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English - 1998 (Main) (Compulsory)

Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Mars : !""

Candida)es should a))emp) all *ues)ions+
The num,er o- mars .arried ,y ea.h *ues)ion is indi.a)ed a) )he end o- )he *ues)ion+
(more .on)en) -ollows )he ad/er)isemen) ,elow)
A 0 1 E & T # % E M E $ T
Answers mus) ,e wri))en in English+
2+ 1+ 3ri)e an essay in a,ou) !"" words on- any one o- )he -ollowing :
(a) The 4imi)s o- %.ien.e
(,) (ur #n)elle.)uals
(.) Ha/e 3e 4os) )he 0ire.)ion 5
(d) Compu)ers in E/eryday 4i-e
(e) 6elow )he 7o/er)y 4ine
2+ 8+ &ead )his passage .are-ully and answer )he *ues)ions se) a) )he end
3e )hin o- )he moon as only a s)one9 a s)one gone .old+ An airless9 wa)erless
s)one and )he prophe)i. image o- our own ear)h when9 some -ew million years -rom now9
)he senes.en) sun shall ha/e los) i)s presen) -os)ering power + ++++ And so on+ This
passage .ould easily ,e prolonged - a %)udy in 7urple+ 6u) # -or,ear+ 4e) e/ery reader
lay on as mu.h o- )he royal rhe) .olour as he -inds )o his )as)e+ Anyhow9 purple or
no purple9 )here )he s)one is - s)ony+ :ou .anno) )hin a,ou) i) -or long wi)hou) -inding
yoursel- in/aded ,y one or o)her o- se/eral sen)imen)s+ These sen)imen)s ,elong )o one
or o)her o- )wo .on)ras)ed and .omplemen)ary groups+ The name o- )he -irs) -amily is
%en)imen)s o- Human o- )he se.ond9 %en)imen)s o- Human ;rea)ness+
Medi)a)ing on )ha) dereli.) s)one a-loa) )here in )he a,yss9 you may -eel a worm9+ a,<e.)
and -u)ile in )he -a.e o- wholly in.omprehensi,le immensi)ies+ =The silen.e o- )hose
in-ini)e -righ)ens+ me+= :ou may -eel as -el)+ (r9 al)erna)i/ely9 you may -eel
as M+ 7aul 1alery has said: >The silen.e o- )hose in-ini)e does no) -righ)en me+=
?or )he spe.)a.le o- )ha) moon need no) ne.essarily mae you -eel lie a worm+ #) may9
on )he .on)rary9 .ause you )o re<oi.e exul)an)ly in your manhood+ There -loa)s )he s)one9
)he neares) and mos) -amiliar sym,ol o- all )he as) horrors: ,u) )he as)ronomers
who dis.o/ered )hose horrors o- spa.e and )ime were men+ The uni/erse )hrows down a
.hallenge )o )he human spiri)@ in spi)e o- his and a,<e.)ion9 man has )aen
i) up+ The s)one glares down a) us ou) o- )he ,la. ,oundlessness+ 6u) )he -a.) )ha) we
now i) <us)i-ies us in -eeling a .er)ain human pride+ 3e ha/e a righ) )o our moods o-
so,er exul)a)ion+
(a) How does )he wri)er des.ri,e )he moon 5
(,) 0o you )hin )ha) )he image o- )he moon re/ealed here is prophe)i. 5 3hy 5
(.) 3ha) ind o- )wo .on)ras)ed and .omplemen)ary sen)imen)s does )he moon e/oe 5
(d) 3ha) does )he au)hor )ry )o sugges) a,ou) )he pla.e o- man in )he uni/erse 5
(e) ;i/e )he .en)ral idea o- )he passage+
2+ !+ 3ri)e a o- )he passage gi/en ,elow in your own words9 no) ex.eeding 1A"9
on )he spe.ial shee)s pro/ided+ The shee)s should ,e -as)ened se.urely inside )he
answer ,oo+ %)a)e )he num,er o- words used ,y you in )he
Three Hours Maximum Mars : !""
