin' the countr code, area/re'ional codes, etc. (et
(f ou ha)e an extension number, %rite it after our phone number under **+xt.
Check the appropriate box to indicate if the facsimile (fax) number is from Canada and
United States or Other (an other countr).
(f applicable, tpe our facsimile (fax) number, includin' countr code, area/re'ional
codes, etc. (et cetera)
(f applicable, tpe our e-mail address usin' a format similar to the follo%in'"
Note: $ indicatin' our e-mail address, ou are hereb authori/in' transmission
of correspondence includin' file and personal information to be sent electronicall
to ou at the address pro)ided.
Details of Visit to Canada
a. !rom the list, indicate the purpose of our )isit to Canada"
&ourism (includes famil )isit)
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Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Trade/Apprenticeship Training completed in a specific trade, such as carpentry or auto
Training in a profession that requires formal education but not at
the university level (for example, dental technician or
engineering technician).
Bachelors degree Academic degree awarded by a college or university to those
who completed an undergraduate curriculum; also called a
baccalaureate. xamples include a !achelor of Arts, "cience or
asters degree Academic degree awarded by a graduate school of a college or
university. #ou must have completed a !achelor$s degree before
a %aster$s degree can be earned.
& "hort'term studies (course or program of six months or less)
& (eturning student
& (eturning wor)er
& "uper *isa + ,arents and grandparents
& -ther (medical visit, transit, etc. (et cetera))
Note! .f you selected /other0 in question 1a), provide details in 1b)
b. ,rovide details.
nter the dates (2rom 3 To) that you plan to stay in 4anada.
Type the amount of funds (money) in 4anadian dollars that you have available to
you during your stay in 4anada.
Type the following information about the person(s) or institution(s), including schools
you intend to visit during your stay in 4anada5
& 6ame (includes the name of a person or a name of an institution)
& (elationship you have with them (friend, family, co'wor)er, etc. (et cetera))
& Their address in 4anada (street number, street name, city or town and postal
4hec) the box to indicate if you have any post secondary education (including university, college or
apprenticeship training).
The following table provides examples of post secondary education5
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PhD Highest university degree usually based on at least three years
of graduate studies and a thesis. Normally, you must have
completed a Masters degree before a PhD can be earned.
Question 1
Question 2
Question 1
If you checked Yes, provide full details of your highest level of post secondary education!
" #nter the dates $year and month% you attended the institution
" &ield$s% of study $mechanics, social sciences, medicine, etc. $et cetera%%
" 'chool or &acility name
" (ity or )o*n
" &rom the list, select the country, and
" Province or 'tate.
Employment (Work/Occupation)
Provide the follo*ing information about your employment for the past +, years. If you are retired,
provide the +, years before your retirement.
Current cti!ity/Occupation
Provide details about your current cti!ity/Occupation!
" #nter the dates $year and month% you have been *orking at your current
" )he activity-occupation or a brief description of your position. If you do not *ork,
describe *hat you are currently doing $retired, not *orking, going to school, etc.
$et cetera%%,
" Indicate the name of the company or employer or facility *here you *ork,
" (ity or )o*n,
" (ountry,
" Province-'tate, if applicable
Pre!ious cti!ity/Occupation
Provide details of your pre!ious cti!ity/Occupation for the past +, years. If you are
retired, provide the +, years prior to your retirement.
"ote# If you need more space, print out an additional page of the form, complete
this section and submit it *ith your application.
$ack%round &n'ormation
(heck the bo. to indicate if!
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Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
a. you or any of your family member(s) have ever had tuberculosis of the lungs or
been in close contact with a person with tuberculosis within the past two years.
b. you have any physical or mental disorder that would require social and/or
health services other than medication during your stay in Canada.
c. If you checked Yes to any of the above questions! provide details and the
name of the family member! if applicable.
Note: "efer to the #amily $embers definition in this guide.
Check the bo% to indicate if you have ever&
a. remained beyond the validity of your status! attended school without
authori'ation or worked without authori'ation in Canada.
b. been refused any kind of visa! admission or been ordered to leave Canada or
any other country.
c. If you checked Yes to one of the above questions! provide details.
