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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________
1. Anatomyisdefinedas:
A. thestudyof atoms.
B. thestudyof bodystructures.
C. thestudyof howthebodyfunctions.
D. thestudyof howthebodymalfunctions.

2. Physiologyisdefinedas:
A. thestudyof physics.
B. thestudyof bodystructures.
C. thestudyof howthebodyfunctions.
D. thestudyof howthebodymalfunctions.

3. Anatomyandphysiologyisdefinedas:
A. thestudyof thenormal andabnormal functionof thebody.
B. thestudyof bodystructures.
C. thestudyof howthebodyfunctions.
D. thestudyof thebody'sstructureandhowthosestructuresfunction.

4. What isconsideredstandardanatomical position?
Thebodyisupright, thelegsareclosetogether, thefeet areflat onthefloor, thearmsareclosetothe
sides, andthefaceandpalmsof thehandsarefacingforward.
Thebodyisupright, thelegsarefar apart, thefeet areflat onthefloor, thearmsareclosetothesides,
andthefaceandpalmsof thehandsarefacingforward.
Thebodyisupright, thelegsareclosetogether, thefeet areflat onthefloor, thearmsarespreadfar
fromthesides, andthefaceandpalmsof thehandsarefacingbackward.
Thebodyislyinginahorizontal position, thelegsareclosetogether, thefeet arepointingupward, the
armsareclosetothesides, andthefaceandpalmsof thehandsarefacingupward.

5. What doanatomical termsof directiondescribe?
A. Thespecificregioninwhichabodypart islocated
B. Thebody'sposition
C. Thelocationof aparticular structureinthebody
D. Thecavitythat containscertainorganswithinthebody

6. What anatomical termof directionisusedtodescribethelocationof theankleinrelationtotheknee?
A. Proximal
B. Distal
C. Superficial
D. Ventral

7. What anatomical termof directionisusedtodescribethelocationof thenoseinrelationtotheeyes?
A. Medial
B. Superior
C. Lateral
D. Inferior

8. What arethetwomajor anatomical regionsof thebody?
A. Axial andabdominal
B. Appendicular andcephalic
C. Axial andappendicular
D. Cephalicandthoracic

9. If apersonsustainedcervical dislocationinanaccident, what regionof his/her bodywasaffected?
A. Head
B. Neck
C. Chest
D. Face

10. What arethetwodifferent waystheabdominal regionof thebodycanbedivided?
A. Theabdominal regioncanbedividedinto4regionsor 2regions.
B. Theabdominal regioncanbedividedinto4regionsor 6regions.
C. Theabdominal regioncanbedividedinto4regionsor 9regions.
D. Theabdominal regioncanonlybedividedinto4regions.

11. Whichof thefollowingorgansislocatedintheright upper quadrant of theabdomen?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Left kidney
D. Liver

12. Inwhichof thefollowingregionsof theabdomenisthenavel located?
A. Right hypogastric
B. Left hypogastric
C. Epigastric
D. Umbilical

13. Carpal tunnel syndromeisaconditionthat affectswhat regionof thebody?
A. Foot
B. Arm
C. Leg
D. Wrist

14. Whichof thefollowinganatomical termsof directionrefer tothedorsal sideof thebody?
A. Posterior
B. Anterior
C. Superior
D. Inferior

15. Whereisthediaphragminrelationtothelungs?
A. Superficial
B. Deep
C. Superior
D. Inferior

16. All of thefollowingdescribeananatomical regionexcept whichone?
A. Axial
B. Cubital
C. Bilateral
D. Tarsal

17. All of thefollowingdescribeananatomical termof directionexcept whichone?
A. Right
B. Cubital
C. Bilateral
D. Medial

18. All of thefollowingdescribeananatomical termof directionexcept whichone?
A. Proximal
B. Superior
C. Bilateral
D. Transverse

19. All of thefollowingdescribeananatomical regionexcept whichone?
A. Sagittal
B. Inguinal
C. Appendicular
D. Plantar

20. Howdoesasagittal planeseparatethebody?
A. Topfrombottom
B. Right fromleft
C. Front fromback
D. Upfromdown

21. Whichof thefollowingtermsdescribesananatomical planethat separatesthebodyexactlydownthe
A. Midline
B. Medial
C. Midsagittal
D. Median

22. Howdoesatransverseplaneseparatethebody?
A. Topfrombottom
B. Right fromleft
C. Front fromback
D. Upfromdown

23. Whichof thefollowingtermsdescribesananatomical planethat separatesthebodytopfrombottom?
A. Sagittal
B. Transverse
C. Midsagittal
D. Frontal

24. Howdoesafrontal or coronal planeseparatethebody?
A. Topfrombottom
B. Right fromleft
C. Front fromback
D. Upfromdown

25. Whichof thefollowingtermsdescribesananatomical planethat separatesthebodyfront fromback?
A. Sagittal
B. Transverse
C. Midsagittal
D. Frontal or coronal

26. What kindof termcanbeusedtodescribethepositionof theentirebodyor abodypart?
A. Anatomical plane
B. Anatomical region
C. Anatomical cavity
D. Anatomical position

27. Whichanatomical termof positiondescribestheanterior surfacefacingup?
A. Supine
B. Ventral
C. Anterior
D. Prone

28. Whichanatomical termof positiondescribestheanterior surfacefacingdown?
A. Supine
B. Ventral
C. Anterior
D. Prone

29. Instandardanatomical position, thepalmsareinwhat position?
A. Supine
B. Ventral
C. Anterior
D. Prone

30. A patient lyingonhis/her ventral or anterior surface, facedownwouldbeinwhat position?
A. Supine
B. Dorsal
C. Posterior
D. Prone

