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Nine foods you should never eat again

December 29, 2012 | Filed under: Health,Health Food,News | Posted by: True cti!ist
"NaturalNews# $ith so much misin%ormation
out there about %ood and how it a%%ects human health, ma&in' healthy %ood choices %or you
and your %amily can be di%%icult and con%usin'( There are a number o% s)eci%ic %oods*
howe!er, that you will want to a!oid in almost e!ery circumstance because they )ro!ide
!irtually no health bene%its while )osin' )lenty o% health ris&s( Here are nine %oods you
should ne!er eat a'ain i% you care about )reser!in' your lon'+term health:
1) White bread, refined flours( ,y de%inition, white bread and re%ined %lours in 'eneral are
to-ic %or your body because they ha!e been stri))ed o% !irtually all !itamins, minerals, %iber,
and other im)ortant nutrients( ,ecause o% this, the body does not &now how to )ro)erly di'est
and assimilate these so+called %oods, which can lead to health )roblems( .e%ined white %lour
has also been bleached with chlorine and brominated with bromide, two )oisonous chemicals
that ha!e been lin&ed to causin' thyroid and or'an dama'e(
2) Conventional frozen meals( 5ost con!entionally+)re)ared %ro6en meals are loaded with
)reser!ati!es, )rocessed salt, hydro'enated oils and other arti%icial in'redients, not to mention
the %act that most %ro6en meals ha!e been hea!ily )re+coo&ed, renderin' their nutrient content
minimal at best "es)ecially a%ter 'ettin' microwa!ed a'ain at home#( $ith the e-ce)tion o% a
%ew truly healthy %ro6en meal brands such as my7s and 8r'anic ,istro, most %ro6en meals
are little more than disease in a bo-, so a!oid them in %a!or o% %resh %oods(
3) White rice( 2i&e white bread, white rice has been stri))ed o% most o% its nutrients, and
se)arated %rom the bran and 'erm, two natural com)onents that ma&e u) rice in its brown
%orm( 3!en so+called :%orti%ied; white rice is nutritionally de%icient, as the body still )rocesses
this re%ined %ood much di%%erently than brown rice, which is absorbed more slowly and does
not cause the same s)i&e in blood su'ar that white rice does( "htt)://'lobalnaturo)ath(com#
4) Microaveable !o!corn( This )rocessed %ood is a %a!orite amon' mo!ie'oers and re'ular
snac&ers ali&e, but it is one o% the unhealthiest %oods you can eat( Practically e!ery com)onent
o% microwa!eable )o)corn, %rom the 'enetically+modi%ied "<5# corn &ernels to the )rocessed
salt and )reser!ati!e chemicals used to enhance its %la!or, is unhealthy and disease+
)romotin'( 8n to) o% this, microwa!eable )o)corn contains a chemical &nown as diacetyl that
can actually destroy your lun's( 0% you lo!e )o)corn, stic& with or'anic &ernels that you can
)o) yoursel% in a &ettle and douse with healthy in'redients li&e coconut oil, 'rass+%ed butter,
and Himalayan )in& salt( "htt)://www(naturalnews(com#
") Cured meat !roducts ith nitrates, nitrites( Deli meats, summer sausa'e, hot do's,
bacon, and many other meats sold at the 'rocery store are o%ten loaded with sodium nitrite and
other chemical )reser!ati!es that ha!e been lin&ed to causin' heart disease and cancer( 0% you
eat meat, stic& with uncured, nitrite and nitrate+%ree !arieties, and )re%erably those that come
%rom or'anic, 'rass+%ed animals(
#) Most conventional !rotein, energy bars( ,y the way they are o%ten mar&eted, it mi'ht
seem as thou'h )rotein and ener'y bars are a stron' addition to a healthy diet( ,ut more o%ten
than not, these meal re)lacements contain )rocessed soy )rotein, re%ined su'ar, hydro'enated
%at, and other harm%ul additi!es that contribute to chronic illness( Not all )rotein and ener'y
bars are bad, o% course ? Thunderbird 3ner'etica, 8r'anic Food ,ar, ,o&u 4u)er%ood, @e'a
4)ort, P.8,., and Ain' all ma&e healthy )rotein and ener'y bars( Bust be sure to read the
in'redient labels and &now what you are buyin'(
$) Margarine( Hidden in all sorts o% )rocessed %oods, mar'arine, a hydro'enated trans+%at oil,
is somethin' you will want to a!oid at all costs %or your health( 1ontrary to )o)ular belie%,
butter and saturated %ats in 'eneral are not unhealthy, es)ecially when they are deri!ed %rom
)astured animals that %eed on 'rass rather than corn and soy( nd i% animal+based %ats are not
%or you, stic& with e-tra+!ir'in coconut oil or oli!e oil rather than mar'arine(
%) &oy mil' and soy(based meat substitutes( 8ne o% the bi''est health %rauds o% modern
times, the soy cra6e is a %ad that you will want to s&i)( ,esides the %act that nearly all non+
or'anic soy in'redients are o% <5 ori'in, most soy additi!es are )rocessed usin' a to-ic
chemical &nown as he-ane, which is lin&ed to causin' birth de%ects, re)roducti!e )roblems,
and cancer( 4oy that has not been %ermented is also hi'hly estro'enic, which can throw your
natural hormone balance out o% whac&(
)) *+iet, anything( 5any so+called :diet; )roducts on the mar&et today contains arti%icial
sweeteners li&e as)artame "3Gual# and sucralose "4)lenda#, both o% which are lin&ed to
causin' neurolo'ical dama'e, 'astrointestinal )roblems, and endocrine disru)tion( 5any diet
)roducts also contain added chemical %la!orin' a'ents to ta&e the )lace o% %at and
other natural com)onents that ha!e been remo!ed to arti%icially reduce calorie content(
0nstead, stic& with whole %oods that are as close to nature as )ossible, includin' hi'h+%at %oods
'rown the way nature intended, and your body will res)ond sur)risin'ly well(
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