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Morning Consult

Health Systems Poll:

May 2014
Topline Results
This poll was conducted from March 21-23, 2014, and May 2-4, 2014, among a national sample of 3687
registered voters. The interviews were conducted online by Survey Sampling International, Inc. The
March polls contains 1,632 interviews and the May poll includes 2,055 interviews. The data were poll
and were weighted to approximate a target sample of registered voters based on age, race/ethnicity,
gender, educational attainment, region, annual household income, home ownership status and marital status.
Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus two percentage points.
1: Now, thinking a few minutes about electronic medical records... Do you expect your hospital to use electronic medical records?
Yes No Dont Know N
Likely Voters 83 8 9 3677
Male 85 7 8 1712
Female 81 8 11 1965
Age: 18-29 79 15 6 627
Age: 30-44 83 9 8 873
Age: 45-64 83 6 11 1391
Age: 65+ 87 3 11 787
Ethnicity - White 83 7 10 2760
Ethnicity - Hispanic 86 9 5 325
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 80 10 10 441
Ethnicity - Other 87 7 6 151
Urban 83 8 8 952
Suburban 85 6 10 1828
Rural 79 11 10 897
Democrats 84 7 9 1380
Independents 81 10 9 1148
Republicans 84 6 10 1149
Liberal (1-3) 88 6 6 1065
Moderate (4) 81 7 12 1113
Conservative (5-7) 81 9 9 1420
Religiosity: Monthly+ 82 9 9 1342
Religiosity: LT Monthly 83 7 10 2335
Income: Under 50k 78 10 12 1596
Income: 50k-100k 87 5 8 1209
Income: 100k+ 87 6 7 872
Educ: < College 79 9 12 2415
Educ: Bachelors degree 89 6 6 819
Educ: Post-grad 92 4 4 443
Public Sector Union 87 6 7 192
Private Sector Union 90 6 3 105
Not in Labor Union 83 8 10 3372
White Collar 88 6 6 1694
Blue Collar 80 8 12 1486
Uninsured 68 17 15 346
Purchase on Own 83 6 10 386
Employer-based 87 6 7 1566
Government Plan 83 6 11 1173
Health: Exc/V Good 85 7 7 1876
Health: Good 80 8 12 1247
Health: Fair/Poor 82 8 10 553
Wave 1: March 81 8 11 1626
Wave 2: May 85 7 8 2051
1: Now, thinking a few minutes about electronic medical records... Do you expect your hospital to use electronic medical records?
Yes No Dont Know N
Likely Voters 83 8 9 3677
Denied Ins: Self 83 13 4 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 83 11 6 186
Not Denied Ins 83 7 10 3130
Purchased Ins Online: Y 86 8 6 455
Purchased Ins Online: N 82 8 10 3222
State-based Exchange 85 7 8 1223
Federally-managed Exchange 82 8 10 2353
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 86 6 8 2732
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 77 11 11 724
Well-insured 87 6 7 1145
Adequately insured 84 7 9 1836
Under-insured 77 11 12 528
HC direct from Hosp: Support 86 8 7 1350
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 84 9 8 1136
Narrow Network: Support 86 8 6 1093
Narrow Network: Oppose 84 8 8 1620
Narrow Network: Dont Know 77 7 16 961
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 87 8 6 1022
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 83 9 8 1724
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 87 6 7 1296
Favor Hospital Brand: N 81 8 11 2377
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 84 8 8 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 82 11 7 243
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 86 4 9 1092
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 80 11 9 906
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 89 4 7 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 90 7 3 1179
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 82 9 9 1182
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 78 7 16 1315
Hosp Size Matters: Y 89 8 4 911
Hosp Size Matters: N 85 8 8 2306
Hosp Size Matters: DK 64 8 29 445
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 87 6 7 1483
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 83 10 7 1310
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 75 7 18 881
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 100 0 0 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 0 100 0 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 90 4 5 1938
Trust Safety of EMR: N 77 12 10 1436
2: And, what type of device do you think your doctor and nurses should use to enter your health data?
iPad, or
iPhone, or
Other Dont
Likely Voters 38 17 34 2 9 3683
Male 38 15 35 3 9 1718
Female 38 19 32 2 9 1965
Age: 18-29 40 20 35 1 5 630
Age: 30-44 45 19 30 1 5 876
Age: 45-64 38 17 31 2 11 1390
Age: 65+ 27 13 41 5 13 787
Ethnicity - White 36 16 35 3 10 2764
Ethnicity - Hispanic 44 19 32 1 5 327
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 42 22 28 2 6 442
Ethnicity - Other 44 18 32 2 4 151
Urban 38 19 35 2 6 952
Suburban 39 16 32 2 11 1834
Rural 36 17 36 2 8 896
Democrats 41 18 31 1 8 1381
Independents 37 17 32 3 11 1153
Republicans 35 16 38 3 8 1149
Liberal (1-3) 42 17 30 2 9 1066
Moderate (4) 41 20 29 2 8 1114
Conservative (5-7) 33 16 39 3 9 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 17 37 2 10 1344
Religiosity: LT Monthly 40 17 32 3 8 2339
Income: Under 50k 38 18 33 2 9 1598
Income: 50k-100k 37 18 31 3 11 1210
Income: 100k+ 39 15 37 2 8 875
Educ: < College 38 19 32 2 8 2421
Educ: Bachelors degree 38 15 36 2 9 818
Educ: Post-grad 36 11 38 2 14 445
Public Sector Union 38 16 38 1 6 190
Private Sector Union 39 16 41 0 4 105
Not in Labor Union 38 17 33 2 10 3380
White Collar 36 15 37 3 9 1697
Blue Collar 40 19 31 2 9 1487
Uninsured 48 18 25 1 7 345
Purchase on Own 40 19 29 2 9 388
Employer-based 40 17 31 2 9 1566
Government Plan 31 16 40 3 10 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 38 17 35 2 8 1878
Health: Good 39 16 32 2 11 1249
Health: Fair/Poor 34 19 34 3 10 556
Wave 1: March 56 36 7 0 0 1628
Wave 2: May 23 2 54 4 16 2054
2: And, what type of device do you think your doctor and nurses should use to enter your health data?
iPad, or
iPhone, or
Other Dont
Likely Voters 38 17 34 2 9 3683
Denied Ins: Self 42 18 35 2 3 359
Denied Ins: Family Mem 45 13 33 1 8 190
Not Denied Ins 37 17 33 2 10 3133
Purchased Ins Online: Y 37 21 32 2 7 456
Purchased Ins Online: N 38 17 34 2 10 3227
State-based Exchange 34 18 35 2 10 1226
Federally-managed Exchange 39 17 33 2 9 2352
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 37 17 35 2 9 2733
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 41 17 30 2 10 728
Well-insured 38 17 34 2 9 1145
Adequately insured 37 18 35 2 8 1840
Under-insured 42 14 30 2 12 529
HC direct from Hosp: Support 42 18 33 1 6 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 36 19 35 3 8 1135
Narrow Network: Support 38 18 37 2 5 1094
Narrow Network: Oppose 37 18 34 2 9 1623
Narrow Network: Dont Know 39 15 29 2 15 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 37 21 35 2 5 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 36 17 36 3 9 1723
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 38 21 32 3 6 1295
Favor Hospital Brand: N 38 15 34 2 11 2383
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 40 20 32 0 7 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 37 17 38 0 8 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 41 17 31 3 8 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 35 16 39 2 7 906
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 34 18 37 1 8 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 34 20 38 2 6 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 39 18 32 3 8 1182
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 40 14 31 2 13 1316
Hosp Size Matters: Y 40 19 34 2 5 912
Hosp Size Matters: N 36 17 35 2 9 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 40 15 25 2 18 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 39 17 35 2 7 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 36 19 35 2 8 1310
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 38 15 29 3 15 881
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 38 17 35 2 8 3048
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 38 19 30 6 7 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 37 18 37 2 7 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 40 17 31 3 10 1435
3: Do you trust that your medical records are safe or do you worry about their security?
Trust they are
Worry about
their security
Dont Know N
Likely Voters 53 39 8 3678
Male 54 38 8 1716
Female 52 40 8 1962
Age: 18-29 61 32 7 628
Age: 30-44 54 37 9 874
Age: 45-64 45 46 10 1390
Age: 65+ 59 35 6 786
Ethnicity - White 51 41 8 2760
Ethnicity - Hispanic 59 36 5 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 56 34 10 442
Ethnicity - Other 59 33 8 147
Urban 55 37 8 950
Suburban 53 38 8 1832
Rural 49 43 8 896
Democrats 59 33 9 1382
Independents 46 44 10 1152
Republicans 52 42 6 1143
Liberal (1-3) 62 30 8 1064
Moderate (4) 52 37 11 1112
Conservative (5-7) 47 48 5 1422
Religiosity: Monthly+ 55 37 8 1343
Religiosity: LT Monthly 52 40 8 2335
Income: Under 50k 51 41 8 1594
Income: 50k-100k 54 39 8 1208
Income: 100k+ 55 37 8 876
Educ: < College 50 41 9 2416
Educ: Bachelors degree 57 37 6 817
Educ: Post-grad 61 33 7 445
Public Sector Union 49 44 7 192
Private Sector Union 53 45 2 105
Not in Labor Union 53 39 8 3373
White Collar 57 37 7 1696
Blue Collar 51 41 8 1485
Uninsured 41 46 13 345
Purchase on Own 52 38 10 387
Employer-based 53 39 7 1563
Government Plan 54 39 7 1172
Health: Exc/V Good 59 35 6 1876
Health: Good 45 44 11 1248
Health: Fair/Poor 49 43 8 554
Wave 1: March 50 42 8 1625
Wave 2: May 55 37 8 2052
3: Do you trust that your medical records are safe or do you worry about their security?
