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Section I (QA + DI)

1. If N is a natural number less than 100, then for how many values of N are the numbers 6N + 1 and
15N + 2 relatively prime?
(a) 16 (b) 10 (c) 33 (d) None of these
2. There are two concentric circles of radii 7 cm and 8 cm. PQ, a diameter of the larger circle, cuts the
smaller circle at S and T. A tangent drawn from Q touches the inner circle at R. What is the length
of PR (in cm)?
(d) None of these
3. A sequence 192, 360, 576. is formed by multiplying the corresponding terms of two different
Arithmetic Progressions. What is the eighth term of the sequence?
(a) 2376 (b) 1040 (c) 2116 (d) None of these
4. Kadbury offers a packet of 5 chocolates at the list price of 4 chocolates and on purchasing 19 such
packets gives one packet absolutely free. A trader receives 20 packets of the chocolates in the offer
and sells each chocolate at its list price. What is his net percentage profit?
(a) 24% (b) 31.58% (c) 35% (d) 53.75%
5. A function f(x) is defined as f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y), for all real values of x and y. What is the value of
j \
, (
( ,
(d) 0
6. In how many ways can 6 letters A, B, C, D, E and F be arranged in a row such that D is always
somewhere between A and B?
(a) 324 (b) 240 (c) 60 (d) 48
7. What can be the maximum number of acute angles in an octagon in which all the interior angles are
less than 180 degrees?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
8. John and David work on alternate days with John starting on the first day. John does 12.5% of the
total work on the last day and finishes the work. If John alone can do the work in 6 days then which
of following can be the number of days in which David alone can do the whole work?
(a) 24 days (b) 12 days (c) 8 days (d) 10 days
Mock CAT 5 - 2013
Page 2
9. A
, A
, A
, A
, A

are 6 points in clockwise order on the circumference of a circle of radius 4 cm.
The length of the arc A
is one-third the length of A
, for all i = 1 to 4. If the sum of the lengths
of the 5 arcs is one-eighth the circumference of the circle, what is the angle (in radians) subtended
by A
at the center of the circle?




10. A two digit number is divided by the sum of its digits. What is the maximum possible remainder?
(a) 13 (b) 14 (c) 15 (d) 16
11. If the n
day of August lies on the same day as the 2n
day of October, then how many values of n
are possible?
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 2 (d) 0
12. Identical black tiles, in the shape of a square of side 3 cm, are placed along the two diagonals of a
square shaped floor of side 39 cm. The rest of the floor is covered with identical white tiles of same
shape and size. How many white tiles need to be replaced by the black tiles so that the black and
the white tiles are in alternate positions in all the rows and columns?
(a) 60 (b) 81 (c) 144 (d) None of these
13. (x 1)(x 2)(x 3) = 6
How many integer solutions exist for the given equation?
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) More than 2
14. If
2 4 8
1 1 1 1
P 1 1 1 1 .....,
4 4 4 4
, ] , ] , ]
, ] j \ j \ j \ j \
, ] , ] , ] + + + +
, ( , ( , ( , ( , ]
( , ( , ( , ( , , ] , ] , ] ]
] ] ]

