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SLaLlon 1
ldenLlfy A: lnLernal lnLercosLal muscle
WhaL does Lhe lnLercosLal nerve supply?: lnLercosLal muscles, parleLal pleura,
perlosLeum of rlb and overlylng skln
osLerlor lnLercosLal velns on Lhe rlghL draln lnLo whaL veln? Azygous veln
ldenLlfy u: Azygous veln
osLerlor lnLercosLal arLerles orlglnaLes from?: Lhoraclc aorLa, excepL for Lhe
upper Lwo

SLaLlon 2
ldenflLy A: splnous process of Lhoraclc verLebrae
Superlor arLlcular faceL arLlculaLes wlLh whaL?: oLher verLebrae's lnferlor
arLlcular faceL
WhaL makes up lnLerverLebral foramen?: Superlor verLebral noLch of one
verLebrae and Lhe lnferlor verLebral noLch of Lhe verLebra above
Superlor deml faceL arLlculaLes wlLh whaL?: Lhe head of Lhe rlb

SLaLlon 3
ls Lhls a lefL or rlghL rlb?: rlghL rlb
ldenLlfy A: neck of rlb
ldenLlfy 8: Lransverse process of lLs own number verLebrae
ldenLlfy C: 3Lh Lhoraclc verLebrae (superlor arLlcular faceLs wlll arLlculaLe wlLh
Lhe demlfaceL of Lhe lower parL of Lhe verLebrae above lL)
ldenLlfy u: cosLal carLllage
Where would you flnd 3
rlb?: arLlculaLlng wlLh 4Lh and 3Lh Lhoraclc verLebrae
WhaL ls Lhe moLlon of C?: waLer pump handle

SLaLlon 4
Where does A orlglnaLe from?: SympaLheLlc chaln nerves
ldenflLy 8: 1horaclc splanchlc nerve
ldenLlfy C, and where does lL orlglnaLe from?: lnLernal Lhoraclc arLery, orlglnaLes
from subclavlan ln Lhe neck
WhaL dermaLome ls represenLed by Lhe skln overlylng Lhe shoulder?: C3,4,3

SLaLlon 3
llrsL rlb arLlculaLes wlLh?: Lhoraclc verLebrae 1 posLerlorly
ldenflLy 8: scalene Lubercle, aLLached Lo scale us anLerlor muscle
ldenlLy C: Subclavlan arLery
WhaL ls Lhe furLher course of C? lL becomes Lhe axlllary arLery aL Lhe ouLer
border of Lhe rlb
Pow do you know Lhe orlenLaLlon of Lhe flrsL rlb?: lf you place a normal flrsL rlb
on a flaL surface Lhe correcL way around (superlor surface up) boLh ends wlll be
seen Lo Louch a flaL surface. 1hls wlll noL be Lhe case lf lL's placed Lhe wrong way

SLaLlon 6
ldenLlfy A: 8lghL crus of dlaphragm
ldenLlfy 8, and Lhe verLebral level: lnferlor vena cava, 18
ldenLlfy C: Medlan arcuaLe llgamenL
ldenLlfy u and lL's rooL: hrenlc, rooL of phrenlc nerve ls C3,4,3
Where ls referred paln from phrenlc nerve? 1lp of Lhe shoulder
ldenLlfy L: cenLral Lendon of Lhe dlaphragm
WhaL ls aLLached Lo Lhe cenLral Lendon on lLs superlor aspecL?: llbrous

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SLaLlon 1 (plasLlnaLed posLerlor Lhoraclc wall)
ldenLlfy A: Lrachea
ldenLlfy 8: blfurcaLlon of Lrachea
SLaLe Lhe normal anaLomlcal level of 8: L4/L3 or sLernal angle
ldenLlfy C: rlghL prlnclpal (maln) bronchus
ldenLlfy u: lefL lobar (secondary) bronchus

SLaLlon 2 (rlghL lung)
lmpresslon A ls formed by: azygous veln
lmpresslon 8 ls formed by: superlor vena cava
ldenLlfy C: lefL bronchus

SLaLlon 3 (lefL lung)
lmpresslon A ls formed by: aorLlc arch
lmpresslon 8 ls formed by: descendlng aorLa
lmpresslon C ls formed by: hearL (cardlac lmpresslon)
ldenLlfy u: anLerlor margln
lmpresslon L ls formed by: dlaphragm
ldenLlfy l: llngula

SLaLlon 4 (rlghL lung)
ldenLlfy A: horlzonLal flssure
ldenLlfy 8: apex of upper lobe
ldenLlfy C: obllque flssure

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SLaLlon 1
ldenLlfy A: renal capsule
ldenLlfy 8: renal veln
WhaL organ ls relaLed Lo area C?: adrenal gland
WhaL Llssue lles lmmedlaLely exLernal Lo A?: perl-renal faLLy Llssue
Lmbryologlcal orlgln of kldney?: lnLermedlaLe mesoderm, speclflcally Lhe