Trust they are
Worry about
their security
Dont Know N
Likely Voters 53 39 8 3678
Denied Ins: Self 61 34 5 360
Denied Ins: Family Mem 50 42 9 189
Not Denied Ins 52 40 8 3128
Purchased Ins Online: Y 67 24 9 457
Purchased Ins Online: N 51 41 8 3221
State-based Exchange 54 37 9 1226
Federally-managed Exchange 52 40 8 2347
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 58 36 7 2729
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 40 51 9 728
Well-insured 64 29 7 1143
Adequately insured 52 42 6 1838
Under-insured 40 52 8 528
HC direct from Hosp: Support 62 32 6 1351
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 46 49 5 1136
Narrow Network: Support 64 30 6 1093
Narrow Network: Oppose 49 45 6 1619
Narrow Network: Dont Know 47 39 14 962
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 70 25 5 1024
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 43 51 6 1724
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 58 36 5 1293
Favor Hospital Brand: N 50 41 10 2380
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 56 39 6 333
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 56 35 9 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 58 34 8 1089
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 47 48 5 907
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 57 39 4 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 66 31 4 1182
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 45 49 6 1182
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 48 38 14 1312
Hosp Size Matters: Y 60 35 4 911
Hosp Size Matters: N 55 39 6 2308
Hosp Size Matters: DK 27 46 27 445
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 64 32 5 1484
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 48 46 6 1309
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 41 42 17 881
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 58 36 6 3043
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 29 64 7 278
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 100 0 0 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 0 100 0 1438
4: If there was an application that stored all of your medical records and history, would you use it?
Yes No Dont Know N
Likely Voters 60 16 24 3683
Male 62 16 22 1718
Female 59 16 25 1966
Age: 18-29 65 19 16 630
Age: 30-44 64 14 23 876
Age: 45-64 58 17 25 1390
Age: 65+ 58 15 28 787
Ethnicity - White 58 16 26 2762
Ethnicity - Hispanic 67 18 15 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 68 14 18 442
Ethnicity - Other 66 18 16 151
Urban 63 14 23 952
Suburban 60 17 23 1834
Rural 58 17 25 896
Democrats 64 12 23 1382
Independents 56 19 25 1152
Republicans 60 17 23 1149
Liberal (1-3) 68 12 20 1066
Moderate (4) 60 15 25 1115
Conservative (5-7) 56 20 24 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 60 18 21 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 60 15 25 2337
Income: Under 50k 58 17 25 1596
Income: 50k-100k 61 16 23 1212
Income: 100k+ 63 14 23 875
Educ: < College 58 17 25 2420
Educ: Bachelors degree 65 16 19 819
Educ: Post-grad 65 13 22 444
Public Sector Union 57 11 32 191
Private Sector Union 55 24 21 105
Not in Labor Union 61 16 23 3379
White Collar 64 15 21 1697
Blue Collar 58 17 25 1488
Uninsured 51 21 28 347
Purchase on Own 61 16 23 388
Employer-based 63 16 21 1567
Government Plan 60 13 27 1171
Health: Exc/V Good 64 16 20 1880
Health: Good 53 17 30 1248
Health: Fair/Poor 65 13 22 556
Wave 1: March 60 16 24 1631
Wave 2: May 60 16 23 2052
4: If there was an application that stored all of your medical records and history, would you use it?
Yes No Dont Know N
Likely Voters 60 16 24 3683
Denied Ins: Self 80 11 10 359
Denied Ins: Family Mem 64 18 18 190
Not Denied Ins 58 17 26 3134
Purchased Ins Online: Y 77 11 13 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 58 17 25 3225
State-based Exchange 62 13 25 1226
Federally-managed Exchange 59 18 23 2353
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 64 14 22 2731
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 54 21 26 730
Well-insured 64 14 22 1143
Adequately insured 62 16 22 1842
Under-insured 55 20 26 529
HC direct from Hosp: Support 71 13 16 1354
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 57 20 22 1137
Narrow Network: Support 73 12 15 1094
Narrow Network: Oppose 57 20 23 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 51 14 35 962
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 74 12 14 1026
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 55 20 24 1725
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 66 14 20 1295
Favor Hospital Brand: N 57 17 26 2384
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 62 11 27 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 67 17 16 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 64 15 22 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 57 22 21 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 65 12 22 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 74 12 14 1181
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 57 20 23 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 51 16 34 1316
Hosp Size Matters: Y 73 13 14 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 59 18 23 2308
Hosp Size Matters: DK 40 13 47 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 69 14 17 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 58 21 21 1310
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 49 12 39 882
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 66 13 21 3050
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 39 42 19 277
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 73 10 16 1940
Trust Safety of EMR: N 47 25 28 1438
5: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Likely Voters 17 24 38 21 3687
Male 18 22 39 20 1719
Female 16 25 37 22 1968
Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 632
Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 876
Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 1391
Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 787
Ethnicity - White 13 21 40 26 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 33 36 27 4 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 30 28 33 9 442
Ethnicity - Other 25 35 30 10 151
Urban 26 27 32 15 953
Suburban 14 25 39 22 1835
Rural 15 18 41 26 899
Democrats 19 26 37 17 1384
Independents 19 24 37 19 1153
Republicans 12 20 39 29 1149
Liberal (1-3) 26 26 32 16 1068
Moderate (4) 16 27 38 19 1115
Conservative (5-7) 11 19 42 27 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 19 24 34 23 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 16 24 40 20 2341
Income: Under 50k 19 22 35 24 1599
Income: 50k-100k 16 27 37 20 1212
Income: 100k+ 15 23 44 18 876
Educ: < College 19 21 38 21 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 16 30 37 17 819
Educ: Post-grad 8 24 38 30 445
Public Sector Union 18 21 44 17 192
Private Sector Union 14 22 45 19 105
Not in Labor Union 17 24 37 22 3382
White Collar 16 24 37 24 1698
Blue Collar 15 23 41 21 1489
Uninsured 27 30 41 2 347
Purchase on Own 23 30 38 9 389
Employer-based 11 33 52 5 1567
Government Plan 7 11 24 57 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 22 26 34 19 1882
Health: Good 14 23 41 22 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 9 18 46 28 556
Wave 1: March 21 27 36 15 1632
Wave 2: May 14 21 39 26 2055
5: What is your age?
Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ N
Likely Voters 17 24 38 21 3687
Denied Ins: Self 32 30 25 13 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 30 25 34 12 190
Not Denied Ins 15 23 39 23 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 28 32 28 12 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 16 23 39 23 3229
State-based Exchange 17 25 35 23 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 17 23 40 21 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 15 21 37 26 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 20 33 39 8 730
Well-insured 21 22 36 21 1146
Adequately insured 14 24 37 25 1843
Under-insured 17 30 40 13 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 26 27 35 13 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 11 23 39 27 1137
Narrow Network: Support 24 29 35 11 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 14 19 38 29 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 14 25 40 21 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 27 27 30 16 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 13 21 41 25 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 12 24 38 27 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 20 24 38 18 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 23 23 35 18 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 21 32 35 11 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 16 26 40 18 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 19 22 35 24 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 11 17 39 32 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 19 24 35 21 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 15 24 39 22 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 17 23 39 21 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 22 27 32 18 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 16 21 40 23 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 15 29 38 18 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 19 21 34 25 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 16 25 41 18 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 15 27 39 19 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 16 24 38 22 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 33 28 32 7 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 20 24 32 24 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 14 22 44 19 1438
6: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Likely Voters 47 53 3687
Male 100 0 1719
Female 0 100 1968
Age: 18-29 50 50 632
Age: 30-44 44 56 876
Age: 45-64 48 52 1391
Age: 65+ 44 56 787
Ethnicity - White 42 58 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 58 42 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 59 41 442
Ethnicity - Other 73 27 151
Urban 52 48 953
Suburban 48 52 1835
Rural 38 62 899
Democrats 46 54 1384
Independents 51 49 1153
Republicans 43 57 1149
Liberal (1-3) 47 53 1068
Moderate (4) 45 55 1115
Conservative (5-7) 48 52 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 47 53 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 47 53 2341
Income: Under 50k 40 60 1599
Income: 50k-100k 46 54 1212
Income: 100k+ 60 40 876
Educ: < College 40 60 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 54 46 819
Educ: Post-grad 67 33 445
Public Sector Union 60 40 192
Private Sector Union 61 39 105
Not in Labor Union 45 55 3382
White Collar 53 47 1698
Blue Collar 44 56 1489
Uninsured 45 55 347
Purchase on Own 51 49 389
Employer-based 47 53 1567
Government Plan 43 57 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 49 51 1882
Health: Good 43 57 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 47 53 556
Wave 1: March 43 57 1632
Wave 2: May 50 50 2055
6: What is your gender?