31. Whichof thefollowingisnot ananatomical cavityinthebody?
A. Thoracic
B. Dorsal
C. Inguinal
D. Abdominal

32. Thethoraciccavitycanbesubdividedintowhichtwocavities?
A. Abdominal andpelviccavities
B. Cranial andvertebral cavities
C. Pleural andpericardial cavities
D. Thoracicandabdominal pelviccavities

33. Theabdominopelviccavitycanbesubdividedintowhichtwocavities?
A. Abdominal andpelviccavities
B. Cranial andvertebral cavities
C. Pleural andpericardial cavities
D. Thoracicandabdominal pelviccavities

34. Howmanyanatomical cavitiesdoesthethoraciccavitycontain?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

35. Whichmembranelinestheabdominal andpelviccavities?
A. Meninges
B. Pleurae
C. Pericardium
D. Peritoneum

36. Whichorgansareassociatedwiththedorsal cavity?
A. Brainandspinal cord
B. Lungsandheart
C. Digestiveorgans
D. Reproductiveorgans

37. What isthemediastinum?
A. Thewall separatingthethoraciccavityfromtheabdominopelviccavity
B. Thethreelayersof membranesurroundingthebrainandspinal cord

Thespacebetweenthepleural cavitiesthat containstheheart, esophagus, trachea, thymus, andmajor
D. Another namefor theanatomical cavitylocatedinthemiddleof thebody

38. Whichof thefollowingset of anatomical cavitieshasanorganthat servesasawall betweenthetwo?
A. Cranial andvertebral
B. Pleural andpericardial
C. Abdominal andpelvic
D. Thoracicandabdominopelvic

39. Whichof thefollowingcavitiescontainserousmembranes?
A. Cranial
B. Inguinal
C. Thoracic
D. Brachial

40. What isaserousmembrane?
A. A singlelayeredmembrane
B. A doublelayeredmembranewithair betweenthetwolayers
C. A doublelayeredmembranethat containsfluidbetweenthetwolayers
D. A membranethat coversthebrainandspinal cord

41. Whichof thefollowingstatementsisfalseregardingserousmembranes?
A. Serousmembranesarefoundinthethoracicandcranial bodycavities.
B. Serousmembraneshavefluidbetweenthetwomembranelayers.
C. Thepleuraeandperitoneumareexamplesof serousmembranes.
D. Serousmembranesaredoublelayeredmembranes.

42. Whichmembranesurroundsthelungsinthethoraciccavity?
A. Meninges
B. Pleura
C. Pericardium
D. Peritoneum

43. Whichmembranesurroundstheheart inthethoraciccavity?
A. Meninges
B. Pleura
C. Pericardium
D. Peritoneum

44. Whichof thefollowingstatementsisfalseregardingthepericardium?
A. Thepericardiumisanexampleof aserousmembrane.
B. Thepericardiumiscomposedof twolayers, thevisceral pleuraandparietal pericardium.
C. Thevisceral layer of thepericardiumisincontact withtheheart.
D. Pericardial fluidfillsthespacebetweenthetwolayersof thepericardium.

45. Whichorganissurroundedbythepericardium?
A. Lung
B. Intestines
C. Heart
D. Kidney

46. Whichorgansaresurroundedbythepleural membrane?
A. Lungs
B. Intestines
C. Heart
D. Kidneys

47. What ishomeostasis?
A. Thebody'sabilitytomaintainasteadyinternal environment
B. Negativefeedback
C. Positivefeedback
D. Thebody'sabilitytofunctionoutsideof theoptimal range

48. Whichof thefollowingstatementsisanexampleof thebody'sabilitytomaintainhomeostasis?
A. Michael hasbeensickwiththefluandhehasafever.
B. Bill must besuretotakehisbloodpressuremedicationinorder tocontrol hischronichypertension.
C. Maryhadaphysical andwaspleasedtohear that her bloodpressurewaswithinthenormal range.
D. Conniehasdiabetesandmust takeinsulininjectionstocontrol her highbloodglucoselevels.

49. What isnegativefeedback?
A. Thebody'sabilitytomaintainhomeostasis
B. Theprocessthebodyusestoreversethedirectionof movement awayfromhomeostasis
C. Theprocessthebodyusestoincreasethemovement awayfromhomeostasis
D. Thebody'sabilitytofunctionoutsideof theoptimal range

50. All of thefollowingareexamplesof negativefeedbackexcept:
A. sweatinginresponsetoelevatedbodytemperature.
B. secretionof insulininresponsetoincreasedbloodglucose.
C. secretionof glucagoninresponsetodecreasedbloodglucose.
D. uterinecontractionsinresponsetothepressureof thebaby'sheadonthecervix.

51. What ispositivefeedback?
A. Thebody'sabilitytomaintainhomeostasis
B. Theprocessthat bodyusestoreversethedirectionof movement awayfromhomeostasis
C. Theprocessthebodyusestoincreasethemovement awayfromhomeostasis
D. Thebody'sabilitytofunctionoutsideof theoptimal range

52. All of thefollowingareexamplesof positivefeedbackexcept:
A. sweatinginresponsetoelevatedbodytemperature.
B. secretionof insulininresponsetoincreasedbloodglucose.
C. secretionof glucagoninresponsetodecreasedbloodglucose.
D. uterinecontractionsinresponsetothepressureof thebaby'sheadonthecervix.

