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~*~*~*~ Namaskar EveryOne !

Here is a description of Kali that appears in Yoga Vasishta. his
vision occ!red after Vasishta "itnessed the dissol!tion of the
Vasishta contin!ed#
hen $ sa" that %!dra &egan to dance in space' as if he "ere
into(icated. $t "as as if the "aters of the cosmic dissol!tion ass!med
a form and "ere dancing in that form. )o and &ehold! Even as $ "as
"atching the dance of %!dra' $ sa" a shado" &ehind him. Ho" co!ld
shado" e(ist "itho!t s!n' $ asked myself. *s $ "as reflecting over
this phenomenon' that shado" +female, stepped in front of %!dra' and
she "as also dancing.
-he had three eyes. -he "as dark of color. -he "as thin. .!t she "as
h!ge. Her mo!th emitted fire. -he looked like the dark night or the
limitless space em&odied as a female. Her arms e(tended to the
farthest reach of space. -he "as so thin that her nerves "ere visi&le
and it appeared that since she "as thin and tall someone had &o!nd her
"ith those nerves so that she might not collapse. -he "ore a garland
made of the heads of gods' s!ns and demons. -he "ore earrings of
No" she had one arm' a moment later she had many arms and a moment
later she h!rled her arms on the dance~floor. No" she had one mo!th' a
moment later she had many mo!ths and a moment later she had no mo!th
at all. No" she had one foot' a moment later she had many feet and a
moment later still she "as "itho!t feet. $ concl!ded from all this
that she "as k*lar*tri +the Night of /eath,. Holy men call her Kali or
-he had three eyes "hich "ere pits of fire. -he had high cheek &ones
and a chin. -he had a necklace of stars str!ng on air. 0ith her mighty
arms' "hich had sparkling and radiant nails' she filled the
directions. Her &reathing "as so po"erf!l that the &iggest mo!ntains
co!ld &e &lo"n a"ay &y it.
Her &ody seemed to s"ell enormo!sly "hen she "as dancing. 0hile $ "as
"itnessing this dance' she playf!lly str!ng the mo!ntains into a
garland for herself. he three "orlds &ecame mirrors in the three
+!pper' middle' and lo"er, parts of her &ody. 1ities' forests'
mo!ntains' etc.' &ecame so many flo"ers for the garland she "ore
aro!nd her &ody +neck,.
$n her lim&s "ere cities and to"ns' the seasons' the three "orlds' the
months and the day and night. /harma and adharma &ecame her earrings.
Vedas "ere her &rests filled "ith the milk of the highest kno"ledge.
-he held many different "eapons in her hands. he fo!rteen types of
&eings' like the gods and all the rest of them' "ere hairs on her
&ody. *ll these &eings "ith their cities and villages "ere dancing
"ith her' delighted at the tho!ght of &eing &orn again. he entire
!niverse "as in constant motion &eca!se she "as dancing# from another
point of vie"' of co!rse' they "ere firmly esta&lished +in her,.
he "hole !niverse "as reflected on her &ody as if in a mirrior. Even
as $ "as looking they appeared' disappeared and reappeared.
Vasistha contin!ed#
0hat "as that /ance2 he stellar firmament "as revolving' the
mo!ntains "ere revolving and the gods and the demons "ere also
revolving like mos3!itoes. he revolving firmament looked like her
flo"ing garment. $t "as delightf!l to "atch the very &ig trees +the
kalpa tree, "hich "ere &!t hairs on her &ody revolve "hile she danced.
hey "ere ascending and descending &et"een heaven and earth' as it
he s!n and the moon' the day and the night "ere reflected on her
fingernails' as it "ere' "hen she danced. he &ig mo!ntains like the
him*layas' the mer!' etc.' "ere also dancing "ith delight. $t looked
as tho!gh another cosmic dissol!tion "as a&o!t to take place.
he goddess "ore the sacred thread made of three strands' "hich "ere
all kinds of prosperity' perfect kno"ledge and sacrifice.
ho!gh it appeared that everything "as revolving' nothing really
happened. he air that flo"ed in and o!t of her nostrils "as making
great so!nds 4gh!m gh!m4. On acco!nt of the movement of the co!ntless
arms of the goddess' the air in the entire space "as &eing ch!rned. .y
merely "atching all this' even my eyes +and mind' too, &egan to get
fatig!ed and conf!sed. 0hen the mirrors on her &ody "ere agitated &y
the dancing' the the mo!ntains &egan to fall' the gods and celestials
&egan to fall and their palaces to collapse.
$n her &ody' all the immova&le o&5ects &ecame movea&le. -till more
astonishing' oceans danced on mo!ntain peaks and the mo!ntain "as
dancing in empty space. he space danced &eneath the earth6plane' and
continents "ith flo"ering gardens and cities "ere dancing in the or&
of the s!n. *ll these "ere floating aro!nd like stra" "ithin the
mirror of the goddess' as it "ere. 7ish "ere s"imming in the mirage'
and cities "ere seen in space' "hich also seemed to hold mo!ntains.
he sky and the clo!ds of cosmic dissol!tion "ere resting on the
mo!ntains "hich had fallen.
$n the &ody of k*lar*tri "ere fo!nd night and day' creation and
dissol!tion' p!rity and imp!rity. ho!gh all the gods' etc.' "ere
t!m&led &y her dance' they "ere apparently steady &eca!se of the
steadiness of the infinite conscio!sness. $n her conscio!sness there
"as nat!ral kno"ledge. .y her dance she created and dissolved the
!niverses moment after moment' 5!st as a small &oy shifts his
attention from moment to moment. No" she is near' no" she is far' no"
she is infinitesimal and no" she is cosmic. -!ch is the manifestation
of her cosmic po"er. -he dances' holding the horns of the &!ffalo
"hich is the vehicle of the god of death' to the accompaniment of
so!nds like 8dim&am dim&am paca paca 5hamya8. -he "ears a garland of
sk!lls and on her head is a peacock feather. -he &o"s to %!dra' the
god of dissol!tion. 9ay he protect yo!.
66 from the 4Yoga Vasishta4 translated &y -"ami Venkatesananda
O9 ! :ai Kali 9* !
~*~*~*~*~*~ -hivani -annyasini ~*~*~*~*~*~
Kalaratri mata is the seventh aspect of Navad!rga. Kaalratri is "orshipped on seventh
day d!ring /!rga Navaratri. Kalaratri ;!5a <=>< date is Octo&er <<. 9aha -aptami ?
9aha *shtami +/!rga *shtami, is the day to "orship the @oddess.

