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1. American Thoracic Society. Guidelines for management of adults with

community-acquired pneumonia. Diagnosis, assessment of severity,
antimicroial therapy, and prevention. Am ! "espir #rit.#are $ed %&&1'
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%. American Thoracic Society. .ospital-acquired pneumonia in adults *
Diagnosis, assessment of severity, initial antimicroial therapy and
preventive strategies. Am ! "espir #rit #are $ed 1//,' 1,) * 1+11-%,
). American Thoracic Society. 0fficial #onsensus Statement 11//,2*
.ospital Acquired 3neumonia in adults * Diagnosis, assesment of severity,
initial antimicroial therapy and preventive strategies. Am ! "espir #rit
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1,. American Thoracic Society . Guideline for the $anagerment of Adults
with .ospital-aquired, Centilator-associated, and .ealthcare-associated
3neumonia. Am ! "espir #rit #are $ed %&&,' 1+1* );;--1(

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