53. Whichof thefollowingstatementsregardinghomeostasisisfalse?

If thebodydetectsachangeandworkstomakethelevelsmoveevenfarther awayfromhomeostasis,
that ispositivefeedback.
If thebodydetectsachangebeyonditsnormal homeostasisrange(either toohighor toolow), andit
workstoreachitshomeostasisrangebyreversingthedirectionof movement; that ispositivefeedback.
Homeostasisisthebody'sabilitytomaintainasteadyinternal environment. Thisisachievedthrough
Homeostasisisthebody'sabilitytoovercomeanimbalancedinternal environment. Thisisachieved

54. Whichof theanatomical termsof directiondescribesthediaphragm'srelationtothestomach?
A. Inferior
B. Superior
C. Anterior
D. Posterior

55. Relatedtoaffectingtwosidesreferstowhichof thefollowinganatomical termsof direction?
A. Bilateral
B. Superior
C. Anterior
D. Lateral

56. Closer totheconnectiontothebodyreferstowhichof thefollowinganatomical termsof direction?
A. Distal
B. Superficial
C. Deep
D. Proximal

57. Whichof theanatomical termsof directionbest describesthewrist'srelationshiptotheshoulder?
A. Proximal
B. Superior
C. Distal
D. Posterior

58. Whichof theanatomical termsof directiondescribestherelationof thehypodermistotheepidermis?
A. Superficial
B. Superior
C. Deep
D. Distal

59. Whichof theanatomical regionshousesthestomach?
A. Abdominal
B. Axillary
C. Appendicular
D. Anterior

60. Thelungsarehousedinwhichof thefollowinganatomical regions?
A. Axial
B. Axillary
C. Appendicular
D. Abdominal

61. Bryanhasablister onthesurfaceof hispalmfromrakingtheleaves. Whichset of anatomical terms

Bryanhasasuperficial blister onthepalmar surfaceof hispalmintheappendicular regionof his
B. Bryanhasasuperior blister onthepalmar surfaceof hispalmintheappendicular regionof hisbody.
C. Bryanhasasuperficial blister ontheplantar surfaceof hispalmintheappendicular regionof hisbody.
D. Bryanhasasuperficial blister onthepalmar surfaceof hispalmintheaxial regionof hisbody.

62. Susanhasatumor onher left ovary. Whichset of anatomical termscorrectlydescribesSusan'stumor?

A. Susanhasadeep, lateral tumor locatedinthepelvicregionof her body.
B. Susanhasadeep, bilateral tumor locatedinthepelvicregionof her body.
C. Susanhasadeeptumor locatedintheabdominal regionof her body.
D. Susanhasadeeptumor locatedintheappendicular regionof her body.

63. Thefemoral regionreferstowhichpart of thebody?
A. Knee
B. Ankle
C. Thigh
D. Leg

64. Thecubital regionreferstowhichpart of thebody?
A. Wrist
B. Elbow
C. Arm
D. Hand

65. Theanterior cubital regionreferstowhichpart of thebody?
A. Wrist
B. Front of theelbow
C. Upper arm
D. Backof thehand

66. Theposterior patellar regionreferstowhichpart of thebody?
A. Knee
B. Front of theknee
C. Upper knee
D. Backof theknee

67. Thedorsal cavityhousesall of thefollowingorgansexcept whichone?
A. Brain
B. Spinal cord
C. Vertebrae
D. Lungs

68. Thethoraciccavityhousesall of thefollowingstructuresexcept whichone?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Pleural membrane
D. Peritoneum

69. Separatingtheright andleft sideof thebodyisachievedbywhat anatomical plane?
A. Sagittal
B. Transverse
C. Frontal
D. Coronal

70. Separatingthetopandbottomhalf of thebodyisachievedbywhat anatomical plane?
A. Sagittal
B. Transverse
C. Frontal
D. Coronal

71. Separatingthefront andbackhalf of thebodyisachievedbywhat anatomical plane?
A. Sagittal
B. Transverse
C. Frontal
D. Midsagittal

72. Whichof thefollowingorgansarehousedinthemediastinum?
A. Kidneys
B. Lungs
C. Esophagus
D. Spleen

73. All of thefollowingorgansarehousedinthemediastinumexcept whichone?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Esophagus
D. Trachea

74. Whichpart of thepleural membraneisindirect contact withthelungs?
A. Visceral
B. Parietal
C. Pleura
D. Peritoneum

75. Whichpart of thepleural membraneisnot indirect contact withthelungs?
A. Visceral
B. Parietal
C. Pleura
D. Peritoneum

76. Thedorsal cavitycanbesubdividedintowhichtwocavities?
A. Abdominal andpelviccavities
B. Cranial andvertebral cavities
C. Pleural andpericardial cavities
D. Thoracicandabdominal pelviccavities

(p. 3)
A. thestudyof atoms.
B. thestudyof bodystructures.
C. thestudyof howthebodyfunctions.
D. thestudyof howthebodymalfunctions.
Anatomyisthestudyof bodystructureof all sizesfromthesmallest of cellstothelargest of organs.

ABHES: 3.a. Define and use entire basic structure of medical words and be able to accurately identify in the correct context, i.e., root, prefix, suffix, combinations,
spelling and definitions.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.1. Describe structural organization of the human body
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.1 Define anatomy and physiology.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #1
(p. 3)
A. thestudyof physics.
B. thestudyof bodystructures.
C. thestudyof howthebodyfunctions.
D. thestudyof howthebodymalfunctions.
Physiologyisthestudyof howthestructuresof thebodyfunction.