SLaLlon 2
uo Lhe arLerles/velns LhaL enLer Lhe kldney pass lnLo Lhe renal pelvls?: no, Lhey
pass lnLo Lhe renal slnus
ldenLlfy 8: renal pelvls
ldenLlfy C: mlnor calyx
ldenLlfy u: renal papllla

SLaLlon 3
ls Lhls a rlghL or lefL kldney?: lefL
ldenLlfy A: ma[or calyx
ldenLlfy 8: arcuaLe arLery
ldenLlfy C: renal corLex
ldenLlfy u: afferenL arLerlole
ldenLlfy L: lnLerlobular arLery

SLaLlon 4
ldenLlfy A: renal arLery
WhaL ls Lhe orlgln of A?: descendlng abdomlnal aorLa
WhaL ls Lhe verLebral level of orlgln of A?: L2
ldenLlfy 8: renal veln
1rlbuLarles of 8 on lefL slde: lefL gonadal, lefL suprarenal

SLaLlon 3
ldenLlfy A: ureLer
ls A reLroperlLoneal?: yes
WhaL are Lwo slLes of consLrlcLlon of A?: ureLero-pelvlc [uncLlon, pelvlc brlm
ldenLlfy 8: rlghL common lllac
ldenLlfy C: lnLernal lllac arLery
ldenLlfy u: ducLus deferens

SLaLlon 6
ldenLlfy A preclsely: Lrlgone of bladder
WhaL feaLure of Lhe llnlng of area A makes lL dlfferenL: smooLh
ldenLlfy 8: openlng of rlghL ureLer
ldenLlfy C: perlLoneum
ldenLlfy u: semlnal veslcle
L (Lhe bladder) geLs lLs blood supply from?: lnLernal lllac arLery

SLaLlon 7
ldenLlfy A: bladder neck
ldenLlfy 8: prosLaLlc ureLhra
ldenLlfy C: pelvlc dlaphragm
ldenLlfy u: uro-genlLal dlaphragm
SphlncLer conLalned ln u: exLernal ureLhral sphlncLer
ldenLlfy L: navlcular fossa
ldenLlfy l: membranous ureLhra
ldenLlfy C: vaglna
Whlch ls Lhe leasL dllaLable porLlon of Lhe male ureLhra? Membranous
ldenLlfy P: penlle ureLhra

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SLaLlon 1
ldenLlfy A: lalclform llgamenL
A slngle layer forms A?: lalse, double layer
WhaL ls Lhe anLerlor aLLachmenL of A, preclsely?: ChesL wall (aLLached Lo
dlaphragm & deep aspecL of anLerlor anaLomlcal wall ln Lhe mldllne as far down
as umblllcus)
WhaL ls Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe lower margln of A?: round llgamenL
ldenLlfy lobe 8: lefL anaLomlcal lobe
lmmedlaLe anLerlor relaLlon of Lhe Lop of lefL lobe?: ulaphragm
ldenLlfy u preclsely: lundus of gall bladder

SLaLlon 2
ldenLlfy A: rlghL coronary llgamenL (anLerlor)
ldenLlfy area 8: bare area of llver
ldenLlfy C: lvC
ldenLlfy u: caudaLe lobe of llver
ls u parL of Lhe lefL or rlghL llver?: anaLomlcally lefL, buL lL ls funcLlonally separaLe
Whlch organ ls relaLed Lo area L of Lhe llver: esophagus
Whlch organ ls relaLed Lo area l of Lhe llver: sLomach

SLaLlon 3
ldenLlfy A: unclnaLe process
ldenLlfy 8: spleen
Crgan 8 ls reLroperlLoneal, Lrue or false?: false, lnLraperlLoneal
ldenLlfy C preclsely: Lall of pancreas
ldenLlfy u: superlor mesenLerlc vessels
WhaL sLrucLure ls aLLached Lo llne" plnned L?: rooL of Lransverse colon
ldenLlfy l: ma[or duodenal papllla
WhaL sLrucLures open aL l?: pancreaLlc and blle ducLs
ls area plnned C parL of Lhe foreguL, mldguL, or hlndguL? Lower half of Lhe
descendlng duodenum ls mldguL

SLaLlon 4
WhaL 2 sLrucLures form A?: splenlc and superlor mesenLerlc veln
WhaL ls A?: porLal veln
Where preclsely do Lhese sLrucLures [oln Lo form A?: behlnd neck of pancreas
ldenLlfy 8: cysLlc ducL
ldenLlfy C: common hepaLlc ducL
ldenLlfy u: common hepaLlc arLery
WhaL ls Lhe orlgln of u? cellac Lrunk -> common hepaLlc arLery -> hepaLlc arLery
name Lhe flnal LrlbuLarles of sLrucLure L?: hepaLlc velns
WhaL ls conLalned ln flssure l"?: llgamenLum venosum