Check the bo% to indicate if you have ever&
( committed!
( been arrested for! or
( been charged with or convicted of any criminal offence in any country.
If you checked Yes! you may be required to complete Schedule 1 Application for
Temporary Resident Visa (I$$ )*)+ , -chedule .).
a. Check the bo% to indicate if you have ever served in any military! militia! civil
defence unit! served in a security organi'ation or police force (including non
obligatory national service! reserve or voluntary units).
b. If you checked Yes! provide your dates of service and the countries where
you served.
If you checked Yes you may be required to complete Schedule 1 Application for
Temporary Resident Visa (I$$ )*)+ , -chedule .).
Check Yes or No to indicate if you have ever been a member or associated with
any political party! or other group or organi'ation which has engaged in or advocated
violence as means to achieving a political or religious ob/ective! or which has been
associated with criminal activity at any time.
If you checked Yes you may be required to complete Schedule 1 Application for
Temporary Resident Visa (I$$ )*)+ , -chedule .).
Check Yes or No to indicate if you have ever witnessed or participated in the ill
treatment of prisoners or civilians! looting or desecration of religious buildings.
If you checked Yes you may be required to complete Schedule 1 Application for
Temporary Resident Visa (I$$ )*)+ , -chedule .).
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To complete your form:
1. Once the application is completed, click on the Validate button located at
the top or bottom of the form. This will enerate a barcode* page !pae "
of "#. $f this application form is completed on a computer and printed, you must place the
barcode pae on the top of each indi%idual application packae when submittin the application.
*&ee imae below:
Note: This barcode pae will not appear if you fill out your application by hand.
'. $f you are 18 years of age or older, sin and date in the bo(es pro%ided at the bottom of the
$f you are less than 18 years of ae, your form must be sined by one of your parents or a
leal uardian.
Note: )y sinin, you certify that you fully understand the *uestions asked, and that the
information you ha%e pro%ided is complete, accurate, and factual. $f you do not sin and date the
application form, it will be returned to you.
Family Information (IMM 5645)
Who needs to complete ths form!
This form must be completed by each person, 1+ years of ae or older, applyin for a Temporary
,esident Visa, a study or work permit outside -anada.
"ecton #
.rite the personal details about:
/ yourself,
/ your spouse or common0law partner, if applicable,
/ your mother,
/ your father.
$nclude: full name, relationship, date of birth, marital status !married, sinle, widowed, common0law,
di%orced, separated, annulled marriae#, present address and occupation !1ob#, and whether they will
come with you to -anada by checkin 223es44 or 22No44.
$f a person is deceased, indicate this under 225resent address44, and write the city and the date they
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$f not currently employed, please indicate whether that person is retired, studyin, etc. !et cetera#
3ou must answer all *uestions. $f a section does not apply to you, write 22Not applicable44 or 22N6744.
Note: $f you do not ha%e a spouse or a common0law partner, read 22Note 144, then sin and date
the declaration at the end of &ection 7.
"ecton $
.rite the personal details about your children. $t is %ery important that you list all of your children e%en
if they are already permanent residents or citi8ens of -anada. This includes:
/ married children,
/ adopted children,
/ children of your spouse !step0children# or common0law partner,
/ any of your children who ha%e been adopted by others,
/ any of your children who are in the custody of an e(0spouse, former common0law partner or
other uardian.
.rite full name, relationship, date of birth, marital status !married, sinle, widowed, common0law,
di%orced, separated, annulled marriae#, present address and occupation !1ob#, and whether they will
come with you to -anada by checkin 223es44 or 22No44.
$f a person is deceased, indicate this under 225resent address44, and write the city and the date they
$f not currently employed, please indicate whether that person is retired, studyin, etc. !et cetera#
3ou must answer all *uestions. $f a section does not apply to you, write 22Not applicable44 or 22N6744.
Note: $f you do not ha%e children, read 22Note '44, then sin and date the declaration at the end of
&ection ).