Male Female N
Likely Voters 47 53 3687
Denied Ins: Self 42 58 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 59 41 190
Not Denied Ins 46 54 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 52 48 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 46 54 3229
State-based Exchange 47 53 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 47 53 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 47 53 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 47 53 730
Well-insured 51 49 1146
Adequately insured 46 54 1843
Under-insured 41 59 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 55 45 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 42 58 1137
Narrow Network: Support 54 46 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 43 57 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 44 56 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 51 49 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 45 55 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 43 57 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 48 52 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 49 51 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 47 53 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 47 53 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 49 51 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 42 58 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 52 48 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 45 55 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 43 57 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 50 50 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 47 53 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 40 60 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 51 49 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 48 52 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 37 63 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 48 52 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 42 58 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 48 52 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 46 54 1438
7: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Less than
Likely Voters 7 27 31 22 12 3687
Male 8 18 31 26 17 1719
Female 7 35 32 19 7 1968
Age: 18-29 14 27 32 21 6 632
Age: 30-44 6 22 32 28 12 876
Age: 45-64 5 31 30 22 12 1391
Age: 65+ 7 26 32 18 17 787
Ethnicity - White 7 30 30 21 12 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 9 20 33 27 12 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 12 23 39 18 7 442
Ethnicity - Other 1 12 25 37 26 151
Urban 10 25 31 22 12 953
Suburban 5 24 31 26 14 1835
Rural 9 36 33 14 9 899
Democrats 6 27 34 20 13 1384
Independents 8 25 32 24 11 1153
Republicans 8 30 28 23 12 1149
Liberal (1-3) 7 20 33 23 17 1068
Moderate (4) 8 32 33 19 8 1115
Conservative (5-7) 7 27 29 24 12 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 27 29 24 12 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 7 27 33 21 12 2341
Income: Under 50k 12 38 35 11 4 1599
Income: 50k-100k 2 24 36 26 11 1212
Income: 100k+ 5 12 18 36 28 876
Educ: < College 11 41 48 0 0 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 100 0 819
Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 100 445
Public Sector Union 9 25 30 20 16 192
Private Sector Union 2 31 39 19 9 105
Not in Labor Union 7 27 31 22 12 3382
White Collar 4 13 26 35 22 1698
Blue Collar 8 41 36 12 3 1489
Uninsured 9 39 36 13 3 347
Purchase on Own 7 26 28 28 11 389
Employer-based 3 23 28 31 16 1567
Government Plan 10 31 34 13 12 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 5 21 31 28 15 1882
Health: Good 9 32 31 19 10 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 10 40 33 11 6 556
Wave 1: March 9 35 32 17 6 1632
Wave 2: May 5 21 31 26 16 2055
7: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?
Less than
Likely Voters 7 27 31 22 12 3687
Denied Ins: Self 21 22 27 20 11 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 10 15 34 26 15 190
Not Denied Ins 5 29 32 22 12 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 11 20 27 27 16 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 7 28 32 21 12 3229
State-based Exchange 8 25 29 23 15 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 7 28 33 22 10 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 6 25 31 24 13 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 11 29 31 18 10 730
Well-insured 8 21 27 26 18 1146
Adequately insured 5 28 33 24 11 1843
Under-insured 15 32 34 13 6 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 9 26 32 21 12 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 5 26 30 25 13 1137
Narrow Network: Support 7 25 32 23 13 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 6 26 31 24 13 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 10 31 31 18 10 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 7 26 32 22 13 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 7 27 31 23 12 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 5 24 36 21 14 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 9 29 29 23 11 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 13 24 31 23 9 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 5 27 30 23 15 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 3 23 32 26 14 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 11 26 30 22 11 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 5 35 35 16 9 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 6 25 30 25 13 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 7 27 33 21 13 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 9 29 31 21 10 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 8 24 32 22 14 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 7 27 31 23 12 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 8 35 30 18 9 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 6 25 30 24 15 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 9 27 32 22 10 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 7 32 32 19 10 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 6 25 31 24 13 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 8 33 37 17 6 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 7 24 31 24 14 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 8 30 32 21 10 1438
8: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Likely Voters 31 38 26 5 3687
Male 29 37 29 5 1719
Female 33 38 24 5 1968
Age: 18-29 23 42 26 9 632
Age: 30-44 26 42 26 6 876
Age: 45-64 32 37 27 4 1391
Age: 65+ 42 30 25 3 787
Ethnicity - White 37 31 27 5 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 20 42 30 8 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 4 73 21 2 442
Ethnicity - Other 23 43 26 9 151
Urban 22 51 22 4 953
Suburban 32 34 29 6 1835
Rural 39 31 25 5 899
Democrats 0 100 0 0 1384
Independents 0 0 83 17 1153
Republicans 100 0 0 0 1149
Liberal (1-3) 7 71 19 3 1068
Moderate (4) 21 38 34 7 1115
Conservative (5-7) 58 13 25 4 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 41 33 21 4 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 25 40 29 6 2341
Income: Under 50k 27 40 27 6 1599
Income: 50k-100k 32 38 25 5 1212
Income: 100k+ 38 32 27 3 876
Educ: < College 31 38 25 6 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 33 33 31 4 819
Educ: Post-grad 30 42 24 4 445
Public Sector Union 21 50 26 2 192
Private Sector Union 30 37 26 6 105
Not in Labor Union 32 37 26 5 3382
White Collar 34 36 26 4 1698
Blue Collar 30 39 26 5 1489
Uninsured 18 44 30 9 347
Purchase on Own 29 38 27 6 389
Employer-based 34 36 26 4 1567
Government Plan 34 37 25 4 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 33 37 25 5 1882
Health: Good 30 38 27 5 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 29 37 27 7 556
Wave 1: March 28 41 26 6 1632
Wave 2: May 34 35 26 5 2055
8: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..
Republican Democrat Independent Something
Likely Voters 31 38 26 5 3687
Denied Ins: Self 31 43 21 4 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 24 37 31 8 190
Not Denied Ins 32 37 26 5 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 27 41 27 5 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 32 37 26 5 3229
State-based Exchange 26 42 26 7 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 33 36 27 5 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 33 39 25 3 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 31 33 27 10 730
Well-insured 34 41 22 3 1146
Adequately insured 33 36 27 4 1843
Under-insured 25 36 28 11 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 25 47 22 6 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 38 31 27 4 1137
Narrow Network: Support 27 45 25 3 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 36 34 25 5 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 28 34 29 8 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 20 55 22 3 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 41 26 27 5 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 35 38 23 4 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 29 37 28 6 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 31 48 19 2 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 25 48 24 3 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 23 46 27 4 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 47 21 26 6 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 27 43 25 5 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 35 40 23 3 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 31 35 27 7 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 28 38 29 6 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 30 40 26 4 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 33 36 26 4 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 23 39 27 11 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 34 38 23 4 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 29 37 29 5 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 30 37 27 7 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 32 38 25 5 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 25 34 34 7 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 31 42 23 4 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 33 31 30 6 1438
9: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party Movement?
Supporter Not a supporter N
Likely Voters 29 71 3683
Male 32 68 1718
Female 27 73 1966
Age: 18-29 35 65 631
Age: 30-44 30 70 876
Age: 45-64 26 74 1391
Age: 65+ 28 72 785
Ethnicity - White 30 70 2762
Ethnicity - Hispanic 35 65 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 19 81 442
Ethnicity - Other 24 76 150
Urban 28 72 953
Suburban 27 73 1831
Rural 36 64 899
Democrats 15 85 1382
Independents 26 74 1153
Republicans 50 50 1148
Liberal (1-3) 16 84 1066
Moderate (4) 17 83 1114
Conservative (5-7) 49 51 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 57 1344
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 79 2339
Income: Under 50k 28 72 1599
Income: 50k-100k 30 70 1210
Income: 100k+ 29 71 874
Educ: < College 30 70 2422
Educ: Bachelors degree 29 71 818
Educ: Post-grad 26 74 443
Public Sector Union 28 72 192
Private Sector Union 44 56 105
Not in Labor Union 29 71 3379
White Collar 29 71 1695
Blue Collar 30 70 1489
Uninsured 34 66 347
Purchase on Own 31 69 389
Employer-based 29 71 1565
Government Plan 26 74 1173
Health: Exc/V Good 32 68 1878
Health: Good 28 72 1249
Health: Fair/Poor 23 77 556
Wave 1: March 29 71 1630
Wave 2: May 29 71 2054
9: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea Party Movement?