ABHES: 3.a. Define and use entire basic structure of medical words and be able to accurately identify in the correct context, i.e., root, prefix, suffix, combinations,
spelling and definitions.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.1. Describe structural organization of the human body
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.1 Define anatomy and physiology.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #2
(p. 3)
A. thestudyof thenormal andabnormal functionof thebody.
B. thestudyof bodystructures.
C. thestudyof howthebodyfunctions.
D. thestudyof thebody'sstructureandhowthosestructuresfunction.
Anatomyandphysiologyisthestudyof howthestructuresof thebodyfunctiontogether under normal

ABHES: 3.a. Define and use entire basic structure of medical words and be able to accurately identify in the correct context, i.e., root, prefix, suffix, combinations,
spelling and definitions.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.1. Describe structural organization of the human body
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.1 Define anatomy and physiology.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #3
(p. 4)
What isconsideredstandardanatomical position?
Thebodyisupright, thelegsareclosetogether, thefeet areflat onthefloor, thearmsarecloseto
thesides, andthefaceandpalmsof thehandsarefacingforward.
Thebodyisupright, thelegsarefar apart, thefeet areflat onthefloor, thearmsareclosetothe
sides, andthefaceandpalmsof thehandsarefacingforward.
Thebodyisupright, thelegsareclosetogether, thefeet areflat onthefloor, thearmsarespreadfar
fromthesides, andthefaceandpalmsof thehandsarefacingbackward.
Thebodyislyinginahorizontal position, thelegsareclosetogether, thefeet arepointingupward,
thearmsareclosetothesides, andthefaceandpalmsof thehandsarefacingupward.
Standardanatomical positionisdescribedasthebodystandingupright, thelegsareclosetogether, the
feet areflat onthefloor, thearmsareclosetothesides, andthefaceandpalmsof thehandsarefacing

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #4
(p. 4)
What doanatomical termsof directiondescribe?
A. Thespecificregioninwhichabodypart islocated
B. Thebody'sposition
C. Thelocationof aparticular structureinthebody
D. Thecavitythat containscertainorganswithinthebody
Anatomical termsof directionareusedtodescribeoneof thefollowing: thelocationof aparticular
structureinthebody, thelocationof astructurerelativetoanother structure, or thelocationof
somethingwithinastructure. Anatomical regionsdescribewhereabodypart islocated. Anatomical
positionsdescribethepositionof thebody. Anatomical cavitiesdescribecavitiesthat containorgans.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #5
(p. 5)
What anatomical termof directionisusedtodescribethelocationof theankleinrelationtotheknee?

A. Proximal
B. Distal
C. Superficial
D. Ventral
Theankleisdistal tothekneebecausetheankleisfarther fromtheconnectiontothebodythanthe

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #6
(p. 5)
What anatomical termof directionisusedtodescribethelocationof thenoseinrelationtotheeyes?

A. Medial
B. Superior
C. Lateral
D. Inferior
Thenoseismedial totheeyesbecausethenoseisonthemidlineof thebodyandtheeyesareaway
fromthemidlineor lateral tothenose.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #7
(p. 6)
What arethetwomajor anatomical regionsof thebody?
A. Axial andabdominal
B. Appendicular andcephalic
C. Axial andappendicular
D. Cephalicandthoracic
Thetwomajor anatomical regionsof thebodyareaxial andappendicular whilecephalic, abdominal
andthoracicareexamplesof subdivisionsof thetwomajor regions.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #8
(p. 6)
If apersonsustainedcervical dislocationinanaccident, what regionof his/her bodywasaffected?
A. Head
B. Neck
C. Chest
D. Face
Theperson'sneckisaffectedbecausethetermcervical istheanatomical regionof thebodythat refers

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Hard
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #9
(p. 8)
What arethetwodifferent waystheabdominal regionof thebodycanbedivided?
A. Theabdominal regioncanbedividedinto4regionsor 2regions.
B. Theabdominal regioncanbedividedinto4regionsor 6regions.
C. Theabdominal regioncanbedividedinto4regionsor 9regions.
D. Theabdominal regioncanonlybedividedinto4regions.
Theabdominal regioncanbedividedinoneof twoways: intofour quadrantsor intonineregions
similar toatic-tac-toegrid. Thefour quadrantsare: theright upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, right
lower quadrant, andleft lower quadrant. Startingfromtopright, thenineregionsof theabdomenare:
theright hypochondriacregion, epigastricregion, left hypochondriacregion, right lumbar region,
umbilical region, left lumbar region, right inguinal region, hypogastricregion, andleft inguinal region.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #10
(p. 8)
Whichof thefollowingorgansislocatedintheright upper quadrant of theabdomen?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Left kidney
D. Liver
Theliver isintheright upper quadrant of theabdomen. Theother organslistedarenot locatedinthe