"ecton %
.rite the personal details about your:
/ brother!s#,
/ sister!s#,
/ half0brother!s# and half0sister!s#,
/ step0brother!s# and step0sister!s#.
.rite full name, relationship, date of birth, marital status !married, sinle, widowed, common0law,
di%orced, separated, annulled marriae#, present address and occupation !1ob#, and whether they will
come with you to -anada by checkin 223es44 or 22No44.
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Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
If a person is deceased, indicate this under Present address, and write the city and the date they
If not currently employed, please indicate whether that person is retired, studying, etc. (et cetera)
You must answer all questions. If a section does not apply to you, write ot applica!le"" or #$"".
Section D
%ign and date in the !o&es pro'ided at the !ottom of the page.
Note: (y signing, you certify that you fully understand the questions as)ed, and that the
information you ha'e pro'ided is complete, accurate and factual. If you do not sign or date the
form, your application will !e returned to you.
Schedule 1 Application for Temporary Resident Visa (IMM5257
Schedule 1)
ho !ust "ill out this a##lication "or!$
%his "or! !ust &e co!#leted &':
* you, the principal applicant+
* your spouse or common,law partner (whether accompanying you to -anada or not), and
* your dependent children aged ./ or o'er (whether accompanying you to -anada or not).
-hec) the !o& to indicate whether you are the principal applicant or the spouse, common,law partner
or dependent child aged ./ years or older of the principal applicant.
Indicate your full last na!e (surna!e("a!il' na!e) as it appears on your passport,
tra'el or identity document.
Indicate all of your gi)en na!e(s) (first, second or more) as they appear on your
passport, tra'el or identity document. 0o not use initials.
Indicate your date of !irth.
1ype your 2nique -lient Identifier num!er (2-I), if )nown. 3therwise, lea'e it !lan).
If this is your first time dealing with -I- (-iti4enship and Immigration -anada) you
will not ha'e a 2-I (2nique -lient Identifier num!er).
-hec) Yes or o to indicate whether you ser'ed in any military, militia, or ci'il
defence unit or ser'ice in a security organi4ation or police force (including non
o!ligatory national ser'ice, reser'e or 'olunteer units).
If yes, pro'ide details a!out your military ser'ice (if applica!le) for each of the
countries whose armed forces you ser'ed in including5
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Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
dates (From To),
locations/place where you were stationed,
province and
If you were not in any military service, write N/ (Not pplica!le).
"hec# $%es& or $No& to indicate whether you have ever witnessed or participated in
the ill treatment of prisoners or civilians, lootin' or desecration of reli'ious !uildin's.
If yes, provide details of the circumstances includin'(
dates (From To),
location (city, town, etc.),
country, and
details (space is provided)
"hec# $%es& or $No& to indicate whether you have had mem!ership or association
with any political parties, 'roups or or'ani)ations which have en'a'ed in or
advocated violence as a means to achievin' a political or reli'ious o!*ective, or
which has !een associated with criminal activity at any time.
Include details such as(
dates (From To),
name of or'ani)ation,
activities or positions held,
province, and
Note: +o not use a!!reviations.
"hec# $%es& or $No& to indicate whether you have held any 'overnment positions in
the past such as(
"ivil servant
-olice officer
.em!er of parliament, or
/ospital administrator.
dates (From To),
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Question 8
level of jurisdiction (examples: national, regional or municipal),
name of the department or the branch you worked for, and
activities and/or positions that you held
Note: !o not use abbreviations
"heck #$es% or #&o% to indicate if you have travelled to any country other than your
country of citi'enship or current country of residence since the age of () or during
the past five years
dates (*rom +,o),
location (city, town, etc)
purpose of travel (tourism, business, etc)
-nce the application is completed, click on the ./alidate. button located at the top or
bottom of the form 0f completed properly, the following information will appear on the
top right corner of the form, (just before the page number):
family name
initial letter of the given name
year and month of birth
Note: ,his information will not appear if you fill out your application by hand
Use of a Representative (IMM 5476)
!o "a# use t!is for"$
"omplete this form onl# if you:
used the services of a representative to help you prepare or submit your application1 or
are appointing a representative1 or
are cancelling a representative2s appointment
0f you have dependent children aged () years or older, they are re3uired to complete their own copy
of this form if a representative is also conducting business on their behalf
$our spouse or common4law partner does not have to complete a separate re3uest and must sign in
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the box provided under question 10.