Supporter Not a supporter N
Likely Voters 29 71 3683
Denied Ins: Self 48 52 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 35 65 190
Not Denied Ins 27 73 3132
Purchased Ins Online: Y 45 55 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 27 73 3225
State-based Exchange 26 74 1225
Federally-managed Exchange 31 69 2354
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 28 72 2731
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 35 65 730
Well-insured 32 68 1144
Adequately insured 27 73 1841
Under-insured 32 68 529
HC direct from Hosp: Support 32 68 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 30 70 1136
Narrow Network: Support 37 63 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 27 73 1622
Narrow Network: Dont Know 23 77 961
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 29 71 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 36 64 1724
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 32 68 1296
Favor Hospital Brand: N 27 73 2382
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 32 68 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 31 69 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 15 85 1091
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 48 52 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 21 79 444
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 35 65 1183
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 27 73 1183
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 26 74 1316
Hosp Size Matters: Y 33 67 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 29 71 2308
Hosp Size Matters: DK 23 77 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 34 66 1487
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 26 74 1311
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 24 76 882
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 28 72 3047
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 44 56 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 27 73 1939
Trust Safety of EMR: N 32 68 1438
10: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Likely Voters 6 13 9 30 11 17 11 2 3687
Male 6 13 10 29 11 18 11 1 1719
Female 7 13 9 31 10 16 12 3 1968
Age: 18-29 11 19 14 28 7 9 9 2 632
Age: 30-44 7 15 9 35 9 13 9 3 876
Age: 45-64 5 11 8 30 12 19 13 2 1391
Age: 65+ 4 11 7 27 12 23 14 2 787
Ethnicity - White 6 11 9 28 12 19 13 2 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 19 10 38 8 9 8 1 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 10 22 11 37 4 8 6 2 442
Ethnicity - Other 7 15 13 38 10 10 5 1 151
Urban 11 19 10 30 10 9 9 2 953
Suburban 5 13 9 31 11 18 11 2 1835
Rural 4 8 10 29 10 21 15 3 899
Democrats 13 27 14 31 6 4 3 2 1384
Independents 2 7 11 40 14 14 8 4 1153
Republicans 2 3 2 20 13 34 25 1 1149
Liberal (1-3) 22 46 32 0 0 0 0 0 1068
Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 1115
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 27 43 30 0 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 11 8 25 10 22 19 2 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 14 10 34 11 14 7 2 2341
Income: Under 50k 5 13 9 35 9 15 12 3 1599
Income: 50k-100k 8 14 10 28 11 17 10 2 1212
Income: 100k+ 6 14 9 26 12 20 13 1 876
Educ: < College 6 13 8 34 10 16 12 3 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 13 10 26 12 20 10 1 819
Educ: Post-grad 9 18 14 20 12 16 11 1 445
Public Sector Union 13 19 12 28 7 13 7 2 192
Private Sector Union 6 9 8 40 9 14 13 2 105
Not in Labor Union 6 13 9 30 11 17 12 2 3382
White Collar 6 14 11 28 10 18 12 1 1698
Blue Collar 7 13 9 29 11 17 12 3 1489
Uninsured 7 11 9 33 11 13 12 3 347
Purchase on Own 10 14 9 30 6 17 12 2 389
Employer-based 5 14 10 30 12 17 10 2 1567
Government Plan 6 13 8 30 11 18 12 3 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 8 14 10 27 10 17 12 2 1882
Health: Good 4 15 9 33 11 15 10 3 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 4 10 6 33 11 19 13 2 556
Wave 1: March 7 14 9 35 10 15 9 0 1632
Wave 2: May 5 13 9 26 11 18 13 4 2055
10: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal Slightly
Moderate Slightly
Conservative Very
Likely Voters 6 13 9 30 11 17 11 2 3687
Denied Ins: Self 13 21 11 26 7 12 7 2 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 8 15 16 26 6 18 9 2 190
Not Denied Ins 5 12 9 31 11 17 12 2 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 13 21 11 30 6 12 7 1 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 5 12 9 30 11 17 12 2 3229
State-based Exchange 8 16 11 30 11 13 10 2 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 5 12 9 31 10 18 13 2 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 7 15 10 29 10 18 11 1 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 6 9 9 30 12 15 15 4 730
Well-insured 9 19 10 26 9 15 11 1 1146
Adequately insured 5 11 9 31 11 19 12 2 1843
Under-insured 6 9 8 34 14 14 11 4 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 9 17 12 32 9 12 8 2 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 5 10 10 30 13 18 13 2 1137
Narrow Network: Support 8 16 12 30 9 14 9 2 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 6 13 9 28 12 18 12 2 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 6 11 7 34 10 17 13 3 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 12 22 13 30 8 9 6 1 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 3 9 7 28 12 23 16 2 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 7 13 9 29 12 18 11 1 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 6 14 9 31 10 16 11 3 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 10 21 12 25 11 12 7 1 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 5 19 13 30 15 11 8 1 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 8 17 12 32 9 13 6 1 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 2 5 3 26 13 25 23 3 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 8 15 9 36 9 14 6 3 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 7 14 11 30 10 16 10 1 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 7 14 8 29 11 18 12 1 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 6 12 9 31 10 16 12 4 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 9 16 10 31 8 15 10 1 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 5 13 9 28 12 18 12 2 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 6 10 6 40 7 16 10 5 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 8 14 11 28 10 16 13 1 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 6 14 10 30 11 17 11 2 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 4 13 6 34 11 18 10 3 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 6 14 10 30 10 16 11 2 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 4 8 9 28 9 21 18 3 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 8 16 10 30 10 14 10 2 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 4 10 9 28 12 21 14 2 1438
11: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Likely Voters 30 31 39 3607
Male 29 30 41 1695
Female 30 32 38 1913
Age: 18-29 45 29 26 620
Age: 30-44 32 36 32 854
Age: 45-64 25 31 44 1362
Age: 65+ 23 27 50 772
Ethnicity - White 26 28 45 2700
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 39 26 325
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 43 38 18 433
Ethnicity - Other 35 39 26 149
Urban 41 31 29 936
Suburban 27 32 41 1802
Rural 22 30 48 869
Democrats 55 31 13 1360
Independents 21 41 37 1109
Republicans 7 20 73 1139
Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 1068
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 1115
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 24 25 51 1322
Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 34 33 2285
Income: Under 50k 28 36 37 1551
Income: 50k-100k 33 28 39 1192
Income: 100k+ 28 26 45 864
Educ: < College 27 34 38 2359
Educ: Bachelors degree 31 26 43 809
Educ: Post-grad 41 20 39 440
Public Sector Union 44 29 28 189
Private Sector Union 24 40 36 103
Not in Labor Union 29 31 40 3308
White Collar 31 28 40 1685
Blue Collar 29 30 41 1443
Uninsured 29 34 37 336
Purchase on Own 34 31 35 382
Employer-based 29 31 40 1539
Government Plan 27 31 42 1141
Health: Exc/V Good 33 28 40 1850
Health: Good 29 34 37 1212
Health: Fair/Poor 21 34 45 545
Wave 1: March 31 35 34 1632
Wave 2: May 29 27 44 1975
11: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative
Likely Voters 30 31 39 3607
Denied Ins: Self 46 27 27 354
Denied Ins: Family Mem 40 27 34 186
Not Denied Ins 27 32 41 3068
Purchased Ins Online: Y 45 30 25 451
Purchased Ins Online: N 27 31 42 3156
State-based Exchange 35 30 34 1201
Federally-managed Exchange 27 31 42 2302
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 32 30 39 2697
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 25 31 44 701
Well-insured 38 26 35 1136
Adequately insured 26 32 42 1808
Under-insured 25 35 40 507
HC direct from Hosp: Support 38 32 30 1331
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 25 30 45 1119
Narrow Network: Support 36 31 33 1074
Narrow Network: Oppose 28 29 43 1592
Narrow Network: Dont Know 25 35 41 938
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 47 30 23 1020
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 19 28 53 1691
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 29 29 42 1289
Favor Hospital Brand: N 30 32 38 2314
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 44 26 30 331
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 36 30 34 244
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 38 33 29 1078
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 10 27 63 884
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 34 37 29 432
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 33 30 37 1174
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 29 30 42 1167
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 28 33 40 1265
Hosp Size Matters: Y 36 31 33 909
Hosp Size Matters: N 28 29 43 2257
Hosp Size Matters: DK 23 42 35 426
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 33 28 39 1467
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 30 31 40 1286
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 24 35 41 852
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 31 30 39 2995
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 23 28 49 272
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 35 30 35 1912
Trust Safety of EMR: N 23 29 48 1410
12: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Likely Voters 20 51 29 3607
Male 19 52 29 1695
Female 21 51 28 1913
Age: 18-29 30 51 19 620
Age: 30-44 23 55 22 854
Age: 45-64 17 51 32 1362
Age: 65+ 15 47 38 772
Ethnicity - White 17 50 33 2700
Ethnicity - Hispanic 26 57 17 325
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 33 53 14 433
Ethnicity - Other 23 62 15 149
Urban 30 51 19 936
Suburban 19 52 30 1802
Rural 12 51 37 869
Democrats 41 52 7 1360
Independents 10 67 23 1109
Republicans 5 35 60 1139
Liberal (1-3) 68 32 0 1068
Moderate (4) 0 100 0 1115
Conservative (5-7) 0 27 73 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 16 43 41 1322
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 56 21 2285
Income: Under 50k 19 54 27 1551
Income: 50k-100k 22 50 28 1192
Income: 100k+ 20 47 33 864
Educ: < College 19 53 28 2359
Educ: Bachelors degree 20 49 31 809
Educ: Post-grad 27 46 27 440
Public Sector Union 32 48 20 189
Private Sector Union 15 58 27 103
Not in Labor Union 20 51 29 3308
White Collar 21 50 30 1685
Blue Collar 20 50 30 1443
Uninsured 19 55 26 336
Purchase on Own 25 46 29 382
Employer-based 19 53 28 1539
Government Plan 19 50 31 1141
Health: Exc/V Good 22 48 29 1850
Health: Good 19 55 26 1212
Health: Fair/Poor 15 52 33 545
Wave 1: March 21 54 24 1632
Wave 2: May 19 49 32 1975
12: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?
Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative
Likely Voters 20 51 29 3607
Denied Ins: Self 35 46 19 354
Denied Ins: Family Mem 23 49 28 186
Not Denied Ins 18 52 30 3068
Purchased Ins Online: Y 34 47 19 451
Purchased Ins Online: N 18 52 30 3156
State-based Exchange 25 52 23 1201
Federally-managed Exchange 18 51 32 2302
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 22 50 29 2697
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 16 53 31 701
Well-insured 28 45 27 1136
Adequately insured 17 52 31 1808
Under-insured 16 58 26 507
HC direct from Hosp: Support 26 53 21 1331
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 15 53 32 1119
Narrow Network: Support 24 53 23 1074
Narrow Network: Oppose 19 49 31 1592
Narrow Network: Dont Know 17 52 31 938
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 34 52 15 1020
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 12 47 41 1691
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 20 50 30 1289
Favor Hospital Brand: N 20 52 28 2314
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 32 49 19 331
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 24 57 19 244
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 26 54 20 1078
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 7 44 49 884
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 24 56 20 432
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 21 52 27 1174
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 21 49 31 1167
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 19 52 29 1265
Hosp Size Matters: Y 26 50 25 909
Hosp Size Matters: N 18 51 31 2257
Hosp Size Matters: DK 17 56 27 426
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 22 49 29 1467
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 20 52 28 1286
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 17 53 29 852
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 21 51 28 2995
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 13 48 39 272
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 24 51 25 1912
Trust Safety of EMR: N 14 50 36 1410
13: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish background?