Candida)es should a))emp) all *ues)ions+
The num,er o- mars .arried ,y ea.h *ues)ion is indi.a)ed a) )he end o- )he *ues)ion+
Answers mus) ,e wri))en in English+
2+ 1+ 3ri)e an essay o- a,ou) !"" words on any one o- )he -ollowing : 1""
(a) Toleran.e is )he ey )o na)ional uni)y
(,) :our idea o- a happy li-e
(.) Ad/er)isemen)s : need -or .on)rol
(d) #s /ege)arianism a /ir)ue 5
(e) ?ailures are )he pillars o- su..ess
2+ 8+ &ead )he -ollowing passage .are-ully and answer )he *ues)ions )ha) -ollow in your
own words as -ar as possi,le+ BC
#) is )rue )ha) )he smoers .ause some nuisan.e )o )he non-smoers9 ,u) )his
nuisan.e is while )he nuisan.e )ha) )he non-smoers .ause )he smoers is
spiri)ual+ There are9 o- .ourse9 a lo) o- non-smoers who don=) )ry )o in)er-ere wi)h )he
smoers+ #) is some)imes assumed )ha) )he non-smoers are morally superior9 no)
realiDing )ha) )hey ha/e missed one o- )he grea)es) pleasures o- manind+ # am willing )o
allow )ha) smoing is a moral weaness9 ,u) on )he o)her hand we mus) ,eware o- a
man wi)hou) weaness+ He is no) )o ,e )rus)ed+ He is ap) )o ,e always so,er and he
.anno) mae a single mis)ae+ His ha,i)s are )oo regular9 his exis)en.e )oo
and his head always main)ains i)s suprema.y o/er his hear)+ Mu.h as # lie reasona,le
persons9 # ha)e .omple)ely ra)ional ,eings+ ?or )ha) reason9 # am always s.ared and ill a)
ease when # en)er a house in whi.h )here are no ash-)rays+ The room is ap) )o ,e )oo
.lean and orderly9 and )he people are ap) )o ,e .orre.) and unemo)ional+ $ow )he moral
and spiri)ual ,ene-i)s o- smoing ha/e ne/er ,een appre.ia)ed ,y )hese .orre.)9
righ)eous9 unemo)ional and unpoe)i. souls+ #n my opinion )he smoers= morali)y is9 on )he
whole9 higher )han )ha) o- )he non-smoers+ The man wi)h a pipe in his mou)h is )he man
a-)er my hear)+ He is more genial9 more open-hear)ed9 and he is o-)en ,rillian) in
.on/ersa)ion+ As Tha.eray o,ser/es9 EThe pipe draws wisdom -rom )he lips9 o- )he
philosopher and shu)s up )he mou)h o- )he -oolish@ i) genera)es a s)yle o- .on/ersa)ion
)ha) is .on)empla)i/e9 )hough)-ul9 ,ene/olen) and una--e.)ed+E
(a) 3ha) ind o- hardship do +a smoer and a non-smoer .ause )o ea.h o)her 5 1C
(,) 3hy is i) wrong )o )hin )ha) a non-smoer is morally superior )o a smoer 51C
(.) 3hy is a man wi)hou) any moral weaness un)rus)wor)hy 5 1C
(d) 3ha) pleasure o- li-e is missed ,y a non-smoer 5 1C
(e) 3ha) does Tha.eray mean )o say 5 1C
2+ !+ Mae a o- )he -ollowing passage in a,ou) 8!" words+ As -ar as possi,le9 )he should ,e in your own words+ #) should ,e wri))en on )he spe.ial shee)s pro/ided9
whi.h should ,e
-as)ened se.urely inside )he answer ,oo+ %)a)e )he num,er o- words in your answer+BC
$+6+ : Mars will ,e dedu.)ed i- your is mu.h longer or shor)er )han )he pres.ri,ed
#n our .oun)ry ,egging has ,e.ome a pro-ession and )he ,eggars .on)inue )o
in.rease in num,ers+ %o9 /as) indeed is )he -ra)erni)y o- )hese ,eggars )ha) -oreigners
/isi)ing #ndia9 espe.ially 9.i)ies lie 1aranasi9 our .i)ies o- pilgrimage9 ha/e ,een led )o
.all our .i)ies )he .i)ies o- ,eggars and o- dus) F There are no s)a)is)i.s a/aila,le -or