(b) P =
(c) P =
(d) P =
15. Ashu and Manoj start running simultaneously from the ends A and B respectively, of a straight track
of length 800 m, with speeds that are in the ratio 5 : 3. Whenever Ashu reaches either of the ends,
he turns around and continues running at the same speed. Whenever Manoj meets Ashu, he turns
around and continues running at the same speed. When Ashu comes back at A for the first time,
how far (in meters) is Manoj from B?
(a) 360 (b) 435 (c) 510 (d) None of these
Page 3
Directions for questions 16 to 18: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
A class of 1000 students, comprising boys and girls, is divided into three sections, named as A, B and
C. The ratio of boys to girls in the class is 9 : 11. The following table shows the percentage of boys and
girls in each of the sections.
Section Boys(%) Girls(%)
A 60
B 40
C p q
16. Based on the above information, which of the following is true?
(a) p = q (b) p < q (c) p > q (d) Data Insufficient
17. If the number of students in section C is 600, then what is the value of 3q + 2p?
(a) 265 (b) 235 (c) 225 (d) Data Insufficient
18. If the ratio of the number of students in Section A : Section B : Section C is 1 : 3 : 6, then what is the
ratio of the number of girls in Section C : Section B : Section A?
(a) 7 : 6 : 2 (b) 4 : 12 : 39 (c) 78 : 24 : 8 (d) None of these
19. If the roots of the equation ax
+ bx
+ cx + d = 0 are in Geometric Progression, then which of the
following relations is true?
(a) ac
= b
d (b) ac
= b
d (c) a
c = bd
(d) a
c = bd
20. N is a natural number of at least 5 digits and its leftmost digit is 6. When this 6 is removed from
N, the number thus obtained is found to be
times of N. What is the sum of the digits of N?
(a) 13 (b) 14 (c) 18 (d) Cannot be determined
21. In a square PQRS, T is the midpoint of PQ and U is any variable point on QR. What is the minimum
possible value of SU + UT (in cm) if the side of the square is 2 cm?
2 2
5 2 +
1 2 2 +
22. 5 < x
+ y
< 28
|x y| < 3
How many integer solutions exist for the given set of inequalities?
(a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 24 (d) 40
23. Rs. 4,500 was distributed among Aman, Baman and Chaman. From the amount that they received
Aman, Baman and Chaman spent Rs.110, Rs.120 and Rs.140 respectively. The amounts then left
with Aman and Baman were in the ratio 3 : 4 and with Baman and Chaman were in the ratio 5 : 6.
What amount (in Rs.) did Baman receive?
(a) 1520 (b) 1400 (c) 1600 (d) 1420
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Directions for questions 24 to 26: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
The following tables show the sales of five motorbike companies T.V.S., Bajaj, Kinetic, Honda and Hero
Honda across various grades in India.
Table - 1 gives the percentage breakup of the sales of the different grades of motorbikes across the
different companies.
Table - 2 gives the percentage breakup of the sales of motorbikes of the various companies across the
different grades.
T.V.S. 18 24 15 32 12
Bajaj 16 24 10 16 8
Kinetic 24 16 32 24 28
Honda 36 20 35 24 48
Hero Honda 6 16 8 4 4
100 100 100 100 100
Table - 1
T.V.S. Bajaj Kinetic Honda Hero Honda
A 15 20 15 18 15
B 10 15 5 5 20
C 25 25 40 35 40
D 40 30 22.5 18 15
E 10 10 17.5 24 10
100 100 100 100 100
Table - 2
24. What is the ratio of motorbikes sold across the different grades in the order A, B, C, D and E?
(a) 2 : 1 : 4 : 3 : 2 (b) 2 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 4 (c) 2 : 3 : 4 : 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 4 : 1 : 3 : 1
25. What is the number of motorbikes sold in Grade B by Hero Honda?
(a) 150 (b) 200 (c) 240 (d) Cannot be determined
26. In which grade is the total number of motorbikes sold equal to the total number of motorbikes sold
by one of the given companies?
(a) A (b) C (c) E (d) D
27. Four friends Himanshu, Mubashir, Saral and Abhishek go out for shopping. They have Rs 300,
Rs 500, Rs. 700 and Rs. 900 not necessarily in the same order. Abhishek has an amount greater
than twice the amount with Himanshu. Saral has an amount less than the sum of the amounts with
Himanshu and Mubashir. Which of the following is definitely true?