Yes No N
Likely Voters 9 91 3687
Male 11 89 1719
Female 7 93 1968
Age: 18-29 17 83 632
Age: 30-44 14 86 876
Age: 45-64 6 94 1391
Age: 65+ 2 98 787
Ethnicity - White 0 100 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 100 442
Ethnicity - Other 0 100 151
Urban 12 88 953
Suburban 9 91 1835
Rural 5 95 899
Democrats 10 90 1384
Independents 11 89 1153
Republicans 6 94 1149
Liberal (1-3) 11 89 1068
Moderate (4) 11 89 1115
Conservative (5-7) 6 94 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 89 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 92 2341
Income: Under 50k 9 91 1599
Income: 50k-100k 9 91 1212
Income: 100k+ 8 92 876
Educ: < College 8 92 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 89 819
Educ: Post-grad 9 91 445
Public Sector Union 13 87 192
Private Sector Union 8 92 105
Not in Labor Union 9 91 3382
White Collar 9 91 1698
Blue Collar 7 93 1489
Uninsured 12 88 347
Purchase on Own 7 93 389
Employer-based 11 89 1567
Government Plan 3 97 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 10 90 1882
Health: Good 7 93 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 9 91 556
Wave 1: March 10 90 1632
Wave 2: May 8 92 2055
13: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish background?
Yes No N
Likely Voters 9 91 3687
Denied Ins: Self 16 84 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 21 79 190
Not Denied Ins 7 93 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 15 85 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 8 92 3229
State-based Exchange 13 87 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 7 93 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 9 91 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 9 91 730
Well-insured 9 91 1146
Adequately insured 10 90 1843
Under-insured 6 94 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 15 85 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 4 96 1137
Narrow Network: Support 13 87 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 6 94 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 9 91 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 14 86 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 6 94 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 8 92 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 9 91 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 14 86 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 9 91 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 9 91 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 9 91 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 6 94 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 11 89 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 9 91 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 8 92 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 16 84 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 7 93 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 6 94 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 10 90 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 9 91 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 7 93 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 9 91 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 10 90 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 10 90 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 8 92 1438
14: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Likely Voters 1 3 13 81 2 3687
Male 1 5 16 75 2 1719
Female 0 1 10 87 1 1968
Age: 18-29 2 5 24 66 3 632
Age: 30-44 0 6 15 77 2 876
Age: 45-64 1 2 11 84 1 1391
Age: 65+ 0 1 5 93 0 787
Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 3 4 10 72 12 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 442
Ethnicity - Other 15 73 0 0 12 151
Urban 1 4 22 70 2 953
Suburban 1 4 11 83 2 1835
Rural 1 1 7 91 1 899
Democrats 1 4 25 69 2 1384
Independents 1 3 9 84 2 1153
Republicans 1 2 2 94 1 1149
Liberal (1-3) 1 4 19 74 2 1068
Moderate (4) 1 4 16 77 2 1115
Conservative (5-7) 1 2 6 90 1 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 3 17 77 2 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 3 11 84 1 2341
Income: Under 50k 1 2 16 80 2 1599
Income: 50k-100k 1 3 13 81 2 1212
Income: 100k+ 1 5 7 85 1 876
Educ: < College 1 1 14 82 2 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 6 11 81 1 819
Educ: Post-grad 1 8 9 81 1 445
Public Sector Union 1 3 7 88 1 192
Private Sector Union 0 4 9 86 1 105
Not in Labor Union 1 3 13 81 2 3382
White Collar 1 5 10 83 1 1698
Blue Collar 1 2 15 81 1 1489
Uninsured 1 3 21 73 3 347
Purchase on Own 1 6 21 71 1 389
Employer-based 1 4 10 83 2 1567
Government Plan 1 1 10 88 1 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 1 4 14 80 1 1882
Health: Good 1 3 11 83 2 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 1 2 11 83 2 556
Wave 1: March 1 4 17 76 2 1632
Wave 2: May 1 3 10 85 1 2055
14: Which term below best describes your race or background?
Black White Other N
Likely Voters 1 3 13 81 2 3687
Denied Ins: Self 1 4 23 70 2 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 2 4 12 76 6 190
Not Denied Ins 1 3 12 83 1 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 1 5 22 70 1 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 1 3 12 83 2 3229
State-based Exchange 1 5 8 83 3 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 1 2 15 81 1 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 1 3 13 82 1 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 1 4 10 83 2 730
Well-insured 1 3 14 81 2 1146
Adequately insured 1 4 11 83 2 1843
Under-insured 1 2 13 82 1 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 2 5 21 70 2 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 0 3 7 88 1 1137
Narrow Network: Support 1 6 18 73 2 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 1 2 8 87 1 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 0 2 15 82 2 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 1 5 23 69 2 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 1 3 7 88 1 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 1 2 11 84 1 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 1 4 14 80 2 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 1 3 11 84 1 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 1 8 16 73 2 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 1 5 14 79 1 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 1 2 11 85 2 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 1 2 12 84 1 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 1 4 16 77 2 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 1 3 11 84 1 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 1 3 12 83 2 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 1 4 18 75 2 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 1 3 10 85 1 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 1 4 15 78 2 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 1 4 15 79 1 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 1 3 10 84 2 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 1 3 13 82 2 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 1 3 13 82 1 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 1 3 16 77 4 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 1 4 14 80 2 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 1 3 11 84 1 1438
15: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Likely Voters 5 3 92 3680
Male 7 4 89 1713
Female 4 2 94 1967
Age: 18-29 6 2 92 628
Age: 30-44 5 3 93 875
Age: 45-64 6 3 91 1390
Age: 65+ 4 3 93 786
Ethnicity - White 5 3 92 2764
Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 3 90 326
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 3 2 95 440
Ethnicity - Other 4 3 93 150
Urban 8 3 89 950
Suburban 4 3 93 1832
Rural 5 3 92 898
Democrats 7 3 90 1383
Independents 5 3 92 1151
Republicans 4 3 94 1146
Liberal (1-3) 8 2 90 1066
Moderate (4) 5 4 91 1113
Conservative (5-7) 4 3 94 1421
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 4 91 1343
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 2 93 2337
Income: Under 50k 3 2 95 1596
Income: 50k-100k 7 3 90 1210
Income: 100k+ 7 3 90 874
Educ: < College 5 3 92 2418
Educ: Bachelors degree 5 2 93 818
Educ: Post-grad 7 2 91 444
Public Sector Union 100 0 0 192
Private Sector Union 0 100 0 105
Not in Labor Union 0 0 100 3382
White Collar 5 2 93 1696
Blue Collar 7 3 90 1486
Uninsured 2 1 97 347
Purchase on Own 2 2 96 388
Employer-based 8 4 88 1565
Government Plan 4 2 94 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 6 2 91 1877
Health: Good 5 4 92 1247
Health: Fair/Poor 3 2 95 556
Wave 1: March 5 2 93 1625
Wave 2: May 6 3 91 2054
15: Are you a member of a labor union?
Public Sector
Private Sector
Not in Labor
Likely Voters 5 3 92 3680
Denied Ins: Self 7 4 90 359
Denied Ins: Family Mem 4 1 95 190
Not Denied Ins 5 3 92 3130
Purchased Ins Online: Y 7 4 89 455
Purchased Ins Online: N 5 3 92 3225
State-based Exchange 9 3 88 1225
Federally-managed Exchange 3 3 94 2350
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 6 3 91 2727
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 3 2 96 730
Well-insured 8 5 87 1142
Adequately insured 4 3 93 1839
Under-insured 2 1 97 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 6 3 92 1352
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 6 4 90 1135
Narrow Network: Support 8 3 89 1090
Narrow Network: Oppose 4 3 93 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 5 2 93 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 7 3 90 1025
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 5 3 92 1721
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 6 4 90 1293
Favor Hospital Brand: N 5 2 93 2382
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 10 3 87 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 4 2 94 245
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 5 2 93 1091
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 3 3 93 907
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 7 4 89 444
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 5 4 91 1180
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 5 3 93 1183
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 5 3 92 1315
Hosp Size Matters: Y 6 2 91 912
Hosp Size Matters: N 5 3 92 2309
Hosp Size Matters: DK 7 2 91 443
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 5 3 92 1483
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 5 3 93 1312
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 7 2 91 882
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 5 3 91 3045
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 4 2 94 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 5 3 92 1940
Trust Safety of EMR: N 6 3 91 1435
16: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Likely Voters 18 58 2 11 7 5 3687
Male 24 57 2 9 3 4 1719
Female 13 58 2 12 9 5 1968
Age: 18-29 60 30 1 2 0 7 632
Age: 30-44 17 63 2 10 0 8 876
Age: 45-64 10 67 2 13 5 3 1391
Age: 65+ 2 59 2 14 22 1 787
Ethnicity - White 14 62 2 11 8 4 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 27 57 1 9 0 7 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 39 33 5 14 4 5 442
Ethnicity - Other 30 53 2 9 3 4 151
Urban 27 47 3 12 5 7 953
Suburban 17 61 2 10 6 4 1835
Rural 12 63 1 12 9 3 899
Democrats 22 53 2 12 5 7 1384
Independents 22 55 2 11 6 5 1153
Republicans 11 67 1 9 9 2 1149
Liberal (1-3) 25 53 2 10 4 6 1068
Moderate (4) 19 55 3 10 8 6 1115
Conservative (5-7) 13 65 2 11 7 2 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 17 63 2 8 7 2 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 19 55 2 12 6 6 2341
Income: Under 50k 23 40 3 17 11 6 1599
Income: 50k-100k 17 66 1 8 5 4 1212
Income: 100k+ 12 78 1 3 1 4 876
Educ: < College 20 53 2 12 8 5 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 17 65 1 8 3 5 819
Educ: Post-grad 11 69 2 11 5 3 445
Public Sector Union 7 68 4 10 8 3 192
Private Sector Union 17 65 0 9 7 3 105
Not in Labor Union 19 57 2 11 6 5 3382
White Collar 16 63 1 10 6 4 1698
Blue Collar 17 56 2 11 7 5 1489
Uninsured 37 39 3 10 2 9 347
Purchase on Own 28 51 1 10 4 6 389
Employer-based 10 75 1 8 2 4 1567
Government Plan 10 51 3 17 16 4 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 21 60 2 8 4 5 1882
Health: Good 16 58 2 12 9 4 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 15 49 3 17 11 5 556
Wave 1: March 21 56 3 10 5 6 1632
Wave 2: May 16 59 1 11 8 4 2055
16: What is your current marital status?