es)ima)ing )heir num,er9 ,u) )ha) is no) needed -or our presen) purpose+ (- .ourse9 any
pra.) re-orm in )his ma))er does no) re*uire a .lose in/es)iga)ion in)o )he .auses and
.ondi)ions o- )he exis)en.e o- ,eggars9 ,u) we are here .on.erned wi)h )he *ues)ion o-
seeing how )hese ,eggars li/e and wha)9 in par)i.ular9 is )he e--e.) on o- )heir
As already sugges)ed9 )he /as)ness o- )he num,er o- )he #ndian ,eggars is e/iden)
)o any /isi)or -rom a -oreign .oun)ry+ The .auses o- )he in.rease in )he num,er o-
,eggars are many9 ,u) o- )hese we may <us) .onsider only a -ew+ ?or good or e/il9
#ndians ha/e ,een /ery religious in )heir ou)loo on li-e9 and also /ery generous and
hospi)a,le )owards )hose who go )o )hem -or ,egging+ (ur 7uranas and %has)ras poin)
ou) )ha) gi/ing .hari)y )o ,eggars ensures Mosha in )he nex) world+ The so.ial
.ons.ien.e de/eolped -rom su.h an ar)i.le o- -ai)h has ,een )he main .ause o- )he
in.rease in )he num,er o- ,eggars+ They are always sure o- -inding people anxious )o go
)o hea/en ,y o--ering doles and dona)ions )o )he needy and so )hey are )hri/ing+ There
are many ,eggars whose pro-ession has ,een heredi)ary - a s)range per/ersion o-
human na)ure9 whi.h9 as we are )old9 ough) )o ea) ou) o- )he swea) o- i)s ,row+ The mos)
amusing spe.)a.le -rom )he poin) o- /iew o- reason9 is )o see a,le-,odied persons9
dressed in a,undan.e o- rags and many .oloured .lo)hes wandering a,ou) )he s)ree)s
and going -rom house )o house regularly a) .er)ain hours -or no more serious a purpose
)han )ha) o- ,egging F This migh) ,e seen a) almos) any /illage and )own in our .oun)ry+
?or ages un.oun)ed )his )hing has ,een going on+ The ignoran) masses ha/e a -ear o-
)he .urse supposed )o emana)e -rom )he mou)hs o- angered ,eggars9 and )hus )he
,eggars ge) more )han )hey need+ #n -a.)9 s)range as i) migh) seem9 a .onsidera,le
num,er o- )hese ,eggars are ri.her + )han )heir poor pa)rons F
3i)h )he per.ola)ion o- so.ial .ons.iousness among )he modern edu.a)ed #ndians9
)he pro,lem o- ,eggars is )oday ,eing seriously )hough) a,ou) and ways and means are
,eing seriously moo)ed on how )o sol/e )his pro,lem+ 3hen we read how in )he 3es)9
-or example9 ,egging has ,e.ome a .rime .oming under )he /agran.y a.)s o-
7arliamen)s and when we now )ha) in some .oun)ries people are warned )ha) EThose
who do no) wor9 nei)her shall )hey ea)E9 we ,egin )o )hin how depressing is )he
si)ua)ion in #ndia+ 7o/er)y9 no dou,)9 is one o- )he ma<or .auses o- ,egging9 and
unemploymen) and in.rease in popula)ion ha/e also ,een responsi,le -or )he same9 ,u)
)he disease-o- ,egging has deeper roo)s in )he so.ial .ons.iousness o- us all9 and i) is )o
)his )ha) any re-ormer has )o )urn+ 3e mus) mae i) .lear )o )he masses )ha) )here is no
spe.ial glory o- 7unya in gi/ing .hari)y )o )he a,le-,odied persons9 and )ha) su.h
mispla.ed .hari)y is only in.reasing idleness and .hroni. po/er)y+ #- )he masses are
edu.a)ed in so.ial s.ien.e9 i)s elemen)ary prin.iples a) any ra)e9 )here will ,e a gradual
lessening o- )he num,er o- ,eggars in our .oun)ry+
The %)a)e9 )oo9 has )o de/ise laws -or )he grow)h o- ,eggars+ %ome s)ri.)