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #11
(p. 8)
Inwhichof thefollowingregionsof theabdomenisthenavel located?
A. Right hypogastric
B. Left hypogastric
C. Epigastric
D. Umbilical
Thenavel isintheumbilical regionof theabdomen.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #12
(p. 6)
Carpal tunnel syndromeisaconditionthat affectswhat regionof thebody?
A. Foot
B. Arm
C. Leg
D. Wrist
Theanatomical term, carpal, referstothewrist.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing
CAAHEP: I.C.6. Identify common pathology related to each body system
Difficulty level: Hard
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #13
(p. 4)
Whichof thefollowinganatomical termsof directionrefer tothedorsal sideof thebody?
A. Posterior
B. Anterior
C. Superior
D. Inferior
Theanatomical termposterior referstothebacksideor dorsal sideof thebody.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #14
(p. 5)
A. Superficial
B. Deep
C. Superior
D. Inferior
Thediaphragmisinferior tothelungsbecauseit isfarther fromthetopof theheadthanthelungs.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #15
(p. 6)
All of thefollowingdescribeananatomical regionexcept whichone?
A. Axial
B. Cubital
C. Bilateral
D. Tarsal
Bilateral describesananatomical termof directionnot ananatomical region.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #16
(p. 5)
All of thefollowingdescribeananatomical termof directionexcept whichone?
A. Right
B. Cubital
C. Bilateral
D. Medial
Cubital describesananatomical regionnot ananatomical termof direction.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #17
(p. 5)
All of thefollowingdescribeananatomical termof directionexcept whichone?
A. Proximal
B. Superior
C. Bilateral
D. Transverse
Transversedescribesananatomical planenot ananatomical termof direction.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #18
(p. 6)
All of thefollowingdescribeananatomical regionexcept whichone?
A. Sagittal
B. Inguinal
C. Appendicular
D. Plantar
Sagittal describesananatomical planenot ananatomical region.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #19
(p. 8)
Howdoesasagittal planeseparatethebody?
A. Topfrombottom
B. Right fromleft
C. Front fromback
D. Upfromdown
A sagittal planeseparatesthebodyright fromleft.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #20
(p. 8)
Whichof thefollowingtermsdescribesananatomical planethat separatesthebodyexactlydownthe
A. Midline
B. Medial
C. Midsagittal
D. Median
A midsagittal planeseparatesthebodyright fromleft, exactlydownthemidline.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #21
(p. 8)
A. Topfrombottom
B. Right fromleft
C. Front fromback
D. Upfromdown
A transverseplaneseparatesthebodytopfrombottom.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #22
(p. 8)
Whichof thefollowingtermsdescribesananatomical planethat separatesthebodytopfrombottom?

A. Sagittal
B. Transverse
C. Midsagittal
D. Frontal
A transverseplaneseparatesthebodytopfrombottom.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #23
(p. 8)
Howdoesafrontal or coronal planeseparatethebody?
A. Topfrombottom
B. Right fromleft
C. Front fromback
D. Upfromdown
A frontal or coronal planeseparatesthebodyfront fromback.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #24
(p. 8)
Whichof thefollowingtermsdescribesananatomical planethat separatesthebodyfront fromback?

A. Sagittal
B. Transverse
C. Midsagittal
D. Frontal or coronal
A frontal or coronal planeseparatesthebodyfront fromback.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #25
(p. 8)
What kindof termcanbeusedtodescribethepositionof theentirebodyor abodypart?
A. Anatomical plane
B. Anatomical region
C. Anatomical cavity
D. Anatomical position
A termof anatomical position, suchasproneor supine, canbeusedtodescribethepositionof the
entirebodyor abodypart.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #26
(p. 8)
Whichanatomical termof positiondescribestheanterior surfacefacingup?
A. Supine
B. Ventral
C. Anterior
D. Prone
Supinedescribestheanatomical positioninwhichtheanterior surfacefacesupwhilepronedescribes
theanterior surfacefacingdown. Ventral andanterior describesanatomical termsof directionnot

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #27
(p. 8)
Whichanatomical termof positiondescribestheanterior surfacefacingdown?
A. Supine
B. Ventral
C. Anterior
D. Prone
Pronedescribestheanatomical positioninwhichtheanterior surfacefacesdownwhilesupine
describestheanterior surfacefacingup. Ventral andanterior describesanatomical termsof direction
not position.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #28
(p. 4)
Instandardanatomical position, thepalmsareinwhat position?
A. Supine
B. Ventral
C. Anterior
D. Prone
Standardanatomical positionhasthepalmsfacingupor inasupineposition.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #29
(p. 8)
A patient lyingonhis/her ventral or anterior surface, facedownwouldbeinwhat position?
A. Supine
B. Dorsal
C. Posterior
D. Prone
A patient lyingonhis/her ventral or anterior surface, facedownwouldbeintheproneposition. Dorsal
andposterior describetermsof anatomical directionnot position.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #30
(p. 8)
Whichof thefollowingisnot ananatomical cavityinthebody?
A. Thoracic
B. Dorsal
C. Inguinal
D. Abdominal
Inguinal isananatomical regionnot ananatomical cavity.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #31
(p. 10)
A. Abdominal andpelviccavities
B. Cranial andvertebral cavities
C. Pleural andpericardial cavities
D. Thoracicandabdominal pelviccavities
Thethoraciccavityincludesanatomical cavitiesinchest, pleural andpericardial.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #32
(p. 10)
A. Abdominal andpelviccavities
B. Cranial andvertebral cavities
C. Pleural andpericardial cavities
D. Thoracicandabdominal pelviccavities
Theabdominopelviccavityincludesanatomical cavitiesintheabdominal andpelvicregionsinthe

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #33
(p. 10)
Howmanyanatomical cavitiesdoesthethoraciccavitycontain?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Thethoraciccavitycontainsthreeanatomical cavities, twopleural cavitiesandonepericardial cavity.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #34
(p. 10)
Whichmembranelinestheabdominal andpelviccavities?
A. Meninges
B. Pleurae
C. Pericardium
D. Peritoneum
Theabdominal andpelviccavitiesarelinedbytheperitoneum.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #35
(p. 10)
Whichorgansareassociatedwiththedorsal cavity?
A. Brainandspinal cord
B. Lungsandheart
C. Digestiveorgans
D. Reproductiveorgans
Thebrainandspinal cordarehousedinthedorsal cavity.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #36
(p. 10)
What isthemediastinum?
A. Thewall separatingthethoraciccavityfromtheabdominopelviccavity
B. Thethreelayersof membranesurroundingthebrainandspinal cord

Thespacebetweenthepleural cavitiesthat containstheheart, esophagus, trachea, thymus, and
major vessels
D. Another namefor theanatomical cavitylocatedinthemiddleof thebody
Thespacebetweenthepleural cavitiesthat containstheheart, esophagus, trachea, thymus, andmajor

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #37
(p. 10)
Whichof thefollowingset of anatomical cavitieshasanorganthat servesasawall betweenthetwo?