Married Separated Divorced Widowed Living
with a
Likely Voters 18 58 2 11 7 5 3687
Denied Ins: Self 21 50 4 13 7 5 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 24 56 2 8 3 7 190
Not Denied Ins 18 59 2 11 7 4 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 24 56 1 13 2 4 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 18 58 2 10 7 5 3229
State-based Exchange 21 53 1 12 8 4 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 18 60 2 10 6 5 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 16 60 2 10 7 4 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 24 54 3 11 3 6 730
Well-insured 19 62 2 8 5 4 1146
Adequately insured 15 60 1 11 8 5 1843
Under-insured 25 45 4 15 4 8 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 26 52 2 11 3 5 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 14 62 1 11 8 4 1137
Narrow Network: Support 23 55 2 12 3 5 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 16 59 1 10 9 4 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 17 58 3 10 8 4 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 26 52 2 10 4 5 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 13 62 1 11 8 5 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 12 63 2 11 8 4 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 22 55 2 10 6 5 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 17 60 2 12 3 5 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 21 56 1 11 1 9 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 19 59 2 10 6 4 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 18 60 3 8 6 5 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 15 55 1 10 14 5 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 17 62 1 10 5 4 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 19 56 2 11 8 5 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 19 55 3 11 6 5 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 21 58 2 9 6 4 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 17 59 1 12 6 5 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 20 49 4 10 12 5 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 18 58 2 10 7 5 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 19 57 1 12 6 5 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 18 58 3 11 7 4 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 17 60 1 10 7 4 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 32 42 3 12 2 9 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 19 58 2 11 5 5 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 16 59 2 10 8 4 1438
17: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Likely Voters 29 24 24 23 3685
Male 28 24 25 24 1718
Female 31 23 23 23 1967
Age: 18-29 16 18 34 32 632
Age: 30-44 23 23 29 25 876
Age: 45-64 30 25 20 24 1390
Age: 65+ 44 26 17 13 787
Ethnicity - White 33 24 24 19 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 12 45 22 21 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 23 9 21 47 442
Ethnicity - Other 23 15 30 32 150
Urban 25 22 27 27 952
Suburban 27 27 24 22 1834
Rural 38 19 20 23 899
Democrats 21 23 27 29 1383
Independents 24 21 32 23 1153
Republicans 44 27 13 17 1149
Liberal (1-3) 20 21 35 24 1067
Moderate (4) 24 24 27 25 1115
Conservative (5-7) 41 24 14 21 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 38 29 5 28 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 24 20 35 21 2339
Income: Under 50k 29 22 23 27 1599
Income: 50k-100k 29 26 25 20 1212
Income: 100k+ 30 24 24 22 875
Educ: < College 28 23 23 26 2423
Educ: Bachelors degree 33 25 24 18 818
Educ: Post-grad 29 23 28 20 445
Public Sector Union 17 32 21 30 192
Private Sector Union 34 27 22 18 105
Not in Labor Union 30 23 24 23 3381
White Collar 31 24 25 21 1697
Blue Collar 30 24 22 24 1488
Uninsured 21 15 30 33 347
Purchase on Own 29 23 23 25 389
Employer-based 27 28 23 22 1565
Government Plan 36 21 21 21 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 29 24 24 24 1881
Health: Good 29 24 23 23 1248
Health: Fair/Poor 32 22 24 22 556
Wave 1: March 27 22 26 25 1631
Wave 2: May 31 25 22 22 2054
17: Thinking about your religion, are you ..
Protestant Roman
Ath./Agn./None Something
Likely Voters 29 24 24 23 3685
Denied Ins: Self 24 25 17 34 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 22 22 30 25 190
Not Denied Ins 30 23 24 22 3134
Purchased Ins Online: Y 21 24 24 31 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 30 23 24 22 3227
State-based Exchange 25 27 27 21 1226
Federally-managed Exchange 31 22 22 25 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 31 25 23 21 2733
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 23 22 27 27 730
Well-insured 28 27 21 23 1145
Adequately insured 31 23 24 21 1842
Under-insured 25 17 28 30 529
HC direct from Hosp: Support 23 24 25 27 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 33 21 23 23 1136
Narrow Network: Support 23 25 25 26 1096
Narrow Network: Oppose 32 22 24 21 1623
Narrow Network: Dont Know 31 23 22 24 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 24 24 27 25 1027
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 34 22 20 24 1725
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 32 25 20 23 1296
Favor Hospital Brand: N 28 23 26 24 2384
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 24 32 22 23 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 25 25 24 25 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 25 23 29 24 1092
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 38 18 20 24 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 30 25 21 24 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 29 27 23 21 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 32 22 22 23 1183
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 27 22 26 25 1316
Hosp Size Matters: Y 28 26 22 25 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 31 23 24 22 2310
Hosp Size Matters: DK 26 19 26 29 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 30 24 24 21 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 28 24 25 23 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 29 23 21 27 882
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 30 24 23 23 3050
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 26 17 26 30 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 28 25 24 23 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 32 21 22 24 1437
18: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Likely Voters 50 50 1066
Male 48 52 471
Female 52 48 595
Age: 18-29 56 44 99
Age: 30-44 55 45 203
Age: 45-64 54 46 417
Age: 65+ 42 58 347
Ethnicity - White 49 51 891
Ethnicity - Hispanic 57 43 41
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 62 38 100
Ethnicity - Other 46 54 34
Urban 49 51 232
Suburban 45 55 500
Rural 59 41 335
Democrats 42 58 290
Independents 50 50 274
Republicans 56 44 501
Liberal (1-3) 34 66 211
Moderate (4) 43 57 260
Conservative (5-7) 60 40 586
Religiosity: Monthly+ 70 30 512
Religiosity: LT Monthly 32 68 554
Income: Under 50k 56 44 450
Income: 50k-100k 52 48 354
Income: 100k+ 39 61 262
Educ: < College 54 46 671
Educ: Bachelors degree 42 58 269
Educ: Post-grad 47 53 126
Public Sector Union 35 65 32
Private Sector Union 44 56 35
Not in Labor Union 51 49 998
White Collar 40 60 516
Blue Collar 60 40 437
Uninsured 65 35 71
Purchase on Own 50 50 112
Employer-based 52 48 420
Government Plan 48 52 424
Health: Exc/V Good 50 50 539
Health: Good 48 52 353
Health: Fair/Poor 58 42 174
Wave 1: March 52 48 432
Wave 2: May 49 51 634
18: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)
Yes No N
Likely Voters 50 50 1066
Denied Ins: Self 64 36 82
Denied Ins: Family Mem 68 32 41
Not Denied Ins 48 52 942
Purchased Ins Online: Y 53 47 94
Purchased Ins Online: N 50 50 972
State-based Exchange 46 54 294
Federally-managed Exchange 52 48 737
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 49 51 852
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 54 46 170
Well-insured 44 56 322
Adequately insured 51 49 573
Under-insured 61 39 132
HC direct from Hosp: Support 55 45 311
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 46 54 370
Narrow Network: Support 56 44 252
Narrow Network: Oppose 45 55 518
Narrow Network: Dont Know 55 45 295
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 50 50 240
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 53 47 581
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 48 52 410
Favor Hospital Brand: N 52 48 653
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 49 51 80
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 52 48 63
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 40 60 270
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 59 41 341
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 42 58 135
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 49 51 343
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 50 50 379
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 52 48 344
Hosp Size Matters: Y 46 54 250
Hosp Size Matters: N 51 49 701
Hosp Size Matters: DK 53 47 114
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 48 52 448
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 49 51 361
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 56 44 257
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 48 52 889
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 61 39 72
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 49 51 534
Trust Safety of EMR: N 50 50 461
19: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once or
twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Likely Voters 8 20 9 14 25 24 3687
Male 7 21 8 17 24 23 1719
Female 9 18 9 13 26 25 1968
Age: 18-29 7 21 12 16 18 25 632
Age: 30-44 7 19 10 15 24 24 876
Age: 45-64 9 17 7 16 28 24 1391
Age: 65+ 10 23 7 11 27 22 787
Ethnicity - White 7 19 8 14 25 26 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 11 24 11 12 25 17 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 13 21 13 17 24 12 442
Ethnicity - Other 5 19 7 20 26 24 151
Urban 8 16 11 16 24 25 953
Suburban 7 20 8 14 28 23 1835
Rural 12 22 8 14 21 24 899
Democrats 5 17 10 16 26 26 1384
Independents 7 17 7 15 28 28 1153
Republicans 13 26 10 13 22 17 1149
Liberal (1-3) 6 14 9 16 24 31 1068
Moderate (4) 5 17 8 15 28 27 1115
Conservative (5-7) 12 26 10 13 24 16 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 23 53 24 0 0 0 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 0 0 23 40 37 2341
Income: Under 50k 11 18 8 12 27 24 1599
Income: 50k-100k 6 22 9 16 24 23 1212
Income: 100k+ 6 19 10 17 24 24 876
Educ: < College 9 17 9 14 27 24 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 24 8 15 23 23 819
Educ: Post-grad 7 23 7 16 21 26 445
Public Sector Union 12 16 9 24 19 20 192
Private Sector Union 13 23 13 14 20 16 105
Not in Labor Union 8 20 9 14 26 24 3382
White Collar 7 21 9 15 25 24 1698
Blue Collar 10 19 8 14 25 24 1489
Uninsured 11 15 7 13 26 29 347
Purchase on Own 7 19 10 18 24 22 389
Employer-based 8 21 9 16 23 23 1567
Government Plan 9 18 7 12 29 25 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 8 22 11 14 23 22 1882
Health: Good 9 18 7 15 27 24 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 6 15 6 14 29 29 556
Wave 1: March 7 18 8 16 25 26 1632
Wave 2: May 9 21 9 14 25 22 2055
19: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, once or
twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?