What is a representative?
A representative is someone who has provided advice, consultation, or guidance to you at any stage
of the immigration application process, or in an immigration proceeding. If someone represented or
advised you to help you submit your application, then that person is your representative. A
representative is also someone who has your permission to conduct business on your behalf of
Citienship and Immigration Canada !CIC" and the Canada #order $ervices Agency !C#$A".
%hen you appoint a representative&
' you also authorie CIC !Citienship and Immigration Canada" and C#$A !Canada #order
$ervices Agency" to share information from your case file with this person(
' your application will not be given special attention nor can you expect faster processing or a
more favourable outcome(
' the representative is authoried to represent you only on immigration matters related to the
application you submit with this form(
' you can appoint only one (1) representative for each application you submit(
' you are not obliged to hire a representative. %e treat everyone equally, whether they use the
service of a representative or not.
Important information. )ou must notify us if your representative*s contact information changes or if
you cancel the appointment of a representative.
Types of representatives
+amily, friends, and non,profit groups often help applicants who feel the need for support and advice
on immigration matters. )ou can appoint a representative who does not charge fees or receive any
other compensation for providing immigration advice or services to represent you before CIC
!Citienship and Immigration Canada" or the C#$A !Canada #order $ervices Agency".
There are two (2) types of representatives.
Uncompensated representatives include:
' friends and family members who do not, and will not, charge a fee or receive any other
consideration for their advice and services(
' organiations that do not, and will not, charge a fee or receive any other consideration for
providing immigration advice or assistance !such as a non,governmental or religious
' consultants, lawyers and -uebec notaries, and students,at,law under their supervision, who do
not, and will not, charge a fee or receive any other consideration to represent you.
Compensated representatives:
Compensated representatives charge a fee or receive some other form of consideration in exchange
for the advice and representation that they provide. If you want us to conduct business with a
compensated representative then they must be authoried by CIC !Citienship and Immigration
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Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Note: If an immigration representative is being paid or compensated by someone other than the
applicant, then the representative is still considered to be a compensated representative.
It is important to know that anyone who represents or advises you for payment or offers to do so
in connection with immigration proceedings or applications is breaking the law unless they are an
authorized representative or they have a specific agreement or arrangement with the Government of
Canada that allows them to represent or advise you. This applies to advice or consultation which
happens before or after an immigration application is made or a proceeding begins.
Authorized representatives are:
immigration consultants who are members in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of
Canada !egulatory Council "ICC!C#$
lawyers and paralegals who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial
law society and students%at%law under their supervision$
notaries who are members in good standing of the Chambre des notaires du Qubec and
students%at%law under their supervision.
If you appoint a compensated representative who is not a member of one of these designated bodies,
your application will be returned. For more information on using a representative, visit our website
General Application Information
Check one bo' to indicate if you are appointing or cancelling the appointment of a
Check both bo'es and complete all sections if you are cancelling a representative and
appointing a new one at the same time.
ection A ! Applicant Information
(rite your last name "surname or family name# and given name"s#.
(rite your date of birth.
If you have already submitted your application, write)
the name of office where the application was submitted$
location of office$
type of application you are sending.
(rite your Citizenship and Immigration Canada Identification "I*# or +ni,ue Client
Identifier "+CI# number "if known#.
ection " ! Appointment of #epresentative
(rite your representative-s full name.
If your representative is a member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada
!egulatory Council "ICC!C#, a law society or the Chambre des notaires du Qubec,
print his or her name as it appears on the organization-s membership list.
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Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Check one box to indicate if your representative is unpaid or paid.