A. Cranial andvertebral
B. Pleural andpericardial
C. Abdominal andpelvic
D. Thoracicandabdominopelvic
Thereisnowall dividingthecranial andvertebral cavities, pleural andpericardial cavities, or the
abdominal fromthepelviccavity. Thediaphragmservesasawall separatingthethoraciccavityfrom

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #38
(p. 11)
Whichof thefollowingcavitiescontainserousmembranes?
A. Cranial
B. Inguinal
C. Thoracic
D. Brachial
Thethoracicandabdominopelviccavitiescontainfluid-filledserousmembranes, whichlinethe
cavitiesandsurroundtheorgans. Thecranial andvertebral cavitiesarelinedbythemeninges. Inguinal
andbrachial areregionsnot cavities.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #39
(p. 11)
What isaserousmembrane?
A. A singlelayeredmembrane
B. A doublelayeredmembranewithair betweenthetwolayers
C. A doublelayeredmembranethat containsfluidbetweenthetwolayers
D. A membranethat coversthebrainandspinal cord
Serousmembranesaredoublelayeredmembranesthat containfluidbetweenthetwolayers.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #40
(p. 11)
Whichof thefollowingstatementsisfalseregardingserousmembranes?
A. Serousmembranesarefoundinthethoracicandcranial bodycavities.
B. Serousmembraneshavefluidbetweenthetwomembranelayers.
C. Thepleuraeandperitoneumareexamplesof serousmembranes.
D. Serousmembranesaredoublelayeredmembranes.
Serousmembranesarefoundinthethoraciccavitybut not inthecranial cavity.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Hard
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #41
(p. 12)
A. Meninges
B. Pleura
C. Pericardium
D. Peritoneum
A serousmembranecalledthepleurasurroundseachof thelungsinthethoraciccavity.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #42
(p. 12)
Whichmembranesurroundstheheart inthethoraciccavity?
A. Meninges
B. Pleura
C. Pericardium
D. Peritoneum
Theheart issurroundedbyaserousmembranecalledthepericardium.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #43
(p. 12)
Whichof thefollowingstatementsisfalseregardingthepericardium?
A. Thepericardiumisanexampleof aserousmembrane.
B. Thepericardiumiscomposedof twolayers, thevisceral pleuraandparietal pericardium.
C. Thevisceral layer of thepericardiumisincontact withtheheart.
D. Pericardial fluidfillsthespacebetweenthetwolayersof thepericardium.
Thepericardiumiscomposedof twolayers, thevisceral pericardiumandparietal pericardium. The
visceral pleuraisapart of theserousmembranethat surroundsthelungs.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Hard
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #44
(p. 12)
A. Lung
B. Intestines
C. Heart
D. Kidney
Theheart issurroundedbyaserousmembranecalledthepericardium.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #45
(p. 12)
Whichorgansaresurroundedbythepleural membrane?
A. Lungs
B. Intestines
C. Heart
D. Kidneys
Thelungsaresurroundedbyaserousmembranecalledthepleural membrane.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #46
(p. 14)
What ishomeostasis?
A. Thebody'sabilitytomaintainasteadyinternal environment
B. Negativefeedback
C. Positivefeedback
D. Thebody'sabilitytofunctionoutsideof theoptimal range
Homeostasisisanimportant unifyingconcept inphysiologythat all structuresfunctiontogether inthe
humanbodytomaintainasteadyinternal environment.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.5. Describe the normal function of each body system
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.4 Define homeostasis and explain why it is so important in human physiology.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #47
(p. 14)
Whichof thefollowingstatementsisanexampleof thebody'sabilitytomaintainhomeostasis?
A. Michael hasbeensickwiththefluandhehasafever.
B. Bill must besuretotakehisbloodpressuremedicationinorder tocontrol hischronichypertension.
C. Maryhadaphysical andwaspleasedtohear that her bloodpressurewaswithinthenormal range.
D. Conniehasdiabetesandmust takeinsulininjectionstocontrol her highbloodglucoselevels.
Homeostasisisthehumanbody'sabilitytomaintainasteadyinternal environment. Keepingblood
pressurewithinthenormal rangeisanexampleof this.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing
CAAHEP: I.C.5. Describe the normal function of each body system
Difficulty level: Hard
Learning outcome: 1.4 Define homeostasis and explain why it is so important in human physiology.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #48
(p. 15)
What isnegativefeedback?
A. Thebody'sabilitytomaintainhomeostasis
B. Theprocessthebodyusestoreversethedirectionof movement awayfromhomeostasis
C. Theprocessthebodyusestoincreasethemovement awayfromhomeostasis
D. Thebody'sabilitytofunctionoutsideof theoptimal range
Negativefeedbackistheprocessthebodyusestoreversethedirectionof movement awayfrom