once a
Once a
Once or
twice a
A few
times a
Seldom Never N
Likely Voters 8 20 9 14 25 24 3687
Denied Ins: Self 16 28 9 11 17 19 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 7 30 10 11 21 20 190
Not Denied Ins 7 18 9 15 26 25 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 12 26 8 15 19 20 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 8 19 9 14 26 24 3229
State-based Exchange 7 15 9 15 28 27 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 9 22 9 15 24 22 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 8 21 9 14 25 23 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 7 18 11 16 25 23 730
Well-insured 9 20 11 16 22 23 1146
Adequately insured 7 21 8 14 27 23 1843
Under-insured 10 15 7 15 26 27 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 10 21 10 15 22 22 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 6 20 9 15 26 24 1137
Narrow Network: Support 10 23 10 14 21 21 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 6 19 9 15 26 25 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 10 16 8 13 28 24 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 9 22 10 13 24 22 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 8 21 9 15 25 22 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 7 21 11 14 24 22 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 9 18 8 15 26 25 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 8 19 9 17 24 23 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 10 22 10 17 21 19 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 5 15 11 16 26 27 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 8 25 8 14 25 20 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 9 19 4 10 30 27 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 11 24 9 15 21 20 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 7 19 8 13 25 28 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 7 16 9 15 29 23 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 9 25 9 16 23 18 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 8 17 9 13 27 26 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 8 19 10 16 22 25 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 11 22 9 12 24 22 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 5 17 8 17 26 27 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 9 19 10 15 26 21 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 8 20 8 15 25 24 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 9 23 10 12 24 21 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 9 21 9 14 24 25 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 7 19 9 16 28 21 1438
20: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Likely Voters 26 74 3687
Male 24 76 1719
Female 28 72 1968
Age: 18-29 27 73 632
Age: 30-44 60 40 876
Age: 45-64 18 82 1391
Age: 65+ 2 98 787
Ethnicity - White 23 77 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 45 55 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 33 67 442
Ethnicity - Other 33 67 151
Urban 28 72 953
Suburban 27 73 1835
Rural 24 76 899
Democrats 28 72 1384
Independents 24 76 1153
Republicans 27 73 1149
Liberal (1-3) 28 72 1068
Moderate (4) 30 70 1115
Conservative (5-7) 22 78 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 33 67 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 78 2341
Income: Under 50k 24 76 1599
Income: 50k-100k 29 71 1212
Income: 100k+ 27 73 876
Educ: < College 25 75 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 29 71 819
Educ: Post-grad 26 74 445
Public Sector Union 30 70 192
Private Sector Union 28 72 105
Not in Labor Union 26 74 3382
White Collar 25 75 1698
Blue Collar 27 73 1489
Uninsured 27 73 347
Purchase on Own 29 71 389
Employer-based 38 62 1567
Government Plan 13 87 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 30 70 1882
Health: Good 24 76 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 16 84 556
Wave 1: March 30 70 1632
Wave 2: May 23 77 2055
20: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes No N
Likely Voters 26 74 3687
Denied Ins: Self 42 58 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 30 70 190
Not Denied Ins 24 76 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 41 59 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 24 76 3229
State-based Exchange 25 75 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 27 73 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 25 75 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 32 68 730
Well-insured 27 73 1146
Adequately insured 26 74 1843
Under-insured 27 73 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 33 67 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 22 78 1137
Narrow Network: Support 36 64 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 19 81 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 28 72 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 34 66 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 23 77 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 28 72 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 25 75 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 27 73 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 32 68 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 26 74 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 26 74 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 25 75 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 32 68 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 23 77 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 24 76 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 35 65 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 23 77 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 22 78 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 28 72 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 25 75 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 25 75 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 26 74 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 30 70 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 28 72 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 23 77 1438
21: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Likely Voters 26 50 24 3687
Male 29 51 20 1719
Female 23 49 28 1968
Age: 18-29 39 40 21 632
Age: 30-44 29 52 19 876
Age: 45-64 22 52 26 1391
Age: 65+ 19 51 30 787
Ethnicity - White 21 51 28 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 36 50 14 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 44 43 13 442
Ethnicity - Other 36 54 10 151
Urban 100 0 0 953
Suburban 0 100 0 1835
Rural 0 0 100 899
Democrats 35 45 20 1384
Independents 22 54 24 1153
Republicans 19 51 30 1149
Liberal (1-3) 36 46 18 1068
Moderate (4) 26 51 23 1115
Conservative (5-7) 19 52 29 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 25 47 28 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 51 22 2341
Income: Under 50k 28 41 32 1599
Income: 50k-100k 24 53 23 1212
Income: 100k+ 25 62 13 876
Educ: < College 26 46 29 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 26 58 16 819
Educ: Post-grad 26 56 18 445
Public Sector Union 39 36 25 192
Private Sector Union 28 48 24 105
Not in Labor Union 25 51 24 3382
White Collar 26 58 16 1698
Blue Collar 25 43 32 1489
Uninsured 28 41 31 347
Purchase on Own 25 52 23 389
Employer-based 24 56 20 1567
Government Plan 26 43 31 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 27 52 21 1882
Health: Good 25 49 26 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 25 44 31 556
Wave 1: March 28 47 25 1632
Wave 2: May 24 52 24 2055
21: Would you consider where you live
an urban area a suburban area a rural area N
Likely Voters 26 50 24 3687
Denied Ins: Self 36 35 29 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 26 52 22 190
Not Denied Ins 25 51 24 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 34 47 20 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 25 50 25 3229
State-based Exchange 30 51 20 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 24 49 27 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 26 50 24 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 25 50 25 730
Well-insured 28 51 20 1146
Adequately insured 24 52 24 1843
Under-insured 24 43 33 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 32 48 20 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 22 50 27 1137
Narrow Network: Support 32 46 21 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 24 51 24 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 21 51 28 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 35 45 20 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 21 51 28 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 25 52 22 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 26 48 26 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 33 40 27 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 27 45 29 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 27 55 19 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 21 52 27 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 24 50 27 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 28 48 24 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 25 49 26 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 25 52 23 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 33 46 21 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 23 52 25 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 27 47 26 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 27 50 23 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 25 48 27 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 25 51 24 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 26 51 23 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 28 38 34 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 27 50 23 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 24 49 27 1438
22: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Homemaker Student Retired Unemployed Other N
Likely Voters 32 6 8 11 6 26 8 4 3687
Male 37 8 10 1 6 27 8 3 1719
Female 27 4 7 19 6 25 7 4 1968
Age: 18-29 26 6 8 11 31 3 11 5 632
Age: 30-44 51 9 8 17 2 2 8 4 876
Age: 45-64 36 8 9 12 0 20 9 5 1391
Age: 65+ 6 1 6 2 0 82 2 1 787
Ethnicity - White 30 5 7 12 4 30 7 4 2765
Ethnicity - Hispanic 39 13 8 7 16 7 7 3 329
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 32 7 12 5 13 14 13 5 442
Ethnicity - Other 43 6 12 7 7 18 4 4 151
Urban 33 8 9 7 9 21 9 4 953
Suburban 35 5 7 11 6 26 6 3 1835
Rural 23 6 9 13 3 32 9 5 899
Democrats 32 8 8 9 6 23 10 4 1384
Independents 32 6 8 11 7 24 8 4 1153
Republicans 30 4 8 12 6 31 5 3 1149
Liberal (1-3) 32 8 9 8 10 22 7 4 1068
Moderate (4) 34 7 8 11 4 24 9 5 1115
Conservative (5-7) 29 4 8 12 5 31 7 3 1424
Religiosity: Monthly+ 31 6 8 10 9 26 6 3 1346
Religiosity: LT Monthly 32 6 8 11 5 26 9 4 2341
Income: Under 50k 22 3 7 13 6 30 13 5 1599
Income: 50k-100k 36 8 10 9 6 23 5 4 1212
Income: 100k+ 42 9 8 9 6 22 2 2 876
Educ: < College 25 4 8 13 8 27 10 4 2424
Educ: Bachelors degree 48 9 8 7 2 21 4 2 819
Educ: Post-grad 34 14 11 4 2 29 2 3 445
Public Sector Union 21 37 2 1 2 31 1 4 192
Private Sector Union 55 9 6 1 0 26 1 3 105
Not in Labor Union 31 4 9 12 6 26 8 4 3382
White Collar 39 8 9 7 6 26 4 2 1698
Blue Collar 28 5 8 13 5 27 10 4 1489
Uninsured 27 1 14 16 7 8 23 4 347
Purchase on Own 35 3 19 12 6 19 4 3 389
Employer-based 51 12 5 12 2 11 4 3 1567
Government Plan 9 2 8 9 1 58 9 5 1174
Health: Exc/V Good 37 8 10 9 9 20 5 3 1882
Health: Good 31 5 7 12 4 28 8 4 1250
Health: Fair/Poor 14 3 6 12 2 41 16 7 556
Wave 1: March 32 5 8 13 7 21 9 5 1632
Wave 2: May 31 7 8 9 5 30 7 2 2055
22: How would you describe your present employment situation?