If your representative is paid, write the membership ID (identification) number of:
the Immiration Consu!tants of Canada "eu!atory Counci! (ICC"C)# or
a Canadian provincia! or territoria! !aw society# or
the Chambre des notaires du Qubec.
$rite your representative%s contact information.
Note: &y indicatin your representative%s e'mai! address, you are hereby
authori(in CIC (Citi(enship and Immiration Canada) to transmit your fi!e and
persona! information to this specific e'mai! address.
)o accept responsibi!ity for conductin business on your beha!f, your representative
sin the dec!aration
date the dec!aration, and
inc!ude the *arty ID, on!y if it is known.
Section C Cancel the Appointment of a Representative
+i!! in this section if you wish to cance! the appointment of a representative. $rite the
representative%s fu!! name.
Section !our eclaration
&y sinin, you authori(e CIC (Citi(enship and Immiration Canada) to comp!ete your
re,uest for yourse!f and your dependent chi!dren under -. years of ae.
If your spouse or common'!aw partner is inc!uded in this re,uest, he or she must sin
in the box provided.
Release of information to other in"ivi"uals
)o authori(e CIC to re!ease information from your case fi!e to someone other than a representative,
you wi!! need to comp!ete the form Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated
Individual (I// 0120) (*D+, -.20 /& (/eabye)) (3en!ish3pdf3kits3forms3imm0120e.pdf). )he form is
a!so avai!ab!e from Canadian embassies, hih commissions and consu!ates abroad.
)he person you desinate wi!! be ab!e to obtain information on your case fi!e, such as the status of
your app!ication. 4owever, they wi!! not be ab!e to conduct business on your beha!f with CIC
(Citi(enship and Immiration Canada).
Step #$ %a& the fees
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Important information.
There are two types of fees. An application processing fee that is applicable to all applicants and, if
you are required to provide your biometric fingerprints and photo, a biometric fee. Find out if you are
required to provide biometrics (http:www.cic.gc.caenglishvisitbiometrics.asp!.
"se the table below to calculate the total amount of fees to be paid (all fees are in #anadian dollars!.
The processing fees must be included with your application. If you or your family members are
required to provide biometric information, the biometric fee should be paid at the same time and the
same way as the processing fee in order to avoid delays in processing your application.
Note: $ou may be required to pay fees in local currency.
Calculating your fees
%&ub'ect to change at any time
fee per
%Temporary )esident *isa + (single or multiple entry
0 1233 0 14,
%Temporary )esident *isa + family rate 1,33 1253
Transit *isa NO FEE
Total payment:
6a7e sure that you are eligible before you pay, and gather all the documents requested before you
submit the application.
The fees will not be refunded, regardless of the final decision. For e8ample, being found ineligible
for a temporary resident visa is part of the processing9 the fees will not be refunded. If you apply
again, you will have to pay another processing fee and if applicable, another biometric fee.
Visae!empt "isitors applying for a #uper Visa:
If you are a citi:en of a country where you do not require a visa to visit #anada, you do not have to
pay any processing fees. ;owever you will have to satisfy all other requirements to obtain a &uper
For more information, see our list of #ountries and territories whose citi:ens require visas in order to
enter #anada as visitors (englishvisitvisas.asp/e8emptions!.
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Payment method options
Outside Canada:
Check the website (/english/information/offices/index.asp) of the visa office responsible for the
country or region where you live for more information on fees and acceptable methods of payment.
For a list of visa offices, see (/english/information/offices/apply!where.asp)
Inside Canada
"ou have the option of paying your fees through the #nternet or at a financial institution.
Payment of fees on the Internet
$o use this option, you need
% a credit card&
% access to a computer with a printer&
% a valid email address& and
% follow these steps below.
'. (o to the C#C (Citi)enship and #mmigration Canada) website (/english/index.asp).
*. +elect Pay your fees (/english/information/fees/indexas!".
,. +elect Pay my fees online (htt!s#//eservicescicgcca/e!ay/$elcomedo%lang&en".