laws agains) /agran)s mus) ,e pu) in)o pra.)i.e in e/ery .i)y and /illage in #ndia+ #) is
more impor)an) )o in)rodu.e )hem in holy .i)ies where )he ,eggars are leading )he mos)
unholy li-e+ ?inally9 i) is -or )he de/elopmen) o- saner ou)loo on li-e )ha) we mus) agi)a)e
i- we are )o roo) ou) )his e/il o- ,eggary+ #n one -orm or ano)her9 ,egging has ,e.ome )he
mos) widespread )hing )oday+ %ome are honoura,le9 modernised ,eggars in pan)s and
,oo)s and )ies and )hey ha/e su,)ler ways o- exploi)ing )heir pa)ron /i.)ims+
2+ G+ (a) ?ill in )he ,lans using )he appropria)e -orms o- )he words gi/en ,elow : 1"
a,hor9 al)er9 de)ermine9 dwell9 -ellow9 handle9 inno.en)9 slay9 )orren)9 radian)+
(i) He is maing a +++++++++++++++++++++ e--or) )o su..eed in )he examina)ion+
(ii) 3e should hold .orrup)ion in ++++++++++++++++++++++ +
(iii) He +++++++++++++++++++++++ in a ren)ed house in 0elhi las) year+
(i/) There is no +++++++++++++++++++++ in )his9 )own@ i) is )he same as i) was -i/e years ago+
(/) He deser/es praise +++++++++++++++++++ -or )he si)ua)ion )a.)-ully+
(/i) 3e lo/e .hildren -or )heir +++++++++++++++++++ +
(/ii) The .rops ha/e ,een damaged ,y )hese +++++++++++++++ rains+
(/iii) The ri.h man has ,een +++++++++++++++++++ ,y )he mili)an)s+
(ix) The +++++++++++++++++ o- his -a.e sugges)s )ha) he is a sain)+
(x) He has ,een awarded a ++++++++++++++++++ -or s)udying in Canada+
(,) 'se ea.h o- )he -ollowing words in )wo separa)e sen)en.es9 -irs) as a noun and )hen
as a /er, :
-a/our9 mee)9 o..asion9 sound9 suppor)+ 1"
(.) 0o as dire.)ed : C
(i) A s)ranger said )o me9 E0o you now me 5E
(Change in)o )he #ndire.) -orm o- $arra)ion+)
(ii) He is ,lind +++++++++++++++ his own -aul)s+
('se )he .orre.) preposi)ion+)
(iii) Are you no) maing a noise 5
(3ri)e i) in )he passi/e /oi.e+)
(i/) #s /ir)ue no) i)s own reward 5
(Trans-orm in)o an asser)i/e sen)en.e+)
(/) ;od is presen) e/erywhere+
(%u,s)i)u)e a single word -or Epresen) e/erywhereE+)
2+ C+ (a) Corre.) )he -ollowing sen) : 1"
(i) #- you will run9 you will .a).h )he )rain+
(ii) # am )oo glad )o help you+
(iii) # am -ed up o- his e/il ways+
(i/) He has only )wo ,ro)her-in-laws+
(/) # am one o- )hose persons who .anno) des.ri,e wha) # -eel+
(/i) He has no) ,ough) some ,oos+
(/ii) 0o no) pre/en) )he .hild )o read+
(/iii) # dou,) )ha) she will help you+
(ix) ;anges is a holy ri/er+
(x) He is more in)elligen) )han ei)her o- his -our ,ro)hers+
(,) (- )he words gi/en in ,ra.e)s9 .hoose )he one )ha) you )hin is appropria)e : 1"
(i) He is an ++++++++++++++++++ me.hani.+
(ingenuous H ingenious)
(ii) He died a-)er he had ,een s)ru. ,y ++++++++++++++++++ +