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SLaLlon 1
ldenLlfy A preclsely: fundus of sLomach
ArLerlal supply of A: shorL gasLrlc arLerles
Where does Lhls arLerlal supply arlse from?: splenlc arLery
Whlch llgamenLous sLrucLure do Lhe arLerles Lraverse Lo reach A?: gasLro-splenlc
Cne oLher arLery LhaL Lransverses Lhls sLrucLure: lefL gasLro-eplplolc arLery
ldenLlfy preclsely sLrucLure 8: gasLro collc llgamenL
Space LhaL wlll be accessed lf 8 ls lnclsed: lesser sac

SLaLlon 2
ldenLlfy A: mesenLery
WhaL consLlLuLes A: 2 layers (vlsceral and parleLal) of perlLoneum wlLh vessels
and nerves ln beLween Lhem
Where preclsely ls Lhe rooL of A aLLached: posLerlor abdomlnal wall from L2 Lo
Lhe rlghL lllac fossa opposlLe Lhe rlghL sacro-lllac [olnL
ldenLlfy 8 preclsely: [u[enum
WhaL ls Lhe arLerlal supply Lo Lhls area of bowel: !u[enal branch of superlor
ldenLlfy C preclsely: lleum
ls C parL of foreguL, mldguL, or hlndguL?: MldguL
Whlch of Lhe Lwo, 8 or C, ls Lhlcker walled, has a wlder lumen, and has fewer
arLerlal arcades ln lLs mesenLery?: [u[enum (b)
ls sLrucLure u (duodenum) lnfra or reLro perlLoneal?: reLro (only very Lop and
very boLLom are lnfra
ldenLlfy organ L: spleen
Where does organ L develop?: dorsal mesogasLrlum

SLaLlon 3
ldenLlfy A: Lransverse colon
Whlch of Lhe Lwo ls aL a hlgher level anaLomlcally - Lhe rlghL or lefL exLremlLy of
loop of bowel A: lefL (aka splenlc flexure/lefL colonlc flexure)
Where ls Lhe rooL of Lhe mesenLery of organ A aLLached: along llne of lower
border of Lhe pancreas
WhaL comparLmenL of Lhe perlLoneal cavlLy lles below Lhe rooL of Lhls
mesenLery: lnfra collc comparLmenL
WhaL ls Lhe arLerlal supply of area of guL 8 (mlddle of Lransverse colon): Lhe
mlddle collc arLery, a branch of Lhe superlor mesenLerlc arLery
ldenLlfy feaLure of large lnLesLlne labelled C: PausLra

SLaLlon 4:
ldenLlfy A: ascendlng colon
ls A reLro or lnfra perlLoneal: reLro
8lood borne Lumors from A usually meLasLaslze where? Why?: llver, nuLrlenLs
Lravel Lhrough porLal velns
Whlch nerve ls responslble for lncreased moLlllLy ln A? vagus
ldenLlfy 8 preclsely: Laenla coll
WhaL ls sLrucLure 8 made of?: longlLudlnal muscle of wall of colon
ldenLlfy area C: hepaLlc flexure
ldenLlfy u: cecum
WhaL ls Lhe demarcaLlng llne beLween a and c? SlLe of enLry of Lermlnal lleum,
below ls cecum, above ls ascendlng colon
ldenLlfy L: appendlces eplplolcae
ldenLlfy l: appendlx
Where does l geL lL's blood supply: lleo-collc arLery whlch ls branch of superlor
lnlLlal slLe of paln when lL ls lnflamed: umblllcus
ls meckels dlverLlculum proxlmal or dlsLal Lo l?: proxlmal ( lL ls a dlverLlculum of
Lhe Lermlnal parL of Lhe lleum)

SLaLlon 3
ldenLlfy A: slgmold colon
Where ls Lhe rooL of Lhe mesenLery of A aLLached? lnverLed v shape. LaLeral llmb
ls aLLached along Lhe exLernal lllac from blfurcaLlon of common lllac. Lhe medlal
llmb ls aLLached as far down as Lhe mlddle of Lhe sacrum
A ls parL of mldguL, 1 or l? lalse lL ls parL of hlndguL
ArLerlal supply of A? Slgmold branches of lnferlor mesenLerlc
1o whlch group of lymph nodes wlll A draln?: lymph nodes around lnferlor

SLaLlon 6
ldenLlfy A: recLum
ldenLlfy 8: pelvlc dlaphragm
Whlch parL of Lhe guL Lube lles lmmedlaLely below 8?: Lhe anal canal - Lhe
recLum passes Lhrough Lhe pelvlc dlaphragm Lo become anal canal
Whlch nerves supply area of skln overlylng area C?: lnLercosLal nerve
Whlch perlLoneum ls more senslLlve Lo paln, u or L?: L ls (u ls parleLal
perlLoneum and L ls vlsceral perlLoneum)

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