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WD Table- Settings to adjust columns position and visibility

Using this procedure we can enable below options.

1. Settings ( columns )
2. Export to excel
3. Sort
4. Filter

WD Table- Settings to adjust columns position and visibility

* First Time Initalizations (only once) *
IF first_time = abap_true.
* Initialize Table Handler
wd_this->mo_view = view.
wd_this->init_table_handler( ).
* Set Table Descriptions (from customizing)
* wd_this->set_cust_column_text( ).
WD Table- Settings to adjust columns position and visibility

METHOD init_table_handler .
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *
* Intialization of the table handler for the process elements table *
* (required for filter and settings) *

lo_table TYPE REF TO cl_wd_table,
lo_view_ctrl TYPE REF TO if_wd_view_controller,
lo_comp TYPE REF TO if_wd_component,
WD Table- Settings to adjust columns position and visibility
ls_deactivated_func TYPE

* call init method for table handler *
lo_table ?= wd_this->mo_view->get_element( 'TABLE' ).
lo_view_ctrl = wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
lo_comp = wd_comp_controller->wd_get_api( ).
ls_deactivated_func-sort = abap_true.
ls_deactivated_func-filter = abap_true.
ls_deactivated_func-export = abap_true.

CREATE OBJECT wd_this->mo_pe_table_hndl
ir_table = lo_table
ir_context = wd_context
ir_view_controller = lo_view_ctrl
ir_component = lo_comp
iv_deactivated_functions = ls_deactivated_func.
* io_appl_model = wd_assist->go_rpr_appl.

WD Table- Settings to adjust columns position and visibility
WD Table- Settings to adjust columns position and visibility
WD Table- Settings to adjust columns position and visibility

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