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.5. Describe the normal function of each body system
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.5 Define negative and positive feedback and explain their importance to homeostasis.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #49
(p. 16)
All of thefollowingareexamplesof negativefeedbackexcept:
A. sweatinginresponsetoelevatedbodytemperature.
B. secretionof insulininresponsetoincreasedbloodglucose.
C. secretionof glucagoninresponsetodecreasedbloodglucose.
D. uterinecontractionsinresponsetothepressureof thebaby'sheadonthecervix.
Asthefetusreachesfull term, itsheadpushesonthecervix. Theincreasedpressureonthecervix
causesthecervixtoreleaseprostaglandins, whichcausetheuterustocontract, movingawayfrom
homeostasis. Thecontractionscausethefetal headtopushharder onthecervixwhichincreasesthe
pressure. Thecervixrespondsbymakingmoreprostaglandins, leadingtomorecontractions, further
increasingthefetal head'spressureonthecervix.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing
CAAHEP: I.C.5. Describe the normal function of each body system
Difficulty level: Hard
Learning outcome: 1.5 Define negative and positive feedback and explain their importance to homeostasis.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #50
(p. 15)
What ispositivefeedback?
A. Thebody'sabilitytomaintainhomeostasis
B. Theprocessthat bodyusestoreversethedirectionof movement awayfromhomeostasis
C. Theprocessthebodyusestoincreasethemovement awayfromhomeostasis
D. Thebody'sabilitytofunctionoutsideof theoptimal range
Positivefeedbackistheprocessthebodyusestoincreasethemovement awayfromhomeostasis.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.5. Describe the normal function of each body system
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.5 Define negative and positive feedback and explain their importance to homeostasis.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #51
(p. 16)
All of thefollowingareexamplesof positivefeedbackexcept:
A. sweatinginresponsetoelevatedbodytemperature.
B. secretionof insulininresponsetoincreasedbloodglucose.
C. secretionof glucagoninresponsetodecreasedbloodglucose.
D. uterinecontractionsinresponsetothepressureof thebaby'sheadonthecervix.
Asthefetusreachesfull term, itsheadpushesonthecervix. Theincreasedpressureonthecervix
causesthecervixtoreleaseprostaglandins, whichcausetheuterustocontract, movingawayfrom
homeostasis. Thecontractionscausethefetal headtopushharder onthecervixwhichincreasesthe
pressure. Thecervixrespondsbymakingmoreprostaglandins, leadingtomorecontractions, further
increasingthefetal head'spressureonthecervix.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing
CAAHEP: I.C.5. Describe the normal function of each body system
Difficulty level: Hard
Learning outcome: 1.5 Define negative and positive feedback and explain their importance to homeostasis.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #52
(p. 16)
Whichof thefollowingstatementsregardinghomeostasisisfalse?

If thebodydetectsachangeandworkstomakethelevelsmoveevenfarther awayfrom
homeostasis, that ispositivefeedback.
If thebodydetectsachangebeyonditsnormal homeostasisrange(either toohighor toolow), and
it workstoreachitshomeostasisrangebyreversingthedirectionof movement; that ispositive
Homeostasisisthebody'sabilitytomaintainasteadyinternal environment. Thisisachieved
Homeostasisisthebody'sabilitytoovercomeanimbalancedinternal environment. Thisisachieved
If thebodydetectsachangebeyonditsnormal homeostasisrange(either toohighor toolow), and
it workstoreachitshomeostasisrangebyreversingthedirectionof movement; that isnegative

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing
CAAHEP: I.C.5. Describe the normal function of each body system
Difficulty level: Hard
Learning outcome: 1.5 Define negative and positive feedback and explain their importance to homeostasis.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #53
(p. 5)
Whichof theanatomical termsof directiondescribesthediaphragm'srelationtothestomach?
A. Inferior
B. Superior
C. Anterior
D. Posterior
Thediaphragmiscloser tothetopof theheadthanthestomach, thereforeit issuperior.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #54
(p. 5)
Relatedtoaffectingtwosidesreferstowhichof thefollowinganatomical termsof direction?
A. Bilateral
B. Superior
C. Anterior
D. Lateral
Bilateral referstotwosidesandlateral referstoawayfromthemidline.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #55
(p. 5)
Closer totheconnectiontothebodyreferstowhichof thefollowinganatomical termsof direction?

A. Distal
B. Superficial
C. Deep
D. Proximal
Proximal istheanatomical termthat referstocloser totheconnectionof thebody.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #56
(p. 5)
Whichof theanatomical termsof directionbest describesthewrist'srelationshiptotheshoulder?
A. Proximal
B. Superior
C. Distal
D. Posterior
Thewrist iscloser farther fromtheconnectiontothebody; thereforeit isdistal totheshoulder.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #57
(p. 5)
Whichof theanatomical termsof directiondescribestherelationof thehypodermistotheepidermis?

A. Superficial
B. Superior
C. Deep
D. Distal
Thehypodermisisunder thedermisor farther fromthesurface, thereforeit isdeeptothedermis.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #58
(p. 6)
Whichof theanatomical regionshousesthestomach?
A. Abdominal
B. Axillary
C. Appendicular
D. Anterior
Thestomachisintheabdominal regionof thebody.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #59
(p. 5)
Thelungsarehousedinwhichof thefollowinganatomical regions?
A. Axial
B. Axillary
C. Appendicular
D. Abdominal
Theaxial regionincludesthehead, neck, andtrunkandthereforehousesthelungs. Theaxillaryregion
of thebodyreferstothearmpit.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #60
(p. 5-6)
Bryanhasablister onthesurfaceof hispalmfromrakingtheleaves. Whichset of anatomical terms
A. Bryanhasasuperficial blister onthepalmar surfaceof hispalmintheappendicular regionof his
B. Bryanhasasuperior blister onthepalmar surfaceof hispalmintheappendicular regionof his
C. Bryanhasasuperficial blister ontheplantar surfaceof hispalmintheappendicular regionof his
D. Bryanhasasuperficial blister onthepalmar surfaceof hispalmintheaxial regionof hisbody.
Superficial isthecorrect anatomical termof directionbecauseit isusedwhendescribinglayered
structures. Palmar isthetermusedtorefer tothepalmof thehand. Thehandsareattachedtothearms
whichareintheappendicular regionof thebody.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Hard
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #61
(p. 5-6)
Susanhasatumor onher left ovary. Whichset of anatomical termscorrectlydescribesSusan'stumor?