(a) The absolute difference in the amounts with Saral and Abhishek is equal to the absolute difference
in the amounts with Mubashir and Himanshu.
(b) The sum of the amounts with Saral and Mubashir is equal to the sum of the amounts with
Abhishek and Himanshu.
Page 5
(c) The absolute difference in the amounts with Saral and Himanshu is equal to the absolute difference
in the amounts with Abhishek and Mubashir.
(d) The absolute difference in the amounts with Saral and Mubashir is equal to the absolute difference
in the amounts with Abhishek and Himanshu.
28. The question given below is followed by two statements, A and B. Mark the answer using the
following instructions:
Mark (a) if the question can be answered by using Statement A alone, but cannot be answered by
using Statement B alone.
Mark (b) if the question can be answered by using Statement B alone, but cannot be answered by
using Statement A alone.
Mark (c) if the question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together.
Mark (d) if the question can be answered by using either statement alone.
Q. A man has 57 pens. He wants to distribute these pens among his 3 sons such that his eldest son
receives the highest number of pens. What will be the number of pens received by the eldest son?
A. The number of pens received by the sons are in Arithmetic Progression.
B. The number of pens received by the sons are in Geometric Progression.
29. The question given below is followed by two statements, A and B. Mark the answer using the
following instructions:
Mark (a) if the question can be answered by using one of the statements alone, but cannot be
answered by using the other statement alone.
Mark (b) if the question can be answered by using both the statements together, but cannot be
answered by using either statement alone.
Mark (c) if the question can be answered by using either statement alone.
Mark (d) if the question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together.
Q. When three times of the units digit of a number is subtracted from the number, 28 is obtained.
What is the number?
A. The digit at the tens place is greater than the digit at the units place.
B. The digit at the tens place is less than the digit at the units place.
30. There are 49 0s, 51 1s and 53 2s written on the board randomly. Bikash is blindfolded and then
asked by his teacher to touch any two numbers on the board arbitrarily. The teacher deleted those
two numbers and replaced them by a single number in the following manner:
If the pair is Replaced by
(0, 0) 0
(1, 1) 0
(2, 2) 2
(1, 2) 1
(0, 1) 1
(0, 2) 0
If they continued this process what was the number left on the board in the end?
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) Cannot be determined
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1. d If 6N + 1 and 15N + 2 are divisible by x, then their
difference i.e. 9N + 1 will always be divisible by x.
Similarly (9N + 1) (6N + 1) i.e. 3N will also be divisible
by x. If x divides 3N then it can also divide 6N. So, x
divides 6N and 6N + 1 both i.e. two consecutive
numbers. Hence x cannot be anything but 1. So for all
the values of N, the given two numbers will be
2. b
2 2
RQ 8 7 15 cm. = =
.....(Pythagoras theorem)
In (RPQ) :
+ RQ
= 2(OR
+ OQ
) ....(Apollonius theorem)
= 2 (7
+ 8
) 15 = 2 (49 + 64) 15
= 211 or PR = 211 cm
3. a The nth term of an Arithmetic Progression can be
written in the form of a linear equation as: an + b. So,
the product of two Arithmetic Progressions will have
terms of the form pn
+ qn + r where n = 0, 1, 2..
Putting n = 0, 1 and 2 we get, r = 192, p + q + r = 360
and 4p + 2q + r = 576 respectively. Solving these three
equations we get p = 24 and q = 144. Putting n = 7 and
values of p, q, r we get the eighth term as 2376.
4. b Total Cost Price of all chocolates for the trader
= List Price of 19 4 chocolates
= List Price of 76 chocolates.
Total Selling Price of all chocolates for the trader
= List Price of 20 5 chocolates
= List Price of 100 chocolates
So Profit = List Price of 100 76 = 24 chocolates
Profit %
= 100 = 31.58%
5. a It is given that:
f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) ...(i)
Putting y = x in the above:
f(2x) = 2f(x)
2 1
f 2f
3 3