/!ring Vasant Navratri' Kalaratri ;!5a date is 9arch A=' <=><.
-pirit!al importance of Kaalratri Navad!rga ;!5a#
On the seventh day of Navratri' Yogis and other !pasaks of -hakti concentrate their
mind on -ahasrara 1hakra. Kaladatri represents the -ahasrara 1hakra "hich provides
him all the siddhis and nidhis of the !niverse.
Kaaldatri p!5a makes the devotee free from this material "orld and provides him "ith
*shta siddhis and Nava nidhis. 0ith this p!5a' all his sins and o&stacles are completely
/hyana 9antra of Kaalratri Navd!rga#
/hyana mantram of Kaalratri Navd!rga is recited d!ring the seventh day or 9aha
-aptami day d!ring Navarathri. his mantra makes one free from his misfort!ne and
keeps him fit to face any challenge in the life.
Karala roopaa kaala&5aa samanakr!thi vigraha
Kalaratri sh!&ha dadhath devi chandatta hasini
%ead more on /!rga Navratri' Hind! /eities' Vratas6;!5as
B Kalaratri' @oddess Kaalratri Navad!rga*yyappa /eeksha <=>< /ates' *yyappa 9ala
in <=><6<=>A C

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One %esponse to GKalaratri Navd!rga' /hyana 9antra H -pirit!al importanceI
*!g =J. <=><
good i"ant this mantra in Hindi. thanking yo!
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;radosh# <K Novem&er <=><
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kaashi on )!nar Eclipse in $ran in Novem&er <=><# 1handra @rahan in ehran' $sfahan'
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Kalaratri mantra #6

|| ||

|| Om Aim Hrim Klim Shrim Kalaratri sarvam vashyam kuru kuru viryam Devi Ganeshvaryai
Namah ||

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