-nce you have paid the fees you must
% print the official receipt&
% fill out by hand the ./ayer #nformation0 section&
% attach the bottom portion (copy *) of this receipt to your completed application.
Payment of fees at a financial institution
Fees can be paid at a financial institution in Canada and a receipt obtained which is sent to the Case
/rocessing Centre. 1o other form of payment is acceptable. $he receipt to be used is attached.
/ayment can be made at most financial institutions in Canada. Check with financial institutions in
your area.
Follow these steps to make your payment
'. Fill out one receipt form (#22 345') for yourself and other members of your family if you are
applying at the same time. 6n original receipt must be used& a photocopy is not acceptable.
"ou may obtain an original receipt form (#22 345') by ordering through our website
*. #nsert the :$otal; on the bottom portion of the receipt. <o not complete the top two portions of
the receipt& these will be completed by the financial institution.
,. Complete the :/ayer #nformation; sections on the reverse of the receipt.
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4. =ring the receipt and your payment to the financial institution. <o not make payment using the
automated teller machines.
3. $he financial institution will let you know what form of payment it considers acceptable.
>. $he financial institution will accept your payment, then stamp and insert the amount paid in the
upper two portions of the receipt. "ou will receive the top two portions of the receipt. Make sure
you are given these and that they have been stamped and completed before you leave
the financial institution.
#f there is no local financial institution which will accept payment, you may pay the fees by mail.
Contact the Call Centre agent for instructions.
Note: <o not present your application to the financial institution, only your receipt.
6fter you have paid the fees retain the top portion of the receipt for your records. 6ttach the middle
portion to your completed application and mail it to the C/C!-
Incorrect fee payment
#ncorrect fee payments may delay processing your application.
Payment issue No processing fee included
C#C (Citi)enship and #mmigration Canada) will return your application.
Note: /rocessing of your application will only start after you return your application with
re?uested fees.
Payment issue Insufficient fees included
C#C (Citi)enship and #mmigration Canada) will inform you of how much to pay and how to pay.
Note: /rocessing of your application will only continue after you provide the missing fees.
Payment issue Overpayment
C#C (Citi)enship and #mmigration Canada) will
% start processing your application, and
% send you a refund as soon as possible.
Note: "ou do not have to re?uest a refund, it will be done automatically.
Payment issue No biometric fee included (if you are reuired!
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#mportant information
C#C will
% inform you on how much to pay and how to pay.
Note: /rocessing of your application will continue after you provide the missing fees.
Step 4. Submit the application
Where do I apply?
"ou must submit your application to the Canadian visa office or @isa 6pplication Center (@6C)
responsible for your area. Consult the relevant visa office or its website
(/english/information/offices/apply!where.asp) regarding accepted methods of submitting applications
(for example, general mail, in person, by courier etc. (et cetera))
Biometric requirements
"ou and your family members may be re?uired to appear in person to have your fingerprints and
photograph (biometric information) taken at a biometric collection service point
6ll family members who are re?uired to have their fingerprints and photograph taken and who are
applying together should go to the same biometric collection service point.
Find out if you are re?uired to provide biometrics (http//
"ou must not have your biometric fingerprints and photo taken before you submit
your application. "ou can have your biometrics collected
% after you submit your application and have received a biometric instruction
letter which will direct you to a list of points of service you may choose from&
% at the same time as you are submitting your application in person at a @isa 6pplication Centre
If I am required to provide my biometric fingerprints and photo !here do I go?
#f you are re?uired to provide biometric information you must provide your fingerprints and photograph
at a biometric collection service point. $hese include
% @isa 6pplication Centres (@6C)&
% A+ 6pplication +ervice Centres (6+Cs) in the Anited +tates& and
% C#C offices outside Canada in a country where there is no @6C or 6+C.
6pplicants who use the services of a @6C to submit an application must provide their biometric
information at the same @6C.
Consult the list of biometric collection service points (/english/visit/biometrics.asp).
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Submit the document checklist
Make sure you complete the Document Checklist (IMM 5484) and include it with your application
forms and supporting documents.
Sign the form
The application must e signed and dated efore it is sumitted.
