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Shameer Riaz, FLHS
Monday, October 7 2013
Main Article, GEOGRAPHY
Geography affects where
people live in many ways. Geography is
known as the study of climates, land, and
how people are affected by it. One way
geography affects where people live is by
the land. If the land is sandy or rocky, then
many farmers would not settle in it because
they cant farm. Also, land affects where
people live by, land also includes the water
sources nearby. For example, many people
would live in a place with a river or lake
nearby because it provides drinking water
and they can fish there. In addition, the
water source can provide water for farming
and there is fertile soil near the rivers.
Finally, the water source can be used as a
way of transportation. Many people can use
boats to go to places.

Furthermore, geography also affects
where people live because of the climate of
a place. If a place is icy cold then that would
affect a persons diet and clothing style. If a
place is cold then the person cant grow
crops. Also, the person would wear heavy
coated animal fur in order to survive. A
person living in a cold climate place would
have to only eat meat and get fat in order to
keep warm in the harsh climate. In
conclusion, this is why and how geography
affects where people live.

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Editorial, The Neolithic Revolution
I think that nomads got
tired of going place to place, just to hunt
down food. They always had to walk and
walk just for food. So many nomads turned
into farmers. Since, they are farming they
can provide their own food and attract
animals to come and then kill them. This
process of nomads turning into farmers is
known as the Neolithic Revolution. Many
nomads started to permanently settle in, thus
establishing social class and the rise of
civilization. Moreover, new technology
developed because of the new lifestyle.
There were different tools and better
weapons. Neolithic farmers created a simple
calendar to keep track of planting and
harvesting, they created a simple metal
tools, like the plow. They also got better
weapons to kill animals, protect their
villages, and protect their resources. To
conclude this point, this is why many
nomads turned into farmers.

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"How Do River Characteristics Change from Upper to Lower Course? Geography
Revision Website." How Do River Characteristics Change from Upper to Lower
Course? - Geography Revision Website., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2013.
"First Sino-Japanese War." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 May 2013.
Web. 06 Oct. 2013.
"Blog sense-by-barb." Blog sensebybarb., 14 Jan. 2012. Web. 06
Oct. 2013.
"Farm Units | Kibidula Farm in Mafinga Tanzania." Kibidula Farm in Mafinga
Tanzania RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2013.

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