Also, from equation (i):
2 1 2 1
f(1) f f f
3 3 3 3

= + = +

2 1 2
f f
3 2 3

= +

(from equation (ii))
3 2 2 2
f(1) f or f f(1)
2 3 3 3

= =

Alternate Solution:
Note that in such cases the given function f(x) must
be a linear function with the constant term zero.
Let f(x) = Kx, where K is a constant.
2 2K 2
f(1) = K and f = = f(1).
3 3 3

6. b Total number of arrangements are 6! = 720.
A, B, D can be arranged in 6 ways out of which D
would be somewhere between A and B in exactly
two cases.
Hence the answer is
2 720
720 240.
6 3
= =
7. c Let the octagon has x acute angles. So the sum of
these angles is necessarily less than 90x. So the sum
of the remaining (8 x) angles will be greater than
(1080 90x).
Also, the sum of these remaining (8 x) angles will be
less than 180(8 x).
Therefore 1080 90x < 180(8 x)
or 90x < 360
Hence, the maximum value of x will be 3.
8. c Let us assume that the total work is 24x units. So John
will do 12.5% of 24x = 3x work on the last day.
Since John alone can do the work in 6 days, so he will
do 4x units of work per day.
21x 24x
21x units of work is done in 2 or 4 or 6 or 8 or 10 days.
Beyond this John alone would have done more than
21x units of work.
2 days David 17x in 1 day Working alone it
would take him
4 days David 6.5x in 1day Working alone it
would take him
6 days David 3x in 1day Working alone it
would take him 8 days
8 days David 1.25x in 1day Working alone it
would take him
10 days David
in 1day Working alone it
would take him 120 days
Section I (QA + DI) Solutions
Page 2
9. b

Arc length
2 r

As the radius is fixed, the arc length is directly
proportional to the angle subtended by the arc at the
centre. So if the arc length is getting tripled the angle is
also getting tripled.
Therefore ( )
3 9 27 81 .2
+ + + + =


Angle subtended by A
at the centre is 3
484 484

10. c The maximum possible remainder must be less than
18 as the sum of any two digits can not be greater
than 18. So we check when the sum of digits is 18. If
the sum of digits is 18 the only possible remainder is 9
in case of 99. Similarly if the sum of digits is 17 the
maximum possible remainder is 14 in case of 98.
Similarly if the sum of digits is 16 the maximum possible
remainder is 15 in case of 79. The remainder we have
already got is 15 and all other sums of digits will be
15 or less than15. So 15 has to be the answer.
11. c Since August and September have 61 days in total so
2nth day of October can be considered as (2n + 61)th
day of August, so it is (n + 61) days after the nth day
of August. Hence (n + 61) should be divisible by 7.
Values of n are 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. But the last three
values are discarded as 2n will be greater than 31.
Hence the answer is 2.
12. a Total number of tiles along any row on the floor
= 39 3 = 13.
Total number of tiles on the floor = 13 13 = 169.
Out of these 169, number of black tiles placed along
the diagonal = 2 13 1 = 25.
Hence, number of white tiles at present = 169 25
= 144.
If the white and the black tiles are needed to be placed
in alternate positions then we finally require
169 1
= 84
white tiles.
Total number of white tiles to be replaced by black tiles
= 144 84 = 60.
Alternate solution:
If we start from topmost row (1st row) a total of 5
white tiles to be replaced by black tiles. In the next
row it is 4. Then again it is 5. Only exception to this
alternate pattern is the row number 7 in which a total
of 6 tiles should be replaced.
Hence the total tiles to be replaced
= 5 7 + 4 6 + 1 = 60.
13. b In the given equation the right hand side contains the
powers of 2 and 3 only; therefore the left hand side
should contain the powers of 2 and 3 only.
Since (x 1)(x 2)(x 3) is a product of three
consecutive numbers, it will always contain either
one or two multiples of 2 and one multiple of 3. Lets
make two cases:
(1) If (x 1) and (x 3) are multiples of 2:
Let (x 1) be equal to 2k; then (x 3) is equal to
2(k + 1). Now k and (k + 1) should both contain
powers of 2 or 3 only. This is possible with k = 1, 2
or 3. Also if any of k or (k + 1) is a multiple of 3,
(x 2) will not be a multiple of 3 or 2. So again it will
not satisfy.
(2) If (x 2) is a multiple of 2:
Here (x 1) and (x 3) will both be odd, out of
which only one will be a multiple of 3. Hence the
other number will be a multiple of an odd number
other than 3. So the equation can be satisfied only
if that other odd number is 1. Hence taking one odd
number as 1 we get 1 2 3 which is equal to 6.
Hence the equation is satisfied for x = 4 only.
14. d Let