A. Susanhasadeep, lateral tumor locatedinthepelvicregionof her body.
B. Susanhasadeep, bilateral tumor locatedinthepelvicregionof her body.
C. Susanhasadeeptumor locatedintheabdominal regionof her body.
D. Susanhasadeeptumor locatedintheappendicular regionof her body.
Ovariesareorgansthat areconsideredtobelocateddeepwithinthebody. Thetumor isontheleft
side, not bothsides; thereforelateral isthecorrect anatomical term. Theovariesarereproductive
organsthat arelocatedinthepelvicregionof thebody.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Hard
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #62
(p. 6)
Thefemoral regionreferstowhichpart of thebody?
A. Knee
B. Ankle
C. Thigh
D. Leg
Thefemoral regionspecificallyreferstothethigh.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #63
(p. 6)
Thecubital regionreferstowhichpart of thebody?
A. Wrist
B. Elbow
C. Arm
D. Hand
Thecubital regionspecificallyreferstotheelbow.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #64
(p. 6)
Theanterior cubital regionreferstowhichpart of thebody?
A. Wrist
B. Front of theelbow
C. Upper arm
D. Backof thehand
Theanterior cubital regionspecificallyreferstothefront of theelbow.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #65
(p. 6)
Theposterior patellar regionreferstowhichpart of thebody?
A. Knee
B. Front of theknee
C. Upper knee
D. Backof theknee
Theposterior patellar regionspecificallyreferstothebackof theknee.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #66
(p. 10)
Thedorsal cavityhousesall of thefollowingorgansexcept whichone?
A. Brain
B. Spinal cord
C. Vertebrae
D. Lungs
Thedorsal cavitycontainsthecranial andvertebral cavitieswhichtogether housethebrainandspinal
cord, andassociatedstructures. Thelungsareinthethoraciccavity.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #67
(p. 10)
Thethoraciccavityhousesall of thefollowingstructuresexcept whichone?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Pleural membrane
D. Peritoneum

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #68
(p. 8)
Separatingtheright andleft sideof thebodyisachievedbywhat anatomical plane?
A. Sagittal
B. Transverse
C. Frontal
D. Coronal
Thesagittal planedividesthebodyintoright andleft sides.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #69
(p. 8)
Separatingthetopandbottomhalf of thebodyisachievedbywhat anatomical plane?
A. Sagittal
B. Transverse
C. Frontal
D. Coronal

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #70
(p. 8)
Separatingthefront andbackhalf of thebodyisachievedbywhat anatomical plane?
A. Sagittal
B. Transverse
C. Frontal
D. Midsagittal
Thefrontal planedividesthebodyintofront andbackhalves.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #71
(p. 10)
Whichof thefollowingorgansarehousedinthemediastinum?
A. Kidneys
B. Lungs
C. Esophagus
D. Spleen
Themediastinumislocatedbetweenthepleural cavitiesandcontainstheheart, great vessels, trachea,
thymus, andesophagus.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #72
(p. 10)
All of thefollowingorgansarehousedinthemediastinumexcept whichone?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Esophagus
D. Trachea
Themediastinumislocatedbetweenthepleural cavitiesandcontainstheheart, great vessels, trachea,
thymus, andesophagus.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Medium
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #73
(p. 12)
Whichpart of thepleural membraneisindirect contact withthelungs?
A. Visceral
B. Parietal
C. Pleura
D. Peritoneum
Thepart of thepleural membraneindirect contact withthelungiscalledthevisceral pleura. Thepart
of thepleural membranenot indirect contact withthelungistheparietal pleura.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #74
(p. 12)
Whichpart of thepleural membraneisnot indirect contact withthelungs?
A. Visceral
B. Parietal
C. Pleura
D. Peritoneum
Thepart of thepleural membraneindirect contact withthelungiscalledthevisceral pleura. Thepart
of thepleural membranenot indirect contact withthelungistheparietal pleura.

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #75
(p. 12)
Thedorsal cavitycanbesubdividedintowhichtwocavities?
A. Abdominal andpelviccavities
B. Cranial andvertebral cavities
C. Pleural andpericardial cavities
D. Thoracicandabdominal pelviccavities
Thedorsal cavityincludesanatomical cavitiesintheposterior regionof thebody, cranial and

ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, symptoms and etiologies.
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities
Difficulty level: Easy
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes, positions, and cavities.
Roiger - Chapter 01 #76
Category # of Questions
ABHES: 2.b. Identify and apply the knowledge of all body systems, their structure and functions, and their common diseases, sym
ptoms and etiologies.
ABHES: 3.a. Define and use entire basic structure of medical words and be able to accurately identify in the correct context, i.e., ro
ot, prefix, suffix, combinations, spelling and definitions.
Blooms Taxonomy: Analyzing 10
Blooms Taxonomy: Applying 25
Blooms Taxonomy: Remembering 41
CAAHEP: I.C.1. Describe structural organization of the human body 3
CAAHEP: I.C.3. Describe body planes, directional terms, quadrants, and cavities 65
CAAHEP: I.C.5. Describe the normal function of each body system 7
CAAHEP: I.C.6. Identify common pathology related to each body system 1
Difficulty level: Easy 41
Difficulty level: Hard 10
Difficulty level: Medium 25
Learning outcome: 1.1 Define anatomy and physiology. 3
Learning outcome: 1.2 Describe the location of structures in the human body using anatomical terms of direction, regions, planes,
positions, and cavities.
Learning outcome: 1.3 Locate serous membranes by their individual names and relative location to organs. 10
Learning outcome: 1.4 Define homeostasis and explain why it is so important in human physiology. 2
Learning outcome: 1.5 Define negative and positive feedback and explain their importance to homeostasis. 5
Roiger - Chapter 01 76

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