Job in
Job in
Homemaker Student Retired Unemployed Other N
Likely Voters 32 6 8 11 6 26 8 4 3687
Denied Ins: Self 26 8 9 11 15 19 8 5 361
Denied Ins: Family Mem 30 12 13 6 11 19 5 4 190
Not Denied Ins 32 6 8 11 5 27 8 4 3136
Purchased Ins Online: Y 36 8 17 7 10 15 4 3 458
Purchased Ins Online: N 31 6 7 11 6 27 8 4 3229
State-based Exchange 30 7 8 9 7 27 9 3 1227
Federally-managed Exchange 32 6 8 12 5 25 7 4 2355
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 32 7 8 9 5 30 6 4 2735
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 34 6 7 14 9 15 10 4 730
Well-insured 34 8 7 7 8 28 5 3 1146
Adequately insured 33 7 8 11 4 28 6 4 1843
Under-insured 27 2 9 15 8 19 17 3 530
HC direct from Hosp: Support 36 9 8 8 10 16 9 4 1356
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 32 6 8 10 4 30 7 3 1137
Narrow Network: Support 39 9 7 9 9 16 7 3 1097
Narrow Network: Oppose 30 4 8 10 5 32 7 4 1624
Narrow Network: Dont Know 26 6 9 14 4 27 9 5 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 37 9 9 7 11 18 6 4 1028
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 28 5 8 11 4 31 8 4 1726
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 30 7 10 10 4 30 5 4 1297
Favor Hospital Brand: N 32 6 7 11 7 23 9 4 2386
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 33 6 8 9 9 26 6 2 335
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 41 10 9 8 7 16 6 2 246
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 35 6 7 11 5 24 7 4 1093
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 27 5 7 12 8 28 10 4 908
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 27 5 12 10 3 32 7 4 446
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 32 7 8 10 8 25 7 4 1184
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 33 6 9 10 5 27 8 3 1184
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 29 6 8 12 6 26 8 4 1317
Hosp Size Matters: Y 32 8 9 9 10 22 6 4 914
Hosp Size Matters: N 32 6 7 11 5 29 8 3 2311
Hosp Size Matters: DK 26 5 9 14 5 21 12 7 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 30 6 8 9 7 28 6 4 1488
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 35 7 9 9 6 24 8 3 1313
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 28 5 8 15 5 25 10 4 883
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 32 7 7 9 6 28 7 4 3051
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 35 5 11 13 13 9 9 5 279
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 31 7 8 9 7 28 7 3 1942
Trust Safety of EMR: N 33 6 8 11 5 25 8 4 1438
23: Thinking about yourself and the immediate family members in your household, would you say you belong to a white-collar
family, or a blue-collar family?
Dont Know N
Likely Voters 46 41 13 3662
Male 52 38 10 1713
Female 41 43 16 1950
Age: 18-29 42 36 22 629
Age: 30-44 48 40 12 857
Age: 45-64 45 44 12 1390
Age: 65+ 51 40 9 786
Ethnicity - White 47 41 12 2760
Ethnicity - Hispanic 49 33 17 316
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 37 46 17 438
Ethnicity - Other 62 25 13 148
Urban 47 40 13 945
Suburban 54 35 10 1819
Rural 30 52 18 898
Democrats 44 43 13 1375
Independents 45 39 16 1150
Republicans 51 40 9 1137
Liberal (1-3) 50 40 10 1054
Moderate (4) 43 39 18 1110
Conservative (5-7) 48 41 11 1419
Religiosity: Monthly+ 47 41 12 1330
Religiosity: LT Monthly 46 40 13 2332
Income: Under 50k 26 52 22 1583
Income: 50k-100k 50 42 8 1206
Income: 100k+ 79 18 3 874
Educ: < College 30 53 17 2406
Educ: Bachelors degree 72 22 6 813
Educ: Post-grad 86 10 4 443
Public Sector Union 45 52 3 191
Private Sector Union 38 49 13 104
Not in Labor Union 47 40 14 3360
White Collar 100 0 0 1698
Blue Collar 0 100 0 1489
Uninsured 25 51 24 345
Purchase on Own 46 43 11 386
Employer-based 57 37 7 1550
Government Plan 39 45 16 1172
Health: Exc/V Good 55 34 11 1873
Health: Good 39 47 14 1234
Health: Fair/Poor 32 50 18 555
Wave 1: March 38 46 16 1623
Wave 2: May 53 36 10 2039
23: Thinking about yourself and the immediate family members in your household, would you say you belong to a white-collar
family, or a blue-collar family?
Dont Know N
Likely Voters 46 41 13 3662
Denied Ins: Self 45 40 15 348
Denied Ins: Family Mem 55 33 13 189
Not Denied Ins 46 41 13 3125
Purchased Ins Online: Y 53 39 8 442
Purchased Ins Online: N 45 41 14 3220
State-based Exchange 51 37 12 1208
Federally-managed Exchange 44 42 13 2350
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 49 40 11 2714
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 42 42 16 727
Well-insured 57 35 7 1130
Adequately insured 47 41 12 1836
Under-insured 28 51 21 529
HC direct from Hosp: Support 46 41 13 1338
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 50 38 12 1133
Narrow Network: Support 46 42 12 1080
Narrow Network: Oppose 49 40 10 1616
Narrow Network: Dont Know 42 40 18 963
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 48 39 12 1012
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 46 42 12 1719
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 51 42 8 1290
Favor Hospital Brand: N 44 40 16 2368
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 47 39 14 322
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 52 37 10 244
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 52 39 9 1087
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 45 39 16 906
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 41 49 10 444
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 47 43 10 1166
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 46 42 12 1183
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 46 38 17 1311
Hosp Size Matters: Y 48 40 11 898
Hosp Size Matters: N 48 40 11 2305
Hosp Size Matters: DK 33 43 24 446
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 50 39 11 1471
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 45 44 11 1309
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 41 39 20 879
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 49 39 11 3029
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 37 42 21 276
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 50 40 11 1923
Trust Safety of EMR: N 43 42 14 1433
24: Cell / LL household
Dual Use LL Only/Mostly N
Likely Voters 42 35 22 2036
Male 42 38 20 1006
Female 43 33 24 1030
Age: 18-29 66 18 16 279
Age: 30-44 64 28 8 426
Age: 45-64 39 43 18 795
Age: 65+ 19 38 43 537
Ethnicity - White 40 36 24 1624
Ethnicity - Hispanic 43 36 21 160
Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 58 31 11 180
Ethnicity - Other 55 30 15 72
Urban 45 27 28 486
Suburban 43 40 18 1061
Rural 40 34 26 489
Democrats 41 33 26 717
Independents 45 36 19 624
Republicans 41 37 21 695
Liberal (1-3) 44 32 24 567
Moderate (4) 49 34 17 533
Conservative (5-7) 36 40 24 860
Religiosity: Monthly+ 41 36 23 794
Religiosity: LT Monthly 43 35 22 1242
Income: Under 50k 45 26 29 803
Income: 50k-100k 40 40 20 666
Income: 100k+ 42 43 15 567
Educ: < College 43 32 25 1174
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 38 15 530
Educ: Post-grad 34 41 24 332
Public Sector Union 35 32 34 115
Private Sector Union 62 14 25 68
Not in Labor Union 42 36 21 1853
White Collar 40 40 20 1079
Blue Collar 46 30 24 734
Uninsured 44 34 22 138
Purchase on Own 44 44 12 195
Employer-based 50 36 13 906
Government Plan 28 34 39 704
Health: Exc/V Good 44 36 20 1066
Health: Good 43 34 24 692
Health: Fair/Poor 37 36 27 277
Wave 2: May 43 35 22 2034
24: Cell / LL household
Dual Use LL Only/Mostly N
Likely Voters 42 35 22 2036
Denied Ins: Self 49 27 25 174
Denied Ins: Family Mem 41 46 13 104
Not Denied Ins 42 35 23 1758
Purchased Ins Online: Y 48 31 21 251
Purchased Ins Online: N 42 36 22 1785
State-based Exchange 38 31 30 703
Federally-managed Exchange 45 37 18 1289
Very/Smwt Sat w/ Ins 41 36 23 1559
Very/Smwt Dissat w/ Ins 47 35 19 377
Well-insured 46 33 21 684
Adequately insured 40 39 22 1033
Under-insured 44 31 25 251
HC direct from Hosp: Support 51 30 19 672
HC direct from Hosp: Oppose 44 36 21 672
Narrow Network: Support 54 28 18 594
Narrow Network: Oppose 39 37 24 919
Narrow Network: Dont Know 36 41 23 521
Hosp Access Inc in Past Yr 48 31 20 541
Hosp Access Dec in Past Yr 39 36 25 988
Favor Hospital Brand: Y 39 38 23 674
Favor Hospital Brand: N 44 34 22 1360
Responsible for HC Costs: Hospitals 43 28 29 170
Responsible for HC Costs: Doctors 45 33 21 148
Responsible for HC Costs: Insurers 45 37 18 607
Responsible for HC Costs: Government 46 39 15 504
Responsible for HC Costs: Drug Cos 33 33 35 261
Hosp Mergers: Good Thing 46 34 20 683
Hosp Mergers: Bad Thing 39 39 22 617
Hosp Mergers: Dont Know 42 33 25 736
Hosp Size Matters: Y 42 35 23 472
Hosp Size Matters: N 43 35 22 1325
Hosp Size Matters: DK 42 39 19 232
Hosp Tax Exempt: Y 42 34 23 854
Hosp Tax Exempt: N 42 37 20 697
Hosp Tax Exempt: DK 43 34 23 483
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: Y 42 35 23 1723
Expect Hosp to Use EMR: N 52 30 18 142
Trust Safety of EMR: Y 44 35 22 1116
Trust Safety of EMR: N 39 37 24 758

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