(ligh)ning H ligh)ening)
(iii) :our s)ory is no) a) all +++++++++++++++++++ +
(.redulous H .redi,le)
(i/) (nly )he /ir)uous experien.e )rue +++++++++++++++++ +
(-a.ili)y H -eli.i)y)
(/) %ome poli)i.ians )ry )o in-luen.e )he +++++++++++++++ o--i.ers+
(<udi.ious H <udi.ial)
(/i) :ou .anno) *ues)ion his hones)y and +++++++++++++++++ +
(/era.i)y H /ora.i)y)
(/ii) The pa)ien) is s)ill in a s)a)e o- +++++++++++++++++ +
H .oma)
(/iii) A-)er )he a..iden)9 )he -ield was .o/ered wi)h +++++++++++++++++ +
(.orpses H .orps)
(ix) He is a dealer in ++++++++++++++++++++ +
(s)a)ionary H s)a)ionery)
(x) :ou should se))le )his dispu)e in an +++++++++++++++++ way+
(amia,le H ami.a,le)
(.) 'se )he -ollowing phrasesHidioma)i. expressions in your own sen) so as )o ,ring
ou) )heir meanings : C
gi/e rise )o9 hang -ire9 pass away9 pu) up wi)h9 )one down+
$+6+ : Mars will ,e dedu.)ed i- your is mu.h longer or shor)er )han )he pres.ri,ed
leng)h+ BC
# spea o- pea.e ,e.ause o- )he new -a.e o- war+ To)al war maes no sense in an
age when grea) powers .an main)ain large and rela)i/ely in/ulnera,le nu.lear and
re-use )o surrender wi)hou) resor) )o )hose #) maes no sense in an age when a
single nu.lear weapon .on)ains almos) )en )imes )he explosi/e -or.e deli/ered ,y all o-
)he Allied air in )he %e.ond 3orld 3ar+ #) maes no sense in an age when )he
deadly poisons produ.ed ,y a nu.lear ex.hange would ,e .arried ,y )he wind and wa)er
and soil and seed )o )he -ar .orners o- )he glo,e and )o genera)ions ye) un,orn+
Today )he expendi)ure o- ,illions o- dollars e/ery year on weapons a.*uired -or )he
purpose o- maing sure we ne/er need )o use )hem is essen)ial )o eeping )he pea.e+
6u) surely )he a.*uisi)ion o- su.h idle s)o.piles9 whi.h .an only des)roy and ne/er
.rea)e9 is no) )he only9 mu.h less )he mos) e--i.ien)9 means o- assuring pea.e+
# spea o- pea.e9 )here-ore9 as )he ne.essary ra)ional end o- ra)ional men+ # realiDe
)ha) )he pursui) o- pea.e is no) as drama)i. as )he pursui) o- war9 and -re*uen)ly )he
words o- )he pursuer -all on dea- ears+ 6u) we ha/e no more urgen) )as+
%ome say )ha) i) is useless )o spea o- world pea.e or world law or world
disarmamen)9 and )ha) i) will ,e useless un)il )he leaders o- )hose na)ions9 per.ei/ed )o
,e hos)ile ,y us9 adop) a more enligh)ened a))i)ude+ # hope )hey do+ # ,elie/e we .an help
)hem do i)+ 6u) # also ,elie/e )ha) we mus) re-examine our own a))i)ude9 as indi/iduals
and as a na)ion9 -or our a))i)ude is as essen)ial as )heirs+ And e/ery gradua)e o- )his
s.hool9 e/ery )hough)-ul .i)iDen who despairs o- war and wishes )o ,ring pea.e9 should