If you are!
" 18 years of age or older# sign and date in the o$es pro%ided at the ottom of the page#
" less than 18 years of age# your form must e signed y one of your parents or legal guardian.
Note! If your application is not signed and dated# it will e returned to you.
Submit the application form
&hen sumitting your application# to ensure your encoded data is captured# you must include the last
page or pages which contain your uni'ue arcodes. (ee the image elow!
Note: This page is only a%ailale when you complete your application electronically (on a
What happens next?
The application process
Completion check
)nce you ha%e sumitted your application# *I* (*iti+enship and Immigration *anada) will check to
determine that!
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all required application forms have been properly completed and submitted,
the application processing fee has been paid, and
all requested supporting documentation has been provided.
If your application package is incomplete:
CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) will return it to you,
no file will be created, and
no record will be kept until a complete application has been submitted.
Review for decision
Your application will undergo a detailed review by an officer. The officer will consider all the
information and documentation you have provided, and will assess it and will decide if an interview is
necessary. If so, you will be informed of the interview date, time and place.
If your application is refused, any original documents, including your passport if submitted with your
application, will be returned to you with an eplanation of why your application was refused.
Note: If we suspect that fraudulent documents were submitted, they will not be returned.
If your application is approved, any original documents, including your passport if submitted with your
application, will be returned to you with the requested visa.
isa!e"empt visitors applying for a #uper isa
If your application is approved, your passport and documents will be returned to you with a letter of
$rrival in Canada
! valid Temporary "esident #isa is not a guarantee of entry into $anada. !n officer at the port of
entry will decide if you still meet the requirements for admission when you arrive.
If there has been a change in circumstances between the dates of your application for a visa and your
arrival in $anada, or if subsequent information is given which was not originally available to the visa
office, you may be refused entry.
%hen you arrive in $anada, the officer at the port of entry will determine whether you may enter
$anada and how long you may stay. You must leave $anada on or before the date set by the officer
or have your status etended by an officer in $anada. %he stamp placed in your passport &y a
Canadian official is valid for si" (') months unless otherwise amended &y an officer(
Parent and )randparent #uper isa
The stamp placed in your passport by a $anadian official may be valid up to two (*) years unless
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For more information
otherwise amended by an officer.
Note: for applicants who provided their biometric information as part of their application, when
you arrive at the Canadian port of entry, the officer will:
check your travel documents and compare you to the photo taken at the time of your
application, and
may ask you to proceed to a secondary inspection line where your fingerprints will be
compared with the fingerprints that were taken at the time of your visa application.
Factors that can facilitate processing
There are certain things you can do to help ensure that your application is processed as fast as
make sure that all the documentation and information requested are provided with your
advise the visa office, of any change to your contact information. This includes:
mailing address
telephone number
facsimile number !fa"#
e$mail address
Factors that may delay processing
The following factors may delay the processing of your application:
missing signature on application forms
missing documentation
unclear photocopies of documents
documents not accompanied by a certified %nglish or French translation
verification of information and documents provided
a medical condition that may require additional tests or consultations
a criminal or security problem
consultation is required with other offices in Canada and abroad
Current processing times
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For more information
Canadian visa offices receive large volumes of applications in the temporary residence categories,
therefore processing times may vary from visa office to another. Processing times can be found on
our website (/english/information/times/temp/visitors.asp).
Protecting your information
Your personal information, including biometric fingerprints and photograph, if provided
! may be shared with other Canadian government institutions as well as foreign governments as
permitted under the provisions of the Privacy Act, and
! will be available to Citi"enship and #mmigration Canada (C#C) and Canada $order %ervice
&gency (C$%&) employees who need to see it in order to provide the services to you, and
! will not be disclosed to anyone else e'cept as permitted under the provisions of the Privacy &ct.
You can obtain additional information on the protection of your data by visiting
the (elp Centre (/english/helpcentre/results)by)topic.asp*t+,).
Find out more about the protection of your biometric
(/english/visit/biometrics.asp) information.