( )
( )( )
2 4
P 1 a 1 a 1 a .... = + + +
( )( )
( )( )( )
2 4 8
(1 a)P 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a .... = + + + +
( )( )( )( )
2 2 4 8
(1 a)P 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a .... = + + +
( )( )( )
4 4 8
(1 a)P 1 a 1 a 1 a .... = + +
Since a is negative, as the power of a increases the
value would keep getting closer to 0.
Page 3
So RHS = 1
(1 a )P = 1
1 1 1 4
1 1 1 a 5
1 1
4 4
= = = =


15. c
500 300
Ashu and Manoj will meet for the first time at C which
is 300 m from B as Ashu will cover 500 m and Manoj
300 m because the ratio of their speeds is 5 : 3. Now
Manoj will change his direction and hence both will
start running towards B. Ashu will return back towards
A after reaching B and meet Manoj at D.
CB DB 300 x 5
CD 300 x 3
+ +
= =

x 75 = m.
Again Manoj will change his direction and both will
start running towards A. To reach A, Ashu has to
cover 725 m.
In the same time Manoj will cover
725 435m.
So Manoj will be 75 + 435 = 510 m from B when Ashu
reaches A.
For questions 16 to 18:
Section Boys (%) Girls (%)
A 60 40
B 60 40
C p q
16. b The ratio of boys to girls in the class is 9 : 11.
So the percentage of boys is 45% and the percentage
of girls is 55% in the class.
As the overall percentage of boys is 45% and in
sections A and B it is 60% each, the value of p < 45.
Similarly as the overall percentage of girls is 55% and
in sections A and B it is 40% each, the value of q > 55.
p q <
17. a Number of students in section C = 600
the number of students in sections A and B together
is 400.
The ratio of the number of students in
Section C 3
(Section A Section B) 2
Value of 3q + 2p = q + 2(p + q) = q + 2 100
= 200 + q
By alligation:
Section C Section A + Section B
3 : 2
55 40 3
q 55 2

3q 195 q 65 = =
3q + 2p = 200 + q = 265
18. c Number of girls in:
Section A = 40
Section B = 120
Section C = 390
The ratio of girls in Section C : Section B : Section A
= 39 : 12 : 4 = 78 : 24 : 8
19. b Lets the roots be k, kr, kr
k kr kr
+ + =
k(1 r r )
+ + =
2 2
+ + =
2 2
k r(1 r r)
+ + =
k . kr . kr
3 3
k r
= ...(iii)
Dividing equation (ii) by equation (i):
From equation (iii):
c d
b a


3 3
ac b d =
20. a Let the number N be 6 10
+ k where p is a whole
number and k is some natural number. According to
the information given:
6 10
+ k = 25(6 10
+ k 6 10
) = 25k
24k = 6 10
k = 2500 10
So N = 62500 10
Sum of the digits of N = 13.
Page 4
21. d Let us take a projection of the square PQRS about the
edge QR as shown below:
R S 2
1 2
Using projection of the figure through a mirror image
we can see that:
TU + US = TU + US
Minimum value of (TU + US) will be when the points T,
U and S lie on a straight line. In that case
( ) ( )
2 2
TU US' TS' 3 2 9 4 13 cm. + = = + = + =
22. a 5 < x
+ y
< 28 ...(i)
From the above we can conclude that both |x| and |y|
must be less then 6.
Also, |x y| < 3. ...(ii)
We can see that if (x, y) satisfies (i) and (ii) then
( x, y) will also definitely satisfy (i) and (ii).
Consider x > 0 and y > 0:
Equation (i) can accept 0 < x < 6.
Simple analysis of (i) and (ii) gives values for x and y:

