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Pengajuan Judul Makalah Ekonomi Industri

Oleh Darwis Muhammad Ahrori

Kepada Yang Terhormat Bapak Adhitya Wardhono
Email ini saya kirim dalam rangka pengajuan judul makalah ekonomi industri. saya akam sangat
senang jika Bapak berkenan memberikan komentar dan kritik. Terimakasih.
JUDUL : Analisis Pengaruh Harga Mobile Phone Buatan Cina Terhadap Kinerja Pasar, Pada
Industry Mobile Phone Di Indonesia.
Alasan :
Saya memiliki beberap alasan atas pengambilan judul makalah saya yaitu;
1. Produk buatan Cina, khususnya mobile phone semakin tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan
memiliki permintaan yang cukup besar.
2. Mobile phone buatan Cina mampu memberikan layanan (fitur) yang cukup memuaskan
konsumen sehingga mampu bersaing dengan perusahaan lain yang telah memiliki nama
besar di Indonesia, seperti Nokia dan Samsung.
3. Hal yang sangat berpengaruh adalah, harga yang ditawarkan perusahaan mobile phone
Cina adalah harga yang sangat terjangkau, sehingga menarik konsumen kelas menengah
ke bawah.

Jurnal Pendukung :
The past, present and future of Chinas automotive industry: a value chain perspective
Oleh : Matthias Holweg, Jianxi Luo, Nick Oliver
Int. J. Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, Vol. X, No. Y, 200x
Abstrak : The economic growth and industrial development in China over the last decade has
been of considerable interest to industry and policy-makers alike, and also been subject of many
academic studies. Considerable research on the macro-economic growth and process of
industrialisation, as well as the subsequent increase in the domestic demand has been reported. In
case of the automotive industry, previous studies have analysed the rather complex industry
structure, still dominated by a range of joint ventures between domestic and foreign
manufacturers, and specifically commented on the potential and sustainability of domestic
demand. In this study we aim to extend the focus by analysing the key features and challenges
not only at the manufacturer, but also at the supplier and distribution tiers in the automotive
supply chain in China. Reviewing the governmental policies that led the auto industrys
development since 1950, we analyse the current capabilities and challenges at the different tiers
in the automotive value chain, before concluding with an outlook on the factors impacting on the
future development of the automotive industry in China.
(Focus on Value Chain and Core Competency)
Oleh : V. V. Vara Prasad dan P. K. Sahoo
International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Vol. 2, No. 2, July-December
2011, pp. 615-619
Abstrak : Modern day Business demands competitive advantage that shall provide the much
needed vigor for any industry player, whether a new entrant or an existing organisation. The
reason is simple; the fierce competition is threatening to put pressure on pricing and thereby
adversely dragging down the profit margins, it is but vital for the industry players to set right the
back-end operations while improving the front-end competitiveness. The two concepts of
Strategic Management as propagated by Michel E Porter, Viz., Value Chain Analysis and Core
Competency for competitive advantage have gained the significance in almost all the areas of
business and mobile phone industry is no exception to this. While mobile phone industry on one
hand seems to be providing promising growth rates YoY (Year-on-Year), the competition is also
brewing up from all types of companies, both MNCs (Multi National Corporations) as well small
players who just assemble and sell. The inflow of cheap yet durable Chinese products are another
threat that is common now-a-days to any industry, has its influence on Mobile Phone numbers
also. Under the given scenario, the concepts of value chain analysis and developing a core
competency shall give immense boost to the companies performance from the costing as well as
marketing point of view. Where as value chain analysis shall tighten the operations and have
strict vigil on the costs, the competitive advantage can gain market advantagecombination of
both the strategies shall help withstand the competition and survive. The present paper tries to
examine the significance of Value Chain Analysis and Core Competency from the point of view
of mobile phone industry and make recommendations for improvement of performance

The Art of Price War: a Perspective from China

Oleh : Z. John Zhang dan Dongsheng Zhou

Abstrak : A price war is something to be avoided in the West. However, Chinese companies have
earned a reputation for starting price wars. Many US companies know too well that the first
sight of a Chinese company in a US market means a price war is coming: it always offers a price
that is 30-50% lower than its closest competition (BusinessWeek 2004). By now, many US
companies have a taste of that terrifying China Price. Many practitioners and experts question
the rationality for Chinese companies to start price wars. Why can't they just lower the
price by 10% or even 20%, many wonder aloud. That way, they can still keep their damned
price advantage and do much better for themselves, too?

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