,egin ,y looing inward9 ,y examining his own a))i)ude )oward )he possi,ili)ies o- pea.e+
?irs)9 le) us examine our a))i)ude )oward pea.e i)sel-+ Too many o- us )hin i) is
impossi,le+ Too many )hin i) unreal+ 6u) )ha) is a dangerous9 de-ea)is) ,elie-+ #) leads )o
)he .on.lusion )ha) war is ine/i)a,le9 )ha) manind is doomed9 )ha) we are gripped ,y we .anno) .on)rol+
(ur pro,lems are man-made: )here-ore )hey .an ,e sol/ed ,y man+ And man .an
,e as ,ig as he wan)s+ $o pro,lem o- human des)iny is ,eyond human ,eings+ Man=s
reason and spiri) ha/e o-)en sol/ed )he seemingly unsol/a,le and we ,elie/e )hey .an
do i) again+
4e) us on a more pra.)i.al9 more a))aina,le pea.e9 ,ased no) on a sudden
re/olu)ion in human na)ure ,u) on a gradual e/olu)ion in human ins)i)u)ions9 on a series
o- a.)ions and e--e.)i/e agreemen)s whi.h are in )he in)eres) o- all .on.erned+
There is no single9 simple ey )o )his pea.e9 no grand or magi. -ormula )o ,e adop)ed ,y
one or )wo powers+ ;enuine pea.e mus) ,e )he produ.) o- many na)ions9 )he sum o-
many a.)s+ #) mus) ,e dynami.9 no) s)a)i.9 .hanging )o mee) )he .hallenge o- ea.h new
genera)ion+ ?or pea.e is a pro.ess9 a way o- sol/ing pro,lems+
3i)h su.h a pea.e )here will s)ill ,e *uarrels and .on-li.)ing in)eres)s9 as )here are
wi)hin -amilies and na)ions+ 3orld pea.e9 lie .ommuni)y pea.e9 does no) re*uire )ha)
ea.h man lo/e his neigh,our@ i) re*uires only )ha) )hey li/e )oge)her in mu)ual )oleran.e9
su,mi))ing )heir dispu)es )o a <us) and pea.e-ul se))lemen)+ And his)ory )ea.hes us )ha)
enmi)ies ,e)ween na)ions9 as ,e)ween indi/iduals9 do no) las) -ore/er+ Howe/er -ixed our
lies and dislies may seem9 )he )ide o- )ime and e/en)s will o-)en ,ring surprising
.hanges in )he rela)ions ,e)ween na)ions and neigh,ours+
%o le) us perse/ere+ 7ea.e need no) ,e impra.)i.a,le9 and war need no) ,e
ine/i)a,le+ 6y de-ining our goal more .learly9 ,y maing i) seem more managea,le and
less remo)e9 we .an help all peoples )o see i)9 )o draw hope -rom i)9 and )o mo/e
irresis)i,ly )oward i)+
2+ G+ (a) ?ill in )he ,lans wi)h )he appropria)e -orms o- words gi/en ,elow : 1"
de)er9 in.rease9 ardour9 resol/e9 .ourage9 di/ide9 pres)ige9 .ommend9 pious9
(i) 7aradise 4os) opens wi)h an +++++++++++++++++++ o- )he di/ine+
(ii) 3hen is your nex) ++++++++++++++++++ due 5
(iii) (ne mus) ha/e a -irm +++++++++++++++++++ )o a.hie/e one=s goal+
(i/) 'nless we are ++++++++++++++++++ we .an ne/er -a.e o,s)a.les+
(/) 3ill our nu.lear explosions ha/e *ui)e a ++++++++++++++++++ e--e.) 5
(/i) 'ni)ed we s)and9 ++++++++++++++++++ we -all+
(/ii) The programme o- reha,ili)a)ion is ++++++++++++++++++++++ +