x y Number of possible sets (x, y)
1 3 1
2 2, 3, 4 3
3 1, 2, 3, 4 4
4 2, 3 2
Total = 10
Same number of cases i.e. 10 will be there when
x < 0 and y < 0.
Consider either x or y or both equal to zero:
The absolute value of other variable can be at
maximum equal to 2 (from (ii)). This will definitely not
satisfy (i). So no such case is possible.
Consider x > 0, y < 0:
The only possible case is (1, 1) which we can get
from equation (ii) but this does not satisfy equation (i).
So no such case is possible.
Similarly no case is possible for y > 0, x < 0.
So total cases = 10 + 10 = 20
23. a Lets suppose that after spending the money Aman,
Baman and Chaman were left with amount (in Rs.) A,
B and C respectively.
Now, A : B = 3 : 4 and B : C = 5 : 6
So, A : B : C = 15 : 20 : 24
If A = 15x, then B = 20x and C = 24x.
A + B + C = 59x = 4500 110 120 140 = 4130
Hence, x = 70
Amount received by Baman = 20x + 120
= 1400 + 120 = Rs.1520
24. a Lets compare the percentage breakup of Honda with
the different grades.
18% of the total sales of Honda is equal to 36% of the
total sales of Grade A motorbikes.
Lets denote the total sales of Honda and Grade A
motorbikes as H and A respectively.
5% of Honda = 20% of
35% of Honda = 35% of C C H =
18% of Honda = 24% of
24% of Honda = 48% of
A : B : C : D : E = 2 : 1 : 4 : 3 : 2
25. d Since only the percentage breakup is given, the number
of motorbikes sold cannot be determined.
26. b 35% of Honda = 35% of C
Hence, Motorbikes sold by Honda = Motorbikes sold in
Grade C
27. c Let the amount with each of the friends be denoted by
the first letter of their names.
Now A > 2H. So H must be 300. And A is either 700 or
And S < H + M. So S can be either 500 or 700.
The following three cases are possible:
Rs. 300 Rs. 500 Rs. 700 Rs. 900
Case 1 H S M A
Case 2 H S A M
Case 3 H M S A
Now if we analyse the table we can see that the
absolute difference in the amounts with Saral and
Himanshu is equal to the absolute difference in the
amounts with Abhishek and Mubashir in all the three
Page 5
28. c Let the number of pens distributed be a, b and c with
a being the number of pens received by the eldest
Hence, a + b + c = 57.
From Statement A:
2b = a + c b 2b 57 b 19 + = = but a and c can
assume many values. So Statement A alone is not
From Statement B:
If we assume that b = ar and c = ar
, where r is the
common ratio of the G.P. then a + ar + ar
= 57.
( )
a 1 r r 57 + + =
This is satisfied for more than one set of values of a
and r. e.g.
If a = 1, r = 7, then a, b, c are 1, 7, 49 respectively.
If a = 12,
= , then a, b, c are 12, 18, 27 respectively.
So Statement B alone is not sufficient.
Combining Statement A and Statement B:
This results in a = b = c. Hence, a wont be the highest
number anymore and the condition given in the question
is violated.
Hence the question cannot be answered by using
both the statements together.
29. c Let the number be 10x + y.
So 10x + y 3y = 28
10x 2y 28 =
There are two possibilities:
x = 3, y = 1
x = 4, y = 6
So the number is either 31 or 46.
The question can be answered using either Statement
From Statement A: Answer = 31
From Statement B: Answer = 46
30. b If we look at the rules, we can observe that the sum of
all the numbers on the board at any point of time either
remains the same or gets reduced by 2 after each
step. The sum of all the numbers written on the board
initially was 157 i.e. an odd number. Hence, if we keep
on subtracting either 0 or 2 from it repeatedly, we
would get an odd number i.e. 1 in the end.

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