Quality Assurance Program
-ur .uality assurance program randomly selects applications for a special review. #f selected you will
be as/ed to attend an interview with a Citi"enship and #mmigration official so that we can
! verify the documentation you submitted is accurate,
! verify that your application has been completed properly.
Note: You will be notified in writing should your application be selected.
Online services
For more information on the programs offered by Citi"enship and #mmigration Canada, visit our
website (/english/inde'.asp).
How to contact CIC
Need Help?
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Search the Help Centre
The links in this box open in a new window. You can consult the guide and the Help Centre at the
same time.
Top questions
What is the difference between a single and a multiple entry visa
How do + help a family member or friend apply to visit Canada
-o + need a visa if + am travelling through Canada without stopping or visiting
+ need to calculate family si/e when applying for the parent and grandparent super visa. Whom
should + include !"english"helpcentre"answer.asp#$%0&(t$&)*
How can + check if my application has been received !"english"helpcentre"answer.asp
What else do you need help with?
Do you still have questions or need to talk to an agent?
Outside Canada:
Contact a visa office at a Canadian2
3 4mbassy
3 High Commission5 or
3 Consulate
Consult the local phone pages or the C+C website for addresses5 phone numbers and local websites.
Inside Canada
6or in#uiries regarding a T78 application made inside Canada5 contact C+C by2
3 Fa: !)&0* 9%):).;9
3 !"ail: C<C:CT-:=ttawa> !mailto2C<C:CT-:=ttawa>*
Inco"e Ta#le
!$$ective $ro" %anuary & to Dece"#er '& ()&*
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Your child or grandchild may use the following income scale to assess their ability to meet the income
Low Income Cut-Off (LICO)
Size of Family Unit Minimum necessary income
1 person (your child or grandchild !"#$%&'
" persons !"($&&)
# persons !#%$1(#
& persons !&#$(&"
* persons !&($+#(
% persons !*%$")(
' persons !%"$*+1
More than ' persons$ for each additional person$ add !%$#%"
Temporary Resident Visa application photograph
Important note: if you are required to pro,ide biometric information$ you are not required to
include paper photos as per this photo specification sheet. Find out if you need to gi,e biometrics
hotograph and head si!e specifications
.lease re,iew the brochure (./F$ &(& 01 (-english-pdf-photospecs2e.pdf for further photo
4 5he face must be square to the camera with a neutral e3pression$ neither frowning nor smiling$
with the mouth closed.
4 6f the photographs do not meet the specifications$ you will ha,e to pro,ide new photographs
before your application can be processed.
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Provide two photographs of yourself with your application.
Your photographs must comply with the specifications below. If the photographs do not meet
the specifications, you will have to provide new photographs before your application can be
Photographs must be printed on quality photographic paper.
The photographs must be identical and taken within the last si months. They may be either
black and white or colour.
The photographs must be clear, well defined and taken against a plain white or light!coloured
If the photographs are digital, they must not be altered in any way.
Your face must be square to the camera with a neutral epression, neither frowning nor smiling,
and with your mouth closed.
You may wear non!tinted prescription glasses as long as your eyes are clearly visible. "ake
sure that the frame does not cover any part of your eyes. #unglasses are not acceptable.
$ hairpiece or other cosmetic accessory is acceptable if it does not disguise your normal
If you must wear a head covering for religious reasons, make sure your full facial features are
not obscured.
Photograph and head size specifications
The frame si%e must be at least &' mm (' mm )* &+,- * &+(-..
The photographs must show the full front view of the head, with the face in the middle of the
photograph, and include the top of the shoulders.
The si%e of the head, from chin to crown, must be between &* mm )* *+(-. and &/ mm )* 0+*/-..
1rown means the top of the head or )if obscured by hair or a head covering. where the top of
the head or skull would be if it could be seen.
If the photographs do not meet the specifications, you will have to provide new photographs
before your application can be processed.
Photograph #pecifications )P23, (4( 56. )+english+pdf+photospecs!e.pdf.
You may print this and bring it with you to the photographer.
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