(/iii) 3i)hou) ++++++++++++++++++ religious pursui) has hardly any meaning+
(x) #n ;andhian era )he people o- our .oun)ry had ++++++++++++++++++ spiri) o- pa)rio)ism+
(x) This s.hool is a /ery ++++++++++++++++++++ ins)i)u)ion+
(,) 'se )he -ollowing words in your own sen)en.es9 ea.h ,o)h as a noun and a /er, :
pra.)i.e@ *ues)ion@ .omplemen)@ su,s)i)u)e@ .rop+
(.) &ewri)e )he -ollowing sen) as dire.)ed (i) EHelp me Cassius9 or l die9E .ried
(Turn i) in)o )he indire.) -orm+)
(ii) Iohn in ,righ)er )han all o)her s)uden)s in his .lass+
(Change in)o )he posi)i/e degree+)
(iii) :ou .anno) see him9 -or i) is no) easy )o rea.h him+
(;i/e one word -or )he words in ,old i)ali.s+)
(i/) %he would no) go home during )he holidays
('se a *ues)ion )ag+)
(/) #- you do no) wor hard9 you .anno) su..eed+
('se =unless=+)
2+ C+ (a) Corre.) )he -ollowing sen)
(i) #) is an uni*ue pri/ilege )o wel.ome our gues)s+
(ii) A herd o- .a))les were graDing in )he -arm+
(iii) #- you would ha/e s)udied hard9 you should ha/e passed+
(i/) (ne o- my -riend is a good poe)+
(/) Ei)her his paren)s or 7heroDe is going )o .ome )oday+
(/i) 3hen you are going )o 4ondon )o mee) wi)h your -riends )here 5
(/ii) ?or hea/en=s sae9 please don=) as me )ha) why am # no) .oming 5
(/iii) # .anno) ,e a,le )o play .ri.e) )his e/ening+
(ix) :ou are )he )ea.her here9 isn=) i) 5
(x) %haespeare9 )he playwrigh) and )he poe) ,orn in %)ra)-ord-upon-A/on+
(,) ?ill in )he ,lans .hoosing )he appropria)e words pu) wi)hin )he ,ra.e)s : 1"
(i) He +++++++++++++++ his pas) s)a)emen) in )he .ourse o- his spee.h+
(a/er)9 ad/er))
(ii) #n )heir response )o )he .all )hey are +++++++++++++++++++++ +
(in/er)9 iner))
(iii) There is no +++++++++++++++++++ )o )he gi-) he re.ei/ed+
(illusion9 allusion)
(i/) +++++++++++++++++++ dis)illa)ion is an o--en.e+
(Eli.i)9 #lli.i))
(/) He had no +++++++++++++++++++++++ )o any help+
(re.ourse9 resour.e)
(/i) He is .er)ainly no) hones)@ he is always ++++++++++++++++++++ +
(hyper.ri)i.al9 hypo.ri)
(/ii) %moing is +++++++++++++++++++ here+
(pros.ri,ed9 pres.ri,ed)
(/iii) Jishore sends his ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ )o you+
(.omplimen)s9 .omplemen)s)
(ix) 3e mus) no) .as) any +++++++++++++++++ a) him9 -or he is inno.en)+
(aspira)ion9 aspersion)
(x) The s)uden)s= a))i)ude )o )heir )ea.her is no) +++++++++++++++++++ +
(de-eren)ial9 di--eren)ial)
(.) 'se )he -ollowing phrases in your own sen) ,ringing ou) )he meaning :
(i) (u) o- )une
(ii) To pu) one=s -oo) down
(iii) A) sixes and se/ens
(i/) Through )hi. and )hin
(/) To pu) some)hing up

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